THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 2005 Eileen Dix tells me al- "though we have a record membership of 289 this year quite a few members are re- miss in renewing for 2005. If you haven't paid yours yet, would you please try and re- new soon. It will save Eileen phoning to remind you. The results of the euchre held on January 19 are as follows: High man, Jean Jack- son, 2nd man Bob Schneider, Low man Henry Wedge, and Lone hand man Elmer Dunn. For the ladies' High woman Donna Rowley, 2"! woman Mae Milton, Low woman Martha Couture, and Lone hand woman Eileen Wedge. 235 Guelph Georgetown,Ontario L7G 448 905-873-1999 =L RAcING STRIPES Daily 6:45PM Sat-Sun 2:00PM ace Waite Noise 4A Daily 9:00PM Disturbing esa' Starts Friday % Tue AVIATOR pc Daily7:00 PM Sat-Sun 2:00PM Starts Friday ~~ Hive & SEEK 44 Daily 7:00 - 9:00PM Sat-Sun 2:00PM Starts Friday Abutr $8.00 Cuitpren/Seniors $4.25 ALL Mariners $4.25 Nea Tn eae ene CPE WoC eer the Lotto Booth at Georgetown Market Place The next evening Euchre will be Wednesday, Feb. 16 at 7:15pm. Everyone is invited to join us in a great evening of cards and fellowship. Ruth always keeps me informed on the winners from the Thursday cards and in Bid Euchre the Mooners were Elma Braida, and Mae Milton. The next trip to Rama is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 23. Call Ruth 853-5124 if you are interested. Margaret Neilson said they had a good afternoon carpet bowling but Eileen, Dix's Brown team beat her Black team 15-0. Better luck next time, Margaret. Every third Monday in the month Sylvia Long, R.N.B.Sc. N.M.E4, is at the Centre with the foot clinic. You don't have to be a member of the Centre to make an -- 853- ONSEN, Y Recreation Centre ACTON SENIORS' RECREATION CENTRE By JuLIE CONROY 5704 or 853-8967. On February | at 1:30 we will have a presentation by a representative from Edward Jones. He will be speaking about Bonds and fixed in- comes. There is no charge for this event, and light refresh- ments will follow. The Miniature Presenta- tion by the Omega Club on Tuesday, Jan.18 was a great success. It made you feel as if you were Gulliver and had landed in the Land of Lilliputians. It was quite eh Royal City , = ae ai Ambassadors: S " Qarbershop Chorus~_ 6. ~ 37th Annual Show ~-- q 5. Gueloh River Run Centre y April 8th & 9th Tickets $20 - Reserve Early Contact Don Lindsay at 853-2057 roof, ' David Burland Sales Representative Johnson Associates Halton Ltd. Realtor presents... Off The Wall HHCSI (Georgetown) Home Hardware (Acton) incredible to see the work- manship and imagination in the various displays. There were miniature copies of houses and cottages right down to the flowers in the gardens, (In fact on e of the cottages has been featured on the front page of an American Miniature Magazine) and one tiny wicker rocking chair no bigger than a walnut. An in- credible amount of patience and talent must be needed to accomplish these displays. Pauline Barlow had several "sets" there and I am sure if anyone was interested in getting into this wonderful hobby she would be happy to give you more informa- tion. She told me they meet in Guelph and exchange ideas one a month. Tickets are now on sale for the Valentine Dinner on Feb- ruary 15, Margaret Dogdson tells me it will feature roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and all the trimmings, plus tri- fle to follow. I must apologize to Margaret as I put the menu under the name of Donna last week but everyone knows it is Margaret who is the driving force behind the great dinners at the Centre. There was a great presenta- tion from the Halton Fresh Food Box, which supplies fresh produce to people in Acton once a month at a great price. Hopefully there will be enough people sign up to make it viable. Pat Frizzell has offered to be the coordinator for the Acton area. There will be more in- formation on this service at a later date. The Centre is offering a defibrillator course in Febru- ary and March and it is open to anyone who is interested. The cost is only $10. The New Newsletter will be ready for pick-up short- ly. Please don't forget to pick yours up. They are filed by address, and the person at the desk will be happy to assist you if you have a problem finding yours. It is a great reminder of what is happen- ing at the Centre. Included are the names of people and their phone numbers in case you wish to contact anyone about an event or program, plus a calendar of events for the next two months. On a sad note, I hear one of our members, Betty Cole, has passed away. We would like to offer our condolences to her family. Betty was in- strumental in getting the Fit and Fun group involved with the young people from Rob- ert Little School (Everybody Move) under ther leadership of their teacher Marie Bur- land, and we all benefited from the experience. Betty also took a valuable part on the board of directors when she was able. More money for parks... Continued from page 1 and the balance will be paid from development charges and reserves. Wards 3/4 Regional Coun- cillor Jane Fogal noted that the Town has more than $6-million in recreation and parks projects -- many of them playgrounds -- that are outside of the funding guidelines and suggested they need to "get a grip" on Sports & Coe ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE $210.00 per child before January 31, 2005 + Ages 6-16 years * HOCKEY LEAGUE APRIL- MAY-JUNE (GST Included) KIDS NON-CONTACT SUMMER HOCKEY LEAGUE ...with focus on fun and emphasis on participation v Includes: Jersey, Awards and Complimentary Banquet V 12 - game schedule plus playoffs and practices - 5™ SEASON - $229.00 per child after February 1, 2005 ATS tatty GSEC or local arenas for relent Key REGISTER IN PERSON at Willow West Mal at G.S.E.C. Sat. Feb. 5, 2005 Sat. Feb. 19, 2005 9am - 3pm 9am - 12pm Sat. Feb. 12, 2005 Sat. Feb. 26, 2005 9am - 3pm 9am - 12pm OR Monday-Friday 10am-4pm at the G.S.E.C. Main Office - inside Gate 1. 822-4900 ext. 201. Call or drop by the GSEC to register 822-4900 ext. 201 Deadline to Register: March 1, 2005 Peer ie CC ee Rie ee ced eeu) the backlog. She said now that addi- tional water has been found for Georgetown, develop- ment will take off and they will get further and further in developing parks. Georgetown Councillor Moya Johnson suggested that when the budget talks are over, staff discuss how to en- sure a playground is "planned for as soon as possible" after the people move in. Noting that development of the Rennie Street Park was three to five years away, Mayor Rick Bonnette said the decision to develop at least part of it is a "big step." Ses Hostess will bring gifts and greetings, along with helpful information about your new community. "Veto Wigan. SINCE 90 Call Betty io 853-1944 TiO MANO NRG al NO) vA\GIe Dr. W.R. Tom Thompson D.C. Dr. Dave De Melo D.C. Serving Acton, Georgetown, Rockwood & Guelph Safe, Gentle chiropractic care Computer Generated Spinal Analysis Emergencies & Workers Comp Accepted 'New Patients Welcome 25 Main Street North, Acton - Across from Giant Tiger Plaza ACTON (519) 853-3460 GUELPH (519) 829-3553 EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE