- -: f Heard's Improv'd HARROWS. Arttmena, June l&th, 1883. MR. JOHN' II. HEARD. Dour Sir, 1 tkc ploasurc in Ratifying that the act of ton-bulled Harrows I purclmsi'il from you last April has givcu me entire satisfttction. It being ^m n to me on trial, I cloBely watched it* operations wlien at work to find a fault will, it, but I failed to Me any. It in no heavier on my team than my til-bull woijtli-u harrow. I nm vourg truly, JOHN WUITBT. This is not the " Red Flag " you ha M read so much about ; this is a good, honest price, good quality, & square dealing Flag, carried by Mr. Tims. Duncan. Tailor, ITesherloii. &, That. I'oor Iliii rluan. OTTAWA, March 10. A youug nmu named T. Harrigau, a britkeraau on tin- Cauatlitu I'afitir railwar. met a fearful death to-day by being ruu over by u train while iu the act of leaping of to it at the union dvput here. He belong! to Pembroke, but he wai going to I'reaeott to -.. bin wife where ah waa via itiug Hume friend*. Harrigau hag only been married a few months. An Indian Mail Till, I. BARIMI, March 10. John Waoibooah. an ludaiu mail courier, employed In conveying the mail l>etweeu Parry Sound and Little Current. !<> the north uhore of Georgian bay and I<ake Huron, nag recently arrested by direction of Mr. Sweetman, podoffiee luapwvtor. of Toronto for tampering with the mail, and was placed in Barrie jail. Waoi- bo^sh waa tiied In-day before Judge Ardagh. He pleaded guilty, and was .entenced to fire yearn imprisonment at hard labor in the Kingston penitentiary. IIE RTO SASH A\D DOOR FACTORY PLANING MILL - A. IN 13 _ CARRIAGE WORKS, WILSON &, McZECHNIE, - - Proprietors. Our factory is now eompl.-to with ull tho Intest. bt-iit. and mot improved i.iucliitnT.v iinvawrj for turning out everything it. ,ur various liu.. H of bu 8 i- iinu it will bo m thoroiiv'ii running onlcr in u few dayu Co.itruo'.s for huildiiiKH in town or country tukcn ,tt th,' moKt rramnabli- rau-s. ^ork will be gtiaranteod first-elass in every |Mirtieular. HUH depart luent b,iu rate UM iMMikta snp>rviNioii of H. M. McKechnie. Snsh mid .U.OI-H made f, ,,rdor 011 ihort iiotir,-. Scroll sawing will receive prompt careful itttcntion. Planing a i|X'iultv. In fiirriatfe making oar reputation for firet-clasa work JH too well known t,, - I any fHrtlif-r comment here. A larfje and excellent stoek of earri.Ki " c - , f " r 1( '- ..V* 11 ut our Hhow ro<) " ls Ul "' ""H*^ thorn. Orders for Myth ma in UlII lino will reooiTO prompt atteution and the fuct that it is directly i di-r the supervision of T W. Wilson, ,H sufficient gtmrank,. tlmt thj work and material usod will be first TKATS. Neglected colds are the futel trap* tliat en snare mvuy a vie- tun IM v.ilnl |,i)Mlllnlllty ..t rt-x-Ur Tltku a eold or cough in time and il is eaily conquered by tlmt ante ami pleaent veg- etable remedy Halyard'* Pecttml lial- ;un. Asthma, Bronchitis and ptilmun- tary complaints generally soon yield to U healing influence. The tiap Keason. Pi-urn the Toronto H'orfiJ. Th* Khan, who some weeks ago predicted three weeks of eirelluot sleighing in Marrh and the greatest storm of the season before the 1st of April, ventures more predictions. This will be a great lap season, and more maple ryrnp and sugar will lie made than for years past. Yesterday fur instance the nap would h IT.