Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Sep 1884, p. 7

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Taw iri.b laal.a: Wheel. .Bbow me a sight bates fo. deiikbt Ao oold Irlah be... wid a young Irib nrl at It. Oh, no ! Notbin' you'll ebow Aqnals ber ntt|u and takiii' a twirl at ii. Look at ber there Thebloa ..l-S?a!S****' e ray ol day from ber eye laughing out on us . Fan, an 1 a foot, Perfect of cut, I'w pin to put au end to all doubt In as ! That there i a sight . , _.. Hates for dengb . Aa ould trtab wberi wkl a youag Ir.tb jlrl at it Ob, no 1 Notuio' you'll show Aquals her sittin' an' kakiu' . umi at It. " Bee the lamb i wool lit* bands of Down goes ber heel, houn' runs Ibe wb. el, -~i wid pleasure to take the commands of Talk of Three Fates B>alatiouaiea, uTe" 1 *" * *""' '"** tul *hT's done for , You may want three . . *ur vour uiaMacroe, ,|j* >**> "e toys, auci only the one for An' Isn't tbat fate Pictured complete An oold Irish wherl wid a youu Irish girl al II ? Ob, no Notbm you'll show Aqcals her siUia' au' taklo' a tw url at It, Hswkeei After -o, ,.,. . I know of sometblng tweeter tban tbecblme Ol fairy bel Ibat run Down mO'ow winds, ob, f.irer toao tbe time You sing ahoui, iu bap,.), broken rhyme Of butter tfia> and tun But ob, ae ina y t.blou leaua> away Ai lb to nu.rr.-w, wun tbe e.st breaks grmv. U tbis which lies, aumewbtre uio-t .till .ud far seweeal the kuuset ami tbe dawu 9 last tar And knowu a. yesterday. I know of something better, dearer too, Than thu flrst run- yoe bol.i. All tweet witb June ana .laiuiy witb the dew. Tne rulers goluea uroulae breatblnft tbrough . , It* white leaves' tender fold Oh. f-irer. wben tue late wUd>. gatberlog slow DeUad the ulgbt, sba<l. in auiug sad anil low Acros >be w il i. make all Itauiusio dumb Ob, dearer ttjau thr eiili. troe toovue, Will bu tL* last to go. I know of atmetblniaadiler tban tbls oest Ul biufcKu <- yuu bring, With xiieb se. t tnnib.e nirrlng at your breast Kur love &> at*,; ib- uiotuer bir.l unreal. nt* yesterday ouul.i sing. My lit .Ie obil.i, u>o KneveO to want ujy kiss. !)<> I forge* tla>f*tmliit.sa they will :uls> Wbo l. nils tat- aouie .' My b.-art with yonr ii lakaa taoa u ; HotulMbat aei from whicb the birds have "own Is sadder far tban tbls. .-v l.llkatAltHB. "terlea e)l MUkauM eeal Psiraew With 1 ar l>uk.. anal Vales. Oeor r iana, Duchess of Devonshire, gave Bleet, tbe butcher, a kiaa for Lit vote nearly a century >inoe , and another *uuall) beautiful woman, Jane, Ducbtst ol Oor- don, recruited her ra*ini<nt In a similar manner. Dunoau Mckeuzie, a veterau of Wat.rl..ii, who died at Elgin, Bootlaud, in 1HC6. dehgi txl in relatiag how be kneed tbe I'ueheea in takibK ids aLilliug from betweeu her teeth to become oue of ber regirmut, the O Tf'oo Higblaudrrs, belter known aa the Ninety-eeeoud. Tbe old Kroiub veterau ol M? baa not left ene behind Liu to till the aarue tale about kissing tbe btar-pyed Duchess in tbe market place a* Dutkill An American naval i tn !<r who bad |'-ut aome line in Ci ma uairatea aa atuuriug txyerietoe of tbe iguoranoe of the Onuirm uiaideu of the cusioiu ol kisniLg. Wi-hli g 'o complete a ooi.juent be had made ot a young mel jiu (baauiilul ladj) he mvi ed her uiug Kngliab wete so give him a kau. Kind ug ber comprehension ot bis rtqjesi sumswbal obscure, he suited tbe lotion tr the word and took a dtlioioua kias. Tbe girl ran away inio another room. tboroUKbly alarmed, rxrlaiiniug : "Ter- rible man eater. I Kbll be devoured." But iu a momeut, tiuding herself unin- jured, kbe r> timed to him, saying: "I would learu more of your atrauge iit. Keee me." He kuew it Wtan't right, but be kept on instructing ber in the light if kee en rn* until she knew how to do it like a native Yankee girl. Aud after