Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Jun 1884, p. 7

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* Vrr*i I ..i Where, when can the boatr-oow be I Stunk ahe'a ufiuita eyoAium tree ; I .saw bar tail flyoul in the braes* And I jim looked up wbeu I hear.l Lr inseae. HUe kioi her ba u the front door lalcb, And luft her boi u> in the turnip patch ; The do cme by. au.l My frieud." tart she, "1m going to n nt ID UM lycamare tree." She ihaok her elbow rlKbt ID bl faoe And turniHl a uuiiueraaultover tlieraoe ; For tbe wind won l.i*b KIM her heart wu gay. Tbt i wual uia.li> LOI act in that vary atraugo ia bossil tho tlitli ra_- ,, Vl )t bar eye A ii, I told h*r call u.- wa solng tolly; For ihe'd awn euouxh i f the world below And there was no MOM* lii itviLg ao Alow. She put ber arm arouud lai waist And walUK.1 oo tip-ton ii, nicb baste, I tbooRbt be wu crazy *n,l uid ao, too: But I'd baiKlly taij ibat wheu away ahaflvw. She n*ted ber wing* , , n tb bum yard funoe A uil tbal'i tbe way *h began to go henoe ; It wan no uae to t.'.M lir back For 1 tried aud uiad till I beard ber legi crack. She jorkdawvan.loiilflo loud 1 tbuufbt tbat bit boar t wu a thii u>Ur clj And bwoie I knw !,< w laugiuiitf at mt HUe |avo a iprmg (or thu lycauiore tree. TlfBSStE OKOWNEU. TIIII 11,111,1- i n ;,!, i, i., MwlBB f>in, .1 Is a -I in l '.,11, i. A Sherbrooke, Que., despatch says Calista Ueil. agd 19 ; Jai. Castonier. 15 and Octave Popa, IH, were found on Satur- day in tbe mill puud of Wm. LOOK, Key Brook, Bromptoo Tbey had all beeu in the employ of Mr I, .nn, bat did not work on Thursday iu oounequeuoe of repairs to tbe mill, and weut flailing. Not returning in tbs alteruuou it wae taken for granted that they had UK..II a nbort cut to their homes, Wakenold Hills lettlement, Wind- sor. Tbe bat o[ Cantouier baving beec fouud flaatiug ou Fdday afteroooo caused oneatiDess, *nl a messenger was tent to their home, wbeu it wae found tbat they had not beeu tin rr. The water was at pnoe drawn oft aud ineir b jdieej were found in a place where tue water was twelve feet deep. Tbey bad put their clothes under the bridge where they were not very easily seeo. Tbe evidence at the inquest showed that none of tbe tbreo could swim. A ver- dict ot found drowned wan returued. 'i. .n. .ii lien. It often occur* that doctors do not oare to tellpstieiits tbe whole truth. An Austin doctor ba a very neat way of noooraKi the patient, and at theiamo time he dc not deviate from tbe truth. Doctor, pleaxe examiuemy oheit. There ie something *1b matter with my IUDR aid a man fur n ,m iu oousnmplion. Tbe doctor namiued the patient a cheat, and ootwoled him by aaj ing : "Yon juftt ij) home aud don't bother about your luugn " Ii there nothing the matter witb them?" I don't lay that there is nothing the matter with them, but they will laet yon until you draw your Ixil breath, and you certainly will uot baveauy osefor tnem after tkat." < '. i.lrm-iAiim HexMivml Hinoe Baturdajr Kvfiitns;- The plague bae appeared on tbe Permian rentier. Aid. Hadley, of London, who was in Canada a abort time ago on cable bueineM, a* failed. The lateet devices of a Paris paper for t treating readeri ie the engagement of two minent physician* to attend gratuitously upon its yearly subscribers. A Swiss doctor wbo has bees reined by ambling, committed suicide at Monaco eaterday. Thie is the thirty -second sui- aide at Monaoo thii eeason. A 8t. Petersbun despatch aayi twelve artillery officer* have been arrested at Odessa obarged with Nibiliem. Fifty male ,ixl female pupils iu three High Bohool* at tiaoheseff have auto been arrested on tbe charge of Nibiliem. There are two additione to tbe lilt of oyal authors. Tbe Austrian Crown Prinos has publubed a book on his travels three fs ago in