Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Mar 1900, p. 1

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MARCH i, 1900 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE it u, i ue os Card* M'CULLOUOH * YOUNO lUnk.-rv Mark-dale D.i . iimmrtl batikini! bumnen*. Hooey lMMi %l a re*uublo law Call on u>. AH VASOUSKN. J P < l.ik Mil Div Court. Co Gray tntr of Mama*., l.lccuaei. Conwyancf r Not .ry. Public Aucli.'iiaor. Money to loan M *4 juif teul. Cliargo. moderate KL.B8HKKTON V Dr.HTU Ci Tn uii<lot.ln.<J ! pipared lo un l.-rt* tliecoll.H'11'iii at all klnd o( ti*btt u- - bought. .n.-c-"un'i. ool'til. lc. H N ItKNDKKSO.N. rieeberton rmsi Ki.--ti.-it.", Slat-oil itr in II ' J. ConT.y- i,nti!,<. lane nrt will , at *4 fr op- . i. U.b I. Charge* niodr*i R 1,1 Puiiua<t r. Floaharton i, \ i.-r Con it-i.t Money l-.-ii'l-' , l',.|tnci> t ' !...., ati I will" carefully ilrawn iat. of r I t > with |'i"ii ' ,. IK.IIIIIIIt'll i . iin|.any. A call olicit, I A () ^ \\ , ,n .-. , . i MW . \ i-,,t an I tltir I Mon 1\ '" 1 ' %lr ' ,.,. at M|. in A. N -n. i . . . ., --1.1.11. t i. N.-iimu br^br luvlt-.l \KTHTK I V-< -* . in t!i Ma.onu- ball strain - i i, n.ry Kri.lay "d w before nl 111 i. J A lloyd W M , NS J iMIIunM. .->.- rt-iary. p .r n.K-llr.KT'i*. I. O. F. mwt. Ill b Unck Hi* Ut KrMat **nlnM U >.-" month Vi.itinii Kor*ln heart ll v . I-.K..II.II. Dy.; K.S. V \au- Du.i ' Jcnti$tvij l \IMlnll\l I. U U .-. U l> S. I. l H ..,.. -it , I'uivanllyand Koyal ... ul uutl M.inirona. n.. M.i ulla H-.iin*. Uumlak **ry 111 hi. I Ol l-lMllL-ll'.ll DB i: C. Ml'BKxV, I- l>. S..donul.uri;,- -n m,iiit.- , f r,.i'nii.i I'nlnralty ami I. ,'.i,tl h.irBou> "t Ojtain. I u |.. i i-.ii \\,i i . i.li>n. tilt, la-t Wr-la. ,.t . ,uir., ti, I nin.ilalk 1 aud J Tburaday In i' n ii.nuiL. .F. \V KHOST, I. I. H UarrliUf. hollciior Couyaocer. *tfl Om-.- N.-t I" |io.tomc. Hprouln't block- i .,i. ...v Tliur.la and. court day N n 'iw.-.i R..UM.I uffico. If run' block LUCAH. WHIIiMT A JIATMIN Haii ift. i ~ .s.iiii .inra I'aiiwyancera, t W ll \VHn.iir, C A Wreow I I' l.i' S h li-rlivrton ortn:. MlUlmu'i Hank vu, . s.lni-U.. TH Kr.U .<- I'M II I. " < llarill.i. Millcitora, U kli.lxni Hank. <>wt>n Soinol llAHUV O I I K. i. i.l.i' W 1-ATTKKSI tlACKAV A SAMPSON. !arrlili. A' !\| ,,, . i, S. inn'. Ui'l. litn' ' l i. . .1, k. '. i I'.r -in lluuit. LnpJalk aiiti -- i . .'i t/v.', v hklui-ly. Al. M.OKVV.MA. UK S.\iirSON,l..l- I' Cniwu Atioiu.-) fi tin-JT. D" OAa* iioxi iloor lo limwn's tor* ; rcni'li nr O pu,. r ; i ),..! oillrn. rxlHini-H m I..I,- i . i. jfflc,ia>-i'ut>Jarnainlrltur- DRCAl.i I \l i P iii.t. I'litalrlan, Rurteon. l irUnl'i-rtiHl 'Itlr.- MI01 k block. ht-lltl-ncu Muu. ii .* - II-. Ul Jons k S'-IITT. n l. ,,,'.. , i- ,ll.,,:.' l'lirio. * Hnrpeoin ., a-luaM In Mi--in'ii, nf Toronto I u. ,lii|i Diploma, Toft ma. In- tilf I., l.-il Srli. ml ami Hoii|lal. CliK-ai'i. ni-"-- "I ". i-ar. n " an. I III r oat i>|iclally Thill" ' r - lt^i Mai Vnterniarv Hllrfon ' Vrtrinary . - - Hcoml >i'i"i miutlt .!'.! ThU . , iii i I. .in, i lreul \V M \' -K I I. - . . w-i . it.i < Out* ' i V*<*niin,.tr fntUir . '. IlllUVIsltY Vl-lt- Kn - K . i. f.'.-n ll a 111 t.. i p in.. .mil r.iiam 1 uiimlar from H a i p. in " iifi nifi Wi w iHKit 1 Photos I TAKEN AT THE Flesberton Photograph Gallery | arc done in nral-claaa tyie and at 8 l.iweat rated. Special arenti.ui * uivi'ii to copying, llaliiei*' photos, a specialty, f'ictureii fiamed. MRS. BULHER KOt^ W. Barnhouse W i>b' s to .1. iw tin.