THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 2004 THE NEW TANNER 15 SOUNDS OF SEASON: John Hribijan, left, presents a cheque for $200 to The Acton Food Share which he raised through his Sounds of the Season recital at Knox Church on December 5. -- Submitted photo. Police caution selling items on the Internet Halton Regional Police Service Fraud Bureau is again advising people to be cautious when selling items over the Internet. In November 2004 a 15- year-old Oakville teen posted an ad to sell a mountain bike for $250 on an Internet bul- letin board. The teen received a response from an interested party who lived in England. After several emails, the teen received a cheque in the mail ina plain envelope with Euro- pean postage. This cheque was a company cheque, and made out to the teen for $6,000. Despite some misgivings about the amount of the cheque, the teen attempted to cash it at a local cheque-cash- ing business. The originating company was telephoned to verify the cheque's authentic- ity. It was determined that the cheque had been stolen and "subsequently altered. Police-were called, and the teen was detained for investi- gation into the criminal act of uttering a forged document. The teen was subsequently released without criminal charges. This was only one of several similar incidents reported to police recently. The Fraud Bureau suggests people selling items over the Internet to be suspicious when receiving cheques for amounts much larger than the price of the item they are selling. Here are some tips to avoid becom- ing a victim of a scam: * Do not deposit any cheques or bank drafts received through one of these deals -- the cheque or draft will eventually be determined to be fraudulent or stolen, and your bank may hold you accountable for the money * Many of these emails from buyers originate from over- seas, which is one indication that should alert sellers to this ongoing scam. * Be aware that although the cheque may initially clear and the funds may be re- leased within a week, the cheque or bank draft will later be determined to be forged when it returns to the issuing company. + If one of these fraudsters calls you on the telephone, hang up immediately -- they are extremely persistent and will pursue relentlessly if you continue to talk to them. * Never send any banking or personal information to an unverified email address or website + Any details sent regarding wire transfers should be dis- couraged and ignored. More information on scams and frauds is available by contacting Phone Busters, the Canadian Anti-Fraud Call Centre at 1-888-495-8501. As well, information is avail- able on their website at www. Ospringe transfer ... Continued from 11 vincial Government expert on ground water. It was our understanding that she pointed out how effec- tive and efficient the old gravel pit near Ospringe was at conveying rain and other forms of sur- face water into the water table. This seemed a fairly logical comment for an old gravel pit. Additionally, the Eramosa River runs reasonably close to the proposed site. It is our belief that regardless of how well thought out the transfer station design, in the event that anything serious were to happen, this proposed site would appear to maxi- mize the negative impact. Applying the same logic to any other gravel pits within the County may also be appropriate. It is our belief that if a garbage transfer station is to be build anywhere with- in the County (regardless of how excellent its design and plans for minimizing any risk of environmental contamination), it should be located such that if any- thing unfortunate were to happen, the impact on the environment (especially the water supply) would tend to minimize and not maximize the potential negative impact. We look forward to any comments and/or feedback that you feel is appropriate. Gordon and Susan Carothers,'. Everton, Ontario. Region issues extreme cold weather alerts An Extreme Cold Weather Alert was issued by the Halton Region Health Department for Saturday, December 25, 2004 (Christmas Day). This alert is issued when temperatures are expected to fall below - 15 degrees Celsius (without wind-chill), or when weather conditions are severe enough to warrant alerting Heainit adher This spot could be yours for as little as $15 per week! Call Marie 853-0051 people to the risks involved with prolonged exposure. The Alert is intended to inform and mobilize community agencies and recommend precautions for the general public. Anyone can be affected by extreme cold-related weather conditions, depending on length of time and exertion levels. Those especially at risk include: older adults (over the age of 65), infants and young children, outdoor work- ers, sport enthusiasts (hikers, skiers), homeless persons, and/or those lacking shel- ter, proper clothing or food. To keep yourself and your family safe, says the Health Dept., you should know how to prevent cold-related health problems and what to do if there is a cold-weather emergency. You can avoid cold-related injury by dressing appropriately and covering exposed skin. It is also im- portant, in preparation for winter driving conditions, that you keep an emergency vehicle safety kit in your car at all times. NELLIS CONSTRUCTION LIMITED ROAD BU MILDING EARTH MOV. ING R.R. #1 Acton 853-0960 BEATON RCXOANG Sexy we Acros poe 20 Yeaas = Flat Roofs » Skylights * Asphalt Shireles C519) 856-9784 G&S Excavatine Ltp. Division of 774371 Or atariof TD GREG & SANDY Snow Plowing & Removal - Licensed Septic Systems - Top Soil- Sand & Gravel - Ponds- Basements! Foundations FREE ESTIMATES Tel: 519-853-2515 Fax: 519-853-1490 RR#2 Acton ON L75 218 253-8622 1? Wnlliooe ££ Acton hararas the-dance-inm com T.J. CONCRETE + FLOORS + DRIVEWAYS: + PATTERN CONCRETE * SIDEWALKS CURBS + PATIOS * FOUNDATION REPAIRS + POOL DECKS TAKING EARLY SPRING BOOKINGS CALL LARRY (519)853-0540 FOR FREE ESTIMATES e AUTO PARTS 254 Main St. N Acton, ON. L7J 1W9 Tel (519) 853-3410 Fax (519) 853-5052 CONSTABLE GEORGE'S CORNER With Village Constable Garry George LOCK YOUR DOORS I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hopefully you haven't broken all your New Years resolutions, just yet. Now that winter has arrived, I wanted to advise everyone about a potential problem I noted, while on patrol in Acton, Please ...1 know it's cold out and you are only leaving the car for a couple of minutes to let it warm up, defrost the windows, get a coffee. Pick up a newspaper, etc., etc. Remember, it takes less than 10 seconds for someone to hop into your unlocked, running car and drive away. We've all read in the papers, seen on TV, or heard on the radio about the tragic consequences resulting from the use of stolen vehicles The operators of these vehicles are involved in robberies, break & enters, fail-to-remainmotorvehiclecollisions, run red lights and generally just don't care about anyone or anything, except getting caught. I know it's an inconvenience to clean all the cars windows and get into a cold car, or to lock and unlock the doors when you're only going to be gone for a couple of minutes. But < you stop and think about the consequences, it's a small price to pay. There are specific Town Bylaws and Provincial Statues that deal with leaving vehicles running and unattended. Acton's patrol officers have been verbally warning offenders. Please be aware that officers will be monitoring the situation. If the problem persists, offenders will be charged. DOLLIVER SURVEYING INC Land Information Services 54 Mill St. E. f fA 853-2502 or web: E-mail: Braida & Henry BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS Serving the Community | Jor 40 Years 67 Mill Street East Acton 853-1160 Professional design 4h 5 and printing. oe Tel. (519) 853-5615 Fax.(519) 853-5731 56 Mill St. E. Acto OXFORD LEARNING Skills for Success, Lessons for Life! Georgetown 905-877-3163 Guelph 319-826-5365 BNR) @ 24 Hour Service * Flatbed Service * Lockout Service * Boosting & Gas 853-5848 ifestitner This spot could be yours for as little as $15 per week! Call Marie 853-0051 |Garage Door Works} Ken Marttala Free Estimates Sales, Service & Installation Residential, Commercial Overhead Doors & Openers (519) 856-9955 Toll Free (877) 856-9955