Spreading good cheer Continued from page 1 cook, serve and cleanup. Adema said she gets much more from the day than she gives. "Everyone felt good about it last year -- the guests, vol- unteers and everyone that brought food. It made the day so much better because it was so much better for a lot of people." Adema said this year, her daughter, mom and dad, brother and his wife and kids all plan to help out, and some volunteers also bring their children to show Studio Located at #12 Wallace St Acton (entrance off Perth St.) them that it's "not all about gifts -- it's more about shar- ing and a different way to celebrate." Volunteer Heather Crider said the community has been so generous that along with a complete turkey dinner -- most of it donated -- they have gift bags for everyone who attends. She said she and her husband became involved because they wanted to help make Christmas nicer for someone. "T always wanted to do something, but didn't know what. When I went into the Salvation Army to ask if they needed help, they gave me the information about this group and we volunteered," Crider said last Thursday. Transportation to the meal is available, and although no one will be turned away, organizers would like those planning to attend to call 853-3487, so they know how many to expect. BOYES PLUMBING Water Softener Rentals *% Water Pump Service 855-4232 * 2Meen-ner ame a 9 0 Tel: (519) 853 4144 After Hours Towing (519)853-5848 'We service all makes & models. CAA Approved. THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2004 BLAZE OF LIGHTS: The entire New Tanner circulation area is a blaze with Christmas lights, some spectacular, some modest, some even in poor taste but they all add up to good cheer for our merriest and happy season. - Danielle Mclsaac photo. Churches celebrate ... Continued from page 1 on Christmas Day, and a regular service at 10:30 a.m. on Boxing Day. "St. Alban's Anglican Church celebrates on Christmas Eve with a chil- dren's service at 5 p.m., a family service at 7:30, and a traditional service at 11 p.m. *St. Joseph's Catholic Church celebrates with Morning Prayer and Holy Hour at 9 a.m. tomorrow (December 24), followed DR. TIMOTHY PELOSO Rockwood Family Chiropractic & Massage Therapy ao Oecry. Merry all of our Griends: We wish you a hristmas Qr. im, Daphne and Sylvia rmt New patients and referrals welcome 118 ALMA STREET, ROCKWOOD 519°856°2624 Wishing peace to all our customers.this Christmas and may you enjoy health and happiness throughout the New Year! by Christmas Mass at 5 and 7 p.m., and then Midnight Mass at 12 p.m. Christmas Day Masses at 11 a.m., and on Sunday, Masses are at 9 and 11 a.m., and 2 p.m. for the Feast of the Holy Family. = Salvation Army, Ac- ton Corps, is holding a Christmas Eve candlelight service from 7 to 8 p.m. "Trinity United Church is holding a family service at 7:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve featuring bell ringing, carols, hymns and lighting of the Advent candles. At 11 p.m., Trinity holds carols and candlelight Advent service with the Reverend Emyrs Jenkins of Churchill Community Church, officiating. The Sunday, Boxing Day ser- vice is at 10 a.m. CINEMAS 3 235 Guelph Street Ontario L7G 4A8 hE Georget 1 Lemony Snicket's p¢ Unfortunate Events Daily 6:45-9:00PM 2 Meet The Fockers Daily 2:00- 6:45-9:00PM 3 Polar Express 'miy Daily 2:00PM 3B Oceans 12 Daily 6:45-9:00PM will be closed Saturday December 25, 2004. Merry Christnas from the Taff & Management Cy Cd CTT Cg Td