tbe Holy Land, and Prince 'redenck Charles ot I'rusiia is preparing a history of his recent experiences in tbe East. Tbe weather has DOW definitely broken in ^oglaod, and there has been a euooeesion of thunder storms aud fierce rain. The armers are delighted, for tbe crops badly wanted water, while sporting men are oon oled for the diminution of attendance at aoe meetings by the improvement ot the round for horses. A Paris despatch sayn M. Pasteur has wen worried to death Binoe be announced lie discovery of an antidote for hydropho- ne, by offers of subjects for experiments, a r onng lady being of the number, and by itindredi of tbotuauds of prayers for relief >y persobi bitten by doge in all parts of tbe world. Ills life is furtber embittered by a irusade against him of tbe auti- vivisection - ills. It is sigainoant of tbe progress of female employment in England tbat tbe Providen- tial Company, one of the greatest insurance offioes, is now entirely served by female clerks, and that 4,353 are employed in Government offices, but the excess of women is still so great that Lord Bhattee- mry has declared thai tbe greatest benefit bat could be conferred on Kagland would be the emigration of from '.400,000 to 3UO.OOO women. A London cablegram says : Much uneasi- ness has been osueed among Oovernment ffioials bere by the latest imperial utter- wees from Bt. Petersburg. This is attri- buted to a growing belief in Kami a tbat England is gradually retiring from its 'ortner policy of extension of empire. liassia bae formally announced that she las decided to abandon ber recent intention of evaotating Csntral Asia, and baa pro- claimed * determination to extend her Asiatic frontiers. This announcement oon tains a threat for England, being coupled with a declaration that Russia believes it will be better for England to confine ber snergiee in the East in future within the natural boundaries of India. Ta \ .u.i.. ii Kik r. ,,),. A Richmond, Pa., despatch says : Abra- ham, Isaac and Jacob Kile ef.tuis township, are) brothers. They are triplet*, 72 years ef age. Isaac i* fifteen minutes older than Jaoob snd is fifteen tbe junior of Abraham. Their mother, Catharine Kile, died re oently, sged W. Besides thess three children she left 9 others, betides 82 grandchildren, I'.'d ^real-grand children, 8 great-great-xraudobildren and a R'sat-Rreat great grandchildren. She bad been widow four yean, bar husband dying at <J5 Tbey bad beeu married "" year*. it ,,..,.. l l.tfk Mr. Haley and bis sou, farmers in tbs township of liraut, took ibelter under tree during a thunder shower Friday, and while there a thunderbolt ntruok tbe tree and also both msu, seriouily injuring Mr llaley, nen., who remained unconscious for some time, being seriously burned about tbe body and limbs. HISMU eswapsd witb a severe burn'ou ;be hip. Uotb men are now doing well. Mrs. Ireland WM initantly killed by lightning near Emereou, Manitoba, on Friday. Her olotb.ee were torn completely off and her hair burned. Twenty-one ysars atio there weretwelve women doctots in tbe United State*. Now there are 5dO, aud more coming. Ho that will believe only what he can fully comprehend munt have a very Ion) head, or a very short oreed. Society is a crucible in wbioh all goli melts. Oat ot it is drawn only one of two prizes vanity or disgust. There are no depths for a brave bear: from which hope oaunot mount ; hope winch outlasts gild and tbe grave. Many of tbe Istters written by George Eliot, and included in Mr. Cross's forth ooming biography, refer to tbe American oivil war. Tbsy are ill discoverer* that think there is no land when they can lee nothing bu To be faithful, to keep faith srimply am joyously, is to reach aud hold tbe eneutia best of life. BFrom cork chipping*), ones thrown