Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Jun 1884, p. 7

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CURREN;T_TOPICS. ALTHOOOU the year ItWI ban not yet entered it* aixtb month (he number of liven lost at sea has been terrible. By the four Urge disasters which have already oeoarred 413 liven have been loet. Tbese tlxure*, of course, dp not include the scores of lives loet ui minor catastrophes. Tan example long liuoe Mt by the United B la tee, and the more reoeut union move- ment among the Methodists ol Canada, have not, it would seem, been without their influence in Australia. There the un- happy divUione which are characteristic of UDgluh Methodism (till prevail. Tbe union epirit, however, growi atrou^er and stronger , and aoojrding to our latest news the Bible Cariatiaos of South Australia and Victoria have declared in favor of union with the other branohea of the Matnodist family of oburohee. TUB preeent rul of Afghanistan blasts of hie skill as a mechanic, a muiic.au and a phyaioian. In each capacity be believe* there it no Afghan to equal him. To ex peel truth from an Atguan ii like looking for water in the dewsrt, says a writer in the London Timei. but it is eaid that Abiurrab man ie an aoooinpluhed liar and an adept in the art of chioane. He U averae to the practice of makiag oathe, but when hedoee make one it U oonmdered a sure sign that be hae no intention of performing what he haipromieed. A MSW I rich grievanoe bat been dn- oovered bj Mr. Kinny. The honorable member intend* to aek the First Com- mieeioner of Worki for what reason the public notice attached to the Coronation Chair in Weetmiiuter Abbey ban been altered by the omission of all references to the legend hitherto generally admitted and recognized, vu. : That the Coronation Btone of Scotland was first used for the coronation of the Irish kings and that it vas only carried to Scotland by Fergus, the Iruh King, wbo enbdned that country An expert connected with the Pennsyl- vania geological survey estimate* the amount of the ooal still remaining IB the anthracite region at 8,000,000,000 tons. .should ths preeent rate of coal production be continued the enpply will last about tW years. Only 46 per oent. of Ihs volomsof the ooal in any given vein gets to market Tks pillars left standing to support the roof take 83 per oent. of the whole, and 21 per eenl. ie waited. Until quite recently only n per oent. of the ooal vein could be used. Tbe pillars required 41 per oent. and 3'J per oent. was wasted. most carious battalion in any army U the Norwegian Corps of Skat- ers. It is eompoeed of picked men armed with rifles, which they use with great pre- cision. Th* skates used ara admirably adapted for travelling over rough and broken ice and frosoei snow, being six inches broad and between nine and ten incheit long. Tbe soldiers can b* miuj jvrxl upon ice or over the snow fields of the mountains with a rapidity equal te that of the beet trained cavalry. A> an instance of the speed at wbiob they can go. it Is stated that a messenger attached to ths corps hae accomplished 120 miles in 1HJ hours, over mountains. Tim combination reoectly formed by the tour leading propeller lines on the lakes to keep up f reighte ta a certain standard will probably collapse before long. " Every on* admit*," says the Chicago TVtbuse, that freights are low, but at the same time there are but few who think there is anything to be gained by attempts to bolster them up so long as the present demoralisation of railroad rates sxists. Supply and demand necessarily regulate tbe freight market, and at preeent tbe supply of transportation faoililie* largely exceeds tbe demand. There is plenty of grain to go forward, but no one seems to want it very bad. Tbe same may be said of lumber. The ooal and ore trade* are in