Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Dec 1883, p. 8

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Married. -By Rev. Thos. Grandy, at the residence of the bride's father, Eugenia, Robert Campbell of Artemesia, to Eliza A. Williams, of Eugenia. Barnhouse--White.--On Dec. 24th. at the residence of the bride's mother, 51 Cameron street, Toronto, by the Rev. D. C. McDowell, Mr William Barnhouse, to Miss Phoebe M. White, both of Flesherton, County Grey. I % Excelsior Carriage works It now miinu/nftunMy ftirm, Plal/on*. Ludloie Spring, and Johmon Spriny WAGGONS. Wkite, Detttr Queen, Phaeton and other kind* of BUGGIES and Farmert' 2 teated Carriage*. Come and tee dttignt and prvctt. Repairing ti Rt-painti*g done in jirtt-clatt $tylt. HORSE SHOEING a SPECIALTY Satitfaction Warranted, tleiherton, May 4th. 1882. &, TIi ju . F Li 1 S H E R T O SASH AND DOOlFrPLAMN'fi MILL WILSON & McZECHNIE, - Proprietors. Our factory is now compleM with ll the Utest, best, and most improved inttohincry necessary for turning ont everything in our various lines of busi- ness, aud it will be in thorough running order in a few days. Contracts for buildings in town or country taken at the most reasonable rates. Work will be guaranteed first-class in every particular, this depart- ment being under the immediate supervision of H . M. McKcchnic. Bash mid doors made to order on short notice. Scroll sawing will receive prompt aud careful attention. Planing a specialty. In Carriage making our reputation for fintt-claRS work is too well known to need any further comment here. A large and excellent stock of carriage*, Ace. for sale. Call at our show rooms and inspect them. Orders for anything in this line will receive prompt attention and the fact that it is directly un- der the supervision of T. W. Wilson, is a sufficient guarantee that the work and material used will be first-class. ITHUNO A.S USUAL. Soliciting public patronage and guaranteeing good work in every depart- incn of our business. WILSON & MACKECHN1E. MONEY TO LOAN. North of Scotland Canadian Mortgage Co'y (Limited). Sp.M'ii.1 attention i* directed to the vt>ry advantageous HID! favorable terms on which we lend money to Farmers n*l otherx requiring funds to Imv Land, build Houves, Churches, and School House*, to purcha.se Stock, or go to the North-West. Tlie ay .stein we lend fci you will find by reading the following EXAMPLE : borrowed, repayable in 6 annual indaluiciiti, simple inter**!, at 7 per cent. yearly, the payment* will be aa followa : let year, mtereat at 7 per eaat. ou 95<lO $ S6 OO Iiutalment 100 <K) 00 12ft 00 ad year, iuttrmt on 1400 I 28 OO Instalment . KM) IK) rdyear, inUmt on MOO | 21 00 Initalmout . 100 '"> 4tliyear. intereat on 1900 I U no Instalment . 100 00 6th year. intrrMt on 1100 I 7 OO Instalment . 100 OO 1121 00 Jill 00 1107 00 News, What i h- People Nuy, and tl hut the >ewpu|>er>i Hay. Mr. Hanley, of the 1>. O. l).-pt., Ottawa, aud eon of Mr. Edward Han- ley of Osprcy Township, called 011 uh last Thursday ......... The Mt. Fort st Confederate says : " The Toronto Ev- ening News has a correspondent in this town. Our readers can judge at) to his mental calibre when we say that his communications arc so per- sonal and insulting that it is a dis- grace to any newspaper to publish [ such iti ins even in its Peck-a-Boo col- umns." ......... A letter from Markdale, anent incorporation, also a letter from our old friend, Mr. Win. Purdy, re- ceived too late for this issue ; also Ar- temesia Council minutes, obituary no- tice from Rev. Thos. Grandy, Irish let- ter and poetry from a Eugenia contri- butor, presentation and address to Mr. McCnlluiigh, and poetry from Mr. iMinnui unavoidably crowed out. Our staff of correspondents is now so large that we must insist ou brevity .......... Mr. Kobt. Davis, of Atchison, Kansas, ard formerly of Flesherton, writes