Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Nov 1884, p. 5

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- _\ . Tl 1 J . D: 1 C i i \ m v 1 ; c -J i s i> , ^ rtr _ \ At the Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a largre assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. 1 ' mri snl '.ill- , ruitcJ at > 'I H V:VIMK ortit'y. M* ii>irt"ii i.u j un ti -tit -, in tin u. i .: .. au I f-.t |tln; 1 -iit-i i i"tir> All <>tii*-r kin-Net il'riMti'iK al I*A I of Mitihint,' ivt M|> in K*t (trey in ju icu*. matcri*! itul workmanship , Brevities. < >ur teaching staff has been re-engag- 1 for 1885. MP. Will Reefer is now connected with <- iii Thr Mortal. A social will be given "' the basement Flosheitoii Methodist church to-mr- (Friday) evening. Admission 10 'cent*. If yon want to have a good time, don t fail t . } tin ii- Doom "j.cn at the uaual hour; the social begins forthwith. , I s, hool. the Michigan Central It. R. at Welland, Out. Success, ol.l 1...-, ! Mr. C. Tread<;old, our Well-known \Veunderstandameetingistobeheld and rolialde i*:.., ..i^iui, and newiiit' this (Thursday) evening in the Koyal Tew- machine agent, cold an organ to Mr. plan Hall in the rear of Win. Strain's Win. Mason last week. block for the pur|>ose of organizing a The erection of a new nchool. house Dinging (.lass under the leadership of in Flesherton in keeping with the re- Mi. I) S. Monroe. We ho|* that this t|uiremeiita of the place is being c.ni- project will receive the hearty support of temphiU-d. our young (luoplu. - Mi l'. Porter, foreman in the ]!> HIIII of the Collingwood Ki.t-i <! at our office last Friday. PhiM-lM- Boy!*-*. TV tli. K'iii,,r <>f Tli. .I./.-,,,.. ' Falsehoods uttered liy three-quarter idiot* sometime* need correction. Such is tlic case with tlie indigent, I'lmulx- Boyles. * v, r .u i j i Some, few years ago Mr fat her died anil mad, . will. making myself and hi. .on- Why He IHdnl Hani to -< i OflT I lit- Train. The North-bound train the T. <!. _,. ii"rty .. t . F . T.1W U and home, where she ami HONHB now & H. K. branch was delayed at Dundalk station one hour last Monday at noon, in coiie<|uence of a freight engine which had run off the track and which liad to bo the express could proceed .n. When the train did start, a ..ii of Erin very mu.-li under | the influence of tire-water waa observed I cautiously making his way ml GOLD WATCHES ! SILVER WATCHES, flBSTH * LAlllKl g Wwll kll"V II n ax. - . find bU'lSS- every . Ungear. calle We were aUnnt at the time, a. fact we iuiprnvcincnt.s, S( lliu;,' out vtry clieap very much [...-retted aa Charlie U a typo . fur cash at C. TIlEAlHiOLD'S, n \t of tho right &<>rt. Vicker's Express Co. have I their office at Mr. J. Gordon s harness hop here. This will be a grvat conven- ience to our villagers, and at the same time the Co. will lone terprizu. We take pleasure in recommending i Hall K Hair K-mc: to our readers. It restores gray liair 'M j . ymithful color, i baldness, makes the hair soft sy, doe* not stain the skin, and - u altogether the. best known remedy for all hair and scalp disease.. Money is very scarce but not hard to get at a reasonable rutt of interest. U JM can give good security, you can got all the money y<>n want from S. Damude interest payable yearly. He it to pay it. In tho meantime, however, a gentleman of tlie name ..f Hall, then of I Glenelg, railed at mv office and inf.. mi. -1 . rm now haymond bowing | m that thero ^ ^ Mt ^ ^.