tbat abe luggested a second course, remarking " Ke ea me some more, men jine, Mee- lee kee I" (Atglioe American), and the lessou went ou uutil ber mamma's voics rudsly awakened them from their delicious dream. Km- her gently, hut he ly; KIM ber wbeu tberv s DO one by ; bieai your kitse., for tben 'us meetest, btoieu kisses are tbe iweeteat. Tom Mood once a>ktd wuetber Hannah Mooro h1 ever been kiaaed tbat is to say, ry a man. It ia almoat imioasible lo imagine suob tinng, aud yet it ban been asserted by the aituor of ' K jioted Ad- dreaaea." But to think of ber bein kinaed on tbe sly aud in church time ' Horace Smith distinctly kffirins tbkt on a certain occasion Kidney Morgan was playing the organ Wbll behind tbe vetry .lour Horaea Twis> w snatcbiiui a klas Kroin the ,iua i,l hauuau Mora. I>.tr<:it fret Preu. A Mo, I- .11, d. air. Oiborne is a very eounomioal, but at the same time a very irascible parent. Last Sunday his boy Tommy deliberately die obeyed bis father, whereupon the latter Mixed bis offspring, threw him over bieknee, and prooeeded to rebuke him in bis usually snergetio manm r with tbe palmof bisbaud. Tommy, who is something of a elrategieliu a small way, tbinkioi to gain time, ex- claimed : "Pa, remember I've got my Sunday olothea on. Y .u will ruin them." " Tbat's a tact," responded O .borne, re leasing the youth. " You can lake tbem i it, while I go into the garden and cut a dosen or ao of peach tree switches." BrelevtSMl Vet rieiweve. At thia limp, when cut flowers fade so soon, says tbe Indianapolis Journal, it is wsll t > know tbat U a small bit ol tbe stem is cut i ff and tbe end immersed io very hot water tbe fl >wer Will friquenily revive aud rtsurue ua beauty. Ooiorcd fl iwera are more eaaily rtjjveoaied than wbiti ones, wbin h are apt to I uro yellow. F >r pre-er v ng fl >wers in water fluely palfenctd ebarooBl sbOoM be i i.t into the Ve>e al this aeaaoo. Where vines are growing lo water, charcoal will prevent . foul odors from tbe standing water. FASHIONS FOR FALL. What the Modiitei Have Decreed in the Way of Bonnet*. FALL COSTUME CHANGES. t niiiiit . .1 Oir.. i.r ike f -ii Silver braid io rows or ring* will be the lylieh trimming lor black oathiuere drei Basques are mad* in habit fashion for tuff ureseee, with the back shaped in a, narrow iqoare, and the postilion pleat* preaaed aa flat ai poaaible , the aidee are beu very abort, and (lie front may be harply pointed, or else rounded, aod only a trifle longer than ibe aidee. Cheviot, or cloth dresses may be bor- dered with roweot braid, or with the inter linked rings of braid that may be had in uaeaeoieLune that oloaely represent* braiding done by hand ; a border lor the loot of the akirt ia now alao made ol very large lapping rioga of braid or of galloon , and a narrower border to match trims the apron drapery. The woollen dretaea imported for etreet >uita for the early autumn are dietioguished by aevere plaiuueu lu design and lu trim- oiiDga, defending for i heir beauty ou the flue ni ot tbe acreage, and the graceful Ho wing lines of the skirt and tta dr. p r> 1'he ooraage may, if preferred, be a uuji. Ie round want without baaque or aaah, merely nuiabed by a ball ribbon with front bow. A popular skiit revived from the faihioni of a few yoara agu ha* three ->ia bleatuu uijoee that ouver the back brtadlba (rotu ibe belt to the foot, while only ihelonr flounce goae a>ll the way around ; an aproi. ibeu covers Ibe plain space in front, and ia make with a long point at the middle near tbe foot, and u broadened, full and wrin- kled at tbe top to ex.eud baoa on lot t .ui uure and meet the upper flounce of the back. The waterfall polonaise ie a favorite, and U very similar to the priuoeeea dreeae* tbat are made with a betque and apron in (rout, while tbe baok IB in continuous prin- eeeae forme. In kuob twlooaiaea UM ful oeaa of the atraigl.t pleats of the baoa u eomelimes added merely in tbe two middle loroie, and fall* tbeuoe ia two very large bt x i it-tin laid in double or in triple folda quite straight from the tournore to tbe loot . wbile otbeia have four pleau Ibat are single box pleate, two of wuioh are ex ttuded (rom tbe side forma. Double aprons are seen on French drcaaee ; theae are sometimes of one material, but may aleo be of tbe twofabrio. oumbioed in a dree* , the abort upper a|>rou la of tbe material of the waiat, and eud on the bipe , the wound lower j>:ou in ii,ured or iitriped, and u draped tu lollow ibe curves o! t e U| par oue and form a sort of border for it. 1'bere ia a tendency to widen all drees skirla by putting full breadtbs iu tbe baok, aud niskiugslraigbtei side and front breadths, laauiouiug i ujucli broader at tbe toe than tb ol..-ei> gored breadths formerly uee I. YV'boi. velvet is u.ed for the collar if woullei barques, a small quantity of u may re I iar iu leuglbejue folds in the baok ol llio ba>que. My friend Lily saw some very pretty dreenes at a larg* gaideu parly given the . l mr day Dear Yeraaille*. France. Oue wuro by tbe Cointeiwe de Brejuiac, was ouuu l>oaed of a niauvt "aim nhorl aknt. veilod with wbite lace. Two violet velvst paL,el started from tne waiat oa either tide, aud were tied in a loose kaot at tbe boisom < J i ! abirt behind ; tbe bodice, high up to tbe ueok btrl.iud, was of tnauve aatiu, and j> >u in tr^ii; a white Ikoe Bcuu was on.n-eJ over ibe boeom aud tied behind t tbe waiel. Tbe elbow slesvea were ot laoe. Ibe bonnet, with a very hi;li orowa, atid a Hurt of peut-bouse aeptet iu front, wae of white laoe abaped by gold wire, and bad cjht ilm enoruiune sum of ill! (Ju tbe pent booke was a buge oockade ol violet velvet mixed with laoe. Ham., I. l.r Ibr Near t- iimtr. Clara Bulle writes from New York : " I fell in yesterday witn two girla from Loog llranoh aud one from Newport, wbo bad o. me to town to get an idea of what the millinery of tbe immediate future IB goiutf to be. We went to several of tbe beat impoitjrs aud makers, sod bare art some ot the tbiace we found nut : Tne new felt bonuete have taken tbe fancy of the bay- era, and the market will be flooded with them next month. Womeu are llred of velvet, which ha* been in faahloo lunimer aud winter fur ao long, aud all tbe poaaibie changes seem to bave been rui>g on fanoy bounds. Every sort ot malarial, tbio and t auk. plain aud UgureJ, baa been usd for bonnet crown*, ana wltbuol tbie return to felt tbe oht])<aux of the coming seasx.'n ujuat only, au far aa matenal ia o moerned, bave been repetitions of what was worn dating the last two wintere. S.nl one milliusr on whom we called : *Au objec- lion to felt bonnele was tbuir tiffoese and their obligation to keep the sbapea provided by the trade aud hiob, however large, ould uever bave tbe diversity of the buckram form produced by the milliner herself, wbo al way a manaRod to put something ptouliar or persooal tuui it. Tbe same objection used to be brouu l t against straw, aud has been met in tbe aame way. Yon bave eeen bow the crowns have been removed from straw hatacr bou- rn 1 1 and orowne in gathered muslin or laoe ubetilutsd for them, and bow flat Leghorn fl . I'H bave been twisted, folded, plaited into uatty little oapotee or broad-brimmed granny bonntti. Tbe new felta are sub mitted to tbe aame prooaaa. They are turned about, folded, out, until thej DO longer resemble what they were than tbe capote or granny doea tbe L -ghoui flap. Tneir first auooree will doubtleae be due in part to thin, aod they are likely to be main Mined in laabion n uoh longer on amount of it, aa there need