Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Dec 1899, p. 5

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I DECEMBER 28 1809 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Card* M'CCLLOUOH * YOUNO II. ilk. r. M.rl.1.1. u.n bu>inM. Moaej )ea* M a raMuuBbU rat*. Call on a*. AS VANDf3sEN. J r Clark Mb I)l Court. Co Orf ' tear nf Uarrlas* l.lciniat. COOTVVI Notary. Public .AutliunrvT Muaev to loauad ruiu 6 to pt c*ul. Ctoarfa* nimiarat* rLKHHKKTUM V O c'DLl.BtTKI. Tin uiuUritunad la piaparcd to a tliacollactlou <4 all kioda of debt* Ma buuffbt, aceotiota cnl'.cotu.I. etc It X HKXDKRBON. Plwharton TCH1HLKTT rieab*rton IHatloo fuatinaatar, Cn:niuiatuvr In H C J, MMr !><wdi. niurta|i. luani-i and willa rawn. MOD*) ti> li-:i.l at 5J iwrcxiat and up- Wanln IK-bu. tollacMKi. Ctiar^ot nxxloiatc. RJ nmori.R I>oatniaa*r. Floaherlon Commleiiune* in H C.J., Auctioneer. Caa Veye-i.; T. Appraiser n I Mouey i/ender fees' ."late and fnituranoe Agent. Devd< e. loasei au t wtlln carefully drawn ui 'ii vaJuaUoue made o"T Mtortea' attire. to io%u at lowees rajAse r*f internet. Col koti M a,tteuils<t to witli im>iiiplnre fTi* ; i.jw. Agent for Ounan Dominion HU i.lnp Company. A call eoKcltod. *;^fc**fcKai*fc*Bk 1 J Photos TAKEfc AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery i < a are done in first clues styit and at lowest rates. Special attention uiM'o to copying. Babies' photos, fe specialty. Pictures framed. MRS. BULHER ( AO U W mi>at< erary 6. * in ntch iiMntn. In ' t anil third atonitay' . . u>ir luilh'e ronin, t'hri-t i.,' 1>I. irk. Kleiii-rtou. at Wp in A. N. l,ci,, l MW . A M Ot-iwn. HacorJer, W Uatlainy. Kiuanolir. Vmliug brelbr*B N PKISi K AUTHTK I/ODUK. No. MS.* \ 'I. UMK Iu the Uaaonic ball. Strain'! bio- : l- .u-iinrt.Mi. vry Krl.la* n or before . lull moon. 9 A |1>J W M, W J Uli...,. Hacrvtary- C. r H,i:sHKUT"N. I < K. 'in ii.i' HI ..-li Che taut Kri.lav In eTeninj la "Mu iiimith. ViMiniK Korsatere beswUlf wei. .t,..- f U.K. H. Dyaon,' M.8, V. Van- W. BARNHOUSE W'ishea t . Jrar the atteiititm of the Public to the fulluwiiiK : ' FLOUR IN BAGS Of all ftixes and as Cheap aa the cheap cut. Special BarKaiun iu 3 and b Iiarri-1 lot.. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in season . , . Groceries and Provisions. D<!(} and COON MITTS snd I.f IN'..- iini.lv to ejrter and on Slmrti-l Notice. WH. BARNHOUSE, Reshertun ity ef Toronto and Bora) Don la I Honieona. R . E. LITTLE DWSM, iialiiat*. Unlvrtlt C'ollane of rinalisTtoD ktoiiday and Tueaday of eaeb week Duu.Ulk -Tbureday. Friday and Hetorday of ecu ok. f il.xw.ll- l*.t Wwlweday < eaeb month r MAB8HALL M D h, D D B, L Uff Mon.ir Orartuatn Toronto Iliilrwally aD.I Hoyal l/u.l. ^n uf Ueutal hui-||*ona. \l.it. tli. UoCulla H .UM. Dmndalk aewr fMday aj'ntuoon. lutwad uf Vlolnrtou D", l- C MURRAY. U I). H.. dental snraaon; houor Kradual* of ToroaSs Unlvrrilt; and Hoial Collu nt Dfiital H.iriidoni of Ontario Ufll i > Jail. .11" hlnok. KlenLerton W.llTUtl 'uinrabaii. tue la* Wsdneadayl. of each month .1. W KMOBT. L I.. H lUrrleter, Hliclu>r i:oueyaiicar els om.