^ Mai lanes, fnllv up to date in modern , , , ... family by their uncle, amonnting t ?l each ; but Norman t-uig nn nientm c"in IK*, and Phoebe approximating to that state, the difficulty wa t" get it nit of to C'layton'8, Fk'Hliertoo. The Duil't I oru l It ttt uimiue entertaiiunent of the W|J , ^ h(Jd ju , ho TuW|1 H ^ KUwhertoii, on the evening of Wednely next, Dec. 3rd, under the auapicea .-I the > of Temperan<v. Amusing tuid in dialogue*, songs, ch lut-u &c., iVc. will be i'i order, coinmen- at 8 o'clock , IUK >u. After lostliMtf against several - side, with no |>c-rs..iial pn.i-.-itv with , .passengers in a ratheJ uiiideanant manner, which to l>ay debu. The only debt was ! ' ... .... , he tinally acooinphshed the, to him, dif- ! to Wn>. Wnght, amounting to 840 or - ., , i ... ticuU task of assuming an upright ixi- I thereabout, so that thu Trustees were 4 . ... lion. As this juncture Conductor T. A. about selling the lot, ..r at leaat a part of riioiaji.ii entered the car snd pi.-ce- ded to | much " tlie tickets, when he was in- f'lnned iu somewhat emphatic not to say inelegant language by the aforesaid "sn ..f Krin that he had neither a ticket nor thu wherewithal to purchase, one. Mr. Th. mi | M. .n thin politely informed him and ticu i/i'd r* \\(UT(UltS of Mo- OHC FINE Silver- ware Chancery, for it clr|..,iteil in that Court. However, by I'hoebe certifying for the whole, it was got the Court taming 12 for each Cf rtiricat*. din-i-d the li-irary to $10 each, reccpti u one |.art wan sei.t 1 > their sister Hetsy, leavim; re- r- lU I'. O. to in my Thii V|y.u TUMs hands. Now this bill ,,f Wright's Jiad to that ho must evacuate the premises at the next station, which happened to be I'l-otoll. "I ha vent a cint about me person," pleaded the s. u. E., embellishing the sen- tence with a choice streak of profanity. " Can t help it; you must leave the lurll 'FlfS- Tlt'O <lti<l (I car or hand over your fare," replied the .'/'V/r.v among IJuU ixllllf conductor. , n.,w, Korr, don't ..nd me out in practical _dickmaker. and then turn,,,, t., the pas- Hour Jt,ltrontltfi- o -*... solicnt'il. for Wedding Warranted Large Stock' in O//I>T rrtfu- ' f V \commen<1 ./.v ii / m-i'iuf <nid _*___! I fj* . A _ f , and then to the i*nn who kept * "*' urm he I'P* J i ' '" generosity till death. I felt ,t .duty t-, appro. " Ith M h '' nat ' Ve "H""* "d rce. h,s ,K,rt,,.,,, or Irt.t., ward, the tu " J" 1 K've me enough till raich dale . The paaaengers l.M.ked ai did not res|>nd as feelingly to tin- as circuinstancus seemed to warrant. At length he made a last pathetic ap- ..f but Childr, n 10 ! cent* each. Cio ! aud you won't regret it. said bill; and by a good deal ..f coaxing I INI I'i iiin.iiis|ii|i. she aim., not willing to lie diaturU-d in We have before ua a magnificent eiigra- t ' l<! I"seesiiii of all the property, jur- ying of |>eiiiiiaiiship just received from ">ited me to pay fH more, which luadu it kikniiig for "Ifristx,rai',d \\Jst ,,{ KH*. C - A - Fleming, Pnnci,*! of the Northern the auu, which -through the kiadun. ,.f ^ ' ' land ^o." The ...ple are ,,,rrow,n,fr Hu.,nc C.dleg, ,,wen Sound. Encl.