I HOW ( ~tiK DO II' T l" I !* lliir.r. ti,l.rUi.bl. i bill I. aa I- Ul ullur. '!, . I In a large square two-story boose, built after tbe ante-bellum Southern idea of oomfort, set well back in a grove of oaks running up to ibe big road, dwells Mr. W. E. Hunt. Mias Lula is between 15 and 16 years of age, the picture of health and physical strength, and in every movement bbowssdaab of uatore uuuaual. I'pon a request to manifest aorne of her newly- developed power*, sbe arose aud plao -d ber two bauds on tbe back of a common chair. In a few minutes the chair begau to move, first slowly, and then gradually luore violently. Tha doctor was requented to bold the ohair. In attempting to do BO be found the task entirely too great, aud was joined by tbe writer, but the chair, uevertbeleee, alill movud, when Mr. ilurat re-enforced us, to apparently no better effect. In fact, with all force at our com mand used iu the object, tbe tbreo found it impossible to still the restless chair, and abandoned tbe tank at last well ex- haunted by the efforts. There was appar- ently not a particle of physical force UBed by tbe young lady, ber hands merely reetiug rather.carnlekbly oo the back of the chair, aud after twenty mmutea of the exeroixe seemed not the laant exhausted. We were told that on a previous oooaaiou four of tbe stoutest men iu the neighbor- hood bad found it impossible to bold tbe chair, U so far resisted their eff orto as to more IbaL ouoe raise oue ol the number off the floor. A very lar^a family bed stood with tbe bead batik to the corner of the large room. Ou tbe foot of the bed the young lady placed her bauds lightly , and after a few minutes the heavy object began to move, and, gradually beoomiug more restless, was soon moving about the room at a speed so rapid that the young lady bad to aaauoie a duble-quiok " to retain position as guide. MIHB 1. ira Wim- berly, a cousin of Mian Lula, slates that recently, after tbe two had together retired for tbe night, sbe beard a thumping noise on tbe baud board of tbe bed, which sbe thought to be produoed by ber companion with her ringers, aud 'so requested her to desist, as abe desired to sleep. Miss Lula protested innocence, and the two then wondered, as the sounds were more audible. A playful remark tbat It bould " strike ber " oolsed a sensation like a slight ahook felt by Miss Wimberly snout tbe face. The sound was then caused to manifest itaelf where commanded about the) bed, and the bed finally commanded to move, and, to the mtenae wonder of the oo oupauts, rolled briskly across tbe room This phenomenal circumstance, it U claimed, led to subsequent experiments. We were told by witnesses tbat on a par- ticular occasion recently while tbe young lady was lying with ber form aoron* tbe bed, sbe thought of some favorite air, when its mtuic emanated strangely from the headboard of the bed and was heard by more than a half dozen persons sitting about the room. On another occasion an nnole, a man above the ordinary weight, sat in a ohair, his feet OB the rounds, while the young lady placed a band with an under grip on the upper back of tbe chair, and lifted him a distance across the floor. Cftiartoten Advertiser. THE UNO OF THE KANGAROO. What a Newspaper Reporter Heard and Saw. AHTONIHHKD AUSTKALI AN8. > n.iii the My.lney. Mew South Walee. News.) While attending tbe annual *how of tbe Corowa Pastoral aud Agricultural Society last week, our representative fell iu with Mr. Alfred lia> , of Booo.anoomaua, a highly aooompliahed and intelligent gentle- man acd one of tbe most successful breeders of sheep iu the Murray District of New South \Vale. Mr. Hay wou the prizes for