Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Aug 1884, p. 5

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Died. -In Markdale, on the 3rd of August, the infant daughter of W. McLeod, shoemaker. Birth. -In Markdale, on the 2nd of August, the wife of Wm. McLeod, shoemaker, of a daughter. In Flesherton, on the 22nd. of August, the wife of J. H. Campaigne, blacksmith, of a daughter .r ?1 n i 1 \ . \ _y J C J ,1 J/ 1 I" If rJ U At the Lowest Possible Prices at the .FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY!, Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a large assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. *&&& ii lias now nix secret ncie- tits. -Mr. Dan. St--w;irt. ..f < >wen Suuul, iMve m a |>liu-uil cull ln.it SatunUy. Uur mer.-li;i-if.< arc ]>mtiiv.&apos; in fine stocks <>f Fall (JooiU. The public may .x;-ert immense. bar^iin-v -ForiKi.it. rlit-:i;i printing, promptly uiecutwl, try THIS AIHANI t ottice, Klculi- I-U..1I. Oet your billheads, ntatmnnU, note tieads. porters, r.-iriN. Ao. )>rinte<l ;it THE ADVANCE office. (in.id work promptly eocute<l at honest pn Dr. Christ. &apos;U preached 1111 excellent si-rimm hi Fleshert"ii Metlioilist Church last Sunday murnini;, to a Inrire .!:_:.- tfation. -Tlic Diimlalk Has.- Hall Olul.pl .-iy our it.&apos;ii !> until.- E;iNt <ii.\ agricul- tural grounds Flc.slicrion, next Tuumlay, Sept. _&apos;nd. -The nenly iniirritil c&apos;iple Mr. and Mr- lliL&apos;,&apos;iiil>&apos;>th:iui, i if rU&apos;Winanvill. . IT tunii-d tn Flrsln-rti&apos;ii last vreek, after an uijoyalilc trip up tin- !:il &apos; > Mr. .&apos;. .1m rlint.&apos;ii oi * >*\ rev, rvturn- i-il limuo frniii u pleaaaut trip to Iivl.tml in company with Kuv. Mr. CliisUolm and others recently. Mr. C. H. HiiohMMMi, <-f the Hainil- t-iii Tint&apos;t job di-partmciit, ban Leon vis- iting frienili in KlelnTt&apos;ii lining tlie past few JayH. He left f..r Urampton yi-atonlay morning. \V are much indebted to Mr. W. A. Bron, Jeweller, Sir. V\&apos;. I. ^mniL&apos;, banker, and >lr. Ju. l&apos;lev-v miller, for their courteny in pivinif u* particulars aneiit the Miirk.bile trn!oly drini uur visit up there lart A ViLfAHI.K FiM&apos;. Mr Isiuw Hrnwn, i-l Ki&apos;lhwfll. <llar.&apos; tl.sl he foniui n txittlv nf HurJnck Ulociii liif.tTK \\&apos;.ri)i .&apos;.&apos;"i in dim. Ii catml him of 8alt Kli.-niu for win. h he I. ..I Tiifferejl yesrs alter other treatment had tailed I., Fifty Thousuiul Hollar Fire at <iraM-nIiiir-.t. tlHAVENHI&apos;RHT. All 1 .&apos; - i M&apos;i&apos;Ut 1 o&apos;. ilok Sunday Morning a tremendous tire broke nut at the mill owned by Mcllur- ney & (.&apos;", \Ve-it <ii:n . n hurst. The lire originated in tlie tmiK-r yard, :i)nl .-. ...n spread to the null, whi&apos;-li w:w c- -nipleU-ly destroyed. LOM on lumbw *;O,I><PO, on imil and uincliiiiurY t-\.i,(H*i ; insured for &Ht,UUO. Si&apos;ppi>m.d tu havu been net "H liru by trani|>h. TK PBTITS Or FOLI.T Rating prtvn up i-uciimber* nn! unrip.&apos; fruits iremTfliv, may be 10 termed. Dr. Fnvler&apos;i Kx tract of W :l Strawberry cnr.M all Summer Com- plaint*. a Bear. Recently Mr. \V. H. Campaigno, our well known hunter, ret num.