Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Sep 1884, p. 8

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' i. HEARD'S Waggon^ II an u (art u red at Flesher- are tbe Che*H>*t, as nothing bat good wood is rued in them. They are strongly framed, runs sasjp uud well 1'miuu d r'armem and others wanting the Cheapest and Beet Waggon will do well to examine tbe ma- terial carofnlljr. HKAHD'8 Wsfgon. are warranted for 8 yean, and eold st very low prices. No Freight to pay. I. .-miiKj (i.-ar, Box, Spring Beat, Neckyoke sod Wblffletrees ............................................ *7500 for cash .............................. 0600 Manufacturer ol Buggies, Democrats, Wscgona, Cutters, Sleighs, Iron Harrows, and Agent for flows. JOHN E HEARD, Flesherton. Saw Mill & Timber Land For Sale or To Let. In tbe Township of ArtrMmisV, in the County of Grey, 4 miles from Fleaberton Station, tbe Canadian Pacific Railway. The Mill is situated at Little Kails, in s block of about 400 acres Timber Land, with other timber land sturoanding. Tbe building is sub- stantially built on stone foundation. The machinery i* all good ind drivrn with great power by a 23 inch Leffel wheel, nnder M feet bead of water. There are 1 Large Circular Saw for cutting logs ; 9 Small Circulars for sawing Laths and Broom Handles ; 1 Uuage Lathe for turning Broom Handles, Ac.; 1 Shingle Machine with Jointer and Packer com- plete. The Water-Power ii excellent, tbe stream being verv regular. There are several ither good Mill Sites on the property. The land in this valley is considered the best in tbe country. The place would make an excellent Stock Farm when the timber in taken off This offers a good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to" go into this kind of badness, an the plaoe will b sold nr let on FAVORABLE TEKM8. The Im-h is BO con- . MI. ul to the Mill, logs can be trucked in inmmer time. Immediate possession given. Apply to the proprietor, JVI. HOG i- ns STATION P.O.. OUT. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF Me ui !.::::K.:; Ms, Baeh as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones Counter and Table Tops in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on short notice. Also Mantles )u Marble and Marbleizcd Hlate, Ac., Ac. Flesherton, Aug. 30, 1883. This is not the "KedFIag" yon have read so much about ; this is a good, honest price, good quality, & square dealing Flag, carried by Mr. Thos. human. Tailor, Flesherton. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLO WAYS PILLS&OINTMENT There u a family in our town the mem- bers uf which have become notorious for I- it\ thefu. Hitherto th (uirtu-s from whom they have purloined have not con- sidered it worth while to prosecute, on account of the trifling value uf the ar- ticles. Emboldened, no d jubt, by such for- bearance, ftume of tlu-bv pilferers have en- gaged in their light-fingered operations more frequently of late, and some of our cituens, we understand, have determined to bring the guilty parties to justice if any further theft is committed by any member of the family in questiou. It would be well for the culprits to mend their ways before they find themselves landed in the County jail. .">A.//>um. Free Preu. i m i i A BTBONO ESIXJHMM KNT. The Clergy, the Medical Faculty, the Press and the Tropic all endorse Burdock Blood Bitters a* th best system renovating Uood purifying tonic known. It* work bears out their best re commend. A Oca* FOB CMOLBBA Mosucs. A positive cure lor this dtngerour complaint, and for all acute and Chronic forum uf Bowel Com- plaint incident to Bnmmer and Pall, is found in Dr. Fowler's Kilrsct ul Wild Strawberry; to be procured from suy druggist. A* K.