be hardly any limit to iheae modifications. Men would laugh at tbe idea of high art in millinery, bat you girle nader> t ud how eeneltivel* expreeaive of good or bad taate how barmouiou* or obarmouioua to tbe bead it ia worn on a bonnet may be.' " For late summer wear thin aame milli- ner abowed us imported b noete and bar* aud braid an Inob wide, wuven ol very argt old straw. Tbla braid, though heavy in i if ft. is indred very light, audio tbe pale golden tii t of freahly ripe atraw it is exceedingly handsome. A little Engliab ospote mads of it is bound on the edge ot the brim with black velvet, has black velvet ntriuga, and poeea bigh on the left side ia a dense cluster of balf-opend pink tuoes rose bads. Most of tbe ohtpeaux intended to be worn aa long aa tbe fine weather lasta are ia blaok, brown or variegated straw, t'iB colors being mingled like ih< itrsaka of Venetian glaaa, brown, crimson, olive, beige and gray being particularly prominent. Some very praity Ltile ooane blaok aud brown atraw bonnets bave eome ia for the autumn. Tbsy are moatly trimmed only with ribbon bows, and parbaps a fljwer beneath the brim. buwa of brown ribbon, mixed with palest pink and ecru the dooble-fxed satin being ot the two colonmake nioe trim far the brown straws, aud green, with a little i> ok or orimaon, for the black. Buob aiml deoorations are pre- ferred by women of taate to tbe graeeea in which hovered inaeote of all tort*, aud even imall greeD velvet lizarda indfroge disport tuemaelvea. X'pon my word, when I tried lo lunch io a city restaurant the other ooon, a woman aoroee a narrow table lowered her head, br aging a nasly lot if reptilea before my eyea and noae ; my blood turned into wriggling horrors, and my meal waa rpjiled. Happily, there eema to be an undercurrent leading towarda tbe adoptios of flowers, and I am glad to predict their use for email bonnet irimoiiugs thia fall and winter. Smooth felt in bouDtii and bata will be in vogue for early autumn. We ehsll have in hale us leading abape a modiEcaticn if tbe Henry III., witb the brim projea.iug in front. A sort ot oompromue with the bonnet ie seen in a large head drees which not inaptly reminds the ibeeiver of a great Iraoeated funnel, with tbe mouth tilled iu front and pared c fl al tbe back, or, a modi ccstioo of tbe Mother Hubbard bonnet, which may become a bat at tbe will cf tbe mod mte. PACK. lii. i !... i.i. li, I.I..M Iran el i > p< rl< oir fae>r Ihr Ir. u. ur Ik. r l. i..n. el ih. Cirral aairalral Vrat. In 1H71 Tbomaa Oott, then U veara old. was taaen to Bellevne Huapiul. New York, lalering from a diaeaee which had dr itroyed hie uoae and lips, and had begun to fl.oi bis eyea He waa taken in charge by Dr. Graatatus Sabuie, aud since that time bas bran under treatment with a view of replacing tbe loat paiti cf tbe face. After the course of tbe disease bad been checked ibe process ol building op was begun by outtiug away the fleth about t be edges ot the orifaoe, where tbe nose had been. Iben tbe inside of the larger finger of the right band waa flayed, aod the freeb tut wuund waa fitted where tbeuoee should be Tbe band waa held ia place by bandage* tod plaster of Paris until tae tink bad grown taut to tbe lorebead aud obeeka u( the I'itiout. In tbe meantime tbe mouth was covered by tbe baud, and a iilver tuba waa inserted into tbe lad' throat, through wbioh be was fed. and tbruogh wbicb be alao breathed. Wbru the grafting of the finger t> the face waa completed, aud circulation rsiablikbed. the avgvr wa4 amputated near the knuckle. leaving two aud a half joints attached ti tbe foe. Tbe oisiatious ao far bad le- quired about a yiar, but the prooaas uuly begun. The next it p waa to trim down the finger Into tbe b ape of a uoae by reiui.viDK the bone aud gradually build UK up Ibe flecb on each side ai d drawing the kin frum tbe obeeka and forehead over it. In oourae of t me the rmult euugbt waa obtaiurd, except tbat there waa aa ysl no nu*tnls. The eyea of tbe unfortunate boy bad both been dr out of push ion aomewbat, and Ibeii Wire straiglt.