Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Feb 1884, p. 5

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' A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Do you see the boy and pig ? Yes, but why does t ho boy and pig run so fast ? The pig runs not the boy. Yes, but why do they go so fast ? Oh, the boy is in a hurry to have his picture taken at BULMBR'S Photograph Gallery, Flesherton. Photo and all kinds of Picture Framing promptly attended to. JAS- BULMER, - - - THE PEOPLE'S PHOTOGRAPHER Local and Other News. Sr. V. U.BNT1N K'S day wedding day aa wull. yo Editor a " Truth u Mykty nn-l < Pmail." McFarlaud's Tea is mighty strong and does prevail. Tit te wata, Ycry pleiisaut parly at the , ,v,nlcncerf Mr. W. H Campaign*. L*tUe other medicine u > reliable ia\ NEW WATTHMAUE * JKWKLLKK. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for e.ddu, couRti*. Mr. Js. O. Kusnell, late (.1 Haanltuu, .l tin I" injured limb. amputate it at found it tin K:,. and all derangement* of the respiratory practical Watchmaker aud Jeweller, han 1 joint, after win. h she wiut conveyed to or"ans tending tuwani consumption. In opened out in thu above business in L><>!1 ' her fathers residence on thu 4th lint all ordinary Mae it b a MTtBUevre, and old stand ( Richardioii'* block) FIcsher N 1). H., Artemeaia. .. .,-.. r.l. .. ,..i,.. t i..r ili.. *>.t>imt.in ton AII Mr. RuMell i an experienced Una should U- a wwninu to iieoiile it atfordi ure relief for th asthmatic ton. As Mr. Kiuwll is au experienced and consnmptive, even in adTaneed stage* watchmaker Mid jeweller, and comes not to walk ..u the railway track, and of disease, highly recommended by on. of the leading especially at thin season of the year whrii ! 'wholesale jewelry Hnus in tin- city of the snow is deep. Hut the safest plan is OIK SrioiiLft. Is it not aU.ut time 'Hamilton, wo have no dou" ' Uit that the not to walk on the railway track* at Mills, OH TndrWay e-retuag Ut tftha* If you want Kelt or u;i or done oTer, o t Flesherton. hatx made G. A. N. FofM> A Revolver, opposite Mr. R .1 Sproulu'i general store, Fleshertoti. Mr. P Mi-Master, Flesherton. Trusteo Hoard was devising some public will ac-..nl him an extensive 1 for eucuring more school accom- j>atruiutge. Si-e advertiaetnent. iou. Jn the Kenior dejiartmeut of uhlio rf*oo1. c have *atii ca- PHKENOLOC.Y. Mr. A. WaUaca Mason, for M pupil*, while at preteat the the well-known and talented I hrenologist daily" attendance m that room is lectured in tin- over 70. There u also a Urge attendance m the Junior de|iartiuent. ii of the year. any Town Hall, nehrtam, eveiuu, U. a Uiye audience. Ai'[>ly WHO WAX A MEMBBK. We retsret smoerely we cannot give your scathing ex|M*uire of the Mutual Marriage Our old friend, Mr. H. M'tchell. of 'Aid Association thin week ; we will r.iicrsvillc dropped in to see us ,,n Moil- publish it next week without fad. how day. Ha look* a, halu Mid hearty .is of ] - ' yon-. Neils. ni Bros , art; doing a large isram trade both here and at the station. Their prices very often raiiKe much lie^lnir than thiwe KHKU in Mi: Ui.v HTKAfBAN, niervlmnt .if Karenna. 