abeep at the Corowa show, and a few weeks ago be imported luto this colony tbe finest lot of American meiiuos, including some nf the most noted [TUB takers in the I'uited States. This gentleman wan enthusiastic in bis praise of 8l. Jacobs Oil, aud said tbat he always kept a supply at bis Hheep station. A few application* of tbe Oil had ban lulled a painful attack of uenralgia, from which be suffered, aud tbe Huccess it enjjyed in America, where be bad seen it in universal use, thoroughly convinced him that it would be quite a loon aud blfmug iu the Australian bush. Other grazers aud agriculturists whmn tbe reporter met at ( >ruwa heartily indorsed Mr. Hay's Btalment. and gave the reporter tbe idea that tbi* compound is tbe favorite aud sovereign remedy iu the up-country di.triotn. A NOTKli IKKKKTKS's CBKUBNTUL. In Melbourne the scribe paid a viait to bis eld friend lijyle, the famous Victorian cricketer, who wai a member of each of tbe three Australian elevens whion mide such Mr iu tuerry Kuglaud. Boyle introduced tbe rrpurler to Bojlt, also a cricketer of repute, and Boyle'e partner in the firm of 3o)le it Soott. wboee cricketing aud foot bill depot in Bourke street, Melbourne, is ell known iu tbe colonies. Boott related low be had been lamed iu tbo leg, by a >rful blow from a cricket ball on tbe East Melbourne ground, last seasou. Tbe limb swelled very much aud tbe bruiae canned sucb excruciating agony tbat be had to be taken home in a cab, but two spplioatioua of St. Jacobs Oil bauiabed tbe pain, aud reduced tbe awelliug. Scott, witb that cbaraoteriHtic desire to do good, has never ceased to recommend the remedy to cricketers and footballers, and he says that t has given satisfactory relief to all bis athletic friends who have tried it. TBI rilNb < u\ " I.KI in ." Tbe reporter waa advised to interview Mr. Arthur Pretty, the enterprising pro- prietor of tbe " Compaguie Frauoaiae," lime street east, Melbourne. Tbat gentle- man, who bad nuffered much from rheums turn, candidly confessed that when be first employed tbe Oil be bad not tbe slightest faith in it, as all the otber known ' pecitioa " for hie malady had failed. To tin intense surprise and delight, however, tie discovered that before tbe bottle m finished, he was entirely and permanently cured, lie has dubbed il tbe " paiu-oou ]ueror," and n ready to aay a guod word fur il whenever required. IN i ii i i- K > i t or n t * i ii I . hliii ....... II HI-, ol linn nn.l Wile u Ihr \ r. < It ! Ifer I elua*k>u.. Among the confused maun who were stroggliug tod screaming wer * noticed a middle aged man and bis wife. Their OOD doot WM in marked contract with that of the otber paaaengera. The panic wbiob bad seized the other* wai not shared by them, but their blanched faoee told that they realized tbe peril which e'irrouoded them. The only movement of mutole* or nerves wai that produoed by the chilling atmosphere. Tbey itood clone together. their baud* clasped lu each otber, ai if about to ooutempiate laioide together, and than fulfll tbe marital vow of standing by each other m tbe varying ti if of life'* for- tunee and nuefortuuea. Ai tbe wreck careened witb tbe Kale from one eide to tbe otber, utiil while the ipray and wave* were drenching them at every moment, the hui bud turned and imprinted a kiss upon tbe companion of bie life, and while tbiu em braced, a heavy eea broke over tbe wreck and both were washed away and not seen afterward. Mr. Cook aayt tbe noene was one which will remain indelibly impressed upon bin memory until bin dying day. lion ton Herald. .TI A. U !*.- u i -i i A n-\ . . i. . Old it., i.. I . M at >. >. f,.