Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Jan 1886, p. 1

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Curry-Ormsbury. -At the Church of England parsonage, on the 29th Dec., by Rev. Mr. Ward, Mr. Geo. Curry to Miss M. A. Ormsbury, all of Euphrasia. Porteous-Kester. -On the 30th ult., by the Rev. W. Ayers, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. James R. Porteous to Miss Delfina Kester, all of Artemesia. Sullivan. -In Flesherton, on the 30th ult., the wife of Mr. James Sullivan, of a daughter. B. Laurancs&apos;s Spectacles d Eyeglasses Are th* only jMMtos fcrfish A rtkle* la the Osnifisa market. Rsal Pebble. art kept in stock. TssU ars givuu to pur thssirrs to prove genninsMSS They are iWMnsndsd by UM PwaKleot, Vice- Prwa., Kx-Piws., MM! Ki-Vwe-PssS. of the JAM. . VHHELL. Jrwlrr, Ax., Wether t<-n, Ont. Tha only plate where they can be got. Canadian Paeiflf Railway. Owen Sound Branch. TADL.E. Monday, &apos; TJkTJoN.l. .^ ato :...Leael Tam C.t4w.ll J-uicUou ; OT CkarMieoe I " I [Laav* Ill* Junction.. ! 9W &apos; 100* " W4S " U 10 " fc!T Mrkd.lr U 51 wflSS^ . ...|ls.|si|_ &apos; i. 100 " 10 SB " !* TATIOHB. Awea 8ouu4.. Leave 6hatswer.il " "> " VUUamsford Mark<tal* tt i.amaH.o-. Psn-talfc T OS kalburna | TS1 Oraa.ill. Junctiou ; SOD -I Arrive Sit Kip > Mall. t-Daui i >-,\ ... WbarlMt-in S " well Jaaetlon . SOT " \rrlr. 1U*5 - tssr 930 IM" 408 " 4U " 4SI " " 5 Ji " f M " " W - UUed! W.WHYTB. Osa&apos;L BorT. D. M, N u 01.1.. ier prdicat. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. *8.,OT. AICIAN. HIBiiEON, *% rLKSHERTON. tstc( to Dinion Cwrt ojfict. Ilixon. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCtlKR, PRICEVILLE, - ONTARIO. mi Reeldenee noar PraabjUrlaa CharehM. I&apos;rtrrillle. J.P. MAKHHALL. L.U.ft DKKTIBT, ATKADUATK of Toronto School of I>mitltry. WI will IM at Markdal* the Ut and 3rd W> ln. Say ef aach month, atid at KUlirton on the Ut and Srd Thunday In eaoh month for th practice ef bts proteealon. FROST & FllOsT. BA&BISTKHH. Hnl.iriTotls i ON vr T \M&apos; ns. * Offlee I&apos;-uil.-it M n-.&apos;t i &apos; . . SUUNO. and very Tbanday at FI.KHHKHTCN. J. W. FBO8T. L U.K. ) FROST. Crown County Attorney. . BALDWIN Hiinl B. p ri&apos;llLIN rilKli w utavm. HANDS, EUHLIN & OARVIN, SufffHori to Lavtirr ( IlntuU, BAHRI8TR11K. BOUCITOBS. NOTAKIF.H, CDNVP.YANCKHH. Ae Moner to Loan at Lew*** Hale* of Interest. Ofllc*. IK King Street Baal. Toronto. MORPHY & MILLERS, Barr Uteri, tf-liciton, Kotttria Public, Cantryancert, <te. Ornca, Over UeFartaae&apos;i Drug Btor. DURHAM. . . ONT. iJuoincoo Cards. Jthn W. Arraitrong, FLSSRIIBTOX, Co. OBKT. DIVISION coritT CI.RRK. COHMtSBIONKR I a B H.. Converaneer. * Agout for |>urcha anl lain of land> Appraiwr for C. L. C. Com- aad f. t. B * H. HoclaVf Moniiy to IxMtn on the Bleat reasonable tr. laauan or MABJUAOB L1CBNBBB. _ Jas. E. Sloan* INSURANCE AOKNT, KUOENIA. Kepreaentlnf that aolld old Plre Inouranc* C* .the NOHWICH I?MION, of Norwich. Rngland lainranca (ffiK-tod on Him MM. natbnlldlngi, Ac al low ratea. Ininrea asalBit llfhtniuf W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CtIBB 4BTIWSSIA. CONVEYANCER, INSURANCE AG&apos;T, AC. DKBDR. MOBTOAOK8. LEASES, Ae . prepar- ed and properly eiecuted. Inauranee affao- t*d In Snt claa* eoropanlei. Money to lend at leweetratea. Money to Loan. At i Par Cent, /nitrasf - .. Straight Loan. IHTf ITII Inlareet paid yearly, not In advance. No eommlnlon charged. Apply to JU w>stlBst. _- _ THORN BVIstir. FRED. RYDER, Brick and Stone Mason, FLESHERTON. Order* In Town aad Country promptly aad earefally eseeuted. THE MARKETS. FLESHERTON. Cur*f*Utf.Corr**ted Floor Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats Peas Butter Eggi, fresh Potatoes Pork Hay.per ton Hides Wool 8heepskins Oese Turkeys Chickens per pair Docks per pair Koch IA oo 60 46 29 64 10 17 25 4 75 8 00 6 2& 16 OU 05 08 25 40 to 6 00 toO 80 72 60 SO R 4 12 17 26 4 75 10 on 7 25 Iff 70 05 08 25 60 ;- ,-.