Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 May 1884, p. 8

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'^^"^ Heard's Improv'd HARROWS. IN A NAM*.- Sorofula is Tin " Farmer'* Frieuds* KOHK . '1 i ' t .[ ji-iiurit! |iiiriM>Hfitullii>ii, K i ' .'I. -In |.I..|..MIV of Mr. | the supposition that thu ly, wrll iiiuke the season oi ilttm catinu swino'i ftcsh. I Mi !, .:;.\ , M u 5th, lie will leave hit. called from the Latin scrofu, a pi K , from I JP Jj E S HER. TON hiTritrd from ranu- It ii often in I in uu. and K .1 U to ab- Mtt. JOHN II. HEAliD. Artaneria, June 16th, 1883. IV:ii- Sir, I take pleasure in Unifying that tlie set of ten-bulled Harrows own liable and proe*d looth to ('imi>- ! . i i-t (.. Mr. Robert Fi-n- v ;, ; tli.'iiec liy 25th idu road t" M: J;u i 'lurk 'a gravel road, for night. i. ih, he will proceed to . . nil i a. tin Miie hour; thenee to Mi Bau i. -i ' '.iijni t's, 10th Con., for liui.ii . tln:iico In .Miv of town line to hi* :;o. Con. 8, where he will 1 purchased from you last April has Driven me entire satisfaction. It bciiix i-ivi.-u to ino on trial, I closely watched itfi operations when ut work to find H " ll "' foUowtag Thursday. i.tuk with it, but 1 failed to aec any. It is no luavu T on my team than mv ----- , * * in* r i * 1 am yours truly. sceases, ulcerous sorea, debility, king's evil and conouinption. The case of the Rev. \V. Stout, of Wiurt.on, who suffered _'.'( years frnui scrofulous ul^ceaseK, Untie of tlu- in. ...i remarkable on record. Bnr- .1 irk lil'niil Bitten cured him after the beat medical skill had f riled. 1! ;ix-bull wooden harrow. , ... JOHN \\HITBV. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLO WAYS PIUS &OINTMENT THE TILLS Purity the Blood, correct all Disorder! of the Livei-, Stomacl*, Kitln'y**, unl They Invijorate and rentore to lioalUi l)i-biliitt;.l ri>ii1ltuti.inn. an.) ar nunlunl.;. in K.I <.i |ilaiuu iuciduutal to Females of eJl u^e. For C'biliiren an. I Ui tmo.l thf> art- i>i icolviis- iw ,1-,. riii-r, thence to Mr.' n ...... , ,K-..ce by *>; nicr'a to Mr. .luuiet Lovc-' j \.u \M I proci-fd aloiitf the On- v i ''..in mini, thence to Mr. I ro:i., fur in. i. ii tlhl-I:.- ' i rni r til Ills liKBBtUO- , -.< m-il tv Eugenia, thence *o ln> own stub- ina.ii uutil the fiillnw nit;. - Friend will b at ,....ii evry Jsaturday . McGrei :-s Speedy Cure. > pure) ser of coiinnon seiide N au infallible reineJy for Bad Lw. Had Hroaxtn. Ol<nVoundi>. Soros and fleers. H l< famous loi ),.,.,, . hi-n reiini- ijiir an ar- UotiiaodKbunuiatii-ui For d..rd<.-ni o( the C'lic-t it has no .. t'liiiMisi 1 . Mirclnuii'S For SORE THROA1, liJtOJVCHJTJJS, COUCIIS, COLJ> '- . U i ai- 1 t i.i-fun- buyiug. Ytiu ' -i i il Imttlu of Mcdre- : hi 1 yrcat rumedy for THE OINTMENT Ulaudulsr HwolUu(. and all Kkln Diwaups it ha* no rival; aud for tontravtud aud siifl joiiitn it aot* like a chann. Ktuufactureilonlr at Professor HOU.OWAY'K Kitablinlni..Mit. 7H, N Oxford >i r. i ( hu r.:t:i. Oxford M r-.