-sed VNngh's .,,.,.,,, th, deb, The W . ^ J,^. \^^^ m * him at present as they know business is m a wreath of ttowera u a l*n sket. -h of fraction, was pai.l t ,.| , ,|,,. .,|. v ,. - strictly confidential with him and the Inglia Kail., one of the pretty piece, of Mr. Large for n^h-casting the bonne Jf ,-velthelee. the i o E. was turned out Coiu^ny obhging.-lw. ^enery near Owen Sound. The variety jthat the unfortuuau-s might 1* kept war- m th< .. U)wld .. ^ ^^^ Huti<(n whm -Ayer'.Sariparillatho t 'ughlyclcanae. '.f Ik-unshed bird, and quills, _ K n,Uii. , mr. ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ h ^ ^.^ the bl.>.l, stimulates tin- functions, and lettering, Ac. is more than we in our lira- | This, then, is tao whole statement, as hut seen he was standnv l,y the railway restores the health and strength. Koonej itod l*co can fully describe. Everyone j papers will testifv Now, it hap|jns that tnu ' K 1"'"K hu eyes itb'hi IminUaiid who, blo,Kl is m,i>ure can feel' well lean possess a copy of it themselves by this pauper has a very bad f..i,,,e. and ' " direction of a There i. a weary, languid feeling, and :' '-' three-cent .tarn,, to Mr. Flem- she, beinga cri r ,J, abo. h ui. u ^K'nl^Val^OTthTplaS 1 att often a sense of discouragement and de-|'"8 *" W [H'stage. Ac. It is 18 x 24 jthat the WriRhta are rogues and cheaU, all. Ural inc. Fair < r>,,~. W. A. BROWN. JEWELLER. Ittarkdale. CORDON'S HARNESS SHOP apondency. Persons having this fueling '"dies and should take Ayer's Nanaparilla to purify framing. md vitalize the blood. Miss Page takes this opportunity of (hanking her custumvrs for the hearty pa- tronage they have accorded her in the pas;, and to aaaure them that she will is a handsome picture for Anniversary Nervier and Tr- Me not The Anniversary services in the thodist church, Flushcrton, were -pare no pains to retain it in the future <*"> duct < 1 *>V H v - Dr - H"Tr of Colling Trimming done and Feathers colored in w<K>d M all "" ulll 'J '> -pmtertand through the coiuuinsof TH AI.VAIHI lat week. #vory Fashionabla shade. Ladiu* Mld gentlemen's Felt UiU maxle over e,pial , to new, at prices to suit the hard times. llov ' Mr *"" "' tho '"ming and How vl r the I' ul P U wat abl y fillwl Shop in the Fluaherton |.hotognph gal- KeV Mr lery buildintr. enini:. W Our young friend, Mr. D. Q. Mel- drum who kaa been in Flesherton ^n^. <.ffice during the | t year goes t>, Tur- nto next week t.. I, .in, thu drug busineas with a well-known gm-en City " " f Markdale, in tho er' iight suggest that Dr - 1Ur '"' r '">' *<* il t " hil creait M ! Christian minuter t.. keep his apjH.mt- menU """^ f^hfully, not to say honest- !