Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Aug 1884, p. 7

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OURRCNT_TOmCS. PBIMOB BISUAJWK suffen priaoipslly now Cram nsrv* pains in (set and head, and tht doeton tsll him that if he will not Lave some deoayed teeth removed hi* kobc* and anguish will continue. But he it unwilling to havt tbe old tusk* drawn. H* offer* slightly from sciatica, but not moon. H* hat entirely given up smoking, and leads altogether a healthy lift, hot, sxocpt taking Oerman watirs, baa DO tp jeisl rsgimajn. ! a piper read before ths California Wins Growers' Association an iogeniout jihilologioaJ theory wat prop jondtd. " Th* old Koman wine grower," said tb* writu, found in hi* tubs and vats ths tarns sedi ment taat bothers us to day. H* had no chemistry in those times, bat be did have a healthy profanity. So hs called hi* subet uioe a ' hell of a ttuff,' and probably so regarded it. Hell in Latin i* Tartarus, and from this anoisnt ouss word come in direct descent tartar, oream of tart a and tarlario acid." In New York a man has been turned oat of a boarding-house because he snored. Some person* may suppose tbat as their noses are their own they may use them as they like, provided they do not poke them into other people's business, and that if they pay their board they cannot b* put inti ths (tree! tor nasal trumpeting at night. But the police justice before whom the snoring boarder wat taken was of a different opinion and decided that, nose or no nose, a man can- not insist on living where he U not wanted. THE old fashion of horns brewing, whiob sboaed so remarkable a tendency to revive a few year* ago, sppean to be again rapidly declining in England. After the passing of th* 13*er Duly Act a great number of persons who did not formerly brew took out licenses for private brewing, under tbe impression that they oould tbu* obi tin beer at a leu coat than laey could purohaae il from the brewer*. Tbe operation of brewing, however, i* troublesome in an ordinary domestic establishment. Tbt English Commissionsrt of Inland Heveuur express the opinion that it cannot be oon dueled economically on a small soals, and thst no doubt many of those persons have found it more convenient to revert to their former practice of obtaning beer direct fiom the brewer. ALTHOUGH the rabbit plague (till vexee tb* Australian squattsr, be it threatened by another plague even more deadly. This time il is a onos cherished friend who has gons astray. Four hundred and fifty useless dogt, said Sir Samuel Dtvenport at a resent deputation of ths Royal Agricul tural and Horticultural Society to tht Commissioner of Crown Lands, bad bssi destroyed in the vicinity of Adelaide. AI tbass culprits had killed shs|>, aonis ol them being concerned in a wholesale alaughler of 160 wethers. Booh is Ik degradation of the Australian oanina race that not only terrien, spaniel* and Ntw (onndlands do the mischief, but sheep cattle and watch dog* j nu th* ranks o the destroyers, and bit 3 and worry and destroy in their noetiral attacks. Co-orBBATivc baby farming i* a success at (Juiae, K ranee. In a late issue of I Devoir, ths official organ of M. Oodin, who it ths governor of ths familiitsrs at tba place, it m stat jd that ths birth rate under hi* communal system i* about ths sams at in French towns of tbe sims population whils ths infsnt mortality it 50 per oent less. Tbe baby farm comprises a baby bouse and a baby garden. Tb* house oon tain* 100 bed* and on* immens* play -room, especially fitted up for its inmates. It optnt flash with th* garden, and is tnr rounded with spacious veranda*. Tb administration is by s governess, with two assiitauti and ths mothers thai Toluntier to serve. Tbe children art general! brought there in the morning and taken to their homes at night, but a tew make it a permanent home. OOBRCBPONDEHCB with Qaeeu Victoria b; Ult ar is on* of ths Prime Minittir's regal and almost daily duties. When there has been an