-.- . -v . i Flesherton Advance. &apos;TRUTH BEFORE FA VOR."-" PRINCIPLES. JWT MM." VOL. V., NO. 238. THE ADVANCE, FLE8HHTOK, ONTARIO. JAUTJAET 7, 1886. A. R. FAWCETT, WOCHIETOI. A. R- Fawcett. Editor. Tit - Bits. of Local atxf OwW Inifrttting Ittmt gaUured by TV Rtfiortrrt. MaaU-r Will CUytoii, of ()wee> KowJ, waa home fur the holidays. Mr. Oeo. H. Adama, of Qleneoa, Oat. ia viaiting at Mr. Thoa. Leitch&apos;a. Dr. Leitch of Duudalk, called on us last Saturday. Mrs. Strata, wila of Rar. J W. Savage, is*ruiting at Mr. M. Richardnons. People don&apos;t agree on election mat- ten, but all agree that C. Treadgold sells the cheapeat and beat Organs and Sewing Machines of the day. Don&apos;t fail to wait for the concert to be given by the Olee Club and Band. It will be without doubt the concert of the winter. Overcoat!, Ooerroitti, Ovtrtoat* I Bargains in Overcoats at Uicuard son & Go&apos;s. Come aarly and secure them. Mr. Riuwell&apos;s display of Christmas A New Year&apos;s cards at the Noted Jewelry Store, has never been beaten in Fleah- ertoi) for quality, variety and prices. Miaa Aunia, unlp daughter of Hugh Wallace, Esq. , of CoHingwood township, The Methodist church was re-opened i * married to Mr. Wilhert Hooey, of &apos; Toronto, on Tuesday of last week. Let your business be known to the U&apos;sUrlara of readers in the district by ad vertining in ths ADVAVCB. It paya every time. Don&apos;t look out / Be sure and look in and capture some of the bar- gains now being given st Richardson A Co&apos;s. Our old friend, Mr. Wm. Irwin who has lately been teaching school in Quebec province gave us a pleasant and unez- on New Yi for vm.-f laat Sunday. Miss Frank Wright is home on a visit from Now York city. Mr. James Aikenhead, of Toronto, ia the guest of squire Armstrong. The Beeton World has been enlarged and has now a circulation of over 1 100. Yicker&apos;a Ezpress office here has been removed to Mr. R. Trimble&apos;s store. Prioeville items, some election and other matter, held over. Mr. D. O. Muldrum, of Toronto, and formerly of this place, spent the holidays in -.his locality. For genuine Bargains in Dress Goods, go to Hie hard son & Co. Our good-looking young friend, Mr. Dan. Stewart, of Owen Sound, gave u* a pleasant call laat Monday. Mr. Wm. H. Colquet, the wellknown Osprey implement agent, is now a citizen of Fleahcrton. Mr. Robert Fawcett, of Euphrasia township, will shortly tako up his abide in Kl-ahertoti. All-Wool Blanket*, very cheap, at l.iohanlsiiii & Co&apos;s. Mr. Brandcr, the genial and gentle- manly Pricoville merchant, waa in town on Tuesday. The Miaaes Beecnift aani; beautifully on New Year&apos;s eve, when they mads their debut Look at the dates after your names and make glad the Editor&apos;s heart by seud- ing in the dimes. Those to whom we have rendered ac- counts for advertising, Ac., will favor us by reant.anc.