Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Feb 1884, p. 8

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CiHitiinixl fii !'<{ '- (oral): it In full, n-plmlant ami i-orre|H>iiils ' U> the Iteration uf tlie word. It 1 in licrlimny ' with our n m cpuon- nf what it should K- All the Ues-nii:- In- lull-chasm! for iui i man In- pur i-|m-..l fnr.-tert IIIMII \- lln- Ke'lcclucr ille.i tor every unuier -it follow* no man i-tniM be nil- . iler a ilei-M-i- enii-U'iiini: him to hell A mcat.nr j ..I ili" Stunt - niHui-in e it* U--toio.l upon all. " ' Lrllrr !> Thwu K. Mown. mi tin- triu l.iubt \.in.-li luliti-tli i \i u\ inmi that ci.uu-tli into tin world' .lohn L t. Toultiiiiaui lu> ihwrv It ,.ivt.,Joiiu W.*- UylalotlMttBs i-'^ > > I'.i.l I'r \Vhe4on ml Milton t.. t.-t.M afain-t thi.i,i-flv... wlu-ii it la wull-kimwii tlmt tlii'lr AriiiiiilalilHin wa taucht flvarl> an.l .ll*tinrtly. \\fnli-y wroU' Ktiuiii-taii.l |i .'twh.'il imaim-i it. ili.l Fl.'U-lnT i.,^;!^,,::;;"^;'::,' 1 '^^;";;-',"^";;:, . i-onl With llii'-i lai'tn U-fori. him. what ilev- This is nol the "lied Flag" you have read so much about ; this is a good, houest price, good quality, & square dealing Hag. carried by Mr. Thos. Duncan, Tailor, Flesherton. | Tlie following extracts are taken from l a letter to Mr. (.'. I'. James. I'ricevdle, from Mr. Tlio-, R. Moore, fonutrly <-f I Artemesia, hut now of Washington fTer- i ritury, I'. S. We. regret that waut of i|i.n-e f..i-1'iils us giving the letter lu it* , entireiy. El. | We f.iitml Spokana Falls nhont the die ol' Owen Sound, hut only t-iiir vtMis - old where we nre now U about 100 ' miles Smith of tlie lioundarT line l*tween British America mid the I'uited States ami about 'JOOn-.iles Eisl of I'litfet Soiiiu' 'ami HIHM! water Thi is very rctrards climate, Tin- lieou fery mild, with thd exception of this week which ha- In en somewhat e., 1,1. The snow is alwut six iiicne)! tU-ep. t'.ittle ami Imrseii ate their oiMi living yet. (Jan. Istl. A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD 11 TWO LfTTIM. FROM THE SON : i. ...'. iljr father re>iile at tllov.-r. Vl. lie liw bwa) a great nutfi n-r Irom Sn>l- U, ami the iuotoed letter will Ull jo Li Uiiia etiocl worM of imrpom-8 ' M pn.f. --. - l- .|in,tc fnmi pamphlet 01 iwmplilct- \ iKtvk ma> hate j |,| c ,,nulrv wilttcn mull. failimt liutMi tiliveiM- to Metln - - , .- ill-lii . eiiliimi nil- -. ..:i"-:> n.s.sx.n UK* at winter - l.ir ll!: tin- ' We Ivli.'tc tlu.i isi the iiiniiicnt A, lam fell he lu. I iniKHK) l" ,M"f WI1.I. left lln, tlnnu l-cli-ur, that A. lam liail mi.l. eli"U;.-li to linli hnu-clf. ami to i-.>t . i h. m tit willing leave- What a iiaio.lt on the tnlth nt tin M.-th'-li-t Chinch: 1 There l- nut a liKllient of truth ill it. . H enneiniies with un c-xnt on tin- n.i . winch, i The niiinu r- nru warm and OIJ, l>ut not boil.nl down, is tiiat "tin- will can no inure \ ,,|>pre-iii Vc' til* nij.'1't.