3 Flower & Gift Shop 46-48 Mill St. E. Acton 853-0800 'Love Mom Bach DP OPEN MOTHER'S DAY Sunday May 8 from 10am to 4pm THE NEW TANNER SUNDAY MAY 8 ao ; lave: ae Treat mom to a nice this Mother's Day from one of our many local area merchants! ye en 5 ie A FA SPAS A Necess: why | uxurty Would like to wish all great moms Happy Mother's Day 50% OFF OP 1& -- WE PROFESSIONAID cx CREATIVE MASEL DESIGNY FREE Accent Be) with haircut Ceeecccccccccecsoccscccccccces 519-853-0814 , « Acton Mews Plaza, 56D Mill St. East, Acton ae is our C eee 7 | RRI Guelph, On, NIH 6HS 19) Gb4-1700 Saturda j Mai 7, 2005 y y Just in Time yp MO THE R' aS D: A MOTHER'S DAY MOTHER "S DAY Yuba ountry markeét.com THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2005 LEATHERTOWN LASSIES: Members of the Acton Seniors Centre Red Hat Society ( Leathertown Lassies) all dressed in their finery and Teady to tackle the world, (or the Mandarin restaurant which was their first outing since the group formed). -- Julie Conroy photo SEA, 40 lo y Y Recreation Centre ACTON SENIORS' RECREATION CENTRE By JuLie Conroy Acton Seniors Centre was buzzing with excitement last Monday morning as 19 ladies belonging to the "Red Hat Society" were compar- ing outfits before they went off to enjoy a Chinese meal at the Mandarin Restaurant in Brampton. This was the first trip for the ladies, and during lunch they voted on aname for the newly formed group. They chose "Leather- town Lassies". This sounds very appropriate. I did ask if that meant they would be changing their smart outfits and hats for red leather gear, but got no answer. The Spring and Garden Bazaar on April 30 was its usual great success. Margaret Anderson, co- coordinator of the Bazaar, and her com- mittee, would like to thank everyone who helped in any way. Whether by donating crafts, baking, plants, or items for the delicious lunch, and especially the people who donated their energy and time to help make it all possible. Eileen Dix phoned in the results of carpet bowling. Margaret Neilson was un- able to play as she was sick, (I hope it wasn't anything to do with the wet feet she got hiking the week before). Walter Barlow's Black team really missed her. They lost to Pauline Barlow's Brown team 22-10. Eleven members from the Seniors Hiking club com- pleted another section of the Guelph Trail last Friday, starting opposite the Blue Springs Boy Scout Camp on the Sixth Line, west of Acton. All with birthdays in May are invited to the Birthday Tea on May 10 at 2p.m. Usually one of the commit- tee phone, but if they should miss you for some reason, please take this as your invi- tation and bring a friend. There are still some tickets left for the Pre-Summer Pic- nic on May 17 at 12.30p.m. On the lunch menu is crispy HWY #7 ACTON GREENHOUSES ae * Fie 7" Growers of Fine Quality Perennials, Annuals and Herbs OPEN MOTHER'S Day May 8TH 8890 Eighth Line R.R. #2 GEORGETOWN GEORGETOWN 8th LINE STEELES chicken, salads and rolls and either carrot or spice cake all for $8 for members and $11 for non-members. All are welcome. The Acton Seniors Centre hosted the S.A.L.T. group's fourth meeting, and it was open to the general public. About 16 people attended. Some were members of the committee, and the rest were interested seniors. They came with their questions about security, and personal safety, and both police men on the committee were hap- - py to answer their questions. Several thought they might join S.A.L.T (Seniors and Law Together) About 15 men belonging to M.I.M (Men in Motion) enjoyed bowling on April 26 in Georgetown. Lloyd tells me no one broke any records, and there were quite a few gutter balls, but they enjoyed the exercise and encourage- ment. If you would like more information on M.I.M. call Gerald Rennie 853-0646. June has been designated as Seniors month and there are various activities planned to celebrate. I hope everyone has made note in their diaries of June 14 when we will be co hosting the 10" anniversa- ry celebration of both Acton and Georgetown at the Gel- lert Centre in Georgetown. It is jointly sponsored by the Town and the two Centres. All the Seniors in Halton Hills are welcome, so please visit the Gellert Centre on that day and check out the programs and activities we offer at both our Centres. Acton is planning a special day at the Acton Seniors Centre on June 25. Please keep both dates in mind, and watch for more details in this paper. If you are able to volunteer a few hours on June 14 between 10a.m. and 4p.m. please take time to write your name on the clip board at the front desk. Ruth tells me the win- ners from the April trip to Rama were as follows: 50/50 was won by Lou Lafrom- bois, the birthdays - Sylvia Fisher, Ruth McClements and Peggy McMahan, and sitting in the lucky seats Continued on page 16