healthier condition, bat not sufficiently so to support the entire shipping of tbe lakes." Loao rUxiiju-H CUORCBII.I. is now fairly a rival candidate with Lord Salisbury for the leadership of the Tory party, Sir Stafford Mortboote being in ill-health, and, at the best (if we are to believe a London contemporary), too " niminy-piminy " for the time. Lord Salisbury has tbe advan- tage of being twenty years older, of having held Cabinet office and of having latterly been in aloe* contact with Lord Bsaoons- flsld ; but be is intellectually arrogant and unsympathstio, whereas Lord Randolph has an eminently sympathetic manner and vow*, wbioh are in winning contrast to Uahebury'a sardonic gloom and frigidity, Wben Lord Randolph appeared, bare- headed, before a vast assembly at Birming- ham, accompanied by his young and pretty wife, there was seen the perfect historical type of the aristocratic demagogue " y ui e OMS) rtuilir M hrtt." KTKIT flower of any note in the woods or meadows in England Is associated with th* memory of some saintly man or epoch of earlier times. The snow-drop was undar stood to mark the feast of Candlemas ; th* Canterbury bells not only cured throat disease hence called throat wort but kept alivs the holy memory of St. Augustine ; th* lily o( tbe valley was understood to have first sprung from the sprinkled blood of St. Leonard, slain in a wood near Bastings, where St. Leonard's has since been built. Tbe harabell claims to be worn by none but those who are true. Tbe black spots on tbe leave* of the common arum, cuckoo-pint," or " wake-robin, "are due to the name cause that colored the red heart's orimson chest or twisted ths crop bill's beak, for legends differ as to wbiob of these two birds pluoksd out the nails from the cross. Jean Wvn.uric, the SOOth anniversary of whose death has jn*t been celebrated in Koglaud, is believed to have beta born in Yorkshire, Kngland, about 1324. D* died at Lutterworth In ISHI. It la uow 500 ysars sinoe his doctrines were condemned by tbe Synod of Divines assembled at Grey friars Priory, London. In his writings be maintained that tbe authority of the Crown was supreme over all persons and property in Eoglaod. He was opposed to tbe whole framework of the hierarchy and to episoo- paoy and endowments, holding that the clergy should be supported only by alms. He retained the ordinance of baptism, but without regarding it as essential to salva- tion, and tbe sacrament of the mass, but without th* doutrin* of trausubelautiation. rijiu* of his doctrines have of late beeu advocated by modern social reformers, notably his views on th* land question, on which he held that private property in land was robbery. AMONO the 46,000 non-oomniisaioned of- ficers and men const! luting the British home army on the lit of January, and in- cluding all young soldiers, there were under 5 feet 5 inches in beigbt 10 623 , between thit and 5 f est 6 inches, 11 '.ill ; between 5 feet ti inobei and 5 feet 7 luobee there were 1J H10, and nearly the same number, or 15,499, 5 feet 4 inches or an inch under , between 5 test 8 inches and 5 feet '.' inches there were 19,763 ; between 5 feet 'J inches and ' feet 10 inches, 8.7.5 , and between 5 test 1U inebee and . feet 11 inch**, 5,373. Above that height there were only about 5.000 men, and on* titth are in the Household Cavalry, of whom 660 are over, and 378 leee than an incb under, ti feet. In the Guards, notwith- standing tbe lowering of tbe standard from 5 feel 4 inches, there are but 505 men be- tween 5 feet 7 inches, tbe new, and 5 feet 8 inobee, the old, minimum. Ic tbe mat- ter of obeat measurement there were >.376 under 33 inches and 5, .543 between that aud 114 inches. For each increased inch above that tbe respective numbers are 13.- 7%, 16,303, 17,106, and 13 VM. Above 38 niches the number is of course much lees. M. FiavLLLs has discovered a new use for electricity , vu., to protect vines from the disastrous effects caused by any sudden fall in the temperature. It has hitherto bu the custom in France to keep a per- son on tbe watch in the vicinity of a vine- yard, and directly a cold wind arises to set fire to some combustibles, such as tarred straw, and by means of the smoke arising from tbe fire to warm tbe air, and so coun- teract ths ill efleats of tbe cold wind. But as this watcher may not always be watch- ing, there is constant wind coming upon the vineyard before the fires can be lighted, and M. Parvills maintains that bv using electricity this danger may be overcome. He would put one or more electric batteries in tbe vineyard, similar to tbe batteries used to fire minee, the wire* being con- uectel with ths prepared combustibles. By a siinpls arrangement, whenever tbe ther- morntiter falls very low an electric current is passed along the wires, lighting tbe tires on it* way, and by filling tbe air with smoke protect* tbe vines. Tbe idea seems inge- nious, and is stated to have been very successful. THE fact that photographic portraits are so rarsly good likenesses is attributed by a writer in Cktmbtri ' Journal to iheeircum- statnos that b v photography it nas hitherto beeu found impossible to giv* colors Uieir true she ie value. What is meant by this is that yellow M tbe eye is a brilliant light tint, but in a photograph it is repro- duced almost black , red, instead of giving tbe | idea of ore and light, come* out black, and blue photographs perfectly white ; suob changes, of course, plsying sad havoc with ojmplsxions and contrast* of color generally. According to a recent French process, however, the trouble or drawback in i|ueslion can be obviated, tbe plan ooosistiug limply lu addition to tbs usual iogredieut* of tbe sensitive photo- graphic surface of 1 per oent. of cosine. A modification of the crynloteum process is now being introduosd. The photograph, printed in tbs uauaJ manner on paper, w first of all immersed in a mixture of naphtha, paraffins), mastie drop* ether and viuagar , this treatment makes u quite transparent, so that bjdy color* ID oil, if l*i i broadly on their places on tbe back of the picture, show through witn good iffeot. Fit five centuries, from tbe daye of the first Normans to theme of th* last Tudors, the Tower of London was the official residiDoe of ths kings of England, and hence tbe noens of much of IM political history. Plaotagenets and Tudors have inhabited it, and lor three centuries kings started from it for tbtir coronation cere- mony. Two king*, four queens, and many princes and priooseees died there. Many bare been born there, and two are buried within its walls. There is hardly any other building in Kurope, and certainly none ID England, of wbioh it can be cer- tainly said, as it can of St. John's Church in tbe White Tower, that it stands to-day much as it was in the days of the Norman and Angevin kings. Paor. Ricoxa, on feeding his monkeys, in Paraguay, with eggs, observed that at first they smashed them and then wasted mnoh of their contents ; but thsy soon learned to hit one end against some hard body and pick off the bite with their paws, and if tbsy out thsmaslvee once with any sharp tool, they would either not touch U again or handle it with tb* greatest can lion. Lump* of sugar wsrs given them wrapped up in paper, and sometimes a live wasp was put in to try them, so that in hastily opening tbe paper they got stung ; but after this bad one* occurred they alwayshsld the packet to thsir ears to detect any movement. Peer Dvs>r. Mr*. tv|uint -Dear me, Mrs. Blunt, how i* it you contrive to hold your age so well ? I declare you look as young as yon did twenty years ago. Mr*. Blunt I don't know