us under date of the 17th inst. (enclosing (I for the ADVANCE for 1884.) and says tlie wcuther is beautiful and clear although nomowhftt frosty. He sends kindest repuds to his friends in this locality. Himself and family arc en- joying good health, and appear to be well satisfied with their lot ......... Messrs. Boyd, Ellis and Erskiue are candidates for the Deputy-Kt-eveship of Kuphrasia ..... Mr. Jas. Hulmer. Photographer, Flesherton, is turning ont first-class work in his line ......... \\ i have to thank Messrs. H. H. War- ner X Co., for a IVess ticket to the celebrated Warner Observatory, Roch- ester, N. Y .......... Messrs. John \V. Armstrong and John Uordou, both of Flesherton, have each been appointed to the office of Notary Public .......... (lo to Sept. (lixxl for all kinds of meat. Highest cash price paid for fat cattle and sheep ......... The Pub- lishers of the County of Dmce have succeeded in forming an Association. Good .......... Flesh. -MI in staff of Public School Teachers havo been re-engaged for 1HH4 .......... The Flesherton Pub- lic School F.xaminatiou was held on Friday last, and was a very interest- ing affair. The progress made by the pupils in thp various departments re- flected great credit on the Teachers, Mr. M. P. McMaster and Miss Hop- kins .......... Happy New Year to all our readers ......... Kfrgs are 22 cents per dozen in Fleaherton. Oh, my ! don't we wish wn had a forty acre hen roost somewhere! ......... Mr. Jake G. Keefer left for St. Thomas on Wed- nesday morning ......... Messrs. K. and F. McDowell are home on a visit at the Methodist parsonage, Flesherton. ......... Master Win. Cluyton, of Oweti Sound, is home on a visit .......... Miss Bella Chrintoe and Miss Emma Da- inude returned hoinc from the Ontario Ladies' College, Whilby, for their holidays .......... Mr. Earles Strain is spending his holidays at home ...... Total payment of ................................................. IflOR 00 Tbe borrower is not obligml to repay any part of principal by inrtalmeota, bat ran ar- range to do o If he withes. tafLoaus eouiplctrd in thi> nhnrtrst pnnible time, and char K*a reduced to tbe lowest possible figure. Ls"Thr borrower can nlwavn luive hin payuienlt baomedne ai whatever time of the year saitx him b<**t. We charge NO FINES. "W. J. Bellamy, - - Plesherton. AUCTION SALE \ OF V :i 1 11:1 !>!' Farm Property ! In the Township of GLBNBLG! TTNDKR THE POWER OF SALE VJ in a Mortgage from Martin Dunn to the Vendors, which will be produced at tae tiuae of sale, and on default of pay- ment of th moneys thereby secured, there will be offered for aule VY PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE MAKKDALE HOUSE, II THE VILLAGE OF MARKDALE. FRIDAY, THE ynn DAY OF OKI 'EM- BER, IMXt, AT -.'O'CLOCK P.M., Bv A. S. VA.vl)rKF.K, Anctioiii-.-r, Lot Nunilier Nine (!>) in the Eighth ('micex- ion of the said Township of Glenelf;, coni.iiniiiK 100 acred more or luas; about SO are anitl to be cleared, balancr tiiuber- .il chiefly with har<looj. (>n the pTemiseii urr naid to bo a Log Housf. Itarn mid StnMe. TEKM.S: lOper cent, at time of sale, 15 IH-I- cunt, within one month after aale, anil lialuncu avcured by mortgage of the rtriMiiisoH pnviible is five yearly instal- ment* with in i< re*! at 7 percent, yearly. For further piu-ticulart apply to W. J. Ik-llaniT, KM)., Flfaliertnn, nr to UO*S, FALCONBRIlMiKiBARWICK Vendors' Holieiton. . Turunto, Dee. 4th, 1883. NOTICE. THK BIST I'UIH.K. THK aix>M. "I sell more liurdock Blood liittan than I do of any other preparation in atoek," says B. Jackes. druggiat, Toronto. If the reader will oak any drnfnriat ia the city be will t;et a similar answer to his query a proof ih.it it IB the mnsit pop- ular medicice for the blood, liver and kidneys knowu. IJrKSI'AST TO SECTION 34 OP CHAP- In 107, of the KfTJM>d Stuintn of the I'rovincr of Ontario, natke