-s uf UM> uewlfuL Ire f&apos;xfunitnu. For Skatr*. all kinds, go to Richardson A Co&apos;s Hard- ware store. Master Jnmes Kecfer waa home for the holidays. He seems to be Retting a.onjj nicely at Pe.rolia. A grand concert nf aacred music will be given in the Methodist church here about the 20th inst. Particulars uezt week. Rev. Mr. Ayers will ire the second edition of his famoua sermon, " Dollars and Dimes," unit Sunday evening, in the Methodt church, Fleaherton. Strangers cordially welcomed. Kichartlton t Co. offer now the balance of their choice stock of Man- tles and Fur (roods at prices not here- tofore touched. Ladies Mantles from $l.& op. Mr. W. F. Doll, the energetic whole- sale jewelry man, ia stopping at the -rand Union Hotl, Winnipeg. The Ag- ricultural Kditor received a unique New Year&apos;s card from Mr. Doll the other day Auction aale of farm stock and imple- ments, at Li>t 1, i &apos;..ii. 2 N.D.R., Arteuie- aia, commencing at 1 o&apos;clock p. m., on Tuesday, Jan. l-&apos;th 12 months credit on all sums over $.V Daniel Dennia, pro- prietor ; D. McCiirmick, auctioneer. ( >ur market still inaintaina its super- and down tin- next in order to secure cus- tom from a distance, aa is the caae in aome other place*. Farmer* can always rely upon pelting top market prices our buyer* ara straight every time. They are I not cl.im". The highest caah prieea paid for Maple and BUch loft* at Wm. Bradley &apos;a mill, Kleaherton. Retiring Masts* Workman Piekell. of Fleahatton lodfo sto. 142, treated the brethren to ah oystaf Miiprr at Bawroft&apos;s restaurant on M.mday evening. A vary pleaaaiit eveuiag was spent in aoeial chat- We are ahraye fijtftA to receive via- 1 H t: I ill, PAK WEAT. r.jr trust* from M Lrttrr from Mr. II. Koorr to Mr. John I&apos;lriirt, of I INK I PAL ELE4TI\H. The Hentlt in ArtfmeMm It ia just two yean today (Nor 6th) since we Uft Flesherton Station, and one &apos; year sine* we moved into oor nrw hi.ua*. the shell of s house. We have joat vT u , On the whole the elections j quietly in Artemceia. The re*lt of itofs at the Aft rural <Bee, but some of | g( . t jt fclWw(1 escept th- in>ide |-lntlng our visitors have a rrther disagreeable [ , t C( , DUill- u r>K>m . i ^^ lnc \rt*. Mid and unmanne,iy way <* readmg copy over | u ^^ ^ w 5^, b g||mUr M ^ * the : Dr. (&apos;hnat"e re- teeve by s majority of 2M Mr. McKee re-el<xUd Councillor for the typesetters thooldr-n. Please don&apos;t do it ita very impolite. The display of hoi ids* goods at Rich- Ward No. 4 by a majority of 13. Mr W. O. Piekell was elected Councillor for Ward No. 3 by a majority of 12. Our to Mr. Thorp Wright&apos;s bnck. 18z with Township Council for lt. therwfucw, is kitchen 18i20 ft. con.p.*(d as follows :- W* have had a delightful summer, only the kind ever seen fleeted much credit upun Mr. Will Rich ardaon&apos;s excellent ta*t* in the aeluction of these good*. We are ir.fonaad that a new Baptiat church will be erected in thi* village next spring or summer. In the meantime the ardson&apos;s drug *tor ec&apos;ipsed anythin| of j ft , itUt ou y^- M the ,. u ^ 1Df . . . * _ i_ \m _. _^ _^j ^^ ^ ,^/Jl" { * ssesrths. Cattle on tha grasa since tb* l.&apos;.tli February HHh . frt-st .lining th* first daya in May, which touched our oorn and beans Grain is nut frozen here. Our crops turned out well considering the dry weather, and the fact that they were own on *od. We finished harvest ou the recently arrived Baptiat minister, Rev. j 4th of Aug(Jrt ^ thre . hwt ,, n &, lftth . Watson, preaches every murning at 11 &apos; Dr. Chnstoe, HOT*. J. McArthur, Councillor Ward No 1. John lioland, . w. > g. W. (j PMkell, " S. Wm T. M, K. . " " 4. After the election retunn had all in, a Urge number of ratepayers adjourn- ed to the TQWII Hall, Fleaherton, where