- l.eiii',' always Cool. ,!.r' H ii Fall Wheat ami Spring Wheat are raised hamme iM' in a uiven I-KNI than the I-HII sink. ilheiwi>i i cnntiary i-hoiri t'alvuu-t- .itii-u I will." mul self diik'i-i of - fn-i- iiiiini: ii'wer. li..t h. "free it t here, and the li-'t vegetahlcs 1 eversnw. ; Sm-.ill fruit lines well The land is | nuulyol*. like P'e it will Hlwais IM- fiinn.t that very goi'd, the Mil he-ing a ileep, dnrk | iiu 'f,v.;i..,n,-al liav. st.u.l ' A, ininii.il. af l,, a m. a-.id none of y ,nr Artemesia h.irl arm that if the agent have uo power to will out* . .nu-, than iii.'tii. t..i-ee .li -tei mine-, then there piii. that yets * iniisliy hlMT rain, nut ul'l In n" j '.-in -i- m mniiiiiu: u .littcrcm voli . W1 || tt l>.iirl> a great i|iiai>t.ty uf Wet. ami tion It In- iei|inrinu liu|niMIUy rfoimtng onn lii'i-oine iiu-t- ntul dry 1 liuve m,,lf.,rp-.i,,-!i.Bi. ..tent tttt not p.-i f,.r,,,l..K ' '".' ' an inii~-il,iiit. i- injii.tiee. ami to pum.li him chn.-eli >4t> acre* of Kv. lanil on a count* eieni.lb ..'"""' '"J":' 1 ;, ; ""?_?rarffi r,.tt.l where there i. M.^e three times i, ee thet lmu-l:i tlii-iii v of the huninti will i!e- tro\all JIM I'Utii-hment.aiiil mall free \.'h tl.'ll nil. I H .Inlin- :i.\elll!inMit 'I !.il~ H week, ami si-li. ml only ne llnnl of mile ilisi.uit ; and three M* mills within seven Excelsior Carriage works . hnwtl t.i U- |.<lenll> itl.olll).Ht1h]. Kith tin-Hell- dltllllt. I AMI III .1 tllicklj M-ttll-ll Ih?^ yZZv^fcglZ^ ^'..^M-orhonil.......!:-^ K,u.r,, ,, f, eoiis,HM>tivi-aii-iimi nt- in. I.H.I it- h.i.-.-..f men of I'ltick mid puth nnd iDdnminitAble I wordaotMeuna.ba4oiriuMlidt.kani H.- i- 1" I..- .. Now, il tliiiiL'* turn out li.ilf iiitil afti-r all H. know- the moial ii-Kiimint -'W ' i Raiut him I.. i.~-n t ti\ t,. -ho that It te 1 M WWI M I UM Md ID ZMM, I rnltler not Th.- tlieorv . -f In- ii.. n 1i -. led . -iv.li.f the t lilt I liHVi- liuiilr a "nod :rikc; for I I . . . tllilt 111 oil.- V.-itr trolll II..W. ' hintcellttl centiiri ill nut IM-.I-- the ll-'llt of tin liineleeiitli Men -mini ai:lm.-t lit -n.-li furi-iil ' l er, It .toir tnnniit'iirtiiriny J-'urm, J'/nlfiirm. Ludlmr Sjiritij, mul ./o/iwjon |.laei- on ..in . ! Iii- .11x1111- -I.I-M ,,f ,H,| an.l .lulUflw. U. -i.ieK.1 ..I U,. (i.MIH- . *hen lilOlltlllt to the flo lit. I' t l-i-l> . I think, i- MII.II..I..I. k. pt 111 tin- l.,-k-...iin.l. ami wiHililMMin ditapi'iHi iilt.v.-thi , hut for MI, h ' 1 tn Tii.. .1. Kji.nl si I . nniruciioiin of tin- >x-ri(rtu i- iii.nl-. toatutatej | cftl , J lilV f mip linnlrod acre* of Full W. r t in. ,,.,,1 bo- ,.,,,.,.. a.,1 ,,ll niv luinl ind i.T ..... WBMM la (LOO ; l,,,.,!^.!. nittx L'l criits (KT 11.. ll.nk-v ' 1' ci-nti- i-r ll>.. Hiiv !*U JHT ton, Itiitlrr | 5Uevi>li iwr Hi., Eirirs fK) cents IKT d.izi-n - n ,. ., ..-M- si I .