^' in future - We don't think, however, bl * " l ' rv ' cui alv lik 'y ' be suliciu-d again , Mr. Huni'-.-v W, wish Master Mel.Inm, ' hy t!le Methodistsin Flesherton for wuite all manner of success and do not doubt tM " l " c " nle - /or one iimtant l>ut that he will do credit hut that the Dr. a preat ili-al worst-, Buckleu a Arnica Salve. having appropriated a fortune ,,f |,er* Th< , with every other imaginable bail thin.; *"r.-.l lc.r..sit KII.-..W. r'v.-r Bum. Trtw *ml all *kiu no bold hai she got of late by a mis- "'PWMSS ., n n rr placed sympathy, that I cannot pass the flctn'ii. nr UMMVI in>d. PT!C/MM t ^1* sidewalk without heingaaaailed with dirty ' ' '^ r ' u vile epithet*. Even thing d..ne was with < nlarrh- * .\ew Tr<-ulin<-ut- the sinuh" J'jivt to retain the IIOUM -over l'erlm|'s tbf most ,Hr..r.linrt ure*ss their heads *,,d nk them M c..mfort- , M'* 1 ,''*' U *' 1 " t ^' e , Ve ' 1 iulu<>J " n m - ''" ,. ., . . ns Lull Httiuneil liy thr Plum trentiiit-i.l able a. the circurasUucdinitt,-,l t,.r ( .Urrb t> u ,f':> ^.i patunl. tr*aud Her regular grant waa kept from her ll " r "" ( , 11 "' l'* l "' nmahi .fully ninety p.r c^nt. lav Ken .-ur, j i.f thi >iii),l...rn . .,,- fortwo wpeksrecenilyt-.h-t lier feel, if m.iU.lr Tin- ;. ,. kl , rtlir .,. possible, tlmt she oil-Ut to fei I grateful whi-i; II i : :. vt )MT cvnl. tomyself and others f,.r. ontinue. I fav.. r "" """^ ll " ""' '" '" lhl , , ;.. . rttular praetllionet l.mlul,- th. I.lontknow how it hAa result, -d, but i, .,, I ,.,!, i..|%.r,i.l cur.-. (itHiple should be warned agan >t ber evil '" '''' l * Cl r 'l ran- at all. atartiun wjib h.- tongue W S C'HItKTdh -i^lly Mi.-t,-,l I,., ti,. ,i,...t tltu ii,. |, ||,st til.' ,ll. ,. I. ,|-|,. th. - _ -- _ urec'iipr of IIVIIIK' |'Siuitrs in tin Mr Dixoo at HAM aytapUd I..- . m, Mr. R, Mciiill, Fleahvrtoii statmn .-xtiTiuinsf I..TI tins* ..... nupliHlii d. I - 1.. u,,. " ** ** it's just as well agent of the C. P. R , w a^vnt f..r I'.i to his employer and himself. Ho has The tea-mewting waa rather p. .rly at- inion Kx press C'oinpnny ayd parcels lw forwarded to cituena of K!.-.h. it i. the Crtt.irrli H praetinll^ cuie.l.aii'l tlir |..-r- mam n. > i> M' .pii .'ion, I. n i-ur.. ( ff-cinl ,,,. | lln , , . llr ,,!, ,,.,,,,.. ,.,. , ( , , >" ' !" >'- v. i nt:. m|.i..! |., > un- i'alarrh '" "'' ' " ^^_ . i FLESIIERT(3X. MONEY TO LOAN ! /'rirat utnl . // Lnt ('< Htttes. JAS. LAMON, i 'IToH, I' ' .V 'i.i L K LOST SHEEP. ('. TKEAlKioi.]), Flesherton, |Dowe "' a " 1 "** dliyMr M <10tler iu llic h"st I'iiuuM, Organs a A ' ucctt -''d in getting up a very fair im- many warm fnen.ls here who. while thev tc * rjotl "" Monday eveiiin^, owing to the free of charge from tl rt-gret his remov.il to another place, h.,p,. "" a1111 Partly. "" doubt, to Dr. Har- tion ; and nil parcel* f. i warded by ..iik ,1 that he will <!.> well in the Provincial 'P* rg non-appearance at the services, tizens thr-iiuh-his C... will l carried n "I tl,. "\,"tr '\~ "thr capital. | Nevertheloas the Pastor, liev. Mr. Me- to FleshertonStatioti fv of charge - f > iirl.M..r ., . i, .