- at't-litiiiu nf the I. iii. ,n- ;,, tin- f.illowiug : Flour in 1..I-H of all tuxes from tmtb K)RI)'S & PLEWI5' HILLS and HM cheap a* the cheapt-kt, alao PEEI) OF ALL KINDS .... a' nil tunOK. itich HH l.ran, h'>it-, fhop mill rli--pp.il cnrn, oats bar 1, > | it as nml wlit'Ht. ajajl iTtrtKHinl (N.nfec;i.,ii|.ry,(!r(i- i '-rit-H ami | ioi i-i-'iiv. I).... mill ('--mi Mil'-. Hoot* ami Sli,,i-s.iiiH(lu oil slinrlf-l II Mr,-. r'l.ur ............ 93.50 ti. $4.Ni TH i-: FLESHERTON fflarr.ess !- ti ' place to lin> rntir ISlanketH, r.uiiri. Mitts, RareioglntBBgi wool, liniilii r and Oiled ; Wliips and luslics Currycombs and brnfilir s, Snaps ami Mill, Haiti- ull stvlt-H and sizei . ^:'l^ll lit'llo .'f rvtiy dmcriplion, (M-I :ii|>;tdn, Collar padu, HoMingf. Now is tin 1 lime to buy your llai- i -< Iwfore llif price advance*. \Vt in tkc all style* uiili the heat matcral ai the lowest possiblu living pricei. Wm. Moore FLFSHERTON. K&K K&K K Till Leading Specialists of America YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000 CURED. WE CURE EMISSIONS! Nothing can he more demon! mug to j yonnir < i iui'111* ftc*>il men thmn tlio i r< - i | eiire of then* "mgl.lly l. -. ' Thry i pnxiiKO weuknnnt. nrrToiwnrnt, * fficltn nf iJiNtfiiAtanda wh'ilo truiu *" i . Thry unfit ft man for huum**, i IHI n vt life an<t eooial haprim--*. No i:. ' I whether cuivl hjr evil litl>itr: in yuulL natural wnakncm or ,-iml i-\ . tmr New Method Trii..m.i will t<>uivi:!yj eure 70 \<:\ < T-^ I'.-|llu W .11 I 1 1,- ,li-'-OH.-ll wnn Am i n -in HiMi.ii it-it nf tin- .ir put.! -Ned now. UK tlin wr i* nnly t- on 111*11 -ml II in I!,- "ii i *.i v.ilnmi. ('av.li.iii in.iniifti utuil Woik. I 1 ', i -i vn''tiut. i.-rt.|y it.) in, cum nlalo to iliiti-. tlin, >nii k. 1 ' ' o ' 'iiivsion. Second vol- n \\h. WUito tllll witn IllCti.npleie Ii ...l.s I cniH free J'lIK MNSCGTT NO CURE- NO PAY Header, youtiootl help. Kurly nhr^t* or lati-r i xi'WM* limy hvo nenkriM i : i. Dii>opiir* inar hnvo m-ivuM you. Vcu are not ufo till cured. *ur N*w .\l *!. 1 will cure you. You run r > * win cure you. iou run L" 250,000 ani'j 'on UK Man Yi % o matter how leHona your ttiiu uiay I bo, nr huff loi.ff j cii may In. MI hi, I it, uur I NKW WKTU01> JIlDM V.I.M vil! cur< it* Thft "wormy \eint" return I., j ttnir norbial ooaUitlOD ami b*oo* \ ... I Mxual tTfinn roeive |.r,,|-.ir i ,ui.-l, >n> nl. Tim vrcaD* boooio* vital! i. uiiiiuluntl Hraint or IOMM caua an. I inn nly IMIITITS ri'larn. No temi or . , ' lu-lieUt. I -it a pcrilllinrnt i-.irO li--,'ti'l. NO ' UUR, Ml \'\\. NO iil'lU'A- THIN ,NK' i;ss \HY. .'> DI-:TI;^ T10N I'lUlM l!l il.M; I CURES GUARANTEED' Vl'e In-fit nnii euro SV I'll 1 1, IS, I OM'.KT, I.MI.-SIDNS. IMI'olKM V, SIKIt iTKk. V \l.|i m l.l.K, H;.\|| NAI, 1.US8E.S. Itl.Ahl'i:il AND KiH "JKV (liitsaH-t. *.:UN.<| LTATION HoiiKS HUCK. CIIAKd -:S MnliKIt VI K. If iiiiiihli- t , r.ll. writ*! or a OUIHTION BLANK < ' ll RUATMKNT. KENNEDYTktRGANl 148 SHELBY STREET, OtTHOIT. MICH. K K&K K&K 1 In riemuriam i'n written and adapted it. ion the ,lratli of tliti lat - Mr*. Joint hupkii', wlio iliwl r'cb. V. 1IW). by Tho.i. and Ahc Uuiituam. Kalaeniv pillow lumbar,,!, <li.ii,-.- t Faint 111,1 raint.