-V . , I f -: Flesherton Advance. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" J'RINCl PLES, JVOT MBJT." VOL. IV., NO. 157. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, JUNE 19, 1884. SINGLE COPIES. 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE, Oue t tho Itwliiitt local and Kauilv Ncwipapers iu Northern Ontario. Pulillntunl Every r Pltir*tln.y, Kaon THE Owner.. <'MuufK>u<l Ntrert, - FlrAr, tun, (hit. TKKMS OK Kl'IlfKlUTTION : f I 00 per aunni* m advance ; S1.50 If not paid .: the and of on* veer So itejHir <ll*oontinue<l mill all arrearage* an* paid up; and no Milcrip- tton* taken fur liMa thai oue year, except when tpecieJ arrangement* for *uorter period* arc mad* with the pufelltaer. AUVKHTlntNO KATF.8. Ac. Caaual edvertiee*Bt*,8oent*|>er l*t insertion aul e cent* per !!** each ub*e,iurnt insertion. Treli.li at U '-rti-* mi-Ill* tour paid for when ordered A hei tiKinonU without >pecial direc- tiout win ke iaaenvd till forbid and i-hargtM aooordiuuly. l.ilKTtl inducement* to rutiular ad<rertier*. Nottoei among reading matter, 10 cent* |>er hue each luxrtion. No .l>vrticwui;iii iliicoutinued until all ar- n.araii," re paid up i -py lor t.l\.Tt'.in,'iit nil. >ulil ri-aoli thl office not later than noon on Tueeday to eu*ure iatartioa i* current luue. A. R. FAWCETT, /V'U-r and I'Mukrr. Book & Job Printing ! la every rtyle of th. art, at reaeonahle price* ai.il on abort notlc* Order* by mail ill receive prompt attention. Term*, trictlv cub. Flesherton Heat Markel. SEPT. OOOD, - Cash paid for fat Cattle aud Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. . O. U. AYER'S Hair Vigor rwlor**, wttU the glow and freibuee* of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rick, brown color, or deep bUtck.afinay beileired. iiy Iu uae light or red hair may be darkened, thin hair tuickeued, and uakliiew often, taough not alway*. eurt-d. It i-lieck filling of th* hair, and itiaiu- laua weak and ilckly growth to vigor. It prevent* and cure* n-url and ilaiulrufl. aud heal* nearly every dtaraie peculiar to the eealp. A* a Ladle*' Hair Dn>la, tbe ViiH.ii I* neg,ualled ; It contain* neither oil nor dye, render* the U ur *oft, floaty, and nlk.-n In npprarunce. and Impart* a delicate, agreeable, and Uuting |*rfume. MR. ('. P. RIM, in u wrilr* from A'irftjr, ( JM!M 'A, 1--.' . " ljut fall my hair commenced falling out, and In a *burt tiuie I became nearly U.4,,1. 1 u*e*i part of a bottle of Avica'l llAIH \ i ..ill. which aloppnl tbe fall- ing of the hair, Hiid atarted a >iw growth. 1 have now a full bead of litir growing vlgnr- oiuly, and am convinced that lull for the a*e of your preparation 1 thould bate been entirely bald." .1. W. H iwrv. pm*>rieU>r of th* MeAritor i "i.o KtujHirrr. *aye "Avr.a'* HAIK VI....K i* a iiKiet eieellent preparation for the hair. 1 pek of il from ray own eajMMtence. it* UM promote* the growth of new hair, and make* it g|.ey and eoft. The Vuum I* alao a re eure for dandruff. Not wllkln my kno* ledge ha* th>> prefwralkn ever failed te give entire talUf action." Ma. Axnr* KAIKIIAIUI. leader of tke celebrated " Falrbairu Family " -( Scoiu*h VoealUU, write* from /i->'-. Mutt., A. '., S, 1*0 : Kv.