- i ,.. '.hi nmj.ifi-y uf .!>,- I,, n, K i-un-d at -in- trcntineiit SiilT.-ii-r !: ul.l ci.ii ' with Mi-nsrH. A. U. l>:t..i K _ .Hit... I'slisdn, Hli.l in,-|,.r (From* i i '/xmJbit. ) <taui|. f..r tln-ir tnxii-i- . u ( .i'nrr'i M.-n rqn . , ,, tr-al Stsr. N.ir 17 [The following wan received t.xi Ute for last weck'H paper.-E,..] A|| |ll%wrr Han| , M ,. A revival broke out ;n Kugi-nia on last' Csn nv one i.ting UK u out- ..f Ki lny or Sunday week in tV I.I-KII -t.-rly Coinmun- WTW C-iniplatal tfcal !:nt- r "will Miu-hin. s nf tlic ;igc. Kindly l >r " m l' tu progi-amme, which was well car- inviti-s the public to inspect tlioin. ne.l ort. The choir snng " Hus<> of Our < Ood" and other anthems in excellent W.I>TEI tor Ihr >i;W XlKk time. The other contributor, wen- Ufa Markrl i 5,<MM) Hrst- lass <;,--. I ChriaU*. Measrs. C. Sproule. W. (J Turkeys A; luckN ii<-ally l)r<->s-l Pickell, J. Hlackbume, and M. Richard- Good 1'rlrrn. WM. WKIKIII. , ,, A UI will will IK, held in the Hrtlii-rton. aaino place on Friday evening (to-inor- A \ M.' -.,ai. !'*TI:NT The iii.^t valuallo diiici.vi.rv patriitinl in mmli.rti tiinon i tbat of the l"-<t I.I ..... 1 purifier iin.l lirrr and ki.t tiey ropnlator known. \\> r^fer to Iturd... k Blood BiUer, wUh i making cures and bringing t inanv li'.in. IUMHI of health to so row.) ntronirman, who lias been indntp rd f\ Kl.-i-tri.- Hiti.-r-. *iii pi n ! . , |)|. BKRIOI-RI.T IM.. A person nafforlng with tune, waa not able to preach th iiinjir my .>,-./*, a daily |>aiK;r publwlied in tinning to the Lord. And still the Pant, France. It is not as large a sheet work goes on, and miuiv are turning to a* the Toronto World but is somewhat thLord. We are glad tb.- l;. -\ |>i.i i * Kl '' I Wenk )hu-k. "r MIIV nrinnry F.-r lc at 54)* a bottle at W. l;,,-l, for kidm-v ill *n.l I,,,,, IS.irdiK-k HI ..... 1 Itit \. i _ ., , . . , ' "'. ri'tiiioiif inr oowt 11. n I net dirretlT to thank our friend, wew saved, and all last wivk evan-elwtic -n the !>' >- 1 |wt,. Kr.-ry hottl.-pnaran- Mr. Peter Holnmn for a copy of Thr nni-t ings were hej.l, igniting in uiwiy ' Aform'ny AW, a^daily i^jKir publmhed in tinning to th,. U,,i. Al ,,i , tl || tllc ^.^j Farm for Sale. Bl I Ni. I-IU4. O. H, A if fiii-.ii. . i out] i, r.-v tint. Tins i. a nio .i..n'.;.. i*, f,, t astMt%is a BTr-fallin Burinii mv |.n-nn>r> ' . ;fl> <l lnil. iiiuL. I 1 . lhf..| niti.>n Ihst will ! I d. M bore will be rewankxl Strain Hour 51!!! AT rLK*/it:h'Tti.\ -: o.v. For Sale! Price isii *n.|, .. i , lli>tllnclit> * ill, thr |.n\ ... it Ii lrl.li wuli i '-lit IKT Kllll'.lll . I) tlllllftl. RKST j painanl )ie:ti , V.T th, Mimll ,,f ihe back !"ilar in get up to the latter. Conden- .regaining hi) wonted m i. th with a weak .n.v f,.!, n g ,,t fre,,u,nt sd telegraphic news, short, nv-y c-ditor- hoa.la.-h.-. Hsen . , "*'* , . . '' rU>f 2.-PARMS !-2. TO RENT OR FKLL nM ter-.l All ii. ),lp n " eW " Itelll - a " d the chief features. M.~ k lisi n i.v -,.,:, th. , ,. u ROOEl: I i . < Hftt>(ft n J' l' , .

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