THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2005 Miayor's Corner By Rick Bonnette On behalf of Council, it gave me great pleasure to announce the acquisition of 25 acres of land in Acton for recreational purposes. These lands are located adjacent to the Acton Com- munity Centre. The acquisition of this parkland offers benefits to support a healthy lifestyle within our community. This investment, and Town endeavour, is significant for Halton Hills. The overall parcel of land will provide opportu- nities for trail and open space linkages to Town owned open space and the Acton District High School lands. The Honeyfield subdivision will offer other outdoor recreational uses. As there is a need to increase soccer pitches in our commu- nity, it is a given that soccer will be a use on the lands. The Town will be seeking public consultation for input into the use of the 25 acres. One last note, it was really refreshing to see all the smiles and enthusiasm of the young soccer players at the official signing ceremony for the lands. Seeing their radiant, smiling faces makes this part of the job worthwhile. * * * O* Mark your calendars for the Halton Hills Chamber of Com- merce B.I.G. Show (Premiere Business, Life Style, and Leisure Show) on June 3, 4, and 5 at the Mold-Masters SportsPlex. The show will have in excess of 60 booths featuring consumer products and services. The B.I.G. Show is an opportunity for the citizens of Halton Hills to support our local businesses, meet friends, and enjoy this exciting event. For more information contact the Halton Hills Chamber of Commerce at 905-877- 7119, or * * * * I hope everyone has noticed the lovely banners hanging in downtown Acton and Georgetown. Our Legions have placed them there to remind us that 2005 is the "Year of the Veteran". Speaking of which, we are still disgusted with the acts of van- dalism at Remembrance Park a few weeks back. The Town has posted a $1,000 reward to anyone having information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of these low-life individuals. Many thanks to a local restaurant for offering an additional $100, and to Crime Stoppers for allocating funds as well. * * * * Council welcomes the following new businesses: Trafalgar Road South - Agram Meats; Acton - Inside Edge Pro Sports. xe * * The Town recently held a "Thank You Raiders Rally" at the Mold-Masters SportsPlex. Halton Hills is very proud of what this hockey team has accomplished. All 26 team members were on hand to meet and greet everyone. This speaks volumes of the connection this team has with its fans. Special thanks to Topper's Pizza and Coke for their contributions to this event. * Ok * * Keeping it real! I can be reached by telephone at 905-873- 2601, ext. 2342, or by e-mail at Pouce /FIRE REPORT) Sleep it off A 41-year-old Acton man who police found passed out on the THE NEW TANNER Concern over blood clinic appointments By FRANCES NIBLOCK The New Tanner Acton blood donor clin- ic chair Julia Roehrig hopes the June 9 clinic at the Legion runs like clockwork. A new mandatory ap- pointment system has already cost her several blood donors, so this clin- ic will determine if a big city solution to long waits will hurt small community clinics where giving blood is often a chance to catch up with friends, to social- ize and chat. Asked about the man- datory appointment rule Roehrig said, "It's not going to please everybody, obviously. It's the big government machine, which is a little frustrating in small town Acton." Four years ago, when long waits to give blood at some large city clinics ° caused donations to drop, Canadian Blood Servic- es officials instituted a voluntary appointment system. Although the system al- lowed officials to reduce waiting times and better predict blood inventory levels for hospitals book- ing elective surgeries, it didn't work because donors who made appoint- ments were upset that walk-ins were put in front of them. Appointments are now mandatory, and some people are very unhappy, including an unidentified Acton man who would have made his 100th blood donation at the June 9 clinic, but for the new policy. "He said, 