Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Jun 1884, p. 3

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r M luhl. II I. t,,r. Ok my wife ruQ tway wul er (iuinea Digger 111*11, He debit am *r wioklu' bite,e; AD the Debar will Lme wid de heabenly ban' ; L) deLi laui r wmkio' bn y. be bit ue wld r tklllet Mid )>unehed me wid r ml Oe dcbll am er wiokln' bit eye ; AD' th* knocked iue down wid *r white oak pail, D debil tin er winkiu' his eye. Ob, yon UK tinner, lleaeo Mr de goiiml ho n. nil. ynunu (inner pray Mr de l.awd in de mo'n Hay, young. Mnuer, whut yer gwlne ter do (ur yer toul '.' Ob, young Biuutr old Kalun will drag yer in bit bole. Ob, de white folki cut. ,1 me f.'ttealln 'oatheep He debil am er wiokiu' hu ey ; tawl I climbed in du lot wnen do people wu/. er tleep; tie debil am er winkin' bii eye It wao't er iheep er tall, but a wooliy little laui He ileliil am er wiokiD' bin eye. Hut da matle et much fun e> do I tuck de ram. l)e debil am er winkiu, hit eye. Oh, young ilnner. ken yer play on de harp '.' Ob, VOUUK tuner. )er'u belter look aharp, hay, young muner, el yer goe up or above, Kur den, young nuner, yer kin fly like er dove. Arkaruau' Traveller. WHO? Who wouldn I kiee J pretty mitt? Haw could you e'er retitt oer ' KtrMH-ially. II the ihould l Kooif other fellow'i inter ' I'm iarr tbat you WllUllI IN UK> U>0 rt-ter-ly glad to do it, Put have a oare Ho bretber'e tbere. Ur you will turelv ru* it ' But on the ly. With no oue by, Your arm ber walit lupporting l*y hack hr beaxt And then , 'nougb uid. Go. do your swn tweet conrtieg. mi. I Morlhwe*>l. Irlah New*. The new swivel bridge at Dublin n called the Hutt Bridge. A private n tba Irish Conitabnlary gete UTi a year, with lodging olothiug and tiring. Tb* grave of ('bar lee J. Kiokbtm, in lulliuahoue, ii lull UD marked by a monu- ment. Tbe census returne (or '1881 give the x>pnlauon of Donegal at 200,095, or \'i:l\>'i eas than in J871. Alexander Kickbam, brother of the late barlea J. Kickbam. committed amoide in lew Row, on May 3rd, by cutting bit throat. Wm. Jooee, taiidermiil, was recently accidentally poisoued while working in the stablubmeut of Mr. Williimi, naturalim, Dublin. Lord Ilowtb wan, on tb* nth of May, in eaied Knight of St. Patrick by the Lord jieuteoaul at a private chapel held at the 'toe- Regal Lodge, Dublin. Mrs. Captain Magee, who was a noted gure with the Curraghmoree, died at Blar- ey, lately, (rom the effect! of injuries tu- nned by beiug thrown (rom a bune. A proceaiion of a peculiar nature recently )sjeirt through Belfast. It oooeiited o( e '.'"' drays laden with 20.000 gallons o( whiskey, on its way to Manchester from the toree of Duu ville A Co. At Dublin, on May l.'th, the Vice Chan- cellor heard a petition for the compulsory 'Hiding np of the National Diaoouut Com- pany ol Ireland, the Director! and officials- f which were charged with lending tbe unda to one abotber without proper eourity. The loeaee of the tbarebolders were elated at between 70,000 and i-0, XX). Rapid City (tore* close at b p. m. Uallletord IB akitallDg lor a new ceme- tery. flowing ia io lull swing on the MOOM Jaw. A tour Ib. trout bat been caught near Calgary. Tbe tree-planting (ever baa spread to Rapid City. Troy poet-office is to be called Qu'Ap- pelle Station. Flour u from 15 to If per aaok at Fort McLeod. Fort McLeod restaurants charge from W to 19 per week (or board. The stage (are between Kdmouton and Calgary IB fas ; five day*' ride. Tbe AeeiniboiDM bave again challenged the Garrys (or the lacrosse ohampionahip. Tbe opening of the Calgary branch of the Bank of Montreal will be deferred (or the prevent. surgeon baa been taken by mean a o( net* and baaksts on Battle River. Gold eye* and