Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1884, p. 5

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! and anal their to lers. and a bese and deck the All ome E'I to rbo vat uid me aj| be lere aba wbo .all was era. aud tbe ere bof ing wa* tbe all In. I II bar bii *!< ibe tba nil Uy ad, If. all lie en let let 'as bs og ad CURRENT TOPICS. BY tba will of Mm. Btapletoo-Bretherton wbiob baa been published, tba Pope is not a legatee (or two million of dollars, M stated. Prior to her daoeass ilie conveyed that aum to her near relative, Mr. George Erringtou, Ml', iu trust, to be applied to the Pope's benefit, and tbe organ of tba Vatican state* that, while certain journal* were anoribi K iu Mr. Erriogton acoret rais- tioDS from Ki gland to tbe court of Rome, his buhin.f" was feitnply to arrange (or this munificent gift to the bead o( tba Cfaurob. It tbe w.l I Mr. Emoglcn ao- quirea a large lauded estate, and largo bequest* are made to another Roman Catboho relative, a brother of Lord Gerard, and to tbe It, v. Dean Kieruau, parish clergyman of tbe district in whiab bar ataa lie. THK electric light in uot *ver> where can- aidered an improvement opju tbe old- (aahioned modts of illumioatioo. One of the ltet and beht system* waa recently introduced into tba Court Theatre at Stuttgart, and it waa supposed that tbe orchestra would fiud it very aattafaotory. Inatead of welcoming tbe change, however, they have jusi petitioned tbe management for a return to tbe old-fashioned oil lampa that tbey bad beu ui-iuii previously. Tbey aay that sleomo illuu,iualioo baa proved objectionable, beoiuse HH brilliancy, with many, Qnpleanautiy affect* tbe uervea. Tbey aUio awerl that tbey DOW liod it more difficult to f >ll 'W ibt> guidance of tbe leader. A ouujmiitee of experts, composed of oculuin and disinterested muaiciana, baa been appointed tu examine into the matter. THK excavation of tba Bt. Oothard tun- nel ooat iui.y livea. Ou eomiog oat of the tuuuel tbe men described the sanea- tiou aa being like a auddau plunge into ioy eold water Tbe hoi, humid sir affected the digestive organs very much, and pro- duced i ,t. H inn! worm*. vhiob caused tbe dealhaofagrealunanber of workmen. Hortea were timilarly aftveled, and died rapidly. Several eminent doo'ora vho studied tbeae peculiarities prououi c*d them aa being due to the want ! aeration aud tbe poisonous gases evolved from ibe blasting operations. And tbey reported tbat during the working hour* tbe men were always in a higb slate of (ever, wbiob was nuooeeUed, when tbe work wan doLe for ibe day, by cold ubivera and oolla[)e. Witb the-* experiences to guide them, the eUAUneers of the Bimplon have necessarily made tbe quaatiorj of ven- tilation one L f aenous s,ud anxious) atudy . at newly boru iafajita. Prof. Genziuer C>H tame ibe asnss of toncb is developed from the earlieat period, aud re- flex actions are readily excited by tbe aligbteot - umuUliou, eapecially of tlie face, aud then of luc haadu i.d tbe soles. The feeling of Drain in only olearly ex- hibited after 4 or A week*, before which tun,, infanta do not abed tear*. Hunger and thirst eve mauifeiited ID In- ereaeed general irritability, witb reilcx movements, wbiob eeaae after tbe not uistl- rjicell and tanle are uot distingui able to luf.ni- Hearing in Mroeptiblc in the nrat or reooud day of hie. Tbey are very atntitive to ligbt, Hud after a few daya learn to follow the motion of objtc: by moving tin ir head Between tbe fourth and fifth week the convergence of the) pupiU and power of co-oruiuaiu-n m vialon are psioeptible. A dimuot iwroeption of eolor doe* uot rxiat uudtr 4 or 5 mouth*. M. JOUN Lm IONIC, iu tbe Journal dtt Dfbali, lauirnt* tbe want of tntorprise mauif-ted by tbe Fretoh ioduRtrial ola-i-.. tvt oiu|>arrd