-i r..iu"- tnv breath. / li'l lilt-** i*:iailWH wlt-Hl.iiK "lowly Must, I kno i. II i ii( l.ith. Sit Mown cloiti* btfM-tu mi-, dailhik'. ... i in*- i UH|I vour warm. strung hand Yntir that ovor IIIH mutaiued um T tin) border* of tbii laud. For your God and uiim* our Father Tliruve uliall --r l-a 1 iut* on \\ i ...... . ui>"ii* throne <'t'TDnt, hit-, his own ami unlyK'Ui. I've tiail v ikioli* au<1 boon ilruatmm,- o'er tin- 1'nflof Juy ami i>n Yearby >iar l.i wnmierod b*ck*ard '! .:: I *... . !..!,! Ir.ttamsof tiilhrnil, ami tne moment NV !.. ii 1 KK.U. i >,,iir wil.' and In inc. How iny hvarl imilla.l with lovu a triuii;|ih n of woman'* |ii i,l.- IIII-HI... i .,1 uiri- ami all tlie.-Hitfi cordi I it in, . tn ii, ft i-, niiti'l inv i unij; anguish \\ li.-i: tir-t 1 Viit-w that t> 11.11-1 part! ml < >.l It* . All i:. . f.,.'Ul-r,i in II-- i > .: i "i- than fi ieml or ll -" \\ ill I... With tl..-.- I" til- ' 1 I I. V , M . . I to IllKI t'l 1<- IVH Ille ' II If IK All] to Oill IIH1 1 .l..'!u n. lhatcaii o. There i lie portal* l.ra-.lniK t in. Ii -av.-ui} (.-.mi-, ( lirifl li.vi |>i mm-., tl !i[- immortal M,,l I.- II.- tll.lt III. I , 111.- I ..' I lit. MIIII a likbt fi ..... . ., i All. I a I,, i, it.-,..,,., Huii.r : star, 1 ' " ' . . UII II. u- Jur.t brycu the liaibor bar. T.'M niir ilaiiulitiTB- i.ul inotivt them I,, ft witi. out a in >tlj.-i 'in lit i.l l.i. ir van-* At Hi.- !.-. t IT Chi l-I > . ! 'lo uot with to la 1 in* t-,,1.1 cai th i .line ; I VI ill (:... let tl y w.ll I.. Toll our i-hilJrou of me often, 'I i\ a um'.li.-r n I lai-r t > '...k. I'Altivay. I Ii. in <iot.i i 1 i , tiu- u..|l to v i ..I.. I- aim not hoNtii th. '. I U k 1 1 . 1 , , Kiln L Ke|j ili. -i.i .'.oxf t., tii- fur fu*i il iniL'lit die nut. A li.-any vote of 1 1, .inks w>ui (u<lt>re<l lo tin; locturi r at tin! rlnMi-of hi addreu. EXI:ANJE or l'i LPITS The II*-*-. Mr Sliarp nf l>nrl am occupinJ th ptilp.t < f the Mctl.odul chu cii Ut Sinl.i.. Mr. simi|> conn, not et to the tii.-r n|i|i<nni iiiHiitx of the circuit nit HOC unt i.f (lie hud main "f the rond*. Th- K.-\ . .1 B HninphreyH :o..k cl.nr r ( Mr. SnArjif'i work nil the V.trnry circuit. PEUONA14. Mrs \V. .1. iti.ikiMton ;,n I . iiii.iri"i arc visit my itli tlir. iniiiinr'H JM r. Mn. K. P. I^iwrenc nf Klt-Hlio << n this week. Mr. I'el-r M.-lntyn- ,.r' iv, il inmir tinin I*.iliner>it.ni l-t wfi-k. We are <> ry tn It-urn that Peter IIKH l-etin in.<l-r the en' her f or :t I w we ks. i.ut ur tli.it the r! _ nil- nt -,ur .|| MX>II rvhl'.r" linn I" lit-. uu.4i i anil -ir n_- Ii. It i DJI i- ', \ - nl ilnt v t , i-hrmi- WtJ til .'I!'' ' -' ''. f-I. !' 1 !l 1 U lit I'lll-s '! I !,, 1 n> I- ,11 I .-.I Ili. Mr A HIM i r. up. lit a f-w rlay> ( lat w rk n the f in,- to ih. \. <> r. v. i . i ..n. \lr II - 'ini'l.l Vdl I.'V I"*' .ViM-1.. M i. I:. K-I.K ..,' iii . . \ :. y i* vmit- iii ' , i liri, Mr . ,-IH. DlKH I),, r C.i'.ii Mr- L>- .n -' ii . it-Til ,,i. , : til) y, nr .'.'--- ! i , ; . \icli o iiinl At-x. Vol. i.i f .I.. S --, Ii Line Hf- biothora ol ' ! .- The Markets. <'rrr-tcl Wln-rir, Oat* PfUK Barluy Butter fi red . . Ml tn IT, t., 6U i<> :R t.. 20 ., it; ,. 7i* tCI 0"> ii <;:, M CO it; I 'In k -n- Ttlil. ey t. Ib... Flour . : -. :;,i IB ."i t > . ,~. t- 4> is 40 rrii-evillr t'rtim O'lrOii-n I' A \Vi:nni . . \ \,-ry prrtty in.-k |>likcu HI tin 4 I'IIIIIOI.H K. C' i-lmii-h on 1 Miniiht> f-irmiiHiii of ihm wt-t-k. wln-n Ml^i K tt.