Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Sep 1884, p. 5

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Death of Miss Annie E. Pearson On Tuesday of last week, at the early age of 23 years, died Miss Annie E. Pearson, daughter of Thos. Pearson, Esq., of the Township of Artemesia. About two years ago deceased went to California. Something like ten months ago, while still residing in the "golden state," she contracted a cold which eventually ended in that dread disease which carries off so many bright young lives each year. She returned home about two months ago, since which time she has been faithfully attended by the family physician, Dr. Christoe, and received all the care and attention loving hands could give. All that medical skill could accomplish was done, but death claimed her as its own; and on the day mentioned she slept the sleep which knows no awakening on this side of eternity. As the shades of death gathered around, deceased made a strong effort to speak to one of her sisters who stood weeping at her bedside; but the words she framed were never uttered. Throughout her long illness, deceased was patient and cheerful, and frequently spoke words of cheer to members of the family who, at times, were unable to restrain their feelings as they saw how rapidly their darling was drifting out to the boundless ocean of eternity. She had many warm and sincere friends, who, with the sorrowing relatives, deeply mourn her loss. The remains were interred in the Irwin (Methodist) burying ground, on Thursday, 4th inst, wither they were followed by a large concourse of people. Rev. Mr. McGregor, Baptist minister, Flesherton preached an impressive funeral sermon. Deceased was a member of the Church of England. LINES ON MISS PEARSON'S DEATH BY A RELATIVE In life's rosy morning death's message has come, E'er her life was blighted by sorrow or care, And Christ in his kindness has taken her home, The delights of His kingdom forever to share. A lingering illness she patiently bore, With touching Christian fortitude, And a saintly smile her sweet face wore, As watching her death-bed we stood. Sadly, deeply we mourn our loss, But we know Christ needed our loved one, So we pray for strength to bear our cross, And murmur meekly, "Thy will be done." We have been asked to publish the following lines, which were written by a friend of the deceased: - LINES ON THE DEATH OF MISS ANNIE E. PEARSON Another friend has passed away, Up to that blissful throng, To join the choir that chants today That never ceasing song. The cares on earth that crossed her breast, She left them all below And now enjoys that tranquill rest Washed whiter than the snow. She's reached the river's sunny side, Where storms and tempests cease. Her boat has crossed the surging tide, And found a port of peace. Why grieve we then with tear dimmed eyes, The loss which we sustain, But let this thought soothe all our sighs, To her our loss is gain. . .&apos; : ! -- \: 11 . t~ L *- &apos; &apos;s ,N -/ J ( SB- Tl 1 / s .\ / /- N. At tne Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESH ERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing 1 in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a largre assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. WANTED. Ffty Cords of White Ash timber fur l.utter Tuba. Length, 18 inches. JOSEPH McCimxACK, Flesh- erton. A I &apos;.rims Baud is about tu be organ- ized in Mitrkdale. Mr- J. M. Ansley, of Parry Sound, u visiting friend* in Fleherton and local- it* Toronto correspondence and other matter crowded out thi* week ; will ap- pear in our next. Just arrived : another case of prime Bacon, at 12, cents per pound., at Sept Good&apos;s meat market, Fleshertou. Messrs. Paul, of Eugenia, are veneer- ing the residence of Mr. Hichard Smith, Fleshurton, with rvd brick. A violent thunder, and rain storm passed over this village on Wednesday afternoon. The rain fell in torrents, while it thundered almost incessantly. Next week we will issue hvo hun- dred copies of TUB AUVAHCB more tluui our regular number. Advertiser* make s note of it. Tho Fifth Divuion Court ..f the County of Grey will hold its regular it- ting* in the TOWJV Hall, Floshert.m, on Thursday, October 30th next. Third Class School Teacher wanted for S S No <&apos;,, Artemesia, duties t..,..m rounce on the 15th inst. Apply to Mr. Th.