Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Feb 1900, p. 1

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jflesfcrtot Jtfrrattce. -TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES NOT MEN." VOL. XLX, NO 976 Fleshcrtoii, Ont., Thursday, February 1 . 1OOO W. H THURSTON, EDITOR * PKI'PKIETOR McFARLAND&Co. Grey County's Big-g^st Store 1900 Prices Like These Will Mean Big January Business. \V, . furi big Januiry business and jiidgiugfrum present unlic:ition *il' not I'f disii.|. inUed. Sr.H^n 1| ,,ver the store ..le ready for all demand* nui.ie up-.n 'lieni wuh the price* of a grent in tin line* sim..-t cut in two i" make this a truly ineinorablc January. Vou'll ii'-t Voiir money'* wi.nh and more uying any <>f these Unas. Mantles Ja.nua,ry \Ve ve ..ill more .l;ickets t|,is season thit e-er before and with -.noli 1'^ sell n- e me in re in. I month we i .| 1 ,,; i s we were mtkiiu in hi^h i ! a j tniient*. N * A,- '11 teil you ho* He sell .lie ! * Y.-u'll appreci . ben you see them. of i 14 only Jacket- . I all wrxi! ..iir Ix-st .v while they l.i-t : or i only Li'li<- Jackets maile all wool frieze and all b"U 1 ' an. I .loiiii'.' breasted, MC'|U< A Story Worth Repeating Tli. ir in.' pu - i-b.- f > unv! vi worth telling. !io prices) buying tb - II - ' tckets, silk In worth up to J1J INI Our Milliners are 5till Busy The ruii of late oniei* for Millinery has been o areat tha*. Mis inpslled to remain f.-r >. \ , ir ,l , d to her can- thus week will bavo the usual careful i..u. .,..-.! il for Ihi- Wrrk niv LtdW F.h Walking Hut* in this s-.-ason's newest oelors ilar ;iii i T-V- and H.IH) Staple Goods for .January Ue ha\e some special January pnces on staple goods worth in- vest i'.-iey'll ve you it little money 40 |,i..ces New Fla li-ttes in | mit or lilne stripes, eltra widlk nd beautiful soft goods, liin.t 10 yds to one customer, 4$c yd., or 10 yds *' 15d.iz. Muslin Handkerchiefs, scolloped edttee and fancy Owured coruere. I.Joo.1 v.i!ue at 5c each. S|<ecial 3 for 10 Basement Bargains \\ e want you to get thoroughly acquainted with thia store from top rt"or down, therei e this bateiuent tmrgii'i BOd'.z. Cup- nid S.uc t>. tirst .pjality gooj. in blue or green, pretty rl-.-al design, worth To to Sfic per do. special per doz j:t only Su/ar Bowl. Enjlish ironstone china, the Famous Whest pattern, regular pri.-e 3d and 45c e-oh. your choice 15 Ren's Rubbtrs >nly heavy buckle Lumberman's Rubber, sizes Xo. 10 and ., regular price l.'J- to 31. -40 '*> ncFarland & Co., - Markdale w : _Onr book i'ii Smith j Af-icii surf the Riitisli- r~\Var is a rei;ul*r hoiMi.z-i ^r sm-.tv t che.p ls> k. Sells on s U ht. Out- iers. THF. UNSCt.TTPulMsWi'" Co. FLESIEBTOil FDEHITIBE AGENTS :-An-h n.l ,'! l-n harvest for you. The w.tr m Soiuli Afr,, the I l.idiet of 'he ivn'nry. ^ e have the only Canailmn l.k : by Cat>U H.'pkins i'd Mural HaUcad, the red gnir-ed liitotical a- wri'.r-. i'ur retm-seiitHtiveii 'n South Africa MI. I London supply direct n.-san.i pictn-cs of battle scenes. It is authentic snd uivra information Cauadisiu wan*. Y.veryboJjr buys. Now is 'lie time t" .'iimnef'e work. WRADLKY-i:. \RRETSSNC o., , lirantford \Ve are carrying newest style of SEASONABLE GOODS In all lines of iot Lot 117 to 1 W. in<l rane W. T. * R. !:., lia , K^rwt.alK>iit HI HOH;..IPRH..I. the rwit hr.lwoc<1. ] Clrilc. ; suiitil iTclinnl, . vti wrll w^tiT.