other flab are alo taking b4t Ireely. Berioue prairie flree are reported at I >uu- dai, five having occurred in one day, and a good deal of damage being done. Plaeer digging 11 being proeeouted on Canyon Creek, one patty having aeoured about 1H ounoee of gold this aeaaon. Excellent rsports are received o( the erope (rom different aeotioni in Manitoba, but the need o( rain is beginning to be felt. Tbere ie nothing new regarding the Pol look murder at Maple Creek. Tbe belie( ie the Indiana were from the lulled Ktatet and bave retreated aoroee the line. The Monnted Police were etill in punuit at laat Tbe remains c( C. McCarthy were found on Tuesday by J. Bsnnin about six mile* from Rspid City, at tbs edge of a blutl a few hundred yards from Mr V-m - house. An inqusst was held on tbe remains by Coroner Cornell. Tbe jury brought in a verdict of " Death from being losl on tbs prsirie and from tbe inclemency ot tbe weather." Messrs. J. G. Brown and Lovtipy broaght in from the Kootsnai Lakes on Thursday a quantity ot bear and otber ikins. They killed an immense gri/./ly bear tbere tbe otber day iust at tbs edge ot tbe mouutain*, and wiibin 100 yardi of tbe bouss. Tbsy claim be would go nearly 1 00(1 pounds. Tbe Nez Psroee Indians killed a ibe grizzly and two imall cubs. Ou their line of march near Fort Qu'Ap pelle, tbe otber day, tbe Indians broke in tc several of the settler* ' house* and cleared out ail tbe provisions tbey could lay their bands upon. Among those wbo suffered were Tbos. Gorrall, Fred Witbingham and Thou. Grey. Tbe latter, wbose loss was tbs heaviest, bas secured a warrant for tbe arrest of Pie-e pot. Governor Bedson, of the Btoney Moun tain Penitentiary, has turned bis large herd of buffalo out on tbs prsirie. The Stone wall Nnti lay* tbey are all in good oondi tion and prove that gentleman to be an adept at this kind of stock raising. His blsck bears, wbiob have been in tbeir dun geoni all winter, look slick and fat after being oat in tbe inn lor a couple of week* Tbe ranobe leasing *ystsm is not workin) well in tbe West. The Interior. Depart- ment is trying to do two things wbiob are incompatible, viz, to enoonrige ranching by granting Isssee snd to encourage ssttls ment, by allowing settlers to go in ant defy tbe leases. Tbe stockmen lay would be better to abolish leas**, levy a tax per bead on oattle and make tbe ranches free. Tbe double-beaded policy now par aed is injuriou* botb to settlement sni ranching. Winnipeg Sun. I'M. n . >. >< Nevel. Mr. James Payn, tbs novelist, and edito of the " Cornbill Magazine," baa arranged with a combination of American news paper publisher* for the simultaneous pub lioation of bis fortbooming novel, which is to be entitled " The Talk ot the Town.' The story is founded upon tbe evente attending tbe production and ultimate detection and expoiure of Ireland's Bbak- perian forgeries. It introduces among its character* many of tbe tamoui actors and actresses ot tbe time of Richard Brinaley Kheridar. and tbe scenes ot tbe action are laid mostly at Htratford on Avon and London. - A project is on foot to erect a 1500,000 hotel np town on Yocge street, Toronto. half way between the Eiplsnade and the Ontario A Quebec railway station, removed M far as possible from the noise and dust of tbe railways. MI i ...,., Detroit Nt- Detroit will soon bear a lecture from a 111*11 who ha excited a greater interest among the masses OQ tbe .jassuoos gsier- ally olaued under the beadcf Political than any other oue pereou in be I'.'ih aeutory. This man ia Henry , by birth au education an American, tut thoroughly imbued vnth ooauiopolilau dtas. Henry George is in earnest. He believe! be has discovered the secret of toverty advancing with progress so regu- arly and unceasingly, and iiii eloquence aud logio bave beeu auob a* to make tbe ludy uf puliiioal economy a duty aud a ileaaure. Mr. Georga's prmoipej work. 