-i ). London. . L I arc sola at In. Ud., 9s. M. i the j-i ! ^ HI . I'll hull U M.. 1 ta., \* . an<l X\. each Itox nr IV>t. and uiay tc hml of u Ui Vuudon throiixbout tlu \\Oil.l '\J~ f'urchaum tkimlti ,">.)'.<, tltf LnM 'tn. ll,ry ,tn If tlu >i,i-lr> I:' ...I and Liver inlMin'ii l>rus[ Store. . i-.-i bottle. S, i t..- ri-miK in your own town. riis- -i rarlinmciil. . i, , . n. . . ..it. IIKIIIII wee); one ofthu ...in n! tlu- liimiiuiun I';irlia- v...s Brought to clone, it having in.iiitli and thri'i; thiys. The m.irkol l>y tl.o largd nutuler t intii-ii-'fu paasud. There , h.l nbutit .. in- hundred and iiixtv This is no( (he "Red Flag " you have n-iul so much about ; (his is a i honest price, good quality, & 1 -.1 mill j'.iF"i'.l, Minn' nf thi'in i-t. but vrr> miany at iuii'i.n iuce ;ind ;i!tV'Cti'.J tlie :ni ri:.'i..niii a degree not i.o' tl>. }>rantinc of the ' . . . t I'aoifi Ilailu.i.v. 1 .fiiint .! iii.iin'y voted iliiiiuj; I.(MHI, tin 1.,- nit' u;. .if the loan [.. tlio i -11 .'"i "'Ml, und tho iocrease- : . tli. \.iriotu provincei. Tin- in- ii..i, i i.iiii-iit li.u 1>. i ii mark- ' tiivisu oleinenU of boldneM AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other complaint* are to insidioua tn their attack utilise :ilTwtiut r the throat ami lung*: nuue MI tnttvtl with by the inajurity ..f tl<r- tr. The ordinary cuugh or cold, recalling l.-i'li:.].]- fr..m a trifling or uucunx-iutu t>i- le i.(U'll but lUc beKlmiillg of a lUl Mv'klir?!.. A\ KK's ClILKUV i'KITOKAL hu well |.i.'\.n it- rlficucy In li>rty yean' fiaht uuli throat uid Unii; liiMMituf, nuil bliouU be Uki-u in all cases withuuttluliiy. A Ti-rrll.li- Cough C'i n-.l. "In l-.ri t.~.k awTcrooold, which ntfi-rtM my luni>. 1 luul n terrible *ougb, ami IWNW*! ...Ill :.l>r Infill \\mn.lll felw|>. Tllr iloiaii. fc.Hf mi- ii|i. 1 trir'l A\ I It'h C'IIKIllc\ I'l.i - 'I.IKM.. ulil.li r.'Ii.-ve.! itiy lung*, imlucr.l l<i-|i. aii.1 .tt.ir.l.'l mi- tlir rwt !!<< Mnry I"' tli' i" .-i> "I ii. v atrniKtli. HA ilia emit in in. I ii-.- . J the I'fiTuuAL a IWT**- ni'iit ouif vn i ilidi I. I mn now C2 Jrrs olil, liali- HIM! hvHrtv.and am tatitfiutl jour CiiKBut 1'ri roKAI. ured me. n.iimi. KAIUIIBUTIIEK." ld>t.'kiiigliaiii, Vt., Juljf 16, IM<:. C'ronp. A Mothi-r's TrlbnU>. " Wlnli- in ihr iniiilry lust wlntvr my little I-.-V. tlirt**' \-:.r- l.l. HHX tjikxn 111 wit )i Vroup; it - iiifil H it hu \vuilld. 41 Ir.'W lranyu- Utii-ii. oiu'of Ihr lainilv FUtEKWMtl I In- UM ol \\IL- i iiriiuv I'ti-rmiu.. a huttlr ..( vliloli wu lwmT ki'|K In tlif IIIIIIMI. Thil tricil in iniall mill fr<M|uoiil <lii-s, nnil ln.'iir tlrMiilit In Iru limn half HII I. .'in Ibu litiU- |.ntniit i>*s Iir.-Kllilnp cully. I IIP iVic- l"r !.!.! lliul 111,' < IIILItV rt.TOKAI. liHil MT.'.I inv darttaffll lifv. <*HM you woudvr at our griilita.k-'.' SlurvrrU %mir, Mm. i M M i OKIIKEV." 