some speechea wre made Mr Joe A. Blakelr waa unanimously vXed to the *^* o&apos;clock .n the Town Hall. Our board of Trustee* lias engaged Mr. Wm. Irwin as bead master of the Fleaherton Public Schools for 188fi. Mr. [rwin ia an excellent teacher of many year* experience, and Ui..r..ully compe- tent to take charge of our school. Mr. Cole, grain buyer here, has been a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen for some 13 yesrs, ha.ing join- ed the order in the United States. The membership then was only 5,000, while t ia now over 160,000V < l nrlns nmtr of tmnt T .o.iv Christmas < nrdv &<-., at kir hard &apos; Irui{ Mor r. We are pleased to learn that Mr. We had 374 bush vis of wheat off W acrwa, . and 360 bushels of nata off 10 acre*. The u r p,..t_|l .k. ,, >. ** . 1 1C K VI I . Ill C II C W I y re*t (about 10 acres) we cut green for hay. el u or f or FWsberton ward, made W. have "broke" 40 acree unce spring [ .p^.^ ln whlch h<1 thanke<1 the seeding and have put in with fall wheat a neat Then we put in thestubble.about 20 acre* more, which make* altogether 60 acrwa of fall wheat i We shall have more than for the honor they had conferred apoo him. There mitiU b* some in that hall who had voted against him. They had a right to exercise their franchise f..r the 100 acre* of grain in net t year, all being im u of their eh.**, and he entertained w.U. We have gut one quarter section , |M . W1 ,, agmjr ,. t taif of fenced and fencing enough out to fence j The ba, t j e j^ b ^. I1 .^a^jy fou .- ht ....j another quarter aection. I put log* into j be waa the choice of the elector* by a nar the sawmill last spring to make me 30,000 feet of lumber to build my barn next summer. Paid $6.50 per thousand for putting nut $42 worth of fruit &apos; awing. I ain John Piper, who was recently placed in a j tree* thi* fall. We have got 4 good wor- Hamilton institution, is getting along king hones, and have raised one spring mw majority. He had not one word to say against hi* opponent, who waa a man of g<iiid, sound judgement, and if elected nicely ami will in all probability aoos be able to rejoin his friends and relatives in this section, and attend to his duties ss usual. Rev. Mr. Ayen preached a special aerniou on Sunday eveninc laat, entitled, &apos; Milestone*." Toit : Provsrbs 4e. Mv. &apos; Ponder the path ..f thy bet, and Ut all thy way* b* established." There wss a good oongregaUou notwithstanding the inclement weather, %i" ! the sermou waa of more than usual interest. Mr. W. W. Trimble, th* new eiprssa agent here, treated s number of friends to an oyater supper at tfeacroh&apos;s restaurant do well. Saturday eVvnlrfK. The AerkttltunJ Editor wa* there -in fact he usually hap- l*ns to be around on such pleasant occa- ior.s ; ao doee our jolly marble man, Mr. E. Vanzant. The Meafonl Mirror said w* called the Durham C%rxnitri man an advanced farmer. Not so ; it was the C*nmd man&apos;s brother, who lives near Owen Sound, to whom w* referred, although, I would hare tilled the pn*ition, he believ- &apos;d, ably and well, (af.plauav.) H* w..uld strive to do hi* duty faithfully during hi* term of office. Again thanking the elec- bought four cow. for j , for , u . ^ftd.,,,,. ihff ^ ,, |M-w i in htm, the apeaker twk his seat au...i much applause. Dr. Chnstoe, on coming forward. wa< greeted with loud cheer* and applause. He explained his puaitioii in connection with the County Council , his pocition as chairman uf an important committee there together with other facts which had ocoe to