witb lboe of Great Briuiu aud tbi> Uuitrd Hiaten. lie aaya that Frenchmen a< uo. only over oaunooa, bat Hjob great loVxm ul routine tbat it in impoMible to net theui out f . , .:li tbey havHoooe fairiy tu.ered luto. Aa an ex- ample of Ibis stolidity of character, be instance* the o >nditin of tbe >ulvertiHiog trade in Krauoe Although Frenchmen know that K'jglisbrueu and Americana have made larg fi>riuun by cumi'ium* aud perseverii * advertiKiuk, few Krei ohinen are inclined to >..k fortune iu that way. AH for newnpaper advortinitig in France, it ia mill in UN iu(uoy, itud IN hkoly to re- main no, for Frenchmen will uot nee that tbe pre*eno of numm u< advertixementa in the Kame i 1 'I' r '" c> > **>' preventa the public from Ki" i >K atteuti u to an individ- ual il\. r !- " i . : II >'H Manual Tr.miug Kohool baa opened witb niitj-five buyr. Tbe building, not >t complete, will *T>mrnodate 3/X) pupili. 1' ..uol iuatruovion m to bo given in the use of tool*, with *uoh iuRtruotion an may be deemed Uoovurarv in matbe- matio, drawing. ai<d the Engliah braLrlien of a higb eobool oourar. Tbe tool matrnc- tiou, aa at preiwnt contemplated, will include carpentry, wood turning, pattern making, iron chipping >. i filing, forge work, brazing and nolderirg, aud the uae of machine Hbop toolr. The oaurBe of atudy ia to cover two yeitM. One hour per day or more will be i iv i to drawing, and not laea than two huum per day to ahop work. Before graduating each popil will ba required to oouHtruot it machine. Lena than one third of thooe who have preaented themnelveh fur fxumiualion have been ac- cepted. The expenae of tbe building has been provi Jed for by aiembera of the Chi- oago Commercial Club, ud with moderate ohariteH for tuition it in expected tbat tbe aohool will auatain itnelf. made with the Nordenfelt gun by tbe linu-.li uaval aulhoritiea exhibit tbe wonderful capacity of tbat weapon. It atmia tbat a bardxued Bteal bullet of eeveu aud one-fourth cuuoei weight, at a range of ROO yarda, pene- trated, at an angle of forty five degree*, the aide and boiler of a torpedo boat, an reprenptited by a one-iixtcenth-inch ateel plate tiguteen inobeH in (rout of a naoond ateel plate oca half u.ch thick. On being fired directly end on at torpedo boat, the ballet* penetrated tba ateel bow plate, one- ixtaenth inch thick, it an angle of ten degree*, and four bulkhead* at right anglee and, Rtrikiug the boiler, the bullet then indented tba half-mob Rteel plate raore- Muting it, to a depth of half an inch ; 3hb equeuUyi under aimilar oonditioni, the plate wa* perforated altogether. The accuracy Is alao remarkable, tbe mean deviation at 300 yarda of ten ronuda fired lowly being 5.<i inches ; and in reapeot to rapidity, tbe triaiaaabora marked 108 ahota in the apace of 'M eeoonda. A EcaorA> journal relates that a few moolba eiuoe workmen employed upon acme count ructiom on tbe bank cf tbe nver Dnieper, in Central Kuwia, employed tbe electric light to enable them to proeeoule their labora at night. The brilliant raya of light attracted ao many millions of noctur- nal moths, beetlee and other inaeota that from time to time it waa neoeaaary to atop work and aet all hand* to destroying the olouda of winged victima tbat (requently completely otwonred the ligbt. Tbie aug- geated tbe idea of employing the eUor.no ligbt to deatroy nocturnal inaeota pre- judicial to atjnoulture, and rxperimenta in that direction are to be tried next apriog. Not only to luieete, but to flab, tbe ligbt proved fatally attractive. Itaraya, directed to the anrfaott of the watef, drew together vast <inantitieiof all tbe CHUBB found in tbe Dnieper, and when within the oharmed field if illumination they lay crowded together in maaaea, aeemmgly blinded and Btupened. The workmen, improving