'o!lin^wmtl Twimhi|i, ciitlod Hi us last TiK-stiay. Hu w:is n a visit f.. ur esteemed ejli/vn, Mr. WIIL OUyUn. "i, Monday The Iwcturer illutiall his subject ty exhibitinx variously f<>Hn>lliuiiiaiiakulU, showing the characteriitu^ of each, AfU-r the Iwturc a public ex;iinllt>ti..ii ,.f sonic of thu "lin< heath " of thh locality was made. The Editor's cmiiiuin was xamined among otfcelt, and Hwa clearly which hu stated that a number ! ileinoiiBtrated that thai SBiitlenian's head whose names weru mi thu was bi at any rate. It was also slmun made their first a|>parancu on the pudlic that Mr Supt. 1 1. .*!'* h<-ad wa oii{ ; so platform that evening H. knew tl.e th.it in future if you want to tind two "bu{ heads, " all you liav . to ,1.. is t The enUrtaminent under the .iiiMp,,-e of the FUaWton Division .s,,,,.< ,., /,, ,,-,,,.. in the T.-wn Hall He.lierton. on \\luelav evfinni:, tli mitt . was largely attended. Tliu proi;raiiini<- via an ex.-ellent one. liut somewhat K-iivtl.y. 1'nriaelv at X o'clock the > urtain irf drawn, and the Chainimn, Dr. ClirUt4ie, made a short and .inti-d addrvwi, in f those sh.'ul.l > \]M.*e,l at every turn, in order that others uuty not be .lupc.l by smooth, oily- toii'.'tied agent.-, similar to the one you had the misfortune to have dealings with call at I'm Ai>\ *>' r. NOTICE. As will be seen by lulls just insaed from this office, Mr. James T. Wuion li.is purchase)) the well-known Kuuccmaii >t. .mi Saw Mill. 011 Lot I-'. '.>n. 18, Township '/ Protou, and will take |nasioii 1st ,rf March nent. when he will 1 pr< i .n, d to twv cash for all 6th, when the following ufliccn were The H*nth Crry L. O. 4 . L. annual meeting "f the Orange County "Lodge f SosM tii-ey waa hell in the town of Durham,' fi tu Onuie Hall of L. O. L. No. <M. 'i. Tuesday. Feb. MR. R. I'I.VXTT, Bumnm, still has his ... _. m wlebrated Durham Ball calf which t.H.k j,,d ShiHKlv-making at resuuuialile ratea. elwUsl f.it the ensiunu ye* kinds of Mt-r. n nit Custom saw . n y tirst prize at East rtrey Exhibition last I We wish our good friend Wilaoii erury fall. See bills with pedigree, Ac. shortly. \ sueeess in his new enterprise. Mr ('..Hiisvinl, of the firry KrriVtr, .h"Pl .1 in to aw us last Saturday mom 111111;. He. was un hw wsy home fnun the iu. -.-t i n- of the publialters <>f Urcy and Dulferiu m Mark dale on Friday. Foil SAt*. - Mr Tlu. Osburne, who liven alxuit a mile and a quarter out of KWhertoii on the Collingwood road, has a quantity of <i->A field CarroU for sale. Flesherton Xtatioiihouaf, T (i A H R., hat been undergoing some very npcfanary repairs reveiiUy. New rin. new windows, and all nicely painted We sliuukl like aU<> to eve u waiting rooai for ladle* exclusively, and the lajaga) .lame* Bduc. ' M Robert Alj.K-, U. (V M 0. Rutherford. (' Chaplain. \V. |lrighnm. *'. Sout> tar) W. A. Auderaon, C. Tneannvr. .losvph Me Anile, f. 1. of Tel Kpbnuia Brodie, 0. LvaftKt r Thu MNai-auuual uniting will l- held in PncvvihV, on Thursday, Jiim- the rtth. especially ae thu station is the centre of a 'and the annual meeting in Mount roreal lace anioimt .if public travel. This on the first Tueeday in February. 1HH.Y nib-t for iHirhain. . . . MM ion in the natural . IMu-cTillc. Flesherton. Max well. Kugema, and KimU rli-i Mr. (ieo. Higinbrithain, W. HHI Haw Mill at GoinaAw.Y Little Falls is in full bhvtt doing sgu4 ^fc., (,, r naur iy, ,f M ., t , { *it, f liur yew, *,.rk. i'u-i.