important division or debati Parliament, and members art hastenini bom* tired, to bed, tb* Premier tlone can take uo rest until b* has wrilteu to tb <jasen bis official repoit of tht proceeding* Tbeee letter* are couched in the third per son: " Mr. Glads tons present* bis duly to Your Majesty, etc.," and Htr Majesty' replies, usually dictated to a secretary, also run in tb* taird person. Though neve discursive, they are not mere formal acknowledgments, bat often enter ino eiootly into tbs qu*tion at inns. Th (joeen devotee several hours every mornin to the study of State business, and hsr tun is no longer wasted now as it was dnrin tbs first 25 years of her reign by having fc sign all oommistioni for tbt army an navy. In 1869 an Act relieved hsr of tin tedious task. She wss in thai year stil engaged io signing th* oom missions of tb year 1858. COUIWALL, tbs Postmaster of Dublin, wh it on trial for such a hideous crime, U Ik son of a landed proprietor in Meath, an aft jr a short service as clerk in the L >udo office was appointed in 1850 to his reoen position by the Marquis of Clanrioarde, when Poatmaater-Osneral, at tbs met inoe of ths MarohioDSSs, who was fascinated by his musical aooomplithmente and drtwing room graces. Be stands six feet, is of handsome presence, but pomp >us and pretentioni, and with a great deal of vulgar swagger both in his air and conversation. There is nothing, however, repellant or re- pugnant in his appearance, or wbioh would give the least index of crime. HsIsGl. Mr. Kirwan, who figures beside him, and wbo will probably be found lees of a criminal than a foolish frisnd, it of a Oal- wty family of remarkable gentleness and purity of character, and is a nephew of Lawrence, author of " Guy Livingstone." He hss tbat thin fair hair and oream- oolorsd complexion which speak tbe slender mind. The tint mention of hi* name in tbe matter killed bl* mother. None of tht accused ar* genuine Irish. They all belong to tb* Protestant colony. HUB ar* some hint* to tht oily author i ties who may find difficulty in disposing of At tue resent meeting of British Boyal riooiety for tb* Preven of Cruelly to Animals, Dr. B. W Uohardsoo described s method recently iopted at his luggexiion (or destroying oet and tsarviag doge by a rtalnlsts death, 'hi* consists in submitting ths animals to as infloenoe of carbonic ox.il* gas tn a loesd chamber, t as oarbonie oxide being barged also with chloroform by being made to pass over a porous surface saturated with thai drug. Tbe result is tbat tbs animals to be killed fall tt ooe* into a deep, unless tleep, out ol which they never re- over. Dr. Kiobardson has for a long time tast been engaged in experimenting with a iew to determining the beet mode of kill- ng animals without the infl ctiou of pain, and the apparatus he describes is tbe fruit f bit researches. He is sanguine that by and by the humane eymm of slaughtering will be applied even to tie destruction of aoimals intended for food ; aod b* has him- self applied tae method with complete uooess in tin CMC of sheep, which are firat .riven into sleep, aod, while thus unoon scions, killed. The good wishes of every humanitarian will be with Dr. Richardson o this. Tin: Hebrew* are often spoken of as " a os witaout paupers." Tboggh not triotly accurate, this statimeni gains color rom th* proverbial thrift of the race and rom their excellent syitem of chanties in 'ie large cities. For tne pet ten years th* lebrew community in Mew York has teadily bad in operation a scheme for re- ievu>K the needs of the poor among them hat is worthy of attention by all Obriti an >hilanthropiHt. The city is divided into trenty-four district , and in each district a visiting committee investigates sll appli tion* tor relief. Dutribu uon of clothing and money i* carried oat by In* executive committee, and tbsre is also a well organized medical corps, with a competent physician Q each district. Oue of the best elements of the work is t pension oyatem