'HURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2005 THE NEW TANNER 11 The Rockwood -- MILLE CELEBRATING A NEW MINISTRY: The Reverend Dr. Pauline Head was inducted as the new Rector of St. John's Anglican Church and parish of ft to right are the Reverend Canon David Howells, the Rockwood on Sunday. From le _ Reverend Dr. Pauline Head, and the Venerable Thomas Greene. - Rebecca Ring photo Rev. Dr. Pauline Head inducted as Rector of St. John's Church By Rebecca Ring St. John's AnglicanChurch in Rockwood celebrated the induction of the Reverend Dr. Pauline Head as Rec- tor last Sunday. Officiating at the ceremony were the Venerable Thomas Greene, Archdeacon of Greater Wellington, and the Rever- end Canon David Howells, Regional Dean of Greater Wellington. The ceremony began with Reverend Head knocking on the door of the church. The archdeacon opened the door and officially inducted her into the church "by virtue of the mandate of the Bishop." The ceremony continued with blessings, prayer and song. The Archdeacon said "This ministry continues the good work done through the years in this community, and is part of the work and witness of the whole church. It is a new beginning as Pauline and the people of. St. John's bring together their particular gifts in min- istry". The Reverend Canon David Howells gave the sermon and spoke about the reality of answering God's call in our busy, secular and agnostic society. He said it is a gradual process and one must reach below the layers of noise to the "velvety still- ness" within, where one can find God and listen. He con- gratulated the Reverend Dr. Head on hearing and heed- ing this call to the ministry. The ceremony continued with the Covenant of Min- istry, where the Archdeacon invited the Regional Dean to read the mandate and licence from Bishop Spence of the Diocese of Niagara. The new priest then vowed with the congregation to "be one who baptizes into the Community of Christ...a preacher of the word of God and a teacher of the faith...to break the bread and bless the cup...to reach out to the needs of those beyond our walls". The service concluded with all clergy blessing the parish of St. John's. Archdeacon Thomas Greene commented on the ceremony saying "We join the people of Rockwood and Pauline together as they celebrate a new minis- try. We come from beyond the parish to support the signs and symbols of the wider Church, of which we are all members. We wish God's peace and blessing » and much happiness as they minister together and reach out to the community. It is an exciting time for both priests and people." Dean Howells commented saying "This is a big day for me because I used to be the rector of this parish and have taken a large hand in helping Pauline prepare for the ministry. She is very accomplished, intelligent, wise and has a tremendous commitment to the faith. To me, this is a real sense of celebration, akin to a marriage, in that two pieces are joining together in a relationship." The Reverend Dr. Head was ordained as a priest in January. She is also a pro- fessor of Medieval English Literature at York Univer- sity and holds a Master's degree in Theology. When asked what has been most challenging so far, she said as part of her training, she counselled people at hos- pitals and in one weekend there were 14 deaths. She | EWAG News ale Let's Do It Dad Program THIS SATURDAY!!! Join other Dads and their little ones for a fun-filled morning of DINOSAURS. Come and enjoy a morning packed with crafts, games, puzzles, toys, songs and lots of fun all with a di- nosaur theme. Let's Do It" Dad is a program, held on the first Saturday of every month, geared towards chil- dren birth-6 years of age and their Daddies at Rockmosa Community Centre from 9:30-11:30. See for yourself this Saturday, March 5. For more information please call 856-2113. Special Days For Your Calendar -- Our Ontario Early Year's staff have just completed the calendars for March and April and are very excited about upcoming special days and programs. There is Green Day, an Earth Day Extravaganza, an Easter Egg Hunt and a great big Birthday..Party.... For,more information or to be added to our mailing list, please call Jane at 856-2113. Please note there is no cost for any of our programs but many do require pre- registration, so please give us a call. discovered what her own boundaries were and contin- ued forward, knowing that "God is there. God is at the ground of your being". Asked what has been most joyful, she said that "today is very joyful and rewarding. This has been a very power- ful welcome". She moved from Toronto to Guelph over two years ago. She is excited about spending more time in Rockwood, which she said "is a beautiful village with lots to explore." She is looking forward to hosting an interdenomi- national World Prayer Day at St. John's Church this Friday, March 4. The local Catholic, Anglican, United and Presbyterian churches are participating. Poland will be the country of focus and celebrations will include prayer, music, scripture reading, and a sermon. 1S") amg Guelph Lake towards Eramosa) www. knappscountrymarket.com ey HOMEMADE ENTREES Just Heat $066 Wellington Cty Rd 124 _.,| RR1 Guelph (619) 824-4222) (On Old Highway 24 North by MARCH TOP TO BOT- TOM SALE: Believe it or not spring IS just around the corner. Do you have any- thing to wear? If not, why not take advantage of The Encore Shop's Top to Bottom Sale. Buy one top or bottom at the = regular price and get the sec- ond item at % price. We are currently in the process of do- ing our shop switchover from winter to spring wear. Come in soon for best selection. FREE Income Tax Clinic - EWAG is once again of- fering a FREE Income Tax Clinic this year. Your taxes will be prepared for you by a chartered accountant! To be eligible, your household income must be less than $15,000 without dependents, and less than $22,500 with dependents. Please call Sue at 856-2113 for more infor-, mation. Food Bank Service -- Our food bank is open every Tuesday. If you require this service, please call Gillian at 833-9696 for more informa- tion on how we can help. Location and Hours: EWAG Community Support Services. is located at 106 Church Street and is open Monday -- Thursday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. and the Encore Shop is also open Fridays and Saturdays from noon until 4 p.m. We offer a variety of Government forms, free access to the Internet, laminating, copy- ing and faxing services and much more. = Pop-in and see what we can do for you! ¥ Han Care and Spa Serotces 155 Main St. S. Rockwood ; 519-856-0803 Kass Weideman - Hair Stylist Merna Prete - Hairstylist/Lic. Barber Get Ready For Sprin ae paraffin wax@™| treatment with a manicure or pedicure on Tues. or Wed. Barbering available Fri. & Sat. Men's cut & shave $22 - Reg. $26 Spiral Perms - $10 off - Foil Hi lites or low lites - $10 off Open Tuesday to Saturday (late evenings from Tues. to Fri.) Come in and pickup our new brochure Sarah Martin - Aesthics | , s Em