THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2004 GRAPEV DOG OWNERS CAUTION There have been some reported cases of kennel cough in several dogs that have been playing at the off leash park in Prospect Park. Dogs without a current kennel cough vaccine that were at the park in past weeks are at risk of catching the respiratory disease that can be serious in dogs with already compromised health. Anyone who suspects their dog may be ill is urged to keep him/ her away from other dogs. LITERACY HELP If you have trouble reading this -- Literacy North Halton can help. The organization provides one-on-one or small group tutor- ing for people who need to improve their reading, writing, basic math or computer skills. The service is free and confi- dential. For details call 905-873-2200. NEW FACE There's a new face behind the counter at Starlight Café where owner Amy Yateman has turned the business over to her brother, Chris Yateman. Amy is returning to school with the intent of becoming a teacher and Chris, who has been in the restaurant/pub business in the past -- most recently running a beach bar in the Caribbean--is.. the new boss. , "Tt's okay -- I'm used to the grind of early mornings," Chris said, adding his plans for the business include staying open for dinner several nights a week. * He said he might change a lit- tle bit of the atmosphere in the café and may make some addi- tions to the menu. VENDORS WANTED Attention artisans and crafters -- vendors are now being ac- cepted for the popular annual craft sale at Acton High School. The juried show, on Novem- ber 13, is presented by the Acton High School advisory council and proceeds benefit the school. For details call 853-2920. PARADE PLANS There's still time to enter a float or band in the Acton Fall Fair parade on Saturday, Septem- ber 18. Organizers expect about 60 en- trants and so far have about half that number -- including six new entries according to parade or- ganizer Terry Foster. There is no fee to enter the pa- rade --costs, mainly for signs and advertising -- are borne by dona- tions from local businesses, including Giant Tiger, the spon- sor of this year's parade. FASHION FUNDRAISER The latest fall fashions and a sumptuous lunch will be served up with style at a fundraiser hosted by the Acton Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society on October 3 at Blue Springs Golf Club. Tickets in advance for the fash- ion show and lunch are $30, and are available at Blooms Away Flower Shop, Blue Springs Spa and Wetherby's, or by calling Linda at 853-0335. NO PARKING It's official -- parking is no longer allowed on the north and south sides of Mill Street from John Street to Main Street. Town staff installed the no parking signs on Tuesday to tell motor- ists about the change. Parking was eliminated to re- duce traffic congestion through the downtown now that the re- construction of Mill Street is almost complete. Officials ex- pect to lay the final coat of asphalt next week and then com- plete cosmetic work -- including coloured concrete crossings at several locations and "bump- outs" widening of the sidewalk at several intersections to allow for benches and plantings. Downtown merchants and of- ficials with the Acton BIA (Business Improvement Area) stress lots of free parking is avail- able, just walking steps from the downtown, at both the Willow Street lot and the new lot that runs between Main Street North and Willows Street North. wkaK The BIA is planning a street party to mark completion of the $1.9-million Mill Street recon- struction on October 2. A portion of the street will be closed off (again!!!) for a party that will include an official cer- emony, face painting, balloons, clowns and a cake. Busing kids..... continued from page 6 lights out for the video, I was done in. Six hours a day ... I could barely make it through four hours once a year. Nursery school teacher ... what was I thinking? By the time I got home, I flaked out for a three-hour nap. 1 believe that's what they call quiet time in kindergarten. Next year I think, we'll need some new rules. Parents: please make sure your child's ears are clean before they come to class. Pleas no flash-photography in the classroom and lights must stay on at all times even when watching a video. As for not lik- ing Winnie the Pooh, it's better children learn early in life that you can't always get what you want. Winnie might not be Spiderman, but just deal with it. PS--To Mrs. Boycott ... I was in your very first kindergarten class. It was really nice that you had apple sauce for the class af- ter our visit to the apple orchard. I'm truly sorry I kicked up a stink about not wanting to eat it, then for the mess I made when I threw up. Le THE NEW TANNER READY & WILLING: These Grade 8 girls were more than ready to begin their last year at McKenzie- Smith Bennett School on Tuesday. -- Frances Niblock photo Labour Day weekend brought the closing of the C.N.E., the Jerry Lewis Telethon and this year's last great migration to cottage country. Summer, such as it was, is over. With kiddies back to school, life begins to slip back into familiar rhythms. . Locally, the next big event is the Acton Fall Fair being held Sept. 17,18 and 19 so be sure to mark your calendar. Next week's column will delve in to the many attractions our fair has to offer. This week I'd like to highlight.a few activities and. tip you off to a way you can save big money on admissions. Our many new residents may want to take particular notice. Let's talk money! Adult admis- sions will be $7 daily while youths (13-17) and seniors