Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jan 1884, p. 5

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A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all ! Do you see the boy and pig ? Yes, but why does t he boy and pig run Bo fast ? The pig runs not the boy. Yes, but why do they go so fast ? Oh, the boy is in a Lurry to have his picture taken at BULMER'S Photograph Gallery, Flesherton. Photo and all kinds of Picture Framing promptly attended to. JAS. BULMBE, THE PEOPLE'S PHOTOG-BAPHER Local and Other News. Division Court to-day. Grey County Council in week. ion iln- NUTICI. Births, Deaths and Marriages will bo charged for at the rate of 25 cunts each in future. Mr. David White, of this village, has aj SAUSII Sen IAL. Social at Salem last fifty acre farm of land in Artcmomu for Friday night was a very nice meeting, sale, also a fifty acre, farm to rent. Hi- ' In addition to sll those wh.i entertained also lias some farm st4ick for sale. Set) ', us no well at the Tea Meeting held the advertisement headed "Private Safe, ' I week previous, there wits the Messrs Itu-liard Pedlar, who among which were in another column. Thu whole to be Sold j William ami on reasonable terms. CHANOIO FOWL The Meaford has adopted the four-page form. It is just as newsy as ever, however. Mrs. A. Thompson, Fleshcrton, pro- |K>sen building an addition to her present juviuiscs next spring. f>.m t forgot the Orange Soiree in the TIJWH Hall, Fleshcrton, on thw evening of r'riduy, Feb. 1st next. PIB.SO.SAL. Rev. Mr. Chiaholm, Pres- byterian minister, Mclntrye, called <>u us last Tuesday. FOR SAI.R. A first -data pair of bob- sleighs, will b* exehanged f-.r Wood. Apply to R. TRIMULK. Mr. Monro, of the />u_/feriii Adtn-rtarr, haa taken unto himself a partner in the newspaper business. Thu Adrrrtitrr is an excellent paper. Forxn, About opposite Mr. Wright's general store, Flesherton, a small parcel containing linen. Owner can have same by applying to Mr. Peter Holman. You can buy extra good Musical instru- ments. Sewing Machine*. Shuttels, Need- lea, Oil Ac., from C. Treadgold, Flesher- tou, P. 0. Mr. Clias. Porter, <rf the Mark dale *n,:t->n!. ikfl.l on us last Tuesdfiy. He liaa been taking his holidays during the pant week or ao. An Assessor wanted for the Township if Artemesia fi>r the year 18H4. Tenders will be received by Mr. W. J. Ilclliiiny, -.li, ! Clerk, iip'tn Monday, February' 4th inet. 'St-e Mils. HoKxr TRADER. A liorse trader- known to the people in this Wality as the "|<typsey" had three sorry looking nans Ht Munsliaw's Hotel last Frulav . Teiii!!.- He was "in on a trade," bat we are not aware that any body was foolish enough to gratify his anxiety. A QfMTioN. -What will the pupils, who have purchased Gage or Campbell Headers, do with their hooks, should Minister of Education Ross, see lit U> uthuriyA! a "composite" series of Read- era ? Thin question will no doubt be a. very important one at an early elite. PBKVON.VL. - Mr. John Lemon, the well-known and jiopular proprietor of the Owen Sound Pottery Works, called on im last Saturday. The pottery manufactured by Mr. I., in. 