by whioh rent is paid for ] i jor widows and helpless "amiliee. There are near I y 500 of these >en*ioned families now in the city, families ivbiob, but for -ais aid, would inevitably be o the px>r bouses or other public institu- tions. The true beneficence of the whole system of tb* Unit id Hebrew Charitie* shown by th* fact that all of the work i* done by vol anteert. All ths offiosrs serve without p y, and tbe cost of distribution is never more than 10 oent* fur ttnn dollar of aentflt. In many charitable societies the cost of distribution is nearly half of th* amount distributed. THM I I I I I K > fc ew Ihr Uralk Malr ! CMMrCBI la flr, I. rf S*T llr.l Henry D wight Chapin, M U., attending physician t j tbe out-door department at Hellevue Hospital, io an article on summer disease* in the Medietl Record for July 26 ih, present* the following statistic* : I have prepared th* following t ibis from statistic* derived from tbe Board of Health. It oonsiite of a comparison of ths death rates from diarrfau A! diseases in New York between two winter mouths and two sum- mer months, t jgether with ths mean temperature of each month. Under diarrhoea! diseases ars i Deluded simple diarrbiHA, dysentery, entero colitis, cholera ipfantum, cholera uiorbua, Asiatic cholera, diarrbifal gattro-sotsritts and diarrh .! enlintls : LATE OLD WORLD NEWS. Sir Lepel Onffia it called by I'.n* pep it the lurid English dy|eptic. '1 tie Einprsea of (iarmanj who U in feeble heaUh. will pace ibe autumn ai Baden -Bad en. The ei Ksedive of Egypt, Iimail Pasha. ban permanently taktn up bin reaideno* in London. Female itudauts are to be allowed to compete far positions M snrn- ju io the .riH bcapitals. N jrway i* fre from cholera |uaran ue and accusations of dynamite carrying, tj traveller*. Five day*' quarantine U enforced on going through the St. Gothard and Mount Cenia tuuuelB. M. Alexandre l)jmas inveighs againat the extravagance of women tn France, where they spend enormous turn* on their dreeee*. Mr. El win Arnold's "Light of Asia' it being translated iun Bengali, and U also very likely t > be reproduced in India in a Sanskrit version. Self satisfied linguist to French diplomat " How much would I have to nay before you knew by my pronunciation that I was not a Frenchman ?" One word," was tste prompt and decisive reply. The new English Church opened on the Riflel Alp, above Zanaatt, U 7,000 feel above the sea level, and it is the loftiest place of worsnip in the world, with the exception of the Monastery of St. Bernard. It is said that the Grand Duke of ileaee oontemp'.stee abdicating in favor of bis son. Prince Ernst Ludwig, who U only 17 years old. His reooul marriage and consequences have seriously compromised hi* position among hi* injects. The Cir of Cracow announces that the meeting of the Emperor of Austria and the Cz*r will take place at Granioa, in Poland. Thence their Imperial Majesties will pro ceed together, via Warsaw, to Alexandroff, where they will be joined by the Emperor of Germany. The English railway com pan IB*, improv ing the occasion and taking advantage of the cholera scare, which wiU knep of px>pl* in England this autumn, have made extensive menu for trips to well known English watering and pleasure place*. Sir William Gull lays that for many peo pie who are susceptible to seasickness pill of cayenne pepper and opium is the correct thing to take an hoar before em barking. Then keep your eyes shut and don't move about, and the chances are that you I. eeoape the horrid mat <tt IMF. De Lsssrps organ. La UuUetm du Cana Imtroctani i*e. tills at great length bow tb< Panama Canal u to be opened in 1>*88, and yet, according to it* own snowing, only one tbii'.ietb of the work has been done in three yean and a half. There ha* M mt there about 149.000 000. Mr. lligitar. the Iriah Home Kuler and msmberof Parliament, gave not -Oslo the Clerk of the House " to ask the Chief Sec retary of tbe Lord Lieutenant of Ireland il it u true that Sergtanl