Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Feb 1884, p. 4

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THE ADVANCE. ./. X- Faivcett. Editor. FLESHERTON : THUUSDAY. FED. M, 1*M. THE ire of the F.ditur and the cor- i. -incident oftlie Duixlalk JkraWhM lu en raised to fever heat by the re- marks of Tm: AHVXMK We do not feel called upon, however, to kick every little yelping cur that barks at our la-els at unyrate it requires too exertion to kick at nothing. Southern Correspondence. ( /Y"m <"/ .MTU < 'ul'l't'it^Mifi'/fftf. ) Th,' Su.. tin Sn.'W the " lieHtltiflll Suow," XX liu-ti fell ill tlii. State M.IIII' fuur u.-i-k> ago. AU.nt t"..i ,li--|i all in IINK ni^ht. S*N>,I >.'tt. n. .1. anil uit'luxl awav out of night. An.) left tlii' t;i iMiml l.i ,-. ,i lu Autumn liiuo. So pU-uMitit it litokd. no woniter I rhyme. land now its just thu kind of winter weather to suit thoae like myself who never wished to Li* |'i ." ting <;HEY .\M> //'/ A'A.'/.'/.V. The publisher of drey and Duf- f.nii met at the Kutlid'-'e House, Mai'kdale, on Friday last. The object v,.is to form an Association, to be c.illed "The Publishers Association of the Counties of I J ivy and Pufferin." Tin- meeting was called l>y Mr. C'. W. llittledjje of the Murkdale StttiiJuril, and answers were received to the circulars issued by him, fioni all the I'ublishers in the Counties named with two or three exceptions. Some were unable tu bo present, owji^' to other en^a\'ei:;eiits. The Publishers 1 :. sent weie : \V. L. Smith, Economitt, Sliclbume* J. W. (irier, Vniture, Tliorubury. S. (i. Ketchum, 1'uit, Hanover. J. Townsoml, (jny hti-icir, Durham. 8 ^'U.llll.1 l-i.Vi'rt.,1 Wltll MlW.' Till' n. until' ... , ..I.I. nil. I >u wliili'. \t "IVII1'\ (ll.Vtll tlt/lT.l Wllilf lii, k r'nwt ill >tli <tlli). > lli|jl> l.itn. Hut siniimers "heated term " is worse than fii'st, sin.w. or blizzard, ymi can not escape, the hmt '. Thosu People are ex- ceedingly friendly. THE "111 NTINi. sKx-ov They make a l.iiMiietts of hunting here, both for pleasure and profit. All turn out from the "small lioy " with his "Si|imrel uun ' to the "six footer," with six shooter, and woe (.etideaiiy uaiae they discover. .Veins cruel, don't it. t.. uk, the life of nny harmless bird or animal ' (iuess it is /..,/ rijjht except in cast s of u>ivx.<n'ry There is one jreiitle- liian in this State. X. C., who keeps a pack of st X KNTV-KIVK HillM.-,, und pay an overseer nftn-n htnuiml tliJI.ir* a year for takim- care of them. \\hcii >. mi.; "in foi a hunt, he rides IH his carriage fur as lie can, accom|4Uiicil by a servant or to. then he leave* the carriage and inoiiiits n horse, ami when the IIOIM- can proceed no further, he foot* it until satisfied, or dissatisfied as the I.I-M- may In-, uiul retuins by the "way" he eame. They Use a ln.rse here like oa ill the Old Country, and when, "At 111. MM Aurora uaily break*. lu ull IUT proiiil Httin-. Mje.tii nver -tri-niK- and lake*. Till' lium-maii with the ilay U-UIIK Tu w in 1 thu uit'lluwhorn." I max here remark that there is more music In re in the Smith (so far as I can j mine ) in one dny, then in ten where I have IIM-.'I in Canada. I ilo m.t nunti.ii flying . >t, ' t .. i, move to leieueil and .'in- < Tina i-.