1X1 West l>th St., .Nt York, May If.. IwS. " I have lli-d AVCR't ClIRKRV PK,< TnllAI. in my l;innl\ for *t'VciMl yrArn. HIM! i.. not >!. in..-.' It II. r n i*t i-tt. .tul i.inf.K f.r t-ou^li* ku.t r< lil-vr ti.-i\. <>^r tri.'.l. A. .1. Cu VN." Jjkc Cn.t:.l. Minn.. March 13, IN-IV " I itutlfre.) fr eight year* frniA Rr.>ii.'bitln, :n..l Jilti-r tn.im 111:1111 i. 111. !!.- willi ii. 11110- ! \\ i- ,11 . 4! l'\ tin- u*f ol .\% I r.'s * IIMt- l:\ I'l . l.Hltl.. .IM-H-II XV.ll.n.A." llyuatia. MUt., April t, Iwj. I mini..! nay enoujrh in fituM of A vi (in HIM IT. r.ittAi. lllTinri I il" i' : till f--r iln in*' I should lulitf i-incc luivc .n.d fnnii i- I I.UVI.INI.V L*alrii.ic, Ti ia, Xprll 22, IdtC. N" . !-* of nn affoctloii of the throat or lungs ci:fU Klucli rannot be grrally relieved 1.1 tij' u> of ATKB'S CIIKUBV !< TOIIAI, Ulj it uill <itii-a<j* curt wbcu the dlliall a not ulifii.li bcyoud tbeeouirol of lumliciuc. 1-ur.i'AKni nv Dr. J . C . Aver 4 Co., Lowell, Mast. SulJ by all Urug(UU. Jewelery Ut STORE, J. R. TRIMBLE. DBAI.EK IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, $c. No Bogus Discounts I or oilier Clap-Trap Induce men ts offered, but sell you Goods as low (is they cuii be figured consi.ftf.ut icittt HONEST TR.4DE- Watch Repairing a specialty- AU Work Guaranteed- PATENTS A CO., of the Brmmnc AMIHUAV <-. n. iinuiou-t iw R< llcltors r..r I'mlenti. I^TMU Trad* Marku, C..pyrl(ilit. for tile I nILeO 8UU. (^aii.vla. Kntflan.l. Frann 1 , Uvrmanr. etc. Band B<Mk about nMala eeert frw>. Tblrty-wf^n yn>ip-rleni'. nteateoMalnxlUmHuiiMCKN A CO rv ID the HciENTiKir AMKKirAS. the lancect, heat, a m.i widely rtrrulaied nclfiitltlc pwr. II.S>a rear. Wcvklv. Hplofi.ll.l L'UffrmTlnirt i*n.l InUtiretlng to- (omatlon. Npeuuii'ii ropy of the HrlratMr Amrr. loiex>nt tm>. Ari.lrMwMl'NN 4 111.. HciE.N-nno AMEBICAM offleo. ;i Bruedwar, New Yurk. square dealing Flag, carried by .Mr. riios. Duncan, Tailor, FlcslitTton. I F X-s I' S H E R T Q .visii A\D Dooii F mm mm mi i i.f il htnhli: .Ui'l .if t nd in .'iilriilateil lo inspire , .f this Dominion with n-m-w. ' . ) con ! .' i .n tin uliility and tatesman- ' fluji o! Sir .loltn A M icdonald. Thei-oui, tr\ i- pi <!'!! IM a* In hri'ti :nliintt. d liy , tin 1 .;. pi-.itii.il anil tile fin:ilu-i-8 of the; l>oiiiiii;nii .-in 1 in a In ,-iltliy n. million so I ...ii "i i... I : ...in 1- :ide hus milt-d to I lit.d :i ptM ..t vant^-.. ! CBOl'WNO JJOXK (rood Fi'.iiir k!wi\> No i. tli. i pi . i-nrati'.n 10 EUGENIA (h-ist Mill, :,:; : -nln In HIT (irim Mill, I am iv.ti.li'Ut I can ^ive good DAY; j |J mid continue* l>lond-|iiirifvin|r, vitalizing, . j^ . ^ i in irliiii.' :m \ iiiviporntinir ijuiilitii^ a* "" "^^ " " A\.r > u *.in.,nlU. (,lii.ihty -hoiild be CARRIAGE WORKS, c ""'':"' " l ' WILSON & McKECHNIE, - - Proprietors, ih.*^-^^!^^ i* li'i.i. " V.i 'in-,' SI. .Tame.