the opportunity, made a notable haul of flab. NIAHLT all the recent Pnmiera of Eng- land have enjoyed the advantage of having bad wivea of great devotion at. <l oonaidera- ble ability, to wboae tender care and HVUI patbr in tin ir ambition tbey have been largely indebted. Tbe devotion of tbe Couuteaa of Runaell, wbo i* Htill living, and the Conuteaa of Beaeonafidd, bad aome- thing of romance. Mra. Oladatooe, wbo.ia nearly the aame age aa the Premier, ac- companies her uukDand, aa did Lady Bea- eonaoeld, everywhere, and frequently re- maina in tba ladian' gallery to tbe close of tbe night sitting. Lord Palmeraton, more than perbapaauy other first Minuter, bow- ever, waa indebted for bia position and, its maintenance to hie wife, who was pbyai- cally and mentally a remarkable woman. Up to her death in 1869 at So, four yeara after her hunbaud, ahe could read without glauee, aud talked with all tbe fire aod en- ergy of a young woman of 20. Her voice was most chaary, rnu-ical and soft. Her eyea were of bright blue, and iu apite of a very evident wig ahe waa a vary handsome old lady. She bad aomx peculiarities, al waya shook handa with her left band, and pronounced gold " gould," and china " ebeeny." Heftier* oi ib. 4.1 < .. i i<.rt.i In Hear i county. Ala , logs were whirled into the air and broken before tbey reached tbe ground. At Leads, Ala , the tornado deposited near sjke railroad a wood-working maobiue which So one about there bad ever Men betooft TbwW bones Delonguig to Dr. Thomas Wnht, near liiriiiiuglhatn, Ala., were lifted into lite air, and hart not been eeu or haard from ajusw. A hsjuae usar Hirnauighaiu, Ala., iu wbjob two oagroeo were lying aiok, wax pickad uj Iry the wind and landed fifty yards away. Netthar of the men was njared. A waJs of cotton was t!,*n half a mile awajr tr< m () >tnu AU. A church waa ilestroyp i. 4nd large porHon of il was foaod on wM top of thn mountain three- quarters of a mile away. Hear Miivay, H. C., Martin Miugo, a colored prcwbnr. wa* litted from bia bed bv the wind and deposited in a valley 500 yard* away, with but xlight brni*sa. His bouse wa* blown to pieces. Clifford A. Lxwke. of Jasper, Oa.. threw bimaelf into a oluuip of uodvrgrowlh to e*c*pe tbe tirnado, aud wan ao ssverely tbraabrd about i*od pelted witb hailstones that hie clothe* ware toru into ribbon*. Upon a bill in tbe centre of the vilteue of Oo*hen, Ala., stood a new aud well-built scboolboUHe. Although not a stick of tbe buildiug could be found after the storm, excepting tbe flooring uot one of tbe twenty six inmate* wan fatally injured. At Kockport, Ind , a party of twelw, wi e bad been acrosit tbe river to attend a wed- ding, were oauglit in tbe tornado. The ferry boat iu which they were wt>s blown ashore and daabfd to piece*, aud its pasaeu- gera were left clinging to the limba of the treea against which the boat was builetl. None of them were killed. I liluic* \lfm*-l t IMOII*" The following occurrence* in 1784 have been oo[ ied from au old chronology : Tbe nrat appearance cf a North Ameri- can Indian iu Kngland. Tbe froet laoted ''.< daya. Mualins flrat manufactured iu England. Hunday Bchoola first ontabliabed. Tbisvts carried off tbe great aaal of Kug- land. Polls at election* opened for forty days. A tradesman in Dublin tarred and feathered for im|>ortiug English good*. Lord Muakerry's coach treated in the same manner. No duty OQ tea. Wheat, 5i 21 per buxhel. Kye, HI (il PIT bushel. Barley, 3< per bushel. Oats, !ia par buabel. A large loaf 16o. A man, whose name ia given a* Patue, was ruu over on the Grand Trunk Railway yesterday afternoon Dear tbe tin ^ ry House, Montreal. Hi* legs were out olt by tha oar wheel-, aud he died ahortly after- ward*. A large number of coal dealers from v rious parta of