-'I- Hni It i- uratiftiiii: to i all liomei lU h e'*b f Sfe i '"'" l>^ il i-nttlc - M-ry high i>in;; J'li'ft-in <ui,l uther khnhnf' fil'GGlES dud Furmtri '2, tented Ctirrinyi*. Cuntt nml tee tirsigiit n<l jtrirrt. ]{< fairing Si /{-/I'liittiii'i ilmii' in tirrt-i'l'ii* tlylf. SHOMJtfo ' SffCIALTT titiH \\\i minted. Urilirrt-n, M,IJ/ 4tli. FLJGSHERT-Di llllllll FU'TOIIV PL1\I\G 1UILL A. rv CARRIAGE WORKS, WILSON & McKECHNIE. - - Prourirtors. Our f.u-toj-y is now coiiii>lt-te with all tlir luti-st, In-st. and most ini]irovnl !ii.u-liiin -ry m-frssiu-y for tnriiiii!; out i vriytliin^' in inn \anuu* Inn > i>f Imsi- ;uul i! vill ho in tln>ii>uo;h ruiniinj,' order in IV-\v da\s. ('i)iitfactii fir buildings in town m i-oiuitry taki-n at tin- nio-t ii asnnalili- . il<-s. Work will lx- ii;tr;mt( c il lirst-t-luss in cvi-ry |sti t irul.n . this <lr|nirt- niont liciii" nndi-r tlio iininediiiti- sii))<-i-vi>ioii of H. If. McKi-clinii 1 . Sush mid in nle to order on sliort notirc. Scroll sawing will iccrive proiniit and . n-i tul atti'iition. I'laninx u s|x n.i|t\ . In Carriage making our i-i-]iiititiinii for lirt--lass work is too well known to i any fui-thei cuiiinn-nt lirrc. A lai-uv and cxfi-lli-nt stock of i.e. for sale. Call :tt uir show rnnnis and inspect them. Ordt-ts for anything in tlii> line will n-ci-ivc |n-nin]U at;, ntion ami the fact that it is directly l, r the suji, rvision (if T. W. Wilson, is a sutlicieiit ^nunintci- that tin- work .n.i material used will be Ihst da--. reM-iitHtii.n- <lii -i .'iii'l Hi- ^ni.e. anil H will not ,lell> . thai 111 l:.l -H -p n-t 111- ihlirell uf to .|i i lint in tii. '-i i.-pi-.t-. - when he wa- a lail lni|ir"Veli!i-liI ninik- till pen. I An ,1.1 aulhoi HUH- up tin- iiule 'iiii-ftiuuof t'alviniMo thu. \..'i i in ale I von i an t. N ..n ill ail I ion '-n t \ ..II II In- .iHlninil If Vnn ,lu 1,, 1 I,,!. :l n. uoiiiii-uil i.'-.l'lon t. I think 1 hie -ne. ei.le.1 in h - 1-t That tin at. .1.1 n.i nt i- uuiveraaj n.i 1 hat u- i.pfl n aiiun ile|H'ii.l- on the ent- tiin -- l're- Ai;. in -i t 'i.'i-pt it or nfu-e it :. i That liifunt .li.niii.ilion an, I reproltiuli 1- n lie llh 1 hat the p.i-.i, l.-rnmn-.l n prohatloii ..f ant |". itn- i "l lln human faioili i- not ul*in e.l un. I i nil-lot IK- t Mh I hat < niv r..- m I- human Invention and to xu-tain It. ton i -I ullliaturnl. ami un <"! Ilk. int. ipn tti"ii-"i tha- Hcripturgi are tHK-ewai > t" -11-1111. It 1'itli That the I liillll. offi-i .111; 'In- tto pi I I., all l- ill-lii in-! ' i-nnllni; t i tin ir . wn I i,iife->- i"il ..- I nitll Ttlr-That Calvim-ia l- not a.lapte-l U) tlie le-t .r.itn.n . f tin- K. atln-ii Ktll 'Unit it I- n -.--in. l.en'iiiini.- olnoletc. tin. .Un, MI. nu; IH.III' .n- "I Hi. ir . n-e.l U-lnx ill- liimtlllt! t" the liiipli- "ft In l-'t" ..ntilll '.nli 1 haii .li.,n elea.it . 1 think, that Artnin 1. nn-lii "r M.-li"i>l:-lll. Ill all her e--.