Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Sep 1884, p. 3

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How to Wake Dtlicaciai From the Fruit of the Season-Other Household Hint*. Raspberry jam, which U regarded as tht bent of all fruit j tain, is made precisely like tbe blackberry, in proportions aod time and manner of cooking. Wat tbe t >p of a diahof maobed |> )tatoe with milk svnd set it iu tbe oven to brown. Let il stay there until there ii a browo oruslovtr it. In wnkbing a sore mouth, tike a tea- spoonful of powdered borax, a tablespoon- (ul of honey and (our ouuoes of wt jr. well nixed. Hold in ta mouth (or a little while. For bnrna and soaldi cover thickly with carbonate o( soda, and bind up with a oold, wet bandage. K the skin ia not broken, painting with turpentine will rsmove the aauarting beat. During tbe hot weather one of tbe moet refreshing beverages I mow ia composed of a spoonful of ourraut wine or ra-pberry vinegar, a r pwnful of kiraohwasner, a lamp of loo and kviilawfal of soda watir or o( plain wate London Truth. Chair oovsrs (>r slips) are very pretty made of brown crash, aud worked witn worsteds. Work each chair a different design. Ooewitti poppy leaves, another acorn and oak leaves, a third aosvrlet geranium, a fourth witb rosee. Then another might be embroidered with birds snob at a awao, a tbruib aud neil. Pineapples make a delicate preaervs. Slice Ibe pinea| pie tbio, aa you would lor tbe table ; 1 1 ou pound of tbe fruit, allow thrtw quarters of a pound of eager ; simmer them together until the pineapple looks transparent. Tbie preaerve, by Ibe way, ie a delicious accompaniment to ice cream. Il ia nice for tea, alao, with rolls or bread and butter. A deal of breakage amongst glaaa and crockery oan be prevented by tbe simple preckution of placing lamp-abimneye, tumblere and such aruolee in a pot filled witb oold water, to wbiob aome oomuiou table salt bas been added. Bull the water well, aud then allow it to eool slowly. When the) articles are taken out aod washed they will resist any auddeu changes of temperature. A friend writie word from Trouville, France, tbat tbe eccentricities there in head covering* are great. Among other moostroaities huge sun bonnets are worn, made of all kiuds of matertsls. Insids them yea perceive thy face if tie wearer at a long diatanoe ; and t ; ie roof of Ibe edifice ia crowned with liztrds, beetle*, toads, aod any repulsive looking animal yon may like to suggeei. One of tbe novelties and luxuries of tbe period i banana cake. Take one cap of butter, two oops of sugar, one cup of water or of sweet milk, three exes, (our cups of flour, three small teap x>ni ot baking powder. Mix lightly ana bake in layers. Make an icing of the whites of two enK, and one cup and a half of p iwdered sugar. Spread this on fie layer*, aod then cover tbijkly and entirely witb bananaa sliced thin. Tbs cake may be flavored with vanilla. Ths top should be simply frosted. Tnere seeme to be nothing win oh toe cholera Bears will not induce people to do. Tbe laat prtvi.t.