- K-ar trajw "II the l>anks of the SuiUfeen river nrar wh.it i) known an C&apos;urrie s clearing, Ar- tuinesu. <>n \Yuduuitday iii<irnui({ a f:ir- ini i livuj< near by <ht. ,, \.-i,-.l a lari;e blaek btiar in mie of them. As it was living ho (hot it and notified Cainpiui(ne of tho fact, who forthwith proceeded to brini; his In^anihip hoinu. The hair in lung and rif a rich blnek enlnr. Markdale sports will have to waken up. NOT UAH. It U no r jreeable tbat even an mfaut will take it. For cuiighd, ruMx. hoitnenew, oruup, anthma and broncuitu, llagyard&apos;* I&apos;ltstoril lialsam in ruliabla for voiiug tod oil. In Markdnle, on the Uml. the infant daughter of \V. inaker. of , h je- Birth*. In Markdalo, on the 2nd. of August, the wife of XV in. McLeod,shuuinaker, of * daughter. In Flesherton, on the 22nd. of August, tin- wife of .F. H. Caiiipaigno, blacksmith, of a daughter. I. .. -i Watch. The undersigned lout a small silver hunting ease watch, no chain on it, on Monday last, ISth Au^&apos;iut, on the road between Kimberly and the CoHingwood gravel road. Finder will plvaae len\e tin&apos; same at TUB AJIVAM B ..Mire, l-&apos;l. -.In rl..n. and receive i u*;ir<l. FRANK HOPPS. The Mrott Art in Brnrr. XX&apos;ALKIRTON, Aiu{. 25th. A petition for the submission of the Scott Aet in the count}&apos; of liruce, Higned by 4,0:12 rate- payers, was fylud in the .Sheriffs otlice liere to-day. There are 12,657 ratepay- ers in the county, ao that tf||e Act it al i^ost sum to carry. It JIIIH.il III- l. IIK .!. Tltose who havi- Iri 1 ! Hunts and Shoes made by Mr. Mi-I.eiBl, ..f Markdale, speak in the liii&apos;he-it ti-iniii ! that ^&apos;untleiuan&apos;s work. Kor neat work, ijiiality and ma- terial, and hoiieBt priovM, IfeLcod cannot be beaten 111 Markdale. Uls reputation as a linit-class nhoeuiaki-r is so general i th.it eiiinnitnt on our ]>art is almost sup- eill&apos;ious. i: K.n^li i-nii&apos;litinns n( th Skin. 8hiu booing the head Pimplvs, Rruptiou ami nkiu diseases, use Prof Low&apos;s Sulphur Soap. Hiuhl> .-, .i.i.ii.j, . XX&apos;,. n, tiee that Master K. K. I&apos;.h-liard- sun s. in of .Xlr. Mr. M. Ku;li.inls..ii, m. i-.-hant of this Village aiul Miss M. XX lute, als.. of this place, p.-uuwd the In teriuediat.&apos; K>. innmti.nn ver>- SIICLVIW- fuliy XX&apos;- aNo olwi-Vf that M.tHters XX. (&apos; XXri&apos;.&apos;lit and Josiiui Strain, of tliis vil- laire, pushed tli. 1 Entrance&apos; Examinations Hueve.vfiilly All of the ifliorc \VHT pu- pils of Mr. M. 1&apos;. Mi-MiMter. "lie of tin- most successful public school teachers in the Pro\iiKe. Harness Shop! Tbr iiilxirrllicr&apos;lp.irvii tnnnnminoD that he hat started in tbe bu>ioe III tilt- Ul; 1 r.|&apos;| ,ito Hoop, i -, I .ii-t.ii y. FLE SHE ETON, WllfTf kt trill If j,i- ju ffil tu iltt&apos;-itd 1" r&apos;rv fwi>ri.iMr i, , iiihuvj in /.u (l- irifA J" 1 ii . Alt I Hiinf it A Fair Trial to Convince the tli-&apos;t i "&apos;:i / n" I 11A.VIO lolt IHKCOMI&apos;I.KXION !;;<,t,-lic.-,Tau.andall it&apos;&apos;bit &apos; : hkin. ii^l&apos;n.f. Low - -:&apos;ir FINE WATCHES GOOD CLOCKS. JAMES G. CARSON, of Hit. I.OXVS 1&apos;I.K.XSANT WOKMSVIil p. Ail ajrrvvahU. safe an.) effectual n im .Iy to riunove ail kimU of onus. Ko)ul T<- ni|>lar> of IriiiiH r.inci . [The fitlli&apos;um-.; w.