*." the pn>|.erty fl ' Mr. \V. H. Johnston, will make the neamn of < Mi tu'Mry is now complete with nil the latest 1. r. ;i,id most iniiirov< ,1 im. n* (..H..WH: iry fr tnrniii" out t-Verytliiiif,' in imr various Inn s uf busi- M..ml.i> . Mu\ :.th wrillouve bin ownntil.l... .nl il v.-ill lo in Uionmgh running order in a few ihi^*. L , )t )-,;, ; lr j niu^e eat T. * S. R..ad. \,; for bdldingl in town ui country tnken at tli<' most iva--<,i,al)lr mesia. and |.r. .- . I t . I iinN' IlotH, I'rire \Vi,:k will l)o gunoUed lii-st-.-liiss in evory jiai-tii-nlar. t!ii : J.'^art- j ville. for noon : th.-nre t.. l,i, own st.'blo by iquudertbj nuni liata nparrimaaof H. M. UoKeohnie. Sa-h and wiv ,.f st,.n. < lin.' f..r niu-ht i in ulr t - oi-(L.r on short noti,;, . Scroll sawiiig will icceiM.- prompt and i Tn..*.Uy. Muy nth w,;: prnec^d bv war ' . .11. PlMUag a sp, .-lalty. Kth , jne ; r , pme , ift ^ j|.,, woll for noon i makini ...,r n iiut.ttton or fn-st-ouss work in too well known to , u ,, ne( . ,, y (trnrc] r ,, afl , ,. owa gtftlu , ,,, r 11} ru.-.h.iTunmie.iit lu- re. A hl und i \crlliMt stock of caiTiuires, lliR , lt u.c. fjr s-ale. Call at our nhow rooms an<l inspect them. Orders t'nr:nu thin i.) ilii.s line will receive prompt ntteiitioii and the fact tliat it is dinriiv nn- ... T * JB- ' M t i > a i n* >* lllt**>ni\<>|l, I ..i* I I , Ob up. r\ IAIIIII of I . \\ . \\ ils ui, is a sulhcicut gtiiirantcc that the work ..nl in.ltvTiul lisod will he !:: .' rlaSi. on band. anil ItillH tillc.1 on tho nluirtcKt nuticc. Lum- ber anil I.ntli l:i\ . .m I, .mil. Custom H tillc.1 on t er anil I.ntli WANTED : iitlriiint. \Vliit> Ah, Bla 'ino and Hrmlm-k IJ-JJH M. AKITT, Iliitlriiint. \Vliit> Ah, Blark Ah, Bsi.w.ni.l, 1'ino and Hrmlm-k IJ-JJH wanted. Mr lit. 1*82. Burdock BLOOD WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, 1 DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTER/NO JAUNDICE. 1 \ OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS. ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, ( T.Hf STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DHYMeSS HEADACHE, > OF THE SKIH, A*d every ipciM of dltwue arlJng f.om disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS. STOMACH DOWELS OR BLOOD, T. H1LBURN & CO., "-""^NT* WILLIAM HOUG, FLBSHERTON STATION. Itviprctfully llntt hr lian rcctivcd a Large Supply of Xcw Goods, le fuf iU- aeiwnu, all f vliicli linvi; l.cfn ptircliaioil to tho best advantage, and will U U Klmnf fur Cutii >.i Crmiilry 1'nnliir*. The new arrivals are Itxtoiislvi .M.I varUd in Dry Qoods, Winter Clothing, Boots &c., &c., * i. full mpi'iy <A Hardware, .rorrlcs, Provisions. Crockcn, Ac. H|ii.ctinii *f the Stuk invited. My Jira.ich Store at EUGENIA kcplfullij supplied ' In- I ..!T.T I'OK AI.r. or TO I,ET. tny SAW MILL at IJUle FalU ; drivea under 8fi ft l.irt.4 wut-.r; all fa good order, ltb aliuul 40*1 acres of Tiiulwi Laud u which the Mill il fitualed. 