-~.ipe !> jneventi-il him ill get- \\lnli- in this 1 he notu-eil a splinter air strttujht in thu iicail. He could nut so put up both .n ma incxit.ilili- blow. He L-ie cut mi ..in- linger, dw was Ikiilly jamU il. man hail a nariMW a ft-w duvs befoix* thu -NEW- Mr. Thorp. Wright is yoing mtoie pressed hay ihi|ipiii); busiiieis. That is what we want, an there is a Icrge ijuantity of hay in thin neighbor- hood. Mr. W. gentlemanly HMHB eU-jant tr; j'.mu.d is htst, on hi ing of the Counties a genuine ln-he.-. til Dullerin. luith, the luuulsoine and lit "I- of the She 1 1 mi in- hered himself into the .re in wtiieli this L'i<at -ihed on Friday evenin,' i home from the nieet- ,sof (irey uiul Uiitfvrin kilale Mr Snntli is a ulud fellow, mid pub- papcr in the County of t wonder that he ha reeened nearly two do/.eli luap yJar pro- ]>sala and is ^urrels. H ' tc. captivate Farm St. ulilic auction pet of the Shflblinie it OMtadM is Mitti. K-nt ,-iuU-r of the fair sex. o.N SALE. 4th, 184. A.ll.N. Jenkins, Chionirfr, Durham, T. Hall JlcntlJ, Dundalk. <.'.\V.llntlcde, ,S'MnJn/. Maikdali. A. l!.Fa\vc<tt, APVAM-E, FltMhertoii. Letters were read from several of those who \\eiv absent, expressing Uicir concurrence in the objects of the Association, und willingness to abide by the lUv'.sion of those present. Telegrams wi-ru rweiveil from Mr. Cattle of the Orange* till* " Clazette," and Mr. Monroe, of the " Dntferin Advertiser," Oraiii-exille, expressing Uieir hearty co-operatiun. The price L-: of " liruce Publishers Associa- tion " was adopted with the exception of the part referring to the Poster work which was left over for further consideration. Matters appertaining to the biisin, -.s \\en- diseussed by lliose present ; and although the at- tendance was somewhat smaller than anticipated, yet much good will event- ually result from the meeting too, ther .s.-r.* Throat, wl" the HK'inbers of the FourlJi Kstate painful utfectioii or big heads." us the irrepressible Ketchum, of liv Hanover J'mt, dubs thrill. The dinner prepared for the press, nil n by Mr. llutlcdge, rchVcted great o edit on 'he n\eel,ut hustcss ofthe Ittitledge house, by whom it was pro- piled. A.I UiU'l.t in si!pjH)aed. iin.l'lc justice to the same was done by the this fact ill a disparaging way, lint to en eotir.'igi) brother Canailians, and every nation, to nn>iv in,-|..,ly. elieerf illness and '_'iKHlne. Siii^ini.' in particular, which strengthens the lunjjs ami voeal orirans, ami inviijonite.s the whole nystein. Sutitlieni Spring month* have now began, a variety of liirds have winterud" here, I iiw a Canadian Canary on it Peach tree at my window the other day. early peach lituls, Ac., an- smelling, ami eaih mrdening commeiicini;, were it |>oMible. I would semi you some (Janleii S;ui " in i few weeks. WM. Pmnv. Hiitl,. rf.,r,l >':Jlr,f. /'. it. , H,nL, Implements, >\.e. l!r ,t Lot '.'7, Con. lit, Ei;n"- nioiit, eomiiieiii-ini: at I-' oclock liooli, nil Friday, Fel.. l.'ith, 1K*I; 12 mouths creitit on sums over 4>.'i : S |K.T cent, dis- count allowed f.