|>, i <l rli. . Considerable excitement prevailed in tbe oflioe of our neighbor tbie morning. About 6 a. m. a basket was discovered just inside the door of the front offloe. It contained a baby, apparently about seven weeks old. Tbe diicovery of tbe following note oou siderably relieved tbe anxiety of some members of tbe; F. P. taft : Wi N N LTKO, Jan. ". tb, 1HH4. To tbe Fm fret* : I IP AH sin. 1'ity my misfortune ami Inok down u|M,u me witb uiercv. 1 am cutn|ielliHl t*. it lum to nave me from ilioRrac-H lu tbe eye* of m iwiple. I'lease place mjr bby In tb* h<.me. will call and eee It toon. It It nut baptised yet. anil 'veu week* old on the 116th lu*t It i a Hue. healthy child, and no peraou uee<l be alrulil to adopt U. Hut 1 would like to know li. i.- K<IH to. (iood bye, MAMII.. Tbe management of tbe Florae refuited to take tbe child. Winnipeg Timtt. married Years. A oorreiipondent from Burford eendi the Brantford Courier the following : Tbe deatb occurred bere on Friday last of Mrs Joeepb 1' razee. Deoeaaed lady wan in her ''>tli year and has left a husband '.'7 years of no to mourn her IOHS. The old couple bad been married 7ii years and bad thus celebrated their " diamond" wedding, at almost nnpreoedented event Little did the girl of 18 and the young man of 31, when tin > were married in the year IHOtf, tbiuk that for over three quarters of a century they would share tile's pleasures and paius together. From the fact* above stated the case is without a parallel in tins Province. Tbe old couple here referred to are the par- enta of Mr. J. F. Krazee, of this city. Dr. LoU O. Jaeksen nil* the position of resident physician lira bonpital for children in Philadelphia. BH i* a ptstly blonde. * yean of age, .and ii giving entire aatiafao- ioo in hr poaition. - J- of mumo in attenda .. joiue tbou- i of persons oougrege* ' llu ~ lieuiertou t, along tbe Caledou> '"> Io id, aud the have a stall in Souiera To 1 kud of late eara had been a vendor of u.-. -meat. It slated that *ue auiaased a great fortune, wing worth uo less than ItiO.iHXJ. It was er custom to lend to oostermougers money u Fridays aud Saturdays to go to market illi, they paying ber IV the loan ebilliug in tbe p_iud. The eotaaed was a moet eooeu p character be paid souiu 20 years ago *( Mr. Frank uarinau, of Caledonian ro> ''.t .'0 for her uneral expenses. O*iug <u ^ttie rumor lat the dtcea.td in ber miuitsVi] ordered lat ber remaius should buok ) ie4 to their aat rcatiug place by f .ur, \[ f .-j weariug smocks, and tbat .' .m.r'H women lould follow wearing ,.f tho or purple reimes. Paialey shawl*, h t | u .vith white eatbem in them, aud while aprons ; that ere was to be i'JO spent ID diuk al oer- taiu public bouitea sbe Lit ud, by the cos irmougers, and that tlier '' -as to bo a oaud of iiiUhic in attenda ,, joiue thou- sands of trest oute tbe proooatiju was tl, rlo to Finch- y Cemetery. So great, ftgaed, was tbe loooourse of people tbat . blocked the whole traffic tor tbe time \f ''">!, and in some oaaee persona pall for wiudows to see tie prooetHiou pasa by. The polioe, uuder tie direction of luspeotor Tucker, ol be Y division, bad' a moat ditlijult ek to keep the space clear so to allow tbe funeral prooetsion, when it did start, to get along. Tbe cjffio, which was of handsome polutned oak. bore brass plate, with the inscription, " Mary iobinsou, aged 71 ; died Jan. 1, IHtH " It was reported tnat tbe corpse was dressed n while satin, and that round the bead a handeome wreath. A funeral or ooutamed tbe cjfnu, which was completely covered witb expensive wreaths aud crosaes. 