'Progre** and Poverty an inquiry into be oaune of mduitnal depreuiuus and of ucreaee of want with increase of wealth," was nnl iaaoed late in 117'.', and no book baa been more) luudly by it* admirers or so roundly leuounoed by its opponents. Its sale has wen phenomenal, both in Great Britain and the Coiled State* as much because, of be audacity of its utlerauoea at tbe fanoina- ion of iti ntyle of dealing with what has leretofore been ooomdered dry reading, ilr. Oeorge n I " years old, having been rn in Philadelphia in IMV. Btartiog with a oouimou acbool education, at tbe age ol 14 be was a elsrk in a ator. but soou left tbat for ibe printen' trade. Then tbe de am to see the world ioduoed him to become a sailor. Wbsn be left the MS be went lack to bii trade in Ban I'ranoisoo, Cat. r'roni being a printer be became a reporter and then au editor. Atlaet an opportunity arrived tbat gave him a living with leiiure, and while inapeotor of ga metres for the Jtate of California be reviatd aad eon pleted hit great work, wkiiob bid already seen foreebadowed in a pamphlet by aim, entitled " Unr Land Land and Policy," publiabed in riau Franoitoo in 1H7'.<. Hie Isle leotnri tour in and Scotland is (aid to have Men a continuous triumph, bii aadieDoea nvinn generally been Tery lart(e and alwayB entbuaiaetic. While ID Olaigow the Baltic, a peuny paper, spoke of him as 1 a man uf great rapiousnem and strength of language, and daring force of itatemibt." with " a cool, collected and courteous man THE .IM I I C01.0JY. A Lunatic Aejrlum Fnuntlcxi <>n H . |.fl r-l U :!. REVOLTING REVELATIONS. Dr. George A. Tucker, who has been engaged some time under tbe auspice* of tbe New South Wales Government, in a tour of America and Kurops (and wbo was io Hamilton some (wo yean g< i, investi- gating tbe cure and treatment of the insane, publiabtd in a little pamphlet JUKI iuaed in Birmingham, England, an account of tbe lunatic oolony at Gbeel, Belgium, hicb be visited ID December last. Dr. Tuoaer does not give a captivating descrip- tion of Gheel, which is a rather gloomy, dirty place, with narrow, ill kept streets. The commune of Obeel has a popnlaiioa of over 100,000, of whom nearly 2,000 are lunatios. Tbs town itself has a popu- lation of 0.000. Tbe leading feature of tbe plaoe is tbe frequent drinking affope. Tbe hospital, to wbiou tbe new patients are nrat brought, iia building lUtfgeative of melancholy. New comers are retained (or a while at the bo|iital, and then drafted out among tbe cottagers, one or two patienta, and eomtimss three ben - ajwigued to each cottage, lu euoieut time* the patients were at nrat lodged in an old bouae near tbe clmrcb, xlll called In tbe r if u, mb language tl> " /.lekeLkamer," or ick room, wutre tbey underwent religious treatmeut (or nine dayi with a view of their cure. Soiuetiuiea a isoond course t f mue days' nuiilar treatmeut was goue tbrowtu, and it tbey '.ill showed no ngni of recovery they were committed to tbe care of some tatuily in tbe neighborhood of tbe church which they daily attended to participate in the benefits of tbe prayeri penally cilered on tbsir behalf. Tbe bouae is itiil need as of old, though not to tbe lame exttnt. In addition to tbe medical director, wbo resides at the boepital, there are four medical aatietautt living in tbe town, aud to each of these a quarter ot tbe oolony is assigned, which tbey are expected to visit twice a month and percoually to inipect eaoh patient. Tbere are, besides, an inspecting atten- dant!, wbo are also iu| posed M IBII each patient twice a