>! cash u all miiii-t over ?."). .lames T. Wilson, proprietor: I>ui;alil MeCormiek auctioneer. See large |><>ster for panieiilars. Farm Stock and Implements. -By public auction on Wednesday, Feb. 27th, ' on Lot 40. t 'on 4, ArtemeHia, i-.'inineii' in_r i at I. " '-l..,-k. n.xiii. sharp. To ! sold without rt-sen-e. \'2 months cn-dit on sums over n. Win. Coojier, proprietor : John S|xH>r, Auctioneer. See |M,ters. It.i Fall and Winter FOR 1883-4. R. J, Sproule, FLESHERToN, Whilst tendering sincere thanks fur the lar,'e patronage received in the psr. begs to announce the arrival of an 1MMKNSK STOCK of Full untl Wiutrr (iiwxls. Having entered the maiktt aiid phu-etl onhrswlun priri x -.;i re it their lowest, [xiint, 1 am now pre|>arrd to (,'ive the very best value postiibly t. bcjjot, to my patrons. My laru'e stuek of I^il<li>x >Iinitl*K and C?OI*Hetw i.> ' something immense, and tor (Jimlitv. Style, and Cheapness, fur urp;usi ;m\ tiling ever shown in tins part of tlio country. In order to Ix 1 prepared for my brave and steadily incrensin*; business, I have placed lartje orders, thereby Ketthin ;,'oods it the lowest possible prici - . and In lir\ in-.- tliat it is mutually bent-fiend to work us inneh its possible on ;. Cash basis, thereby sax in,- the piireku^er the laifje addi'.ional piolits that- must be put on to cover losses. 1 will sell >ood t the cloaeut possible prict s tu cash und prompt pax in-.? ciistuiii.-is. N GROCERIES 1 my .-.lock i> I a !"; and complete and of the choicent Duality and xxill b* cold ;:t Fro/en (irain Prices, which please note,- - 14 Lbx- "'oaf/ /'/Y'.sr/-f ///;/ Hrji^rd tin<j'firjor 1-ii(l- <> Lhs- good Fresh }'oiin^ lii/xon Tea for $ I <)(> .ImdhiT hd of that ]a ninitx >l a [>a it J e<i. ,j Ihx. for'JOe. Another lot [,t>t"J ( lear Honelexs Ihiro^ /j*|r " in pise con-ex/ioinl i n<^lij ( /iea TRUTHFULNESS ! Courtesy, /// Goot/x.Golfl, Si/'rer, Plate, or Gilded, sold for jniiu'lint tlieij are in . Mafrrif <iu<i Finpnr.su i Cure Kor Chilblain. the the feet fur tea ur tifteen ininntes i iu watrr us hot ,M cau lie Ixirtie ; then apply Halyard (Yellow Oil. ami a cure 1 certain. Yel|.> I >il rines Kl'eiimatl-ni. XuuritlEia, Deaflu-iw, I.UIII-IIPH-. an. I pnin 1:1 m rally; ami iiitcmrdly clirin Cobl-, ip, Akthain, and iimnx who w.h a nice ri it t> t<> M-Iuct from of to, Kings Tea The nieiabers formed themselves into an Asxiciation, and elected the following olhci 1 lieaieis for tho current term : Jolia Kutheit'uid, Owen Sound, I'lL'siilcnt ; W. L. Smith, {Jfiiiiiuniit, Slielb.inie. 1st Vici - P. isident; J. \V. (irier, ViHturt, Tiiornbury, 2. id Vice-President Tow.iseild, (t'rry Kteitir, I liirh.iln, Si-c.-i'Ury ; and C'. W. Uutledge, Muik.l.ile, Treasun r. IL:.-TIME:> ; i')l K.it-ui'l pulilii: we warn- 0.1 tin ir guard against a Meelliit; at r fin niir nirn t'',rrt*/i<m<lrnt, Th" annual Tea Meeting; of tl.e Meih- ..-iisl Church, KM^I-III.I, ua, hilil on the :!4Ui lilt., and a. in every ein,e a sue- ee>.