the United Htate* aud Canada are iu Montreal for the purpoae of negotiating for a itupply of Oraud Truuk coal. It ia said tbia year's contract will be for half a million tons. Tbe Hungarian patriot, KotButh, i* now 81 years of age, and livea quietly at Milan. He neither believes in tbe alliance of the Latin race* nor iu that of tbe Teutonic. He fanoia* that Austria aud Rufaia will, ere long.be at dagger* drawn, aud fanciea tbat, as he baa DO lunrmitie* save those of old age, he may live to sen it. A correspondent from Japan writes of the strange custom of children carrying mailer children on their backs. You will ses scores of children at play, all carry- ing the** burden* about (for you must know the inland warms with babies), aud they nub along at a break neck speed PHVMIC w The? t- ,i i I.B n \ i M ... (Krom tba NlneteeutU Csnlarv II u DOW, I am sorry to aay, Boinetbing over forty yeara since I began my medical atudiea, and at that time the state of afftira was extremely singular. I abould think it hardly possible that it could have obtained anywhere but in such a country as Eng- land, which cherishes a fine old crusted abuse as much as it does its port wise. At tbat time there were twenty one licensing bodies that is to aay, bodies whose certin oate was received by tbe Stale aa evidetc tbat tbe persona who poaaewed tbat oertifi oate were medioal experts. How the bodies came to possess tbeae powers i* a veiy cunoun chapter ID hiatory.on win h it would be out of place to euiargax They were partly universities, partly medioal guilds and oorporaJlons, partly tbe Arch- bishop of Canterbury. There was DO central authority ; there was nothing to prevent any of these lioeosing authorities, fiom granting a license to any one upon anyeoi.- ditiona it thought fit. Tbe examinatioo might be a abam, the curriculum might be a kbam, the certificate might be boughland aold like anything in a abop ; or, on tbe other band, the examination might befairl) good and the diploma correspondingly valuable ; but there was not tbe amslleot guarantee, exopl tbe personal character of the people who composed tbe adminis- tration of sach of these licencing bodied, as to what might happen. It was poaxiola for a youog man to come to Loodou aud tu spend two yeara said six mouths of the time of his compulsory three years " walking tbe hospitals " in idlsness or worse . be could then, by putting bisnsalf iu tbe bands of a judicious " grinder for tbe remaining all month*, [aa* triumphantly through tbe ordeal of oue honr'a rtra voee examination, whioo was all lba>l was absolutely ueoeiaary to enable him to be turned loose opou the public like death on tba pale horse, oonqussring aud to oocqner," with tbe full sanctum of tbe law, as a " qualified i ractitiouer." It i . di ilk-alt to imagine at present sues) a stale cf things, still mors difficult to depict Ibe oonaeqneneea of it, because tbey would ap- pear like a gross and malignant caricature ; but it may be sai J that there was) never a ayatem, or want of ayatem, wbieb waa bet- ter calculated to rum tbe atudsula bo came under it, or to degrade the profu- sion as a whole. My memory goe ok to a time whan iuodl from whom the Bob Sawyer of tbe Pickwick Pa; era might have be*n drawu were auytbiug but rare. * * I re- member a story was current in my young days of a great court phyaioian wbo was travelliug wiUi a. f rieud, like himself, bound 00 MU to a country bouse. Tbe friend felldowu in au apoplectic tit, and the story rau tbat the physician refused to bleed bun because it wan contrary to professional ft. quette for a phyaioian to perform that oper- ation. Whether th* friend died or whether he got better because be was not bled I do ot remember, but the ssotal of tbe story is the aame. On the otlxr