*e measure taken in Franoe is for men to trim their moustaches with osvrboiio acid, ao aa to keep tbe miorobea away. Ilia said tbat even ladies are using carbolic acid ; but th.t I oan hardly bolisve uoleee, by-lbe-byr. some thoughtful "perfumer" bas succeeded iu preparing "carbolic rouge." Tnia wonld, doubtlen*, ba very pi |>i!r. A lady writes : I t link crab apple* are good kpioed. For 7 punuda of orb apples nee 3} juunds ot pugar, 1 quart of best vinegar, t nonces of atlck oiuuamon, 1 ounce of whole cloves and 'J or three pieoee of root ginger. Boil tbe syrup fllleeo minuiee befuie pulling iu tbe applee, cook until tender, then remove tojlms or ttjue | jtrs, boil down tbe s>rup one half and pour ever tbe applee. I alwaya leltot tbe larg. perfect outm, and leave them whole aod tbe steme on, for I think tbey look muob better ao. To i reserve tbe large plums tbat bave tough Hkinr, it ia ueoeseary first of all to remove tbe aklus. Tbia may be done very easily by dropping a (ew of the plums at a time into bot water, then witb a very shsrp knife removing tbs skine. Cut the pluutk ' in balres, drop them into a i-yrup made of sngsr and water. Tbe plums should be weighed, and an ru.ua! quantity of sugar should be set aside (or tbe eyrup. Let them oook so gently that tbey will keep tbeir abape. Take them (rom tbe syrup with av skimmer, pal them I- to the osna and poor the syrup over them, having first removed tbe aonm (rom it. Tbe Prinoeae de Sagan goes about I'afia in a Pierrette bat, with a very high crown, peaked at tbe top, made of Manilla straw. I In (ront tbe brim advances rather over tbe (aee, aod behind il ie turned up and lined with poppy-colored tulle. A rrgularsbower : of bo ws aod ends of scarlet and blue ribbon ' forma the trimming. With tbia very be- j oomiDg bat the Pnuoeaa generally wean a costume oompoaed of dark blue mohair or delaiue and aoarlet (oulard ; tbe tunic ia of elelaine, caught up on tbs side witb silver olivea. Tbe long pelerine of mohair ia I lined with 'cartel foulard. The hood is lined with foulard and a cascade of ribbooe bangn from ita points. Blsvckberry jam, aa well as blackberry wine, is good to eat in any bows) or stomach trouble. Il Is medicinal and < pleaeant to eat. Children will take it gladly at any time, when medicine would be scorn- fully rejected by the small tyrant*. In making blackberry jam, see that ths (rail is perfectly fiwsb, as any acidity will spoil tbe wh If. aud you will bave had all >our work for nothing. After carefully picking over the fruit, and seeing thai uo foreigu inbataooe remains witb tbem, weigh tbem, and to every piund o( tbefruil allow bait a pound o( nice brown sugar : i,ut tbe berries lut) tbe preserving kettle by them- selves, with a fimaU oup of water in tbe bottom to prevent tbeir burning , oook tin-in, stirring frequently, m.t .1 the fruit stems rednoed to an almost nolid man* ; tlieu add ' lin sugar and oook for half au bour longer ; put them iu glaae jtrs and seal. S line perrons add a litttle powdered ginger to tbe berries to give a snap" to the j mi, as tbey lay. Il doee certainly Bom successful explorationa have be<n made in tbe oontral aud weatern part of Aaia Minor by Katnsay, the Bootob traveller, and Dr. Sterrt t , o( tbe Ameriaan poboul in Athens. They made an eipodinou w.t i et*oial reference to Ike ruins o( ike ouua of auoieet I'brygia, Puidia kud Lyoaocia, iuoludiog ibi COIUIH to wbiob interei t 11 given by tbe iravela of tt Apostle Paul. Tbev b-ne brought back obeervatioua on the remains and |io-iliu of more than ten Grttk towns of whioh uo olher modern explorer bat given any nooount. TBI word "fudge ' has a poeitive peraoc ality underlying it. Such ia it, at leaat, i( Israeli's account be au hentio. Be quotes from a very < 11 pampbli t entitled, " Re- uiarka I'|, iu the N %y " wherein lue tU'.bor saya : " There waa iu oar time one Cap- tain Fudge,' commander of a merchantman, who, upon his return from bia voyage, bow ill (raugbt soever bia ship was, always brought home his owners a good arc j, of hee, BO much that now, aboard ship, ths sailors, when they bear a great lie told, cry oat: 'You fudge it I' Tbe ship waa tbe Black hagie, the lime tbat of (Jbarlea II " PMI . IXr.iLjute, of tbe Michigan But Ciiiversity, produces amateur oyolonea at will by suspending a large oopper plate by silken cords. Tne plate is obarga heavily with electricity, whion bang* acwo like a bag underneath, aud is rsnuered visible by the use of araeLioos aci J gas, which gives u a green color. 