-nllal-.l- nii'li- -.. ' iptil! a. mil then-fore mure I i-ii-olialile mil U-ttel IlilHpte I t" til' l .'ll'lltlolli of the ft'irl.l a- now fimnil. ami nnu-t I,. I'ltnuat. el I'l. nei-il In II- pr'Hire--. till- BUIUlllllIfl ili Iline fur the churehea tin ii|'|iioMMiatlull in tin- u . . i . u 'in -|i-' un- nml emit in, nil! IhK tin n Mr K.iitur i- my answer Mt op I'M, nt :. infill of it. U1.-.I I., I. install il in In- If autthlu.litu-te(il] llA- CH-|H-.| nu |K-II. I am nut ri-|K,n-il.l. nri np:n-- hnu l,nii t" in.-et the ciiiw, a* Kii\ioi, i*-l liy H He U- Ktu.ll ull-ll eli'leatulinl t" i \|i-e ml l.lelllily. nil. I nheii I liatccallc'l tlnni;- hi tln-ir pr.ip.-r nann- he put on hi- lelifi cloak ami iihmeil like a ahlpin-i) ili< Tti.-tiuth i-. tin- .\ lecturer un tin Pii'-l.iiei'iaii l Inn. h -ii|.|,-e,l that he knew maile in, |,|-ovi->inn prior to th"ii to feeil , in winter, ami that winter lhcnnw In mi: ile. p IP i-t o| them died, t'owa run from ' J*-|n I,, SUI each The liiilit.uy i..i.t , run* through my place. The "real ant here i" direct railway communication with 1'iioei Sound We are ciijoyii ' goiMl health at present [The letter from from which the a'-nv e i \tiacis art) made, is dated Jan. 1-t IHat.J nil nu. I n little liinri- III- MIL-Ulllfli- ptiKluetiiin- have -I, anth BL.A.OK9M tT* H 11NO S )'.icitiiix r l uhlic pntroimxt.' ii of our linsinrsis. ami ^iianuitci-iiij,' good work in every dcparl WILSON & MONEY TO LOAN. North of Seotlaiul Canadian Mortgage Coy (Limited). Special iitlt-ntiou is iliiv<_tei| t<> tl.i- \i-rv ndtMiita^eous mill liivoralile tfrms on which u-e Icn,! inmjcy to Fnr-iei's nml iin.t IK i. \.- I ami -ore. that -hueioil ami hhorn His u u tn, merit l,nt prohxiti All! illi'i eleli until", which llu-i'lentalll u-e- tlieteim "l li-n:..,!, "i - - reprnlMltioii. ' he t'lailli* u- l 'altim-t to the merriment uf tin- thoughtful 1 hate "ii etery i^iiiit e*%al.liHln^l the pie. Inn 1 1 mo let ! A I nillliamiini. It IH-IIU; Inure III n. . ..I.I 11 ill. Si l I |'l ni. n-, nli' e nn. I (i" 1 I mitt e..in hi'le itii. .nt envy or malice, heart- ily u. MIHII!. that nmiti nml u-.-.l ill mat mark tlie artlomxif all th.i i huieln-n. whim* mill. 111. .n i- I i .I.. O.N..I. Mini pluliiul^ati- the truth 11- in ChrM In Dixie's Land I. Koniieiiy, dealer in drugs, Ae.. Dixie, Ontario, r,-c"ii;iin mis Halyards Puc- tor.il Italsaiii to In- cn-tiiuien, il having cnri'l Ills ife i.t ;i li:i.l cniioli. It is the alcsl nml "iireKt leinedy of all Throat i unit l.ui o troiiMi -. aueli ns Astliina. ' Itrniicliitin. \\ h... | IIIL; Cough am. most ' pcctnial cninplaint-. An Open Letter. MISSI-, T. Mi i. in KX it Co. /l..ii n. 1 c.ii, linut-Stly ircnliiliielid A Good Cosmetic. The IN.--! cosmetic* are good aoap miter, t" "lit.un puntv of the akin: wluli torliniU, hlotenua, ohstinalc hum, UK ami impurities of the hlooil, HardiK-k Itlnixl Ititteni is the 1 -t of all puntu-rn. Bloo'l HcliUions. Tin- IM-I lil mil relations consist of n perfect urciil.itii.n ot healthy, vital tliiiil pure l.l.ioil nml )"-.i|H-r i irciiliiti.'ii may In- e-ilul'll-lie-l in tile SVStrlll I.J tile lle ..f thai "tan, I hlooil piuitiir. Diinlork Hlond Kitteii. PLESHBRTON Jewelery STORK. J. R. TRIMBLE, DK.U.K.U IN Si 1'V other* rt'(|iiii'in<; lumls li;iv I,iiiil, Iniilil Moiisf>, ( 'liui'clif.s. iniii School Honst's, to |>milmse >clv, ni i,'D to tlie Nitrth-\Vcst. 