'here were, besidee tbe relatives aud near rieuds of tbe deceased, who followed in be mourning carriages, a great number of jwny carts, donkey -barrows, aud fibs, all being overfilled with ooslermongera, whilst undrede followed on foot to the i'mohley Cemetery, where the deceased was buried n ber family grave. Tbe scene, which was strange one, caused a great deal of excite meut. The deceased, il wan said, left a um of 110 to be spent in drink, and 1U. or pipes aud tobacco after tbe interment, be money was afterwards spent in the manner indicated by the hH'NET I'pon his return to Sydney, the reporter was confronted with further proof of tne popularity of St. Jacob* Oil. Mr. Walter Uayoes, manager for Mr. A. O. Cbnrob wood, the well-known wholesale coffee pepper and 'pice merchant, 147 York stieel, waa afflicted so severely with rbeu matic lumbago that be could not rive from bis chair. The application of the Oil removed the pain, whicu baa never returned. Mr. Hrfyuee ii so overjoyed at this astounding cure tbat be affirm*, be should gladly upend on St. Jacob* Oil tne last 1 he bad in the world. Mr. K. A Little, tbe go-ahead and spirited manager of the American Novelty Company, 201 Pitt street, was also interrogated in refer enoe to bis experience. He waa glad to certify tbat bm wife bad been cured of severe and painful rheumatic affection, by tbe use of the Oil. Its uunvalic. 1 proper ties were also acknowledged by a number of tbat gentleman's acquaintances. TBX UUAT COLONIAL HOtlK. Mr. William Edward Wilson, of Messrs 11. Towua A Co., one of the leading shir, ping and merctntile nrws in the colony says tbat a friend of his, an eminent citi zen, believe* firmly in Hi. Jacobs Oil, aut employe it in bis household fer .various complaints Mr. Wilaon is never witbon a bottle ol the Oil iu his own home, ani declares that it cured tbe wife of Messrs K. Towns it Oo.'s storekeeper, who wa down " with rheumatism. It may l> mentioned tbat tue Hun. Alexander Htuart M. L. A., Prime Minister and Colouia Secretary of New Houth Wales, is a partue in tbe firm of U. Towns it Co. " TRIT CALL HIM 1>OCTJ!" Mr. II. O. Kowell, tbft popular proprieto of the Great Western Hotel, at Katoomba is one of the most steadfast believers in St. Jacobs Oil. and is untiring in reoom mending It for numerous distressing com plaints. lie told the reporter of severa wonderful cures iu his district, and b adverts particularly to tbe case of a promi ueut official, in tbe service of the Guvern meut of New South Wales. Mr. UoweU' suooeiiB aud enthusiasm in admiuisterin tbe Oil have induced his friends to call hu doctor. The reporter waa deeply impressed wit tbe splendid unanimity of public neutirueu regarding this remedy. All who were ap prosched epoko readily, many even with en tbusiasm, of its rffioacyin serious and pain ful ailments. " Never Haw anything like it, aud " All that it i < claimed tc be," were tb most common verdicts of colonist* whoe utterances carry weight. 8t. Jacobs U has become tbe talk of the town, and ite qualities are eagerly debated in tbe in tenor by squatters, selector, buabman an digger. Sooth to aay, it is being made plai to all that never iu tbe history of Aus train* has a medical discovery been ac 3eple< by tbe public with tuob general appro ballon. The vow sateens, with a orescent an star design on grounds of various colors re destined to great popularity. l.U/1 Howard Powers, of Paterson, N. J who spent a fortune during tbe war oaring for the sink and wounded, is now a invalid and In need) oiroumstacoes. si bM asked tbe Government for M.50C and it M probable tbat ibe will soon get i (Loudo Yeaterday afternoon oeue waa enacted lu th< ud its neighborhood, n le funeral of an aged won obioeon, who waa well >/ sliugtou