'Ins fortupiiou is a miuip ture eye one as perfect aa any started IL clouds. It is (uunel-ibaped, and whirls around rapidly. Paaaing tnik pUie over s table, tbs cy clone mat jhee up oopper cents, pith ball aud otber objects, and scatters tbem on all aides. Tin. Island of Mauritius la tbe home of witchcraft. Tbe London Timn UBaerU poaitively tbat yonog children are fre- quently i irtured and killed (or alleged uiipA>iosl purposes. Uue I'.uut was tried by the Brilinb authorities aod condemned to death. He coolly told bis Judgee ibal tbey could not hang him. Nor di J Ihey. The house ot the Cbts( Judge waa inatatitly haunted by spirits, who threw stouek. N ight after night the misiilee rattled about the slats. No wslabers oould dinoover fie buman hands o( the flesh and blood alliee 1 tukllv, " the Judge s lady was nearly frightened to death," says the Timet, and tbe Judge himself pleadsd for r'loot'a Ills witb tbe Executive Cuouoil. Tin German Military GateUi coneedm that ou tbe water Great Britain still holds nrat p witb bar armored deal ; France tbe poooud ; (mrmauy tbe third , Italy ths fourth ; Rueeia tbe rlftb, and Auatria ths aizlb. Bat at tbs present motneul France ia building foortten veasele of the mosl powerful model and eight armored v assets for ooaat dt fence. Therefore, in four yean France will bave tbirly war vessels, twelvs o( which will be of ths first-slaw, and Kug- laud thirty -two, only ene cf wbiob will be of the same strength aa auy one of tbe twelve French ships. Italy IB now buildup M ve flnt elaaa wr vessels ; Kusaia three aud three ironclad oruner ; Utrmany one ironclad oruiper aud two gunboats ; Auslrik one war veeael, and Denmark cue ir juolsd for ooast defence. Consequently tbe man- lime pre-eminence of (treat Britain Is decidedly menaced by France. Knglaad being obliged to employ a great poiliuu ' her fleet in tbe Mediterrrueau, aud at ilii! -rent distant p nit-, it is fair to p-e- HUtiie that iu 1H07 ur lt>88 France wou d bt- able to oppoae a tl et of forty-two armored veeavls against an Kuylish one uf thirty at tbe moat including even tbe veesels (or coast deleucia. A tARcruL observer o( the weather pro- bability reports asks : Wbykro temperature! taken In the sbade' 1 To ink itikkiup i> luuoiUUiul way uffet mg st the trutb su artiflctkl u>ml0 uf rvnclnutf ukiurkl re- eulu tlrkiu dukk uot pit*, fruit .uwk nut ripuu, nor fkrtii* r work iu the ihde Tuo tiiffpirttiuo lu teuipemture ks uooi|ikrk.l wuhpuukhiueuiupl bk iDOuiiMiiup| kud inooiiNikUl, Vkryiug witb Ihe brektllh ktiit tirp'b uf lueih^tltf. M Ok.u botvku la a Urge building or tree. Tuok grekt moveuivulk lu tbk vkrupblo nlts or wiuus ttm bot alii! culd wavee of which you ei>kek sn L ftvu woulI turviy lm w Ktnwr KvMpTklly understood if uapbineputt ground temperature wwre laaou luiikad of pbkdpu To which a reliable meleoruloglkt repliee that, while Ibeee contentions are well founded, tbe temperature record is designed to show the temperature of the air. Ae different aoile aid different bodies on tie aame soil have different conductivities aud radiate