month. Dr. Tucker impeded tbe hospital very tboruugbly and went about among the people treely, talking with mauy of them. Be found tbe dnluess aud monotony universal. Tbsre is nothing to occupy the time or attention of tbe patients but tbe almost enforced labor imposed upon them, wbiob in mauy instances is repugnant to their feelings and unsuitable to tbeir mental aud physical condition!. In other rsapeeote tbey are left to their own resources in tbe familiee and amongst the frequenters of tbs bousee in wbicu they are lodged. Thsir life (rom day to day and year to year is a mere torpid emtenoe, davud of variety in tbe present aud of hope in tbe future an siistsnos as stagnant and nnwbolssoms as tbst of tbe water in the dirty pooli scattered all over tbs plaoe. At tbs hospital be learned tbat tbe patients on their tint coming are detaiuad tbere from nvs to eight days. Evsry Wednesday ibe medical staff meet and decide what patients aball be dratted out. At tbs lime ol hu visit then were in tbs hospital v! men and 't'l women. Tbe drinking ihops referred to are very freely patronised by the pa tienU, number! of whom are domiciled therein. Generalizing on tbe aspects o( tbe place Dr. Tucker nays: "Many if not most of tbe patients I HSW looked neglected. cold, dirty and miserable. A number ol them seemed to bave no object or pur- pose m life bat that of utting near tbe smoky stove (il tbers is oce, which is not alwayi the ease) of the kitchen, with notb ing to divert the mind or break tbe eternal monotony of their existence. Only in one house did I nod any books, and uowbsrs did tbere seem any provision mads (or tbs intellectual or otber amuiemect of tbe ner." " An educated highwayman," " a I patients. In this, as in many otber re California bank robber," " a oommnniit," a sooialiil," and other bard names that are supposed to oarry with them a c-ortaiu measure of contempt and to liguify a oer tain degree of outlawry or igaorauoe, bave been applied to Henry George, but his popularity bas seemed to increase with ttae moreaae ot epithets. He bsi thrived on them, so to apeak, for bis argamsnts can- not be> bruabed lightly aeide with a bad word, and neither < u hi* logic be overcome by s dinpla) ol bad temper. Hu opponent* must BII ter tbe neld of letters, and by tbeir logic overthrow tbe itructure be bas io methodically reared. I. Ike I. i -I. Te tat > * i mi isppy under ths most adverse oiroum tauoee. In a word. Gheel u an abode of leeolatloo a lingering aurvival of remote agee a monstroeity in tbu Lineteenth osn- ury. and a humiliating reproaen tu our oiviliiation.' Tbe Court cf appeal at Toronto on Fri- day, in Ibe oae of C. J. Palin against R. il. Reid, laid down ths law in a matter ol baggage aaid to be lo*l ID a hotel. The |>Uiuliff was au estate agent in Koglaud and came over here with bii papera packed up iu a trunk of Saratoga dimt-uiiou!. lie put up at tbe City Hotel, Toronto, kept >y Mr. Reid, and after remaining a niton time paid bii bill and went away, leaving, as he says, tbs trunk and some indow nxingi in the hotel, in the jublio room, but without check or receipt. A notice warning gueita to put thtir baggage in tbe room provided (or that >urpoae was disregarded by bioj. Ue went away without returning for evsral weeks, when toe trunk was not to be round. Tbe proprietor of tbe hotel swore that no trunk an left in hie charge by the plaintiff, that is bad nu recollection ol any cou vernal ion about it, bat that tbere might bave been many auob there as it was exhibition week. f put in bin cbarge be said be would bave mi u io tbe proper room aud have given check for it. 1 be r urt below appear to lave held that it was grow negligence on tbe part of tbe hotel keeper