Local churches asking for public's input with on-line survey St John's United Church of Georgetown and Glen Williams is taking a hard look at its future, and wants help from the community to do it. Through an on-line survey, it's asking people aged 13 to 45 what they think of church, why they don't come, and what it would take to bring them. Churches everywhere are noticing that young families have drifted away and aren't coming as they used to. Children's sports teams and shopping have taken over Sunday for some. The church they remember from childhood isn't what they're looking for now. The music that pleases older members isn't for them. Already, St John's has a band that plays some Sundays at Georgetown services, a teen breakfast club, and is hiring a second minister who will focus on youth and young families. It's also offering an Easter study series that encourages participants to deeply question traditional faith and beliefs. But the church wants to make bigger changes, to rethink its place in the community and what it offers to newcomers. It's all part of a Vision 2020 planning process that has been going on for several months now, involving the entire congregation. If you'd like to help, and you're between 13 and 45, you are invited to take the church's quick and anonymous on-line survey. E-mail office@stjohnsuc.ca and you'll receive the link to a special survey web page. A member of the congregation will be donating $5 to Halton Hills United Way for every completed response. The deadline is March 28.