->--N*>t t.i |M>tofflce. H|.rool*' bloek rilii>rtou. i-r> Thurei)r and e urt day* N II Owen Hound ottes, Frost's bliwk Viulutt atrt-nt eait. LUCAH. WKIOHT A HATHON harrltten hollcilort ( oi.ti-)ancer. et Oniona Own Bound. Out <! MorkdaleOnt. W II Wi.ti.avr. C. A HArw.N I It I.r. n 5 n--KH-aherton office, Mitchell's Hank Haturday. rpl < KEB A I-AtTKHBON HarrUti-r.. hi. IH-IK.K, eta Molanu'a Hank, OWi-n Bound HAIUIY O TUCKI1K (IKd W PATTt1l*0*l MCKAY eV \PSON liarrintir*. *c . lVI< i i . iwi-n Hi nml. Merchant's Ha.uk Illu.-k. N .( l'n ir.,,n f!oti. Duu.lalk, II ai -t.. i.uvory Hktnr.lav <! M.t'KAVMA. II K.HAUI'HOM, I/. I. It , C(UWU All-imrf lor Oly. iUciliral PH HUTTiiN M 1. . M. M C, t A B Out. rrlcavllle (Wise next .lin.r l<i Hrown'a itnre ronlrtenos epHaette 1*1 tin* IH ]mt .ifTISS, teMenre '.f late AMI Brown. OiPce .!> I'ueetlari and Satur- day. f\Il CAIITIIU f M C I' * S i int riiMlxUn. Rnr(*on, ate KleshertM oOro strain i bloala ReiMenes l|suialiaW\ilolal JHS A MTOtT, M n Menrtwr Clfllage I'brele. * Sna-xia ,rln arariualv In Medicine nf * ronte Jnlversltv. K>Hiiwhlp Oiptoma. 1'oat 'iradn- he (eVllpal Ikh.inl end Mmnllel rl.!-.a*o Aliraans ai eS, sr IHM nnrl tlin.at ep*clllle jai*M llMe-M.ut. Uaiwill, vii.Hi Kenrebtm 1%ura.lya 1-4 /r Vetnrluare . of Ontario Telerlitary * - Si'.)<1 ioor luqth art > str,.t. Tlili rssbvHHan ObiroU. Tfc Street west an iui teuth A \V MACK IK V Veterll.MlHnrg.en S i fraii avail, ara.Uate ofpi.taiio Veleffiiai . _.. dsntlatexl wllh Tf>r.Mit,. Unlerilif VI kefsiili We.n.1a frmn II a Wi I e ajvi Fererelisui Tlinredar from I te t r ll'l WM ry ColUra. VI.. I. JL Tn aliaess mark.4 " U" ea left (koala's*. tefurmstl * m thetr wtier-asvaM i wtll be Sk.klell| tMlte.t.t>r Mis aa.l. He .PI s. ism THE FLESHERT6N l HIP fiacr to tiny your Blankets, Hnhn, Milts, 8urcinj{lcii,HuK8 wool, Hulil.fr ami Uilrd ; Whips and Untie! Currycombs and brusliei, Snp anil Ilitv Halt. n all rtj\e\ tod aizei ; Sleixli Iteli*. of every dctcnplioii, 8weatpad, Collar pvls, Housings. Now is the lirne to bny your Hat iieBH Ix-forc Die price advances. We inaki- all Htyifs with the best rnatcral at the lowest possible living prices. Wm. Moore FLFSHERTON. BOAR for SERVICE The wintered Tamworth Boar I'DIIT I,\\V I.AN |.,r .rMo i Port Law Ort.Bi >le can tw MMb by tl.pl vliii- In "Wi.i-i . '.i"6. THOMPHi'N. Jsf ew ll.tinu |nir -h*H.-il Ilit- I. i. mi HctK fn.in Sir l.i-(i .r.l I wntli t.. I ini tins) IIIIIH.IIM. .- tlinf tlir lniiin*M4 will I..- roii'iniir.l in III.- ol. I pmiiispn. \Vi> lixvu I.n, | n lin.-i' city cX)iuriniic<> nn.l li.-lu-vi- wu CHII |H>r'eKt tatrnfni-tion in our line. llav* takrli nvtir thn si;liry for P*rkr' ' <Dy, . Wort* And all nrder* Irft witli UK will receive I ",' and ..:.''.! altvntiiin. Fhslitrtei Shaving Parlors A. \Vilson . . Prop. Clubbing List For the berefit nf nur aoloril<en we again tins year submit the f.. I low in lubninK ratm for the enaninv yrar. An n\..it (tapers ciro lialsncr of lS'.'