- ruu quite freely, and trees tapped now would in fafontbln localities keep on running till the ttrst bet dry weather iu April. A good sap season is tin- invariable forerunuer of a bountiful liarn-t The Khan will >.Uke bi< reputation ou this prediction : That the tall wheel will eonie out better this uprinx 1 than it has dofiu for the pant twenty years ; that thfcr.ip of fruit will makeup f. r tin- failure fur the pant five years, and that the yield of apples especially and peocbcn will be eitraordiuary. Solicitiu- public cii of our buitio<t8. gt. and guaranteeing good work in every depart- WILSON & MAOKECHN1K. PRIVATE SALE! Gadd * Campaigne ' -'>"- GENERAL BLACKSMITHS FA HM & FARM S TOOK \ FLESHERTON, Ami farm Imjirmmt*. 50>A4'KK FA KM TO KIM , i POH SALE 1 i. am our irmtch.<l Team of go.*! wnrklnelinr f*-.. ami 1 vnimii Mar*. KOIK! ilrlvur To IMI i|j i. ; far cali. FA KM TO UKHT. I i.avca.'iO-wrwKanii to Kent. This Kiirin it from Klliurtuu, lias good building* ou it i I i . well wiiUiroJ r'\UM IMPI.KMP.NTS FOR H.U.H Sale at a Bargain. -Doii)i1i-]|ftrm>ii. Rtnvli. 'iHrn.'.-w, WauKoim. Slniarli*. Musismr. Sulky luki-. . - anilalariie number of other luiiilumrats. I'oi rliiticul.il> ujiplv to l. I.. llll I . Jau. taJ. IM n.KHHKKTON are now fully prepareil to attend to all work in their line promptly, j u it workmanlike manner, and at fair, uutieat prices. W aronow fnlly pre|*re.l for all the Sp'Uig work the imhlir may favor IIH with. Flnherton, Feb. la, 1MS4. EE MO VAL ! MISS G. A. N. PAGE. ( LATH or OWKSJ SOUND ) /will lin fi.un.l in MI-H. Mulroei's shop, nearly Vppusjte Mr. M. lliehardnoii's K enral m-iro ricilicrtiiii. wli, n- ,.||,. will be prepan .1 H- ummltoDOOVEIUudMAKK IT I.AIMKS' aodftKXTi.KJiKif'HPKIjT, .HTUAW, HKAVK1: AM) fAMKI/H HAIR HATS, J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, .. CK*T *nd mukn MH'i L TO MEW. The public mu rtwpuctfully inTJIml to ive her a trial. ltiH.il work Kuvautcvd at reaaoiiable MISS (h \. y. PAOB. Cn.iHifr.il llv THE CARH. A little ion "t.l.ilni Spiuks, Toronto, had hi* foot crushed by a (i. T. K. KxpreM train some lime iiL"'. Two dmtora attended liim without In in lit, an.l amputation was pro- posed, luil llacy.iril'a Vullow Oil was tried, which K'tvu prompt relief lied uf- fei t4-il a speedy cttrv, even reuiuvin^ ull ulirtiiev* of (In- joint. Tax Exruptlon*. from th' I'nrhlol. \, (-.,. Tin. lU:v. I>K, WILD eniliirnen our views with ri-L'.tnl tnderuj men uiul tux eieuptioiiii. In reply In u qm-iition nu the auliject, sub- initti-.l Sunday evening ln-t. the ilnetur KHV.- it as his opitiinu tlmt neither iiiiii'-t. r- nnr liurrli.'n have a rijjht tu rlaim exumptuMi, aud a iiiiniKt'-i hiti no right to vote wlio doe* not pay taxev The preiichers were treated a* if they were Ion weak to :-.-t ul..ii/ and make u living, and nm-ile.l to l- In 1|..|. II. wished the I<egmlatnni wuulil nweip tlimn ul' into line, and mi n nmv an |njui.tire to the taxpayer uiul the workiiigmau." In connee tir>u with the above, it way be ri-iiiiuk.