-.'. j ijn*rt(r milt* fiotn ruilwav f.|Kifoti : t mil* ' Tumi MMlicrtoti. K.'i t,..ni <!... itpi'lv to ROUT KVTl.FlliiK. Kl ,h>.|rto . Farm for Sale or Sent South! nf Il0f * " ' th " ''"' Con.of Rnphruik containing IOC acr. T7 il*r<1 iin.l ml hurJ- wrod biih ; Rood hoiiM and rrm bwn. itun* >tablln( un lernrtb ipririt l th bout*. lo ooih*ntrnofh"lot Will ^,llonajr trnn or raol for a Mr.ii ..f Tn A)iplr UD th o J. R. MoLIOD. KimlxrUy P. O. frvm Or Otrn Corretpondml On Wednesday evening -if last week the member* of the C. E. held a very ' successful social in the manse. Notwith- standing the icy rood* a Ur/e number I waa present. During the forepart of, tin- evening the company was en'ertained with various games and music. After supper a short but incerentin^ program ' was rendered, brief speeches were aiven by Messrs, M. ReiUey, A Mdjuaig, Rf . J. S. Humphreys and others. Tlie following sang very appropriate Mrs. J. S. Humpi.r-ys, Miae Myrtle Mc- Arthur, Mu Nathalie tirier, mid Mia*' Annie Jaiuex. Maggie McCunnel 'ill. in of club The proveeeiU amounted to nearly l-. \- Messrs Angus McPhail ai.d l-i- h- laii '.. i, <1 others were return- ing lU'Uie last Thur.uay morning from a ; n'y in hyi^i . 'jl. . i. i<; a - :.:--bal auiUMiu ,t li ni .:. mini t.. JuLeai town hue * - \. rsea was 'lie l.lilil'rll th ..i. Ml. nil. weie .1. . .tii iu<>i>y a ;Tui ai.il tutu _ drag the r -.1. Here i.. bed and vulewbere tney were put lit >lr. 1. Mel..-.in - itai [ i-c r-; Mi - has il tin- saw mill from Mr. K.I'' M artuy welcome M Crae toour vu.age ai.i^irus- that I"-' "ill meei wall .;....! s,i v. >^ in l-u-nuew. Mil. <i Marliiti i.. I children spent few day nf l*tt week with Mr- M , parei.ts.^Mr. mid Mrs D"i.ld M 1' .. Mr. HI.. I Mrs. .l.-i.u McArthur .-.['Hit day or so m ilie tjueen C.ty last wwk. Mr. nud MIM McCannel of Bunjoy (pent a few day; ktely with Mr. and Mrs. Xeil MeOuinel. \Vo are very much pleased to learn that Mi-s Ueit!i.i .James it gradually mi proving. citing runaway 'he past week, when hu ream took fnuhr at the whistle at Rock- vale mills. They s.H.n left the sleigha on the road and with broken harness soon reached Salem coiner, where they were captured nothing the worse for the race. A young man from Kunbeiley had a rather sen > us accident here a short time ago whil driving out his best girl. He accidentally upset i he cutter and broke 'he shafts, necemittting repair* to cutter and a long trarr.p through the snow u the young lady's home. Th logs come rolling in to the Euirenia , saw mills and '.her" i> room for plenty, inor" w.'h tli" i, -h.-s; prices "o lie pid. \ The board ,.| .nan-.T < church report i cash b*Un. hnud at the end of 18W of 814. 1'J if'er pa) Hi'.' til expenses. Th church bull. I- ing account shows all indebtedness pid e;,t alx.u' ~-7 Mr Wix.illiurn The Liuliis \ -ed 'iivl. - 1 . >-X(,etls.. - i balance n acci.uut of ?:H'i, not due until M . *toar's Settlement. IRAMINDI Consisting of !Parlow and SSfdroom sion and Centra tjabies, Ckairs, Window <Shades and Curtain 3*o t as, 5*ictur9, Casats. etc. Which we offer at Lowest Prices Picture Framing aad General Repairing rnderUkintf in all its Braitchea Satisfaction Guaranteed W H. BUNT, FLS5MERTON Fim '*ir (Jirn >tr. ciolf. Evanglist, who IMS l>een holding i>ecial meetings in this for some": i t!iem List Thurs- day evening. \V be'.ievc he will start a series of meetings in Flesherton aljout the middle . f February. Mr. a:id Mis <!. SteeV of BramptoD an.i Mi-- F. Birch of U.Mlehouse visited with Mr. and Mrs. .1. It Fawcett of this i.i.i.