different amoante per square foot of the ann's beat, It follows that if ther- mometers were exposed to tbe (ree radia- tion (rom tbe soil or surrounding objeote tbey would not regieler ths actual air temperature. To give tbe air temperature tbe inelrumsLt must be ao protected from radiation that it will receive uo beat from bodies warmer than the air and part with none of lie own heal to bodiee oxler than the air. On August '.itb, 1881, during a western bot spell, four thermometers in different parts of Spencer, Ind., registered 1m; in the shade for Hve c i n-eoutive boure. But a thermometer aimuluosously exposed there to tbe direct raya ot Ib* auu ebming up n a metallic baokgrouud registered Io0 s , aud npon tbe roof of a woodshed registered 140 . Tbe real temperature of the atmoe phere was ntt above lot;'. For il hae been shown tbat if a thermometer in t'ed to a string and awung round tbe bead (or Will II Kvrr >,,,' ih. vt OI..I..I.. i >*rtrer i Oev tfke h>. .| , . j ifc. Bi.J Rreklrei. (Amnricau Kural Hjue t 4 national (uuiiue would ouae tbe great en duaiiler, and there are uiauy who be- lieveit willaveutOkll) oooor. dull the divar- allliia ofolialate, the rioweeai of ex il and the ubaraoieruf ttte oouutry aecm to proclaim be irnpoatibllity of >uob acl*mity. But witboul .ucti aide ai nutobiuery f uroihr be graae and grain of tbe oouutry could uot be secured. Witb all lue machinery t their diepoaal and the nn^lj)imut o( every man Uit c.u be hired t >t nuob work, >ur laramre in the great graiu-growiuit tcuoueoftbe country almuct alwayi fu o aaouie tuair entire crop ia the bent powible order, eimply beoaUMi luffiaient help cannot be MI u red. lake >wy the bitrvtiung maebiuery and the arm labor of tbe country could Maroely are (or more than a twentiatb o( the >reeenl average yearly crop. Aa a cms* |Ueuoe fewer aorei would be | 1 tuted, the aaer yield would enhance tbe price of grain, aod bread would reach a dgure layoudthe meant of tbe laboring oluioe n f c , become a luxury. iluufeiureri> of barVMting macbiuery have, therefore, lenented, not only tbe (armer, by enabliim him toreep more acrea of greou tbao be therwue oould.but all other olaaava through U>e obeapentng ol grain (aiidoonatqueutly of orea) M a re.ull of %b vatl i Jauuly pro MM. Tnere u no mm in America who baa contributed more lo ibia reault thai Mr. C. i> DtfWty, I'rt kidtut uf the J jbnatoo Bar veater Company, o(B*tavia, N Y. Through Ui eueruy aud ability tbe barveetiug of rain by meana of bia wondeifu! macbiaee tiae btoDia eJmoel an exact koienw, aud in he acoonupliehment o( thia pjrpowe Mr. Ddwey bat been an ludei.t ga worker. ludeed for an extended perud be waa ao oloaely ooudjed to bin dune, that be aoaroely took time for proper reel or re creation. While in tbe very inidet o( tbeae ({real laburi be obeerved a | -culiar ecuaatiou about the head which did not eave him and wbiob. be attributed to tbe a train of bunaeae. He alao nctiaed bat h appetite wai tickle and bu leep broken, bat be did not aatioiptie tbe errible truoblee wbiob were b-f ire mm and ike neatly every man wtaoia proatoutiug a great work nie lotereat io the uuJvi l iki overcame all tbouxhte of ael(. Bdl tb byaiotl diffiiuluae, which were tlujht at nret, kept inoreaaing. Tbe tittle paiua [rew to agouie* ; the minor Mymptoma to nerioui oalamitiee until tl la- 1 be broke down completely and wae confined to bu >1 fur more tban taomontba. At thkt time hn ooodiliou waa deplorable. Hi* mind waa in a nearly oomatuee elate aud hie body pirfeclly belpleea. Daring the entire pen xi be di J not trove a pillow'a length, eo great waa hie txbantlioi. 