'J'he ,sy>tt-ni \\ e lend on you will tiinl landing the f(Hlowing EXAMPLE: A 5V.) l,,,ri,j'.v, -il. l, |.m .ilile in .", iliini.il iii-iluliil'-nl^. sim;i|ii interest, nt 7 per rent. . I I- 1 |'i; in -nU nil! lie in fnllnwa : 1 - i ..ir, inter,-!-: nt 7 p r i-ent. <m J.'rtH) ..................... 5 H"> IHI laaUInn lit . I'"' IKI Yellow (lil an tlielvst rolicver of rlieiinnilic pain- nt all thu many spec itics otftreil for .sale, and as a Miffcrvr fur years I IIMVI tried nvery known remedy. I remain. repectfuliy yours. JOHN TAVI.OR, I'.KI rarliaincnt St.. Toronto. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, ftc. \No Bogus Discounts! or other Clap-Tr t /> I ntln <> nu' nt.f o/j'<'r<'</, hut xi'll you loir as tltri/ rait Ayer's Sarsaparilla IT had In hit owe. 1 think lil blonl nui-t aare cootaimsl tin- Imumr for it It-art t.u yean: bot ililWl not ln.w. cn-c|,i in tin- form of a tcrofol"-** MTV ou tUe wnrt, until almut 8re y<-r o. From K frw n|* lUiiru ap- iwnrol at that time. U Bnnlnallr i\ rea.l ai.ns tm-.Ycr I, :< entire body. I anr y>o ue was terriblv affin-icil. mul an object at |.iiy. wln-u he \ffi\i ming Tour innllelne. Now. tliere are feu IIU-IIL-I ln ;t^i who eujoy an g-NHl h..i i'l a< lie lia. I could c:i*il name nfijr IHTMU* who wutiM t.iif/ to Uic tact*. in lus cue. Vuuntrulj, W. M. PBLLUfi." FROM THE FATHER : ;:r u r^ ft duty !.T in.- to utate to you tlie U-uylli i hare tlcrireU fmut tUe ate >{ Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Si i montiw *j?> 1 ws eor.l-li*r COVOPH! with lerrit.lf humor ami MrafuWxu MM. Th nni T i- -.ii-e.1 an inc- amt *n<l intolerable Itrbin^. mill the akiu i-rarkwl an a i tfc. lilixtl to Dor- tii nc.iny |'laiv> wbcnrTcr 1 mnveil. M> Mill. m ;.- were great, ami niv life a tmnkik 1 coiiunvuecd the ne o* thn San,Al'MtlLLjk IB April hurt, ai:l have u-e U nyuUily n'lirc thl time. My eondnioii bajau f> ini|ir>-vi' in uuer. The n havu nil healfl. And I t-v\ twrferlly well in every r*H*ct beinic now able to do a IMH! itav'^t -k.Hli"iyli 73 yrr of HIP'. .M:in\ lui+uir what b \vr"ii(fbt !* a cure in niv r:iae. aii-l ; frl! ill. ni. I b:if>- here. triil i. i.-H you. AMI:'- s\i;\rAUiLLA. (ilovrr. VL, (Jet. I!, iNji Vuurirrnti-fully, 1'ill I. !.!!. " Arm'" S.irvriitiLH ml mil Krrnradoun inii|.l.iini-. ' r>.i|.- fi i- I ... inn, Kincuorni. ltlot<hii. Horva, Ito!!--, Tutiiom. anil Krnptlona of the Skin. It .-i.-iir. tin- M ! at r'.l linpn ritii-f, ftiiU dlfrmflon, itiniu^ili* f.