away thouHsndu of yards of linoleum are now made at Deilmesboret, liurmany, where tbe industry is btcoiniug quite important. Fivs hundred then Hand marlu was tbe sum paid to Miue. Kalsmins for rele&niu) tbe Duke of Ueese (rotn Ms morganatii marriige. Another desxll'Kjk in the negotiations between 1'rumta and fie Vstlomn (or tbe election of an Arcbbif hop fur Poscu has occurred. Little ii said atom dynamite at London Tbe police keep to tbemtelvex whatever information they reeeivt. O'Dooovan KORIW'N threat agaiuat Windaor Castle merely results in lucreaslngtbe guard tbere Prof, (iiili .- , of Strasbarg, lately exhibited a dog potHeaned of no part of tbat portion o the brain which some pbyilologiaU call tbe " motor tract," or tbe seat of power few voluntary motion. Yet the animal hat perfect freedom of action, and knew bow to sflootually relist any interference witb hi an at meal times. Tbe printed volumes are many in whiob attempts are made ta prove .that suoh a thing is imposiible. GOSSIP FROM BRITAIN. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. I n DKAVI.V H Twe> \i !>. u n.Ji, ll ,.,,. i \ ,ih i o.i VII. Mrs. John Mackintosh, of London East, attempted on Sunday evening to kindle ber ire with coal oil. The result was an explosion, wbioh scattered tbe blaeiug oil over Mrs. Mackintosh and ber little girl. Mr. Mackintosh, wbo was in bed, sprang to tbe rescus of his wife, dragged ber eut of the house, and rolled her in the sand till the flamei were extinguished, bis prompt though severe treatment saving her life. At it was the was badly burned about tbe arms and lap. Tbe little girl's bands and arms were badly burned, and tbe father's bands were somewhat injured. llnn.lU . r. hi. I.. Occasionally a French printer evolves a notion worthy of a live American. A typo in Kouen has printed and published a large edition of handkerchiefs for tbe diffusion of military knowledge among the masses. There is a grotesque sound to this, but none tuob is intended ; tbe novel typographic enterprise is as serious a business project si the prosaic work of issuing a primer or pell ing book. The hand kerchief has been carefully edited bv two ctiioers holding high positions in thsi army of France, and is printed on linen witb what i> said to be in- destruotibls black ink. A large quantity of matter has been crowded oo the handker- chief, all of practical value to men iu the ranks of the army. Besides tbe array of martial knowledge inculcated, tbe handker- chief mouloates sentiments of patriotism in pithy, ringing sentences. The shrewd printer of tbe bandkerobiefsis sure of tbe countenance of bis Government, for France is more tban ever eager to recover her old- time military supremacy, and to awaken a love for s military life among ber people. What more convenient manual for the would-be kol die r than tbe handkerchief ot useful military knowledge ! I >rr.. Still another Terry is to be introduced to tbs Bugliab stage, in addition to Miss Ellen Terry and her bevy of sisters, wbo are all in the profession. Mr. Irving has discovered histrionic possibilities in ayoubg brother ol tbe tragedienne, and | roposcs to make bin an actor. Ilia facial resemblance to Miss Ellen Terry is striking, and Mr. Irving intends to utilue this resemblance in bis forthcoming revival ot " Twelfth Night." A .r< ni n.