.i (, f t ltw aulw. rili'm it Hill ho wile to hm In "iir iiiiitoriptions as aarlir aa poaaible thereby recritiiiK grraior valne fur your MM*/, ,-. Mid Montrast fttar ....... $1 H, Weekly MaH * Jtmpire I 7.' Weekly (iloU ....... I .'..' " Daily World ......... S.0 Daily News .......... 1.80 IViry sur ........... 1.T5 Frum Our Om> VorrUfondent The concert given by tbs 9. O. 8. iu Hall nn Wednesday evening of last week wat a great am-ceas. The enm- nttec were ezc edinuly fortunate iu their choice of tbe date, as U.ih the ruads aj,d the weather were all that could be deeirod. The program was a lniut liy one, but sii intvrvstinx that the nodience for- got alui'-Mt thu esiatonce of old Fathur I'line. The chair was occupied by Mr. John McArthur ID his usual urbane man- ner. Thu lint number on the program was an inspiriting martial selection 1.11 the liag-pipes liy Pr<'f. Murray, of Tor..nt'i, who ., rli.a*-d iu a line Highland COS- tuniu. , The H-. J. Mafhrmni then gave a short addre**, after which Mr-. Helen \\riln, ol Markdale, -an-.' 'Highland Lrtdiiir." Prof. Mutiny tli.-n |{av n liiiiition I'f Rihlaiid danciiiK, aixl Misr> Jcn>ie Mnikn, of Tvront", " li.iunii- Prince Charlie," which was loudly en i-..r. il. Mies MarlR n-8piided l.y ^mtf mif "Tlie Land o' tbi Leal. The nut 'item" wa>> a Oneli.- sp^icli by Mr. I)HL;H|II McLean. "No niu i H tru il.claiidinair unlcM In can ' S|>ke vhe .... IK.' P..in,t- ah-.utd teach their rh.ldi.n iheuraiid old Ungiia^f, wha-h It is to IM- hoptsl will nb^er iliu out." 8ii lively music- from Fi|*r Murmy s|.|T..|.i(ately foll'iwt-d tin- addrtriw. after whkph Mr. tt right iw, "Will He no' Gunr Hack A.iu. ' Prut Murray then in-ut. .1 tin- HOM| dance in true Moitch lUi Mist M-uk.H aang tlio one old S<-..trli wni((. '-Thi-r.- is nae Im-k *l. ' thu h.xiae," brought d-an tin- " lii.<mr, and as A rmtult Minei Maikt eanu "I'm ..'t-r y.-u.'x lo marry \< Mrs. H. \V nisht Miig "Coinin' thro 1 the Ky " a< only hu van sing It, and by may .( !.- eor i ;Mve "Ye l.ai.knnnd hraes ol l.oui.ie D'nm " "lluy my eaullrr hi'irin'," by Miao Mnrki. called up nuny byxone ineciorica HM! >' in tl;i- mii.ds ol th- ..Id rkotchnirn pr.-wnt. llio ll*v .1 Kiirhansn, .-I Ihirdalk, gsve a nnnl, Moliil, sonailil*. inspiring addreaH on Scot and and Scotrhim-i:. lurh loudly pplaiic.-.l Mr. li Wright HIUIK I'. !y ' ih<. c..w< wn- in the C'.rn," in uch a realmlio manner that ore alimwi uld i*es til* farm li.>u % , tliu uiill. the r>,- i-d -the Ktnin held dntli-.l oi-r with cows "liuntlu an. I 1 II ca ye ny lad, ' n.l "Tin- l> mine Imnki of Ixicli /.iinoiid, sn-re rll ifii.liT.il Vy Mis kfarkt. Mrs. \Vrivlit saiu a beautiful .1.1 So4ch nifi'.rtv ri'titled "Bide ft WM." he prn^niS)! i -. brought to a clou by iliaa Mark* moving "Auld Lan)( Mynp," d the ju.ln-,1 -. JudBave the Queen." i'lii- ,scf<imps)ni<it IH Mku LUCAU of 'l.irkdalr. whoer skilful andaitMtic |.Uy- il.' added irr> maternity to the en]oy ii-nt of th- M'i.y. Mr. U Mi-U'iiiaM of 'r .! ilii- sl.