\ Ai M iim\ Turn. IT. Ex- Alderman Taylor of Toronto, tried Hagyard's Yellow Oil for Rheumatism It cured him after all other remedies had (ailed. Hawked Overheard. On Friday morning, as the schooner Annie Potter, Gapt. MuVickur, wascuming into ]K>rt with a load of lumber, when otf Squaw Point, a young lad about nineteen, named James Crichum (son of Mr. Thos. Crichton of Brooke,) was struck by a fore- sail bm and knocked overboard. When first struck, he was knocked down on the lumber, and balanced there for several seconds, but before anyone could get to him he fell over into the water. The cook threw a ro|>e, which struck his head and shoulders, but he appeared to be to much dazed with the blow to catch held of it. The vessel was going a: a uood speed at the time, and the Capt. at once brought li.-r into the wind, but be- fore she came round ho had disappeared. Search was made for the body on Satur- day, but without avail. <><r.-n Oulutd Timrt. A Kemwkable Escape. M'. Mary V I iml.-y. of Tunkhanoek, Pa., was afflicted for six Tears with Asthma and i<ri>iicliitiF. during which time thr bert phy- sicians cuuld give no relief. Her life was despaired of, until in last October she pro- cured s bottle ul Dr. King's Ntw Dincovery- when immediate reliaf wss felt and by con- tinuing its ate for a short time she wai com, pletcly cured, gaining in flesh 50 IDS. in a few months. Free Trial Bottles of this cer- tsin cure of all Tbrnst and Long Diseases at W. Richardson's Drug Store. Large Bottles tl.OO. Tbeae are Solid Facts. The best blood purifier and system regu- lator ever placed within the reach of suffer- ing humanity, truly is KUctric Bitten. In- activity of the Liver, llilliouiuess, Janndioc, Constipation, Weak Klmley., nr any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever require* an appetizer, touic or mild stimulmt, will always sot sursly and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give untir* satis/actkn or money refunded. Hold at fifty cents a bot- tle by W. Richardson. Glorious Victory, FLESHERTON The Scott Art HM tamed in the County of II aK on. THE PILLS Pnrlf v the Blood, correct all Disorders of the L.tv r, Stomacli, Ki<lnym, and ISowels. Tliey Is vigor ate anil rentore to health DeMlltstcil CniiHtltiitloiin, and am invaliisLlr In all Coni- plklst. incidental to Kemaloe of all aeyn. For Childruu ami thu ai;uil tlicy aru |>rivulw. THE OINTMENT J* au infallllile reinody for Und !*, Bad Hroaatn. ()l<l Woiindu, Horwi and I'lcorn. It IK famoni for (tout and RlieurnatUm. For tUmnliTK of thu Clit it 1ms no miual. For SORE THROAT, JiROJVCHJTIS. COUGHS, COLDS (rlwndiiUr Swelling*, and all hkln Dlnoaae* it liu no rival , and for contracted and .tiff Joint* It arts like a cliarui. Rannfaetured only at Professor HOI.LOWAT> Kutnliliahmuiit. 7K, N Oxford si r,--( ( late ft.rt, Oxford Mtrect >. London, and r olil at 1. 14d ,*l. M., 4. M., 11s., W., and Sta. i,acli Ilox or Pot, and may bo had of all Medi riri' Vmidon thronxhont the World. .?