-r tlnce my hair began In give ail- very evidence of the ebuigv which Heeling time procuretb, I have wed A tin'* llAia VIHOH. ami 10 have been able to maintain an Appearance of youthfulnee* a matter of r. inalterable conteqneuce to mluUtera. vre- tor*. actor*, and iu fact every oue who live* in the eye* of the public." Ma*. O. A. l'ur.r<'TT. writing from IK F.h* M.. Ca>ir(r(un>, M,ut , April 14. !>.'. My* : "Two year* v about t" Onr.i. of mv lialr came off. It thinned very rapidly, and I wa* fa*t growing t-il.t. tin using A%KH' HAIR Vn.'.a the T!liug *toli|i<d aud a l.ev growth commenced, mid in about n ni.-i.th my bead wa* completely o.vered with *hon hair. It ha* couUnued to grow, anil I* now M g<**l a* bef.ire iPfell. 1 regular!) u*e<l but IHUI bottle of tbe Vi*ou, bat now a*c It occasionally a* a dreealng." We nave hnndrede of ilmllar twtlnionlal* to the efncaey of AVKR'i HAIR VIIIOR. It need* hot a trial to convince the aw*t fkepti- eal of It* value. CHARITY BB5OI1IS AT HOME Kvangeliae tbe French HMW ery. "EvauelUe. the heaehea;" If contribution* go to that They needn't call on me, then KvannelUe the French," what ituff 1 While hundred* in Toronto The minUter* have u VT attacked And probably Jont i " Convert the heathan Are full of little tl., . WhoeeMaa) ijja piecowtoo* *ln One bean, yet scarce belieTea. Oue child of eight i* tajiianfi till-, Aud one of *li teal> " wiiie* :" Oh. y ' ceavert the heathen and Kurtet the irutter-fnipem. Thi* French evantteliilng fraad biuki thouaaudii every year. Aud donn't cave one tool to ten, That might lie garnered here -J. K BRITISH COLUMBIA- ! InlrTrsllnit I <-ii- r Frum Mr. J. M7 Wrtaler. VI R. EDITOR, - I can well realiM the fact of the old saving, that " Tim* and Ti.l i- wait for no man." I have been now nearly A year in Itritiah Columbia, and although Tery loneaora*, jret tke time haa pcuaJ o* ai if nn wing*. The Spring hat difappoinled mv great- ly. Vary little rain-fall, in fact it haa been too dry, it* I think, for the cr[w However, there ha* leen haaty dtwi at . ni^lit winch have in a mvuMirv made up for it. Nw, to *u in up for the whlf year, the weather at a wh<>| it BO per cent, ahead uf Ontario. C'ropt aw*>n t<i K'r-'w very low, bat of e>ue*e they have a lag efAj.iu in which to irjature. NORTHjCAROLINA. (From i. in itii-n <'<irrr*i*Huirnt.) MR. KIVIT..K, i Hi fh. I'f.th i.f April I ent y.m (at tim Mni time of Muding Ui the .tfumror -M-II.I nowj I'eait which pro- bably you liu But ra*m, mud mow UMI yon think 1 an neglsMiul, I turniah towte (Th item* referred t **t > to hand, which nsrt-gtwt. b.] The weather is not iu terribly hot M t thi time- Last mia*. >n, y, t there is much siokueu "bowel complaint " ing. There i* 110 hope ( escaping it rAu luiuiucr by having it W year. Old and , ilu .-.trmigett man a* well a* the weake*t child, utti.-ns and foreignsn, are .ill liable to thii diseue carry MMMnrr, and continuing verftl wesks at a titue. 1 1'ity tin-**.