-o t....k psirt in playitiK tha ll Jtf f*. Thr Ucturs on the Boers by Mujor f in tho Meihodiat church last h ri lay evrnniK wan exntedin^ly <*ntertainini( and nut t n. i n.- The Maji.r ((are thnl- iiiK exhibition of w rd essrcian which was worth the price of .liniwi.in. inditsx tlir small ntranc ft chaiged ?'.*" was ri-alirril. Thu Major a!o gave his U-rtnrr at thr Kbeuer.*)!' sp- and wan onthosiaatii-ally re- ceived. LMI Friday afternoon the |iu|nU nf mr puhlio school rrtertained their frirnda or an hour or two illi ainKinx, dialo^UMS ni. I P. tatinnt. short addreasva .-r.' ilso given by Kev. J. S. Humphreys, Major Sch.'of and Kev. ,(. Matin-son, It A. A' th cl<ni> of the sclnnil the p*> jiU of the achoo! vare Miaa Derby a very i.. prvHent .ts a token of their epprrcia- ti.'ii of her Wurk anionit ihrni during th-> axt ilin-i- i- i Mi-v D. rl>y t< .-mfaiji-d a lira! as* slant in Klmvale puMic aohool a : itinl.i-r of our rt'"i.lenta spvi.t Ki i.li.i in Kl.-'lu r'on atti-mliiu: the i" in nation. Tlin IIUIIIIO||>H| Jmt IH .>nly mm- n. -i 1111; in thia coiniiinnr \. tii.i-iUy a Kliori titno iii.i Mr (If. .rui 1 Tiyon nn*rd Inn dotf, nnd I hero wan . i. t (..irrow mil.. ill- l h Intl.. folkn. Twn layH went by and the mininiiK P]> did not pui in nn appi-araiirn an. I *i it wa^ liH-idrd that IIK was none forf od. How- ii-r. on the il.ii I ,l iv Mr. Tiy M wna workiiiff around the strawht.-i-k, when lo ! o- .-mi. r up.. n tin- raimif. ahvi niul well. :ti.l.-r I. n.' heap ni atrnw which the wind i.i.l blown ..n t..|i of bun. Mr D. McAulajr. wlm him l>crit in the i-inpli.y of Mr. .). I>. I'.rown for mtiue tun.', left la -I Tiii'mlnv for Vatiomtcr, where he linn a. cured a Kood poniti m. are very aorry that Mr. McAulay it an Im IIKS alwava Ukfli a ilerp in t'. G. and S.S, work and HO will be vory much Miiseed, Howover. wo i>ii him |.r.n(.t ritv in h.i far-away home. M*IUIS. Walter jitebol and John Me- >f Tor .tit., uitiveraity are home fur the Xtnan holidays. Mies Annie Hourth, who in attendiiitf (inhawa Cnlli-i; ntn Inatitule, la spelldiiitl holidays With her narunta.. Miss Jennie James of Cumnch ami Miaa Alice Hons of Mimioo, alaosjie their Christ inaa puinlinu nt honir. Mr. .laitipn K. A i km*. i.. who is attend inn thr .lrlil..| ...llr^r it Tt.Mlltd, la h.lllH) for hi* hnlidava. Mr. I.. Tin- Hogarth in spending a few weika ai ti..ne ofier |ititiiiiii in a faithfu season's Work In the lowiyihipuf Whttby. age ol M on Chria^msva day. She h-w been a resident on this line ily 4'i years. The onfemistinK atumiun nf \>r sou and daughter sa4ds materially ti> tbe uld Isxiy'H ciinifiTt and we sincerely h.>pr tlui ^ii, J. r their carv, she miy be >|iare(i to *e S few mure anniversaries ul hur iMrthday MiosiJane Lynees rrturne I home from Adjala laitt week bnngii.g with hr Maatt-r K<>bhie Spt-i-rs, wkv. has beell \inni K fneiul* in that aevti'.n. Mi-i M i M S:,,i,,- -a home f.