not to bave :roduotd the trunk when it was called (or, tut tbe full Court of Appeal reverted this tbe facts of the oaas. sptcti, all tbe oaooni of modern treatment agreed upon by tbe best authorities in luuaoy are ignored tad probably unknown. The patients are watched by tbe whole population as wsll as by tbe authorities, and m-|i are rare. Ous of tbs method* at 1 1 1 ussd (or ths treat men I of pai tent* with a view to their cure i* so (nil o( (uporstt lion a* to seem toaroely possible iu this age in a civilised country. Il is punued in tbe old bouse ol " /lekenkamsr," already spoken of. This ancient boose is said to stand on ths spot wbsre tbe saint was slain by ber unnatural fatbsr. Tbe fint room shown to visilon is a kind of kitchen, dark and gloomy, with iron-bound windows, a stone floor and a large, open, old fashioned fire-place. lu tbe uprights on each side cf the fire-place two large iron rings ars fixed. One is oloae to tbe floor and ibe other about two and a half (eet higher. To those rings ths faithful patisnts ars (astened, the ankle ol one leg to the lower ring snd tbe wrist on the same side to the upper riug By thii arrangement tbe patient on saoh aide of tbe fireplace is doubled up in a kneeling position, and the evil spirits by whom hs i* posssssed can incite him to no effective resistance to tbe exorcmma ol tbe prieel* or tbe opsratioue o( tbe saint. In an adj. n. ing room tbs only light ai.,1 air admitted pas* through an iron bound unglaxed window, looking into tbe kitchen. Tbe room is almost dark, and oaa be rendered completely so by a heavy wooden tbutter attaobtd to the window and fitting close to ths bars. Tbe door i* strong aud (urthsr secured by iron. To the fixed wooden bedstead at one end heavy iron chains are attached (or securing the patient in bed. Tbe floor i* o( atone, the room cold and prison-like, anc the grim gloom of the apartment (however much it may (avor saintly interposition ie not, from the mundane point of view, at all calculated to mitigate tbs insanity o an inmate. Dr. Tucker's convictions are altogether against the Obeel iy*tem in all of lie particulars, and in concluding bis observation! hs says : " I nave visited some hundred* ol lunatic asylum* in (oar out ot the five geo graphical divimon* of tbe globe, and in Ibe worit ol them I bave seen some oheerfu faces At Gheel I did net see a single one lud >lenoe to a delightful bat dutreesing aud (apart from the other causes of tbi* tats ; we mail be doing something to be the dreary aspect of the town and the bappy. Action IB no less necessary thin entire country is incompatible with cheer thought to th* inst.nciive tendencies of Ik* fulness of spirits in any mortal not human frame. Hatlitt. sndowsd with tbs Tapleyan gift of being When travelling in Ireland (I explored that country rather exhaustively when editing tb* fourth ediliou of "Murray t Hand-book"), I waaturprised at the absence ot fruit tree* in tbe small farm* where oue migbt expect them to abound. On speak ing of thi*. Ihs reason given was tbat all tree* are tb* landlord'* property ; tbat il s tenant should plant them tbey would tug- geit luxury snd prosperity, and therefore s rise of rsnt , or, otherwise mated , tbe tenant would be fined for thu* improving tbt value of his holding. Thi* was before th* paasing of tbe Laud Aot, whioh, we may hope, will put an end tolmiob legalized brigandage. With tbe abolition of rick- renting, tb* Iriah peasant may grow and eat truit . may even taste jam without fear and trembling ; may grow rhubarb and eat pies and pudding* in defiance of the sgent. When this Is tbs case, hli craving f"r potato-potash will probably dimimih, and his obildrsn may actually teed on brssd. Popular Vcmf