1 1 would ludeed be difficult io imagine a more belpleea PMIIIUU than that in which Mr. l)jwey tbnii waa. And jet to day he a pio ure of beal'h and atteude to hi* dutiMCJUHtanlly. When a*aed bow tau bad been room|iliitbed h made anewer aa au mauy tbu>iuda of oihen have : " By ineaui o( Waruer'e Safe Cur*. Tbu great remedy, I amhappv loetate^ ae reetored iu i- to nearly tn bealth and vtar 1 formerly bad. Il it not aururiaiurf, mere lore, tbat I oooiider it a moet valuable medieiue, and that I cordially recommend it." Thehrp ompetition of the preeent day Foroei men ol bueiueae (ar oejuud tnnr elreugtb before they are aware. TbeoUii iMieiy aud Ibe family uudermije tbe vitality uf women uukuuwu ev.n to them elvri or their (riende. Tbe end o( all uuh Uxaliooiu aiokueea, pain aod death. b'oriu ile u Ibe one who nude t IB rneaoi f emp from tbia t irrible euci ig be(ure it ik tou late. More fortunate le the one who avoid* ittflual t<g*e by overoomtux tueflmt eymplouia while they are yet in tbeir beginning* and by auob meaua aa bave been abowu to be effijieut and i>ire. ame < or in the shade. A u . p.\t .Ik.i . Prrwllar Vraik. A young girl, a eervant witb Mr. Livrll, at Avon Paper Worke, L oluhgow bridge, dii-np, eared. On eearob being made uo traoa of her could be found for a ooukidvr- able time. She wa* ultimately diMOuvered abortly before miduighe, o iugiug lo the turbine wbeel iu oouuertiou with the work* v.ii oh a few mmuie later would bave been net iu muti'io. To get there tbe Kirl bad to walk up a tunnel from tbe tail r about ftO >*rdn in length, aud in which tbe water la always about four feet iu depth On being qjeatioued Hlie could give no eatiefaoiory aoooout of nerttlf (ur tbe time tbe had been abeenl, unr auy reaaou lor her itrauge adveotnre, by which ebe bae gTve'ii a cbaraoier, but moat peraoni pri f . r narrowly eoaped from a ahookmg death. the jtm witboal any foreign flavor. Tbia ] jam ii niee for taru, aud aleo to erve for Pop corn la placarded in tbe Gryata tea or luncheon, with bread and batter. i Palcoc, London, "aj eold to the nobility.' rot THI COOK. Mather (to married daughter) -"Why, wbal'a Ibe mailer. Clark? What are you crying about '" Clara Honry ia eo awfully cruel (*ob) . be i gottiog worae and woree evirdy (eot) What do you u| poae be eaid jaat no .' lie t ild me 1 muet gel rid of tbe cook ; be couldn't n nd ber oookinn any longer (<ob) And he koowa well eooDijh tbat be haan t done one bit ol oookiug for a f irnighl, and that I bave done it all myaell! Boo- boo ! boo boo boo '" Haitoit Traiucript. Tbe Venoi of Milo hae been pirtiallv reetored during the alteration^ in tbe Paria Louvre. A Velre Ireae I.ee4ea Uepeata tbe oft-r ptated etory tbat Put naoi'i Painleae Guru Kitractor i* the beet leail harmful, moel certain and prompt ol all prepe>raliooa ever offered (or the remova of oorua. Ktuoedy A Gallard, London Out , writes, " Nothing ever introduced baa given the satisfaction tbat Putnam'a Pain lent Cora Eiiraotorhae. We recommend it." Beware of obetp or poieououa aubali lutes. Bold by drugiiisui aud dealers in medicine everywhere 1'oUou A Co., pro prietore, KiDgelon. Always safe, barmleae and lure. The wealthiest nun in Oregon ia living tbii Mummer (or fun in the log oabiu which be uted to inhabit (roiu ueoeaaity M'kal IU . MI. Will U*. A 10 oenl bottle o( Poleon's NBIVILINE will aure neuralgia or bexlkobe. A 10 cent bottle of Nerviline will cure toothache nr faoeaohe. A 10 oent cample bottle o Nrrviline