light about nomination time, induced him to come out for the Keve*lnp again One of the Councillor*, who had, UM the hustings, announced bia intention to re- main neutral iu so far is the contest for the Reevvahip was concerned , had since went to work and did all he could against hi* return aa Kreve. He Uft it to the el ectnn to *ay whether this waa MI honor- able course or not Friends of Inspector Ferguson had been approached and his (Dr. Chnstoe&apos;s) pueiiiou on ths question of School Ina|ctora had brn |naly wis represent .-d. Vvnonally be e*tetned Mr Ferguson ; be entertained no feeling* of ill will ajfau.tt that gentleman. Out h* colt. I have just $120.00. Thia i* a icwd country for selling but- ter and eggs : butter at present ia 30c. to 3T^c. Mrs. Moon> sold eggs laat week for 37(c. and could get sal* for quit* a large amonut at that price. The bunch graa* is not good for making highly color- ed tiutUir, but it makes very sweet batter. Cows do not give a great Cow of milk, except for s while in the spring, as the bunch era** haa more of a tendency to fatten than prodoee milk. All kinds of fowl do well , also swine WMt tvfsrd to Isska, I SVWBS sag this cosuUry is filling up very fast, and the ehance* fur gvtting choice claims are getting scarce. I do not know of any va- cant land that I would recommend nei here, but by going west about thirty or forty mile*, there is plenty of U. B. land vacant. Thi* is a first-class grain country and U bound to go ahead. I have nut regretted forsuKbtweknow o.r brother chip at coming here, but think that I have .truck d ,d not g,, to the Count, Council to legu- Durham may deserve the tenu we applied &apos; to his brother. Our Brass Band played in the open air, opposite Richardson&apos;s drug store and it rich. I have got land for most of the family, and hate a better property here than I had in Arlemeaia, and have nut cuent half the price of it y*t. Th* elsewhere, on New Year&apos;s afternoon, climate ia mild and h.-stthy. and the They played wall, too, be it said. We j neighbon are first -visas Of oours* U M are all looking forward with pleasure to a little new and the markets are not very the union concert to be siren shortly by the Band and Gloe Club. It promise* to be par oxoelkioL All nr co u nl% in&apos;* Drng this nmnlh. KIMK! r near ; but it is to be huped both will soon mend. Before Stock TakiDg we offer Bargains in every line ot Winter Dry Goods and Clothing. Extraordinary Value in Furs, Muffs, Capes, Caps, Mantles and Mens Fur Coats and Robes. Gents Overcoats and Tweed Suits. Cloth Mantles and We learn that Mr. Thoroaa Bates for- merly in Mr. R. J. Sproule&apos;s general store here, but now of the Ann of C. A. Li&apos;Ughlin, Bault 8te. Mane, ML h U.S. waa united in marriage on Christmas day to Miaa Rebsooa Powell, formerly of Lon- don, Canada. We tender friend Hate* It haa been sugxeated that our public due At Rlrhanl- nsl IM- srltlcd nollrc. ! ! hit . r I r . The Methodiat Kabbath School An- niversary h.re on New Year&apos;s evening was largely attended. The singing by the sehulan was simply excellent. The can- tata was fairly well put on, although tha articulation of raoet of the singers wss " r heartiest congratulation., and wish - very indistinct, especially to those ooeu- i himself M>d bride a happy and prosperous pying back seat*. The eoatumcs were | journey through life, splendid. On the whole the alfair wss a pleasant one. Proceeds, $86 00. Quite a number of our young inon put in a merry afternoon New Year&apos;s day skating