-n handed 1 in t us for ini&apos;.!ic;.ti..n l.y Mr. T. H Kirtli. 1: 9 eretiiry "t tin- alh.vi; order in Kleshertnii. II the .<ccTi Uil lesi "f tin- -tli. i -,. i. tu-s ui this ullage and l^t.-Jity would do li<.<- wiso vth.n there n tut eli.li. u ,,l othcent, or am other uveiit the piilihcatum of H Inch woUid Iw of mtetvnt to the pub- lic, it would KIM- u considerable troul.li- and l>envtit alluoncumed. Ki. VIIVIM-K | A Council of Koyal Teniplar* wan or-i triim-<t in Fli&apos;shi&apos;iton, ..n Tuesday even- ing, l!Hh int., hy I&apos; M l&apos;:itt, IS..TI. (Jr.-ind I.&apos;<-tmvr, from \\&apos;;it. rf. id. .md S. r&apos;. Hill, fii&apos;in 15&apos;iwmaiivill.- There wore twenty three ch.irter memlx-i-*, ..ut uf which the following often* .n elect-, ed : S. Councillor. .1. <!onl"ii. V. .1 ii l;ii,cll. J&apos;. " Win. l!.-kirn{. <&apos;h:i;il.iin. l!.-v Win. Mc&apos;Ire^or. i: 1 uy, T II Kirth F. - ". .1. W S TriMHiiriT, .1. II. Heard. II .i!d, .1. Smith. I) IKr.il.l, .Mi.. .1. (i.irdoii. Ill.-l. Ii. Saul. (JvKiid. I i V Vndemoii. ^llll. Kxiiiiimer, I*r. Chr.- Trmteen, Wm. Strain. .1 i. I: i -.ell, and T. .Mi- Xithur. Tim Council was named C.mn&apos;il. No. M.&apos;L p Tlieie ai. irveral up | jilicantj for initirUioii at mir next nn-.t DC. \l.-i-tiiii{ nights Kvery two week* al- ternately with tho ( hldfolluWK niei tun: (Tuesday). I \ortli Vim riran llaniilactiiriii!!; ( o. (Li mil ril> For I In- (&apos;nun! if* of GREY, SIMCOE, & DUFFERIN, -V.s7 Stock in tlii-* r it-iii - it&apos;f. InxfH <&apos;t it- A I UUADRUPLE PLATED SILVERWARE. Cattt &apos;-". Unlfer />/.*// c.v. WEDDING RINGS - - Morris* i:<>**- n<l rnttkr.t -J-&apos;" 1 - f" * &apos; Un tt- N.U&apos;tli A -irliv.in Har\i&apos;-~li-i aiul T\viiie-J>ilni-i ii It. fi. :. it .-.it. Iin|n&apos;iial Harvi^fcr, iiiiprovwl. Chains, Seals, Riugs, Jets. & Jewelry. Mail I ^uiiifi Illl:*,* lni|>ri>vi-il MI lei Mower. .1 I* .M.-iniiey M&apos;. \vi-i-, I X L 11 -.i|.ei i I Mow.-i . Cii " >!!,_&apos; i- HtMIKJt, Muwer, H.iy kL&apos;tkr. K F. (iniin Krill, Nol tli Anifi i.-an Si-tfili&apos;i&apos;, Iliil.nA.-l Hill 1&apos;. lmviovi-1 No. Ki 1&apos;low, (.&apos;mil (.&apos;i.ltiv.&apos;it.ir uinl Snifflt&apos;i, Ka !l FM P I &apos; \T, Bone- Power Jack. Mil irnrk /.v ///// /"&apos;- onl Ri&apos;fuiii tin i Kine If Dona hy myacl! an-l fullv u .aiaaf l&apos;!i. W. A. BROWN. \ - ull.to iiglniw an.l St-|&apos;arator.aa-l II uatui - \&apos;n!s H anlnl in livery Township ! James Sullivan, Tho Tlnsinltli. - Flesherton. ItoMirniii. h.vtttmklli: &apos;** > . &apos; l&apos;rt>ini>* &apos;-. !; Err.:: in I 1 ,::!;, Very Remarkable Recovery. Mr. (leo. V XVilliiiK.i.f Manrh.iM.-r. Mi.-h.. writ. K : &apos; My wife has been almost h. lp>-- for live years, so helplesM that she roul.l ii"i turn nvi-r in b*&apos;.l aloiio. She used two lint tlrb of Illi&apos;i trir Hitters, and is s.. uui-b im proved, that -In- is nble t" do lii r wi, work." Electric liitt.-ri. will do all tl].U is clum. .i fr tliem. liundreds of te*tiinonuU attest their ureat curative powers. Only nfty cent* a bottle at W. lUchardson&apos;sJ THE TORONTO WKKKI.T is an Illustratwl ]S|*r, un>ur(ws(ud in all tbi- fetur.