THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2005 POWER launches youth project with $176,000 Trillium grant Protect Our Water and Environmental Resources (POWER) has received a $176,000 grant from the provincial Trillium Founda- tion. The funds will be made available over 30 months to support POWER's Engaging Youth in the Environment for Sustainability (EYES) project and to assist with the cost of hiring a part-time coordinator for the long-time Halton Hills organization. POWER is a not-for-profit community organization formed by residents of Halton Hills in 1987 in response to a proposal by a private com- pany to turn the Acton Quarry into a garbage dump. POW- ER worked for eight years with the Town of Halton Hills and the Region to protect Escarpment groundwater. Through this collaboration, landfill sites were removed as a use, and dumps were banned, across the Niagara Escarpment. Since 1998, POWER has been moving part of its man- date towards being proactive in the community around ecological issues. The Trillium funding will also build the capacity of POWER to hire a half-time person to help with the orga- nization's growing portfolio and membership. A search for 2005 SORENTO SUV THE FASTEST GROWING AUTOMAKER IN THE WORLD 2005 SEDONA the person is now underway. er MORE a 2006 Rio and Rio5 Best-in-class power, room and fun! All packed with standard features including: + Class eating 110 hp advanced fuel-fcent CWT engine + More space than any vehicle nits dass + Dual airbags + 4 speaker CD stereo with MPS player * Total Care Ownership Coverage ., Looking for more? Upgrade to the Convenience package: + Airconditioning « Keyless entry + Front heated seats + Power windows & locks + Heated power mirors a -- ma The Parents wn a08 S77.7018 A eleven oe POWER is now working to broaden its strategy to en- gage the broader community in sustainability and will be seeking funding to do this. "We have had discussions with a few funding agencies and are very encouraged by their response," said Adams. Since 2000, POWER has ac- cessed more than $200,000 in grants for community in- volvement in environmental restoration and education. Five bands in ) Santa's parade Five bands will help welcome Santa Claus to Acton on Saturday, Novem- ber 29 -- a scant nine days away- parade chairman Bill Spielvogel told The New Tanner this week. As.well as the Acton Citizens' Band, the Dutch Boys' Drum and Bugle Corps; the Georgetown Pipe Band, the Ajax Band and 197 Typhoon Squadron will participate tin the pa- rade which starts from the McKenzie-Smith Bennett middle school on Acton Blvd. at lpm Mr. Spielvogel urges ev- eryone who is entering a float in the parade to contact him immediately. As of Monday of this week only one school had signified they were entering a float. Usually all schools enter. Postal workers/letter car- riers will again be collecting letters to Santa Claus along the parade route. The ad- dress is North Pole HOH NEW MEMBERS TEA: Carmen and Victor Bissonnette enjoy a chat with sel and Mary Walsma at the New Members Tea at the Acton Seniors Centre recently. ida Tres- Although Carmen only joined last winter she can often be found at the front desk, and is also on the public relations committee. She and Victor joined the Centre originally to enjoy hiking with the group on Fridays. -- Julie Conroy photo oo "Yio, a Y Recreation Centre ACTON SENIORS' RECREATION CENTRE By JULIE CONROY The Games/Fun night at the Centre last week was a resounding success. Marg Dodgson and Pat Frizzell served finger food and as- sorted goodies. The Pharaoh (Wayne Stewart) kept an overall eye on things, and made sure everything ran smoothly; many people got into the spirit of the thing and dressed in costume. There were a lot of people helping make it a success, especially Barry Critch, Jeff Hoerig, Jay MacFarlane and Bob Ryder (who got their arms twisted to help by neighbour Louise Marjerisson) so thank you everyone. The 50/50 draw was won by Vera Reilly, one of the players who travelled from Milton to enjoy the evening. Don't forget the evening x z Acton Registration for Fall Proud member of the Canadian Jiu Jitsu Association® Now Accepting -- Programmes (519)853-2424 5A MILL STREET, E. ACTON E-mail: Jiu-Jitsu Wee er al THOMPSON CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Dave de Melo D.C. Deanna Wilson B.Sc., D.Ch. Foot Specialist Naomi Bedell R.M.T. Registered Massage Therapy * Safe, Gentle Chiropractic Care * Computer Generated Spinal Analysis * Emergencies & Workers Comp Accepted * New Patients Welcome 25 Main Street North, Acton Across from Giant Tiger Plaza (519) 853-3460 Serving Acton, Georgetown, Rockwood & Guelph LP eNTSTy Ta corte oe EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE euchre on Wednesday, No- vember 16 at 7:15p.m. It is held every month at the Centre and everyone has a great time playing euchre. The price includes a light lunch. The next major event planned at the Seniors Cen- tre on Thursday, November 17 at 6p.m. is the November dinner. It will feature three different types of stew, (back by popular demand) plus a variety of breads and bis- cuits, followed by pumpkin or lemon pie. Tickets are on sale at the moment. You don't have to be a member to enjoy this event. Our own Melody Makers will be providing the entertainment. Tuesday, November 22 at Ip.m. is the Christmas tree decorating. CSme out and help decorate, enjoy a cup of tea and cookie, and maybe make a new friend, or meet an old acquaintance. The Acton Seniors Centre is planning to have a float in the Acton Santa Claus Parade on November 19. The theme is an old fashioned Christmas, and there are lots of great ideas floating around at the moment. Don't forget: the annual Christmas tea and bazaar on November 26 from |la.m.- 2p.m we are still looking for hand crafted items, and the Country Store Table is looking for new items worth at least $2. (Pat tells me she will look after wrapping them this year.) You can drop off crafts, items for Granny's Attic, or the Coun- try Store any time before the LASER HAIR REMOVAL bazaar. If you aren't the crafty type, there is a list at the front desk of items needed for the Tea, so take a look and sign up for something. Betty Green asked me to mention the trip to Lindsay to see the "Living Christmas Tree" on Monday, December 5. Everyone who went last year raved about it, astonished at how they managed to ar- range the choir (with some of them 30 feet above the main floor) in the ae ofa Christmas tree. Thinking of Christmas, if you have any spare Canadian Tire money Elinor Wagner Dodds and her committee can put it to good use, She will be looking after the hampers for two needy families again this year on behalf of the Acton Seniors Centre. Eileen Dix phoned to let me know the Brown team beat the Black team 11-5 at Carpet Bowling last week. The Brown team were laughing and cheering after so many losses to the Black team. Seven players were out. (It must have been my rooting for them last week). Eileen also told me the hike last Friday was to Hilton Falls and they walked for two hours. She said they had a gorgeous walk. The weather was per- fect, and the views from the waterfall and the colour of the leaves were incredible. | guess they chose the perfect week as after all the wind this weekend the leaves will all be down. There was no winner this week in the weekly 50/50 ara Tired of Shaving, Waxing, Tweezing? + Affordable + Safe » Gentle * Permanent Hair Reduction For Him: chest, back, shoulders etc. For Her: bikini, facial, underarms etc. | CVO =errs + Call for a free consultation + Certified Electrologist & Laser Technician + Over 6 years Experience Bare Image Electrolysis & Laser Inc. 50 Main St. South Georgetown 905-873-6388 Eee eee eee here cl eerie