'ii Ivn thu reputation nf being second to none in this part nf On tario. In.. We vogret most sincerely to leant that Master Wf Armstrong, son of J. W. Ariiut roiig; Ks ]., .'f this place, lies dangerously ill in Toronto, of Typhoid Fever. He WM rein ived from IIM l> arj ing house tu the (iciieral hospital on Monday. No one is allowed to see him, except the |>hysiciaiii and attendants. Norn-K TO MY FKIKMIM AXI> CI-HTOM- OSPKKY TOWNSHIP. Messrs. J. & J. Clark hnve started a new steim Saw Mill on 1... t No Irt. Con. 4, Township Osprey. They advertise by p'.stors t week for 10,000 feet of Maple, gave several .'The Old Arm Chair," and "Oive the Boys a Chance." The Smith family also "j cinitriliuted largely t. the evenings enter- tainment. Altogether a most pleasant TRUTHFULNESS ! Courtesy, .u.v h was sjHint. The proceeds of tea ..< ..*,-. ' meet ins: and social was about fiU. After' White Oak, Basswood and l(--<-k Kim. .,.. votes of thanks to Mr and Mrs. Smith, Will be bought or taken in exchange for .. ... . Missni. Peclluri, the ladios who had pro sawing. Wu have no doubt but that the nded the e Atables d othetm, Kev. Mr. saw null starter! by these enterprising , Ura'i'ly pfoaouDOM the benediction. All gentlemen, will provn a great DOOM t<i the people of Osprey and neighborhood. DENIAL. An item was published in the nvANi i a short time *:<< statin:; that Mr. Austin Shackelford was m.-itnnl This was incorrect : Mr. Shackelfonl wns not and is nol married. We re-jret most Miiferely that such a mis-statement should have appeared in our columns about such a worthy, honetft, U""d citizen All Goods-Gold, Silver, Rolled Plate, or Gilded, sold forjuxt what thi'ij art' in Material and Fine/it.^ who with a nle* rarivty to Mlct from of ::. FLESHERTON and Jcw-'lry, VKKY KISK ST(K K of as friend Austin. \\v wer s.> bfanetd, ... , u i- . _;,L. The programme will lie ably sustained by however, and the fault lie* with our in- went homo well pleased. < 0111 In u. -i i ion I nli rl. 1 1 ii me n I As will be seen by posters just issued. fm m this orSc, Fiuahert.-nL.Kige of x./,j Electro Silver Plate Ware ! ></ Tfinprfitnrr |>ur|M-*c holding a grand' "Combination Entertainment" in the Town Hall, Husheit n mi Wednesditv February *>th The programme, consist of K<>ngs, Uefitatioiis, and an I\M vull as laughable Jewelery STORE. J. B. TRIMBLE, Will And It to their ^I inspect My Stock! A!D (1ET MY rJtli r.s fonnant. R. TRIMBLE begs to announce the rival of the following g-nnls now 50 kegs of No. 1 Trout. 100 Han-els of Fine Salt. 1000 Urn. of Dried Apples 1000 Lbs. of Loin,; (^k-ar Ilacon. 2000 Lbs. of Oatmeal. 20 Barrels of No. 1 Coal Oil liring along your cans and net 5 (gallons Coal Oil bottom prices the imi4i.il .in.l literarv talent of Flesh ertoii and surrounding. In fact this ar- promises to be one of the entertainments ****'* 111 of thu season, ami our advicu to evury man, woman and child in the community i-go ! Door n|>en at o'clock . t ..mm. M. , at 8. Admisi cents, children half j-n . od n< iin>iN inniial Mortal. On Wednesday evelinii; l:Lt. the llH-m- ticn of Iltitferin Ixxlgut-f l.o.o K Flesh- for $1.00; all other goods at i ' rl ""- M(l tht ' lr ll "" ual " c1 * 1 in '"'' for cash. Wanted, , I*"J"1 hall in Straiu s bl.Jt. AJtlumgh lie/ore Purc/ta^irijt Else- where. PEALEB IX /u r .?v > JiN:v fc ' A l uxo. *''"* * Hlnln ...!. I HcddlnK Km^.. Alw> kt>|>. All Watcb work -.