- K.-;iy ,f I'M'-.-ull.- HIIO Ml M II i r> ,.i M. , liioxt- wore niairi.'l. Tin- limit- on- a v.-rs liHiiii-."m, fo-.iun.i- .if fawn i-..|.,r. <l .!.. h. MIT liniln.ni.iiil \\.i-, Mi-.< Klynn i if I' ....... in. Ili-v. K.itli.-r II in, k ..f M tik'l i ,- ,.)lici.tii-il. Mr. I'IKI.. K, in nf Irifh ijikt- vt> i hi- UIIM.IIIMIIUII. Afit-r tli<- c-i. mo ,y tl.i- 1. 1 nl .! p;r v ili,-\e to Mr. .in'1 Mi-. 1'. It'.i-^i r'si.l ilu- I'mmii li-il.l, wlit-r. 1 .iiH.ut iv. .-I. 1 } tn,- nml .,1 louplfs .it IIOKII iii tnlilt-H f.nrly lot), i I'll nil till- ll'-ll, HI If. lilt.- Ill- Kl fllMlill'-llh , pK-uifH c-'ulj winh A :.iri4.- nuinlit-r of ytiun^! p.-op t- w.-it- in\iii-.i i,. r tin- , -\.-ii Hi'.'. Kit -nil. r mi li.tinl WIN pr. <t-nt tnl iilU-il I In- air with nit-try mu-n- Mix M. IKnry a iifr nf MIH I'. |ii,| L ..-i. with whiilll flii- li-i- r.-Mil.-il sincu !n- i-.iiii,- to I'ritfvillt-. \V t-xtt'iid tu tin- luppy onuplv our b^^t itiahtM. Tin- |.i-i- fi.ln Ken- num. u.u-. nnit i-imtly. Thu I'li-l, .T .. in'-, kjiti lo the liride wai a ll.llljH. -Illf t'.lll KHtoll Hll'l llllllh. A NARKHV* boA Dwiug tin- rnu- iiiK "I the M-IIIN.I l>eil at 1 ..VI, tk lmi Ki'il.v tin- tongue IH-CHIIII- dotuoiiutl ami i uin- llyinn dnwn tin- t.,wi-r. It cniiln-il iliunioli iln- i-rilinn ,,f ||, e clnnk loom, wuiuli i-.iltu.tl) miller tint Sell, niid full H|I|I tii-iin- nloiiK (nn-f on ih" tl.mr a fw riclitiit I't-liincl MI-K .laiiif McLeHii.ddUxli- ler of Mi. Archie Mi-l.r.ai nf thu Sotuli l,io,-. It MHDUII i \,-.-i ilin^ly Harrow es- i;|.- lloin Inhtailt ill-nth. V\ Ah ITEMS \N'e co|.y Ihe fnllnwing ii ..... it Dai ' mould. Ki',Jmnl, pjnur : ' Mr II lluiiiphii'vt, .-n^iin-i-r, whn w.t.1 at Knllxyfoiitfin. Hiiti ^r Kiw Matf, Ii i-> i." lnii. heard nf MM,,- tin- war lirokt- out, null tln-ru M tur, I,-.IS,MI to In -III > tllHt II- l.ilH In-ill CnllllllAlllli-. -n-il HIM uifi* re.icln-tl her ImniH at ( ir.ili:in town in wif.-iy JU-.L ln-fniv the niitlirvak in ho-tililii'M anil it WH8 ln> intcnlioii to foil.iw us Noun KM |,I.H.M|I|U." The -.-nl, mail iflurn.l I ..... :|it- fnre^oiin; int.. tiKp'i is .1 liiotlitr nf the Hi v. .1. S. Iluill|ihn-J1 nf ihlM VllU){t- Hint Ik hull 'I - i- It. II. Um, i. In, -\h, |,,. | ha t puwiii -Itlli- 111 lilll Ipll. \\fhme . ,,1,),, i on unotl aulliority that IJrneial l|.-tt.,|- MrU.nal.l, wh'V.- 1 ..... IH UIIIMThHl, IlilS H 1,1.11,4,. llvill.-oll ili- S.mili L.II.' in ihe pt-rnon ,,f Mrs Mcln yro COMMI MI.V SKUVICKM Coiniiuininn iri-.- i re t- 'inlin nil in tin- I'lfhyrei- i n t luiic'i unit SiiiKl.iy. Tim pr,-p.irtory Ht-rimiiit ihrmikili the wt-ck w.-n- prc^ehrn In tin- K, v Mi Mi-tJilhvray ,,| lUmar l'rennyti-r,Hii church. To|. n(o. lli^ sn in, <nt v.ere VIM v miifli .i|.| rt-i i ,t.-,i. Itl'lUiIM. Mr.. A. llutu-r hinl teams t-lik.H.e.1 I..-.1 Mi-i-k ilriwin.. stone f.-r rr- p.iirill^ ihe fnilnduliiiii "t Iht- l',.ioiii,-M-l,,l lintel. Mr-. Itiiit.-is iiii.-i.iU ruiMiij ih.- I'nlul a fiMit nr to hiyher than II H i |-i'- '"' Mr. Tin. in .a Nie.ln.il is m.-ikllii! HXtrli'ive piep-irntifii fur ihe <-it-cli"ii nf a tine l.,.ni next sinnint-i THK ! K. tUit\,>r A l.i-u ntimhor nf fHnneiH w-iiii I.UM v fiitii^t-.l i.,>t Wr ,-k in tnriiii! ii|i the t ..... t-t-n : ruled i-jitriict if mni, r foi N iiiiinn ii,,-. .la, k I'V'st liif ma l a piuity KI-.M) j,,li n, the mill p nil thlsyeiir.nN tliu lots ia nli.ntt wn f,..