Corbett, of Btrad bally, is in the habit of firing sbots oat ol the barrack door and on tb< barraok pre misee, killing birds and erows.' Gabriel Max is exhibiting hi* last granc painting, ' Tbe Conversion," which is making quite a sensation in Munich. I represents a Roman girl, who for having embraced Christianity is imprisoned anc Iritis. New*. DavM BOM, Q 0., bat been appointed by tbe Lord Lieutenant Reeorder of Belfast, One hundred and sight goats) wen ex- ported from Ireland t > Gnat Britain iu one week lately. Mr. Thomas Doyle, Inspector of Tele graphs for Dsrry, has been appointed Post- master of Wexford. Thomas Bl. Gaorge Pepper, of Ballygarth Castle, Deputy Lieutenant of County Meath, died on July *lst. Mr. James O'Brien, one of the oldest and mott respected of the inhabitants of Nenagb, died on July 84 tb. Mr. Chariot Mooeypenny, linen manu- facturer, Belfast and Portadown, WM oo July 26 .h found shot dead in a mail train between Paris and Brussels. On July 21sl tbe remains of the !.. Mr. Janiel Creedon, for many years mauagiug lireotor in tbe establishment of Arnott A a., Dublin, were interred in Glasntvin Cemetery. Alderman MoArthnr, Londonderry, left bit louse at Waterside on July 24th iu apparently bi* urual health. At 10 o'clock nt dead body was Sued in the public irvoir. New borial grounds 7lfi = 1.3K 1* Au. 73 ill HIT 119 7040 = 607 116 Jan. Feb. July. temp Fahr .T7 JS.Jt <= 77o Deaths under 6 yi. 94 90 1,1X1 UMIUI over t vs.... 14 19 131 1MB. Mean lamp. Fahr 6M8< MM Ueatbs uuilei S ye. 3t X Deathiovar Sys.... 14 16 A glaioe at this table will show tb* trsmsndous increase in th* death rats undsr ths age of five yean in comparison with that occurring above that age, tbs difference in winter being about double, while in snmaier it is vastly higher than that proportion. It alto ahowt tbat tb* month having the highest mean tempera- tort, July, bat moan tbe bign**t death rat* in children under live year* ; while in above five year* of age Ibers is no appreciable difference between July and August In littf and 1SH3 there was an incrsase of the mean temperature of July over August of from S 37 * to 406 Fahr. Th* difference in beat represented by these few degrees doubled the death rate in children under five years. A* tenemen bouse* and streets are no cleaner in August than in July, and as tbsre is quite suffi- cient beat and moisture during August to oaus* tree fermintettion io any filtb, it i* evident thst tae increased infantile mortality during July is due t) a slight increase in the beat, as tbs other element* canting it are about tb* same. Il Is an impressive oom menlary on the inability of infants to kttnd s high temperature will that in 188] an inetsaa* of 8 in temperature was sufficient to raise tb* death rats by jusl 716 young children in one month. It i* also teen by referring to tbe table tbat th* mean tsmptratars of July, luMJ, was 1 33 higher than in July, 18HS, and tbsre were 178 more deaths in children under five years in ths former moi.t i. I think thai Miflioieut sires* bae not been devoted to tb* injurious effects of beat itself upon young children by writers on this sub- ject, and thai relatively too prspoodirst ing an influence bae been Riven to impure air. The disastrous effects ars due to inch intimate combination of those two agents tbat it is Home what difficult to emi mate their separate influenced. But while il is sasy to understand th* injurious effect < of breathing a foul atmosphere, and depreciating oonteiiuenoea ars con- stantly seen, yet ths system, in a tense, gets accustomed to impurity, and throw* it off mor* or leu readily. Young children live for months shut up in filthy apait- ments without dying, and even neeming to enjoy tolerable health. Tew mt Tke oaptain and crew of the steamer Bitts- wortb, now in Montreal, mid that tbtf saw tbe ess tsrpsot off the Osip* ooaet oo * voyage up. The monster rose fre qusntly thirty feet out of the water and welled out tremendously every