and rit. Paiiora^"! __*' he " Queen of the (VV II \ roughout the metropolis. on, who had reaided al reel, Caledonian road, at ftrdiuary an road ton with ouly in title of rs," but Uubiu iLi'run used On the appearance of tbe first symptoms, as general debility, lua* of appetite, pallor, chilly sensations, followed by ni ,bt .wear* and cough, prompt lunanures of relief should be taaen. Cousump:iDn is scroful- ous disease of tbe lunga ; therefore nue tbe great anti-sorofulons or blood-purifitr and Dtrength-restorer, Dr. Pieroe's " Golden Medical Uiiouvery." Superior to ood liver oil as a nutritive, and uuiurpaaaed as a pectoral For Weak luugn, spitting of blood, and kindred affectionii, it has no equal. Sold by druggist*. For L> . 1'ierce's treatise on Consumption send twu tamps. WoHi.i/n DihiSNciin MEMCAI. Aa-,>CUI10N, Buflalo, N. Y. Tbe life of man ooonsts not in seeing visions aud in dreaming dreams, but in active charity aud willing service. for is i Dr. prompt Mich N* M..,. i ...n.. Pieroe's Favorite PreMription " aud certain remedy for tbe painful diHorderH peculiar to your aex. all Simplicity, of all things, u the hardest to be copied, aud eute is ouly to be acquired with the greatest labor. v ........ mm* iii ii . - . i* tbe title nf a Uiv<- illutrai-.l treatine. by l)r K V. Pierce, Butlalo, N V aeot toauy addrrMi for three utauipi. It teaobes suu- ce.bful nelf treaiineut. POM THK tlDNETS, HER AND URINARY ORSitt THE ART OF PROLONGING life ouomatri iu un lorolanding the ewM-ntial , IMUI .111 KU \Mucli 111* fact of life dopuda. Hut to ret-oDitru.'t tb human yten: a t.-r it baa bcuuie |.hyi. ally dciiinraluwtl by J tease it reall) to vrealv a uew biug. Vrt. ti.ai tui* can be uoue. la capable of actual dmuutraii>u. Iir Wbvelvr'i i ..n.|H,uu.l Klivir . ( l'tlo>|>bates aud i *liAya, by aulmtt tb 4lifi.ftUVtf |iroct>*. an.l furiiibmg tbe slemauU of boun, m uncle aud uerv, tHirfecta the aM*ituilatlm of food, and . iiiplvte lu'Ui i)imeut of tbe tiatues : morbid nroducu aud buutur* are rainuved from th^ ulood. and a healthy pnieees of repair *t up. bi.-li gra>tually ruton.ii au.l Tita,n all the organ*. acconliuK U) uatura'n procwwi uf bulldlujf up in* (rnbli ci"ititullon. Parisians are oombiuiug Knglisb crape with satin for effective dinner ana reception toilets. l.v.liaK I'lakbani'i great Laboratorr, l.ynn. Ua> , ! tunutc ut million* ot |>acllaffu i'f ber celebrated I'ouipouud, vbich aru beiijgfeeutui tbe four wioila aud actually Bud their way tu all l>n.l> under the nun and le the ruiotet couflnes ol modern civiuialicu. I t, n. frill Men appeared in Eli utu, pleated and plaited Uiue , they carried fans an 1 pooka by wbicb to arrange any occasional dia- rJt-r in their drees. Then, too, they carried muff*, and revived a fashion of wearing earriug*. But lest it should seem that this arraignment of Jan is, piece by neoe, taking from onr*/lorefalbers all Jtlee to our respect, il should be mentioned that to men originally belonged the right to wear ruffe by virtue of original owner- ship. 1 1 was only when ladies invaded masculine privileges, and took to rui:- that a keen competition began, in which each sex strove to outdo tbe otber in extravagance, and tbe beads of people appeared aa if borne on linen trenchers, barrings, too, were worn by men before the Conquest. This cannot be beld to exouer ate men from blame, nor divert us from the conclusion that at oerlaiu periods tue-j have generally adopted an inseemly d *play and been guilty of an ffeminate refinement in dreM. It i not so much to the discredit of Knglishtueu that they wore petticoats aud utouiarbere n early days, when those were reooguiied :>arlH