-il >n ! i'-ls. and thiw rcotoraa tiCftUty aou trt-ngtlii-iiii the w hole ayMt-iu. 1 1:1 IM.I : HT Dr.J.C.Aycr&Co.,Lowe!l,!Vtas8 SolU WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNfSS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY. INDIGESTION, FLUJTcRINC JAUNDICE, i \ OF THE HEART. ERYSIPELAS. ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, | THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRY NESS HEADACHE, S OF THE SKIN. And every ipecl** of dlieau arii ig from dlaerdered LIVER. KIDNEYS. STOMACH, DOWELS OR BLOOD, T. IILBURN 4 CO, Ju i u-.ii. i,i;iri'it on 8 Hill * -JH IKI lii.-Ulin.-i'l 1lV IKI 913,-, IK) IMI ar, inter. >t <>n $101) .- $ 21 INI Instalment 1(M) INI 4'.h yrir. riHt on 'Ji0 .................................. MINI -: line nt . l'"l INI -Ul IKI 114 nu Cth yfr, interest nit ?HIC 9 7 INI InsUlment KW (K) . K7 no Toll! p iv m -lit nf t6O'i IN) * I'll,- h -r...i. T in nnt i,l,li r "-l to repay nny |irt n[ |irinci|Mil l,y in^liiliiientn. but ran nr r ir.jr t il i * i if ||,. wiln *. l<**li,inns i-iiinpleteil in the slnirleiit pngsihlt* time, nml char- K -i re li|.-i-il t,, the lnwi-at " -N.silile t'murf. lWTIn> l.nrniwer ran iilnyn linvn IIJH I) -, ,m- iluc nt wlniti-vi-r limn f tlm year HititH him UMI. We clmrxo NO FIXES. On r'rnlay in-lit the 1st in-t.. the Oriincpvillt- VL-I i, ultnial wurks were de- stroyed hy the. The alarm was ijiveii nlioiil 11 quarter t" c'., veil anil when thr- hrijptdti reaehi'il tlie |K>t the Maines nail made ia|iiil prioress, the IniildiliKS all heing of wood. A jileiitiful sujiply of water \vasohtainiil and the tire was for the nature of the material i|iiicklv sub- dued. .Mnitl 'it the iniichiliefv w as aaved. The hiiihiiiixs ami machinery \* insure I hut for how much ,,r in what we did not learn. Ontnijrvillr Biirklen * Amlra Kalvr. THE HKMT SAI.VK m the w..rlil fur CutH, I Hruise-n, Son, I 'leers, Halt Rheum, Kever S.rvs, Tetter, Chapped Hands, < 'lull, lams. Conis, and all Skin Krurrtions, and p,,si bf //'// ml con t<i xt mf irith HONEST TRADE. Watch Repairing a specially- .ill- Wtn-h Guard it frr>(f- I Icshcrton Meat Market. Sl.PT.(fOOn, - . 1'IUIPIIIKTOU EIGENIA Grist Mill, ::: Iii M!ll. Having mail,- rxU-iwive iuipr..M inents In n. > IHI.-I Mill. I am cimli.li n( I i-.m yivc (jowl nitufuctinli. cnornxG DOXK A\y DAY. (I,KK| FNllr alwiVH ou liiiiiil. ns(om S;n\ inir, nml Hills lilli'.l on the --iiMit. -t untie,'. I.MIH INT nml l.atli alwiiv. ,m li:u.,l. WANTED : Chcrrr, Untterniit. White Ah. lll*"k Ah, HilMiiini'il, I'nie mid llelllliM-k l,,^-. wiinti-,1 W. AKITT, KI;GKSIA May Ut. .^ . J . Bellamy, - - Flesnerton. I ^ lively cnnia Filua, in ifitanuitccil t" un rufiindod. Ble |IT or tut |y rM{iiired. It iN-rfi-ct wtiifaction, Cash paid fOF f&t Cattlfl nuy For 25 cent* |-i . Fresh McntH coiiHtantly on Imnd for n iid. i YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FRZEMA1TS WORM POWDERS. An plMaant to Uk. Cootaln thalr owi PorfatlT*. ! a Mia, anrd, an. I r/Trr<al r / M)riM la

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