haad. wh>-u fauiou* surgeon, irritated by tbe preteu- Hinus of tbe pbjaioians, was asked whether he meant to briog up his sen tu his owu calling, " No," hs said, he u -ucli a fuol 1 meau to make a physician of hisn." H*w i* tin HIH .1 taw 80 muck has recently beea writuu in ooudsmuaaiou of the maaher " that a few words oo ihe other hide ot the qaeeltou will not be amihe While not desigsiog to pre- aeot tbe tuaiber a* a asint, we woull suit- geat tbat Ihe burden of street flirta'iou be placed OD the ataouldera of those wbo justly should bear it. Brazen BM tbs male sirmt flirt appears, be will not often *pesk to a woman wbo offers him no encouragement. It would b poor sort of fun for him to in- vite attention all day long if his iuvititmu met with uo response. Il U manifest that be girls are to blame for his preaenc upou tbe streets. I. it them lay aside tk.eirdac.b- ing boldness ot manner, whir i tbey ..f ton fo<ili*bly imagine denotes indepeodeuoe but which ia aa dangerous as it i* uu seemly. Bucb a demeanor provokea remark* from men and womuu which would make tut ear* of tbe average maiden tingle with indignation could she but hear them. There la uo doubt that many girli are lacking in tbat modesty which would entitle tbern to consideration. With these tbe street flirtation, frequently resulting in acquaintance, is s great frolic, but tbete very girls would soon aMHnnie a manner n< t iu accord with their character ouuld they see themselves as others sea them. Very fsw girls wish to bs considered faal, yet tbey can, by a certain recklessness of con- duct while in public places, easily earu tbe appellation. Tbey may uot be guilty of any crime, but they will as certainly lose the respect of every one whose respect is worth having aa though tbey were. This particularly applies to women who have retched or paused beyond tbe age of 30. What may be reidily over-looked in ttie school girl cf 15, will uot bs forgiven in her sister of matnrer years. Courier-Journal. A . .1 .( I hll.l Hlll.t. The Norot Krratya warns Rursian mothers of a new religioua sect which ban giveu aeveral proof* of it* exiateuoe. In Histov, on tbe Don, an cfliaer engaged a middle agtd uurae for hia three-year-old SOD. She waa very attentive ami seemed fond of tbe child, but after two mouth* she KUddsnly left the situation aud the town. The child began to ail the very next day, I >ht its mamory, aud suffered from con- tinual drowsine**. A week later u died without having been really ill. The oorp*e was placed in the coffin, when a younu Jewe** burst into the bouse, threw herself upou the dead child, aud oryiug bitterly said : " The same woman poisoned my child. She was my nurse before, aud now ahe baa murdered your poor boy I" Tbe woman apoks the truth. Il has been found that in Rostov there is a society of obild murderers, who poison obildreu by mean* of narcotic*. They are instigated to do >o by a fanatical woman, who says, " It is every woman'*) duty to spare the tviU of life to aa many children as possible, and to make them abare iu the bliss cf heaven be- fore tbe earth has contaminated thsir mis." In Wurttmborg tbs Minister of tbe In- terior has ordered tbe police authorities to take ears that to one of either sex under 16 tbs bsad of the sleeping infant may be seen . is permitted, except at wedding festivities, waving in the breeze to dance ID plaoen of public amassment. WTOBV A nfh >l> I 11 Hit- i A Tin. oho f 11,1. Jiori 4>,ll. rr4 I orluu. * i n i tTetiMr. The suicide of (laorge U. Prysr, a. millionaire aud apeadtbrift, is the talk Dot only of tbe town, bat of all tbe tiiate. Fryer came to Colorado in tbe earlier daya, aad MiLoe that lime baa been suuaidered one of tbe leading citi/.aatx Fryer Hill, at Lead villa, was named af lev him. On this BOW