time. At th* water line it was aboal four feet ia diameter , it* bead was thai of a ooager eel , mouth that of s shark ; bsdy strip ^ like a maskers! ; M limply immense, aod voice a horrible yell. There i* no doubt tbat the captain, who is folly corroborated by tbe crew and passengers, believe* hit tt iry , which is regularly entered in the ship's log. Sceptics can object to nothing except that th* moor, ir wae seen at half s mile distance by moonlight, which may havs exaggerated hi* sizt i f not his awful bellow. The ex Empress) Eugenie it building grand mausoleum at r' am borough. Il i* peotexl thst it will be ready in October u eoeive the remains of her husband and Her n, the Prinae Imperial. in Mayo in lien of old ones, which had to be closed on account of the overcrowding of graves, rendering thtm unfit for further utermenta. Plans havt been prepared for conducting a ship oanal, 127 miles long, from Dublin Galway, at a oot of H millions for ship < of 1 500 tons; of 12 millions for ships of 2 500 font ; and of 'JO millions for ships of 5,000 tons and upwards. A steward named Perry entered a hotel in Galway on tbe 2Vih ult. and tired five hots from a revolver at Alice Uyroe, step- daughter of tbe landlord, who died a few minute* afterwards. Perry afterwards tried to commit suicide. In tbe Dublin Zoological Gardens a fine lioness has eaten her own tail. One day she removed U mobes of this appendage, and aft ir an interval renewed her r*paat and swallowed more. Kffjrta wen made to heal the bleeding stump but tbe lioneoa continued eating the tail, which hasent rely disappeared, and she has cow commenced to eat one of her ton paws. e> i Bawl ir i. In East Africa nearly every woman weers the ptUit. When she is a little girl a tmall hols is pierced through the middle of her upper lip, and into this is pressed a small wooden pin to prevent the punctan from closing np. After a time this is changed for a larger pin. and so on till the bole is big euougb to admit a ring. In proportion as the ffUlt is made gradually larger, the lip enlarges also and comes to look like a snout. An average specimen measures 1 j inches in diameter and almost an inoh iu length Whsn she becomes a widow fashion compels her to take out her pfl*l tbe lip falls, and the) gnat round bole, called lupertle. shows the t Mth and jaw quite plainly, making bsr hideous. How the hundredth part of a second is measured is told in tbe Washington Poet 1 1 says : "Tbe chronograph, as its nami implies, is a time writer. Wit teal il UN division of tims into tbe hundredth part o s second a division so small that the mine can hardly appreciate il would be impos M ble. It is a revolving cylinder, bearing i sentenced to death, and whom three youuj Romans vainly attempt u save by per suading her to renounce tbe new faith. Tbe ii itbetio boom inaugurated by that shrewd apostle, Oscar Wills, is completely defunct in England. To be m itbetio now is to be oat of the fashion, and tbe greenery- yellowery maidsns ars looked upon with contempt by their more robust sisten and brother*. Mr. Wilde himself has settled down to a quiet and prosaia oitiztnship, broksn occasionally by lecture* which ars I a ite sensible and commonplace. Mean- whils the man who mads tbs sMlbetios ridionlou* made Oscar Wilde famous, and gave Gilbert bis theme for " Patienot" tbe man, in fact, who was n*p>nsible for tbe whole > uhetic craze, and who started it oo hit own boom it comparatively unknown. M. De Manrier, of l'i.