'Well, I'm not coming back.' I was almost in tears," Roehrig said last Friday, adding the man told her he didn't want to "play the game your way, and I won't be back." : Roehrig said that sen- timent was echoed by several others. "I've known these peo- ple forever, so that's really . sad, and I wish I could make it better for them, but that's the way the game is going to have to be now," she said, said, adding no one was sent away from the April 1 clinic, but some people refused to make an appointment and donate blood. Because the clinic wasn't fully booked, ap- pointments were offered to those who hadn't made one. ~ Roehrig said the veteran donor who said he wouldn't be back, couldn't guaran- LOOK FOR YOUR HOME HARDWARE FLYER IN TODAY'S ISSUE! 519-853-1730 Acton Home Hardware tee a booking because of donors, but that number his work schedule. She noted that he was able to give blood at that clinic night, and is con- fident Canadian Blood Services can accommo- date everyone who wishes to give blood. Caryna Wielding, the Canadian Blood Services Acton area clinic recruit- ment co-ordinator said while there was some negative reaction to the mandatory appointment system they "actually did receive a lot of positive feedback as well." "We really hope the people of Acton continue Continued on page 16 Chiropodist ~ / Foot Specialist DEANNA WILSON B.S¢.,0.Ch. Thompson Wellness Centre 15 Main Street North Acton, Ontario 17) 1V9 519-853-3460 - Foot/Nail Care to support the blood donor clinic...we certainly ap- preciate any donor taking + Sports Injuries the time sen . their - + Pediatrics to come and donate an o we really feel that they are é Diabet / Athi everyday heroes," Wild- Foot Conditioning ing said. i Roehrig said when she oe began volunteering 10 years ago, Acton clinics consistently drew 100 = Join us this Saturday for™ Angela Hunt & James MacDonald's Stag & Doe Saturday, May ros 7:30pm Acton | egion 15 Wright Ave $15 at ihe door Games, Prizes, Music by Steve Dunn's Music Machine Questions call bs, 8545-18394 + Home visits F sidewalk at Main and Mill Street at 1:45 a.m. on Sunday was ar- rested for his own protection and taken to the police station. _ He was charged with public intoxication and released in the morning. pr te T\E [E(S|T |R[A|Il |N| What'does a physiotherapist at EPA treat? An unsuccessful thief caused $27 damage to a change ma- FIX IE RIC 7 Is lE IR - SET RRERATN chine at Acton Coin Wash on Main Street South between 5 and INTE TL Alwic it t NIM This is the most common joint treated at EPA. We have specialized programs to 10 p.m. on May 18. - See | ee address the shoulder. Get back to pain free reaching, throwing and overhead > D|S. [IN |N{O |T [C/A [R | activity! iThe Friends of;the Halton Hills Public Library Presents,the OZ x K | K {|S |A/|B 2 LOW BACK PAIN N/G |O |L |F {J |U|R |[R | Did you know that physiotherapists have proven that through specific exercises we 5 Q | U|IE/E IN |OJE E can reduce the number of reoccurring episodes of low back pain? Tat Nei eRe EE} O-D | D.| C SPORTS INJURIES ELE E --Y> DE YX EN Did you know that there are exercise programs that have been proven to reduce i 5 = | knee ligament injuries? We have developed specific programs for soccer and [S_ { A|CjL|U | O (DE (A | basketball based on the latest research? eae ers oe WOMENS HEALTH E|P |H |D|M([N |E|(N Ee Our OSTEOPOROSIS program is in its seventh year. Learn exercises to AlS |O |C!C JE |R |X {S§ | increase your bone mineral density. P|O |O|L|K IC V|WIA After your summer babies, learn exercises to regain your CORE STABILITY and J/U |M/P{C [K [E {T |{E | avoid chronic low back and pelvic pain problems. G/G|U|J |A |A (X(T |R BREAST CANCER PROGRAM-specific exercises and manual therapy to regain E/|L |L |A|B [E {S [A [B } mobility and strength. All about us Word Search: # | Soccer Sprain Shoulder Jump 0 = ACL Ankle Tendonitis Acton ot * hoe, . Breast Cancer Back Strain Neck 2 Golf Baseball Knee Exercise EpA 7 ACTON : 853-9292 'Saturday June 18 9am-3pm Cee DRAW WILL BE HELD JUNE 1°" ,2005 - drop off entries at the clinic: 372 Queen Street, Acton (Sobeys Plaza) lr Books for alllaves }BareaingyGalore!