are $5 daily. This makes the three day pass at $12 an incredible value. If people in your family are going fairing all three days the pass book represents a savings of almost 50 % off adult admissions. The three day pass is actually three separate tickets so any member of the family can use the ticket for one daily admission. Passes are available at the three banks downtown or the Credit Un- ion. Passes will also be available from the front gate crew or round- house at the fairgrounds on Friday. If an adult is only going two days a pass still represents a saving. It really is good value. On Friday, Sept. 17, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. the Acton Agricul- tural Society presents its highly acclaimed Education Day. Schools will make arrangements for classes to attend. What you may not know is that parents with pre-school chil- dren and seniors are also welcome. Simply report to the front gate for your free admission to Education Day. Sorry, unaccompanied adults and older kids not with a school group are not admitted to the grounds during Education Day ac- tivities. I do hope that Moms or Dads with pre-schoolers and all our seniors come out and see the many exhibits. : Let's talk. animals. During the fair the popular leash free zone for dogs will be closed. During the fire there isa NO DOGS ALLOWED policy in Prospect Park. Obviously, during the pet show on Sunday this regulation is suspended for exhibi- tors only. After the pet show we ask you to take your dogs home. You \ will be able to re-enter the grounds. Fair and Foul! The Way I See It Mike Oleary This is a safety issue. Now I know your pooch would never bite. The problem is, with all the noise, the crowds and children dashing to and fro, good old Fido could be startled and gnash out in reflex. The chance of one child being injured, and your dog paying the ultimate price, is just too high. So please, leave your dogs home except if you are showing dur- ing the pet show. Thank you for your co-operation. Next week we'll look forward to many of the great attractions your fair offers. In the meantime should you have any questions regarding the fair or its many attractions you can call 853-4699 for more infor- mation. Get lots of sleep and start exercising -- it's almost fair week- end. RKKKKE The sad, bloody end to the terror- ist attack on school children in southern Russia affected the world. Civilized people were outraged at the miserable cowards who would target children, teachers and un- armed parents. The final death toll is heartbreaking although even one child would be too many. It was an act most foul. It infuriated me when some apologists try to justify despicable acts of terrorism. I don't care if you are Arab, Irish, Indonesian, Span- ish or whatever nationality, religious persuasion or cause is being pro- moted. If the choice is to pursue one's goals through terrorist acts you are a stinking murderer. No excuses. I know there are terrible injustices being committed around the world. Poverty and despair create volatile situations. I am not suggesting that repressed minorities should take-on the armies of superpowers to right the wrongs. Committing suicide proves nothing. Neither does terror- ism. Think back to the airplane hijackings of the '70s. Do you even remember what causes were being promoted? Have all the suicide bombings in Israel improved the lot of the Palestinian people one little bit? Actually, the opposite looks to be true. In addition to suffering tribalism. The question is what can N physical and economic hardships the Palestinians are now being fenced into their misery. Do Chechen terrorists actually think the Russians are going to retreat from their country? More likely, the Russian military will level whatever is left in Chechnya with the support of the Russian people. That's supposed to help? We all know the problem. Such violence springs from a steady diet of hate from infancy sprinkled with liberal doses of nationalism and/or we do about it. I wish I had the an- swer. But we're not completely without options. Citizens should be challenging the federal government to use its good offices to influence world opinion. But is Canada not doing that now? I think we are, but I also think that all too often our initia- tives are driven by political opportunism. I'd like to think that defending the defenseless would be more important than a few lousy votes, but too often, political ex- pediency wins out. Foreign policies are only one consideration when choosing who to vote for. Mostly, our foreign policies are a minor consideration. I don't think damning the Ameri- cans and blaming them for everything accomplishes much. I find it amusing that so many of the demonstrators who claim to be on the side of peace get arrested for violent demonstrations. Like that accomplishes anything. Somehow Canada has to regain our stature as a player on the world stage. I think P. M. Martin can fur- ther our position. But he has to stop muddling along. I realize he's in a minority governing position but he can't continue to try and please everyone. Our old world is a dangerous place. Canada needs a national leader who will take the world stage with definite plans to safe- guard our people and improve the plight of the world's oppressed. These initiatives may well be un- popular at home. You don't think Mother Theresa ticked-off more than a few? Doing the right thing might even cost Mr. Martin the next election. His actions on terrorism will de- fine his leadership and show us if he can be trusted with a stronger mandate come the next vote. _/