-nfH, deserves all tbe bonon and gets few of them. I hr <.r.l.n . tprdlll.B K.,.1. A lx>ndon cablegram says : Scarcely bad ths Government announced its final decision as to tbe rout* by wbiah the expe- dition for tbe relief of General Gordon was to proceed to KbaiUum, than a chorus of hostile criticism arose from oertain old fogies of tbe military service, whose days for active campaigning are about over. Tbe retioosibilily of advising tbe Govern- ment ta*s rested with General Wolssley. Uoided by tbe rapid enooest of his move- ments against Arabi and tbs effective assistance rendered to the milit try by the naval service, be thinks that Jack Tar may /.MI as well be made of use on ths Nile as on tbe Mahmoud caoal. Ths expedition will be half naval and half military, and for tbs overcoming of these diffianlnes to be met with oo the route, caused by tbe cataracts and oilier natural impediments, tbe bulk of tas work during bottle. tbe advance will fall on the naval service. Tbe counter proposal of the 1 oiled Service Club loungers is to reach Kbartoum from tie Red Sea, via rjuakim and Berber, which would be a purely military under- taking and would give whatever beavy and hard knocks that were going to tbe florae Guards. Our unfriendly critic says that before Mr. GladM me has done with him be will maks Jaok Tar a land crab , but public opinion takes but little ttook in tbe various argument* adduced, ai long as an exp edi- tions stait 4 by any of tbe routes recom fountain pen attached to * magnet As ibe pendulum of the clock swings its seconds it seods ths electric current to tbe magnet. The latter gives a nervous click and tbe pen marks s small bat dittinot break on the paper. These breaki distinguish ths seconds, and Ibe space between them il treasured by tine division* oo a slip ol steel. A second in time, measured by space is about as long a* this : -- ." II reei -in Me* How can yon hope to escape those evils which experience baa demonstrated may be avoided, if bsr voice be lirtned to ? Ho foolish it is to resort to dangerous drags wbsn a simple domestic remedy wil answer the purpose. In the CAS* of corns some resort to the razor and peril their live*, as lockjaw is not impoesibl*. Wbili others u*s daogeron* aod flesbeating sub stilutee for t be great sur* pop corn cure Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. I nsvsr f uls, nor ever can, lor il is jn>t ths thing for the purpose. Putnam's I'aiuletM Corn Extractor. Take no other. Tbs Paris Journal drt Dtbatt has goo< reason to believe tbat in tbe week in wbiol the Divorce Act oomee into force two o three million petitions will be presented to make separations divorcee. Tbe spad* at Kiar, Egypt, bat just un- earthed a huts sarcophagus in a royal tomb. Its extraordinary dimension* are Hi fset in lengtb, 7 feet <>} inehei in width, 8 fet in height and tee material i* hard granite. Mr. Petrie recently excavated tbe broken oolossn* of Barneses II., ths op- pressor of the Israelites, of proportions unknown in Egyptological an n all of colossal Mt ttues. Th* saroopbagas hss not yet besn assignsd a (ting or dyussty. mended. Tbe IroopH are likely to meet but little 01 1 'Milton on th* road until they have paiwed Dongola, and any danger from tbe enemy is but trifling as compared with tbat involved in an attempt to march heavily armed British troops across tbs desert. Tbe general opinion of tbe expert! it favorable to Lord WoUeloy's scheme. Hundred* who have experienced ' th wonderful power of NEBULISE in tnbduini pain have testified that u is the meet poten remedy in existence. Nerulioe I* equally e Hi laoious as an internal or an extern remedy. Poison'* Nervilin* cure* flatu lenoe, chill*, spasms, cbolsra, cramps headache, *ea sickness, rammer complaints etc., etc. Nsrviline it sold by all druggists snd country dealers. Only ?"> cents Try it. What it termed the " bad lands " wee of tbe Missouri River are turning out to be an El Dorado for slock raising. Tbars ar now 40,000 bead of stock in thst country valued al II 000,000. The country furnishes ample shelter, aod not above 2 per csnt. o tbe stock ha* been loet from all causes. Tbe lurprimng luooeu of Mr*. I. yd E. Pinkbam'* Vegetable Compound for th several diseases peculiar 1 1 women fore; bl illustrates tbe importance of her bent noeu discovery and the fact tbat she knows how to make the most of it. Dr. Htukrll. Following th. Browning in painting t of the art,.! rather Mllai. i. The London Truth say* that among