4 THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005, Continued from page 1 you did." ter the moving ceremony. veterans. TRIBUTES:Students place candles at the cenotaph on Thursday evening to mark the 60th anniversary of VE Day. -Frances Niblock photo. was thinking, "thank you for all you did, and that we are safe now for what "My grandfather is a veteran and my dad talks about it (the war) a lot so I wanted to come here and say thanks for making the world safe," Waldie said af- Acton resident Rosanne Rollins said she attended the ceremony with her husband and two children to show respect for the "We came here to thank them for everything that they've done and for the peace that we all experi- ence today. We wouldn't have it without them," Rol- lins said. She wants her children to know that people fought and died so others could live in freedom. "Some people today, they don't remember. It wasn't in their time, so... I think it's something that we have to keep in our history and we have to always remem- ber." Legion Branch 197 member James Milne of Rockwood, who served with the Ist Brigade, Tank Corp in Italy, said it seemed Hundreds mark VE Day... that for decades students were not taught about the war in school, but recently there is a renewed inter- est. "The vets visit schools on a regular basis and talk about their experiences and bring the war years to life. Not just the gore and hor- ror, but what it was like to be a teenager far away from home, fighting for your life,' Milne said, lament- ing that there are only 31 surviving WW II veterans left in Branch 197. "The students are the ones that are going to have to remember when you and I are gone." ~~ Help Support = : Great Acton Rotary' ' ay aoe Sed ' 4 DAYS ONLY : : In- Store Zy Band Shell z, Savings tt Aisa ye . Paint Sale Thursday -Sunday pd *Charity BBQ Sunday, May 15 12-4pm Proceeds go to Acton Rotary' Prospect Park Bandshell a *Draw " *Giveaways @ PARA "e PARA @ PARA @ PARA FATS Ts PATN TS pare t 8 130 Mill St. E., ACTON © Next to We [Po.ce/Fire REPORT Money missing An unknown quantity of cash was stolen from two game machines at Manny's Roadhouse between April 15 and May 3. The owner, Johnnie's Jukebox of Toronto called Halton police on May 4 to report the money boxes on two machines had been pried open and a small amount of money was missing. Equipment theft An unknown quantity of baseball equipment was stolen from a storage shed in the batting cage in Prospect Park. Between April 29 and May 1, someone cut three padlocks to get to the equipment owned by the Acton Minor Ball Asso- ciation. Window smashed A loud crash that made a Brown's Crescent hom- eowner jump out of bed at 10:15.p.m. on May | was an upstairs window be- ing smashed by a bottle. Damage was $150. Pot bust A 23-year-old Acton man was charged with drug possession after po- lice stopped his car on May | at 2:07 p.m. at Church Street and Willow Street. Police smelled freshly burned marijuana and arrested the man; a sub- sequent search found five grams of marijuana. False alarm Smoke from a match activated the fire alarm at an Elgin Street resi- dence at 5:33 on Sunday afternoon. The alarm was reset without incident. CO ambulance alarm Acton firefighters raced next door to the ambu- lance station on Churchill Road to respond to carbon monoxide alarm activa- tion at 7:17 p.m. last Thursday. Crews found no levels of the deadly gas in the building and advised that the detector be checked. CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Dave de Melo D.C. Deanna Wilson B.Sc. D.Ch. Foot Specialist Naomi Bedell R.M.T. Registered Massage Therapy + New Patients Welco 25 Main Street North, Acton : Across from Giant Tiger Plaza (519) 853-3460 Serving Acton, Georgetown, Rockwood & Guelph EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE