HEARD'S Carriages and Waggons, re urn. Ir of UM best selected timber. au 1 til tin? Ltt Improved Machinery are employed in miking. The UOIM are xit by a 1'atout Boxing Maohine. and are pressed into the Hub by Preas :i loin |>O>T. and can never gel IOOM as Boxes do wedged in the old way. HEAKD'S Watwoni. :l thin** couudand. i the ruuapeat. 8Uou^o.t. most Durable, and Ike Easiest llunuiug Wawiuiu made. i: .1.,-rt Hurt -ayi that he could not draw hi" Horte Power up a very itoep bill without help 01 i \Vwou. aud he uyx lie oau do it witb one ol HE AKD'8 Wa[tfou. H knows that JOHX The ii - < Hi . tl ilk. VKH make* tbe Kaiet Kuuniun Coine and &Q the Carriages aud Waggons and Machinery for Making. ^^ HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS PI LLS& OINTMENT THE PILLS 1 'uriJy tbe Blood, correct all Dlaorden of the Liver, Stomncli, Kian*y, o.nA Bo-vvelw. TI lou;orat and restore to health Debilitated Coortitutlon. and are luraluable lu all Com- " plaints iiicideutal to Peiuale of all ao. Kor HuKir.-n and the aed they are prlwjlwaa. THE OINTMENT 1- aa iiifallibl* remedy for Had Leg*, Bad llrvaita. Old Wounda, Buret aud Clcen. It U fauioui for Oout and Kliuutuatinii. For ditorden of the Chut it baa tio uqual. For SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS CUandultr SweHIng* and all Bkin Dieai It ban no rival; and for contracted aud (tiff jouiu it acu like a cbarui. Eauufacturvd only at Trofuaaor HOLLOWAY'II Kitabliabuiont, 7i, New Oxford Mr . i ( late .133. Oxford >i t-.-.-t i. London. and arc wld at la. 1ft. k. 9d., 4*. d., 1U . 2k.. and :u. i-acli Hoi or Pot, and may be bad of all Medi cine Veu'lort throughout the \Vt.i M. f~ I'Hirhattn aAowW loot tt tiu LuM the I' -.N HIM/ /(../. // thr atldrru it not 533, Offorti iUf'l. L"il:m, Ihey art >jirin\>*. This is not the "in iait yon have read so uiiich about ; (his is a good, honest price, good quality, & square dealing Flag, carried by >l r. I'ii us. him can, Tailor, Fleshertou. WILLIAM HOGG,' PLESHBETON STATION. r.i'K|*tfully Biiimauefs that lie liiu received a Large Supply of \eu Go^ds, - ..'. itle (or the waaou, all nf which liavc beon purcliaied to the bent advantage, aud will l.c si.Kl i lii|i (or Cauli or Country Produce. The ucw arrival* arc Extensive und vuri M! in Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots &c., &c., &c. AUo full copply o( Hardware, trorrrlrs, ProvUloiis. Crockery, Ac. In- pectioo o( the Hlork invited. .I/// Branch Store at EUGENIA kejtt fully supplied with I offer FOB SALE or TO LET, my S.VW MILL at Little Falls ; drives mirier :iii ft ; :n.l -.1 water . all iu K<>od order, with about KHI aurewof TimrHT Lund nn which tin- Mill i. 1. There uc alu tevrral other Good Mill Sites on the property. Li! . i.il I .rim on , iMiL-r purahaiKor leaae to a emnpetent man. \v.\I. IIOUU. Flenherton Htati-.n. Ut Nov., FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS! E. VAN Z ANT, A I.I. KIM'S OF Mle *:: , Where Kugliih daisiw hlossom Aud I i:Jl"ll rob]..- lllf!. \\ hen all the laud fragrant H.-II. nib the feet . i Spring. Two Utlk' sisters w.uulered, Together haud iu I: m.l, Along the duaty highway. Their bare f.-i-t smled "ud tanned. 'Twas not a childish sorrow That filled their ryes with tear* ; Their little heart* iT burdened With grief IM-VOI..I their years. The briht eyed daisies blossomed lu valley aud in glen. The robins saiig their swvetest. Spring smiled but uot for them. Beneath the trees of Whitehall, Within their shadow hrowu, From nut the royal palace The (Jueeu ouu-t walking down. She saw the children standing, Together, aide by side, Aud, gazing down with pity, The asked them why they ori.-l. liear lady." said the eldest, " My little sister Bess Aud 1 nave come together A hundred milet. I guess. " Sometimes the roads were dusty, Aud sometime, .hey were greuu , Wt 're very tire.1 aud hungry We waul to see the Queen. ' For motber'a tick, dear Lady, She cries' most all tli day i We hear her telling Jesus. V\ hen ihe thinks we're at play. " She tell* huu all about it. How when Kin-Jaine* was King, We were no rich uiid happy Aud had most everything. " We had our own dear father, At homo bfbi'le the Thauiea, But father went tnhattle lireaiise he l.iv. 1 Kiujj James. And then thiugt were so different I caunot ti-1 1 \..i. how. We havu't any fattier. Nor any nice things now. " Last night, our mother told ut They'd take our home away, And leave ui with, ut any. Because (he couldn't pay. " So then we camp together, Right through the meadow green, Aud i .in) ..I for Ti.il to help us, And take ua to the Queeu ; " ll.vi.nse manirua uuce told n-. That, many years ago, Tbe Queen a James' little girl, Aud, Lady, if it wai ao. I know nhe'll let tin keep it, Our home beni.lc the Thames, For we have conn- t.i ask her, And Father loved King James." II. r simple torv niiiubnl, She gaud up in urpris, To i-ee the l..vi ',v lady Witu tear dri'i in hi r eyes. And when the Kiu-.i-h robins Had sought each downy ue^, A*I.| uln'ii tin* hrii;)il i>yrd daisiei, l>ew-dauip, luU guuv tv n*t, A carriagi>, such an never Had pawed that way bo/ore, Set down two little children Bexidelhe Widowidoor. They bn.nght the weeping mother A jinckap. fr. in the Queen. Her r")al n B! was mi it. And, folded in bctwteii. A slip ..( piper, aivinft : 1 he ilaiif-'hti-r ul Kinp James divi-rt L.thenu littl" children .'Li ir home beside Ihe Yhauies.' K. II. 77i..,-ii, in St. Ai. How To CI-RK A r<n.ii. Take some gentle i>)M!iiing nieilicini-, bathe the feet in warm water, H'l'liii-.; a apoouful of Mtin- tard ; remain iDdoort: ci|iialiic the cir- oulntion wilh .v;iriu lath and friction ; ilritik :irin niiim-i tea, and take Hag- \.-inl 'K I', i TI. i il I'. i.-:iin, lli' 1 most fierier! nnil the Hafest cough ciiru that can lie procured. The Rtiro rflnitB of Ayor's Sarsaparilia arc tbortiiigh and permunenl. K there is a link- iug taint of ncrjfnla ab.mt yon, Ayer's Sar- saparilla will dislodge it, aud expel it from your system. A FAT. Tlieiv are oil* white, and oils Mack, Put upn )iottli'nlmrt find tall, Unt H;i<;yard'n Yi'l|..w Oil, for jiiiin, I the very >x-t. nil of all. It cure* rlieui.intisni, neuralgia. <l.-nf ness, sprains, bniigo, contracted conls, surr throat, frost, bite*, btirua und sore- IH-K of t lie !K ^li . It is for external and internal UUP. Such an Monnmonts, Toinb Tables, Hcadstonw* (Vniiitor wul Table Tops in American uml Italinn Marble and Granite, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and M.II lil'-i/i'<l Klnto, Ac., &c. FlcshorUin, Aug. .'JO, 1883. The Advance till Jan, 1st, 1885, for 50 cents. A whiaker dve IUIIM !* oouveuieut to n>o, eavy to iipply. impowiiblp to rub off, fle^ant in |.]H-uriiof, uml rhmi> in (irice. Buck- ingham's Dye tor the Whiakon uuitoi in it- ael( all these uurit*. Try it. - " Why ! What the raattor?' I^aily (With face enveloped in roll of hot cloths) "Oh ! I'm crazy with that Neuralgia that continually trouble* me." " \\VII. h,,w fimliili ! Why don't you go to Riolnirdson K llrug Store and get a liottli. tif Fluid LighknaCl Itenred mo in le than one minute. I nlvravR keep a bottle in th hnuso. It only cotU 25 cents '' Dorr l-'orNi). TK- c.iri>e o( the boy Me- Quart i.-. WM found MII Sat unlay by a party of aparcliers from Bcntinok. It ws lying in hallow waUr whcr. *, v t . ra l hatl soarclird n they thoulitjthorciii^hly. An inquest was not cimi<li'U'd necttsaarr no one being will- ing to mau the declaration, Durham Chronicle. Rev. Father Wilds 1 EXPERIENCE. Tlii- Itev. /. P. \\ I I.I.. well-known .in ml --MMI.II \ III New Yitrk, ..ml lu.ii'i. r of Hi.- late iiulii. ul Juilfr \VII<1>, of lln- M ... ., hu.. u. >ii|.i, in. Court, MI it. a fullowa : 7- /:. Mil, St.. AVir York. M-iy If. \*2. MKMII*. !. ' . AY Kit Jk * '".. (ifnllvnwn : Ijut winter I was truulO.il with mt nonlufortabl* itching Immnr itlf.-t-tiinf nii.r- r^i^-.-inlh iny lilllbf, wtlk-h iU'lie.1 > lnt.>li'ra,..|> Hi iilghl, an. I burnt*) > intrnnv- ly. tli.il 1 couM lu'-arcrly bear any cl'.thtng ... r tti in. 1 waa al.'i a ufTt-rer from a i-v*r catarrh mi'l catarrh*! oough; my l>i*-iit>. wiu poor, and my system a good .l.-.ii run <l"n. Kniiu'itig Ilii! value of .Vi. :> .> v u- U' Mill. I. \, liy ofcMntttai "I it,.i,r Mili.-r .Mam. uml fr.nn ]*-r..iml ux in fi.riii.'i- \.Tir-. I l.-.'ifan taking It fr tlie ali<>vr-tmm'l .li-.r.l.-i . My A,li|ivllt iiu- r .r.. .*! alni.int from the Brut IIOM. Alt.-r u nli.irt tlnitf the f.-v.-r an.l lu-hmt: v.-ru All iyl, .in.l all signs of Irritation "f the kin .li*aj|Mvir.'l. Sly ciitHrrti ami r<nlh ill . .-ii I l.\ ili.- MUD- inram. m.l in. ^..ii.-r.il h-.l'li nr.Mlh ini|in>retl t until it'l u . ,-\.',.|!i'!it. I ("'I a buii.lrml |>r .-tit *tr*iiurr, nii-1 I Httrlbute these result* t. Hi.- u" ..f ih s MI* trim 1. 1. \, which 1 i.-i'.'iiiin.'n.l with nil .'.'iiiM.-!!. .- HI tbe !. i l.l" -I IN ! . ii.' evor .I. in..-. I. 1 took It in mn.tll .li..". thrt'r t!in.- a .lav, and iwr.1, In nil. leas than t" bottln. 1 |>lnre tlf * I. n't* i.i jour imrvice, liopiug llioir 1'U > I '1'">M IIIKV do guod. Yours i.-|.-.'inill> . Z. P. WILIK." Hie above luitajiee in but one of the many rii-tantly coming to our n.itiro, which |in>v I... iwrfect .. l.i.t ii.ili'.\ ..I Avi H -MK-A- I- tun. 1.1 to the cure of all -lUeuxw arising from tiii|nire or Impoverished blooii. aud a wi-akaiietl vitality. Ayer'sSarsaparilla FLESHERTON clean***, enriclie*. nn.l nt:niul.u.'! the action of [he nt.iniH.'h and Imweb, an.) th.'rrliv enable* thr nrntcni to re>l>t and overcome the attack* of all Sern^u. t"tti ttttf-tuft, Kruptutni t\f t\t >/i, tikru- iM'i.'mn, 1'titnrrk, t!< ttrritt lability, :ind all ,1 -..r,lr multlng from poor or corrupted blood ajnl a low tuti- of the 15 u-in. I III l'AKi:l) DV DP. J.C.AyerA Co. .Lowell, Mass. SuU by all Dru^l-t-; price 9\. >ix bottlei f < >r f.V. AVER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. Best~Purgative Medicine core Coiistl|t Ion. ln.ll|^<itlnn. Hnukche, and all llllloiui ]>Wr.l.-r. bold everywherv. Ainu) a nllahlf . Jewelery STORE. J. R. TRIMBLE, DKALEK IS Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, $c. No Bogus Discounts ! or other Clap-Trap Induce nients offered, but sell you Goodx (IN loir <7.v they can be }i\\ ><'<{ c a i is intent icitlt ff A'EST T ALE- Watch Repairing a specialty- JlU Work Guaranteed- Win. Lucas & Co., I f:i i i U > i-- . Markdale and Dundalk. Traimact a (ii-nrial Hankiii:' HuaineM. DriiftH I-.HIUM! |iavalile at anv offlcu of tho MKKCHANTS'or SlOl.SUN 8 Itauk. \ottt Ditcottttted anil Money to Loan nt /ti-'ittintiLlt Katei. Interest Allowed ou Deposits May ."J :IMI). \(1t. L.UCA8 * CO. EUGENIA Grist Mill, HnvinK mnilc i>xt.'ii :vc iiiipn>vrnirntii In my Oriiil Mill, 1 am c .n|i.|,.)ii [ ciin pvc good aatis(aetion. CllOri'IMi DOXE ANY DAY, (tood Flour always on bund. Custom Sawing, aud Bill* ill I. I MM th<> nhortpKt n-tin . Lum- ber and Lalh alw.v <m haml. \VANTED : Cherry, butternut, Wliiu. AH|I, lll.^k Ah, Banweud, I'ine aud Hemliick Logg wunted. M. AKITT, KUUKNIA May 1st, 1882. Canadian Pacific Railway. ONTARIC[jDIVISI01L Change of Time. 1'nmmrnfiiuj Hinuiiiy, Afay 1!>, lKf<^. Toronto, trey & Brace Division. TOIIMXTO, dnpart T.10a.tn. Spin do. arrive, 10.45" IO " No-re Mixed train leavo 1'arkdale 7.40 a.m. I'HKIUT VALLEY DIVmojT. TonovTo. dpi>art, 7 10 a.m., KM p.m., l.nopm " arrive, 9.SO " 8.45 " T.OO " NOTE. Mixed train leave* 1'arkdale 1 a.m. 1-at.An additional train will bo run in connec- tion with the Canadian Pan/if Ntmmtiltip lAnr, leaving Toronto, 11:30 a.m. W. WHYTK, D. MrSICOLL, GEM'L BCP'T. OBH'L Pia. AOT. TWAINS I,EAVK FLESHBRTON STATION : Oolng North,. ..at 11:45 a.m, ftm pjn., ft (kid p.m QotnR 8outb,...at MB a.m., our, a.m., A 9:47 p.m Maamahlp KxproM, goinj North, MS p.m. < tioutli, UHp ui. PATENTS i .iri *CO.,of the Srimrrmr AurmrAM. roo- Unur Uiact u tUillcH.in f>.r Ptent, CaTwata, Tr*d* Markn. <*..|irnhti>, f<ir the L'iiiu-1 SU!<-. Caniula, ncland, Frano. Unnan;. Mo. Hand Br>k aboat l';,-iii mt frac. ThlrtTwvTm jmn' nxrlsiMia. PatwnUoMalned tkronhMUNNOO.afBS.i fcttlM 8cif xrinr AMIBICAN. tbe Urmt, bM. aad moat wMvli rin-ulabs! .-l.'nuflc pawr. 3.a r*ar. Wrakljt. eplrmlld mratli4ra ajij IntsrsXUiii in- formation. Hpwlmen n.py of thi> HrlruilMr A BUT. IcaBaentfra*. Atldnw MI'NN ro . aoiBjrrinu AainuCAN ofloa. il Br.dwr . No York. Burdock BLOOD WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, t DROPSY, ' INDIGESTION, FLUTTERIHO JAUNDICE, i V OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, > THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRY NESS HEADACHE, > OF THE 8KIH, And every ipeclea of dlseaM arlslnv r>oin dlsordsred I IVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS OR DLOOO, T. H1LBURN & CO., HAG YARD'S YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are plaaaant to take Contain their own la a aala, nin, and fOtetm*l DO TTOTT Hunfaxtbe LISTS OF "FHM FM Sail" AID "F*MM Wurna Inlftc DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL TfIB MAIL has become The BMSBBC (! r.r Mm Ad- A.d eawUtiimn of thotk.n Ul odHi Oailaa Mpm cw> bmed. Ithaa 994000 raadenofllwrtfkt clai^ ADVERTISEMENTS of "Fnn. fet Salt" aad "I urn Wnto1."" Slock "o " Seert feSalc"oe "Wwued" inMftc.l in TIM WFEK1.Y MAIL.XwomOpo^rdcxJi Invn; r, rwtHtjf <-t*n ft, word for *vt fnj*r**mt, Of In THE UAILV MAIL at /* tmd a **1/(mtr p* wovd *cti laawtlaa. TH MAU. !