|c.l Kvral. An event wbioh will long be memorable in London's musical annals took place to uigbt at tbe Royal Albert Hall, where Sir Julius Benedict, tbe eminent composer, gave bis fiftieth annual concert. Tbe choir was composed entirely of members ot tbe Albert Hall Choral Society, under tbe training of Mr. Bamby, and in the orchestra were gathered sill of the moet prominent musicians in London. Tbe solo artists of the evening were Mendamea Albani and Patti, and Messrs. Sims Keevss, William J. Winch and Bantley. Sir Julius was welcomed by hearty applause. Tbe musical programme of the evening was Sir Julius Benedict's oratorio, " Bt Peter," and the artistic excellence of the performance was beyond all criticism. Net**. Remenyi, the violinist, is performing in New York. Boston went mad over that worst of all rubbish, -Skipped by the Light of the Moon." A Chicago paper bsaded its account of tbs recent musical festival in that city " A body-quaking rapture." Mrs. Langtry has bad a set of two dozen dress buttons mads of gold dollars engraved witb ber monogram. Mr. Gus Williams, finding that "Captain Mishler " did not take as a tragedy, turned it over into a farce, and kept tbe same heavy role. Miss Annie rxley will leave for Europe within the next two weeks. Sue bae been playing continuously almost for four years and needs a rest. There is no likelihood that she will accept an engagement in England. E. A. McDowell and Fanny Reeves, bis wife, who organized a company in New York a tew weeks ago to make a tour of the Weet Indies, have received diaooarag ing reports from there and given up the idea. Mies Stanley, tbe well known singer, and daughter of the eminent baritone, is, we understand, about to be married to tbe Hon. Hobert II. Lyttelton, aud to -i m tbe profession. Mr. John Ityder, tbe veteran actor, takes his leave of tbe stage this month, when be will attain the age ol 70. Mr. Irving will probably appear at bis farewell. Mr Hyder will continue to train artists for tbe profession. The Birmingham papers dissent from tbe general praise that has been lavished upon Miss Mary Anderson, and declare tbat her impersonation of I'julmf, in "The Lady ol Lyons," was cold and artificial. Miss Clara Louies Kellogg sailed by tbe Auraaia for Europe yesterday, to be gone for the summer. Although Miss Kell has bad four offers tor opera for nsxl season, three English and cne Italian, she has made no arrangements for tbe future Her European trip is entirely one ol pleasure. Mary Anderson concluded her provincial tour, which has been phenominally sue cessfnl, at Birmingham on Saturday even ing. She is to start for Italy next week for a few weeks of rest and recreation before reappearing at tbe Lyceum Theatre early in September. Oregorian music, says, a late writer, las stood tbs test of centuries, aud instead ol wear) lug of it by constant repetition, as we do of other music, we fiad tbat an the festivals and seasons of the Church's year come round they bring witb them this sublime chant in all its freshness and grandeur. _ __ I ,. H. o.. M 1. ti Inl 01,111,. 1 roru letters received by Mr. J. D L'Jgar, tbe Secretary of the committee, it ia learnt tbat the bronze status of ths late Hon. George Drown may be expected to arrive bere in tbe end of August or the beginning of September. A number ol Canadians have seen the full si/.ed model in tbe studio of tbe artist, Mr. C. It. Birch, A.R.A., in London, and it ix pronounced to be admirable. The granite pedestal in the Queen's Park is very enitable and substantial, and its position is one of the best that could be chosen. A certain doctor of Paris wbo had bad many nnfortuate operations became orszy. His mania was to walk day by day among tbe tombe of Montmartre, muttering all sorts of incomprehensible things. One day a Iricua surprised him trying to force open the grated door of a private vault. " What are you doing there ?" asked tbe friend, trying to lead him away. " Let me alone," said he ; " I want to make my excuses to my last patient." Three Indiana highwaymen, fearing that the boy whom they had robbed might reach a neighboring village to report the crime before they qonld get to a safs distance in the other direction, deliberately shot a