unless it 1s that I escape a great deal of care by attend- ing to nobody's business but my own. Mrs. Squint Yes, that may be it ; but, poor thing ! you can't find much pleasure living, can you? Button TYanicrift. According to the last regulations, tbe study of German ba* been made obligatory for fUi students in the 1 'uiversity of Tokio, Japau. Formerly Uejraan and Freuoh were optional subjects. Lectures, howevsr, in nearly all subject*, are delivered in English, both by foreign and native prof** sore. A KIM IN o i l A Hroot I.,, H. llr lit,.. ||*r Xn.lra.r4 I o. . I I >rrrll Kaibracw. Wbsn John MoElwee, a sentimental youth of 'JO sum mars, was arraigned on a charge of striking bis sweetheart, Maggie Andrews, a pert and pretty oils* of In. says tb Brooklyn / 'nion, Ee wiped bis mnisl eyes with his coat sleeve as be said : You see, judge, me and Maggie has been keep- ing company for some time, aud I'm so fond of her that I don't like to see b*r at all free with other young fallows. Last Saturday w* took a walk on Uraud street, aud Maggie giggled and flirted so with every fellow we pa*ad thai I couldn't stand U. Tb* more I growled abjut it, th* more she laoghed at me, and at last I KOI excited and juai bit her on tbe face with my open band. Bus fell off the chair somehow, and bsr hsad came in contact with a obair rung somehow. That's bow it happened, and I'm awful sorry, sir, and I don't think Maggie will press tbe charge agtiust m*." " Yss. I will," said Maggie, whose pretty blue eyee were also tilled with tears, wbils au ugly bandage half bid her golden tresses. " I'm ready to forgivs yon, John- nie, at the proper time, but I dou't thick I can quite forgive you till I Know you've bad something done to yon fur tbe way you treated me. I want somttcvia-K don* to him, judge." " Very well, ibsc," said the obliging magistrate. " John, tbe offence you have committed is a most unmanly aud brutal ous. Ws send husbands who beat their wives to tbe penitentiary for three or six months, but I don't know wbal sentence could be too severe for a young man who thrashes bis sweetheart. Bhe should feel thankful that she found you out in time, and should, while she was still free, sen- teuoa you to bauisbmsnl from bsr society forever, in order that tbe might be ID DO future danger of a repetition of BO cowardly au assault upon bsr. That, however, is bar busiusss. The sentence of this cjurt is that you be imprisoned in tbe county .ail for tbe term of twenty- nine days." Yuuug MoKl wee oast a despairing glance at Miss Andrews, wbo, for her part, locked as though she wished sb* bad Lot insisted upon pressing the oha'ge against her pugilistic lover. The youth blubbsred aloud, aud tsars fell very freely from tbe blue eye* of tbs pretty maiden. Tbsy looked at each other for a moment, and then tbe youth ran with bis outstretched erms to where tbe girl stood, and in a second tbsy wsrs locked in a farewell embrace, wbile their lip* met in a kiss who** resounding smack could be beard in every corner of the court room Th* young man was harried off by the unfeeling officer to bis dungeon cell, and tbe girl stood looking sadly after dim until tbe laughter of the court-room crowd aroused her. She started up. laughed a little. blushed deeply, and ran from tbe room tu tbn street. .1 . i. . ,o fUl*) \ o.... ,. Let her whom bar sinters call ugly ex- amine herself c jolly, riue must have some " point*. " Besides her plain and shape less face, ba* sbs an til shaped baud .' a figure that DO corset will improve ? Can tbe dreasiuakar do uothiog for bsr ? Can- not Ibis ugly quality b* conceived, that subdued, somstuing aloe leas offensive brought forward a little ' Can tbs dentist do uulbtng for those yellow fangs, tb* cissors fur thoas nails? Cannot soms little artful pad equalise those crooked shoulders ; soms raised heel that limping gait ; tome oculist that palutul spasmodic obliquity of vision? Hjme powder, wash or paint (1st us call a spad* a spade) thai last rawouro* of unbearable misfortune cannot sonis paint cover that purple taiu, that fii^btful tear on cheek aud neck? A plain woman with any wisdom will maks tbs iin)*t of any good joint in her physique aud as little as the oau of her worst point*, r'or initano* if sbs has a bad. coarse complexion she will not exliibit more square feet of material than are needed. (Square feet ? nay, uor square inobtn. She will not wear low dr**Su. uor * ery hurl sleeve*. Bhe will carefully select hues in drees that improve, not injure her own natural coloring, and will wear dress** high lo tbe throat, just enough trimmed witn lace to give nobneas, without con- fuHion to the hue* of her toilet. Nor will she wear that lace quite while. Duly against an ivory skin aoee quite white lace Ull prettily. A woman witb a poor com- plexion will tint her laoa with brown (I* and coffee are good dye*), or with tbs pre- dominant colors in her dress. Thus she will get tb* softening effects of broken colors at tbs edges, without tbe risk of calling attention to her own blemishes. A very brown womaa, however, may make her dark skin "point." Theu she will as* whit* lace aud all colors that en- hance their own deep coloring. A plain woman with a bad figure can adopt many otber harmless devices -at least as harmless as borrowed looks and teeth, which uo one now condemns. Kbe oau borrow a little embonpoint from th* friendly cotton treee , sh* can swathe in a baudsoms sleeve the too thin arm or too sharp ibooldsr which detract* from any lingering merit sbs may bars. Bbs can bids hsr long, ungainly figure witb a short, classical want . or sb* can mend the churn- like shape wilh corset only snffioisnt to induce a feminine curve. A thin arm may be blddsn by a richly-draped sleeve or improved by thickly lining a oloe* ou*. A sbouldsr too low maybe mended by a skilful puff or epaulet . on* too high by a trimming so placed as to carry away from ths upper part. Uoutehold Notei. Oue of tbe only two remaining Roman milestones in Great Britain is in Cannon street, London, tbe other being in Chester- holm in Northumberland. There is Roman work about tbs Tower of Louden. Until quite recently an old Roman turret was standing within a hundred yards of l.ud gats Hill station, aud in Cripplegate may yet be teen a splendid specimen of the eriginal Roman wall. John E. Smyth, personal property o ve assesssd. Total, 14,000. Off, 11,000. Tbe sufficiency of thy merit is to know that thy merit U not suffloisnt. St. Augut- tine. A miter grow* nob by seeming poor ; an extravagant man grows poor by seemiag rich. Shtmtone. Yon will never convince a man of ordinary sense by overbearing hi* under- standing 6'amu^l Maunder. I -II IBM) Tkr TI -M |, ,| niilurr. Ik. I late i* *..!.,., As the strawberry season is at band, a fsw ideas regarding ths disposal of tbe delicious berry might be timely. Bsre u one of the best recipes for strawberry shortcake : Oue pint sifted flour, one half teanpoouful salt, scant ; one half teaspoon - ful soda, measured after pulverizing ; on* full teaapoouful oream of tartar limit if sour milk ba used), mix together and sift two or three tim*e , one-quarter cup but- ter, on* cap sweet or sour milk or cold water. Rub m tbe butter, or melt tbe butter and add it hot with th* milk, grad- ually mixing and cutting with a knife, and use just euoufth to make it of light, Rpongy consistency. K tber bake ou a griddle or lu the oven. Wben baked, tear open and spread each balf of tb* cakes with softened butter. Put balf of the cakes ou a hot plate. Mash a pint of straw- berries, sweeten to taste, pot a large spoon- ful on each cake ; then put another laysr