-i I i, k ami i f veiy o,,, il (putlny ,l.u-k n hard lit Moi-k tln^ Mn-k pntimi; nn the tiiii-hin.' ti.iirln-H IL ln< h.iiiilnvmk it- In- ili-piiil- fnr nilu-r clnin-K, ,-tiid f.-r nur pitri wo don't f.ire linw t|ulck In- ;i .civ* up nlul " " A (inn I.KIK i;: On evening .f Urt week III. Ounlic k.-hi>.u-, who ii nt |,n with fli.-nilt HI-HI- I' ..... ni,n, -m-i-t-iiin -,.|y intrriKtii,^ I ..... laiiuiiai;ti in iln> church. Th nul.ject HS, " 'he li-Ht-hiiiK of <;wlit- I,, t|. Tue s|.ikei uigucl U| <in ill,- gnutt nucttieity ut irs'ructiug iheir elul> druil III tllll ,|1IC "ll .It U.I III .HI (JUHJf \Vi-din -. Inv Mt-I.. nd, ii s. nt hiii).in; ileh\eii'il oi nit- in the \ p|,. ;l fur " You can cough yourself into bronchitis, pneu- monia, end con- sumption. Bandaging and bundling your throat will do no good. You must give your throat and lungs rest and allow the cough wounds to heal. There is noth- ing so bad for a cough as cough- ing. Stop it by using JSL J. B. Sloan & Son - ''.I., -i- Sash, Doors. Mooring; Sue*!: Newel Pojt>, Lfelusteu, Hand Railing, ''m-iur Blocks, the best of Sf>; I an*l j Ship'-ics .L:) 1 : itli etc. \ : tf 2!! ir . lo Oriar S-i . ." r nan o Simv ^ , HOD in u n i . f i "n in.-, -xu "New Proprietor II'ivDK [''I' .-'...s-.l ll,,. - l.uxi 1 '-in ^i : I.*! i rit I u sh t.. Hllf ! that l!..- In.-ii'. - i iiiitinuisl in , the ol-l pr.-mis.s. \\ i I n l.u^., ci'V'\|'-ii *. il i-i..,- nr '-. . , r - ,;.-t . i;.-i, j>, .,,, \V tnkiii oiet t'l.' iitrnrv for Iry \ N i> Partit And nil orilt-rs I l'ro-n;.l i,| i ii|i us ,:n-ful ii wi 1 ! r.-reire Even the couch of ecriy consun Mion ia cured. And, Icier on, \vhen the disease is firmly fixed, you can briiij rest anil comfort in every case. A 25 cent bcrtle uill cure new coughs and colds ; the 50 cent r.izc is better for settled toughs of bronchitis and \ve:k lungs; the one iiui:ar sue is more economical for chTor,;c cases and c .- su:r>p:ion. It's tlie you should keep on hand. " All fin11tmuuht to bo on t. n witch I '.-u.!it--n ttai-'^-i of o . .'.'I . .- ;rrullhk-. !' i,ylioin in th lintl al.'iui.l ip < >rr> r.-i-',,r.;lcouUiitM on Ijr.a to iiroYid* n k -alntaii cm . n^m 7. " Jol4llG. WILLI*. M.I' , IV". II, 1W. II, .11 in, I. Mich. Fii-lisrtoa \\m\\ Parlors . \\'ilst>ii . . P tains e-'in o'.- f i' in S.,ut*i Afric " i olu'in-s K'Mt cotl- -.- ..' .ui'i-rv -iii.J w.i' to ds'-- ; ti \\ a 1 -oil' o ir i- n m -ei 'I ^ v bi" n on HI. iiiti'TH t.d in-rt. S nd voluni" IM li.- |iiiM .n'n'.l w!i- \\-irt5 ovt-r. Only l'i .vlin imi'.af*--n:rfd I l<. Kvei\l, o> i a 't'hiMri.rd r f-.r- ,niT- irmi I " - - w!,~:i s -. i .,r s ff -, l, n ,il,. r t h ia i v 1* t i !* P.I. 1 U>I.r:Y<:.\i:tU:;><>\ r Limit il. liOAK for f-ERVICEI ..-i i worth Dear i.l I', "It 1 f.VT D. Me' Favish J ' L E S H E K TO X KF.EPS ON HAND REPAIRS... Ill FT Mmey- Hnrris, Ni>xnn. Klenr\ vnd NVilkiimnli IB tin nn leineii'H lenry Hiul Vnritv plow* nn hand uli the tnni- a'sn all kinds n repairs Kr the ani". \Vn .na'infactufe W({""". Huvtzien, I'utteis, Sleighs, eie. , llm's.