My for Jne. T**k Tblat* BUST. "Ii it possible!" exclaimed tbe new chaplain to the wont thief in the peniten- tiary. " An you fifty two yean old ? My unfortunate friend, yon don't look thirty t" " No," replied tbe tbief, humbly. I don't show my age, but that u because I take things o easy." And ths good chaplain told him tbat was ight ; that oare and worry mad* men 'aster than bard work. old < III < K t ill II I14I.I.4..I A Vmmt I n I. i.. . II..I. , H ... I rn>. Mil. VOKtl .'I tt. .u. un ,,... it. ..i i,, MI W. j. repp ai IN. " Can ws Improve our Forms of Church .Vorhi| .'" was ths title of a paper read by Jr. W. J. Copp, of this eity, at tbe Bapliat ' ui.iu beld at Braulford this week. It idled a good deal of attention. Mr. Copp lei recated ibe careless conducting ol ublic wonbip, and earneilly exhorted miuisten to do sll in their power lu culti ate revereuoe in the ssruoes, and also urged that tbe Baptist form ot worship bad in too bold, and insisted tbat it was their luty to make ths form suitable, iu harmony witn tue thought and ipiril it was intended to exprea*. He spcks strongly in (avor of chanting, and also reepouiive reading, and hough! the Tsn Commandments should be more frcjueutlv read, also that prayers tbould mure often be offered tor tbe country aud tbe governing powen. He auggealed au attractive and approprialive order ol service and hi* paper throughout favored a forward >tep in tbta mattsr. Rev. J. W. A. Stewart, alao of this city, 'ollowed approving tbe suggestions ol the paper. He favored a sharp distinction be iwesn the form for tbe exhibition and tbsl 'or true worthip. Bapliats bad long oraved 'or a good form ol worship, souistbicg more elaborate than tbey bad bitbarlu bad "" i protesisd that this feeling wss not ons of ritualism, but the outcome of holy dsairs. Dr. Wbsaton Smith followed in th* strain. A I u, h i Naiawr. Tbs Cheyenne S<m trlU thst a big man and a (mailer one going into a store late at night aaked to look at tome olothiug. Mr, Harrington bimtell waited up>u the vititors ,ud was showing them various lines if goods when the dour leading to bit reel deuce in tbe rear ol the store opeued aud iu came un the run a baby daughter of tbe Harrington family. Tbs little ons came in Hurrying to eaoape ber mother, and fell over a box. Mr. Harrington left tbe ou* tomera aud went to tbs reacu* of the baby. After tbs little ene was quieted and p.aoed un tbe floor he reeuard hi* business, but in a minute ibe fell over another box and apparently hurt herieK. He left the cut louier snd again looked after tbe child. At In >* tbe man turned to bis companion and said . " Let's go out of here. I ain't look ing for a nursery." Tbe proprietor beard tbs remark and was not slow to respond. Hs said that be bad lived 08 yeara and done .'0 yean' buiiases, and bad bad 10.00U customers. But be bad never bad but o Harrington babies, and this was ths only one left. He could gel along wubout the ouitomer, and the sale ol a euit of clothes to him, but bs couldn't gsl along without tbe Harrington baby, aud be didn't oare bow soon tbe oustomsn " skipped." Tbe man. wbo was looking at the proprietor with a mild sstonisbaienl at first, when the itory was ttuishsd hat! bis bauderohiel oul, was ipit>g bis eyei aud reaching bis bsnd out to Mr. Harriug tun exclaimed, " 1'artusr, God blees the taby " He ouuldu'l do too isuob, and it I* ueedlea* to eay they parted as friend*. Hlirbra -I... . i. Professor Adler demands a reform in home life to the exient ol eiuauoipatiuf women from tbe slavery ol lb< ki-casn. II tbs Profeesor ean lead women out of tbat hot deeert of Kadeeb. he will lake hi* place among the greateal benefacton ol mankind. We would not b* lorry if he would permit the editor* to follow tbe prooesMon and eeospe from tbi ceaseless grind of tbe steam press. 