-. REPAIREI BY MYSELF! an-! \\ */r!il<l W. A. BROWN. lYIarkdale. iiuantity of dressed Hogs l<n wMch the highes market price will be |-aid. 3w. tSi road* in aBiytlnii({ lnt good o<iti- <litit.ii, there was pie present frmii THI Meaford Mirror has a similar fr ,, m vun ,, us ,, arU ,,f t (, e township. We roniplaint to that preferred by us a short ,,,,1,,,^ Wlt h ( ,|,.ai<iiru tie large number of 1 time azoanentirreaularitiosinthe delivery ((ll . f ;llr ., |, rt1k .,,t f,, r B |,t does a So- >f I>I|HTS at Duncan P. (V . Euphiasn cm | Bl ,, 11|lllt t ,- when n. t (,-rare.l l.y the. Township. The trouble with us is we ,,,-,.,.. an ,l t iMli7ini; ' inDucnce <.f have lost two subscriln-rs in that t | l() i^u,., (J IM | |,; t . M lu ' nei^liU.rboofl lieeatiiH! til the irregularities. As dii foriniT --cciuiions, the social was complained of. We are therefore not in ;l m^^l,,.,! success in every i-articular the humor to bear lhtse things with any mum,-, giime*. nwotsts. fruits and every- degree of patience, ami should any t hinu'. r'.\ erylHly seem, il to ciij..y l.im- further complaints bo hoard from that BC ]f ,, r | K .|,, t .|f i,, || u . utm<ist. GORDON'S ^e xrr :r: HARNESS SHOP Watches, (locks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, tfc. No Bogus Discounts! or other Cl<if>-Tr,ip Inrluce merits offered, but sell you Goods <ut loir <ix tlit'tj cnn be figured ci>nxixtt>nt with HUX'EST TIL ID K. Watch Repairing a specialty- All Work Guarantied 1 leshcrton Meat Market. SEPT. GOOD, . Psormit-ros quarter, body. we will make, it warm for lunne 1'olu-.. j lr j.^ph Hlai-klnmH- till.-d the chair, and hn o|x.|iin<; address was short, em- FLESIIKUTON. Cash paid for fat Cattle antf Sheep. Fr*h Moats constantly an liaml for Canh. Orders |irnin|Hlv tilled. |T.-li, m,,l ,K,II,UHI. lie gave s..me f Flcshertonf i"Tfstin .tHtisti,-. n-Nine t.. the mem- l-hi|.of the ,,ntcr in Ontario, winch, ' ald >^K 1 ^' '.<'"" ^i"l '', N-n.-lifc Oum P. Ta,- - Trustees of t,e Town asks a corre.,,H,n,U-,,t. AfU-r ,an-fully c,.i,s,,l,-ri.,g the matter, and hunting aiii..n K al.ut two hundred blue books- ! the ..... "" "''"""-> |*l l> the same more or less win, h line the '" ''" l" w and orphans of shelve in ..yr sanctum sanetruin, and and which are used principally for wrap- pinu- ||*r, we have come to the con- elusion that there will be no sleighing on the Twelfth of July next, unless some- thing v*ry uwisual transpires. ARTfMR.siAi'0' N.IL. At the meetinu- p,,,, ..f Arb'inesia Township Council, held in t| lt . the Town Hull, Klexlierton, liuit Monday, Mr. An-h. Elliott, of Wnr.1 No. 2. wa, ; elucte.l Deputy-Reeve. The following It is daner,ms work fellinv; gentleman CHIII|H>SO .Mir Council Dr. ("liristoe, Reeve. Arch. FJIit-tt. Ieputy-Reeve. J.-lin Mi-Arthur, Councillor Ward 1. Jos. A. Hlakeley. Councillor War<l :t. Samuel Pcdler, Councillor Ward 4. brethren. At tin; cloeei-f lln-C n'Miarks, the inusicnl part of the program was gone ib.i.'ii;!i with, after uhich came the refreshinunts. The LMIIK - .n-tli.n r --iiiiie.l. jkri passed frei ly around, f ilfl-t'i were m order and ! tin- et- lung pleasantly a wmy until the near ap- h of the " wee sma li.-ors " wanu-il weiiil-ly that it was time to disperse. Accident. trees and fur taking out timl-cr at this time of theyear, lowing to tho great depth of snow; and while tho exi-rnenctil H.