** Pitrctuuen nkouU I,** U 'Jtt Lubtt <nt tkf /'* nnd Bttjeen. If the tMrem u nat 533, Oj/orrf Strrrt, LmulvH, Uu-y are npitrumt. Fall MI..H >. East Orey, at Flesherton, Tuesday anil Wednesday, Kept. Jtfrd and 24th. Artuinesia, at Pricuville, Tuesday, Oc tobcr 7th. Oaprov. at Mclntyre, on Thursday, Oc tober 9th. Proton, lit DtindaJk, on Tuosdny, and Wednesday ( tctobcr 7tli and Hth. Provincial, at Ottawa, 22nd to 27th Sept Western Fair, London, 8*pt 22nd to MUe, Toronto Industrial, Turont.,. Sopt, 10th to 20th. Mclniicthun, at Sliulburnu, October 7th and Hth. GlenulK, :it Markdale, Outolwr 2nd and 3rd. South Grey, at Durham, Sept. 30th ami Oct. 1st. Collingwood Township, at Clarksburg, September L'oth anil 20. Normanby, at Ayton, Sept. 24th. Dominion ExhiUtion, at Muntreal, 8ept. 5th to i:*th. The Advance till Jan. 1st, 1885, for 20 cents. Cruelly Murdered. In tho 1'rrvHiee of Ontario every year thousands are being slowly munlnrod by takiiifi unsuitable, untried nostrum* for snch complaints as Costivonnss, Imligitstion, Liver Complaint, Kidney Troubles, etc., who might uunily regain lo>t strength snd energv I'.v using Mc(irrgor's Speedy Core. To con- vince ih.im that snch is the case we will give them a free trial bottle st lUohardson's Drag Ki. .... Price COo. and II. See nooiali Irom persons in your own town. The vote on the repeal of tbe Scott Act in Hal ton was taken on Tuesday, ath inst., and resulted in a gloriom victory for the friends of prohibition. The result proves beyond a doubt that the people of Ualton are satisfied with the Scott Act. It has been sustained by a good round majority. Well done, 11 alt" 1 1 ! Fluid Lightning. Flnid Lightning is the only enre for Toothache, Headache, and Neuralgia. It does not take s day or au hour to cure it, but in less than a minnt* all pain is cone. Thousands haw tested its merit within the last vear. Fluid Lightning is also a positive core for Khenmstisui. Tbe worst pnuible cases have been permanently cured in one week. Price 85 cents at Richardson's Drug Store. To the Ladle*. McGregor A Parke's Carbolic Cerate will enre any case of Pimplea on the face or Hough Skin on either hands nr fsoe snd leave them soft as silk. It will also heal sny sore when all other preparations fail. Thou- sands have tested it. Ask your druggist for McOregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate and do not be persnsded to take snytbing else claim- ed to be as good. It is bnt 45 cent* per box at Richardson's Drug Store. OBSTBICTIONS of the Stomach. Liver and Bowels, are promptly removed by Na- tional Pills. DR. LOW'S PLEASANT WORM STRUP An agreeable, safe and effectual remedy to remove all kinds of worms. FOR Rough eondit|oni of the Skin. Sham- pooing the head Pimples, Eruption ana skin (Hussis. use Prof Low's Sulphur Soap. Toronto Weekly News Flesherton "A dvance, ONE YEAR FOR $1.40. THK TORONTO WEEKLY NKWS is an lUoetratod Taper, aasurpa*ei-d in ill tbe feature* of enterprising journalism. It riatnl* ooosptciioui among lh nal* of Canada aa a compleU the bmt jour- newapapgr, which will be mtoreetniR f> every nirmbi of UM family. Th* children will like th* pi idea as. th* young folks th* (Wire and the runny sketch**, th* mur* niattirr will b* daVflktod with tb* editorial* and MWS natUr, which in every isswi will be I. und t|.icy. ioeisive and ntertainiag. I nth* Biattit of teUgnph enrvior, ha'inir th* advantage of eoaneetjon with THK TU- h< NTi . 1 > AIL Y N K W S. it has at its com- mamrl sU the diepatdMe ol UM Anaociatrd s tie special* from NKWS i in every section of Ontario for wttiefc th* daily paper is so famous, AH a eye,a i* ha* DO superior. It is )n i.i.