-.l that there are a few lm do nut u^rm with the iloctnr'x theory ararini,' tliu rant tin I'iii kilale < i.iiin-il. FOR Al.L An R-. The H^ed, ileliilitnteil mid infirm will liml nnWM vi^jor am. Ktri-ngtli by takiiiK Itnnlnck Blood Hit- ter*. Tlio young liii.it. nini; to uiirly de city will nlmi find in tin, rtfitallsiag ton- ic u roinrdy worth trying. The < . P. K. From thf On vii &>uiul Timrt. At i > i. a leugtheued debute, the Hill pif vnlin.' for the loan tu the C. P. IS. to secure i its inpid completion was read a third time ; iu the Cornuiona on Thursday last, aud i , though it hail still to go through the Senate ] the measure may be conidr*d practically decided on by Parliament. We ueier baa, j any fear of tbe successful mnlt of the n - solations from the momuut they were sub- mitted to the bouse, for the Country is t< o intensely interested in the construction of our great national railway to allow of nny faltering in the wurk. The opposition, how- \ | ever, given to the measure wax bitter ; and it \ , M-eineil that those opposing were willing to catch at any proposal, uo matter bow un I patriotic, if it afforded a chance of defeat | ing the scheme, as witnest the williugueai j i to join hands with the drain! Trunk in liaod- | ing the whole of Ontario over to the mercies of that eorporatiou. I h fact that tl.e Oppmi- tiuu. led by Mr. Blake, were willing to aid the Grand Trunk iu it effort, will remaiu n laHtiug stiguia of them iu the eyrs of the of the people of Ontario. We regret espec- ially that the member for North (trey, whose constituents ]>erhdps more than those of any other nniiil...r iu Ontario are directly interested in the siiceem of tbe C. P. !(.. should have disregnnle<l their interest* by taking the stauil he did. An opportunity tliat does not occur every day was here af- forded him, of sbowin" that he preferred the material interests of his constituents to thoae of party, and ruining himself in tli" estimation of all parties in tho Riding, kuit he has proved himself unequal to th occat- I'Hi. and the fact will no dovbt be remem lrr.-il agniust him. The amendment utsde by Sir. Charles Tupper to th* Bill before its third reudiuu in one that will give satisfaction to the whole conntry, irrespective of polities. The way in which the large railway corporations ( aid*<l so far as Ontario i.t concerned, by the I...-. emieul of tbo Province,) bave been gobbling up the smaller independent lm< >. till it I caiuu apparent that wcwcre only to linve tbe two, hoi of lak- been attracting iittentu u and creating alarm mougsl the people, who aw nu guarantee ahead tuat whrn the (irand Trunk and C. P. H. had almorbed all tbe other line*, they noiild nut join hand- themselves, aud have the whole country at their mercy, to far as the railway accoiumo datiou was ouucerned. The danger having liven pointed oul, Sir Cbarlei Tupper, IM mark nl contrast to the course of tbe Ontario Government, ban taken action to prevent such a calamity, and provided tliat there aha 1 n.'Vi-r be iinmluaiuat'n polling arrangements between the Ciumda I'aci&c aud the (trand Trunk ; while special IMIWVT has been con- fcrrvd m tin- Supreme t'mirt to lake nolire of any vinlutiou of this provision. We Ten tu re to say that this amendment will gi\a| renewed confidence in railway mattera, r | p^cially to tin 1 people of Outarin. and thst notniug that li.n- transpired iu Parliament for u lung time will give such Hatinfactiou ; tbe people KM a whole, irrespective of their political leuiiiugK. ATEE'S Hair Vigor iMoi. with, the itloa* ami Iiosfcui-ts -f TKiitli. faded or fray Itiir to a natural, rich brown cvior. or deev Wck, aiiuu) IK- UtIri J. By It* w lull t ur ml Uuir uu> U,- !.i: . tkln hair tutekraeil, ai>-l taldueea often, though Iff .1 1 .!). rill .