<r the fentive seaaoti. Misw M. U-.. 1 who haa bven engaged for the pant four and a half years an t4-flit-r in our I'uliltc 8cli<M>l, >.-re<i llor omiiection last wei-k MH'I w presented liy lirr |.npi:s ith u Imn.ln .uir g"ld rt..g and watch chain ui ric^;oiti>/u of pant rvice An upprnfiuau- falvfliciory B inpaiued the |arve)l lull. Tliai.m ati- ou.- tn IUMIIII r.f o'.r ner- . tio ladirs fur -.rearing th children f this H>-it ion to Xin>K tr. e and en'.rrun,- inent ill the uld NUUuot ILIUK- ..|| Xums Vflllllg. W>- arw n'lrry lo rf|i .ft tliat Mr* 1'irnttie mill ci.iiiitiueH in a v. ry dclicatu tte i.f Iwalth. Mra. K. V\ i, u t.tK, i b.i> ,<Ui> hrcii ii-ry i I but l- now itn|ir.ivinu. Nu!wiihtmnliii|i tlit; uV|Mcs>Miii{ news fro'i. (l.i .c.,t of war, the ". -1-1 miltl'.eV" ho iirvvr l.m c.'iiliilel^- in TouiBiy Atknm. He itaya Wi-t- H Iw nnd the Sirdar i I pluck every l.n-,-1. out of olJ 7IH[Llf[ Kruser bv'..re they have ilonti wilh hhn. Mr*, dt" Strangwaya of El ra apemt Xinas with her imter. Mia. Win. tknuo. IfiFIT fluLBlJ tf"ur up. in K Grtat B ' >u " **' l . nm fM y Celltt) ei|iUinml MI oiio 'raiiuiim Men and i.r \fi<k* (>ii|. td Croat M<m. Oie.t In- I>mc<iveriu, Prn. rs of Ntti-.im. .-re.ry Krit event i>f th-iM'i'urj. If you linv a ni.i > l in/ I...)- >ir en- KtKed in other a'.'fnr* l.iiines vm lo-u money t-> e>rrimx<, hi-n- in 'ho beat oppmimiity f,>r niak iitf inon.-y oj r lia.l. Hix e. mi ni-s '.n , -.114 I.M'II. awy '11111- ; new pltn ; y-t ..jr . :! - i KKAI'l.KY(iAlcHr1>i).V C... Limited l.raiicfunl The Market: lint ail Lit fir Sail Solldbrlek linuiHiiiit|r<laralit la ri<-linr an.hnue cotitalii. xeu rm.m.. k i.ol atou e.'Ur. ioft an.' hard water. Will W aal.1 rhear aa.l v,u easy t.rinl. A|. r ly i 9 TliO%.WTVILUt. No I . \rvO MUM)'* Srlllrwrnl. Hii< nf mm..n to Tf E.litor ami ti-a.lrn ..f ihu Ailranrr, hoping Hi lax tn.r of rliii 19th century will tind ni-nrri|.t i.n. Hat of our npiry UH-| trtiblvni mnl paid Up. Tin. ward haii ttnen an ably repr,-rnt-il the pant year hy ('.innoillnr Muir, that a i* dsMinfit imrtoceMiry and in- tl.i|ir Mr. Win The father? Gone for the doctor. The mother? 'Alone with her suffer- ing chi:ii. Will the doc- tor never ccmc ? Whenthcre is croup in the house 7 you can't get the doc- tor quick enough. It's too dangerous to waif. Don't make such a mis- take again; it may coi-r life. Always keep on hand a dollar bottle of fart-fully <'orrrrirl Wheat, white ....... Wlu-a:, red ......... Oat* ................ W.H.I Dticka.. Tuikeyt prr Ih, <!u.e |ici- Ib H.inr Ili.l- - a K&K K&K K .. i It cures the croup at once. Then when cny one in the family comes down with a hard cold .. or cough a few doses of O the Pectoral will cut short the attack at once. A 25 cent bottle will cure a miserable cold; the 50c. size is better for a cold that has been hanging on. ksts Iks eWlar lisa M sc:rf. ''Aboat 29 years a*> I cairo ui&r dTlns- with ronoir|'tt"n, hi.t ir tureu with Aywr's Chorr T l*iHt/rl t since which tlmo laavsJaMMAysr'S Bv<tirinri in the h.map and r.c.jm- meud them to all n.jr trli.ii. 1 ' C. D. MATirwii>is Jan. 16, 19D. Brlsu>l, VU Writ* the Ixx-tor. U ron ham 1117 Complaint whnttirvr atMl OVltro the txMi nwdlntl vttioe. writ* tbe doctor frly. Aditreae Dr. J . C. ATSB. Lowell. Mu. DEK.