THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2005 THE NEW TANNER 9 ' ANIATION CHALLENGE RIGHT STUFF: Acton resident, Georgetown teacher John Shewfelt received the special honour of being named Astro- naut with the Right Stuff during Honeywell's Educators in Space Academy camp in Huntsville, Alabama last month. Shewfelt was one of 144 teachers from 17 countries who earned scholarships to the space camp. He received his award from U.S. Space and Rocket Centre CEO Larry Capps. -- Submitted photo Rien stuff....... Continued from page 8 advanced space camp. During the coming school year, each of the 15 teach- ers will have their classes work on a project to set up a community on Mars. Each class will work on a different aspect and, communicating by e-mail, they will build each section. "Ideally what would hap- pen, we would put this idea forward to Honeywell, and if our group could get picked again it would be great press for them for us to come back next year with all the parts for a community on Mars to put together," Shewfelt said, adding regardless if they get picked or not, the project will go ahead. Shewfelt said the highlight of the week was the avia- tion challenge that involved survival training inside a complex. He said after several days in the classroom, he was ready for some physical stuff, and he got it, first having to escape from a helicopter, attached to an arm, that ditched in the water. "The other one -- they put LET US WELCOME YOU! Vu, a ve Our Hostess will bring gifts and greetings, along with helpful information about your new community. ~Wetone igo. SINCE 1920 Call Betty Ann 853-1944 you in a special harness that the fighter pilots wear and you go up a four-storey scaffold. They've got a zip line and it simulates you ejecting from a jet -- taking you down back- wards, which was actually a lot of fun," Shewfelt said, adding he bought an Aviation Challenge patch to prove he'd done it, and survived. Shewfelt said Honeywell treated them extremely well while they were there, provid- ing each with a flight suit and a CD copy of every seminar, presentation and unit they were taught all week long. Shewfelt said besides shar- ing the information he learned at space camp with his stu- dents and school, hed like to speak to community groups, like Scouts and Guides and seniors, or anyone else inter- ested in space. He can be reached at 519- 853-3413. Acton bucks needle exchange trend Acton is bucking a region- al trend when it comes to the Regional needle exchange program statistics. Although Halton's needle exchange program saw a substantial increase, for the third year in a row, in the number of needles turned in and handed out, and in client contacts last year, the num- bers are down in Acton. The goal of the needle exchange program is to de- crease the spread of HIV and other blood-borne disease such as hepatitis B and C among injection drug users. Needles can be exchanged and counselling services received at sexual health clinics in Acton, George- town, Burlington and Milton, and staff operate a mobile _ outreach service four nights a week through the Region. Last year, 310 clients turned in 26,622 used nee- dles and 37,962 new needles were distributed, 60 per cent for injecting drugs like hor- mones and anabolic steroids and 40 per cent for intrave- nous injection of drugs such as heroin and cocaine. As well, staff provided advice, information and counselling on an additional 135 occasions, bring to the total number of individual client contacts to 445. In Acton, there were 31 client contacts, down from 46 in 2003. In 2002, there were three client contacts in Acton. Salvage yard meeting The Town will not hold another public meeting on its new salvage yard bylaw to consider allowing extend- ing the operating hours of salvage yards by two hours, until 6 p.m. on Saturdays from September to May, as suggested by Regional Wards 3/4 Councillor Jane Fogal. At council on Monday, __ NOW HIRING Part-time schowl route drivers for September 2005. Openings for full and mini sized buses as well as mini-vans. No problem. FREE JOB TRAINING *|DEAL JOB FOR -stay-at-home mom's, -home based business owners -early retirees * all vehicles automatic transmission * bonuS incentives * summer and school holidays off * paid safety meetings * buses with driver comfort features Please call Angela at Tyler Transport 519-853-1550 for more information. Or apply to 379 Queen Street, East Acton, Ontario ats 'Lown Digest councillors rejected Fogal's Notice of Motion to ask for public comment on the hour change -- most said it's been too much. work to come up with the existing compro- mise bylaw, described by one salvage yard owner as "as workable but not likeable" to open it up all over again. The hours of operation were a major issue of conten- tion between the owners and the public, along with new environmental requirements and tough noise restrictions. RK During earlier discussion on the salvage yard bylaw, Fogal pointed out another possible reason for a public meeting -- to explain and fix a typographical error that significantly changes where a salvage yard owner must locate mandatory fences around their properties. Noting that the devil is in the detail, Fogal said that a typo put the word "of" in- stead of "or" in the bylaw, and that would make a big difference to people living beside a salvage yard. "The implication from how it was transposed was that there was going to be an eight-metre setback from every property line...but that wasn't the intent, it was eight-metres back from the road property line, so people maybe are misled," Fogal said. Too much bureaucracy? By a 6-5 vote, Acton Councillor Mike O' Leary lost another bid to cut bu- reaucracy by reducing the number of retail businesses that require licences from the Town to operate. ; O'Leary suggested that 17 stores -- including con- venience stores, pet stores that don't sell pets, specialty food stores and full service gas stations -- should not be required to obtain a licence. Earlier, O'Léary noted that the larger Town of Mil-. ton licenses 210. businesses" while Halton Hills licenses 1,900, many that are already licensed by the Region or province. "We're just getting into more and more licences and bureaucracies for a group of retail stores that I don't believe need it, and certainly, if | can speak for them, don't want it," O' Leary said. The new revised licence bylaw cuts the number of licence classifications tol2_ from 47, and business own- ers no longer require multiple licences for one business. Fox anniversary marked One of the organizers of Acton's highly successful Continued on page 10 Losing your grip? Take this test: Are your dentures........ OLeose? OCracked or worn? Oim your pocket? OMissing teeth? OMaking your gums ' sore? If you answered "yes " to any of these give us a call! 430 Mill St. E., Unit 103 Acton, ON L7J 1J1 Telephone: (519) 853-0079 Fax: (519) 853-1134 REQUEST FOR PROPOSA Bid documents for the services listed below, addressed to the Manager of Purchasing, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON L6M 3L1 will be received until 2:00 p.m. Oakville time on the specified closing date. Bid documents can be seen or obtained through the Purchasing Division of the Corporate Services Department, same address as above, telephone 905-825-6000, extension 7011. If long distance charges apply, dial toll free 4-866-4HALTON (1-866-442- 5866). Documents will be available for pick up on and after Thursday, July 14, 2005. There is a non-refundable deposit of $26.75 (includes GST). Bidders who request documents to be shipped from the Purchasing Department must include a handling fee of $10.70 (includes GST) for this service. Under no circumstances will facsimile or late bids be accepted or considered. Lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. Halton Region relies on this advertisement to provide public notice of this business opportunity and is not obligated to notify any potential bidders in any other manner. E. Algar Chief of Police = P-026-05 __"__ REQUEST FOR PROPOS. _. POLICE TOWING AND STORAGE SERVICES CLOSING DATE: THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005 AL FOR A. Mindenhall, CPPO Manager of Purchasing Services Halton Regional Police Services beer esl ett Peer: eal it ore be ich fea Tee ee bert Cee ome mR athlete > 905-825-6000 Toll free al ge able aw aN ac MiG ehirtui risa!