1 her* are aj> mivt-yal othor (Jiwd M ill Site* ou tio laoiwrty. I.iUrai Term* . :. i itUr purouao* or leoie to a competent wau. Wat. HOU(. . May "th, h.' ill proc-ed down ll.niil. Art- ini.-i.i. ti> .T ilin ) Imstoii's Oapn-y. fur noon ; thence to Anglo Americ.-m Hole! iMuuralk, f..r on- bonr : tbeneo to Cliriiitie Johnnton's 3rd I.inu \Vet T. A S. Road, Proton, for uii'nt. Tnnr'dny, May *Ttli will pruoeeeil t hi own stable, for noon, and will remain there nuti' Friday morning. Friday, May !Hh, will prf.c<.(>il to Thnrnlon's Teinpcranc.- Hole), Kiiub. rly, f or noon thence to KiiRonhk for one honr, thence bin own xtnldo, for niffht. Saturday, May lutb, will proceed by way (K Rravpl mart, to IfcAlenr 's Hold Markdalr- for nrion : thence by way .f Vnndelner to IHK own Btable. whore hf will ri'tuain la^til the following Monday moram. TH Sr.i HKT OCT. The noorot of beau- ty 1-an l||en at lart revealed. Wrtlmut L.-.MKI hrmltli, pnr blood mid a fair elear -kin ni.ne .'nil )Muwess '_'<i.,.l lonVft. What i* in. in- repulmve Urm iiimplea. hlofrhi-t, ami nallow or pMty c.:,ip|(.xion? Bur- d...:k Hl,Hl Uitttm reveal the fact that till cuu train |.uro bluod and freedom from the rvpnUlvn ,liseaM of skin that rwult from YELOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM tiif 'inlay, lut Mt\ir<-h. 1884. Toronto. Grey tV Knirr IMvision. O O 1 N Toronto, drp >n>ii.-e\ill< " Mt I'm. Hiirn^t-ni Tt'WKWftter. arr. Uweuboun.l - 7 *m in . li MI.-. 11! *) p.m. 12..V, - NO R T H . H 18.:j|i.in. < "'' i U.UII ' 9'X ' In -i ' !.!.> ' coo p.m. GOINQ SOUTH. nwinSotinrl. . ilcp.. . .'. .i.-.ii i u . .1..'IOii in. .7.30 t.m. Tcmwati-r " :ni " aoi - Hnrn.it.. n " f..06 " 4'J) - Ml I .r.wt " r..:> " 4.M " Orain-evlllo - H.97 - 7.90 " 1 .'.',]. m , Toronto arr.... U.OO " U.M " VKi " I \Y.\VHVTK, I) M. NICOI.I,, LI . i i-i-*. AOT. TRAINS l.r \s , FLESHERTON STATION : orth, 'mivna.m, TtOp.in., * 0:(M p in ......til. ntA;4.'la.lii. lOklHaiii, A .Vl-.'|'ju THE FAMILY WELCOME, Thin in OHM of tho I arK!ittiu4 <!(, utory Iiaiion l>ubliihed In Ain.'i lea.. It ii full of Mor niltl ICoiu:ni< c. Mil .nn! II n in ,, Am < dole .1 .nl lii v rni ii rr. In tut, thore will not \a a ineli< lln.i >.( .In I ru.|ini; in U. PubltalMdttMlMwMinkoflKV* month. TnrniB: OIK. <lollf^ (HIT itiiuulii iu no- valid* AK-UU WHiit^.l r^rvwiiino. tfuH. A<Mr.j "The Faulty \VVliiouu. Ont. .lCx>Biti Tu I m PREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are pleasant to take Contain tti.-ir own PwRutive. Il a safe, sum. ami i in ChUdretior IDO LISTS OF I vT iftClh* FARMS FCR SAIL" AND FARMS DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL Tliu HAM. ltalcom Thr i:. c>^nl.Ti| iiidlntu fur 1'irm Ad* - 'tlln-r Cans.lMii .1 "lnm lot S*le" In > - I I < S .! " .^ ' ' " .' I i .I.Y MAII..>. "I't .... I u. * i - i I I n 'm *"*r/M"M. r .11 I II 111 . f J'U .. **'/fftf |>vf Mil Pa. h i.ik. III. A'Uic..- Till. MAIL Toronto.

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