of cakes aud whole berriei, well sugared. Serve with cream. Strawberry charlotte Line a bowl w.tb slrawbsrrits aud fill with Bavarian oream. Tb* oream is made np ol one quarter box gelatine, on* quarter cup cold water soaked together. Wuip CD* pint of oream till you have three pial*ofthe whip. Boil th* remainder with on* tnird cup sugar, and wbsn boiling add the gelatine. Add on* teaepoonful vanilla. When the mixture i* cold add whipped oream. Strawberry sherbet. Ua* pint berry juios, one pint su^ar, oos pint water, juioe two Ismaua, one tablsspooaful gelatine. Or, on* pint preserved fruit, one cup sugar, one quart water, two lemons, table*pooDful gelatin*. I be M*OT u4 >rl. K*st Claveland is to have au slsctrio motor for drawing street oars. A swarm of locusts .1 muss wide) is devas- tating Texmaloa. Mexico. Mrs. Bradley, a Connecticut woman, i* dying from the effoete of a eat bite. Coster Co , M. T ., has a larger area than tbe tiv* smallest States of ths Uoioa cjm- binsd. Tb* Kentucky Legislature has prohibited bicyclists from using ths public roads of many counties of the State. Tb* Nsw Orleans Etpositiou U to have the largest building lu Ihs world. It bat 33 acre* ol t! x>r area. H Kt, I K V H* Mult. HI I.. > .r,.i.. War Into tbs eaemy's country. This is fanned in ths case uf Putnam's Corn l,xtraotor, so favorably known throughout Canada. The large demand from tbe Tailed States for this grsat corn our* has induoed tb* pro- prietunto put it up there, and bold) push u to ths front as the leading article ID it* line. From England also a demand has arisen. This it tbe reverse of ths uaual methods, as a large portion of ths proprie- tary goods sold bsre emanate froii. loses countries. This speaks highly in favor of Putnam's Extractor, tb* great corn cure. We advise *uflarsrs from thin discooitort to seal It* luetit. A Mania liarbara, Cal .. man realised 11.100 from an acre aud a Calf of strawbsr- riee last season. Tun year be has been selling about tM worth daily, at wbolsaal* pnoee. from tn* same patch. fair CvMracr l.r .rr< Swdt. No oos can doubt the great merit of Polcon'i NEBMUM. for it ba* been placed lu the market in 1O cent bottles, just to give you the opportunity of testing its wonderful power over all kinds of pain. This is tbs beet evidence of its efficiency , fnr every person can try for themsalvss. Polsou'i Nervilme i< a pcr.ive (it cannot fail) cure for cramps, headache, cold*. Leu ra'gia. and tbe bust of pains that flesh is bur to. Good to take, good to rub on. Go to any drug store and buy a 1'J oeut sample botll*. Large bottles 15 osuts. Mahdiism is catching. Another Mabdi baa rissn in Bokhara by the nams of Mohammed Abdallab lien Oman. Hs has taken tbe title of Ketrid. and has written a letter to ths Sultan calling upon him to unfurl tbe green banner of Manommed against tb* unfaithful. It is truly wonderful to see how tbe name of Mrs. Pinkham is a household word smong ths wivee and mothers of our land. Alike in ths luxurious homes of our great cities and in tbe hnmbl* cabin* of tb* remote frontier one woman s deeds have borne their kindly fruit in health for others. It is propossd to luorsase the Brooklyn police fores by 100 additional patrolman. The latest fashion among the " glide youth " of Paris is * cambric pocket hand- kerchief bearing tbe portrait of a favorite astress printed in tbe earner. When a man has meant anything strongly, there nsvsr any real going back again for him. It ian'l the failure or the success, it's ths purpose, tb* will that U In HIIJ that makes th* difference. Savmnyu Joasi, a Hungarian highwayman who ba* for soms tims past Isvied a regular blackmail from farmers, and for whose head a large sum bad been offered, has been captured. He used to livs like a gentleman at fashionable bstniog places, and nobody dared to denounce him. There seams to be a good deal of differ- ence between the authorities in England as to bow much a " amokable " cigar costs. Sir Henry Wolff told tbe Houe* of Com- mens ths other night that " decent " cigars igbt be had for 9. 