>s. Bntlur, Markdale P. O. Mr. Johnston Little, the energetic M;ixwellbiacksmith,advertietho famous Chatham Waggons at astonishingly low prices in another column. A thorough-bred Cotswold Ram, sev- eral Leicester Ewes and Ewe Lainta for sale. Apply to John IJ. Heard, Flushor- ton. Do you want a good pump ? If you do, just enquire of A. R. Kawcutt, Ai>- VANCE ottice Flesherton, who is agent for 11. Bull & Sons&apos; famous make. We are glad to loam that Mr. Wait has resumed hia position as mail carrier between hero and Moaford. Mr. Woit&apos;it many friends huartly welcome him back to his old occupation. Mr. Monroe, who formerly taught HchiHil in Artemcaia, has been engaged as fautul-maater of Flesherton Public School. Mr. Monroe is very highly spoken of, and we welcome him to our village. Flesherton has now six secret societies &apos; The denizens of that clachan ought surely to be blessed- The Pope would&apos; nt think much of that place. Tkomlniry Man Mia* Lizzie Kichardsun ami Mias Milly Vanduscn have had charge of the junior dr[iartiiient nf Fleshertun publii school during the past week or two, as the new head master had not entered upoi his duties. Mis* II. i|, kins had charge ol the .senior department. A horrible outrage was recently com , mil tod i.u a weak-minded Proton girl by Home Slielburiii! aud Duudslk roughs Shu was iu Dundalk seeking employmeni 1 when Hhti was taken to a hotel by rough* ! and plied with liquor until she was in ^beastly state of intoxication. She . then carried to Hagan&apos;* bush and out- raged by tho inhuman fiends. Auk Him To the Rlitur of The Admntc. Sir Is it true that one nf the Artein esia Councillor*, recently, charged $2 for letting and superintending a 914 job in ward No S f Your* truly, AMI ( >VKKI u ix<:r DrntiKtry. Don t forget that Mr. J. P. Marshall L. D. S. , will be in Flesherton the fir*t and third Thursday in uach month for tin practice of hi* profession. He was her*, last Thursday, and his next visit will U made <>n Thursday, Sopt. 18th. Mar aliall is au excellent dentist. An lp*>t. On Monday evening last, shortly after dark , Duncan Dallas and a Harkilale gen tltniiui were driving with a hr*e ant buggy near the Flcsherton tannery, when the wheels af tho vehicle suddenly mi over a Bleep embankment and precipitate* the occupants out on f&apos;-rrn firma with great violence. Mr. Dallas sustains same severe cuts and bruised, as did ale the othur occu]iant. The buggy was broken in several places, but wo think the hone escaped unhurt. The cattle fair held in Flesherton last Monday was well atteded by buyers and sellers. Quite a number of cattle changed hamU at fair prices, considering the fall in the market. -Mr. W. K. Flesher took train at Floshvrton Station n route for England on Thursday morning last. He will l>o absent fur a year or two and will IHJ mis- aed greatly by our villagers generally. The members of Flesherton Brass Hand have IKVJI practicing diligently of late. They will play on the days of East <!rvy Fall Exhibition, September 23rd and 24th. The Markdale Staiulanl will not be n*iii-d this week. Mr. C. W. Rutlcdge, tlte editor, is sending, his holidaj-H in Leeds and Carltoii. Kin plnco hits iH&apos;fii very rtficiently filled in hi* absence hy the gitniiil foreman, Mr. .lark man. Why does friend Jones feol so happy this morning I Why, the rtiuioii is quite plain he has just paid tho Ai>\ \M i in. in Ho says the crops arc good this year and he intend* to pay for the AD- VANCE in ci./ivitio next January. -Rev. Dr. Strongman, of Eugenia, preached an excellent sermon in Klesher- ton Methodist Church last Sablmth even- 1 in,&apos;, tu a large congregation. He also; tilled the wuue pulpit very accopUbly in j the morning. \\Y i. in ill i-il t<> mention in our last issue, that Mr. M. Richardson&apos;s hand- some new store was brilliantly illuminated liy gas on Friday evening, Aug. 25Hh, for the iirst time. Them was a large uuinbvr of spectator*. New Tint- Table. A new time table cainc into force on the T. (!. & B. R. division of the C. P. R. on Tuesday morning last, the !Hh inst. Trains now leave Fhwhertoii Station, going North, at 11. 