THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2005 THE NEW TANNER 13 CANSKATE OLYMPIANS: Acton figure skaters competed in the Lyle McPhedern Western Ontario Competition at Sarnia on Feb. 4-5-6. Competitors included in back, left to right, Krystyn Turco, Taryn Christopher, Kayla Turco, Sarah Cunningham, Ashley Macpherson, Matt Mills, Kyle Marshall. Sitting, left to right, are Samantha Mills, Katie Submitted photo Laton, Baillie Marshall. Missing from photo are Lindsay Christopher and Jessica Laton. -- DEADLINE IS MONDAY AT 12 NOON For the second consec- utive game the Tanners played a strong game from start to finish outplaying the opposition in all areas. Defencemen Tyler Bandy, David Tysoe, Scott Ho- fland and Bryan Curry were strong breaking up most rushes and moving the puck quickly. Goalten- der, Adrian Eppinger was in fine form allowing only one goal. ° On offence Taylor McNabb led the Tanners with two goals and an as- sist. Much like the team's previous victory over Oran- geville all lines contributed with points awarded to 10 of Acton's 13 skaters. The team defence was excellent. With the for- wards helping out, scoring chances for the visitors from Flamborough were kept to a minimum After a scoreless first period the Tanners took control of the game with two goals early in the sec- | House League Hockey | TYKE Jescan Power -- 11 A&S Engraving -- 2 Jescan goals: Tyler Schouten, Shannon Oulton (2), Brendin Shannon (3), Jason Goodfel- low (4), Matthew Butson. Assists: Craig McAskill (3), Jillian Banks (2), Daniel Stub- bington (3), Carter Kavaner (3), Oulton (2), John McKee, Shannon, Drake 'Slater (2), Brooklyn Kutasienski. A&S goals: Logan Walker, Patrick Conlin. Assists: Zach- ary Snow, Neil Mowat, Conlin, Adam Coltson. eK MK Masonry -- 5 Select Trailer -- 0 MK goals: Devin Ferguson (2), Bradley Koperdraad (2), Bradley Karat. Assists: Alec MacCallum, Noah McNabb, Ferguson (2), Brennan Mitch- ell, Nicholas Cole. NOVICE Daniel Varanelli -- 5 Hot Line Electric -- 1 Varanelli goals: Logan McNabb, Matthew Tomlinson (3), Harold Kirkness. Assists: Tomlinson, Conor Maynor, Stephen White, Kirkness, Lau- ren Saelzer, Paula Chadwick. Hot Line goal: Drake Andrews. Assists: Luke Van Fraassen, Matt Fields. aK Giant Tiger -- 6 End Zone Sports -- 0 Tiger goals: Mitchell Weber (6). Assists: Dalton Smith, Mat- thew Grabauskas (2), William Bedard, Samantha McCarthy. Shutout: Matthew Toebes. sete MacMillan's -- 2 Yourway Auto -- 1 MacMillan's goals: Brett Allonby (2). Assists: Kendra Vander Eyken (2). Yourway goal: Alexander Guoth. ATOM Halton Power Line -- 4 City Limits -- 1 Power Line goals: Malcolm Eppinger, Chris Porty, James Dziepak, Juston Nadon. As- sists: Justin Giordano, Nadon, Clayton Black, Spencer Mitch- ell. City goal: Tyler Barrand. Assist: Kurt Hughes. RE Best Transfer -- 5 - Georgetown Chrysler -- 3 Best goals: Josh Martin (4), Anthony Reid. Assists: Reid, Trevor McIntyre, Sean Hor- ricks. Chrysler goals: Eric Victoria (2), Mitchell Griffiths. Assists: Eric Vlasic, Travis Tancoo, David Borg. AK Acton Sobeys -- 3 Ron's Burner -- 2 Sobeys goals: Connor Hitch- cock (2), Christian Begin. Assists: Jordan Milne, Jesse McFadden (2), Damian Ew- ing (2). Ron's goals: Jeff Mah. Paul Kutasienski. Assists: Jan Willem Lamberink, Jacob Macpherson. PEEWEE Berkshire -- 3 Acton Subway -- 1 Berkshire goals: Luke Van, Dinther (2), Lucas Molinaro. Assists: Emily Karat, Evan McMeekin. Subway goal: Bradley Dawe. Assist: Dayne Black. 2a R&M Construction -- 4 Nellis Construction -- 0 Tyler Colby, Matthew Kuta- sienski, Eric Cardosa, Jesse Mortensen. Assists: Kutas- ienski (2), Mortensen, Tyler Townsley, Troy Weaver. Shut- out: Aaron Weaver. BANTAM St. John's Trophies -- 5 High Five Photography -- 4 St. John's goals: Matt Mac- Millan (2), Brandon Bennett (2), Zach Fry. Assists: Ben- hett, Michael De Santis, Cody Rowsell (3), Fry, Matthew Mills, JT Cooper. High Five goals: Garrett Nuttall, Jessey Kuenzig (2), Scott Worthnan. Assists: Ian Durkin, Hayley Halls, Michael Lavigne, Joe Frechette, Brendan Pickett. RK Acton Kinsmen -- 5 Acton Terminal Warehouse -1 Kinsmen goals: Chris Wilkinson (2), Kyle Payne, Curtis Marcoux, William Po- irier. Assists: David Many, Marcoux, Michael Pettitt, Bruce Rogers. ATW goal: Danny Kent. Assist: Chris Legge. RK Gibbons Painting -- 4 MAD Air Inc. -- 0 Gibbons goals: Tyler Small, Luke Gibbons, Clayton Schatti (2). Assists: Schatti, Conor Gibbons (2), Mark Wells, Luke Gibbons, Jacob Botelho, Drew Backman. Shutout: Simon Wellington. Bantam take convincing 6-1 win from Flamborough On Saturday, Feb.19 the Acton Home Hardware Bantam AE Tanners played their second Tri-County play-off round robin game and came away with a convincing 6-1 win over Flamborough. ond period, the first by Michael McKeon from David Elop and Dylan Creasey, the second (on the same shift) by Scott Hofland from Michael McKeon and Creasey. Late in the second period the Tanners increased their advantage to 3-0 when Taylor McNabb scored his first of the game firing a slap shot from the slot past Flamborough's over powered netminder. Luca Mazzucco assisted. In the third period the Tanners added three more goals led by McNabb's second from Bryan Cur- ry. Luca Mazzucca then scored with a hard slap shot assisted by McNabb and Curry. Gordon McKe- on got the Tanners last goal with assists going to linemates Colin Adema and Nik Aitken. The Tanners next home game is on Wednesday, March 2 at 7:30pm against -- Elora. 519.853.3385 Registration ends March 30th.< $1400.00 per team or $100.00 per playe For more information please contact Julie at: