18 THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005 GREGG: Anna Helena Passed away at Weyburn General Hospital, Weyburn, Saskatche- wan, on Tuesday, March 22"4, 2005 in her 94" year. Helena was predeceased by: her husband Rob- ert James (1973), brother John, brother-in-law Charles Vanneste, her sister Letitia Vanneste and her nephew Vern Paulger. She is sur- vived by her sisters-in-law, Honey Gregg and Cecilia McLarty. She will be missed by her nephews John (Margaret) Vanneste, Nor- .«man (Linda) Vanneste, Orville (Connie) Vanneste and her nieces Emilie Paulger, Yvonne (John) Burant, Carole (Mark) Silliker, Mary Ellen Murray, Karen (Al) MacPhee, Pat Zinke, as well as many great nieces and nephews. Helena worked at St. Michael's Hospital for 38 years, as a floor nurse, then as a head nurse and finally as a supervisor. In 1947 she married Bob, they lived together in Toronto and subsequently moved to the country near Guelph. The Funeral Mass was celebrated at St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Church, Weyburn, Sas- katchewan on March 28", 2005 at two o'clock.Friends are invited to gather at the MacKinnon Fam- ily Funeral Home "Shoemaker Chapel" at 12.30 p.m. on Friday, May 13", 2005 at which time we will proceed to Eden Mills Cem- etery, Eden Mills for the spring interment. Remembrances to the Canadian Cancer Society would -gebe appreciated by the family. ~-- MacKinnon Family Funeral Home "Shoemaker Chapel" 853-0350 or 1-877-421-9860 (toll free) TITUS: William "Bill" Kenneth Suddenly at home on Thursday, May Sth, 2005. Bill was the @sleving husband of Norma, and a devoted father to Wendy and Wanda. He will be sadly missed by his grandchildren: Keith and Mitchell Holmes. Bill is survived by his sister Connie Wolanczyk and was predeceased by his twin brother Bob-(1997) and his sister Donna (1960). The family received friends at the MacKinnon Family Funeral Home 55 Mill Street East, Acton, Ontario on Saturday from 1:00 p.m. until the funeral ser- vice which was conducted in the "Shoemaker Chapel" by the Rev. Pieter van Harten at two o'clock. Remembrances to the Heart and Stroke Foundation would be ap- preciated by the family. MacKinnon Family Funeral Home "Shoemaker Chapel" 853-0350 UKs) al LaOLon Norma Robinson. We wish to express a heartfelt thank you to all who provided help and support during Norma's illness. To our neighbours and friends, doctors and nurses at Guelph General and Milton Dis- trict hospital. Thanks to the donors to cancer and the Bob McKinnon Family Funeral Home. Lloyd "Ab" Robinson and family COMING EVE TUESDAYS - MAY 3, 10, 17 Buddhism for Real People - a 3 part series on "Modern Buddhi at the Halton Hills Cultural Centre, 9 Church Street Georgetown - 7:30pm - 9pm - Ad- mission FREE May 3 - "Creating your own Happiness, no matter what." May 10 - "How to Change your Destiny." May 17 - "We are all connected." Presented by SGI Canada (Soka Gakkai International - Canada) Info - 905-877-1513 or 905-864-9411 or victoriaks@yahoo.com "®) YARD SALE. % mile south of Kingham Rd. : Fins es = aturday, May re as Tools, furniture, household items -- lots of kids stuff. GARAGE SALE 230 Mason 8-12, Saturday, May 14 Acton Aqua Ducks GARAGE SALE Multiple Families May 14", 2005 8a.m. -- 1p.m. #5524, Hwy #7 (Old Bedrock Nursery), west of Acton. Support Acton 's swim club Cookie sale, Coffee, Freezies, Lemonade. GARAGE SALE 75 Churchill Rd. N. Saturday 14" Rain date Sunday, May 15% 8a.m. -- 12 noon Lots of great stuff! YARD SALE Saturday, May 14. 24 & 26 Birchway PI. 8-1:00p.m. Household items, toys and lots more. ALTERATIONS) ALTERATIONS and repairs. All types of clothing. Call Tara at (519) 829-0016." 