i* hereby glveu that all Creditors and ollit'ra ImtinK elainm a^niuxt the estate of M1CIIAKL III ll.Ns. hit. of the Township of Oiipr?y. In tin- Count vni Orcy, Fanner, deceased, who de- parted tint life on or abont tho twenty- fourth day of April lt post, are required to KiMi.l liy pout, )>r'-paid, ttr lo deliver to MKHHHH.'MOBKHI.Y ftOAMON, ..I the Town of Ciillintrwood, iu the laid Province, Holici tors to tlie Rxecutori. under the laat Will and Testament of the scid decraned. ou 01 In [..re I)M- Twenty-Third I)y of Juninry. A. l>. IHM4, a statement of their names and dilreHp and the full parttcnlin of thir claims ami nf tho Knifitn H {if any! held by tin in. and that after the mud date last aforo- -:ii,l tin- snj.l Kxecntnrn will proceed to dis- trihute tbe uiowtx of thenaid deomuied among tin- parties entitled thereto, regard hein^ had only to th? i Uimx ..f which n.iliceha* heon given as nlmve re<|uirc<l ; and the said Kx- .;]!- n- \>i;l not be Inihli- for the aiil ansetfi nr any part thereof to ny person or person* of n II.IM claiinii notice shall :i.>t have been i !.-. IM-.I l.v the naid Solicitors at the time of nch distribution. Dated this ZSrd day of Nov., 1883. JOHN M s< \,V > Kxeeulomofsaid ANDHEW M,'. -ll:l;. <, Mi, nm. BoaKS. FBTOUUUX P. O. BOAR FOR SERVICE. A Chester White Boar for Sorvice at Mill*. MARRIED. By Rev. Thou. Gramly, at the rcmdeuc of the l.i i. If s father, Eugenia, Robert Campbell of Artcmoaia, to Eliza A. \S ill. .111,1, of Eugenia. BAHNHOISK- WBITB. Ou Dec. 24th, at tin- residence nf thu bride's mother, 61 Cameron tr-ut, Toronto, by tho Rv. D. C. McKowell, Mr. William Bam- houae, to Mua Phutbe M. White, both nf FleshurUni, County Orey. A PARALYTIC STROM. - W. H. Howard, oftJeuevft, N. Y., siiffered with palsy and gvnerul drbility, and apeut a small rtiiue in lulveifned remeilirs, without avail, until lie tried Burdock Blood Bitters. It purified and revitalized the blood, caused it to circulate freely, aud quickly restored him to health. AUCTION SALE. Farm Stock, Implements, &c. By public auctinn, in the village nf Maxwell, nn Tuosdny, Jan. 1st 1884, commencing at 1 o'clock p. in , without reaoi-vu ae the proprietor in giving up furniinfr. 12 month* credit. Win. Guy. proprietor ; Ira Perrigoe, auctioneer. Bee bills for particulars. BB <'AKF.FI i. WHAT You EAT. Tbe best medical authorities declare that worm* in the human syitem are often induced by eating tou freely of uooooked fnilt and too much meat, cheete, etc. Whatevir may be the CAUM, Preemao'i Worm Powder* are pedy and iafe to cure ; they destroy the wurmi, and con t .in their own cathartic to cipl them. SCROFULA ami 4!) t*Tfuli>iu diMUM, Surci, Eryslpv- la*, I / in.. uiiiuin -. lUuicwuriu, Tu- mor*, * arlmiH-lf . BolU, ali'l }:ru|itlon< of the Skin, an tU direct rwiUt v( mi Impure sut of the tl.iHl. 'I'o cure tbee UiMatt* tue blood mwt U puridxl, anil restored to a beallbjr ami ua- turalcumlliioii. AVEU' SARSAI-AKILLA ku for over forty yean l*f u reeognliet! by emi- nent medical auiliorltltri as tue uioit pow- erful lilil purlHer in esiftincr. It frtM tue (yi'.wii fruni nil foul uunun, cnriclitt and tirvn jthcio tlic blwxl, rciuue> all uaen of mercurial treatment, and prore iuclf * eouipletv mwiter of til nrrof ulout ilittssea. A !! <i in Cur* of Scrofulous Sorea, "Sonif in. .ml.- sgii I was troubled willi aerofulom *ort?8 (uN-ftio on my Iry^. Ibe liinb> were badly twnU-n ami intlunml, awl the wiret .iiM-liui'tr*! Urge IJIWI.I>IH- o( i>rt>niie matter. Miry remedy I in I filled, UllUI 1 ItMxl AVER'* SAMAfAKItXA, of wuicb 1 lutve now Utken tliraa butllw, with tin- rrault lliat tliu mrtt are l.t-Ml, 11. 1 my general lirallll grmlljr Imnrtorwt 1 feel T*ry grateful for tlx good you medicine lina dt>n nie. Your* renixsot fully, MR AsxO'BMiAJi." 1-M Sullivan 8t., New York, June l'<. IHfJ. ff~ All |wriMin mi . 