6d. par hundred that is to say, for a little more than two cents apiece. Tb* Linden Timei, on tb* other hand, assures it* reader* that a fsir " cigar can be bad for ninspenoe or a shilling equal to twenty-four cents. \ GENTS WANTED TO SELL ^'\ VKTBRINAKT MKDIC1NK8. AddreM will) stamp. UK. W. B. UAHON * CO., Uanbtll tlleh., U. h *'" *t>lo*rlni aiMesra !>*) |-*rmo.>U) Brad your asm* and Ido. m stauip* lu K. Ki:rn BoilnMir. Caere IU*B OtieeJan tree i- 1, t < a. tu aesr'* a HBSIDM R<1aoalioa or Hino*rtan Pts i:itiiabli> al the BFaUIGIB 1AM HUBIKKW* OOLIJIOI LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUHDj; . * * IS A POSITIVE CURE* .' .,., "^ i Far all of IBM* Patafll ( omjplilnl. mm4 \Vi-AkQrmvr. ma rommoa ! or * *. . FEMAI.K run i \ THIN . .y IT WILL CUBS BKT1BXLT THB WOBBU rcu aw f- BAUS CoSIPLAIXT*. ALL l H1AX TBOCBLSS, nABBAT!'> AM) I'l" tllATlD*. FA1.UD* Alt* Dm. ri-A taixn, AMI. TMS ^T^LIVT Nrmi. W *EM. AND II FAMTI- M AJU-T ADAJTBD TO 1 IIAV.I or I.IFI * * * * a tvw IT II L 1MWUTB AMD IXFSL TrwnS* PBOM TWS I'TSBi IK AN r.R: r -TAi.r -r i. n...rsiT Tn . r < AV r n .1 llraosw T VSRT I*KKI>:LT BY IT* its . * . e IT R. FAMTTIBM. FLATVLBX> T. narr*TS ill ' I.MN.. ,. I. -r. L IST> ABI'KIUITU WBAa-, M" r tin -r.>BA> ii IT ccssa BLMflSB), RBSSH A> III. NCKX'I'I r*B<TBATIUl, UsniLAL 1>SS1UTT. llirUMUOK ADlM.|uK>TI'> * Tint nsi.iMor HIAIUMI Dow*. ciria PASS. v u i, MI AMI> HA< kAiitc KAiWAii rxa*AHurn.r "mil. ST ITl OS **) IT win. AT ALL TUIM A*D fHDBa All. >1SWB- TIV t> ATI* ll >! WITH TM LAW! THAT uoviax THB rt i >TTSB s * * * e S*-lT- rrm- -r . 'LELY ft.a TBJB LsumsuTS BiiLisu <>r i.-.>- AMI TBS uLLur ur i tin. A* THAT IT UUS* VI. I. IT ILAIK 7 1-1. TBoOiBMor lAI'ir- i AH Ul tOLT TBTirT -%S, S ^* t >a TKI iaa or kiii < utirunm m srrska -I A TBU BSHSUT u i t BJ-AMSB. * e IYMA E. riNXUAJI-S VDiCTABUI OOBTOUWB b) >. 11 N. I.. 11 -I NEVER BE WITHOUT COOK'S BEST POWDEP- SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. TKULX UliUUB ELIXIR Has >t"-l the test fur Firry. THSIB YKAS.X, i-i 1 has proved itself the best remeiiy known for , the cure of Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough and all Lung Diseases " iing or ul<l. ." L:I Kvrs.vwnt.xi. Fric* Vf. net U 00 per Bottk 30 DAYS 9 TRIAL I.'I.V, III \iiI.TAIC HKI.T And .ll..-r RIT*I>- t AiTl!*^. M urn **nt i,n B) Iy' Trtal To MKK ONLY. YOfMU OK "I l>, wl... r ittlTrr In* rrom Sm> -. Inwijii I-T VrtAUR. WAtrvio VTrAiirau*. *nd ll ib<* .!! jf a )>.< 11 MATT-U, racnlUM rrami AI.ISS> *n4 oran CASW t*ly "Mf ar.l l>ilonUnn lo HHITM VI,K>* an. I OfTARATrCKO. 8rn 1 *S one* fof l l'ni(*!*-t rr*-A. All tr** Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall. MirL EYE, EAR AMD THROAT. DR. O. B. BTBRSON, L. B. O.P. B. B.. Leotorar on Ui* > Bar and Tbroal TrluItT alxileal Ooll***, Torooso. OevlMaa-l Aurlil to sh* Toronto (toner*.) Bo*pllal. lar* Ollnleal Ai-nUnt Royal London Ophlbalsat* R*pllal. MoonnclJ'* sod Central Landos) Tarost sad Mar Hospital. I1T Coaroh Toronto. Srtiflcll Human KTaa. KHTAHL.IHHKD 1869. < . 1 1 1 1 l & G-A*L,LO>V All kin u of yreslsirSi kdiMllve, also ft.iirt Ckrmr, BsW^ rvtllsry. T.1U - Pit KM Oaman u *ll-iw>*. m Oolborn* rQCOOSO LIVE FOXES WANTED, -KITBKB- I I II* OR I I I I . HO H > For p*rtioulr aprlr U HAROLD L4UB tfiAin iti-wt, o.-rnr Uubssm str**t, llamlliou. x in... .u U ..f nM r IM nl Slid nj hu aswlM fcav* boMmiwJ l9*d, mosroaa* tonr futa) tn lurfr*-*, t-.i 1 ill cord TWO BOTTL A Fun * BormiblVAU'ilLa TKITIo Ihli !,* r. UlrSipr** mn4 f .vir* Pa. i. A. iwMt. . 111 iwi sv. >, Tsa

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