bullet through each of bis Irgi in order to ame him A Winnipeg despatch says: Tbe Sub Committee of the Farmers' Union met here yesterday and reviled tbe constitution under the Act of Incorporation. Tbe Central Union in now fully constituted witb a board of officers and directors. Mr. Bayley, late of tbe Nelson &to*nt*inrrT, has been appointed travelling ageut to form branch unions. Steps are to be taken to ihip grain direct, and to import imple- ments American preferred. Tbe commit- tee passed resolutions ooneleming the 0. P. R. elevator regulation*, and approving tbe A London cablegram says : The report rbioh has been gaining currency the past lew days tbat tbe preparation for a milt- ary expedition to Khartoum bad been abandoned has beeu semi officially denied. It is asserted tbat active efforts continue a be made to put everything in readiness. Tbe expedition, it u said, will be m route >v July 2th. A committee composed of ttaj or General Fielding, Quartermaster- General Harrison, Colonel Hamilton, and ^ommusary-Qeneral Young has been ordered to meet at Aldershot to report upon schemes f or providing a water supply for .he army while operating in the deaert. Orders have been sent to Cairo to echelon ;he whole Egvptiau army under General Kir Evelyn Wood between Assouan and Wadybalfa. Late bills drawn by Gsaeral Gordon on tbe Government have reached Cairo, bat no letters. It is suspected that tbe letters, which must in all probability have been despatched, have been intercepted by men in the pay of certain officials at Cairo, who are secretly trying to thwart tbe action of tbe English. Tbe Timti says that the friends of Gor- don have made arrangements to eeod mes- sengers to Khartoum witb letters and copies of reports, and of tbe debates in Par- liament on the Soudan question, and of tbe proceedings of various meetings at which the Government we* urged to relieve bim. Extracts from London and provincial press will also be sent for tbe purpose ot showing Gordon that a large section of tbe public is in favor of military action to res- cue bim. Men have arrived at Wadyhalfa from Dongola acd report that Khartoum is strongly fortified and that there w an abundance of wheat there. Tbe Nile is rising rapidly, and the rebels, tearing tbe arrival of tbs army from Cairo, are about to retire to Kordofan. BiaLui. June 3. Tbs Cologne Qatttu says that England has advanced to tbe Egyptiam Government iis.ooo.OOO to balance the budget. Another battalion of Egyptian troops has been ordered to Suakiui. and tbe remainder of the marines at Port Said also start im- mediately for tbe same place. oourae ot tbs Legislature in regard to Ottawa terms. the Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live, as well as to think. Tbe latest pawnbroker scheme is to have ignorant persons sign bills of sale under the belief tbat they are pawn-tickets. Eva Long, of Gainesville, (is., while out riding with her father, turned and rode away with Thomas McConnsI, whom the married. Iu Russia tbe heir to tbe throne comes of age at 1C, and is then usually placed in charge of some distinguished person eapeoi ally in the confidence of tbe Czar. It ii thought tbat Count Adlerberg, who held i high position in tbe late Cxar's household will be (elected now. George H. Fox, wbo resigned a position on the Ottawa t'rte Prtti because of an affection of tbe eyes, has returned from Florida, where he spent tho past seven months. Notwithstanding two operations his sight is unimproved, and he has given up all hope ot recovery. There is a negro graduate at Uavard tbis year Robert Uobberton Terrell, Virginian, and the sou c( slave parents. He went to oallsge an a waiter, ami at tbat time wan Illiterate ; but aonio of the while students took a fancy to him, aud helped bim