1 1 -i. . I are liivllnl to i .ill .HI Mr*. O'Hrlan; aln upon 'lu- ll.^ '/.. V. \VlldiW 78 Karl K4lh Mit. New tin I. m. In. will lake ulraaan. lit ti -i il\ ini; to III** wontif rful rffliitcjr of Ay*r*a HamapHrllla. not only In the rum or Ihli lnl> . hui In hU own eaa* aud in.in i oil., i wllhlu hi* knowledge. Tlie i-ll-k nnwn M-ri/rt on tltt Motion Herald, II. W. HAM., of Hxktitrr, A'.//., wrltea, Juie T, UK: " Haling miffenil teverelv for torn* yir wltli IM-/IIII.*. nii.l liaviug failed i" tiitd relief fmmoilirr r-meilli-. I hnre made ur, during tin- |.:i>l Hi- > ll.c.lllln. i.l AVCN'a KAKHArA- IIILLA, l.|. It luu ill. i-l.il a ofUflrlf curt. I eoiiPi.ler it a maguittceut remedy for all Mood ditnue*." Ayer'sSarsaparilla tlmulalef and regulates tlie action of the digeitlra and anlmllative orgaiii, miens and treii|Ttliriii tli Tltal force!, and i|xe<lily .M.i icln iiiiiutl.m, Neuralgia, Rhruma- tlr i;..nt < u.rrti. .ni. rl Debility, aud all iliMate* arifinj from an inipovrrlalicd or corrupted condltlouof I be blood, aud a weak- ened vitality. . It It Incomparably tbe cheapest blood medi- elne, on account of its concentrated itreugtb, aud great power uTtr dlaeaae. PBEPARED BY Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, MIM. bold by all DrucgliU; price f 1, all bottles for ft. in i EUGENIA (Jrist Mill, I:'.; llavinK mailw extensive iiuurwve menu In HIT Uriil Mill, I .mi confident I eau give good , taliaiactiuu. DONE ANY DAY. Good Floor always OB band. Custom Sawin<r, and Bills filled on the shortest ber aud Lath alwy on WANTED : Cherry, Butternut , White Ash, Blaek Ah, Baaiwood, I'iuv and Hemlock Lugs wautoej. M. AKITT, EUOE5JIA May 1st, 1882. Burdock BLOOD WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, y f Of THE HEAKT, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, t THE STOMACH, HEARTBURH, DRYNESS HEADACHE, J OF THE SKM, And every specie* of dlmuM arielna; frwn disordered LIVER, KIOKEV8. STOMACH BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. I1LBURN & CO., "^ -a! " Hello, Pat t rhere are you going to this fine mora|g " " "Och, now I'll me b'bye is that yourself; sure yr not afther callin this a foine morm ? " " Why to be st e it a fine morning good slighiugftnd not a breath of air why what uder the sun would you call it, if no* Cue morning ? " " Sure thin, . may be a fine morn- in; but bo te same token its a moighty cowU OH> til my way OT thinkiu." " Well, it u o^ld, bntwhero nnder the sun are you (,'oiup; s i u fnc h a hnrry nobody sek at horrK j U opc ?" " No ; there's uobody sia x except Mike's got tbe hoopin coikj,, an( ) Kiddy's got tho roomatz, an' ^> l cut his fut wid a broadaxe, an'- " Christopher Columbus t I say you'll be going into the business if things keep ou like thaU But, by the wsy, you didn't tell m where you wcrt going ?" " Gob, now, where shod I b* goin, but til TOMMY DVNCAX'B the tailors beyant til get rueself a new shute av clothei for tie oowld weather." " Why, Pat, that's just where I am going ; we'll keep each othercompany." " An faix, Phil me jewel, yo couldn't get yer clothes made by a better man than that same Tommy Duncan. An he's sich an obligin chap that ye cuddint but loike him." REMOVAL! On and after Saturday next, December 15th, 1883, MISS 6. A. N. PAGE, (Line or OWBH Sotnro) will IM- f.iuiiil in Mrs. Bulmer's ihop, nearly oppotite Mr. M. Richardaon's gen- eral store, Flesherton, where she will be prepared M usual to DO OVER aud MAKEUP LADIES' and OKmrnnf'* FELT, STRAW, BEAVER *OAMELS HAIR HATS, and make KQUAL TO NEW. Tho public are respectfully invited to give her a trial. Good work guaranteed at reasonable prices. MISS O. A. N. PAGE. Flesbtrton, Uec. 12Ui, 1881 (HACYARD'S YELLOW OIL 1 CURES RHEUMATISM "FREEMAN'S WORM POWDEH8. AT* pleMstit to tak*. Oatala O*tr tnm rnrstiy Is a aafa, sore, and ttluftmmt r * wvraw ia OkUdna gt i

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