~~ THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2004 Bethel Christian Reformed Church Significant renovations to Christian Reformed Church By FRANCES NIBLOCK The New Tanner Acton' s Christian Re- formed Church hopes to meet the needs of a growing com- munity and its existing congregation through new programming and physical changes in the church. The church recently com- pleted a _-- significant renovation to the sanctuary 4nd commissioned the paint- ing of two murals on walls in the entryway stairwells. "The construction involyed a substantial change to the front of the sanctuary -- the platform area -- to correspond with our increasing contem- porary worship involving more instruments and three worship teams," Pastor Ray Vander Kooij said on Friday, adding the construction also included reconfiguration of the sanctuary to accommo- date a video projector to project the words to songs and other parts of the service, including PowerPoint presen- tations. Pastor Vander Kooij said two large murals were also 'Secently completed by mem- ber Joanna Scott. "They were designed to create a warmer, welcoming atmosphere in our entrances. They both focus around the cross," Pastor Vander Kooij said, adding one mural incor- porates Noah's Ark and the other features Jonah and the whale. : "The sanctuary renovation was part of a three year wor- ship renewal initiative, seek- ing to enhance our worship and make it more inspiring. Along the way that has in- cluded purchasing a grand piano and hiring a worship coordinator who significantly plans the services, coordi- nates the involvement of people within the service and schedules all of the people who are part of making the Meeting needs of a growing Community worship service happen on Sundays," Pastor Vander Kooij said. The church is also involved with two programs this fall -- the Alpha course and 40 Days of Purpose, based on the New York Times best selling book. "40 Days of Purpose seeks to discover what God created us for -- to seek an answer to the question what on earth am There for? It's what we some- times call a first level question that we don't often ask as we go about the day- to-day business of our lives," he said. The 40 Days of Purpose in- volves Sunday morning worship services, people reading through the book on their own and weekly discus- sion groups on the 40 sections of the book. Another program being of- fered at the church is the Alpha Course that began in the Anglican Church in Eng- land. Alpha Course director Diane Leferink said the free 10-week program is designed for people who want to find out more about Christianity. Leferink said after watch- ing videos, participants break into small groups and ask two questions -- how did they feel and what is it that they want to know," she said, adding the course is good for people who want to check out Christian- ity and those who may want to "find out why they believe what they do." Leferink said the course is multi-purpose. "Tt's almost a tri-fold kind of thing. It explains Christi- anity, it's good for the person who is a Christian and for a person who is new to the church because it allows them to meet new people and de- velop new relationships in the church and within Acton," Leferink said, adding this is the seventh year they've of- fered the Alpha Course at Christian Reformed Church. The Alpha Course will be offered in weekly daytime and evening sessions begin- ning September 22. The daytime session offers free _ childcare and the evening ses- sions include a dinner. The church is hosting a des- sert and information night on the Alpha Course on Septem- ber 15 at 7 p.m, an opportunity to explore the meaning of life ALPHA COURSE: Explore the Christian Faith in a relaxed manner over ten thought provoking weekly sessions. Bethel Christian Reformed Church is offering a day- time session for women and an evening session for men & women, join us for.a dessert & information night on Wednesday September 15" at 7:00pm. Both courses begin on Sept. 22. The evening session includes weekly dinner. Call 853-4493 Officer nominated for award Halton Police Chief Ean Algar has nominated an officer for the Ontario Medal of Brav- ery for heroic actions saving the life of a man last year. In May of 2003 a suspect involved in a police pursuit crashed his vehicle on the South Service Road east of Burloak Drive, Oakville. The driver of the vehicle had suf- fered serious injuries in the crash and was trapped inside. The vehicle was hanging pre- cariously over an embankment to Bronte Creek when Consta- ble Jeremy Smith arrived on the scene. Constable Smith climbed into the rear of the vehicle to stabilize it from going over the embankment and into the creek, and to tend to the inju- ries of the driver. During this rescue the driver became vio- lent causing the vehicle to become unstable. Constable Smith was able to control the man from inside the vehicle and facilitate the rescue. The man was brought to safety and E.MS. staff tended to his serious injuries. Attention Halton Gardeners! Fall Compost Give Away Monday, September 20th - Saturday, September 25th 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. While quantities last Halton Residents are welcome to collect rich, garden friendly compost produced through Halton's centralized composting program. All Halton households can collect a maximum of seven bags of compost. Residents are responsible for shovelling and bagging their own compost. Please bring your own bags/containers and shovel. _ NT HETEND Donations of non-perishable food items or cash will also be gratefully accepted on behalf of Halton area food banks. eg RHEE RON" RFTANNARD. Halton Waste Management Site, 5400 Regional Rd. 25, Milton House Cleaning? We Can Help! Bring your reusable clothing and nolsehatd items to the Salvation Army Depot at Halton's Waste Management Site. REQUEST FOR TENDER Bid documents for the services listed below, addressed to the Manager of Purchasing, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON L6M 3L1 will be received until 2:00 p.m. Oakville time on the specified closing date. Bid documents can be seen or obtained through the Purchasing Division of the Corporate Services Department, same address as above, telephone 905-825-6000, extension 7011. (1-866-442-5866). If long distance charges apply, dial toll free 1-866-4HALTON Documents will be available for pick up on and after Tuesday, September 7, 2004. There is a non-refundable deposit of $26.75 (includes GST). Bidders who request documents to be shipped from the Purchasing Department must include a handling fee of $10.70 (includes GST) for this service. Bids will be opened in public at 2:15 p.m. on the closing date specified in the Nelson Room at the above address. attend. Those submitting bids are invited to Under no circumstances will facsimile or late bids be accepted or considered. Lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. Halton Region relies on this advertisement to provide public notice of this business opportunity and is not obligated to notify any potential bidders in any other manner. BED COVERINGS FOR POST INN VILLAGE LONG en CARE FACILITY IN OAKVILLE, ONTARIO _ 'CLOSING: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2004 A. MINDENHALL, CPPO, A. URBANSKI Commissioner of Social And Community Services as coe biameal Liat e , Manager of Purchasing Services www.region.halton.on:ca/bids