-e. Mrs. Meole is a cousin of >Jr*. M>s Ala Bnrritt of Toronto is visiiiug fi-ieiiils in tins vicinity. 'Juite a numlier of people from ford, Thornbury. Clark <burg. Heathcote. U lchouse. Union, ami surroiiniiing country .ittenie<l Mr. Cotfs farewell meeting on Thursday of last week. llevs. Ward of Flcsherton, Beynon of Heathci'tc. and I'lunkett of Eugenia were in attendance. L. O. L. No I:HU of Kimbcrl-y hc'..l a Royal Arch meeting last Thursday even- iii'.- when a num>r o{ candidates were i to tho l!o\al Arch Brethren from Mcuford, Ceylon. Vande- leur an>l Eugenia were present on the invasion. Co'inty Miister, Bro Win. Cook of Meaford v.as preaant. A su|i(..lenieiitary meeting of tho Farm- ers Institute of iVntu- ' ii-.'v wil! be h^-lii in the l*ublic hall on S<iturLiy. Feb. 3rd afternoon and evening. have overcome the misty vision that creeps on with the advance of years, and now I am the most pleased man I know." 4 pleased patron is the best adverts* ment. W j ?ive free tests and satisfaction. W. A. Armstrong, vEWELER AND O PT i r Eueritia FVow Our Otr Ciirrtipo*<knt Mr. HIVII of Toronto has returned to th* city after recuprrntintf his ln-altli for a short, time with friends at Eugenia While here he secured some specimen! of mineral from this locality from which we hope to hear good reports in the near future. Mr. George Me'dtum had a ra'her ck We ore i ' .nir new luring . pupils), wh", taking advantage f her youth and laexperience, 1 1 iinnljr rnfnuit'Tj Thetrusti. 'iiuttin "f the state of . 1 .etter beha\ in future, at the same timegiv:- understand that should any further troiii'le occur, more severe BMMnnn) than 11:1.111 1 woulu ^ i believ. M -- 1 , . ardent desire Mth patient kindness and we iie recent unpleasantness will \v obliterated by the pupils .l.n. their energy m i':ni; witli 'heir teacher in maintaining for this schis>l in the future the exemplary reputation i the [NtHt. John r.oyce. who has been work- , ar Bnuuptun during the last nine months, returned h< rue t few days ago. Mr. ,1. J Lyness, v.ith lits, ; - liachel. are paying an extended with friends in Bru.-e. Mr and M:s. \;,iW Hincks .f the' line, gave a call on old neii. ' eiu'h'iHirhissl List week. Mr V 'i >1 lice, who waa serving in the 1'in-li V. ir;.. s,r4canrin tl'e 1st B;itt. Itith t I'l-iiionlshire) regiment, uniler ''.!. itiel I'eaciH-ke. at the f ime of the Fenian raid in 1868, recently received a lettter from l.xpi ^nlent Nunn. A. .uu! N . \. .1 itvs, (an old comrade) informing !... th..t t!ie stTvicc medal had 1.. been distributed to all the su: veterans of ihe regiment who had for nanl.