-oiUman can nine tunes out t-f ten tell tbe dir. IH which tin- tree be is chopping will fall, tlu> tenth lime, pel li.'i]-, la- is out oil his FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, Al. !':::',: ::: Monniivnti. Tonili T.i''|i . CmintiT and 'Hible Tups in . \nirrteaii aisl Italiau M:irM- mnl lii-unitt, and uiude on sliort notice. AUo MiibtLfs iu Murl'le and SUte, A.C., ,vo. Fleslicrt.m, Aug. :K, ,M-J , I' WILLIAM HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION. have in i.l. np my mind to give no more credit even to my l-st customers as I cannot c irry on business and do a credit trade. S , rt>> not .ink any in >ro credit as I will not depart from, this rule. Parties leaving orders must send the cash or their orders will not tie filled War HHADBLY, Flesherton. ikiiiiu'.iiict-* Ibst lie has n<-. i%. d a calculations, and then he has to make 4 Hriw. RIBKK." -Aftvr mature con- t l, JU ble quick time to reach a place of sideration. we have come to tho con- safety ere. the monster tree cornea tliun elusion tkai it would perhaps lie just as i tiering and crashing to earth ; and when well not t publish your pointed and ei t | u . ,., is du..]>, as at present, the cellcnt production nueut the discussion of ilaiiger is increased ten-fold the subject "What is Ariiiiinanisni. A severe accident occurred in the , u iubl for ihc scssnn, all of KkicU ba- Iwvn pinckiiied to tin- W-nt wlNsntsgt.ao* will As you will observe in our lasl issue, we i woods near Wareham, utidor somewhat be sold elmap for l'aJi or t ' uiy l'i ..lu.v. TI.e uow rrni sr Large Supply of Vu NARROW CUAKCE Or EXCATR. A person expuspd to the sudden changes ,,] oar northern limatc has rittle chance of es- cape from colds, M.re throat, rheninaiim, frost bites, and other troubles incident to change of teropvrftture, to say nothing of occidentK and emergencies. The beet ex- ternal ready reunily U HK\ urU'i Yellow vw* are alwmt to close <mr columns to ny [similar circumstances, on Thursday lust, further discussion of this subject, and It appears Mr. John Moiiregor was therefore we think it would uot be wise chopping in the woods nenr the \ tu publish anything that would have a t> re-onen it. V out T)T r y frOOCl.S lace / ' oul have a Ilame a W |, CI1 t h e tree he was cutting fell I feel assured . .. .. _^,_ _a_a that your good sense will not allow you to feel annoyed at our decision, circumstances. . ., <Scc.,&c. ... . Ayer s PilU cure constipation improve l ' imt int " nded ' i Also a full ropply.f Hnrilwarr. rorerirs lrlr*n, Trockrry, under the The snow twing very deep, McGregor was, ,p,ti.>o O f th Stok rnviVJ. unable to re*ch a plaoe ofsafety ere thel My J} ranc k Store at EHIK.VLI fitfully la. tree fell on him and broke his leg. the appetite, promote digestion, restore "taiice being at hand, he was conveyed hcaltKyacUonandregnlateeveryfonction.* >" hne and medical aid s.m- They ire pleasant u Ttake, genUe in their * >" hne, and medical aid sj.m- " wcl M " now ey re peasa , ,. operation, yet thonmgh, sl.rh>g, . nd could be tected uuder he crroumetam owerful w gb4uin disMe. > rrith (roods- I . .(I, r FOR SALE w TO I.rr. my SAW MILL a* I.utl- VsUn ; urirv* smiW Wt ft. head of wsUr ; all in fooj order, -vith skwsl 400 scrs*4 Timb-r Laud i-n which tbe Mil > ltaatd, Tli. TV arc l>u several other (><>oti Mill :o "U Uw ptoyerty Liberal Trrst* on iaher pwehase 01 Uase to s oinpUmt 0>aa> %'M. UOisU. neeJ>stte8talV*.Ut f!

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