1 1 wil be necessary for manna to fall ever night, or botb tbe women snd the editor* will starvs. Tbe alternative now is tbs oooking-range and tbe printing press, or tiarvation. Ro thai the maiu point ol interest i* the manna. Tbst difficulty overcome, the tribee will take np tbe ng ol Miriam snd ot Mosss. Miriam was a cook, and the higher critics aftlrm that Mmtes was an editor. Alao ot Deborah and Barak. Deborah was a house keeper and Barak was a fighter, if not a lighting editor. W* are eager to put away the paste-pot aud scinon, and the batter ladle and make pounder ; but where, O wbsre, dear Profeesor, are tbs pots ot manna ? There was a bugle of jubilee blown from California, and tbe pink ears of tbe wives and daughters naught it as il sounded across the continent to Randy Hook. Tbe great emancipator ol women bad come, and bia name was John. John wore a long queue, had almond eye*, and hi* complexion was mads to order. Interior. at > n or a. >.i. t. ia ! ipc t mm N* ess !> lni|>ri< mi in In answer to a correspondent who asks or a mors simple deaigu in ttie matter ot itovepipes tbe ( '1 icago Trtoutu say* . Tbs correspondent is tightly ii.ixed in in datca. Tberv i uo anthenuoaUd record which proves tbat uvtpip*e exiatrd in the lime ot Adam, aud even iue most ituagina- uve miud can not picture Adam laboring ou a oookstove in the (iardsu of Edec wim a box cf patent polish the merit* ot whioh are emblazoned ou the rooks L( the tur rounding country. It is a fact tbat fir* plaoss oid duly a* sioves m tint country ip to about the year 1*20. and when tbe itove was introduced tbs pip* came with I as a i eosMary adjunct Atd though many pateuls have been granted ou moves, tbe 1'ipen which are so necessary to their efficieul service rt.-u.aiu about las same as they were when stoves were nml intro- duced, though probably the material of 'bicb they are ooniiruoted is of a belter quality. Herbert Bpsooer, Ibe profound thinker, is credited with pointing out ibe Isok of iin provement which has followed tbe exist- ence of Ibe lougt, and though ihi* instrument of ibs nreplsc* ban performed its useful work for mauy dtoadea, be has oallrd alteutiou to tbe fact thai lhal portion of tbe to UK" wbiob I* intruded to gracp the coal bae alwayi beeu made imouth aud lippery, iuctead of rougn aud gracpiug as common acute aud practicability would demgu it. Tbe f radical handler* of ths ordinary dornealio stov| ipe> have DO trouble u tilling together tbe various jjints and sections with ths most pf rtsel accuracy, >ul itb tbs uoviee the teak is s bard one. Domtbow hs can never give it tbe right twist. Iu tbe usual May lat moving the section* of tbe fatuity tlttepipe are liakls to be crushed and bent a* they are gener- ally employed as t.ilitg in loads, aud of course tuere i* tome trouble in getting thi-m together agaiu. II a pips is taken down with ordiuary care, movod with the saBie degree of oare. aud erected in the new habitation with a like accuracy, tbere should uot bs this trouble. bull Ibis is) seldom the case, and tbe fact remains tbat Ibe atovepipe baa not kept paos in the onward luarob of progreat with lu* other articles of household furniture. No, we have had no material improve- ment iu the ot instruction uf stovepipe einos have been in the hardware bumnees," aid apronuiasut member of a Lake street lore. " Uf eourte our pipes ars uf different grsdes ol quality, but all are ouualrnoted ou the sauie plan and are oaloulstsd to fit by one joint alidiug into the otbir. Tbe different SIMS sre numbered, and tbere should be uo trouble in tbe fitting. " " Would it not be postible to wake ripe so