Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Jun 1884, p. 5

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Death of Mr. Henry Buchanan On Friday morning last Mr. Henry Buchanan, of No. 6 Elgin street, Hamilton, passed away quietly to the invisible world, at the grand old age of 84 years. Deceased was born in Ireland in the year 1800. He came to this country in 1824, first settling in Montreal where he resided for the long period of 25 years. During his residence there he lived through the troublous times incident upon the rebellion of 1837. He also was a resident of that city when the great Cholera swept over the land, carrying death and desolation in its wake. He was for over half a century a member of the Methodist Church, and was a man of spotless character. Although retiring in disposition, he made many warm and sincere friends. Through all the trying scenes of his long and eventful life, his faith and trust in God was firm and immovable. His walk and conversation was ever upright and pure in the sight of God and man. He was a strict temperance man all his life; and even when the shadow of death was passing over him, he would not taste any medicine which he supposed might contain alcohol as one of its ingredients. He did not use tobacco in any form. He was a man of splendid intellect, and had he been less retiring and unassuming, might have mad his mark in the higher walks of life. Of a contented, cheerful disposition, and being well read in the higher class of religious literature, his conversation was pleasant and instructive to those who yearned for something beyond the mere worldly affairs of this life. "Man wants but little, and that little long." Mr. Buchanan leaves a widow (to whom he was married for the long period of 57 years), two sons and three daughters. The eldest son, Mr. C.H. Buchanan is in the staff of the Hamilton Times job room department, and the second, Mr. J.G. Buchanan is the city editor of that journal. One of the daughters is the wife of the Rev. J. C. Bell, Methodist minister, living near Cobourg; another lives at home; the third, Amelia, is the wife of the Editor of this paper. the funeral took place from the late residence of the deceased, Elgin street, last Sunday at 3:30 o'clock p.m., and was very largely attended, many of the leading citizens being among those who accompanied the funeral procession to Burlington cemetery, where the last sad rites were performed. The chief mourners were Messrs. J. G. and C. H. Buchanan, the two sons of the deceased, with the two sons-in-law, Rev. J. C. Bell and Mr. A. R. Fawcett. The pall bearers were Ald. Allen, Ald. Carruthers, Mr. H. F. Gardner, editor-in-chief of the Hamilton Times, ex-Ald. Evans, ex-Ald. Matthews, and Wm. Clucas, School Trustee. Rev. Mr. VanWyck, of the Gore street Methodist Church officiated at the house and grave, assisted by Rev. Mr. Koyle, who is occupying the pulpit of the Centenary Church during the Rev. Mr. Carson's absence in Europe. The body was encased in a handsome casket, and the beautiful floral tributes testified to the high esteem in which both deceased and the members of his family were held by a large circle of acquaintances. Sudden Death A son of Mr. Jonathan Hickling, Artemesia, died very suddenly last Sunday. He ate as hearty a meal as any other member of the family, and expired a short time afterwards. He was over twenty years of age. LJLJ i m At the Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a larg-e assortment. Copying and Enlarging- a specialty. Brrvltir*. to let, well wittered and fenced. Apply t<> Andrew Kutledge. Mr. Duncan