-in l.^js finrt cut, au *^4 hM bfcMi in the erovlnruunt of mir uer- wners catt et Iheir him her for return ^ ltf merv t, ;i | M . Mr R. J. Spn-ul., will try hu fortune in Nusth -West course of a couple of month or <H t rrldr u I on 1 <. . A U.K. A* the Mon.Uy morning tnun from Owen Hound approached Flesherton Station, pets.>n the Sunday School Tea Meetiuv Rd S."il ( '*ttth S, hool ..n WedAwday _'IM!I i ii st. Flesh.' rt'.n Sunday 8clio..l will furnish exre.iluia iiinaMal prufnmme. Te-x surred in Wash y Church at 7 o'clock }>. m. Orit nii> FKIKSK, Mr. Stephen HadRer of Collinxw.xid Township, called n us List Thursday. We kardly rticogniied him i\thr%t. with Ins iinjvenal and i{U*. otherwise he has nt changud, but is the -nine .nid fellow as of yore. teria ,.n Sunday, The new Presby- t'hurcji, Fleshertoii, will l>e opened March Itith. Rev. D. J. M ujdonneU, of Toronto, will be preaesjl .nd dilivor a sermon on the IC.ISMOII. I'ullef particulars shortly. Mr. Krn,:iMi SHAW, an Wd ncli.M 1- felloW of ye K.lltor's, froUl ColllllKWoo.1 Tirwiislnp, dropped in to <; us on Mondav last. He is a Mk of Mr. R.lwnrd Nhaw, the well'known importer of English Cart horses, and stock raiser. PRR.SSMAKII.:. MissesC,irr\ Lever are prepared to attend to nil r.-ipiirini; their services in the drusHiuakiii'^ ; and ,t< the work already <1 -ue by them hits given ^ .".I satisfaction, they coiitidently solicit public patronage. .Shop, m Win Strains block, Fleshertou. nuuv. ilriver iiotiiifl a hr o.idd I. .t Ml whi-ihei man ..r womau on the track, making au in thejattem^ t., get .it of the way of the .. Mr tram, whWi wat soioewlmt difficult t. igi.||.otliam his always been regarded accomplish owing to the drifts of MII.W n HJ one >i< the most upright, honorable, each si.le of the track l>it arrnnl at steadv. and H"..,! In ing younir men in Flesherton Station lie mloriiied Mr the village, and we have no doubt suc.-es* Mc<iill. station master, wl umediaU-ly wiU attend hit etfbrta wlwrever he go,., went up the track ami found a V.MIIU; woman named H uaaj.l, lUuuM.-r "t Mr. A I jtnu Time John H award, of Artiuesiit, hmg "ii the Fifteen ywini ,<f sunfrinx from the or- side of the tiatk. nh > f her dtp ITB"| Myspepsi i i- indeed n long time terribly mangles! l*el.> the kne-. part of A. Hums." blacksmith, of C,.bonr, was tin, train having evid.mtly |*wd w>-r it thiu slHiete,:, bntit only re.niirwl four She was brought to tlt Station, and a bottles of Burdock Hl.M>d Hilt, rs to com- muMeiiger s,'iit tur Ik-. <'lm;.to, who j,|, tely cur.- him. immediately came out and having c\ audience would yi\e them it kindly hear ing. as well as the others who weru to take pait in the entertainment The nrat part f the programme cn- sisteil of song* by the Misses LeiU-li. iieecnift, L'hria^H', and CiMnpU-11 , a *|iiart<-t(e by Misses Christ. 10 and McDowell, and Misrs. F. M l..w.-ll and W. J. Ik-llamy accom|iaiued "ii the oiyan by Mi-s .! nm. McDuwell . ixci t an. HW bv Mr. W. M. t'l.nk .oid Ev. Mr MH ireg.'i . .ui'l .1 lea.ling by A. R. Faucet! Mlis IV.ciolt !ian a -J.MM! roicr for singing, and did very well, con- sidenng that it was her tint public at- tempt The giutrtett.