Hi- juiur- wonld screw together ?' " No, I do not think U would. A screw joint would bave to be mads perfeot. aad to make a good tbread would rrquire a material that would be too heavy for a pipe." " I'juld a *eamle*n etovet'ipe be made ? Ob, yes . bat that wouldn't bslp mat- ter* any, as tbe filling would bave to be done all the asms. That flaugs yon And in atovepips* now dose not Interfere with the joinlLgto any extent. Of course, the belter the qualiiy of ibe ripe I* tbe more easily it keep* its shape and tbs more readily il is joined together. I don't see any ubanos for improvsmont.' I mil, . wb flrtrw II A dry goodi aalesm au tays : "We bave to endure a great deal at the bar U ol thoae ladle* wbo niver buy. Tbeee people take up valuable time, and a good part ol our euergie* it directed to Ib* t (Tort to circum- vent ibeui. Tbe moment an ' old timsr com** up to th* counter sbs is instantly reo guiird by some eus of tbe aalssmsu. and Ibe warning signal, a tap on tbe counter, ii passed (long ibe line. Thso we bave tome fun. The.* old timer ' will call for, say, a certain sbsds of ysllow. Hhe is told it is not in itoek. Ob, what a pity '. ahe *xolaims. that is jutt what I wanted. It you bad it I would buy sixleeu yards of it.' Then it I* the nsxi man's turn. He comes up, accordingly . and tells ths first aletmau that be it mistaksn, that there is till a bolt of twenty yard* of that identical tuff in the *lors. Us brings il forward and lays it down. Yon would think tbs shopper who never boy* would bs ditoon- oerted \t this turn of affain. Not s bit of it. She says smilingly : Ob, thai is just what I want. Lay u aaid* (or me, and 1 will see my dresamakar and find out just how many yard* the need*, and to-morrow I'll com* back and buy It.' Tbsn the de- parts with a aimper, but she never cornea oack. We amuse oursslvss in this way, but it'i s terrible nuiaanoe all ths tarns. By struggling with misfortunes we are inre to receive some wounds in the conflict!; bat a sure method to come off victorious ii by running away. Ootdtmitk. tallp*a I -in, ii.., IN It'* coming now," said Health 'Jffioer 0. W. Wight, of Detroit, yesterday. " Tbers ars st this tims 1.000 oases of malignant smallpox in a tnemsnt quarter of Ibe eity ol London. Il it a quarter frr.juaiiltd largely and will undoubtedly go from Iher* around tbe world. When a great epidemic ot any of th* mtagioue diseases breaks out io any part ot the world tbat is in lins ol communication wilb tbs rest of tbe world it alwayt goes dear round it. ' Our last great epidemic of iruallpox began in Nor- mandy, France, atom tbe time ol the 01. se of the Franco- Prusiian war, and it went around tbe world. We bad Ihs 1 ast wave of it bare in Detroit two year* ago. In due uu.ewe may tipeot tb* present Lon- don contagion to reach tin* country. 1 'slroit, bsiog in ths direct line of com- munication with tbe old world, is ous of tbs molt exposed cities io Ibe country. We bave uo peet house* and must dspsnd on ths virtue* of vaccination. Tbe health office is anxious to vaeoinats all tbe people practicable as a preventative. We reoeivr the very best vaccine matter fresh every morning, and of course do the work ol vaccination tree. De trail Frtt Preu. DisontioD and hardy valor are ths twins ol honor, and nursed together make a conqueror ; divided, but a mere talker. and Utttktr. Tbs question ot Ihs " km of whistles " ia still agitstiug the Hootch mind, and the Rootoh Free Kirk has called a conference to decide whether organs or otber instru- mental music may be used in public wor- ship. New York ha* six dog icbools where tricks are taught lor price* ranging from 17'. to 1150 per quarter.

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