-iho,-i|i,. iiin|.tly attended to. Spccinl attention to tender cc r* 1 -I f ! -t ./o xini; ,-tnil Flow C'lmins c. nstmit I v oil liand. Sleighs and Cutters. Go to John H. Heaid & Son, who have m;mlu:r ot Sleighs and Cutters on hand ready to run. Also two cows and a number of Plymouthro^k Cockerels for Sale. J. H. Heard & Son :;ii::::::::::::::::::ii.::^;:::::i:::::::ii:;;::;ii:iiii:;;:i;^ , TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. XIX, NO 977 Flcahertoii, Ont., Thursday, MarcVi 8. 19OO W. H THDRSTOH, -CO'Y \VK LKAD INTRODUCING WHITE GOODS 5ALE ! Je6. 23. We introduce to the ladies of Fleshcrt->n our open- j n ,r display of White undfrtjarinenfs. The millinery parlors have been j^iven over :o this displ.iy and you'll not find a more complete collection rutside the citv. Prices of all kinds of cottons are still advancing, but as \ve placed our orders for the'-'e snoods with tin: makers in their Jull seas -n we are in a position to offer the manufactured article at about ;he c >st of the mater- ial. These goods are perfectly made, of good quality cambric and cotton and trimmed win the daintiest of Embroidery, lac.' and insertion. The young lady in charge wil' be pleased to show you tho different lines 1 hesc itc ms will give you a fair idea of our prices now. They'll be higher when we buy again. CORSET COVERS Ladieft' Corwt covern inade uf nice quality cotton nnd trim rno'l with iMnlimitiury ...... 25o Ladiea' Cover triniineil with new uvurwurk emhruidery, w|iire yoke ...................... 36o Ladlea' CnriMit ciivere made of ice '(iiHiiiy cotton. 2 ntwa in aertion down front and trimmed iili pretty embruidury ..... 4' i Uulicn conwt cuvent, V nhapo fnmt, thiumd with fine IMM-II work. eml)>iidery ami < onling, -made of tine quality cotton ............ 50o I.nlK's cArw-t cover, very tine Knulit-h cotton, new full front trimmed with Ixututiful inaartjon and ein- hroidery , |MMrl huttons ........................ 76c 1 COMFORT NIGHT GOWNS ' Gowntt made nt .-HCM! strong cotton plain yoke, linen InitiniiH. neck, front and cutn triuKiied with tiin- edging ....................................... 50c (inwrm niiule nf ^IMK! Enghah cninbric, 1 ruw it line inHertion dnwn front, und triiiimeul ut neck and sl,ve with fine embroidery and feathur stitch head- ing ......................................... 7Bc I ..-"lii's Gown, niaili- of fine Engliah oanttric. Empire Kt.yle, yoke of alternate elusN-rs of tm.-kn nd open in- nertionx and Ivalf sailor collar, neck and sleeves trim med wi- Ii tine ombrnidefy ............... $100 Ladiea gownn made of the fiiiUHt Knghsli cambric, beautifully triuimed with im -.1 nist rtion. embroidery, tucking, and cord- iiiK, pearl buttxinn, two stylen at each price $1.25, H.fX). 1.75 mid 92 01) LadiuH' Skirts made nf uood strong Cot- tnns. ttiiiiiiied with ii inch, ombroidery .UK! full nize 75c l..iln-s Skirts made of tin* cambric, tnuimoil with line V2 in. i nr loud-ry and three ruwa uf tucking VI 00 1 Ladiea skirts iii.-uli- nf lin.-st cambric, trim- wuil with 15 inch embroidery and Tor- chon Uce, beautifully made, f 1.26, $1.50 nd.... ..$175 LADIES' CHEMISE Made of fine cotton and trimmed with inaertinna unl unihiond-nus, ;!7r -mil 50c LADIES' Drawers Uuliua' drawers made of HiieMt Kngliah cambric, innbrulla style. Irmmieil with tucking, cording axl .-inliri'iiierifN. J;>. . 50c and . . .78c New Arrivals AlmoHt every day new goods ure coming in and the first of spring storks are in view in nearly all the de- partinunlM. In the Millinery 1'iirlore in cminertioii with the white wear id our tint Knowing of apring drem i.i. in,--. 