of the male costume, as it is to the disgrace of tbeir descendants who took up the wearing of fripreriee and tiutries pro- per to women the dissolute cavaliers who, ifter tbe Restoration, pranked tbemaeUes out in laoee aud ribbons aud feathers aud flowing curls, or tbe oravated aud bewigged dandies and macaronies of tbe succeeding reigns, who, with their garinh ooatn, laced oufli, silk breeches, clocked stockings and buckled shoes, were at least as fine, and certainly no less depraved, than their lathers. It is well that masculine dree* has now distinct lines of demarcation, aud has become generally dark aud sombre in color; so tbat, although "mashers" aud dudes " perpetuate effeminacy in men, they have cot at least the advantaged which gtudy apparel aud oommou^trmeutn might give them iu parading tbe degenerate d am linens of which they seem so unworthily vsiu. Large t! >wer designs on tbs new silk fabrics will be outlined with narrow lace, embroidered in jet or beads. TIIK HKMT Hl.WOIt There Is ouly one wa < by which auydlnaas can b cured au.l that is by reni'>vln< tb nanss whatever It may b. The (real medical author- Hie*, of the day declare tbat nearly mery dlasass i* oauivl by derauged kidneys or liver. To nature tbe* berefore I* the only way by which health can be aeourod. Her* la wl.on Ik mrmrr'm Mai* 4 ! La* achioved iu <reel rvpultiloq It all' directly upon the kidueyi ii I llvw au.l by plas them lu a baallby oouditUm drive* Jtseass and puiu tr..iu the lyateui. Kor all Kidney. Ln id Urinary truubleo. fur the dietresslna iU orl*n of women, for Malaria and pbysteal troubles generally, this great remedy na< DO e<iaal. 'eare of liiipoiton, ImikMion* and eouooctlo *aid to b ju*l a tfooU. For l)iabt<M M. for Manarr-e mmir !** i.. . . < ,,, . Kor sale by all .leejen. II. II \ IHI H A < <> Txroulo. Out Hoohwtar N T L.odoa mot. U. < 1%. MI i i i i or HAN. Nenroui Waaknee*, I)y*pep*ia. Impotence. Heiual Debility, cured by " Wells' Health He- newer." tl. A little pelerine crape, just covering tbe boulders, is pretty and fashionable with tbe toilets for children. n...... lirsaa. All your own fault If y.'U remain atck abeti you can Ciel bop bitten that never Km. ThewoakfMt woman, auialleat child and sta Invalid C4U UM hop bitten with aafely and graai (oud. old men tuttcrtnc around from Kbtuoiatuus kidney trouble nr any weakness will be almeM new by aaiug bup bilUin. My wife and daughter wr made healthy by tbe UM of bop bitten, and 1 reoomuiaud iheia to uiy pe jple.-k.tboJUt Clergyman. Aak any irood doclur If bop Hitters are not the b*Ml family luediMue Uu earth Malarial fever. Ague and rlilloainrsa, wll leave every neubborliooj as aoou se bop bitten arrive. My mother drove tbe paralysis aud neural*!*. all out nf her >>>letu with bop bitters. &. .SHU. *.*"Tbe same uirunre will not suit all nr r iiii-tarico* " Hut Kidney- Wor; mnts all ca*e* >.( liver, bowel* and Sidney di*ea<* and tbir c inooiuitanu. pile*. con*ti|*tin diabetem ague. u . Try it an J you will uty eo luo. A little gathered capote of two shades of blue, piuk or yellow is tbe pro|*r bonnet for the 3-year-olds. t^*ln tbe Dikiiiiiit Dy*x mme Coloring I* Kiveu for uceuu thtu luauy IJ.T li&cuutdtM. aud they give faitvr and more brilliaut colors Keep tbe kidneys healthy with bop bitUct aud you Deed uo! (ear aickoeia lee water u rendered harmless and more re fn-iliiiiK aud ret u .UK with bop bitten iu eac draught. Tbe visor of youth for the aged snd Inarm ID hop bitter* KIDNEY-WORT Jenny land's son. Walter Ooldeohmidt, ie to be married in London shortly to Mi-a Daniell, elieet daughter of Col. James Le Uegt 1 lalili'll. ' ruin- t'awysspaistrllr. liirdie