-M -l pnturpruitiK juiirnalism. It tAnfln ronipictioufl among tin- lirnt jour- ],,-. of (&apos;<uj*ila w a complete new(>| r, which will 6.- int*-rustiii|; to uvcry member uf th family. The children will like th.- l/i. ttiro, tho yuunK folks tliu Htnri. and tut- fuimy aki-u-h*-*, the inert 1 maluru will U 1 ilehfc-hlvt! oilb the i-lit- ri.i.r. and news msttcr, which in every iuuc will U- fi.und npiry. incwivr and enturtaimng. In the nmtu-r of tebvraph service, having the ilvuntamof eonnretion with T11K TU liti.STii I&apos;All.X NKW8,ithMtiUcum inaiiil all th* ilispaichei of tdo ,Vo. it.d 1&apos;nMi, >mids tn ipecials from NIASS uumapondrnU in er.-ry lection of Ontariu fur which tlw daily pa|>er is no famous. A a nawi|ia|irr it ha< no upcri"r. It is InHernindrnt in |<ohtici>, pr.wiitinp all political lews free fr m |rtr MIM or r"|.iiiiiK, and is abenlutnly without fear or (..v.ii ae to i*rti... Tlio parlianK-ntary rv|M>rte are wnttn in a i.uinomua vein, and &apos;leal with rm-n and im a*un without plnvoa, aod havinff r.-^ar.! unly U> tr-- viiv, iuntice, and truth. It is m the (ulleet M-HIW a family nuwspafier. Each issue inntains a verbatim report of lU-v. l>r. Talmaire&apos;s latxat x-rnion in Hroklrn Talwrnacle, Clara Ilvllti&apos;i New York fash- ion letter, "The Man-Abont-Town," sketches of |wopl and places, a serial story of abaorbinK interest, n political car Icon, and a rich variety o( condensed notes on Kaahinns, Art, Industries, Literature, etc., etc., etc. Its market quotations are complete and to bn mlted upon. It is Joit &apos;.he paper for the y mine fnlks, and the eld (olka will like it ji.i.t as well. Our special clubbing tenni bnn| it within reach of U. Specwen copies may be had at this THK -ADVANCE" AND NEWS ONELYEA41 TOIi $1^0 CENTS. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN&apos;S, KI.1CHII Carries Hirh! Milburn d Gadd, OKI I I II&apos;IOI:-. : I&apos;l. * |Ml- ill- Caniago Making & Blacksmitliiug ! lines |ttm j tlv alM -\&apos; II /if/iit irimjt// loth r.nun-.&apos;t&apos;j l-l!> alt. t; MolJSK SHOKIMi A Sl&apos;KCIAl.TY. WM. CLAYTON -Has on liand a La. [limit t>(- Meas, Womns & CbiWrens BOOTS ANJ) SIIOIX THOROUGH-BRED DURHAM BULL vitU t;K>l pt&apos;li(TT&apos; - &apos; &apos; : i. 1 A s lto<l Al*o M iT"-H thunniKt. U- t for tl.c- Summer. Call mnl soo tlioiu.&apos;^i Qualit7 and Pries Second to None ! WM. CLAYTON, - FLKSIIEKTOK S{iim I lour Vill Lr.S ULR Tt>\ \ 7M Tl: For Sale! .*ru lialari.-.. 111 ri<iayar wb< i P-i ..... . Trioe *J JOii . Burdock &apos;&apos;uri-.t Di;;ine&, Lett cf Affttite, Iitdtytttion, l!ilii>usnr*f, ,J^R Hyt/&apos;ti&apos;*ta, Jitanitict; A/,I-!I &apos;.imtfthe Lift rand J\\.hu<j<, I T^|J3T ^""; &apos;&apos;&apos;&apos;. IMvtfluiS, Boil*, llumvrs, Suit Kfumn, &-n.&apos;fuUi, 1 Krymi&apos;l,u, and all <I>itaaes aristmj from In>pur\ li&apos;.uxl, I Dcrnnjed Stomuch, <,r trr>-ju!<ir <ii-t:uti (f t!,,: I!uicc! 2.-F ARMS !-2. TC7 RENT OR SELL. 1lob well waurtn! Ml In the T- >Mp o MieueaU. For further perticulan a|&apos;)>ly to ROGBR LEVER, ;

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