Stewart, Artemesia, lit i mare, w.n-th $150, thii week. See Mr. Rjger Lever's new annuuncu- nietit in inir advertising column*. Mr. Wm. Varty will shortly burn * kiln containing 150,000 bricks. - Prime long clear I Savon and Roll Ba- con juit received at Sept. Good's meat market, Fleahertuli. Mr. Win. Mastm, cradle manufactur- er 'rii.irn'.iiry . was in Flesherton on busi- neu on Monday. Three Stayncr hotel-keepers withdrew their patronage from the .Sun because they thought the editor was rather in- clined to favi.r the Scott Act, forsooth! They also made aome strong hint* about starting another paper in the village, and driving poor Jewell out of the butineas. Bah ! tin- time for muzzling the preaa of this country has long since gone by as thv.se follows will not be long in finding out. < linr,- 1, 0|Ksll.sC. Thuhandaomonew Presbyterian Church, Mr. Jame/BMcrnft brought us a few Flesherton, is to be opened for divine Wade, of orchard grass over a week ago j " '> " Sabbath, the 2tHh of June which measured four f.-tt in length. inlt nt - T" 8 Rev - John 8mith ' of T " r - - Do you wauttobuyant^lassfarra?, onu > Wl11 P"** 5 ** in th worn ing at If you do, it will pay you to see Mr. W. ' 10;30 o'clock, and in the evening at ; 30. J. Bellamy, Flesht-rton, who has one to !**. D - C - McDowell, pasU.r of Fleaher- disi-ose of '"" Methodist Church, will preach at 2 ;- There are oms or two penoni living M ' clock P- m - A collection will be near Eugenia whom we intend to interview ! ***" U P * <*< of each service. on certain matters connected w.th certain i A te mating will be held on the even- " Little accounts" one of these days. | ing of Dominion Day (July 1st) when -Mr. W. J. Coney of Meaford Road lost a valuable cow last week. He has been very unfortunate in king stock durmg the put year-his loate. all t,4d footiag up to about $250. -On Saturday last a son of Mr. James Kov. Mr. Smith will deliver his lecture "Mtntuf the /'etc." A tint-class programme of vocal and instrumental mus- ic will be furnished for the evening. Tea will be served from 4 o'clock p. m to 7. Lecture at 7 ;30 p. m. Tickets of adruis- LudUw",7rtoi^iiad~aU wrist b'roken ' ion ^ ^^ lecture wd * 25 c nU ; by a fall from a horw he waa riding be- j chlldren 15 *> nU - longing to Mr. TalW. It would aeom, that misfortunes seklom coma uiiL-ly In Mr. Ludlow's case, at any rat, this is a sad truisin. ' e various services, a* well aa at the tea- meeting, will do well to come early, a* > there will undoubtedly be a Urge en >wd WE are pleased to notice that W. A. Froat, a former pupil of Owen Sound High School has graduated at the recent if people present. Tbe I \. nr. urn. The Methodist Sabbath School Escur- May Kxamination at Toronto University L ion fronl riesherton to T.ironto last with tirst-claa. honors in Mental and Moral i Thursday, was a splendid succeas, the Science, Civil Polity and logic. Mr. WuaUler llein(< M t | ut cou i,l have be, KVoat came nearly getting the silver me- 1 ,,., lred( and . UrRe nunl b.r availing dal, being bracketed second in Logic and , them.elves of the cheap trip. Conductor third in Civil Polity. This is the highet | )iborlle WM U ctmrgo nd ^i .p^ in stand taken by any nf the Owen Sound pupila hv.rtof ore. Oiopn Round Time*. An Enterprising Jrwrllcr. Mr. W. A. lirnwn, of Markdale, highest terms of hU courteous and gen tit-manly ilr;rt nu-ni. An enjoyable timi- was spent in the rity by thnse who weru ac<|uainU-d with iU various place* of I interest such as the yueen 1'ark, the .i.i-rh.-i.p.-i the most enterprising Jewelry .nan ... Orey. He ha. a laryo and varied ' r iver.ity, Og.