-. Tea wa< served ill the old School Hoii.se. the MM, s hem.,' lii-nl, il with thiwe ilplicn.il> niorseln thu ladies m t lux .iic.ihtjr know n well how lo make. Tun "Ver. the pti'ple went to tlii! eoin- fortablu and inaily a.li.rncd Church, ami after sin/m^ an.l pmyi'r, Mr F. T. i an wan called to the cliair: be at once pn.eci"led !' call i.ut a lengthy prox'aine, i 'iisulniL; of sj.i'eebes, re.nluiL; -, reeita- .loii-, mid iini.ie. Speech from Mr. J. If Sloan WM well lc'eei\'-i| ; an, I an ad- .< by the Uev. A. \\ il...n, mi "l^oynlly : to Christ,' was an nistriic;ivu mi eilil'sin^' one. Our old frii ml. Mr ,J. |iinw.i..,lv. _:i\. a recitation which fairly "brought ilown tliu house and, IVIIIK fiii'in'i'il, re- |.ii.!eil av'ain Colix .ilsin^ the. aiiihence. Mr. I! Carl iitliers ^.ne a iiiiiiioront reail- ni^' wlnca tuLled the laney. Mr \Vm l>m ly o.vve a lei'itatio.i which mip- |n rle 1 Ins |M.j.iil.ii-av IIH a "I'l.iit .1 in .1 recitaMnli by Minnie B>i'U^a VI1KV riNKSTOC'-X of Electro Silver Plate Ware ! Will Am. it t their advatiUt{;0 U> inspect My Stock ! ASD (ii:T SIV PHICKS He/ ore J'tirc/KfA/ii"' Else- where I a-k fiTii uliar.. i.f I'nl.lie I'atruuaiju on tli i.ai.,t HONKST i>i:\i,ix<;. B::t: and Shoes for the Million ! DOWN, 1HAVX TO 1!()CK J'.O'rt'OM PHICF.S. Jl'ST UIX'KlVKn : A CAR OF PRIME SALT ! both in 1!1>1.-.. and best Daisy Liverpool Suit, for Kirtter. in b;i ;.. The Highest Market Price paid at all times for mil kinds of Kami IVrxlucc also I'liittt-r and F.gg>. l-i" A call i recpectfully solicit) <!. /.'. ,/. XrUOl'LE. - - - FLKSllEliTOA. WM. ST'RAI N's F o i; SPEIGHT WAGGONS AURIttLTllllL - I.YINJ'lli;\T.\ SEWIIVG MACHINES Ac. " The t.l tJ bj l..ivelili; lilli.-.inc,' i;i tli-j person ol '!>"' xv.e jiiv.teii witli applaii.e. Mr James la. 1. 1 c.il>i:i-: I.l. .1^1 If W. 15. Smith w!io { tiirou,'.! the cinintry. son.. -iu' fruit trees, various ax.i- f t.-IVels tunes priiiH in,' ,u. d .ill lately i.l. ini'.' to his c.ili.jiis, tiiat of trying to sell \vortL- le-.< tliisiiv l.iedicine of his ow'li man :. Picture. .Ms i assniui.',! a role of a for- Liuu 1 til. i.. Fai'inrr's. if \,ui value \.).ir fi-iiit trees d > not let him into xour oicliani.-. but get a man who iiinlersi.i.i.is ins business and Ins n ji -put. itio. i to sustain. Tin- person in ,-i i .^ a slur ly >u f i n.-r, u:ul in)l a stranger to p.ison walls, so pass ' The \V. PL Smith referred to by ii. u- contemporary, is an innoceiil. h.trmless imlixi I'l.il. wii > is more of a i, ./-//ne ! lmu'lf than to anybodv i. . Ilo ii xv. II kiHMvu in this locality, u id xx e would be,' to remind the U.irjiiicic tli.it M. 1 . Siniili t!ioa-i;i,'!ily n.i.J-i>iii:ids tin* fruit trw titwini >-. ii.i,;i>; in .i e:iu'.>-,'' 'I in one of the b-.i hn,' I'.nU'd Sta.e.s niu'series. The (7hrotiU-ltt remarks are altogether Thm-simi reail tli it laugl.tiT provoking pieei . "K:x. l/iiakui- Strong.' It took well. Then followed a ~peeeh by KeV. ( >. ddinaii, ti-i.in the Xnrtli NVust, liich noun xvliat len^'lln. yet lull ..f intcieM. Sevi nil local voice-i adilud to tlu mien si of the evening, by reinlernig aeefptably >e\i|-.il jUi'ee- .,f nillsle, \\ltll Miss TllUr-, ^l.ui prvsiiiing at the oru'au. The pro. ^ cei'din^" were hruiight to a close by Votes tliniiks to the l-akcrs, .