- Liuil, friendly poopl* ; they ore diwrviiiK of a butter cl Fruit :iud varioua kuidi of f look encuura^iii",. Kirly sooo U- tit for ute. 1'otatooa a kiudl uf will m the table mice tin. li4 tl. uf May Cherriei are ripe. 8trawl"-ry tune in Harretting of fall i*U and wintor whoat at hand. 1'an- al..iu, ' .lull t lift " bc:iuati wu S ,nJ|. eri.cri ro -tn far in ndvtncc uf you in tin*- things, \nii II befun neit fail, being ntronu auii ak>U> to labour iht wLul* tiiuo ud nut "billed t.. rcoce work ing for lii>ur .11 tin midiiU f the day OB account i>f the heal i the ena* p*>n<endMedar ray*, nimuine the de|>Ui- o tbe *ee, The neliee cry uel 1 1 1 auiau, Mu 1 turtle*, hu hot we .hall be!" The past session f Kuiherford College was quite a Miccuaa, upward* uf three A gixxl many emigrants f*rried In tnof )llID , ln)<1 etude,,!, -male and female eountrr thia spring. I havi? i-n fr. .111 tlie m-ii;hU.rh.'"i ..f Owen Sound Maoitoh. ala* Mbda her Fl.KSHEKTON laOgt No. 14i meet In tnotr LodM Booui. Htrain'i block. Toronto (treat, on tli lit and :*r.l Monday in each month, at 7 JO p.m. aherp. VUllInc brethren welcome. M P. M. M v. i , i. M.W. W. O. I'u-utu., Hec'r I 9^^-~ Dr. J.C.AyeriCo., Lowell, MIM. BoUl by all Drufgwu. haU-fr..ieu thare of lir vanity. But I M agjain a am afraid that a good n any will be dia appointed. Volets fur Uie agricultural ain. .ittendixl lervemug L.-ti.. .. tl., _ \ ition u n w in i K.u and A i i 7tli I'liMi AlllD a full S4M , tin- tlate WlitAU cl DUFFERIN LODGE I. O. O. P. Flesherton- MKKTK every Tuoeday Kveulng at 8 o'cloek. Ixle llooni. Strain'* block, Toronto itreet /TRA Decree Ludiie. l.t Tueeday In each month. Via- U itln brethren cordially invited. Jot. BLaCUUBN, N.O. A. 8. VaxDTMni R8. II rUtl'jtl'U. chtss. I fail to tee where the artiaan in t, find employment. The. only wnrk on here the 0. P. R. , and it i* inuring far up the country. TVn there arc the J.P. M .KSHALL. L.U.S ,i,hent, bot thsy emi.lny nearly all DENTIST, Chinamen in thu cannim - A limited DUATK of Toronto Hchool of Dentlitrv. number of men are en^uil in the luinU-i will IH, at Markdalti thn ut and inl weuMe- 1 _- dayof earh mouth, and at Kleaueiton on tho l.t <*lilpt, Where tliey grt troni ft ' t- . *sN> .1 In each month forth* practice , n ,, nt h and b..ard. A great __^ ^^_^* 9 **j* ] **p of th,. lunil it 10 heavily timlwml that MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. THK nut Kalr will take place on MONDAY, JOT. 9th, 1884. FROST & PROS' 1. very few people care to face it. But you {know it it to the interim of the U. U companiea (<> do all they ean to indiiov travel. hie thing it certain the climate Look Here. Do you want a now llonee or Ham ? If ao I u.nik von will find It to your advantage to call aud * me. A* I do a lame biulne** I can build .. n email profit*. All contract* promptly atteu dad to and work guaranteed Thanking thu )iul>- lie for paat patronage, and !>y fair price* and good work, I hope to merit a continuance of tbe ; UAXtt KM., STRAIN"* LARGE. liuilders and Contractors, FLESHEKTON. inrej I it* I BAKIUHTKHS . SOI.KTTOHH. CONVEY AXCT18. ;. ^-A ,- i JL A. om. -. rmil.-tt street. OWBM ftot-MD *n,l u K o(Kl "no tnn'i cam* here fn.m cVmlh every Thuday a* KLK8HKKTCS Afn ^ He Myi . U ^, d he OMne u , J. W. FROST. UL H. ,. ALFRED FK08T. CrownCounty Attorney. tbu cou n tr y, d 1 matt wy, tUt there g^""^ i not one fourth part of the rain-fall which 1 i i| i-.-tcd but I beard that u few nights tinoe thers Was a frost whicl nipped tome people's ysaatust. 