fauioiia hill, tbe richest m the carbonate belt, Fryer made the) flint looatioo, " Tha New Due wiry," which produced oiillions. After Fryer aold it be waa one of Colorado's i-hrewdeat miser', and waa thoroughly pouted as to geological formatioua. Tb Ladvilld.boom was at its height wbsu Frjtr Uul wai! nnt thought of aacontainiaij uaineral. Mr. Fryer, after n'nHying tbe in neral foruittlous, eouciuded that ibe carbonate bel* uecaaaaxy exteuded into tbe bill and be act a force ol men at work ievelofiug. His friends laughed at him, but ba kept on kinking aud tbe reault waa Tbe New Discovery," which producer 1 a furore in tbe mining world. Since be Las been iu CoKrado be baa made and lost a d*,*eu fortunes, bsiDg engaged iu milling iu all parta cf tbe State. Ha was a hi.t liver, aud once be procjrada fortune be did uot rest till be baa xpeut u all In apeodiDC I is money be waa the (,'jai Oil Jobuuy " of the Wr... HIH extravagance ar.r* liberality to bi friends oauxed his C.cancihl ruiu. r'or the |>a*t year he ban been trying to retrieve IHH for tuues in the i:. ::,..-, but for ouoe iu bia life fat* was sgatf* him. While be made mouey bis beat days in tbe Oiiots seemed to have paused. Last summer be njitrried Mi-* CuiiDioKharr , s> belle of Chicago The wif to-night it insaDS, cauiied by her bus- baud's death. His relative* live iu Phila- delphia aud Kt. Punl. ilcnivr lltpubiica*. i.rt" TEA* ATI VICE TO GIHUI. If > u want to do il neatly. Very bwesliv and et>i:ipleUlv , If you wau t to -in u t iftlil au>l lo it Lice ; First >ou un<>o* M*>ur victim rightly, Then yuu prone inn.rui * aligbliy. Them >'" drop y.jnr ja so brifLtly. ouee or twice. Then, with e j i n so Tary lovelike, Yi.u look up u> him swiovollke, Anarmiuii h wei.lj neck your ar oil roe throw; When hell |>I<MB ion u bis brut, tl n )ou n. ut -wiar oo a'tr will pan , then You work you* 1 cards, botdu u very iluw. Then you call him Ant TOur lover, Uk bun u.en tu b* jour bubby, Aod ui I't-ar yuo safcly through earth's cruel into Ile'li i-laip yon to Him madly, And ui l"\ IIIK ti'Hn iuo*t gladly, He'll claim you as bis pretty lull* nil*. The preferred creditor Is oue who will wait longest for his pay. Arabi I'asua dresses in wbits, but bis clothes have tLe I'reuob cut. President Arthur's I itt Is d tugbu r Nellie is 10 years old. She i* drested vary simply. Tbe negroes of Jamaica tear iff tba busk of tbe ooccHtu tu with their teeth. Well, powder is something like money. It's awfully bard to bold after it beginii to go- QiMen Isabella, wbo is very large, drssiss iu hgtar colors. Her enridren us thin. The Potyai.-iu:! arrived at Halifax yesttrday, and lauded bar roaila aud pas- seugsru. " Women," it is said, " jump atooc- oiusiuus.' Ws never heard mice cabled by tbat n. me before. I m al your service, madam ' said the pohte burglar when caught with bis arms full of silverware. A health ,'ournal says thai )ou ought to take three 'u- 'trr ot au hour for yuur dinner. Il is well alftj to add a fiw vege tables and a pieow cf meat. Tbe wife of tbs living skeleton says sbs will tie her htlxoJ luto a knot it lie in iests tier. U( course II wou.d be a boutv knot. bbe sang, " i want to be au angel. "ai.d h" declared mat sue wsa oue alreaxJ). T* tn "be hiu-biu*ly demurred. 