THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2005 @ 24 Hour Service * Flatbed Service ¢ Lockout Service * Boosting & Gas 853-5848 CONSTABLE GEORGE'S CORNER With Village Think Tank Computers 14 Main Street South Highways 7 & 25, Acton "T= Computer Sales » Repairs + Virus Removal - Upgrades + Internet + Web Site ~ Design & Hosting + Custom Programming { (519) 853-1528 www. thetank. biz Constable Garry George BABYSITTING I am often asked to give an age when a child can act as a babysitter. My answer is "there is no specific bY AE eat fresh: Fast, friendly lunch! Come join us! - [Ph: 853-553.1--Fax:. 853-5366 age." : A decisions to allow a babysit- ter to care for your child is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. This is true whether it's one sibling looking after another or a neighbourhood boy or girl coming into you home. As.a parent it's your job to make Garage Door Works ia Free Estimates Sales, Service & Installation Residential, Commercial Overhead Doors & Openers} (619) 856-9955 Toll Free (877) 856-9955 PAPILLON'S 2-18L Bottles -- for new customers 11 Main St. S.A (tel) 519-853-8041 1-866-870-4044 eS enquires to ensure the babysitter is a competent, trustworthy and respon- sible individual. We all know 12 or 13 years old girls and boys who demonstrate far more maturity and commonsense than some 19 and 20 year olds. It's up to you, the parent, to de- cide who can babysit your child. T would suggest that you speak to other parents, and ask them who provides the best babysitting care for their child. Don't be afraid to ask for ref- erences and be sure to interview the prospective babysitter before the required date. Ensure the babysitter knows their NELLIS CONSTRUCTION LIMITED ROAD BUILDING EARTH MOVING R:R. #1 Acton 853-0960 responsibilities, and leave informa- tion to assist the babysitter in the event something happens. You want to be able to leave home and not worry, too much, about your children. The time and prepa- ration you invest in seeking out the very best babysitter for you child, will be well worth the effort. Next Community ss Window Cleaning Windows + Siding Wash + Clean Out Eaves + Free Estimates *Reasonable Rates *Fully Insured 21 Years Professional Experience Call Bruce Harding 519-853-3335 Acton week I will provide some suggestions to assist both the parent and babysit- ter so everyone can enjoy a relaxing evening. PS. Now is none to soon to be arranging for a competent babysit- ter for the Christmas and New Year Season. PLUMBING CONTRACTING BURKE'S Plumbing Heating Air Conditioning Home Renovations/Repairs Decorating Call Don Burke 519-853-3231 Cell 647-298-5197 S INTERIORS Residential / Industrial / Commercial] Ox.FORD Skills for Success, Lessons for Life! Georgetown 905-877-3163 Guelph 519-826-5365 R&R Garage Doors ¢ Electric Openers * Windows * Entrance Doors * Storm Doors ¢ Patio Doors SALES, SERVICE & INSTALLATION 519-853-2114 54 Mill St. E 853-2502 DOLLIVER SURVEYING INC Land Information Services fet . ad web: E-mail: Braida L Henry BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS Serving the Community for over 50 Years 67 Mill Street East Acton 853-1160 ACTON OPTICAL . aa service from your local independent optician * Enter to win a PVD "sane Are PTT 5133 cue ea reet North, A im THE GIANT TIGER PLAZA JETLINK AIRPORT SERVICE A division of Tyler Transport Lid. CALL TO RESERVE (519) 853-1550 or toll free 1-800-73TYLER BEATON ROOFING SERVING ACTON FoR 20 YEARS + Flat Roofs * Skylights + Asphalt Shingles (519) 856-9784 Advertise in Constable Georges Corner for $ 1 5 GSD) ner week! Call Marie 853-0051 MCNABB GRAPHICS inal Bund Pay Se PHONE: al Dad Pa So MW (House League Hockey) TYKE Acton Carquest -- 7 Eramosa Physiotherapy -- 4 Carquest goals: Marshall Harkins (3), Glen Fredricks, Ian Early, Hunter Rushlow (2). As- sists; Rushlow, Nicholas Percy, Early (2), Talon Fife, Sean Ca- tuso (2) Zachary Snow, Thomas Vlahos, Fredrick. Eramosa goals: Tyler Carisse (3), Austin Shelhome. Assists: Cameron Shoebridge (3), Melora An- drews, Dylan Vermeulen, Owen Ferguson. EK Jescan Power -- 13 Inside Edge Sports -- 4 Jescan goals: Kristopher Imoff (6), Garrett