THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2005 THE NEW TANNER 19 EGGNOG SPECIAL: Mayor Rick Bonnette has a full glass and Tom Walker waits patiently for Margaret Anderson to dispense Christmas Cheer at the Acton Seniors Christmas dinner on Friday, December 9. -- Julie Conroy photo NL SEN, <o ig, ¥ er Y Recreation Centre ACTON SENIORS' RECREATION CENTRE By JuLize Conroy The annual Christmas dinner on Friday, Decem- ber 9 was attended by 120 members of the Acton Se- niors Centre plus guests, which included Mayor Rick Bonnette and his wife Josey, Councillors Jon Hurst and Clark Somerville, and from the Halton Hills Recreation and Parks Department, Joy Thompson and Terry Ayl- man. Dinner started with a cocktail hour serving three delicious punches, two different-eggnogs, (one suitable for diabetics) and a lime sherbet punch. Fol- lowed, of course, by the traditional turkey dinner, and finishing with a vari- ety of pies, tea and coffee. Just to put everyone in the holiday mood, the Monday craft ladies made a surprise gift for everyone. Winners of the door prizes were Bob Patterson, Doro- thy Bares, Marg Spear, Elda Miller, Theresa Downey, Lois Walker, Maxine Bur- ton, (it was nice to see these last two ladies win, as they are usually very busy on Fridays preparing lunch for everyone else). Fifty-six students from the Acton High School Concert Band and the Jazz Band entertained with a great variety of songs from old Christmas favourites to the more modern including, I noticed, some Beatles tunes. They looked very smart in their uniforms under the guidance of con- ductor Peter Wilcox. They ranged in age from 14 -- 19 years of age and were in grades 9-12. Everyone said how much they enjoyed the dinner, and entertainment after, and complimented the caterers M & J's catering, and the Acton High School Band. The 50/50 at the dinner was won by Elinor Dodds. Winner of the large Christmas hamper was Chris Clattenbys of Bramp- ton, and the smaller one by Brenda La Rose of Acton, The beautiful painting by Maria Sallay was won by Jenny Calber, also of Acton. The next trip to Rama will be Wednesday, January 25, 2006. The list for the bus is full, but if you would like to go, add your name to the waiting list. Quite often there is a cancellation. Call Ruth at 853-5124 if you are interested. There was one Mooner at the Euchre this week, Chris Robertson. Can't wait that long for a little flutter? | understand there are plans in the works for a trip to Casino Niagara in early January. Just the Casino, as the lights will be finished by then, and there are_no plans to visit Betty's for dinner on the return home. Please note a slight change in pick-up times for the annual Christmas Light Tour on Thursday, December 22. This tour is sponsored by the Acton Seniors Recreation Centre and the buses are donated by Ted Tyler. If you wish to go, either call the Cen- tre or write your name on the sign-up sheet. Pick up times are Birchway (Le- gion Apartments) 6p.m., Elizabeth Street 6:15p.m., Church Street/Maria Street apartments 6:30p.m. and Continued on page 20 Perreau 1.5 miles south of Acton R ay 25 Acton, Ontario ¢ Spruce *Balsam & Fraser Fir e Wreaths ¢Fresh cut X-Mas Greenery ¢Garlands ¢Boughs and _ ©Poinsettias We also sell firewood , _ Please call for store hours ao 519.853.2480 Fax: 519.853. is FREE Gift. wrapping with any $20 (or more) gift purchase ~ _ JUICE 1.89L selected types STOVE TOP STUFFING MIX 120G _ DIPS(2276) or CREAM CHEESE (2506) SELECTED TYPES NORTHERN KING 31/40 COUNT SHRIMP RING 3406 DEMPSTER'S STAYS FRESH ENRICHED WHITE BREAD Milk. 4L Everyday While quantities last. We reserve the right to limit quanities. SWISS ARMY FOR HIM {100mi;, ROOTS FOR ont '$0 DE LA RENTA, SWISS ARMY FOR HER WITH SORES SWERS ARMY KNIFE ON FACK (SOmL> ROSAMOR, CHLOE, PROMESSE (G0 EAU DE PARFUM RIVE GAUCHE MEN'S EAL DE TOILETTE (1.26mi), PERRY ELUS' ANRIVERSARY EDITION (150m or LAIR OU TEMPS FRAGRANCE SET by RUA RICE! 'eee moans at Ne eco Ae ean EA aa ees Mon-Sat- 8am -10pm Dees en-au}