th occupation* which are doing tbe worat Kogland is ilit of the builden. Of th failures recently gazetted t large propo t mil belonged to that trade. Here, on th contra'}', tbe builder tl inriihes. In Ne' ^ |MUed |hjl |of M |n Brook , now making for Christ Church, Oxford, a - " portrait of tbe Prsmier in scarlet robes, ' " me progress of sxihetieism requiring that Cspua, whose luxury proved too mac even Mr. Gladstone shall be painted rsd. | j or Hannibal's army, is frequently ravagec At Winnipeg potatoes are down to 76o- by a band of brigands who have settle* per bushel. ' down to buiinett near il. LYDIA VEGETABLE COMPOUND^ . . * IS A POSITIVE CURF * ? -.., or all \\ t-M ft ch<>.- 1'nlnlul < ouplaiuK I. rin>. IM. IT ! . HI rXTtBSlTTWS WOKT FOBS! OF 1 ALI I !". Aisr. ALLO'ABLA* TBOCBLBS, II i AV t MI AIII ruriiuTi, *. FAU.IIIO AXD I>iJ .< r r ST. AMI Til I ' AT^I ixr Sni AL WlAU A1II 1 rABTI'TLABLV ADAPTSU TO TB" in OF Lirs *****> iV IT WILL DIMOI.VB AiniirtL Ti BOSS pvnsiTn 1 'TBBfllSAXIABI T >T4i.r .'P l>KTI!.,irBBMT. TB* IKT SFBIDILT T IT< I'll. . * * * e i iLI.- BA IV. f"i:-T!l LXT. AKHRIUITI* WlAI-1 ,r.~i- "T Till >T"MA< H IT .1KB* 111 "*T I N.I. HniM , III. NllTOII I'K .-TR>T1 -X. l.HCiaAJLDBSIUTT/ >irB"i '> AMI iMJiuMTioit. * e> e THAT riiLiKo or BiABixa Down. rACsnta PAH, WlluBT AMI MA. KA, HI. K ALWATI FIBB A * BIITIT I BIO BT IT* fS . " ' . ' . * IT M L it ALL TIHEI AID rUDIl Alt. CtBCTB- AIT U HABBOUT WITH TBS LAW* TBAT .IBM Till BALB -I -TIM e * * * rt'irnas ia >"I.KI.T r- THI LJTIMITI BIALlItU OF rilDBABB AMU TUS KKUIF Or ! AI*. AMD TBAT IT 1<AI.I IT i I.AIBH T In, TBCAJI1I* 0* LADIBI CAK ULAIILT TUTirT -*J 4 *,J )' TBI cvaa OF KaiiBST t'oavi^iim t THBB !! TBW MBHIDT U miBr AWBD. I.YIUA t nIHATI VKDETASLt OOBIFOl 5D |,r>ir. .1 al I. run. KA Pnr> fL Hi bottl for SL iSfHSi. Sral hr mall. p.u^r pud. In fora f PllU nr L.eBS<M ,o r*vlpc .,f prtrr a* ahTw. Bm 0tJ.fc. ll^jlh '.Ul hmAil.l rr~MAn/ \.. rmi! >a<xild L JVEH }'li.lf Thry ? ' I) > I I i -4 Woodstock College, WOODSTOCK. OUT. For laJtM tnd (otlemen . termi very modsr SM ; faeillliee unrivalled. r iilas-isM Coarsw. LadiM' Benlat Ooan* L*die' Floe Art* Coorae, Ormnerelal Ooon* r><l>aratarT Coores. Upees BspteisbeTtth, IMI For eaulouee eonlainln*; roll lL,forruAUoo tililrees KKV N WOLVKBTON, II A Ptinepal 30 DAYS' TRIAL I M.I i rt.uv,, Mi v MY vnrStO OR from Nrm ' DrM . v -l.TATi- rri.T .mi! :: iwjrn 1 T-lal 1 I>. lni " " I/r VrrAiJTt - ise*elfesesels ruliln* Irom AM*BB Anil I.TH \ ,u-. lU AI.M, itrmw* r.nil.hlvl fl. AtMrrei Voltaic Belt Co.. Marshall. Mich. I CURE nr*. I l'4r# n,*.li IM dl* . .iiriTS. BriLinv I 1d> I rn47 01 au*hnf" ittiai, aVSSMi f- .rt 1 **. -* EYE, EAR HHD JHROAT, DR. 0. 8. BTER8ON, L. R. 0. F. 8. E . Leetorer on tbe Rye. Bar and Throat Trinity Unlloal Collef*. Toronto. OcultMia Aanst Io Ibs Toroolo G*nrJ Hovpilal, il Glluloal Ai-liUnl Royal Lomloo OpbtbAlnX* Hoepital. UiHirvneM'i and Oentral I Tliroat .nd (Jar Hoeplkal. SIT Onoren Toronto. ArtiBola.1 Hainan Ry**- WEftLEYAN LADES' COLLEGE HAMILTON. CANADA. ^f^ Will reopen on ftoptemtar 9nd. IHNgr^rTu i nldet ao<l Itrceet I/ailim'ColleMjB^^n imtnlon over Vv ra.lut. TtSeXratl ilni eoe 1 1 10 000 and bat over 1*1 rnnaf fAouliy Five semi mm ml twelve ivMN Maslo and in i|>olaliiM. AeUcsaUfer Prtnelpal. ' " A. BUKNH D.D.. LUD. f > n IMIH. IrtJMMI THK VOI.TAI.IC HBI.T Co.. ol llrball. Uleh. offer u> AMI.) tlilr <ejhrt*l Kt.riTao VOLTALIC HKI.T anil other BLSTTHIO AITLIANI-SH on trial f.r thirty <l>jre. t > nAii y>uun or old) afflloled with DerViiQidol'illtAliM* of Tlltlit? ami inn h'-MNl. an-l >ll klii'lrwlMroublea Aleo for rbea m*tiiii. tieur* ^IA. iarlvn snd many oiher iliMiaMW. CompieM r*l|.>ratlon to hJtb. lor suit nianhonl g<iarut*l. No rint Is Inourrad M thirty days trial li tilowetl. Write them at onoe for lllmU-AMti (itmpblol free. Pl. K to nor** a Huimee K taiwrtou or Hp*nortat] Pen tuaniblp at the BriHOIB UN BDfllHBM UOL.LBU Osuslars tn

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