1 have read, previ.tiie to coming heru, that the lawa were rifidly enforced. You ean judfr An old man grl chopped up in hit ibanty : More than a week . \ 1 1 1 - > 1 1 (food aoc4iuiuiodation ; belt brand* Li OST. uor* Liil' Uood Stabling and attentive Hoetler. The only II. M. I in tbe pl*ce. JIM. AU.IHOK, Flesherton Station Hotel. Are prepared to attend to Hrick A Stone Work all iueraaehe* Order* ln at the APVAHCR mm: will receive prompt attention ' Fair I'rieee. | eominndation t - ^ j I* well *u In fa. I. before anything it done, and the body lying exposed. The *nie week another ' ' ll'inmtii * torn, Prupnet t m. ^ . h . .- .i..,.. n..,. i i,., i .,...>. i. ,. K PHi K "" 1 '" "'" le ", * no trace of v HoU-1 liavluti l>eri thoroiujhly .. Woodwork, 1 nttd throiuhout, now afford* eicellent ac- >. murderrrn J. 1XE. Webster, EUGENIA, LICF.NHBD Auctlmeer for thn CnuntT of Orw. Moauy to lend M u -nal al nNWonalile rate Fire aa.l Life Inrri>eee I'miuuunleation* ad- >lroee<l to Kugenla f O. promptly attended to John W. Armttrtof 9 M, Co. OUT. , to Ixith ng n |.iii~i witii choice U<| uor> an " '"'' The lr DIVIRIOS COURT ri.KHK. COMMI8RIONKR in H R.. Conveyancer. Ac Ajirnt forpurchaao a>-id Mle of laad*. Appraiser for f I. f Coin mi. ( F IV B. A R. Hediity Money to lx>an on the in,, it ruaaonable term* Inntia ur MARIlIAliN I U'KSSF.B. ^ ^ _ .^ * Alajiandar Brown, 1H8UEH of Marriage l.loenae*. (teneral Agent Ac Licenced Auctioneer for County of drey. I Ml-IIVII.I.I. l'.t> . Out. W. J. BELLAMY." TWP. ri.r.mt ARTtMUIA. Dr. I li\<>ii. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCUER, TRICEVILLK, - ONTARIO. Tiff All i;tll i>romf>tlil tfa>t(lrt{ In. W, S. GRIFFIN, W. 0. M. C. P. X, OAT till But, Sir, give an In. Man ,1'r', 1 | wbitkey, then you will cateh it big ! 8om tuuu since a party came frurn tin- American tide and killi-l an Indian wii. they tuppotexl had co>nmitted a murder It it no ass trying t. dissemlde Idid fr*l pleaaed to nee law carried out ii promptly. Yours truly, J. M. Wgav Will be I OrncK.-!!! Win. Strut: '* ! (rnon Tur YIA ROUWB. At all when tbe iiycteui i* fool and the : power* feelj,'. <ir the liver or kUney* inac- tive Burdock lllood Blttsrt sre required. ' K- Ki-ii r Oi.n A..K. An old Uvorite ii the Honey to Loan. ' At 6'J I'er Cent. Intern! on Mnityhl Lwtt. of Wild Htrawberry. Tkirtv yean reliable for cholera morbui iHsrrhn* tint lumnaer ooniplalut*. No Hrni Wow A* Kn.. -A failara to re- wp. CLIBK ' TTTITH lnter**t|id yearly, not in advance No lieve or cure nurnm.'r cogiplaiuts ran never b ESTATE* INSURANCE AGENT w c.,.,,u,it*ion cbard A,.,.I u> truthfully .ppheJ tofir itisflsr-i Kiutct COLLECTOR, AUCTIONEER. |*. *IEK. THOKXBI'BY. O f Wild Str.wb.rry. AU The Ad- MONET leaned on good eeoniity on tbe moot favorable term* and at moderate rate* of intr**t. MortAagM l<nnht OfBce nearly op- 4-.ite Town Hall. FumKBHtB. 'TTQn/^ai V3/I1C6. I'KOI 1 (l\\ S MAHIC M 1.1 III II HOAP- Heallng. toothing, and cltatnlny feiaUtcmptlve .lie,-**.