u nutVuieut to cure onldn, diar rlo)p, p temi, dyeenlery, etc. Nerviliue ie j i.t lu Ibiug to cure all ( nn.x, whether internal orexterual. Buy a M oeut eauiple bottle of Nerviline, the g'kt pain cu-e. Htfe, prompt and alwaya ttl c'tial. Large bottlua at auy drug (tore, only '-' oenu. A Connecticut ptpsr tells o( a family reunion lu wbiob lather, sou aud graud- son went on a epree together. Many ladiee who (or yearn had searoely ever eujoyed tbe luiury ol (eoliug well bave been ao reimvated by tbe uie ot L>dia Piukham'i Vegetable Compound that tbey bkve triumphed over tbe ills tleah isaaid to be heir to, and life baa beeu crowned witb added oharuia and freaber beauty. Tin u. ,1,11 mi. I ih, North tvrel. There are 373 telephone* M preaent in use in Wiumpi g. W. Audersou. lodisn Aaenl.haa received be appointment ot Cjrouer for the North Ml Territoriea. Mr. Kasrfool, superintendent of tie Toobrano sheep raecie. is homeward bound rutu MoLttna witb s 000 sheep. Mr. O. Ii. Sleotoo u revblliug in tlielux ury of home-grown tomatoes, the pruduet i bia own garden in the city. Winniptf t'rtt Preu. Tbe Stonewall Sttci saye ; " Tbe Nortk- vsl will hsvo over il 000,000 > acres ' of gram for export this year." HJW will the sores b 9 moved ? Lector Bellroee finished a new house on lit (arm at Big Like on Thursday la>t I'ne event waa celebrated by a bsJl in the evening, to wbiob people travelled nine tuilee on foot. Advioe was received laat mail of tbe bipmeutfrom England of tbe new tale 'bouee for Edmonton, Si. Albert aud Clove )kf, to be worked in connect on with tbe telegraph hae. During the ten months siooe tbe last iou of tbe Northwest Council the sum ol ta.a7H.76 bae been reusived (or liquor permits. I. taken considerable liquor for edioinal parposes in the Nortbweel, saye tbe Moosrjkw .\etfi. Another train o( twenty oar loads of M )U tana c title arrived fruuu Uaple Cretk yenterdsy morniof, aod were uuloaded at ie Csuikdian I'kcitii Railway ptook-yarda. A tar -'I buura' rent they were reloaded aud ebipped toCuioago A correspondent of the t'rrt Preu says : Tbe M. A N . W. lUtlway ton. t<kuy bave ignitted tneir intention to go to the town of Birtle and aak for a bouue of f 40 000 ruuu the muuioipkhty. A by-law grsoit ug this kuiuuni will besubuii.ieJ aud voted ou tbe '.'.t.-J of September." Tbe amount a large one for a corporation of 400 or 600 u habitants. Tbe detachment of mounted police at Pitt baa been strengthened by the addition of eight men (rom headquarters, who weut up ou Selurday last, filling the complement o( men assigned to that post. Saakatebewau Herald : " Big Bear baa deliberately made biuietlf out a (raud and a lir, by still further deferring sjitlemei.t ou bis rsservs, nolwithslaudiug his recent oleinn promikea. He gives uo reaaou (or t other than that be wants to aee hip friend Kiel. He and Lucky Man bave gone to i'rinoe Albert to Lave a talk with the ue osvder of tbe people of that settlemsut. ' There wae a stormy meeting of tbe rViuoipeg City Council on Monday night 1'be rwignatlou of Wilson waa accepted ae 3bkUrmao of Finance, and be will probably w asked to resign bis seal ia the Council W O. Boot! was appointed treasurer to puooeed the present chaiuberlaiu and 1 ' 8 urry, permaneu audit a. O. U Kerr health luppeotor, Was sunpeuded. A motion to auppsod tbe city eulio.t >r wae withdrawn. He bad jjsl arrived from tbe eael, aud wae presenl at tbs Council, when ie denied emphatically many of tbe cbarget brought agates', him by tne su Ji tois, and olkimed tbat the others oould be platakd Mkllpfsetortly. TPM pk v ou me before tbe Finance Comrci t -e this week, and a special meeting of I je Counci will be held immediately after, lue oity greatly excited over the siiuation. I lr.l lroB Ir. I.Bd Ireland ie likely to come more into favor; bit year aa a ojura.ng ground. Mutbrooma are sent (rom tbe nver Liffey to Eunlkod at tbe rate of a ton per day. Mr. Mtibael !