^iAent in politic*, presenting all puliefaal iwwe tree from party bias or oolonnc, end i absolutely without f*af or favor as to parties. Tbe parliamentary lepmta are litlnu is a Lumnruna na, sad deal wish men and meewre* without loves, aad having regard only to brnrity, juntrcn, and troth. It i* in tbe lullt ssnse a nunaly newspaper. Each usue contains a verbatim report of Hev. Dr. TaJmajr-'i latest sermon in Itrookrrn Taberaaol*. Clara Belle's New York fash ion letter, "Tbe Man-About-Towsj,* sketekes f people aad pUoea. a aerial story at steorfainf iotorest, a political car- toon, and a rich variety ol condeoeed notee on FasbJoB*, Art, Industnea, Idteratur*. to., eso., etc. Iki market qaotatioos are nMasts aad to bn railed npotk. It u lost IfcenssjST for the young folks, and tbe oM folk, will lifcr. ,t juMMw.ll. Onrspesial oraUbeBf Israe bnnc it withu, resek of 11. Specimen eopiss may b* had at this Cures Cholcra,Cholera Mnrbus,Dy- senteru, Cramps, Colic, Sea 5/c/> ness and Summer Complaint ; a/so Cholera Infantum, and all Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS. T. MILBURN % CO., _ Proprietors, Toronto. Jewelery STORE. J. R. TRIMBLE, DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, $c. No Bogus Discounts! or other Clap-Trap Induce merits offered, but sell you Goods as low as they can be figured consistent with HOJVEST TIL4DE- Watch Repair ing a specialty- All Work Guaranteed- YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUrv,AM c M TREHMAJTS WORM POWPgmi. JLi*) pleesisit to Uke Coot iUTe Is a sat*, ear... a Sf iresi III riiildienor JDO lf"Flllf FOiULI" UllM DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL TUB MAIL hat bcome Al conlni aott of thai tkw U iKhn CnHii jeBIM i - t.i<l. liu.ayi.rur mem otUieitrHeeiei. ADVERTISIMBHTS ef'Faran fet ttl." aad "Fir- Wtoiir.l,"" Stock "ot "Seed at Sale" or "WMnad haMtltil in THK WHEKLY MAI t .yrt"' pf f4 rack Jfeerton. . *r*rr irmfi ftt word fnf 4w mrvi<'i. or la THE DAILY MAIL M/M * tfl/tnu pr .J AJ<ma>- THS HAIL Tm A PRIZE.: Send mi cents (or poet- see, ami receive me, a oMtly bos of good* 'hlch'wlll help yon to more money rlht away than anything elw tii this world. All, of either sex, miccMMfrom ftrat hour. The liroarl road to fortuueoprna before the workers . ahuolntely sure. At ones address, Turn A Co., AujuaU, Halo*. a week at home. M outfit free. Payau- (M.luU'ly *ur*. No rlak. CapltaJ sot rr>- I iir.-<l. Keader, If von want bwlneio- at which |iraona of vlthiir sen. younu orolfl, can mafcf meet pav all the time they work. it )i alMilutr onalntv. write for partic . Ian to H HAI.LKTT * Co., I'ortland, Ualnr. PATENTS atl'NN A CO., of tb* 8riFNTlrir AimrA!f,mn- Illnl.. l..nct ;i. n. .licit. in fur r..i.. it. Creu, Trd Mart*, CipTTl4rtil, for Ui L'iiiid State*, Caiuda, nclasd. FraBoa, Oernan;. ete. H.m.i BookalKiut Palenln nnt fr.'o. Tblnj-Mvvf>n rcere' *jtper1oc. Inlbi'Hn i:\ririr Ancni< AV ti,.. larteM, IKM and |. .i ..,.-. ..related ml*nlincpssr. t*.jo >Tnir Wwaly. ^pi.'miid nrwravinun and IntereMIn* In- fnrmall< n Hindmra r..pr ,.f I l.r. HelmilMe Aax>r- Iran -nt fr. Artdrmn MI'.NN VCO_, (IclsXTiriu AliaalCAN clOof. 1 Br..lwr. NVw Tor*. EUGENIA Grist Mill, ui lit: Mill. lii^ in.iil.' px tt>riKivi< iiii|>ivi<iiip|its In Div Orit Mill, I am ronli.lcm 1 omi givegoo<l satiifnctioii. CHOPPING DONK ANT DAY. (r.mij Flour slwsyi on liaud. Cnstom Sawing, and Billn lift-il n the *liorlMt nolioe. Lum- ber snd Lath ahvnvon hand. WANTED : Cherry, Butternut, WliiU Ash, Blsok Ash, Bssswood, Pine and Hemlock Logs wntpil . AKITT, KUOENIA

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