-ned by olipiing nervea io tbe manner u*ually adapted by oouliste in treating oro*ae>ed peu|>le. Tbe eye browa were alo patched t p at tbe inner euda. Tbe ni x; step we* lu give the boy a new pair of I [. Tbia wan done gradual!) by titking pieeee of fli<ab from tbe obi>rkii and grsfiiug them in plaoetn by bit. Yea terday, after thniten years of e>|i-tieooe uuder a "Urgeou's knifv, having meantime UD 1 ergons aud recovered from tbirty dnter ett operatloup, tbe patient, now a youny man, left tbe hospital. His face waa smooth, and to the casual observer bore no trace* of what be bad passed through. Tbe oaae i eitraordioary fi>r the rxtenl of the work doieand tbe |><rfect result obtained. Slut l*s eilraordiuary waa the fortnu Ie of tbe [< iiieui. wbo never murmured under the uoosssarily painful operations, and wbo, wben walking the floor because < ( his uf 'triug. was wout to obter op tbe otber pallet, t* in the ward bv telling droll atoriee, )( which he had a large supply. He waa ILOWU in the hospital aa " 1'atient Tommy." esarlhlaa: I Ihr aa Aihlrlr. Stanley, the African explorer, desoribeN i strong man be in t there who waa i. Net 5 inches, aud raider dinpropoitiouately lender. He oould toee an ordinary man ten feel ID tbe air and catch him iu hi- draoent. He would take one of the large tfux oat donkeys by tbe ears, aud w ti a mddeu movement of bin right foot lay the urpriaed ana on bin bck He could carry a 9 year-old bullock half way round bis matter's plantation. Once he actually tore twelve man on bia hack, shoulders and obesl, a distance of 800 fett. >. .. l.un.ll.nJ I ..LI. K Ip At the same time that tbe hope that )reenland la not an ice clad barren wild ia ho wn lo be groundles, reports come from Newfoundland that tbe rtsjuroee of the Dteiior of taat island bave beau greatly underestimated. Tbe ooaal fog* do not usually extend very far inland. Tbe ther nometer raogea from 7 to 83 degrees, it taa fine grinug land, magLifioeLt foresta of valuable timber, and is rich iu oo|p and other mineral products. A woman 'a amile and a soda fountain elsrk'a nod are mors expressive for what they oonoeal than what they reveal. Charles 0. Leland writes from England that though the House of Lorde will not be aboliebed in a hurry, il will be tffeolnally prevented from obstructing tbe manifest will of the people. The barraoka al Nuaaerabed, India, weir truck with lightning and aix soldier*. killed. Conversation should be pl*arat t without tourrillty, wi ty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without con- oeitcdneee, novel without falsehood. j III i.i.f. l. <. l >-i MIS) WILL.. w Twe i-iurL i Ma Weaaea faaejaii a Talrl. There waa an exciting epiaode about half -peal 6 yesterday morning iu tbe cigar store of Uoorge Blizztrd. Mr. Biiuard and wife are out of town. Yesterday morning their sons, wbo look after the business in tbtir abaenof, went to another store run by tbe firm aud left the Wathiug ton etreet store in charge of Ml- a Delia . Read, Mr. B uzud'a uieoe, and bar friend, Uias Mollie Pahl. Soon after the departure ot her cousins Mian Bead looked in tbe money -drawer and noticed thtt some money waa missing. She >t ipped to con sider wbo might have taken it. She bt ard a uoies under the counter. Quiely lifting up a curtain wbicb covered tbe space be- neath the counter kbe discovered a young man. He had bold of a small luueb- baaksl. Miss Read neither swooned not screamed, but took him by tbe collar, baultd him 3ut and told