- caittvd much amusement, and was vociferously i-rr>f. Tin- second |*i t of the programme was well sustained, but was altogether too t lengthy. The < 'k-iradr waa well put ..n andtlie persons taking part in it, formed their parta very creditably. He.. Anderson, as a uervnus ld man, made a good Int. The other pai t* were well suMtuin, .1 The third seen.- in the charade was composed by Dr. Cluisio.-, who eTi.lviitly pissusis g,<l dramatic . talent. Miaa MiHy Viuiduwu a nfitfin^ was excellent no mumbling ,4- chewing up of w,T<H 1>iH erery word elrly pronounced, and in good time. Tliis is the kind of smu'ing we like to hear. Mr James Killmel s Stump S|x-uch was well <_'U',i. ami mil ieiei\ed MIMJI Heard h. .wed by her singuig that she |MWU-S a good voice, which, if prop will achieve a eonsideiitbl d,-*ei\.illy S", tun. As the Chairman remarked, Alt. \Vo, H U is .1 spletuli.l s|H.i-inieii f the English tmllad sin.'. At any rate he is now the moot p. : nutle siiafvr ill this l.wality, and is lil>' . to ps'.iple 1 1" hold tku "belt " for aoine tin Ciune. Miss L. Aruistrong ivcited " P,,: Little .!._ spluiidnliy Miss Ixlit' idchardxon Hang K ill<un: >i m.wt cbann- ingly, plaviiig her wn scxom|*iiimtnt tbeorgHii. Mr. CUrk recited I'kV M>itt>< He did it well. V .lu.t by Mr F. and Miss W. Mcltow.-ll. was civd'.tably rei dured. Mi><< Hopkins n-cite.l in usual excellent nmi.ner Mi. MI Pace did uxeeedingly well : and to did MissSimtli Miss rhrutiie SAIIX very sweetly and in -.Mltime. M,- \\ M, D..welts siii^'ii . emitl to pleane the audience \.-iy much Altou'etlit-r, the program nit: was bettrr than the average. It iatruri, then. 1 omu defects, but seldom have > a programme ami particularly such Ic-ngtliv one so free of defects, aa tin-. one was. The ..bjevt :if this elitertailil.ielit was t" e;el fiinds for the puichiuic of an organ for the use of the Division, and from tin- fact that within a fraction ..f 940 was taken in in connection with lli is entertain- meiit, thu funds for so useful a pui| - will soon be furthouinuiK. >v> iu, i U. pt-r- Mr. l> n.iniih r>. | >,,, '/ t,, B. Attniur, J Unffalo Dynawiitvrs arrived at K Kile yeet*nlay, (f eb. rith.l tt'.i-y are |>ie|*ring fora fearful outrage. He* u all llifcrii u mas Inn, -. is they are Is-in all public "Hicea. If a well he poi*onel, wue be to th" who drink, thereat. It ia worse to puifoii thr fountain "f lift- for one'a self, and for poctvritr. Often ly esrelrasne.M. or mi- fortune, or inheritance, this ban !.<< dour. Ay*r's Sareapnrilla frees th* l>!o,.d. the vital Ktri-sni. and rvstores :i]'| ai-1 aetUtli. sii.-eess H( no distant date. This wns her first a|>|-aranef in public, nd she iles- ii\'s to lie colignttuhtleil for the measure of success win. h iitten.led her filut etl"i t Mr. Walter \\.HM| ang. and a-s nsunl, was loiiclh applauded and rurnrtil, and rly tnuiivd. ImTe to l.nve d. _!.. ..f nmpiiiate.1. ^ Bnd u, B one Scraplnff EJ -r-l Shepherd, of HI., sains Hu | ree<v1 H. w.i benefit from Eltctriu Bitters, I f.-l it - d'i'. let Milfonu< liilin.tnity know \< llsve had a running sore on m> ! iirlit yei rs ; my d-t..rs (..I, I me I w.iil.l the brW cra|W.