-d their cLiun the war office. The letter says the medal is a very hand some decoration, of which the rvci; are justly proud, notwithstanding the tuany years that have elapsed since it was ', earned. This is the first instance in thirty >tvrv th.it Fri-il has seen or lieanl !r. in any of his old comrades, and he was surprised to hear that so many urrend'T- ol, who were strong, able men when he There are. he is inform- ' eil. alxiut forty cx-inviiiU-rs of h>~ ill living in different part. ..t thisc-'iiutry. The iJnd llatt of the regi- ment is vi!:i Ceii. V.'orren, in BtiUer's \i iKNTS P. . r an air ry i-f the B<x r l;nt,-li war. i;> lx It. l>y two of r)i-sl war wnirrs of the w..i from pti . t.-wj taken on iht not 1 ~ ' 'tnadiaii li K. Ex- peri. .i.necratay. I'LKV i: VUilFTMiV '... Bnotford. .llr in those services. Re*. . warm place in heart* .f Ins people at thi. appnintmenr who pny for ami >ynpkthi/- wrh him n h:j si'kne( and anxiously \1 M Emm* Norval is apuoding & month with her i.'vr in tle-ir^iti.wn. Mrs (;..r.'...n ,.f T'.routo visited t Mr. ..' the WHS in Dudalk atten.iing the funeral of her mother. Mr-. Patt.ni. Mr nd Mrs. W. Rurledjie f T Tont<j while .m their honeymo.ni trip !a*t w^ek spent a couple . f days with Mr. and Mr*. C. Kutledjte. Mr. J. Rutherford of Mulmur spent a few dy with Inistioue friends recent 'v. .Mr and Mrs. C. Rutledge t tended the in * the latter brother at Homines Mills last week. Mr .!.(>. I'lttun, who has been in poor hfalih dunng the last few * MM tu Toronto to consult a specialist. \Ve hi.je to hear of his ipewly recovery. Markdale News ' ' > ' 'us, ifut. We l,a- U en having atti ( ,f wii-.tci- during tin- last v. >k : ich d'-e n-.t tf. I Mi ),i|en*ut ss uuld Wa !;cr of il<e pie ceding we-k<. The (tpe-cml services which were BOII^ on in the church here during th.- tirsr three wee'us of this in. .utli were increas ing in attendance and interest when they wr.broiiitht t.. a cloav by the setioiis ill- ess of the |*tor who ws laboring ao The Presbyterian choir drove out ti- the home of Mr. .4ndrew Walker on Fr. :nst . and were very v boat and hostess. U -ire pleaaed to learn that Mr. Hugh M K i . i thin village is able to be up again after pMoaing through a very critical MM U, > I>r. Waites of Owen Ss-iiim i ;nvintory sermon here on Flu. ay to a good sized audience. '. hear the Dr. ia to appreciate him. The conimiinion was dispi'iis<-d by the |yut'i. Uev. }. Hunter, on Sabl^ath morning. Mr ttuthrie, who has been a resi of Mi:k'l.-ile for a number of years, and who f,.;i,,ed the trade of ni.ison. found .lead in his home on Ton -nto Sunday Morning. He had not been well for v.ine tune but the jvople of the li.l not realize that the end was S4. It is itener-illy snp|H>s(Hl that he on Friday evening. It is re- Msiderable sum n! n ..i.i mi his pt-rson, and he also owned the property on which he He has no reUtiven in tin. country \tio\v. Tho fnr.cnil t;n>k pla.- M :> t'.ie public cemetery. \ ikating ru-e is announced in near future !mt 'iie oxai-t date is n. will be Iwtveen M !l iinvi-.'id of Onen Sou:i 1. Minnes of Uurhiiiii. ami I>. Bush oi -his town foi a iive-mili* heat. T!' - to I e i 'iirr. . ^ . xhil'irion by Mr. Milne. >i[ M Karland vV Co., who hius mi i ' ons .K-cision jumped six bnraels At* timo wifli sk ifes on. ^ >ap race is i!s,. KB' [octet 1 , for girls uniuler l(t. I'-nticulaf later. A h.ickey club has been or^nu^ed in Dundalk. Her. 3/r. Campbell of Dundalk \* senoiis'y ill.

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