on Fleaher&apos;s pond, playing "shin- ny" and otherwise pssaing the time plea- santly. The Agricultural Bditor wasthsra and from the number of piece* of court plaster which now adorn hi* penoo, it is quite evident to UM least ohaerrant even. that he took part in that gloriously eihil- anting game, very appropriately termed, "shir.ney. &apos; Ksj-The best, cheapest, moit dur- able Pianos, Organs, Bewing Mach- ines, for sale by C. Treadgold, nest door to Clayton&apos;s, Flesherton. Also, old Sewing Machipes repaired snd ta- ken as part pay on new ones. Shattlca, for Mr. Ferxuson or Mr. anybody else ; it was for the whole County and not indmduala. (louj applause ) He didn&apos;t believe in these rsiicasss at all, and had never been miied up in them during the wh&apos;.lf uf hi* public life. (I. .ml cheers.) luspcctoi Cirier had come all the way fmm Thurnbury t.. Kufenia to eact In* vote against Dr Christoe. (hisses ) He had nothing perBonally Ui say against any .if thewe men ; H waa in their ]> ttn a* public characters that he was bruught in contact with them at all. The education- al standard demanded properly qualified men f.>r such an important position as School Inspector, and if he. a* Keere f a Townahip, sought to carry out the rax^uire- inenta of the law in this panicular, no one could offer reasonable ffered to v,.te fur luin o condition that he paid the taxes for one, and promised to o|ien oat the Valley Road for the other. (At this juncture schoolhouse could very easily be heaUd I the >** Brass Band ftled into the * &._>! \ \ a.** Millinery at Cost! DRESS GOODS in all new fabrics and snades ; a large range. \ &apos; In the HARDWARE department we are hilly assorted in Axes & Crosscut Saws, at prices Lower than ever oner&apos;d before. M. RICHARDSON & CO. , Ac., and all kinds of Sewing Machine supplies. by hot air. It needs to be heated some other way than at present, and if hot air can be introduced, pupils and teacher* will have much cause for thankfulness and gnUitade. Good furnaces (not ifreat awkward stoves bricked in) could ho ob- tained, which would also answer for th* new schoolhouse which must be erected in the near future. 7 i//./.u// Frrrr. The following, from the Meaf.>r>l ifor, ahows how dangerous foul damp air surroundings are :- " We are sorry to have to mite that typhoid ferer u preval- hall, pUyiiiR a lively air, amidst loud cheering and the Kreateat cnlhuaiaam.) Keeunung, the speaker aaid ho treated thoae overturea, of course, with aconi. and adviaed the men to poll their vote* against him by all mean* ; he would netrr purchase position by bnbe isoney or by making promises nu public man in his in- dividual capacity had a ru;lil to make. (cheen) Euphraaia having nov |>rfi>rsi ed her part, in connection with th* Val- ley Road, it Ml&apos;.wrd as a matter of oitune, that the matter would recwive the early and eameet attentiosi of the Town- ship Council of Artemesia. (applauae). In NEW STOCK AT . . btedJeieel. if Store, Fleaherton, ()nt> ConsMtiikg of Gold and Silver L*dt*s and OeaU&apos; Watches, Uronclie*, Kar-riags, Chains, Rings, *., all of tbs IMS* . ity an. l at i honestly sell warrant**.. or from any othff CSM, afcoaH b* kept out of UM war. sad t*" > fee** calcu- lated to conserve snd *rv* oar ioUrwsu, placd ui UM rwnoo* {tucitwAi of trait md rwjpons.btl.ty In the Township. (cfceer.. ) He .