10 THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 2005 Council reviews closing part of Rock St. Guelph/Eramosa Council reviewed a request from Rob Drexler who owns Lot 87 and 88 in Rockwood which have a frontage on unopened Rock St., to close that portion of the street on which Lots 84 to 88 have a frontage in order to construct a driveway which would extend from Pasmore St. in a northeasterly direction up and across the frontage of the subject property. Mr. Drexler agreed to purchase that section of Rock St. in order to construct a driveway for access to a proposed single family dwelling on Lots 87 and 88 on Rock St., Rockwood. The Grand River Conservation Authority approved the application subject to the following terms: 5 That the applicant provide an erosion control and revegetation plan to be reviewed and accepted by the Grand River Conservation Authority. : = That the applicant provide a survey between GRCA land and fill slope to ensure no fill is placed on GRCA property. Councillors agreed the accompany- ing map with the request was confusing because the lots are now part of Lloyd Dyer Park. They noted Council wants to avoid future problems in the area which is undeveloped. The road allow- ance for Rock St. has not been opened for public use. Although Councillor Chris White felt there should be a public meeting on the matter most felt they should allow the purchase providing the purchaser look after all the costs involved. The Rock St. road runs between Richardson St. and Fall St. and is at the end of Inkerman and Pasmore Sts. Lt.-Gov. to present new Colours to Halton Police The Honourable James K. Bartleman, Lt.-Gov. of Ont., will be in Oakville this Friday, January 21 to present the Halton Regional Police HYPOTHERMIA. COLD WATER SAFETY FALLING INTO COLD WATER CAN RESULT IN UsE CAUTION WHEN NEAR RIVERS, LAKES AND STREAMS THIS SPRING. aig Canadian Red Cross Service the Queens Colour and Service Colour. To commemorate the completion of the 30" an- niversary of the Halton Regional Police Service a new Service colour has been developed which will be presented along with the Queens Colour. Halton Regional Police Honour Guard will be on parade as the new colours are consecrated by repre- sentatives of various faith groups. The Colours will then be "trooped" through the paraded police officers. The event will be support- ed by the Halton Regional Police Service Chorus and the Halton Regional Police Service Pipes and Drums. Although a few other po- lice services in Canada have received this honour, this is a unique privilege for the Halton Regional Police Ser- vice. Similar in appearance to a flag, the Colours are ceremonial and will be used by the Honour Guard when they represent the Service. The standard Canadian and Halton Regional Police Service Flags will continue to be flown at each Station. nen WN One omega elas salts 47) "ROBOT" TO DESCRIBE AN ARTIFICIAL WORKER? pice Berea Ce Aerie em PAAMSNY KCOS{201 imo hyaiar=ie SAY it in... English: DIGITAL . Spanish: DIGITAL Italian: DIGITALE French: NUMERIQUE German: DIGITAL Computer Match Quiz How much do you know about computers and technol- ogy trivia? Test your knowledge by taking the quiz below. Draw an arrow to the correct answer. 1. This is where all the information on your computer is kept. 2. This is something we use to move the pointer on the computer monitor. 3. This device makes it possi- ble for your computer to talk to other computers. 4. We use this piece of equip- ment to write words and numbers on the screen, 5. This may seem like a TV screen, but here we see pictures and words, 6. Use this to put color pic- tures and words from your screen onto paper. 7. A bunch of numbers G. CPU that computers use to" talk to programmers. 