>ode Hall, Metropolitan of Watches, clocks, Jewelry , j Church, St. Jwnea Cathedral, .VW build- iich are exactlv what ho renres- '"'< "*""." *c . &<' >*ut thie who v . which are exactly what ho reprea entsthemU, be, and sold at astonishingly visit.-l the rity f,.r the tirt time, and low prices. See lis announcement in wh " w> ro '"'^oni pained by persons well acc|uainted with the place, wandered list- lessly aUi.it near the station, deriving uur advertising colunns next week. neshert Cirovr. I A gt:\nA Hicnic will be keld in Flesh - vr's CiiMTt in I > iriinii.il Day (July 1st) under the auspices nf Kit thi-rlmi Duisinu, Si>n nf Tciiperance. jiefresh- menu vn the grounds. A cordial invita- tinn is extended to all. Large posters will be issued almrtly giving full particu- lars. very little enjoyment from tli. u out Dominion FJothrrlon. Dominion Day will W oelebrnted in Kli-slit-j-t.iii thin year pi.-tty much the Thr Prohibition ..> . m To the Editor of the Advance. DEAR ADVANCK. W, i! meant eff.irta are oft.-n misdirected in their aim ; and many noble cnterpri.es have failed to at- tain their desired end, because its advo- cates take ifrouiiil at variance with the Ct-lrbrulion In intellectually recognized lawa of the gruat I Am. I perceive that tho County of (irey has same as on former occasions, (VIE. , by horse races, at tick-tic games, and s|K>rU) on*. 1 been grouped into four sections for this clerical election purpose. If either one, or more, sections, carry for nr against the measure, whitt then? My-and-by I tyranny will extend to iliips : then to schixd nnd finally to |,athiiiastvrs' boats, mo of/iiV-rfi/ H the forurunntT of - with, purlni|-fl one or two exceptions. In the first place it is the intention of tho t . x]H , c t this ManagingC.niiiiiittevt" effectually squelch j ni l| V ,,l u -,,l out all foul play at the horse races, which, we regret to say, was one of th,- ' -,-,, ,.^ r(!I1IU of;,/.,-,/,, H the forerunner l-nncii-al features at Iwt year', races. A .lespotisin. when wielde.1 by an mfatuat.*! repetition* such unsportsmanlike prac- ,,,,!,.; l)r , ,, the ,,th.,r band, the tices would ins 1. tate very seriously again* t .,..*,., , )fa Voll ial clericali.m, whi.-h. future celebrations. Hence tho dter , , u ,i,..'inati,- i-m.rance of tho lawa it tninod stand taken by the roiumittu this ,(,.,,, t o b- th,- i.rop,,iinil.-r, uliibit-a year will U* heartily approved of l-y> , kl -pti,-isni in th,* r.-deeminu i.wer of the the public generally. Idood .,f H opi,-in,*l Saviour for the re W,. alsooWrve by the bills, that more ,1,-mption of inankiii.l, an.l th,. sanctifying eiicourgoment U given in the atheletic inHuem-oof tin. H,.ly t.li.-st. They there yames andsportstl.an on any formrroccas- , ,, y a ,,i { , l ., w l,. ( ig., their day ..f u*ufiilnt>*s ion. For the few hut years, tho honu pona, fjrf Ha* sj i,,,,nd ami H.^htl g,..,d rwes have occupied OH, prominent . t plw iK ,, nly , U, obtained thr./ tli,. I'arlia- liyfiirinthcprr.xraninie.-infaet tho at- ',.., ,., m ,i,,,,.nts of puny inankiiid. No doubt tho cainpiti^ii bring to tho surface tho l> K U II 01' MR. HEXRY Bi- 4H4M.V Mi Friday morning hut Mr. Henry Buchanan, of No. 6 Elgin street, Hamil- ton, passed quietly away to the invuible world, at tho grand old ag of 84 years. Deceased wna norn in Ireland in the year 1800. lie came to this country in 1824, first settling in Montreal where he resided fur the long period of 25 years, [hiring his residence there he lived through the troubloua timea incident upon the-rebellion of 1837. He also waa a resident of that city when the great Cholera swept over the