1 hen be married her. ueujurrer sustaioed. A b ack v 1 * .1 brooaie li .H the froat of tbe skirt of biui-b pluk parity hHrUo by irk Si nuioh Uor, tbs elbow sltwes end- n tl m |.iuk ribbou and black, lace Whiskey M mala Irosa corn, but >ou oau'l make a wife believe wbeu she smell- liquor OD her bunband that he baa lasted i. n th i ig stronger tuau graio. Women are constantly making a great talk about temperance. The test way frr Ibeiu 1 1 euoouiMge temperance in to stop marrying iutumpfraM mm Man... I unetl- , wliioh -ets xamplll For all the worl , has 1> Ot>0 farmers who owu doga, and wbo don t uare aoeuthr tbe smaller number of farmers wbo own sheep. Tbe Priooe*e Hohenlobn, wife of the German Ambassador to Paris, recently wore a uecklaoe composed of seven row* of large pearls. Over this a blaok velvet ribbou supported a large dmn:>nd peu- dant. An English nobleman travelling in Ihe west ban < tfdrcd his heart a.ni baud to servant girl. Perhap* bit kuoa what ages servant trirl* gat 10 this country aud is after her moue>. - A bad egg --i be detected by tbe wsy it lie* in tbe v, utc: . It will float. H<i with bsd oharaclens. Tbey lie so much thai it is Dot necessary to below the surface to detect tht r! . Allunl, ulj acoof SBSysMBjk Had A Knuiui cre4nirry kotiKb, Hut sh took a bait ouu^b Wlm-li runif.i bsr.iti.n. And bs ilou't i nu .1 creamery DOURh. A Naw York jouruali*! H reported to have lott a gallou of rum nf'y year* rid by theft of a plumber repairing tbe pipes of hi* residence. Il is only iu New York that a j lurnalist nan save a gallju of rum and yet ba weallby enough to hire a plumber. A Massachusetts mau recently put a bullet into tbe kitchen olcck, supposing tbat be WM shooting a burg<%r. lie is tbe aame mau who smacked a Hiring of onioi s hanging on the wall one dark night, sup poling thai he was klssiog the hired girl. !>' for a lodge> in tome va-t wilder- ness I" quoted Mr Sphttterly, tbe other dsv, whju he waa feeling in a poetic mood. Should think yon had lodges eoough I" said Mrs. Hplattetly. You are out now four nights in the week to lodges, sod if yon bad another, ID a wilderness, I don't suppose you would be hoius at all, exorpt to sat." FABKI AND -\KIl > SVaaeuMr Jelsss> ir Kural K.M.I. . Oats, thirty -ttpse ponnda per bushel. Timothy -seed , sigtaly-flvo pounds pi boabeL Corn is selling in Central Illinois at tea) cents per bushel, it being ao worthless and) immature that it will uot keep, and is ol little value for feed. It il a good rule to go to tbe bottom ol things, and, therefore, deep ploughing and) enough of it all tbe better if it be a aos> aoil plough. Heal poor ground will not grow clc.er, and a farmer is throwing away money to sow his seed upon il, until be baa prec* to> the sowing witb an application of mat re. Raw manure freak from the atable i* in jut ions to young trait tress). TIss wooo) asbee as a fertiliser where tbey oan be ob- tained in sufficient quantities. Apply bountifully as fair aa they go. Cultivate ocly as much laud as yon oaa manure wsli if your land is thin and poor. Remember tbat experieuoe of all gooal farmers is conclusive on this point That one acre of ground thoroughly pnlveri/.as) and well manured will produce more than two acres only half way prepared . Poultry houses should open towards tha) south- should b* whitewashed inside ans) outiide tbe nests should be cleaned out ouoe a week, when possible, and au nnna aional application of kerosene given tbs) ides and bottom of those nests tbe bens) have been uamg. Oive your chickens > ohauoe to bslp you in accumulating a few shekels. They will respond promptly to every attention given them. Now is an excellent ti<ne to grease all gear and barnesa on the farm. There art t*o good reaioui- why this work should be) attended to at ones. The farm sands ara) camparatively idle aod there is DO dost to " nettle upon aod injure tbe leather after it w greased. Wash every strap and row every buckle until it shines like a silvsw dollar. Castile soap aod warm water are good for cleansing barnesa preparatory to ' an application of neatafcot oil aad lamp- black. At all time* tbsep ought to havtj daily access to salt. Il ia one of tbs) greatest preservations of health. It keep* them clean, sound and strong ; it braces) up their appetites to