35 a. m, 8.56 p. m., and 4.:iu p. m, ; going South at 6 : 46 a m. , 4. 35. , p. m. , and !). 10 s. m. Further particulars will be given in regular Time Table published in this paper next wouk. B. C. A. ft. Tho energetic Committee nf East Grey Agricultural society is sparing no timu or expt-uce in order to make tho show to be held here on the 23rd and 24th days of Uiu month, tho best ever held in tins plac. All arrangements will be fully completed for the accommodation of the numerous visitors brought here by the show, and special attractions of the se- cond day. Special prize* given lady iTiT*, lady riders, and (peeding horses, which will be more particularly referred tu in our next. Prlnrr Arthur&apos;* Lodge. Tli&apos;.- following are the officers of Prince \rt|..ir&apos;s h.<],-r, A. F. & A. M., Pleshsr- ton as furnished us by the worthy Secret- ary, Mr. \\ J. IMIa.iiy. W. Wro. J. W. Arnistn.ng, P. M. " M. Richardson, P. M. W. .1 McFarUnd, I. P. M. " 8. Damudo, W. M. Bru. R. J. Sproule, S. \V. " Jos. Blackburne, J. W. J. Gordon, Truaii. " W. J. Bellamy, Sec. Win. Striiin, Chaplain. " W. H. Kleshcr, S. D. " A. Hislop, J. D. W Mucking I. O. " J. J. Field, Tyler. Jas. Sullivan, Steward. Jno. McConachif. Steward. M. Richardson, Oryanist. lUsi-Ki r AOK. Age nuoiild slways com- mau.l respect, in the csnj of l>r. Fowler&apos;s Exlracl i.l Wild Strawlwiry it c.rtftinly does fur a."> yearn that ha* hmi tlu< iitandanl re- inod.v with tie people, for Choltrn Mnrbus, UyssnUry, Uiarrhit*. CJic aad all Bowel Cornpitiiiti. bealh oi Minn Annie E. P-ar*on. On Tuesday of last week, at the early age of 23 yean, died Miss Annie E. Pearson, daughter of Thos. Peanon, Esq., of the Township of Artemesia. About two yean ago deceased went to California. Something like ten month* ago, while still residing in the " golden state," she contracted a cold which even- tually ended in that dread disease which carries of so many bright young live) every year. She returned home about two month* ago, since which time she has been faithfully attended by the family physician, Dr. Christoe, and received all the care an attention loving hands could give. All that medical skill could accom- plish was done, but death claimed her as it* own ; and on the day mentioned she slept the sleep which knows no awakening on this side of eternity. As the shade* of I death gathered around, deceased made a strong effort to speak to one of her sisters who stood weeping at her bedside ; but the word* she framed were never utter- ed. Throughout her long illness, deceased was patient and cheerful, and frequently spoke words of cheer to members of the family who, at times, were unable to re- strain their feelings a* they saw how ra- pidly their darling wa* drifting out to the boundless ocean of eternity. She had many warm and sincere- friends, &apos;who, with the sorrowing relatival, deeply mourn her loss The remains were interred in the Irwin ( Meth< &apos;dint ) hurying ground, on Thursday, 4th inst., whither they were followed hy a large concourse of people. Rev. Mr. McGregor, Baptist minister, KleshtirtoD preached an mipressivefuneral sermon. Deceased was a member of the Church of England. LINES ON MISS rr.AHSuS s DEATH. BY A it i . i 1 1 > r In life&apos;* rv niornliiK deatb&apos;i mMce huoonw. E&apos;er her life ww lihk&apos;Mi-t hy <>rrowor car*. Anil Chrlvt in hi* lunau* h taken her home, Tho deliuht. of Hi* kJuudom forever tu share A liiifrarinff illrifu "lie patiently bore, Wit:, touching Chntlali fortitude. Ami uintly mulle her woet (so* wort. As witching by btf detb bed we stood. K/ll\ . dimply wu mourn our lots. Hut we km .w Chrirt nooded our lovod one, Bo we prmy for ntmu,-th to lur <mr crass, Aad to luuriuar meekly, "Tby will bo done." We have been asked to publish the fol- lowing lines, which were written by a friend (" the deceased : LINES ON THK PKATH OP MISS AXSIE K. PKAK80N. Annthur friend hj |isil swsy, l&apos;|i totiit Mixf ill throng. Tu loiu !).