land, carrying leath and desolation in its wake. He was forovur half a century a member of the Methndiat Church, and waa a man of .potlcss character. Although retiring in diaposition, he made many warm and iin, i-r. friend*. Through all the trying scenea of hia long ami eventful life, hia faith and trust in God was firm and nn v:il.l,-. Hia walk and conversation was ever upright and puru in the light of Ood and man Ho was a strict tem- perance man all his life ; and oven when the shadow of death was paaaing over him, he would not tanto any medicine which he supposed might contain alcohol one of it* ingredient*. He did not use tobacco iu any form. Hu was a man of .plendid intellect, and had he been less retiring and unassuming, might have made his mark in thu higher walks of life. Of a con tented, chourfuldia|xi*iti< in, and being well read in thu higher class of religious literature, hia conversation was pleaaant and instructive to thoae who yearned for Hiiiethin|( beyund the mere worldly affair* of this n tY " Mail wtnti lut little, and that little lon| Mr. liuchAiian leave* a widow (t whom he waa married for the long period of 57 yean), twosonsand three daughters. The eldest son, Mr. C. H. Buchanan is in the staff of the Hamilton 7**Mijob- rooni department, and the aecond. Mr. J. li. liuchanau u city editor of tliat journal. One of thu ilauclitvn u the wife of the Rev. J. C. Hell. Metho- dist miniiter, living nt-ar Cobourg ; an- other lives at home ; the third. Amelia, i. the wife of the E4itnr i.f this pa|>er. The funeral took place from the late rvaidence of the deceased, Klgin street, last Sunday at 3:110 o'clock |>. in., and was very largely attended, many of the leading citizen* being iini.mg thoav who accompanied the funeral pncoaaimt to Burlington cemetery, whurvthe last sad ntea were perfonned. Thu chief mourn- ers were Measnt. J. (i. and C. H. lliulutn.ui, the two vma of tho deceased, with the two aoim-in-law, Ki-v. J. C. Hull and Mr. A. It. Kawcett The pall bcartTSwero Alii. Allen. Aid. Carruthers, Mr. H. K. Oartlner, editor in-chu-f . 'f the Mikiniltoii Tnnf.1, ,-x-Ald Kvans, ex-Aid. Mai tin .., and Win. Clucas, School Trustee. Rev. Mr. V;ui\Vyck, ..f th.- Ooro ntrwt Methodist Church, otticiated at thu house and grave, assnte.1 l>y liev. Mr. Koyle, who is occupying tho pulpit of th.- (VntiMiary Church during the Ruv. Mr. Carson's alwoncv in Kuri|i, Tho body wan enoascil in i liaii<U.inie casket, and thu besutiftil floral tributes tu>tine<l ti the high esteem in which both ileceaM?<l sn.l the mentW-n of bis family were held by a large circle of ac-|Uaintan- Ml.l.l, M l, .Utl. A aon uf Mr. Jonathan Hickling, .\rteuu-i, <lii>d vi-ry suddonly last Sunday. Ho site as heiuty a meal as any other memher of Uiu family, aiid.>\ pirr.l a short tunu afU-rar,l.<. Ho was over twenty yuan of ayu. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Hi*iriiiK. Kivetrnugblng. and ID fact v*ry- tbtnjc in the bustuoM will receive my prompt and careful atteottou at r**ouabla price* in HOUSE PLANTS I lnvr a I arm* rarift v o(Hcllaat HOQM PlaaU which I mo trllluf at nxwiiablo prtov*. JAMES BEECROFT. FARM FUR SALE LOTS. CX>S. I, TOWNSHIP OF OKPKEY. CON- Uinlnii 100 Acre*. 90 Aero* ClMrcd . nw Kranu- ilouw. Knm<- Barn, anil young Orchard W. 11 WavrJ, wll r-Vacod, ui.l lu (food >tat*> of cultivation, for full |<wticulan. |'pl> lu ROBERT LUXAU, Mliwell P Will be Bold on EASY TV.KM8 TBUTHFULNESS Courtesy, !:rr;:?: ""::,::! Mil burn & Gadd, PROPR1RTOR8 of the above work*, u* J-T^ jred to Ritend to vverythliiK in the Can iage Making & Blacksmithing: .' ImM promptly and well - Repairing in both Brandt '.v l*roiu(*tly atundad to. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY OORDOIV'S HARNESS SHOP All Goods.-Gold, Silver, Holed Plate, or Gilded, sold forju^t what they are in Material and Fineness oj Quality. Tbo wb* with a nice variety to Mice* from of FLESHERTON, THOROUGH-BRED DURHAM BULL with good pedlcra*. will rtaad for cowi at 1<<H 1*0. T. B. HOM! AIM a fuud thoruufta BULL, CALF fural*. , Elith, Steam Flour ATFLESHERTOX STA T10X. For Sale! Price ..1300 . HOD lnwn , llano< in MOO a rrar invtaluicuu 'with thv privll*j(ffof pm)lag oonn if iltiraliln . with intorvet < the rat* ' ic*ol far annum 'in un|i<l |-r-.noi|-ml KKSTonKABYTtJtMs ot 6 |H>r Or TO and Jewelry, nidm a VKKY FINK STUCK of Electro Silver Plate Ware ! Will Hod It to tin ir advaataft to inspect My Stock I AND OKT MY PRICES lie/ore rurchn,<>in$ Etee- ir/tcre. I us fur a ulitri. or Pulilic PatrouMa OB tUe I bwU.fHONt.X1 1)F.AI.1N(. lloth wU waterad. All ia U> TowiuUip of Plain <...i.l M,-, i, i, n- KIM-.. Alw*;ikt>t. \il\Vau-liwiirk For further |<artloulan apply to REPAIREI BY MYSELF! ROGER LEVER. vu-1 \VarrftritM| 2.-FARMSI-2. TO RENT OR SELL. W. A. BROWN. lYIarlidale. Chatham Wagons, M;i\\\.-ll. Tli.. llott. CbeaiM>Ht. and Kaileet Kunnln-t WaflOH ui-vlr. Call anil iuupvct In-fora |>urcliu iiiKelKWhro. JO//XSO\ LITTLE. <;.-!,. rnl Hlackniith. Afti-nt M Maiwell fHWSSM Plow IU i>in kept *m hud. hletio jpiinus and sjBirts have l>een nmrr th.-tii once got t hrmiKh with in rather a wilt again iiitiiner. Tho prices arv also much better. We feol cniifident, therefore, that ev- erything <'n tin- programme will be carried out in the moat satisfactory niannt-r. NATIONAli l-tl.l.S -ire nniiiir|>am.l ai a safe iniiil. yet thnrmiKli purwative. actltu u|..,i, the luliary otyant promptly and U,-< tiially Aill.-i-k. with his coarau witticisms and ulMtinl logic; while tin- two female .hriukera who donu duty in tins County during the Dunk in Act rnnipnign will havu an opp<irtunity ofuarniiiK for them- selves a higluT iiii-lii- in tlio f.uiu>u t. in | ill- uf Mar} 1 Mngdalene. X. Y. GnsiAT NioLinmim. Thorn in great nr gleet with most )u<i<pl in maintain it regular action of the how. IH, wiioli c-tuws miu-h .li inaec. Burdock blood III tUTs cure coii-tip atioa. STRAYED. Krniu the prom IMS of tiw niiJiwlino<1. NhCoo. Art.nm'*ii>. twf>-yenr nM Str. tirl)n re.1 color An-/ |iron KiHui; information ].'.! Ingtu (b rKOT-xry of tlm ai>ovg will !. .ulul-ly rtwarsMA. WK. Artetuetii. June lit, l*u. It 'IKMI-HIU. MONEY TO LOAN! BUTCHER SHOP! IN FLESHERTON. GEQftGE WMLSO.V Bags to asUMMSBOt to the p*o|>l of Flinbnton and vicinity, tliat h ha* .>pct>l oat H.t.ltei simp ID th itanl fonuurly oecuptod by J \\ |iati? u > (iiinitiirc ttorr. wbwf tiv wjl b |>n- |HU-od to nil all <>rdm for HIES II MEAT A- /'/.S77 / promptly ainl at tlr |irio>. -m Mt .|-liTr.l tii all |-it- of Ui Ttllao OKO Wl! T, H. FIKTI1, Pn inter. (,'l<i:ii'r, .S'/rf/ r. Pdjwr Jin ncifr inn/ ('<nni)any's\ .f- dt Lowi-xt JAS. LAMON, //.-/AY//.VY; ,/.\ /> J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.. SPXCIALJY Orders left fit A'u7/^ Ifriig Store. Fl u'ill lie promptly jillcd. The J heron "It Hn-il AYRSHIRE BULL, "Colonel Ross," W11J. >ta*4 for Cuw o>jmi ,-t |t-M at I. rr Conincwood Rt . \ iraj;,. of Ftwlicrt'-'U | I.II.M-.. tl i>r iw ra>h . <ir if not nail tt tinn- olMmn*. 10 ixircrnl. w.iN- t.Mml. iiabl KM ur Ixifiim January lit. IH*, C* nut u-t u-l Tiulrl) will bvchkrtifxl (or wkllir iu rH <-i not l'Tti- t)rtn(tia or orw a rt-du. linn olll tw made Uroomi !>** 10 cent* at tnu of M*

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