-.1. 11 chucks falling o( Ilk* balr, ami itlmB- latvs a weak ami itckly growth to vigor. II prevent* and cures scurf anil ilauttrurT, anil hells uetirly vry disease iwcaliar to thw ealu. Ai n Latlln* Hair Drcaatac, llio VIUOB it unequallml; It contain* Ufillitr oil nor ilji', rmuk-rn lUr luir toll. glossy, ami ilken lu |>|-ruLi.T.ml liuiwrt* a ili-Si--...*. agrueablu, ami luting 1*1 luuir. MK. '. F. Kim urn ivrl ! fnnii A'irty. " . Jain 3, \fH : " \JUH (all in) Iwlr ctHUllifi.ci-d falling oul, aixl In U.m HUH.- I btraiiw nearly uakl. I iswd inrt <* a IM it tit of A > Mil llAIH VlUoK, Wlliell l.-Vt"' 1 ' tin- fjli- Ing of tlm Ij.ti I . anil i-tart.-.! a > grovlli. I haTe now a full hrail of bair frnwluc vigor- ously, ami am cniTiitceU tbat bal lor Ui u of your preparation 1 timid luato I*B entirely bakl." J W. u.iw i- x. proprietor of lli McArtlir (rtfcpvr) Kaifairrr ,W1: " Avm' ll. Ml Viooo; I* a ni' ~i SMBJMU prvpamtim fr tin- hair. 1 >i>eiik f it f run my own nyerienrt. 11* aw* |r.Hiii'iMrt tin- ffmwtli of at)W li.m, ami nk>- ii (luMKn nnil >(t. TV \ I'i'M: iialao a ii'- euro f-n lUniUutT Not witliin my kawwll(n baa UK- prv|uiratu* ccr lkill tvirivo vnllru asulsfaetlou." Slu. Awris KMHIIVIIII. llrr of tk C.-I.-IM .ii-l KairtMirn K. in.il> " "I .Vi>ttll> YnenlbU. wrtU- Inuu 7A>//, .1/nx. ,/>(.(. UK*. "KvtT alueu my liuir Ug;ui ! |!i<oul- vry vr!>lvn<-t> of tho rhaugv ln.-li Nnlliie HIM- pnmin>tli. I hao iiw.l .\ i.u". U.IIK Vliu.x. awl no IMTU he-n aM to maintain ail ilwiiraao* "f ynntlif ulltu* :t n:iurrnf stisUsrablv rwi-qiiriiej u> niliill-i, nra> loni. ai-tiin. NW| In fart ever; VIM mliulirts) in the i-yMuf tB public." M K-. i>. A. I'UKWorr, wrilini from .It., fkart, if IMTII, Man., .-4firil H. IHM>, u>: l'\ n M H-* :i^- al-.ut t wtMlilrtl* of my lialr caravulf. It ihiiiiwil tury ntilillv, niul I a> full gn>lll IwuL I'll Hil* A\ Kll' II UK VniiHI III* f:illllwMii|M;<lawl a lirw (r.)lli eoinini'iicnl. nixl In itbout a aiiHilli nit bra>l w rMI|il--l-l;r ifTrl WitU fhurt hail. It aiM conUiiuc*l t<iRrnw. anil i " a t ! atf bt-f. T.' iffrll. I ntrularlv wl kut n< lule of tin' VIIHIII. but now uv II orcai..uii;i> a* a dreMlii|[." We ban linnitrab of imilar t*tlmi.i ,il to the tficav-y of ATRK'a HAIR Vioox. It nt-v.li but a trial to courlnee UM mot tkepU- cml of lu value. t-uiPiEr r> BT Dr. J.C.Ayeri Co., Lowell, Mass. t>oid by all UragfiMa. A F'A%'IRITK EVRKYWUEHK. iiilmduceil H-iiiyanr* Yllnw Oil tiniU fin-lull. It in tliu "M n-lmlilo li'iii-i-linl<l i reiiicily for pxtcnuil ami internal nut- in iitll aclira, [IMIUI, lamuiii'iM anil nrviifiw .it" tin fli->!i. A. I. (it-en, a |>rumii>rni ti^'iat nt Kullevili*, ntjs : "It isa^rent VMiiti lirn-, :iinl Inifl n great au)e." pit :! ui\\ ssn,i>nriiK<iAr i< highly r i-i'i inliKl fur th miru of Krnptlon. (had-.. Clia|ipi>il HninU. I'iiiipU-H, Tan. fee. A DIIUII.K KKNEKIT. Jrou Moore, a prominent n-iilviit ol lAHiiniii^tun, writcn i tlmt In- tnn-il lniiMi-ll ..f |)\ ( |.-,i.i in H i vi :tr - uiii.ti inn l._y une IH.I:!. of l:..i .1... 1, ' Ulniiil Hiiti-rs, iinil two huttle* cured lu | 4 iir who h i.l i i-i-n for yuun a anfferur from the H.iuii- ilim-;mr lie uoiiKi-ifiitiou- n\y ii-i-.iinii'i-iiili it to nil Biiffariug from niniil.