MacMil- lian (3), Carter Kavaner (3), James Bursa. Assists: MacMil- lian (4), Ian David Davies (2), Jake Case, Connor Fagan (2), Bursa, Jacob Dawkins, Imhoff (2). Inside goals: Cameron Hampton (2), Alec MacCallum, Brooklyn Kutasienski. Assists: MacCallum, Hampton, Aaron MacDonald, Tristan Leslie, Brandon Holmes, Jack Ken- nedy. NOVICE End Zone Sports -- 2 Giant Tiger -- 1 End Zone goals: Matthew Field (2). Tiger goal: Kevin Giordano. Assist: Marjo Pejic. eK MacMillans -- 3 Yourway Auto -- 3 MacMillans goals: Shan- non Oulton, Owen Jubinville (2). Assists: Jubinville, Tyler Schouten, Troy Namink, Ryan Payne. Yourway goals: Cody Avery (3). Assists: Tyler Trem- blay, Taylor Gallant, Matthew Butson. RK Hot Line Electric --3 Daniel Varanelli -- 2 Hot Line goals: Mitchell Turton (2), Andrew Blight. Assists: Brad Corpe, Michael Muir, Craig Borden. Varanelli goals: Sean McIntosh, Craig McAskill. AS8ists: Jakob Smith, McIntosh, Colin Masse. ATOM Georgetown Chrysler -- 5 Mr. Sub Acton -- 4 Chrysler goals: Shane Saunders, Tyler Barrand (2), Cameron Phelan (2). Assists: Thomas Potter (2), Aaron Stone (2), Phelan, Josh Doucette, Spencer King, Saunders, Bar- rand, Savannah Muir. Mr. Sub goals: Nicholas Hansen, Alex Guoth (2), Spencer Mitchell. Assists: Devin Rose, Ryan Mil- lington, Hansen, B. Ferguson, Mark Crha, William Bedard, Mitchell Imhoff. RR Herbal Magic -- 5 Ron's Burner Service -- 2 Ron's goals: Mitchell Griffiths (2), Mitchell Weber (2), Ryan Warrington. Assists: Warrington (2), Griffiths, Tyler Brown, Jesse Keogh (2), Wil- liam Richards. JR Halton Power Line -- 4 Nova Training -- 1 Power Line goals: Adam McCoy, Braden Leonard (2), Scott Clark. Assists: Clark (2), Johnathan Robinson (2), Eric MacCallum, Kurt Hughes (2), Jordan Percy. Nova goal: Daniel Cleghorn. Assists: Philip Bath, Scott McLean. PEEWEE Nellis Construction -- 7 Lincoln Freight -- 2 Nellis goals: Josh Campbell, Paul Kutasienski, Tyler Colby (3), Justin Giordano, Zach Both- elo. Assists: James Seymore (2), Emily Karat (2), Dylan Payne (4), Justin Giordano (2), Scott Morris (2). Lincoln goals: Jordan Luceri (2). Assists: Eric Victoria (2), Clayton Black. Ets Acton Subway -- 7 Berkshire Group -- 5 Subway goals: Dylan Britton (2), Quinn Cleghorn, Matt Hop- kins (2), Tyler Barrand, Indianna White. Assists: Kaitlin Chad- wick (3), Jacob Continenza, Cleghorn (2), Britton (2), Bar- rand. Berkshire goals: Jonathan Porty (3), Connor Hitchcock (2). Assists: James Dziepak (2), Jacob Hazzard, Tyler Gallant, Tory McKee, James Dawkins, Nick Fatrdla. aK Acton Precast --3 R&M Construction -- 1 Precast goals: Chris Chiasson (3). Assists: Troy Weaver (3), Justin Hachey, Sean Horricks. R&M_goals: Armyn Ashrafi. Assist: Ryan-Rayne. BANTAM. Gibbons Painting --6~ M.A.D. Air -- 2 Gibbons goals: Scott Worth- nan, Mark Wells, Tyler Einmann (2), Bradley Dawe, Conor Gib- bons. Assists: Tyler Mann (2), Dawe, David Many (2), Worth- nan (3), Daniel Azzopardi (2). M.A.D. goals: Shane Pyman, Lucas Foster. Assists: Jesse Case, Pyman, Monique Lal- ande. cd Acton Terminal Warehouse -6 Acton Legion -- 1 ATW goals: Adam Amato (2), Cameron Coady, Wesley Sadgrove, Brandon Bennett, Chris Dunlop. Assists: Coady (3), Tyler Townsley (2), Amato, Bennett, Drew Backman (2), Zack Fry, Dunlop. Legion goal: Evan McMeekin. Assist: Kieran Taylor. cred Atlantis Photography -- 7 St. John's Trophies -- 2 Atlantis goals: Scott Weber (3), Daniel Gaetan, Nathan Bid- discombe (2), Mitchell Lewko. Assists: Evan Cunard (3), Ted Smith (2), Curtis Howsen, Lewko, Weber. St. John's goals: Mike Lavigne, Jesse Kuenzig. Assists: Jacob Botelho, Mike Brown. Senior girls lose final game of season Acton High School senior girls' basketball team played Georgetown in their last league game of the season and lost a 50-18 decision. Scoring for Acton were Joanie Weaver and Erica Mills 4, Kaitlyn Andrews 3, Amanda Dennis, Jenny Balch and Whitney Carroll 2 points apiece. The game brings an end to the high school basketball ca- reers of Nicole Gilbert, Amy De La Franier, Jesseca Brake, Kaitlyn Andrews, Ceili Andrew and Amanda Dennis. Congratulations to the whole team and good luck in your future choices. -Anne Andrews