through a preparatory course, after which he supported bimnelf by leaching a Boston class of negro toys. Next seaton foreign stars will havs the field on this side tbe water. Irving, Hlstori, Modjeska, Janausobek, Khea, Wil son Barrett perhaps, aud Manlell, Terriss and others, will oome in with new pieces, but of all tbe native stars Lawrence Barrett alone ie preparing a new play. It U called " Galileo." f OK 4.UHWOV* Util IKP. n rm. J i. 01. r I lur la k.r- > J ul. J-.il, Tk WIM efeisin as I Hne meeteth ber son in-law at the door when the new sleek toilet* fourteen, and ie essayeth to let himself into tbe hall by unlocking tbe front gate with bis wateh. ley. Aud lor this otumes be fsareth hew. She knoweth his ways and bin tricks are not new to ber. She is up to all his sxonsss, and wbsn bs ssyelb be *as detaiaad down at the bank until tbe next morning; Or, that the last ear was gone, and be had to walk; Or, tbat he was sitting up witb a siok riend; Or, that be was looking for his collar intton , Or, that be was drawn on the jury ; Or, tbat be bad joined tbe astronomy class; Or. that bis books wouldn't balance , Then doth she get onto bim with both eel, for she aayetb within herself : All iheee things hath bis fatber in law said unto me, lor lo, these many ysars. Lo, tbis is also vanity and vexation of spirit " And for this be fearetu ber yet more and more. H He is truly neat that is little in nisnself. and that maketb no account of any he igbt ol honor. Waal Ii Will D*. Poison's Nstvii.ist, the great pain cure never fails to give prompt relief in tbe following complaints : Sprains, bruises cuts, tic douloureux, rheumatism, spina paiuii. neuralgia, toothache, lumbago sciatica. Boy to-day at any drug store a 10 cent sample bottle and test it in any ol the above complaint*. It never fails, for Nervilibe u composed of the moet powerfu pain subduing remedies in the world. Ge. a bottle at any drug store. You will bs made happy. Ten and U cents a bottle. A fashionable New York bridegroom of a month is charged with having pawned his wife's wedding presents. i in- . i. in i ..,,...,. Cannot be disputed, and the case is yet to be beard from ia wbioh Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor bss failed to perform i perfect cure. This with painless aud rapu action and freedom from annoyance durinj use. The great corn and bunion oun stands unn railed. Sure, safe, painless Beware of frauds offered as substitutes for the great corn cure, Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. N. C. Poison A Co., Kings- ton, proprietors. Tse no other. A counterfeit dollar of pure silver and over-weight is said to be circulating in Utah. _ No woman can live without aomssbare of pbytioal suffering; but many accept as inevitable a great amount of pain which can be avoided. Lydia E. I'inkbam's Vegstablo Compound was Invented by one wbo understood its nerd, and had ths rare skill to provide a simple, yet admirably effective remedy. Dredging at tbe mouth of the Red Rivet is to be oooimenoed at ones. Tbis will im prove the navigation of Lake Winnipeg. Certain additional tracts of land it, Manitoba bavs been set apart for soboo, purposes. They are withdrawn from settle meal. MoManus, the Calgary murderer, has beeu committed for trial for the murder ol Buckskin Shorty. Tbe revised edition of the Old Testament is nearly completed, and will be published early in the autumn. Give to a wounded heart seclusion N either consolation nor reason ever ctlectec anything in such a case. Sixty cigars for every man, woman or child were consumed iu ths United States last year. A Madrid despatch say* tbe Ministers have decided that seven of the fifteen mem bers of tbe Blaok Hand Anarchist dooiely rondi'iniu-d to death shall be executed Jere/. Tbe