4 Blue Springs Funeral Home Where friends gather to divide your sorrow, multiply your joy, add to your strength and subtract from your burden. Ian Pasmore, 12 Church St. E., Acton 853-2399 www.bluespringsfuneralhome.com G The New Tanner Classifieds cost just $7 (plus GST) for 15 words and 25¢ (plus GST) for each additional word. Prepayment is required. Classified deadline is Tuesday at noon. Call 853-0051 for details or send an email to thenewtanner@on.aibn.com VISA as DISPOSAL CONTAINER SER- VICE: Ideal for renovations, shingles, house, garage & yard clean-up, dirt. Gravel delivery. Driveway friendly. Roll-off truck goes where larger trucks shouldn't. WESTERVELD CONTRACTING LD. 519-853-3332, 905-702-2339, toll free 1-877-633-6259 TFN) eS ee BOBCAT SERVICE: Driveways, grading, tree planting, berms, excavation dod teenentag work, post holes, rock placement and andscape. Marcel, Checkered Flag Industries. 519-856-4766 (tin) LAWN MAINTENANCE, Resi- dential & Commercial, Cutting Trimming Clean-up, Aeration, Fertilization. Seniors Discount. 519-853-8769 cell 905-876-6894 Dan. (20) BARS -- custom built home bars at reasonable prices. Free estimates. (519) 856-0829 FOR SALE || MATCHING SET side by side fridge, dishwasher, standard size stove. All working condition. $350. (905) 877-0300. (2 ATTENTION SEWERS. Rolls of various materials. (519) 853- SOL] 2 KEYBOARD Hammond Organ with bench. Needs tuning. As is. Best offer. Antiques, clothes and craft items. Off Tanner Drive. 67 Beardmore Cres. 1-519-853- 962 1 (20) CARE BEFORE/AFTER School /Af- ternoons. St. Joseph/Robert Little area. Call Dianna 853-4415 PERSONAL || SENIOR MALE heavy weight would like to meet a lady for discreet encounter, day time. If interested contact: P.O. Box 282, Norval Ont. LOP 1K0.") SPARKY'S DOG BOARDING, $12 per day, includes daily walks. Liz 519-853-1086.2") SOIL FOR DELIVERY or pick-up. Triple mix, soil, mulches, gravel, manure. Tuitmans Garden Centre. Hwy 25. 1.5 mile south of Acton. 519-853-2480°T™ eee eS FOR SALE: Top soil, gravel, manure, fill and sand. (519) 853- 2449, 23 EOW) NEW 2 BEDROOM bungalow with loft in Acton, 4 appliances, water softner, central air, no pets, no smoking. $1250 plus first & last. References. 905-599-1640 «gy SUN | Accomodation), SHARED accommodations in country, on occasion will be re- quired to take care of pets, handy- person who is a non-smoker, horse rider preferred. Please respond to quahilli@hotmail.com. 1993 PONTIAC SUNBIRD 2 door, 4 cyl auto 145,000kms. Re- cent timing belt and water pump. Certified and e-tested, $1750. (519) 853-9421 ..20 fs "Your Our Hostess will bring gifts and greetings, along with helpful information about your new community. ete i, SINCE 1920 uD Call Betty Ann 853-1944 Gilbert MacIntyre & Son Funeral Home 117 GUELPH STREET ROCKWOOD, ONTARIO 856-1100 HEALTH Pp apnea? Come see our selection of masks, mask cleaners, filter replacements, and our new hose covers. Young's Pharmacy & Homecare 47 Main St. S. George- town, On. 905-873-4021") WALKERS- Our Rollator Wheeled Walkers are on sale NOW! Ask us about government funding, Call Heather at Youngs Pharmacy & Home Care George- town. 905-873-402 1"* 31382 WANTED [.) RadioShack| RadioShack PART-TIME SALES PERSON REQUIRED. Knowledge of electronics and/or computers an asset. Applications being accepted in person at: Radio Shack Acton 373 Queen Street, East. 853-0558 Place your GARAGE SALE ad in The New Tanner Only $18 * call 853-0051 for details SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS WANTED. No Licence? We provide training. Tyler Transport 379 Queen St. E. Acton or call 519-853-1550 PART TIME person required for general household duties. (519) 853-5317.) AZ DRIVER & dozer operator required. Contact Sandi or Greg (519) 853-2515, 7) MacKinnon Family Funeral Home "Shoemaker Chapel" Acton Family Owned by Margaret and Bob MacKinnon 55 Mill Street East (519) 853-0350