'I'lu-Ht- art; iil.Holuti'ly the nuweatin every way am) UH they are skirt |> .i'i-iu> no two nre alike and cannot lie duplir-tu-il ;tgitin On the main door you will neo New I'nnts. New All-ovur Net, New Curp- ota. New iwi-fils. New Mattinga. New Lacea, Mew Slmes, all bright, new, I'M*.) designs .unl coloringH. TWO FEBRUARY COTTON SPECIALS Two si*ci.il values in White Cotton that arc hig February .selle.ro. Wu have a ijood supply of thusu on hunt! but no nioru whun them! are gone at thunu pncua : VS^IITE COTTON AT 7^0 tt WHITE ENULI5H CAMBRIC AT :'>' inch fine quality white cxitton, soft nrnsli, free frmn dressing, .111 uxtra ijiiitlity, jjcil for white wear nale 7ko .".li in. tine ((imity EngliMh caiubric.siift .unl , isy to .-w, round oven throad .unl wniild not be lusher than mime sioivs nt l^i.Hpuc, for '.*c Tffc^arland & Co. CTl.sTV7nF*^ '^T*^T i *x* V*\^*^^WV^NXW\^NX*^^'\?VV*VW^'^^^'I'^*\ ma.rkcia.le, and Toi-onto \ ' FLESiEiTII FDB11IDBE WAKEROOMS ! W are rnrryiu^ neweHt style of SEASONABLE GOODS In all (into of Markdale of jrarfout and ^fa'room SuttfS sion and Contra Tjabios, Chairs, Window tS/iades and Curtain s, y^icturoa, Oajf/s, ftc. Which wo offer at Lowest Prices Picture Framing and General Repairing DftAwtakbag in al! its Cranchea Satisf.Ktu 11 Guaranteid W H. BUNT, f KOI'WklOK M.L.SHI KION I frtun (hir Own Mrs K.II. I'K'iismi und littlu daughtor, w ho luive l-.-1-n visiting Mrs. l> |>.n i nts in Gait, for the ;wt six weeks, ruturnod j hoinu on Wednesday, ^8th int. \\ e uxt.und tliu right hand of citizen- ship to Mr. and Mis. DION. Whieldnli,wno j have purchaNud n |>n>|it-rt v in twwn and ' in- now full lludgud i-it i/t-ns. Th' .ulilrosaes given by Mi** Wiggins | in thu M ot In Klwt church on Tuumiay, thu i 27th ittHt., were highly instructive, an I wrl. an Hpprociative. Tin- aftc-inoon meeting wat* not ;m wt-11 uttcnded tut it ought to luive been ami th.*! who nut t hum iiiisMfd a rare tre<it. In thu | evening I he throu chuii'M under tin- li-inl urship of Prof. Dunda* nniali;iiinatud and ' n-nderiil sxune vi;ry hiijh-grude music, which WHH follimud by Miss Wi^jjin' . mni atidn-s , which v. .is really n grand our \\'i- r.iii.'nit tiinl liini{uagc to uX- jirei* mn .-ippreeut mn of t hr riolilr. ,-nil- inspniiit; I'.I.IIIMI-| i>ivi-ii in h.-r inlil-.i-ss. Suttire it tn Sii\ that il w:n a treat of a litotiiue. Tin- \V. f. T. I. hui-e .in- to IHJ cminr.it ulateil on soi-urin^ In-i si-i \ u i-s. M.,. I'.i-lla Mriv.'.' in visiting h.-i' si.sler, Mrs Avcrill of Xowton Kolnn-imi. llt-r liltli- m.-i-i', Girtie, who lias ht-i-n stji\m : ; lit "her ^riiiul|uis all winter, rrlniniil to her home with her mint. Our curlers played a return nmt-ch at Rocklyn mi Friday und of cnurao were I the victors. Mr. J. W. Whitby in having a ttiMlb with Mr Uripp, and is juHtable to get into hia ahop to-day (TuatMiay,) thu tirst sum- Friday. Kcv.Mr. Newell wan too ill to take Ins work nn Sunday. Mr. David UcCtheo m having n ^-ill- to-day, Friday, preparatory to goin^ to Manitoba. 1 .imlrlriir From Our Own Corrnpmultnt There wan a pork factory meeting liere nn Wedn>d.-iy evi-nin^ lint, tile auinunt KuliHcrilmd liein^ ui flu liuinln-d d 'Han Mr. 'I lioiniis R.-iil, our blHcksirith.is (Hiving lint I'ealmdy friuuds n M:-I' lln:. Tin- pi-opli' :ii"iinil ilns loculity uri! huy 11111111(4 wooil tin.l dravvinu sawio^s. Mr. Khv i A liuivrmnlin' .