Mollennepin and ber brother were at the seashore. "Ob. see tbat!" exclaimed Birdie. " See what .'" inquired tbe etoioal Joha. " Why, see tbat little cloudlet jut ab<M) tbe wavelet like a liny leaflet dancing o'er tbe soeue." " O, come, you bad better go out to tbe pumplet in tbe baok yardlet aud noak your little beadlet." KIM I. II <> < <! . II- A -k for lloiiiih on Cough*.' for I '..tub*, r .1.1*' Moru Tbroat. lluaneueea. Trocheii, 1 jc. Luiuid, ij For tbe overooatK aud dreiises of little girls and boys taking tbeir first steps, rib bed velvet is quite popular. It neems Impoulble that a remedy made of *uch common, Bimple planu a^ ll..|.i. hiu-hti. M.niilruk,-, Daudellun, etc.. iboul.l uianeto many aud *ucli great ciiree as Huit liitten do; but when old an I >MUI>K, rlcb anil p.x.r |>tur an I iliKtor, lawyer and editor all testify to uaviiiii beeu cure.l by thooa, you muat I elleve aud try theui yuuraelf, aud doubt dp longer. 7^ LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. 1 1 . .. r i,,. for Woea. lavrstMl by a Wovia. Prepared hy a Woaa. Almost the only trimming employed on the haudsoins silk and velvet dresees of little children is the large, full aasb. nOTHBIt \> Infallible, taitelena, barmleaa, oatbartlo , tar feverUhness, restlessness, worois, oouetipa- lios. Ve. the drt>-,|,ln< hnn'.nU.tllonranlcfiin<>llaii.irl*iilarticltr and flrmnewlolluiMrp. reMumlliouturalliuIre loll.* rt.-. *,. 1 1 Un**.m thr pal* i-h.-k "f womm the frr*b ' ... "i.rlMir *".! ..* r ly *iiiii.ui>r tlni*. t t-Phiclin Ue II and Prerle II Freel II r-m...c* fUntn^.. lUiuk-ocj. deT\.y* *J1 crliv f,.r titBlnt,andrll*TwiWH^ii^*o. lo l.,n.. k T .t t,- 1 n^ of brarli* d..wn, r*uili.g |ln. . . n I l, kx-1.0. U alw.v. f i r*rtke re ef Klt*rj fairlalal*er . llk.r *r* UU Cmr*mmt I. saanrMwI. I. TIM* r. I'lMilMw'" Hionll IM l:ll II U : .I -I. i.-' i!,.- <j*t.-ru, ol nuui wuuunur child. ln*M b>UKlk II .ih th. fSanprniad aaTlU,l PurtS>r.r |.n-p*rr,l .t .HdBtWxkjra AfMM, LJMI. M*>. >' $u Wi mire for S5. arnt hy mll In ll.r r..t iu T ..f I t rf". " r---.li* ..f |r., -. I' I--' I- h.r. Mr.. 11nkhmfn'lr ain""*'ll ' nq.ilf?. Kn.-l.Mi. Jet. Ump. Si'iid fnrpam|.lili I. v.r.,., , '.l\ l II i '.l\ l II <ull..i|.i'l.'> " l per sol. nil l>ru M l"- A NYLADIB80R YOUNQ MEN wbo are out of employment. In elly or ci.untry, dlitanoe no nl.jeciiou , can have *i. Iv wurk at their homsi all the year roun.l. Work Hint bv mail ; any one ean do It ; food aalary , no canvaMinf. AdilrM* I'NION MANCrAOTl'HINU CO, 76 Waablailioa street Boston Mas HE GREAT CURE M -RHEUMATISM- l* U u for all Ui in fnl d.*M of t* KlDMKVt.LIVKII AND BOWELS. Il IMUIMM th* wTwtvm of th aond poia I *> e*4r lae vtottae or Bh THOUSANDS * tt the won! forma of Of CAS rsiir, *i qnl*kl7 TfUrnA. and In Sort PEKFICTLV CUHBD. n .1 in us si. MILS si *SII.I.I<T. . .n tn. wnt bv ruai u VurllwtonVt KIDNEY-\VORT THE ONLY VEGETABLE CURB O* Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Habitual Costiveness, Sick Headache and Biliousness. Plica, *. pwbnnU. S.' I brail 30 DAYS' TRIAL c.Hnp4Me \i. -i nr.i i IH Vi... K in.. I 'I al ouoe f"T !Uu*trutd v ' - ! Voltaic Bflt Co., HanhalL Mich. '' "''"' m l|n ir anl i H.IM* M 4 HIMH: Ii.. ti|l : -J inn, - l-.n- . I'thll V * Ihrmrr .-in m k*l ttken.Clrrularefree. WM i.ll.l - . r.iu i I . yea IMCIP.4L BIN*. IMPORTANT IJOOK FOR MUNI cir\;. onunelllors and oAoere, contains brief and familiar elyle the m .innp.1 laws Ontario wltb forae. 9PO |*ayes ; bound In olotfi |.n, ei.ii di.llar. Addreea PHATT * TKM'Y PoMttbera. Bbtfor4 Cssro Mieh t*l.*'M to MKT-eaHualaeat K.luc-atiou or Hiwirerian t*ea- maiiahlp al the BPKNOwIt IAN I.VSINKBH GOLLBOI Circular*, tree