- 1 r the .liu. DcUchtfuVfor ii.il. t uic turbanrt*a '.lip n; ,-otii.ii time. A rittloanake* "companion" or "pi lot " at Bometimi-n eilleil, WIM killed in town ruoHiitly. Tbu make gives no warning pre\i.iualy to tiling itl deadly i M. STOXB, which i IfM o\ planter ownr, ainl * Inch I " taw and ii niillod," he ataure* me, htit r<;r,il ii.ik- 1 mad dog bite* in several case*. It may b interestiiiK t.. your reader* t. loam liow it lookt and how applied . Well, thi* ne it of a dark brown e. K r, about -' im!i--i long, li in. widt Iiy 1 4 in. tlnck. li^ht its hard wood, lie fore in i UK, soak it iu tweet milk, then apply it to ilio . .iiii.l, t.. which allow it to adhere until it <|ro| ntT. Soak it in tweet milk until a ^rvi ni:-li scura or bub- ble ceate to nto. Then apply again, and So on .1 111 it will not >tii-k to the wound any lou^i r. a:.. I .i iri- : tiu; retult. Hs says tho auction or adhesion it to ttrong, that tho flesh c.m '., lecn t braw up to the itune. He value* it at rim- nouAiw, but charget nothing for lending it. Now, lei thoto doubt who chouse to ; fer my part I am inclined to believe, at hs it a renpccUble old ^I'litli-mnn. honeit and truthful, lielit\ed and btflored hy all. Certainly (here are uuny tbingt in tint world, ttran^'u and paM uudenlandin^, ..I. 1 the " M. nl Mi lie " ii one of them. WM. Pi-DT. Rutherford O.llege P.O., N.C., .June ."ith. 1HW I in Mswk Tom Off. To (A* i'.fi'or i/ Tkr A'lt.tnet. KIR, Your Eugeoia curres|>oiideiit could well all.-iil ! tre.it with nilnooe aud Kiiftemo ci-iit, injit the snivelling and scurrilous attack of that wolf in *heep'a clothing, telf-ityled "Truth. 1 As to the. 1 1. 1 i i the Tunipentiifo i-eople as a body knowing: all about tbe. preparation of a iiirprite for tbo Kv. Mr. Grandy, I refer the puhlio to the higheat aiithoritiet of Ku::eiu.i l>i\i.-icii of Sons l Teoi[ier- anoe. Hut when thst uuld-br liar, that : pure " Iteanty,' Truth, to aUnderou.ly altscLi the r, [.utiiiioci of u Clirutian and a genilentan, when hii l>ack ii turned, then our iudignttiou rites, and we fail to Bod language itrung touugb to vxprvt* our contempt win the bon>, !. >|.u :ibln U. liideMi vi-nuui iple.-n uudur so puru a name. The fiu-r that Mr. <>nody t .nj .y the e*>^_Mt and fiivor of the majority .i tfce p. int iho tam*. and Lu* I*ii .-i(*n(tU rsthsr than weaken,. 1 by the pu Wer, who b*c, m th? eye* "f trrS\Bowiti->' public, ft<il hu uwa picw IB iutrno ooloit raqoiiiag Met UM ef of a pr- Yuan f.,- FAIII l'i < to (tetect it. i no, ii, r Krply to i , M 1 1, tkr DIAH SIK. It Kiirprieed mr *er> imii-ti to ae that ttatciueiit of "Troth's' n. your (.tit ireek't I am turry think anyone it *o uncharitable as tv.aay anything against Mr. <; randy, fi.r with -: I ilenominalioiin sronnd Knger.ia hs bighly respected (or hi* *U-rKri/ i|iialitiet .tnd true Chriiitita spirit, wli '. he masifeated towanlt all cbvMea dut:n. his ruaidtfiicu in ilui villagr. All .1- sorrv bccauae of the DSfljunty lua ei.in pi-U bjt rumoval to S4>p..int The Sons of Tetaperaaje ludf.- which FUv. Mr liraady was t*ha|ila:n. thought it their duty to make l.i u :t turpriae party and a pn-, r-. - h-n departure. There was Bo begging U. it th matter. Thoa* to trx-lin. .1 ooiilri'' i tod with hearty good will. l'nf..rtunal. !,- the weather tliat evening wa* very uniav arable ; ttill a gnodly iiumU-r put appearance, pleatantly > ir|.n<iu k - K, > Mr. Grsttdy and wife, mho were mn> 'i affected by the retpuct and etteem main fetti-il ..n the .fcati.iii M.wl ;!: n-.- w,-ll inented it, a very different f,--l n., would hsve been exhibited, aa the )>..;. I.