tbe consumption ot coarser herbage than they would otherwise) eat. For lambs, the first year of Ibeif lives, add One-tenth of finely pulven/ea) copperas as a preventive sgsmst the insidi- ous blood sucking parasites which oautg< paperakin. Tbe point* in favor of dairying are: First, a dairy sarm costs 10 per oent. leas) to operate than grain-growing or mixed agriculture ; seooud. tbe average returns average a little more than olhsr branches ; third, price* are more uniform aod mors) reliable ; fourth, dairying exhausts tbe soil laws; fifth, it u mors secure agaiaat changes in the season, since tL* dairy lug Joes not suffer so much from wet and froat aod varyi:.^ seasons, aod one cat' if pro- dent, provide against drouth. >,.... n . , , M ,, - Don't shake a hornet a oast to am if any of tbe family are at borne. Don't try to take tbe right of way front an express tram at a railroad crciwing. Dou't talk back to a woman who Caudles) tbe fire above! with grace aud dexterity. Don't go near a draft. If a draft comet) toward you, run away. A slight draft is) tbe uioal daugerou'. D.m't blow in tbe guo your grandfather carried in the war of 1M . Il la moro daugeroua uow than it waa then. Don't bold a wasp by tbe other end while) yo < thaw it out in front of tbe stove to set) i( it ia alive. It ia generally alive. Don't try to persuade a bull dog to giro Up a yard of which il ia iu pohasr*ioa. Possession to a bull dog M ten pomta of tbO law. Don't sat thicgs after you have Lad enough because you fear tbey will go to waste ; such a custom will bring you too much to waist yourself. Don'l go to bed with jour boota on. This) is ous of the most unhealthy practiced that a mau. especially a married inau, oan be) aldicted to. Dou'l call H very large, sinewy man s) prevaricator. If >ou *r sure hs i* a pre- varicator, hire another mau to break '.be news to him. Don't put an old bombsbsll 10 tbe stovo to auinae tbe audieuoe. You may not liu- ger here belc toaujojr tbe applause, evea) it you should IL auy. Dou't, when gunning, BUI tbe pipe yos> have been smoking into Ihe pocket where you are carrying your powder, unless yot) have a very tr< ug ooustitutuu and another suit of clothe*. Don't allow tbs baby to drink tbe eon- osatrated lye- Concentrated lye is dac geusrous, even in very small doses, except t > a man who ia accustomed to drinking Baltimore corn whiskiy. A Boaton dtsratob saya : A number d pupils of tbe Coddiogtoo school, between tbs sges of IS aud 15, organized themwlvef) into a gang oUled "The Jpae J toias) Oaog," aud wore ribbon* on which ' J 1 ' waa inscribed. The leader waa known aa> "The Captain," and had a dagger and a dark lantern. Tbay bad thsir headquarters) iu sn unoccupied stable. They have en- tered feveral boildin*- ia Quit cv aud atolrs) variou* articles. Some of tbe*e have beet> recovered. Tbe matter has been left iu the) bands of tbe school authorities. At tbe last election for York, Kngland, which waa tbe ftrst under tbe new Corrupt Practice* Aet, the expenses of Sir F. Mt). uer, ifae gucOVasfnl Tory candidate, wero 14.000, aud of Lookwood, Liberal, M XXX At tbs previous election Jauiea l.owtuee spent 145 000 in an uuauoosstiful tflort to keep bia seal. M. N. Blliwx, clothier, was shot ace) - fatally wonuded on tb* street at KiobmonoV Va.. yesterday, by hia son, aged W. An olS feud was tbs oaose. The youog man tires) four ahota. - Frank Toosey, a New York publisher. waa arrested last night on the complaint at Autbouy i 'iii'i*tuck for r< (iriutiug a bix>k entitled " Memoirs of George the Fourth,"* which it is claimed is it jurioua to tho morale of tbe community. Habit it a safel*. We weave a thread ol it each day, and it becomes so strong wo canuol break it.

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