-HI-I-TS an i I'l.iin (.oi,| Wedding Aln-a> ke|.t All \\attli work KEPAIREI BY MYSELF! ami \X inio.ti'.l. W. A. BROWN. MarkdalR. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP Repairs kept constantly oil baud. Sewiug machine oils iu stock Also Stoves, &c., for sale. WM. STRAIN. - - FLESHERTON. Win. Clayton BOOT & S110EUAKER eliiirch lipeorali.is ami tile ^111^11:1' of th Xa- tonal A itlien, by ;lii- au-ll. in;e. 1'ro I veils. 40. Then: luinjj jilenty of PCVM x .>i..ii ..till OH hail. I, asueiiil wax held ill j same I'laceou the folio M in i[ Ueilnes- j us |.|ntit.il.le tiini* 1'i'ie^ Hpuiit by UIOM- a-s. milled. Mr. T. \V. Himtli wjw iip- punile'l Cllllll-liiail, -ui.l M-veral locnl st.ii>' slioiic with lustrous hrilliniicy. and the Tivasurs pocket itwnllouril the -MM i.f >'.> making in all 948 at both eliteltalliloent- FLESHERTON. Durham St., \ Thankful for past favors, has always a stock of BOOTS & SHOES oil " hand to supply his cus- tomers with. CUSTOM WORK MADE TO OEDER Repairing Promptly Executed..^* - - Flesherton. Tyrone an I Vlrlnity. t'nim our C'orrefjioinlriit t Mr. l>in i, -an hail a narrow eiea|ir from death in the Kush a short time a"o. It tree, Vil pf placi . Mr. Sini'.h'.s ^': C Uest , aj.|-ars he wax chopping ilown a 1 iilitU' ii< tltttt he indulges a little loo ,-iml m fnlling, the tree in queitioii lotlged t.r-elv ill tllJ eitp that ineln i;ites ; but aiuoni; <>ti- othurs. In endcax rrnm; to w, a'iv u.it *wur that the C'liroiiicle is *"*> '' * IMl * l 1 lil 1 '" n ^nger-juiiiHWrtion, .1 . the true iiuuneiily KAY*) way ami came croahing to uarth, ei\Umi{ ipliiiUura in all direction. ' ' THE MARKETS - Rural " Seed Bundle contains of ch of tHe following FLKSHKKTON. PIOBT 91 "ill to "i ,">0 Croi>-Br*d Mlltrranaan-Dichl, Fall Wheat .SO (il) Spring Wheat I) 4f> 1 (Ml origmiior of wh'kh . rl.<r" Pa, t he u.ml.l not -i-M J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, FI.KMHKUTON, .... ONT. A PRIZE.; Hen. I sir milt* tor pout- ai<p. and rvculve fr. . a ..f i.-"...!-. Wllilll ill ll,-l|l \l-uto in.. i,. money runt aajr tha.r aiwthniK clue in Una worn. AH ..( citlnT <-i. IIMMHH! from tart r Tlio Im-ad roa.1 to f..rtui..n|M.. b,fore th. [>. ,| . u ,,it 11 - , , tn> -I-. li I 'i Ji ,.' ,i l<fxhr). Th"Rural' OWWy <> .IS '< I Union Corn. . y,. Oats Q -0 Peas (ill Mutter II Hi K^-s, fresh (I 2 Potatoes H5 Pork 7 .'-. Hay, per ton 7 50 Hides 5 00 \Vool 17 Sheepskin- 5(1 (fceso 05 Duckr), per brace 40 Chickctw, jxr Srncc.... U selection from II >>w kini). ; A Naw Rya ,^ irc.u urumi^c: H.,r, ford's ; M.irkrt Cardan Paa; Black Champion (I do Oatt, a ^election frmn manv forrisn taring; The ' Rural " Garden Traaiura. enuuiih for a >mall >.nacn "I the cholcait AnaiuU, li'2 IlirnniMU ii.f IVrennuN ; Tomatoas .. n An nllxv ^ l 1 -^*.' 1 ^ *" l ' c ncw kiniK. 7 5(1 H III. Ii (10 Thr"k,,r1 Nrtr V k,r IMI.r m~ r-\^" W^l otlt.tril Jiwnol ,MiljMI,..|m III. I'niu.l MM*-, RltaHM ,.ii,inl. full. .If,.. I ,udu,( nuiuran.li.llurv.wlur ( . 20' I tir l;r.il New Vorktr tu ihe enJ of 18(4 7"i The Wwkly Mail to the mil of iWi, and I h.- Kural .Senl liunu . ALL FOR $2.75 TM MAI,., 05

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