- .f thil locality with few exemption- -in quite as ready to nntic aad aho%k in. IT iti[>recisti"ii of real rorr.-. ax tli.-y are to detwcl and denounce that wliicit L bate IT IS BLASPHEMOUS If theelltor of the *fark-1:<- Hta.ndar.1 : to ln*lnii*t>- that ,-w. nil. I IT.||L|OII.|> tt. i : to injure hi* moral reputation.' In will in-t to go very far from hi* urn- turn to Ami an HP truthful man. Home men HAVT a mori! r, i i -ti, l<:it very IIIMIIV. t:lit.>rt:ititelv. ' i-. worth (peeking al>ut In i ithur i a . . ' corn toili. what our contemporary iniput. u>. We leave uch dirty work for >leek f. ' oily-tougued hypocrite*. Now. alM>ut thi* |>aratile on "Tohacexi V lioiUb we were not preevnt at the entrrtaii. in question, tin- k'enlleviian wlio gavt- formation WAI. and we have alway* coii:-i.., i him a man of good. *ound ludgeuient. fore, when hv told u* thv piece wa* hla*phei we belicvnd *uch wa* the caae althonch we * t . mnch aitcnlabed that a gentleman ltiuk' ' uch hii;li moral attainment* a* thn staiiila 1 I man *boaU tteteend to make htm* -If n li. -r- H In the eye* of an Intelligent puMic. whom lie farniibe*. occasionally, with much Krai. advice on *uch matter*. We connuquentl ' ed It espo-llent to endeavor to |mt out I" tl at In thi*. a* in neveral i.th.r mt>t> . PIUAOIXO wa* not eou*i*t< nt with hi* PHA. Huiartlng at the eipoeurr. llkr a >)vi!t I- ha* heen reproved !> hi* |i*jreut* or by hi* -,. *r for doing aom* naiutlity thlnir--lie whin, whiui|H>ni and *ayn wt< are trying to injure Overcoming prudential mi'tive*- if he ha> be ucit proceed* to pnhliih the olijM iii.i.> . article in full, and a*k* the public to j .-'. ' wherein It contain* bla|>heni) " M .' I of the article ,iilily in .ir.ler U> -"hew that t uuiauateil from a highly .r*l - - the uauie of the author the " Rw rh*. \ M. D..HO lea*! A* If It wore iui|iOMi1.1> ulergyiuau to write Bl.AriiKVor* anil -Hi We are glad the prevlooe paial.l. been puhllahed ID full, for u more tluui j n i. that what we ealil about It wa* ixirre. t It . - . i only bl**phemoii but iu.ultint; to e laiue . K of re*p*,-table. law abiiitii;, and i.ilfi* , !> -pie. Then I* U'<t a i.. '-<l> oti t u. . Snob literature *bould Iw elaawd a* i-eri.i. We reiterate again and again,- it i> ni A. i.m Mi.ua. iH*fi.TiK. end v ..- NK i \ ittb* blaiphcni) *oaebody nn, ark H. . i to: " \iidlhe Lord wa* greatly ilt>|>leaxi iiu t. with, and ftaid ' Whvreji.i* thta wa*t.- ii<l%v.i, do tliew little mie* lack breed and *boe -. i IKS ' Turn v-'Ui 1. 1-U t I-. c-orn Mi-1 wheai and put thi* ,-vil thinj; fai tiuin yon; and u arate AU I .li'Ale n >l youraelvei any ui .r. . will blt-M you ami rau*ie my fate tol Rnt with one arn.rd tbry ill esclaimnl \> rat.n.'t n t- f ri-u: < h, * IIIK. mi. iff ing itt.il | w alo *lavee." Now, when the -anclitv of High H-w invaded 111 thi* mnnuer, aud word* put . 3mitli i.f ihe M.i-l Illk'l. '-li.v-l. Me n%,-r uf- coooernliig TobAi-.- u -r ti-n. i-inlnt; anyih.t olae, a* far aa we know we *.r. jaetfltHl. ua I more thaft justified, in it -no luoiug it a* i . - hemoii* and uo/lt iu ,.\i-n particular t.- I- ' at a public meeting or |>jiili*bed marvep. tha-. it wa* public by a M> called educator , I pul> ic only ttrve to make It apf>er all tbe more ri r. henille to U>U'Hj*>t anJ naetciot ir.r>n' .