others will suffer life-long servitude. An extraordinary sentence I, an beeu paiwed upon the bemi lunatic Wemsmauver in Vienna. While a patient recently in one of tke Vienna hospitals, he became nn manageable, broke away from his atton dauts, smashed a orucifix and tramplec upon its fragments, and bitterly curved the hospital officials. He wai tried and con vioted on a charge of blasphemy, and bus been sentenced to nine years peaal servi tude. A last night's Berlin despatch says tbe hernia from which Emperor William has for some time been Buffering is beeominn more ntubboru aud dubilitatiug. It it said tbat although tbr aged Ktiser still insists upon maintaining the appearance of per forming all his official military duties, tbe real work of receiving the neoeauary cmoial visitors and performing tbe Imperial civic functions is now performed by tbe Crown I'rmoe Frederick William. Two buedfed thousand berriag wtre landed at one haul, recently, on the North- east river, Virginia. The census report makes a very ustavor able showing for doctors, en|>ecially at tb< Weet. The average for the Western States and Territories in one doctor tor each 5J4 of population, a proportion not equalled anywhere in tbe world. LYDIA E. PINKHArrVS * VEGETABLE COMPOUND . . ISAPOSJTIVECURE '.'.'f?, Fe all of thoar I'ulnlul Oaiplalnla mm* . . FK.MAI.K POPrLATlON.* . . IT wiu. crim IITIKII.T mi wna VAI.S CoHnaiNT* AM. ov VIUAN Tnr ri-AATI"* A*U 1'n KaATIo*. F n-AOUEKTt, AMI THE <-,>-r^vrNr .-i 11AO. WWtav NBM. AID la TAKTI, I LAaLT ADAPTED TOS ' HAN..t OF LlPS. * t * 9 IT n i i.ii r. AHTI EMTI. TVwoiw ranaj -mm VTIHI IN > rim l >T*,.K .' nrvr-'Tflitvr. Tn Tl Mil v 1 I' < >s r k, ' - III I. -Ill I'll IT r.En> r'uMxjt-v 1 AI i i-HAirm. rt'B nw>- INT-. r nir. si> ->i * n i. MMI.HBAD^ A, n r. Mrii<,,i l'n.-ruri-,. I.ESEHU. UBIUTT. llErilE>l,,N AM> IM>I..-TI ,\ t 9 . m THAT run IM. .T |irou>u Ik I'ArB.' Wmitfr Adi, iu. WA, JIE, i- AI VAT* i f\anfifraf II UEll ST 1T I -E , , , , . IT wiu. AT AH. tmi AM, i MIIK AU. narrw- I ' E> AI.T IK MAH<I"M WITH TUB 1-A T A V uuvaaa vaa rniAir. <ia* ayrnrt unm. *>|j:i.T roi runaiiiriAT IIEAUM. i* ;.i-> -- AMI TIII uxi.iEr or rax, A TIIAT IT IK, I it A 1.1. IT n Am- T" l>, TIl'K'VA.VlJe US 1 lAIICa CAM KUAHI 1 TEJiTirt -S . ,a* J'uH T ti'i.a vriAim i* EITIIEK -EX ini MSSHT U I \l MfAAoS*. LTUIA K. riNKII.vM-H \>Ai.TABI.K tlilfl'ur'fll S) pnaaivtf at I.JBII, aao. I'n. . |i Mil l> lUra r, r (a. f lias IY 1^ > utf < pi.<- avalniTf. Via. 1'iaktu^i'. ->ill4f to tlnutt ' -i I W- , J (in I., any Laity irailiiiir atam|>. L>ilMin nlrtiaiH umvra.1.* Ko tamllT ihimkl I- !!. ,l ITI.IA t maCHAITS . T,T| i lltj,.f Iba 1JT. 0. > I.. 43. -i THE ONLY VEGETABLE CUBE Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Habitual Costivcness, Sick Headache and Biliousness. Plica, 5. i EYE. EAR AND THROAT. DR. 0. 8. RYER80N, L. R. O.P. B. K.. Ioturr na ihr Kyc Kar and Turoat Triuitjr klMlical Oollea, Toruulo. IVuiul tat Anrlil to the Turoato DenKral H,I ral late Olluloal Aclataul R >vai U.H.I..M Uphtbalmls HiMiiital. aluurvOaU'e auU Uaetral l^mAta Tlirnat an 1 K r H.i>ltal 117 Cbarah Btmt Toronto. ArtIV ul Human Kyea, I CURE FITS WMMul f r Hi KHTAHUHHKD <- IIM . A < . \ I .1 .< >\\' All kin Ii ,,| ! PrwlMrto iMaMltr4. atoe < ll^MS K|.. f.U.T. f.ll.w I'at. Btfa Carrier* nppliivl t>*a4aa- Toracil-i LIVE FOXB8 WANTED, - KITRBR 1 ICS OH I 1 1 I.I. .IIOU > For rartirnlars ap|<lv t* IUKOI.lt LAMM. Uain ttttvt. >-, mar Haxbsou atrwi. tUiuillon. Yd I IMG II CM |M "> "'" nTDMrtDS lUUNII MCN and rn ft<HI par moot* your sa'iio an I lOo. m rUmpa to r*. Harrv Brtdveeori C fl. * K v> K luauu if [" a Huioo* AOENT8 WANTED TO BELL VRTBH1NAKY MKHICINKH. Addraes* witb aumi', nu. w. H. M ANON a L Mlab.. U V,

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