8. Computers need this device fo see copy and pictures, 9. The main brain on your computer. A. Bits and bytes B. Keyboard C. Printer D. Moniter E, Mouse F, Modem H. Disk drives [. Scanner * UNEMPLOYMENT NUMBERS RISE IN THE UNITED STATES, CAUS- ING THE GOVERNMENT TO START A COMMIS- SION FOR UNEMPLOY- MENT RELIEF. * MONTREAL DEFEATS BOSTON FOR THE STANLEY CUP WIN. + AFTER STARING INTO THE STARS, ASTRONOMERS DISCOVER PLUTO, THE NINTH PLANET. KCOS1204 New word [7a ears DOIBVL IOS AF HEATH suaMsuy MPS MUSIC FILES TAKE A SONG AND MAKE IT MUCH SMALLER DIGITALLY SO IT CAN BE DOWN- LOADED AND. SHARED FASTER. PLUS, IT DOESN'T RUIN SONG QUALITY! Pee ant Coe Meat td Rett at) Cereals ace KCOS 1203 KCOS1205 Fa PICTURED Can you guess what the bigger picture is featured here? INIHDYW XV4 YIMSNY EWAG News Children's Programs In Rockw and Surround- ing Areas Wow! Many, many chil- dren's programs right here in town! Choose from Tot Time every Monday and Thursday from 9:30-12:00 on the lower level of the Rockmosa Com- munity Centre. How about Hand In Hand at the Eden Mills Presbyterian Church every Wednesday morning from 9:30 until 11:30. This program is a theme oriented program geared to children 2-6 years of age, although younger siblings are wel- come. My Baby and Me runs every Wednesday afternoon from 2-3 p.m. at the Rock- mosa Community Centre and is a wonderful opportunity to meet other new parents with babies birth to age 12 months and share in some playtime and great conversation. For more information, please call Jane at 856-2113 to find out about these and other pro- grams we offer or to be added to our mailing list. EWAG Volunteer Op- portunities EWAG is currently seeking volunteers to fill the follow- ing volunteer positions: We require a motivated, reliable person willing to come in on Monday mornings from 10 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. for a shift at our thrift store the Encore Shop. This position requires the volunteer to serve customers in the shop, sort clothing and assist the staff as needed. If you are a confident person, willing to work alone, please call Sue at 856-2113 for more information. We are also looking for someone to take a trip to the dump every few weeks and to assist us with some semi- heavy lifting approximately every 6-8 weeks. If you have a vehicle and would like to help us out please call Sue at 856-2113. January Sale at Encore Shop The Encore Shop's big sale for the month of January is % price on all items in the shop with the exception of brand new knitted items. Come in early for best selection. Location and Hours EWAG Community Sup- port Services is located at 106 Church Street and is open Monday -- Thursday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. and the Encore Shop is also open Fridays and Saturdays from noon until 4 p.m. Remember we offer a variety of govern- ment forms, free access to the Internet, laminating, copying and faxing services at a mini- mal cost and much more. Guelph/ Eramosa Council Chips ) Councillors speculated there was little they could do about a letter of complaint Councillor Teressa Gibson Smye received complain- ing about newspapers being thrown in driveways every week. "In my opinion it's tan- tamount to littering because nobody ever whether you want it or not... it just gets chucked out the window of a passing vehicle, no matter what the weather conditions or how many are left laying in the street," letter writer Scott Legge said. Wellington has one of the most advance waste and recycling programs around so why do we put up with this unnecessary waste he asks, suggesting these who send it should pay a disposal fee like resident pay a sewer charge. RK Council received a letter of thanks from the Rockwood Farmers' Parade of Lights Committee thanking them for their support for the 12" an- nual parade. "The support of council and its employees is critical to the success of this event," the letter read. We should be thanking them, the other way around, quipped the mayor. KK Council was fully in accord with a letter the president of the Association of Munici- palities of Ontario (AMO) wrote to the Ministry of the Environment about potential law suits that may arise "over the enhanced powers of entry provisions under proposed changes to Section 15 of the OWRA. While you made it clear you understood the Bill was to target industrial discharges and not municipal facilities... we would appre- ciate réceiving confirmation that this Bill was not in fact intended to apply to munici- pally run facilities." ll, ahd Ivy Ritchie of Rockwood are cordially invitiag yoythshare their 60" wedding anniversary to be hele t Roekmosa Hall Sunday Jan. 23, 1:30 p.m. -- 4:30 pan g . and share their anniversary with them. Ther ill : program from 2:30 p.m. -- 3:30 p.m. Please no gifts ur attendance with best wishes will be our gift