16 g THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2004 CONSEQUENCES OF HEARING LOSS 2 = 'i : i ___ Special Thanks to Hear-it AISBL _. Untreated hearing loss may lead to numerous social and psychological problems. Some -- hearing-impaired people also experience physical problems because of their hearing loss. Reactions differ from person to person, but most hearing-impaired people suffer some social, psychological and physical problems as a result of their hearing loss. Surveys indicate that hearing-impaired people benefit socially and psychologically and_ improve their quality of life when their hearing loss is treated with proper hearing aids. One of the surveys was carried out by the al Council of Ageing, (NCQA), in the USA. ____ PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES -- - It is commonly known that untreated hearing loss may have serious negative psychological effects. Some are more common the -- | - here are some of them: TEA FOR TWO: With help from tea girl Morgan McPhail (centre) Joan Waldie-Jenkins selected her favourite brew as she shared a proper English tea with husband, Emrys Jenkins on Saturday during the annual tea and sale at Churchill Community Church. = Frances Niblock photo en L N Shame, guilt and ange - Sadness or depression ae -Embarrassment --__ - Worry and frustration No. E GIO IN Hay EWS : Problems concentratin: Anxiety and suspiciousness : 197 | eo ee ee : Insecurity ~ + Self-criticism and low self-esteem/self-confidence Untreated hearing loss ¢ people even become p: On Friday December 10 we will be having an Ini- have a Burns Night on e the person irritable and less tolerant towards other people. Some January 22, 2005. Your . a tiation Night; this is your opportunity to welcome our new members. Saturday, December 11 is the annual Christmas Turkey Roll. Come down early and join in the fun. The New Year's Eve party tickets are $25 each and available at the bar, remember, bus transport home will be provided. President's Levy on New Year's day will see the Early Bird draw, and Christene Saunders and support for this evening will enable us to make this an annual event. Tickets $2 each avail- able at the bar until January 11. District curling will take place Dec 4/04 at the Acton Curling Club; registration at 9am. Zone B7, 5-pin bowl- ing, hosted by Branch 197, will be played in Georgetown Cribbage will be played in Cooks- People who suffer from untre + Isolation and withdrawal OCIAL CONSEQUENCES ated hearing loss often find it extremely difficult to participate in social activities, even within their own family. Some common social problems for people with untreated hearing loss include: - : + Inattentiveness * Distraction/Lack of concentration * Bluffing * Problems at work - may have to give up working/retire * Sexual problems + Problems participating in social life and reduced social activity" Loss of intimacy * Problems communicating with wife/husband, friends and relatives - Problems communicating with children and grandchildren ville; sign-up sheets are --} The Royal National Institute for Deaf People, RNID's, 'Survey "Breaking the sound barrier® on the Sports Board. from 1999 found that 71% of deaf and hard of hearing people felt isolated because of their hearing loss. RNID also found that 39% avoided meeting new people and that 91% had dif- ficulties coping in public places, i. PHYSICAL CONSEQUENCES Untreated hearing loss often results in certain physical problems. In general, hearing- impaired people who suffer from untreated hearing loss express less physical well-being than people with'normal hearing and hard-of-hea people who use hearing aids. Some _ _ of the consequences include: : : oo > Steve Hogg will entertain us from 1:30pm-5:30pm. It is our intention to Yours in Comradeship. + Vertigo _+ Sexual problems __* Problems with sports __+ Increased blood pressure 'Headache When a Doctor wants to know what blood type you have, the lab needs to do a test and send your doctor the hearing report. It works the same way with your hearing, we need a measurement of your hearing to help you to determine what levels you are at. Please come spend an hour with us so we can listen to your hearing concerns and find out some answers. A copy of your test will be sent to your family doctor for your records. - : _____ this Christmas. | Includes a full hearing test (1hour) with hearing health con- 5 $129.99 _ cerns, recommendations, and consultation. RadioShack . 373 Queen Street East, Acton. (519) 853-0558 'Hearing tests must be booked by appointment only by calling 1-866-364-EARS (3277) VALID FROM JANUARY 1/05 - MARCH 30/ 05 Coupon Value) _ a