-ir trot! Mr-. I lit < IMI in r> Huds. Fn,m II,- Ti-ri.Ht- H '..>/./. Tho' criblxd. ruliiiu-.l au<l r.nitini il in the ilnll Siiinl.iv rily , . . 1. 1 l.i i . yet tli* Klinu ooiilil fdiM-j wluit the fifldn nml a-ihiilh look- ed like i nt in tlic vnitiitry uii'li-r tli fre^li tallfii Hiinw. Tli" li.nl!;. jiiiifrt iin. I ci-ilurs lini.di'il anil HuakrU m il,i-//lini; wUile, but, sliuwii.g hen inn) tin TO tli<- licli preen tunicii below. Orerliinil tlin K.irriilniM lilm- jny, Ille lll(lll8l|-ioUK 1,-llH-llllilei-ilre, <{ tllC Jlllil-] oiophicul crnvv llitted |j<r. aii'l tlienr i'or | M Mitrcli thrown ulder tli blue jay K r "' < more uii'l mule piirrulimn. ni'l tl row puts on niHulviit uirs. Ku y duy ai-rn'^ tl.e trei tup-i lliMtl,-, ,,( .Insky lnid i-.m be s.-.-n making Nlu'rt tri]' t., tin- n. ,iiii, wninni;j with wi.n.li rful |i!tii-ii.'. :i! Hi., rtrxt tlniw I Will IllieiVif t!." ]>ti.vi-l!iil Jru.l lii.-se. 'Ilii.- is tlin ;i;i.n;li \tl.ui >i]iiirn-l ii-NvkH, f..\ ttin -ks nml i:ilu!t ii-:,.-',- ure tlii.-!. in tli lUnwy WOUI!K, nml \vhrii tin juvi nil.- ti.ip], , ban un II|H-II eye for irm.li r..t^ ami mil.;. ;i ( tli mill pund. It i., iiu.riiiiijoi like tii- tliut the fiirni' r'.. Imy rnsliea out tn -iy tli.it 1. 1.1 S]>"t li..s a iii >.- r i'f, or hears .1 i-!ii . laiuli Ju to be wuruieil iu a !iuik<,'t bv 'In. ill-lien Cue. On Un- .:IIH, -. Mill ;.if .1 l.i liroii/.c iiul.s cun ho :.c i ii klruiiilliiii' .il'utii iiiuu ill kuiiion-J kiuil of a way in . iioM, nil n.i'.ui" p..i.uj tj tliu euiiiiu({ ' y Jifiug. &i(nril'iit, lit Jfarr*. /.W). I'm .1:1:0. <.i i > A Hi IK i- Division. GOING NORTH. Ton.nl, i. ,l,.p 7 91 a in.. ,. 4.rm p.m.. H in a. MI 1 1. <n ;. villn ln.il i 7 .Vi li..U|i.ui. Ml Kiii,.-t " IJ-Jlpm. 1)00 - llnrri Km r . , li.'il I'.-, \v.it. T.., rr 'ji', - !(>.: " Owun Soiiml l.:i " in. " O-UOum GOING SOUTH. .1. . I . a in . i:i|. in ,;.;io a.m. Tr. :i.ini - s.im " ii . n.ir, 4 *i Ml. it " M'fl " 4 .Fill " I) . ' M.t7 ' 7. " I. V, 11 in. I' i r II im <l\, - .1.1U - \V. Wii I- I n Mi Menu., TORUiNTO MARKETS. Win it . $1 CO to $1 ().-, ; V,'hc;i! 1 OS | l;t . do ii I;H (i.ii, " ii :i7 H? U ";! o 7;; Hutu- '1-1 (i *.\ l-^';,'-- ' '^". U fi I' i 'it ,i.i . i>< r buy)'. HO S* I'orL K '2." H 50 H.'.v :.'......(> 13 il> Burdock BLOOD WILL CURE OR RELIEVE B(LIOUSHSS. DIZZIHfSS, DYSPfPSIA.* DROPSY. INDIOESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. 4 t OF THE HEART. ERYSIPELAS. ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, f- THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DBYNfSS HEADACHE, / OF THE SKIM, And every apacl*) of dlaaM arla'ng from diaordcnd LIVER, KIDMEY8. STOMACH. BOWELS OR BLOOD, TOSTOWTO. E UGKNI A Grist Mill, si Its; MUL fnviiiK made *steiiniv iio|irTeni<-iiln In ray (.n-i Mill, I .mi r.. n fi. lent I run xi nalinfln-tiiili. r/Md DONK ANY DAY. (liioil Kliiir lwy mi Iniiiil. Custom Sawi and BilU hhi I mi tin- Hliniti st notice. Lum- ber III!' I l.lltll Illwil 1 -I'll Illll. I. WANTED : ClM-rry, Huttenint, Whit- Axli. Hhvk Al>, Hid, 1'iue aud Hvnilm'k !.' . wanU.il. 1. j&KITT, CURIA May 1>. YELLOW OIL !CURES RHETUMATISM T*REE MAN'S WORM] POWOXRB. AnAUaaaat to tak*. Contain tMr owa> P uiguJ . ii a iaf*. mm. aod ttfttmmt L