&K. i Ike Lading Specialists if Acirlci 20 Yurs li Dttnlt. 250,000 Curid. IWECURESTRICTUREl , Thnassnili of younf ao I middle aed I men are troubled with this dtssase many I I noooaieioasly. They may bars a smart- 1 lot sensation, nu.it. twistiac stream. I ahar.i set tine paints* tlmea. ilUtbtdis- I I chart*. difltnih*- In oomaM>n-in.-. weak oraaas. emissioot, sod all the symptoms I of nervoui <l*eifiir ther he 8TRIC- j Tl KK. Don't let doctors si^srimeotoD TOO. by euttrnc. itretsbinc, er teariaf I Toa. ThiiwIllnoteorsyoti.asHwnirs- 1 tire. Osr NBW MOTHOD TKKAT- JiK.VT absorbs lh rtrtrtme liteae: henoersmoTMtboitrletareperMaasfiilr. 1 1 oan oerer mom. No pals, mo Sato* Inf. no detention from business by our method Tbeeinalon-s>niareitr*Dith- I farti. The nervti are loriratJ. and | the bliss of manhood retains. WECURE GLEET Ttouaands of young and miJJl*a-ed I \ra are harirf their saiual licnr and TitsJity continually aappe4 by thii di*- I ease. They are frequently nnoon*ri..ui I roftasoaassottbessnniptoiaa. Oenrral Weakness. Unnatural Uieobarres. Fail- | I las; Manhood. Nerroaansss, t'oor Mm lory. Irritability, at tiir.ru Smartinf Son- f sation. Sunken Ere*, with dark circles. I Weak Bak. Uen.ral Deirssjloo. Lsk of Ambition, Varioucate. fhranK*n Partm eto. OllBT and ffTeUCTI KK mar be the eauss. IH>_.'t eoasnlt fatniiy I 1 doctors, as they hare no eiserlsnm In I these special diseases ilupt allow i Uuacke to eiperlmrat on yon. Coniult I 8Mcialtsts. whs hare maJe a Uf itud* ef I I'lssasMoCliaaaaaWoiBMi. OurXBW , U BfilOD TKKATMBNT will noeV I titeif ears you. l>is tboatand dollar) for a ease ws arrspt for trcatmsBt an4 I t oannotcars. Terms moJermte for a cure. I I CURES GUARANTEED Ws trsat and rare: EMISSIONS. VARICOCKLK, SYPHILIS. IILBET. 8TRKTI RK. IMPdTBXt'Y. SK<'RBT IiRAIXS. UNSATI'RAL MSl'IIARuV U.^, Kl I>SKY sn.l HL.M'DER MMBMS. ' "N.-l LTATH'N FEKB. BOOK3 r'KKK It unable to call, writ* for KENNEDYS KERGAN [ Cor, yicklgii An. and Skelbf St. [ DETROIT, MIOH. K&K K II ------ -' -^~- - j.^-^-. ^j r^,^ , ^.,^__ f ^Ft .."JCXL^TZ t D. McTavish KEEPS ON HAND F -r REPAIRS... Masapy-Harria. Nmofl. Klrury snd \Vilkn.Mn fnn in | lenu-nts . li'iiry md Verity plow* an hand all tbe time la<> all kindn n repairs Kr the samn. WM manufacture Wsgi.ns, liuugtn. Cutters, SleiKhs. etc. , llor>o*h.ieiDf n roin|itly attended to. Special attention tn tender it n raotrd feet, xo n;iiiK and Plow Chains constantly on hand. FOR GOOD Sleighs and Cutters. Go to John H. Hcnid A Son, who have n H numbef of Sleighs and Cutters on hnnd rratly to *^ run. Xlso two cow ^nd a number of Plymouth rock : Cockerels for sale. H. Heard & Son

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