him to baud over tbe money he had stolen. Ha de- clared be had none. Holding binn firmly by the ooat lapel she insisted on bia re- turning the nuney. He fumbled in bu pickets, but did not produce any of tbe stolen money. The brave little woman iur i .ted upon bia basket being opentd. Hb*> tightened her graep oion both lapel * taia time, and in a raluutant way the thief opened tbe cover and lying upon a ui kiu pi uned around a luLcb waa tbe stolen money. Mies Read pulled open tbe money drawer and in a commanding voice said, " Ful U where you got it. He did so. To make sure a. 1 had been returned, Miae Read mads him open bis lunoh, which she told the rtpjrter had been put up with care, probably by a good mother. Ail tbia time Misa Pail bad been sitting in the dtuiug room perfectly ignorant of tbe inter- eating scene oo tbe eame door. Mi* Read now called to her, and aa she did tbe thief tiled to break away. But the pluck) little brunette held on to him. Miaa I'.ti did not understand the situation at first, but wben her companion said, Mollie lake bold of him I ' she did not aak for au explanation, but threw a pair of trong. rhapely arms about tbe fellow. Under tbe c roumstanoes be did ucteti] >y tbebugxing, aud shouted Let sue go, 1 want to KO to work !" Not until I am through with you," laid Mies Read. While Mi-. I'.ul piuiened him by ber strong embrace Mi-s Head rifled every pxiket iu panes, ouat and vet. ' 1 am done with you, ' said Mlaa Reid, after she had found tbat all bia wealth bad been bid io the luneb haeket. lie let! in a lurry. Haltimort Sun. BAI.atV < .MM. HIWVKB. Jwlla II n. I r....l.l. ... I, ., ..,!.!,.,.,.. ' -n. J I .< .1 at. 1 1|>. ie ho... Vreaa. Bjtou Olobf "Jjlia" write*, saying aha baa a new ranke in tbe kiicnen that vexes ber badly, because il won I draw, aud asks what abe can do witi it. We wrote back and told her that, j iJging from tbe fact that it waa ia the k tifaeu, we inferred that il waa a bort range, and advised ber to ei tier go out of tbe tusiciee* altcgelber nr elae pnt up a Creeduiore range uf 1 000 or 1 SCO \aid-i. It aha erected a raiige ot tbia kind, we told ber, and thru alvertiaed liberally and i ft -red s> lot of tlOO mtdal. eoaliLg Wceuts a dt a*u. aa pruer, and b red au aaurtaiut ol ancient colonels and brigadier jrueralt to loaf around tbe premise* iu full uniform, we thought It would apt to dr and pay for tbe outlay, pro vidod abe ruo it in oeneoiuu wnL a firat elaaa bar-room. Thau abe wr> tj back aud told ua that ber range had no target ai .1 that ber buabaavi waa a t-olioeu an. wbo waa all the affiour she Deeded aud informed us she referred lo a new fi',0 oock-U<ve which ab bad jual parcbaaed. and which she oould not ibduoe to draw by any means. We board iu bean restaurant at tbe tho couth rud our- selves, aud are no* trut4bied wrli balky cook stovsa. Before oomiu| to 11 lou we drove a luule teaui, and whenever they threw u,i tbeir beads aud refuwl to draw we got some shavings and kiutiliug wood aud built a Are uuder them It worked lo perfection every time. It ia understood that oock-alovea bave been made ti draw by lie same method. 1 1 would be a ituod plau lo try this eobame before swa| p ng ma stove away with the jiu*k man for twu tin dippers and a ooru-i>o|'per. Hew IN. u. , - ,.,. n.,i... i II waa a Oermau, 1 believe, wboiovented the extractor now io commou ne iu Eng- land aud in this country. Tbe idea oame to him npou teeing bis boy tie a bit of string to a piece of honejoimb andnwiu* it around Ins bead in order to get toe boi.n out. Tbe centrifugal foroa forced the hooey out of the c >mb. From this lo tl.t- ordinary extractor u was but a step. Tbe luscbiue, as in common use, consults situ I ly of a b g tin barrel, iu which turus a frame upou which honeycomb