>oyl, Ike well-kuowo yacht a,ider. of Kuagetowo, Oi;d on tbe itih i Hi > l*< I. peer. While at Haley, USAO, a few days ago Dole'i huge elephant, rtamson, severed hie ctikiun and started t , attack hie keeper, who made a banly retreat. A oage of lioue stood in the wey of fie infuriated auitual and be picked il up aud hurled it to one ->i|. killing two boraea. lie then "truck a I lie of lumber aud cuattcwd it to the wiude By this lime there was a genuine furore Tbe oiroue pei pie called ou the crowd to boot tbe elrptiaut, aud a lively tir began, but without appreciable tff Finally a party o( men luoceeded in nif tbe beast and be was tjuirled. Tbirt; bullet boles wsrs (ound iu his biis. Th darnsgs donsby him amounted to 110. OO 1 ) * IIHI Q.I. .iii.ii. ! ! I t Alk Ihf moil rminf. Uf auy aohool, wbat is the best thing in the world fur tjumtiug and allaying all irri tation of the nerve*, and curing all (orm of nervous oompUmte, givtug natural childlike, refreshing Bleep always ? And tbey will t <11 you ULheeilaUugly " So*u form of Hopt I ' ' " CM \|- M H 1. Aik any or all o( tbe mokt eminent |>by aioisup : Wbat is tbs best and only remedy tb% can be relied on to cure all diaeaaes of tb kidneys and urinary organs . suoh ss Brunt's disease, diabjtas, retention, o inability to retain orine.and all tis tbe dis esm and ailmsnts peculiar to Women" "Aod tkey will tell you explicitly am emphatically " " Htahu lit" A<k tbe aama pbysioiaoa " What is the mort reliable and sures curs for all liver diseases or dyspepsia, con tipation, indigestion, biliousness, malaria fever, eguf, etc " ard tbey will tell you : Uandrakt ! or Dundelwm '. I ! .'" Benok, when these reiuedies are coiubiued with aad soasavaaded iuui llop Bitters, eucb awon .l.rlul ami uiyitotlone enratlvs puw>r IP .le velupixl, which IP ku vnk,l lu ilk pr>lltiak tlm uodlekkeoor ill health cso |>oskibl; pllit or rs pl.t IIP iK'Wer. sud yet it In Mtriuiokkftirthc tm,-t trkil wouisn, weakes luvpli.l or puiklleet cliild to use. CllAfTEH II. I'ktivnw Almost dead or nearly dym" Kor years, aud given up by |,h)Miiau, o ltri|(ht' aud other kidney dlseasea, live oomplamte, sever? coughs, called oouauoif tion, have been cured. ir..>rnen flttiic iiKirlj/ cnuy t 1 1 1 1 Kiom agouy o( ururalgia, nervonanees wakefuluks aud various diseases peouha lo womeu. I'wMedikwnoutol slis|H> frnm ei-rorlktlu |*IU- I'f rlu-U.llkll-Mtl ! IUllllllt !) kll'l ' i.r-ulT-.i inn Ituui sorufulk, Ki)ii|i Ul gkltrnenm. Mood poswalDJli dyippsta, Indl |mtl u Bbtl, i" fot, kluiutl il dipsspes flail" Ntur IP btiir to Hsvtf IHMHI turad by Hup Hitters, proof ttf wblcl on be found iu every Uki|jbburuouu la tbe kuuu arid 1ST Nonennlne witboat a bunch of Hnpiun ii,k hit label. Hbuu all ins vii oouue stuff itu 'Uop" or Mope" lu Uioir asais. For the first lime i i four years there 11 a trowth of mushrooms iu Ibs fields around Mote. Recently Killaahee House, tbe reiilenee f Mujjr tic. Leger Moore, maeter ot tbe Ciidsre hounds, was destroyed by dre. Tbe Lord Cbanoellor baa np iited ' JD i ick Li >oel V Aroy, of MaJlfurd. Kil- kern ia, JukHMof the Peace (or the county ( Oklway. Thomaa MoCabe, of Batten, wts found )iag on the- railway track, near Button BUUOD, oo the 7.h Augu.t milh bis head completely severed (rom tbe trunk. Tbe Mabarsj* Sir Huno-o deep Sing, 'rime Minister of Nepaul, wears a ruby wetw) 1100.000. LYDIA E. PINKHAMT8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND.* . . IS A POSITIVE CURF ' , .., ^ ^^^^^*^ i For nil of tkoor I'plklul Coepplkvlelk ejpi \\ rkkaroaea mm rkpaivon to opr brol . , s . k j-K>|Al,H POFl Ut T10>.k . e Jii r WILL fi as IKTIRILT THS wnaeT maa OF P nrLAixT*. A L. IHVIUAN Tittn ai ss. In- ,T|.. AMtll. Lk.TI..^. K.'n-l Asr.Il n A. mrxT, ASK THE i-"stir*iT M-IHAJ. WIAI- r'M, AN u IP rAjmi'i'LAai-v AUAFTID TO TSJ iiANuK tr I.irs. * e * * e * IT wtu. I>IHH v A*I> rL Ti nose rnt> 1 'TBKI>I>. .."r nrvn- i'\r. Tsi I k.'lt- T lltltll... UEi KID >r.sv prBBpii-v si IIP IPS , * e * e i Ir Bi"v r r >IM >r-. KUTI-LIII-V, na> i SUIT .CSVA*!*.., .- apLAsra. aw BSLiivse WaiM - :in - . 11 Ir >.. . I ,!iN.,. HlAB- > n r. Nrnt..' - 'in .---nti"V. <,<iiriiAL DCBMITT,' BraasMuR AMI, lMin.i>Ti>,k. e * e * s Til AT rrti*.;t.r Hitu^u I>"w>i. . >t i<iu Ttnu lu. k. in. : AI AT ruin Ajan.r CVBB8 BT ITS VPB. a*e*e*e* s ir WII.L AT A' i N t| KK 4 | i narna* >. i r is nr.tM WITU Tiir LAW. TIUT OOVIKX THS rrk.ir -i-Trii e * e * e i*-lr r i l.Y rtntini r..iTiATB Hi-- ' 'iir Hxuir- r !> >. AB> TUAT IT I" It ALL If I LAI Tt, It... TM--I A.-iUkaT I API i- t*\ ulAULY TSkTin % , k ^ k P K'Hl THE i- 1 MI if hli'V VTH m KIIMML - t ta riji aysts"" se ' r i :\K!U * vrirTABn! WSfot SB k> tn-ttn* pi l.vnn, M I ,-< - av. * . . r 11. . i Woodstock College, WOODHTOCK. ONT. For la.li** kc>l (ontiomsn . terms very nioder ttk , fk*.'iiiiikk uuri* kilt*.! i !-..- f -HH I-.IIOP' tUtalkr ft'orse jkrllw' Mu Arts Coar. t nn< r'cikl Ci.urkO "r--i.rki, rt C. iur. i pens efHeaibk > r 4 ( b i**S Ikk ooutkiuluK lUil lufol UKV. N. WOLVKHTON, H.A.. Principal. 30 DAYS' T&IAL ., AM n Ud .THIK . "i feuMe r.l..rtl.B i.. Hr.iTH \ ... . I V ..<- i. iir>ll>NTi >. B.-T..I kt OUC fur IllUln>Ml it rr^* A>l'irrM Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall. Mich. WESLEY AH LADES COLLEBE HAMILTON. CANADA. Will renpeo n BPniNir tad. I**. It Ii t nl.lMt kn I Urseet LadlM'Culleve ID tb* I > >uimoa H* nver lu rklnkt. The rmil Mn< one BIlOQOOkD'l bk ovw l*i r<w>DU. K.-u!ir- Kie (i.tl-men ami twelve llie Muelo kn.U ayeeialuee. Addreee the riioelpal, A iifKNH n.n.. i.i. D. I CURE FITS! TfeMlM* rum . !.> .l..|. IktH P9* I'OM. fW t trwtl-." 4 I... tl.lt-* f JU !' I*' k J Ht > > n >rr "t>? mf lhfM .* IK OIMU jo* .11. 101 NO -ii % 1.1 . n I HIM. TftrVoiTiiic HKI.T Ca. of Mkrr.all Uleti. nfTor to ecu I tbflroflfrirkt*! Hi rcTK Vul T*I.IO H> i i kn.l I'tluT Ki KI rni, *PH I*M K< ,.i. tr>al ft r thirty lyi. t t IIMHI .y'liiK " <>l>ll tffllo%e<l wttb aervooe debititv, laee of vHeJItv ml mau h"<l, and kll kliitlrc.1 troahlet Alen f..r rhea nikt'iin. DBQia gik, |rivn kii I mknv otber tliMtknae. OoeapleM rrpit Tktinb tit hiHh vigor aud machond naraoieeil. S t n-k IP iiuurreU p, t'tiity UVP trikl IP i.twfl Write them at diii'f for il'iiH-r -t^.| p uni'hl EY, EAR AND THROAT. 1 \B. O. 8. RYLRHON. L. R. 0. P. ' H R Ietarr i>n the Ky, Kar a<1 Throat Trinity Mdio*l Uillettk, T .runt... Uoullstta Aurnt to ths Toroutti llenprkl HiM*|titkl OliDioal Ak-ietani K.,yal IxiuJ. n Upiuhaiinle Hiik|,ltal. Mi<c>rnltr< an I Ckutral Lnudon Tbrt>kl aud Kar Hi<k|>lta,l M7 Ouurob Htreel Toronto. Artiflctkl llutuan Kye. Caere aUab !. k w pear'* k nupiukS Ktlooaiiua or Muonokriau IPO tuauebln si the BPBNCBB IAN HUH1MHBH CXXLXJIU Otnulanfn*

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