*d i-sly to eras swords with oft* man the ***tlMa wb WM rliainuau in uuauMUOa dsjr ; S_4 kf eold assure that irmtlsass that as SMM sa b WM rwady fur UM coatsst, IM woJd also find Dr Chriato* rwadj. (load cheer* and applause. ) H. thanked UM Ueton for UM confidence rep>-a*d m him, atd look lii* Mat annitt ftwai linfiag aad applawss. T! Band discoursed scs mane IB goad *tjk afur which Mr. R TruabU mad* a short bat capital spsscfc. UM Baad plsjred a__rain, a/Ur whiefc UM Afri- cultural Editor uf Tn Abfavv.-* ads a abort address hi* maiden nuoietp*! W- f..rt The Ckainaaii. Mr. Blakdy. nxt ad dressed th* electors, thankiaf thm for the honor thy had o>fif*rrd upno hua dunag the put two rear*, and alan fivisf a clear, eoneu* account uf hi. atcward- hi|>. H frit proud to know that h* had ben tht firt of ArUoiwia&apos;t SUM hnoi and bred in the ?! ship *b wt at ker Council board, (cheer* and proiuacwd ap- plause ) H. mad* a oeat ami w.ll worded pcvrh. KOIM.II; cheers wer. then firea fur the Queen, Dr. Chnatr*, Mr P-ckell, and the Baad, after wkick Ike awaae>bl/ separated. Iii another column will be too&d a no- tic* from a firm in Toronto, that ap^lxs tin will b uiaJe at neit Maxoti uf the Ontario Ix-viItorr. for aa art to iaeur- [-.rate a ounpanT t-> cnnatrwct and operate a railway, fr< -m ur near SuutltampUni to Meafuni in the County of Grey \Ve n- Jentaixl that Port Elgin v AU prvpueed aa a atarting point, but at preaent we ara not in pneeeeainn of any particular* ia connection with the*chfae. Therv laao doubt mcli a rui mi^ht be fuuud of (rw>t b^iwfit, and in a futurw lean* we hope to be able to give ur reader, further infor- mation on the aabject. Pt Slftm TwMa. Thia KITH ae the opportaaity to riee aad reanark, that ia order to reach Meafbni, aod repay the o*i[*ny well for ita outlay the route by way of Ftoakertun. Euyvnia, and Kimberley. ia by all odd* the beet. On It i* IT adaiilted nreryvkere lk*( 8plT Car* 1* the lafeet, o>o.t reliable aa4 by far the rhpt rrmnij ferCoa&apos;ipalioB. I.irrr Cooplaint. ln<luretMi. Impure fibio4. Ixiaa o( Appetite. oJ all nnilar troaMe*. It &apos; o>4 ne>.arT to take (r*at ^ OWIUIT bef(e MT rrull it vrodoeeJ. A ! doer* will eu*T>nee Tea u( <ti mnt Tnal ket- tle i<Mi fn* at W. Btckarieoa)&apos;. l)r Store. NK\V ADVERTI8KMBHT& .Room. Ha . Inn opcnrd a R-rrrhmcnl Room In Klrhir<lon&apos; hrlrk hi rU _ll door l> RnM-ir Jrwrlr . stwi-r. we rr-*pTirnll> >ollrlt pub- , hk ., Ur l(roi.ae. H*l or old l.iinrh In Hnnlnrs). Hour* r ent in parts of St. Vincent. Mr. Wesley I f" w r~" lh f ll " mT ** w " uld ** *+ Duxbory, of Centreville, lost a fine boy aged 13 years, on Wednesday last, from that disease, and Mveral other member* of hi* family are ill. Persona *huld Imk well to the drainage of premise*, as ty phi iid feeds npon foul damp srnnd- BBEf KOFT Uutrtr*. CtnutT OBMSI-IIT. -At th* Church of England parsonage., on the 99th Dc., >y Rev. Mr. Ward. Mr. Ueo. Curry to Mia* M. A Onnabury, all of Buphrasia. PoRmors KMrraa. - On ths 30th ult, by the Rev. W. Ayen, at the residence of the bride&apos;s parents, Mr. Jsraes R. Portoous to Miss Pelflnn Keater, ail of Arlemesia. Born. 8rLi.iv or. In Flnshertoii, on tho 90th ult, the wife o( Mr. Jsmes Sullivan, of a daughter. Dntth Kntr. The death rate ia one-third greater in cities than in the country In oities of 15,000 inhabitants and upwarda, it ia 38. 2R JHT cent. . in cities of 10,000 and up It, 8I-.000, it is 94 per cent ; in oities of 3,000 to 10,000 it i* 90 par cent ; in in- sular places it is 9 SO per cetit ; in inland placea it is 10 to 90 per cent ; and in still more inland placea, if thickly ixipulated, it is 16 per cent, in 1000. It is found that the death rate ia in pro|Mirtiiiii t tho Imputation density. The m. .in poriod f death in cities is VUi yoars uf a*-.