may b. placed ; by uueaua ol ordinary gearu g the irame ia turned very rapidly, aud the honey flies from the cells lo tbe sides of to. barrel and trios Ion down. Tbe beauty ol the tx'raotor is thai u savee tbe base all Ibe trouble of uakit g bouryoouib, a labi requiriUK considerable time aud material. Inasmuch aa for every pouud ol o mib ther. are 40 pounds of honey. When tbe otmb in tbe extractor ia empvy, it ia put baok into tbe bive, aod tue oeea di*ma>ed at tb> loas ol their stores, go to work at a t -n ih, rale in order to provide for the oorui >, famine. Wben the comb is agtiu full o boosy, It Is placed in tie extractor and again emptied. Aoeoidiug to the expert enoe of my venerable frieud, the bees cat be made to do about twice aa much work wbso their honey is taken away from then afier tble fasbioo aa when they are re qulrsd to build comb. In otber word*, tbe yield of hooey is nearly double. - (N J.) Letter ia Hartford Timtt. IT It AN AWUl MrSTCRT. The MtirJf t-.'r al'h >t<> in the) Ey Ot Hn. V ..i,,,. A loan without security ia a oyolone foi a bank. The investigation of theobargeeof bribi ry >i ml ibe Hullv EugiueOompauy, will b commenced by Judge Boyd, at Toronto, on Tursday morniLg Julia Brace, whose name appears in thr oyoli pidias, died reavntly at H onmingtou Uonu. Al tbeage of 4 yeara and ( oioutb* *be lost both ber sight at d beaiiug. aoi lonipg, loo, her power of rpeeob. aud ao for all ber long life -he wa a blind, deaf mutt, deprived of her mo- 1 important senaer, ye 1 ixari.iug to distinguish article*, peraon, and even colors by bsr nioe sense of touch. f r.rrml rrr... >l < l ,. u t . u.pi.i.n- ei ike 1.1.1 - eY eiaer. The Ella Wataon murder ease io Salam ooauty.N J, is still a mystery. Be>ideei William Jonta, Otorgs Peterson aiid Tboe. Simkina, Howard L Bulbvao, a ycejoei man who, wben thefiberiff offered a reward uf 110 to tbe uudir of the itunap (rom which the club bad been out to d o t at I. tal deed, went to tbe spot and claimed to* inonsv, was alao mealed. Th funeral servioea were solemn and impreaaive and wereat endtd by a large number of people. Carnages to Ibe number of several hundred aturoubded the unbsppy domicile. It waa) utterly 'mpon.ible for all the people to bear me atiiuon. aui M. a laigs number of tboae preset t eat on barrel*, boxes and board* [Iae4 uiderfruit treee. Kef N. 1. Wiittbi, t Me b.di.1 minuter of W&oda- lown N J . preached tbe Mrmon. Tbe (in'r body lay in eeuli j in Ibe parlor, aod surround ID,; it were ouotoe loaera ol all kinds. A mail's sobs broke the etillceas of ths oooaaiou. It waa Ella's big auu burned brother weeping over awr sad fate. Her mother sat in the next room, ber face swollen and wet with taare, bus near iho otffin, w.tbbead bowed andioaileLt grief, aether gray beirtd lather. It waa a sad sight. Wben the minuter touehingly re fd the aad iuoideul oouucoled wiib the) gul's death several persona wept bitterly. The preacher could not restrain bia wrath at this point and fairly shouted the worde : Why tbia) excitement in our midat ? Tbe answer ia. booaua*. though accustomed to reading ol euob foul Crimea, jt t we never realised fuily until tbe present tbe damtikble, hellish nature of toe detd.' Be then in- voked " the punisbmsnt of hell-fire oa toe murderer, if tbat of tbe rope hoU I eiopo bim." Tbe provideLoe ot God bae nothing to do wiib tbia dear girl'a death." he said, "or alas Uud biiuaeil ia the) murderer." The thoughts ul me men wbo beard him were> cot of honoring tbe dead, hut, by their own ooLfeaaioo, of lynching; the mau whom they thougit was the> murderer. 