| ..r le, uwsl mstnd, tn-e bulll. "f Ekclii. 1 Hitters .uid sr\ . n ! Iliirki, n's Arnica Sahe, and my n,i* si'iind ui.l Wfll. Kl.cti:,- Hitter* are idd at fifty c l.oHle, and Itii, Ll.n's An. ic. i S.iUe :. J5. is-r l>o\ l.v KMbardaons, FLESHERTON. MP.SXK.S. WATCHES ! MARBLE WORKS! CLOCKS & JEWELERY. Alin A ('AMr|..>K, Flusherton, announce by advertisement elsKwdurt-, that they are now fully prepan-d fur the Sprint; busi- ness, and solicit .1 shale of public patroii- HXe. The tiini are guutl workmen, and we be]>eiik f u- thvm liberal pati-oii.ii;e. THAT URMAL, soul-iiis|iitiiii,', k kim, Kctchiiiii of the Hanover launched hiinselF into the ethere of the Alv AM'K oftto! on Friday l.i-t. He wns on his way home from M.irkd.d where thewixdoiimf.tlie Fourth Kstute of lirey and Dutiuriii had lie. n jisHumbled to disciuw natton of interest t > the profession. Mi; A. H. NKWIXIK JF.NKI.NK, edit..' of th Durham ' 'hrmiirlr cnlle.1 on IM Friday eveniiiK last on hi* return from Murkdale where the publishers of Orcyaud DuHerin had been in solemn couclavu. Mr. !> - kins is one of the nn*t xenial inenilwrsot v.he Fourth Eitate that it has been our lot to come in contact with. SucxttM to tlus JAS. G. RUSSELL, E. VANZANT, Ml. klM> o. !'::':',: ::: Ms, (LATK OF HAMILTON, i Such an Moiiniiii-uts, T<4ub Tu \il<-<. IIi-:uUtoii. - ( .uiiter and Table Tojw m . \iaem-nii It.iliun Mu Id.' iiml (triiiiitr. and nunlc i>tt short notic . Also Mantli s in Mmlilc .1: I M.irlik-l/rd Sliile, ,vc.. ,'>c. Fledi.-1-t..n. Ani; Prac IU-a3 Watchmaker, i WILLIAM HOGG KANUFACTURING JEWELLER! FLESHEfiTON STATION ' 11. u st irtril linsim ss in the store next ili'or to th- Hunk, Kyilenhain st., FLESHERTON. suitable f-T tli.- In. 1 . -eM. 'ii. nil of nlii ..M chciip fur C'n> h have or Ci. of V*\v i'. 'i |'Ut.-lri C'l I" mli v I'rihlinv 1'! , ve uuil VUM. .1 ia l.i -I iilvKiiU. rtTa4 t , SBil I^.sr. on Sunday laet Between K. Trimble's Store and Methodist Church, a (iold Ear-ring, any IWTHOU tindiny the aame will be suitably r. warded by leaving U at my store. a. TKIMHI K. Soi. Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots &c., &c. Also* (nil snpplyot Hardware, frorrrlr*. rru>ltvlMin, < rorkrry. sperti.<n of tbe Stock invited. I. - And is prepared to do nil kinds of Wntch. Clock, and Jewelry |{e|>Hirin<; on short notice ninl in u Hiitiufnctory manner. l-Cvery AVntcli \\ : i i-fii n t <! . A good stock of \Viitclics, ('locks & Jewelry at t^o\v<?Nt l.*i*ic9H If your \Vntoli or Clock stops, take it to HimHKi.i. and he will brin^ it to time, (iive him n trial. COn OF RECOMMENDATION; M U Branch Store at KrfiE.YT. / krpt fully U'ltll (lOOtf*- ... , , Hamilton. March '2tit,lH8S. 1 1 ffur pou sv , K |W T(> j j^ s vw J^ ni nn<fcf M ^ Tina ii to cortrfjr Umt we know JAMW (. KUMILI. (o be * thorouKhiV gpod i,^, of . ttl , ^^ nrd< . r wilh ;, N ,, lt inn cr.-oi Timber l-d .n !.. tl,, Mill . Watclnuaker, ami would cheerfully recomiuoMd him to M* one acquiring ; .itualed. There aa> alto tt-ral other Oo>d Mill Sit*i M> U> i*"uft> - JjUraJ Tt-resa. 'work done ui. Lin line. A. 0. ANl>f'KHUN & CO.. M -ftliw pvrd.ascor l*aee to t eompelnit uiau. w U. M Mail, /A'i>Tln. . Flrvbertou Statii*, Ul !

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