THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2005 THE NEW TANNER 5. Product of Ontario | 80z. Pkg. 227g RG ICEL STATIN ie ros We Serve. You Save. vey Wee = oor Peaches & Nectarines Product of USA Nio 1 grade 2.18kg ae j - Value Pack : Atlantic Lobster (__ she} i : 5 Boneless Top 0 ) S)S) tails A pe 4 Sirloin Grilling Frozen i Steak ) Minimum 140g i 23 Cut from Canada AA or Higher, 8.80kg Pe, ernie aM] Maxwell House e iG Instant Coffee % és . ~ 150- 200g Cheese bars ¥S 600g ( Old Cheddar- $549) -- Garlic, Frozen, 907g TS BE AN ANGEL! \ | > 91 ea 1 Boneless Chicken € : be: b = ; L ; Breasts Viet 5] : -- ae i ee tb » SeasonedorHoney ' : * ' a S se ciel Dempster's Deluxe Schneiders : Schneiders Beef Steakettes ese eusbericst Help find a cure for Frozen j|amburger Buns Sausages g 454g ee Frozen, 5603 Spinal Muscular Atrophy By purchasing wings for $2 you receive a chance to win an amazing Prize packages valued at more than $250.00. The draw will be made on June eitha spelt te Thank you for your support! sons sen Deli Salads Ruffles Potato Canadiana Potato, Neilson, Sealtest or Chips yy 5 00 Macaroni & Cheese, Beatrice Chilled 290-300g or Chee-tos Coleslaw Primavera & Lemonade or Iced Tea Snakes, 230-310g Chipotle Potato, .88/100g 1.89-2L Canner Lobsters 2 for $1 0 Frozen, Cooked. While quantities last. AVAILABLE AT ACTON SOBEYS ONLY! SALE PRICES IN EFFECT FROM SATURDAY JUNE 18 TO FRIDAY JUNE 24, 2005 Acton Market Remember At Acton's Sobeys, We Are Always Place:Piaza "READY TO SERVE 372 Queen St. E. ae : ; 853-1960 We' ve got it or you get it Open 24 hours FREE* guaranteed. (except Holidays) No one else does this for yo 22 "VISA ic *see store for details EES 2 Bill Graham & Elizabeth Green Franchisees, Sobeys Acton