11 ra Bull i van, wbo now lie* in Salem jail, cannot aoooauif.jr bia time betwetu 6 and N o oeoek oo He iikKbi Ibat Ella Wak. sou waa murdered. N. itber can be wboll v account lor tbe plethora of money with which be went to Atlantic C ty en aa ex ouraioo ntxt day. Fur tiae much the prosecution sboull give thanks to old Joan Klweil. perbspt the one Assemblyman ID a rural district, of N.w Jrr-eJ wbo ever bad detective ten**. Whan lie murderer look in* girl's chicken money from ber baudker obief bis banda were nmeared with ber life blood, and m placing tbe coin la bis pocket the lining oiuat have been ,tune-d Such a gaiment is uow being bunted for, wbiab may prove au important ulew. A photographer of thia o t, oomouni- caled wubtbe Salem oonniy au'.horuiea on tbe day of tbe funeral, atkiigforier minion to lake tbe dead girl s photograph lor tie purpose of dieeovajtug tbe> murderer lu Ella Watooi.'r eyea. lae bone waa baava on tbe Trsich crlmlusvl diuotioo syetem. In caaes ot audOeu aud uoletit death uuler oerlalu urcum^tatces tbe retina uf lie eye rtt tioa an imr.re.-ion of the last o'jeo* sten at the Inatant Jcatb ansuea. Tbi. iui|rr-, i u *e been repro duoed by the C.u. ra, ., 1 m , e v.r.l luataiiosw baa led io iui*^rtaut d ii.clouree). It waa bi |Td that E U WaUouV drsd i yee would di^luao tbs faoouf bar uiuri*rer, but u Was too late, M tbe photon. |>'i wae taken a few boor.tft-r death A K tttie tutu ol tl>is cttv onov bad aow abut aud iiumediaiely after tbo auitnaU eyes were I botograpbed ou s nail place which wae ibeu en Urged. A tnau wadiliuotly vi.i ble lu tbe act of boot|D|( MemotiUawrviea wawbaUtn Uuciay in ths 8uuda| aii<l rejsxii M oaklaae. of wbioh Kila Wai ou waa Beoreiary. Sbe also went to i-ouiHil ou wmk days ia ibe same buildup. U is atSjuakJ acuut one- half He dMtkct /roan Hrkeaiej. A(.sr a ftW remarks Were made by Qenry Drum ujoud, ol Y..rktown, aud L'>ui- Wright, the superiuattnenl, addaome mune) b> Lila'e former etnpi,ioi.., darwg abicu U>e women oebsd. u wae efreed t . have a memorial risTti ted aud bung upou Ibe wall, wbiob Would) baud dowu to Ibe >ob lrs for gaueratioss the >k>ry of tueoiiiue and tbe merits of the dead girl. T eat i. J-ll io, Ci.i...io lit. l>. ( Vrs lew A London oable<rara ityt: A man witb tbe fatal name uf faokrutge fulfilled hie tuaLi'est de.Uuy by au ui>|lranaul leaeon on ibx danger of loo much political leaj. In 180 be uol only wore )sllow ribbnu to provable devt t ou to Ceustrvalive nriuoi- plts, but paiLitvd hii dog ye 1 iw The *i.iinl, not taking k'nlly to the paiut, tokened and died. I'uck.idre waa proa*. 'ute.l hy a bu nane . Ol t,.i,l keuienoed to six wrrki'iuuprn-ounjeui wnb hard labor. Ue d d t> Boulogne, wbioh falnia ihsaame funciioue to Kngli-h refugees aa Causda to AMI .riC4U eaabiars, bit relurnum rtoently, u the fond b< (>e that tbe etospade was tor- gotten, is uow dotug hia esttiuoe. J..k,o,. . I v , " Couldn't you nud room enough foe? youn-elf oo thai bench, without pusbiog tbat little boy i ff on the flor?" asked au Austin school teacher of the had boy of the I didn'l want any room for myself." a the ri ply ; I waan'l crowded al ail." " Then why did yon push Mm off ?" " To give him in >re room. He was tbe bey woo waa orowdsd, eo I puehe 1 bim off io give bim plenty if room. Tbtre ia a great deal more ro m off of t bench than here U on u." Tnut Sifti*t$. You may take the greatest trouble aod by turuug il around find juy on ths i ther iide. Some ailiseoa of Trenloo, New Jeraey, who favor ornne'iou bave purobseed a uottery -kilo at Puuioe<ton, a- d will traua form it u t > aa) i.veu for burniuK bodlea. A girl hat only to give a*eeol to gi man led, but it ousel bwr dullara to get a jivnrc*. Tbe annual sun aanoeot tka CbrisnaMi in ih* Caned i >u Kivrr, Ark., o inuiued I'hiiut oee-aii'>u ihree> da>iand Mgina. There u nutbiug so wild a mad Texas) steer, but a cow alway a obeys her uddsr.

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