< rhi&apos;ir that rhauU today That never couiiig The cw on earth that crowed bar breut She left tli.-iu all below. And now enjovi that trmn|&apos;iil nut, M aolml wh(ur than tho MOW Bhi> ri&apos;arhed the rlnr&apos;i sonny ai<W. WhiTx lUirini and tompeeta aiMn. Her bott ha* vrowxl the .utiug tide, And fount! a port of peace. Why (reive wt> then with tear dimmed tyae, .MM wliu h we ntm Hut l, tin- tl >:^ht tootbeall oar >l(bi, To her our l&apos; U uain FOB THE COMM.EXION.- K,.r i&apos;liuplet. blotch**, Tan, and all itching humors uf the skin, us Prof. Low&apos;s Magic Suphnr Soap Prlrrvillr. Mr John Latimer. thu pushing, ener- getic Friceville merchant, garo us a plea- sant call last Tuesday morning. Since he tarted biuines* in I&apos;nceville, Mr. Latim- er has, by close attention to business and fiviiiL&apos; &apos;,&apos;ood liargains in every lins, great- ly niiT.-ii-.i &apos;I the volume <>f tnwle done by bit | "pul.ir predecessor. Dr. Oheot. FINE WATCHES GOOD CLOCKS. Largest Stock in this vicin- ity. Inspect it- A I UUADRUPLE PLATED SILVERWARE. Casters, Butter Dishes, $c- FULL, It K. WEDDING RINGS ACID TEST Gross Specif. Lt *Mprri*> Boss, and otfi< ; makes 25c- to Line* ID Chains, Seals, Rings, Jets, 4 Jewelry. I! 1 .:;::! !::::.:::::, d &apos;::,:: New Harness Shop! The lutMcrttMritatfMtoannoanee that he hu started In thu Harneee-Makiun buainvwiu Uiu <tau4 (posite Buu|>rr . K-t..r>. FLESHEETON, \i-M I* prr/nrnl tn ,t(lni:l I,. . ntul itt nrry mitun^Ur firter*. AU I mint it A Pair Trial to Convince the l&apos;IAu lli&apos;it I aan >l alt I my. My icork is my betf t only lt< roinini&apos;niln &apos;inn. Not /ting mifrepro- sented- I-&apos;itif I { , | >: i i i . _: Dooebr relf and fully irtwaatt-l KAIK riii W. A. BROWN lYIarltdal* . James Sullivan, i The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. BsAiiing. K*vi&apos;tr"iihhii;.nd m f r wry. thiiiK ID thu iHiviiieft* vtill r.-> \ * uiy |iroin|&apos;t s\ti>l csuvful fcttont. i *t Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN&apos;S, WM. CLAYTON Has on hand n Lar^r :is>nrtincnt of Mens, Womens &. liiHms BOOTS AND SHOES, Kac&apos;Sni;.ii)lr far t!ic F<tll n,l H&apos;iwfrr ip<&apos;<ir. Call and .-we tlicin.-^i Duality and Price Second to None ! \VM. CLAYTON, - FLESHERTON. i& ";:::::&apos;.:: ??:rk: ! Milburn d Gadd, PBorniF.TDllS of the above wilt*. are pro- lr*d tu attrn.l t rfr> tlnu In ine Can iage Making &, Blacksinithing ! lloes > i mil |itl> an J Repairing in both Hr rnxnptlv attMKUnl t 1IUKSE S1JOK1NC, A sri. LOST SHEEP. Rtrare<t from tny im&apos;tui*-" atx" &apos;hi- 12th of July, a Kwnali&apos;l IJtml&apos; markol U L. " on tb> left lide bn|n - &apos; An > ue ulvtll* lnJom>e>tloo that wlU. lead to tl ftbe above will bp rewanled I.;;VEK. Caret Di::iness, I.<>sx / .\pi>,-!it<; In / j, stton, Micntsntu, DysfH&apos;fisi&apos;i, t/iiuMi/i.-i-, Affections of the Liver and A&apos;l./wyi, Pimples, Hlotcfu;^ liuils. Humor&apos;s, &j Jitwm, Scrofula, Krysipfltu, anil all (l^m-dtes arising from Imjwrtt lilood, D<nui-jcd Stomach, or irrtjuUir uttion of. tfu Bowels. Steam Flour Mill ATFLKS//KKTOX \7 .1 T10M. For Sale! vitti th>- if.lMiirat4e< with lntert at tin- rut .f r, ii*r wnt iwr anii&apos;.H <!> uu|i.l 1&apos;iui )*! Or Tt< KKST JttF..\s\ I I.I.MS 2.-F ARMS !-2. TO RENT OR SELL Both w. II watered. All in th< Ton>bl|> Attiueia For flirt liur | arti -nlan s|<]>U in ROGER LEVF.R.

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