-, whil* in the country it i* .t5^ yt-ara and in new- er place* may roach 40 years. Thuse who liva in the country _ain 1ft yssis ovr city inhabitants. moved fr> in the shoulders of the ratepay- er*, and then importaut iiapri&apos;Vcmrnts coulit be matle in the Township rnuls without nu-maaing the Kunlen of taia- lion. The n*d to Fleshertnn Station was aninnfst the contemplated intpniv*. ments. Artmnesta had a gnod set nf pub- lic offioer*. There was cnllectt-r John Wright, who if he Uiought he had wrong ed any man to the extent of aeeol. would dis within a week ! (laughter and ap- plauaa.) Then there was Juha Uasard, who, though not a big man. was all there &apos; and was a gentleman nf *<er.mg integrity. (cheen). Then tlier* waa th. Treasurer, win &apos;in he i-onsnland atfiviled ample se- curity in himself for every dollar of th. Township&apos;* funds entrusted t his care, anil was a thorough good man in every reapoct for thi* responsible and im| ortant position, (chewisaad great applauav. ) Th* (pw-d of the Townahip ahuuld always be considered of paramount ini|K&apos;t tanee ; the pennnal ferlinc* engendered V>y p^l (in MK HALE. Tbal piawarty. ka^wti aa she I lo th vi.laa** of ~ Dwal&apos;livf Ho i*f aai J.iho Hataa. i I) Hlair aad a Apply t* aaderaif-Md fiw Jan J. 1SS6 A r at aoy wj of raakiog iixwa l thln<-Mia America. **!> mtm W all .K- i iioia aa-< w*ck la <e*f lla or all HUM Oapllal nut rauulr*4 We will Mart jon loman-w naf ivr* fW MM** wte* aaarl aS ami* tnasaa . . Pot-tlawL Main-. MMI Co IftArt.gia.la. I Shes. OWMT eui toe* It by |>rvl* |m>p-Wlr < P>*M atpaaiii. W1LUAM I I MIIRJ. i>TI Teedm will b* race4v*.l mf to _MMMI of Ml* la, of DM . 1SBO. u UM ru.isrts* Hoot Mill*. for Ui daliMev of t*o Utowaad luud, teeaA. lawful rdar Had., le bw Ml *a tb MM a twe W O r.il aad W K Flaifcee. BO laser iban UtMank. USS n.&apos;KKU. * BAAOUT Notice to Contractors. SK U.RD TKMULUK aadraaed Ike innl ax* laSiinS - TM Wt tat Ui. U laaal. vill IM i~lJ al tbu .-ic until ike am.. I uf Ui Raaterw ad Waiii mail. MONPAY Ih. Mb4a* olJAM Ak- D.< IMSt for rsMlua U> walli at (be >ott. wvlra. Jtf . aS laeevaalac UM Iw-fkt e< UM bank. W thai ran of ta* wSUkad CaaaJ bMwea Fwrt I||MM. an.l Thnrol.1 aad for Si if lala* Uke Mun ..it Tb. wera*. tbronckow* wilt W IM ! H th. M.vwal loeaMi*.. tr^vtb ,,r plaa arxl .._vii| tir ..f IStMloo. < atlhi.,vSI. M and a/Wr MuNPVT tb* llik day ..( -AM&apos;AHY n_i .IPSSi ber prlutod fonmof Wwter canbeobtuaW. Allkclte( . Infnrniation I>UIK. to tb* week, north aabnr will W rarithd a* the Bisllist .>-*. T>iK&apos;kv aad tar Allanhun plan.. M All t&apos; i A e*tloaa. * .. a> liier < i(^*e. am that Hafcrs vlU n.. U trictl< la *ror,lan,-* with tb I and. la th* eeae of Sr taaked tba arlua) Mfnat-iraa. UM nalut* af aeesMMlea a4 rise* W MaMssxe * *eh **- r-or ..( tha aane . aiMl furUm. aa aac.pl.J haak etiequr for the turn of Twv Twni UMV IV-LI <M or t->or- .a<l*s I* the aataat c-f th* rak U> urttc-i mmft saeons*r ** rpn 1 l5*Ss***> B*S i.Sstls^ -*oeo*Mrc tar th* " "" iSuiill*-! I will ** Tt ta4 Tha 3W tons el VM>4*f aa w _* tha. *.! to the ravyMMN* * la will h* |SS*M Thu _ iult la at*ft Ua U.weet ae aay tawAev A. P. ItR \riJCT. Defsrtsiawt of Railway* aod Caaala Mawa. Wli I>cwib*r .< R*K A thoroturb bnx. Snffo&apos;lr n*u for eenlr* at I<H l Unit K.a-l. T S Itoad. Arlrni*.i trok . ftr i<tls* St Kat Or Cnwriv b*M In neatMrtoa fall e/lSS IV IV.e l a-

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