-iml Mr Ad-mi KHI 1,-l't 'riinrs.lax 1 f- r Kntish Col- nnilii.i. We ttisil tin-in evi-ry HUM-.---. Kev J. V. I'lunkeit dclivuied all ex cullent luctnic hero laxt Tlnn-Htlay vi'inni;. A patnoln- nni-iiiiir will ho held in KnnU'ilc) McihmlJHt church, nn Friday i.-iniiH. .Vl.-irch '.'. for l lie pin pose of ,-,') le, -ung money for tin; I'ai.iiot'c Fund. FUir h.ivc IIPI"' hou'ed m Kimlierley >iue' .! heanl of the rutiel of Lit.lvMintli. Our ;u*8.-atior was perioriiimg Inn dill ics her-' thi week. S.i\ t-rnl of ii'ir citzens iiro himny ei.gaL'- ed in cutting ice. They repor' uootl ice \\eaiein-rrytiilosii our i:il:'.on, Mr, (ieo. (iiRham. at* h I) an Hinted up the valley. An .1 -lin M.Gown, whn rin.H Kiniber' toy null, i Jrina kiUHhing IHJSIIH-N-. From Our Cn-,i i Tlliii placu had not been reported for smiiu timu Your c irnmpmiduut must 'have left tolii(ht thu Boura. Mr. Davnl lirnhiini nd family left hero :.ist week for Minitobn, where they in- teinl making thuir (inure home. Tln-v carry Milll them the good wishes of their Ule Hi-trillion huru fur proHpurity in their ne Inline. Mr (iemye Hiitchinimi, jr., met with H suiioii!! aci-iil.-nl. mio day lasi week. II.' ha.i ihu misfortune to :.-: one of Ins 'n-us liroli'-n nlr!.- hulpinfi to cut saw lugt 1 in thu valley. L)r fv-i of .Markilale waa ualletl in and -,-i 'in- Itrokin in. inlier. .Mr. ,-uid Mrs Allen Sheldon, who lm\u been iirkniH Mr. Kelis' farm for '<>me 'yuarn, have ((..m. t,, lin' near S'. MMI\S whuie Mr. Shi'ld.ni has pur hitHcU a farm Mr. Jact'b Holly !i" r,-ii!i'rd and Ian. .n p,..-8eimi uf thn f nn 1'i-iin-ily owuud i'y lln! K;.> .1. ( '. Hn.'li-inuii. Mr. .1, '[' CUT , f iln. t'uKt. II-II-'K |,n,. is biihy tlnsi! i|ayn <Jrniii|{ lo Markdale A. l row HIII 1 1 h'< M|IIHIU iiMiher. Mr. l'M-j.,1- II, He so. i l,-!t, lu,u wet-k for .VlHiiiUilni. HII thinks 'hat. ii ymin,,. niRii CHII make re money thviv iliun hen-. Sllect'ss Y'i<\. Tint |>pii>rmM of i lie war in S,.u'h Africa i* thn iiiont ucifi <H tiriic her.! at pie- sent. Ten inembcpi of the, Durham Presby- terian chuivti have each sulmcrioed 91UU to thu Ci.'Vi'ury fund. He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might have prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, FLESHERTON. i'eylwn Fr<rm Our Oitn Cii Mint CiilluiNon ii attending tliu inillin ,-ry on.-i.ini;- in ToronUi. .Wr DIXOII of Ouledou i MFitniK at Mr. A. diowart'a. The Kpw.n'ii Leiifiif nf thin village v mittxl t'riceville Leauue mi Fnday la*l. | and |,uk hii(hly of the way in winch tbu ' water Ivaguo entnrlained tlii'in Mm. T Hvudnck nf Tonmin n|H:n' a fiw dins hm liihi week. Mr. Hennnck hn am.ured poaiti ID at I'arkiiale. Mr. | and Mrs. Hendnck have nud many ; fi ii'tuls h'> are aoiry to loae them. Mr. Smith, ni^ht operator, is lelivvmg at Hnllaii'i i '.-litre for a lew daya. ( lur vil.:ii:i' (irewntod a gay n|ipt-Hiancu I mi ThuriHlny laxt when woid wan rt-ci-iv.-tl I that LadyHinith had been relioird. Flans I were hointed and a jubilant spnii |,n- vnilmi throughout the village. In thu nl.i-niomi tbu achool childien paradt-d. carrying uninii jack*, and Hang s.-n-ia) patrmtic winu. MeaRni. Jaa. Ahhdnwn .un I \Vm. LawrRiicii headed :lie procet. sion utrryinu the banner. Tliu fnllowiiiK la thn report nf Fvrr- Hliam Public SchiBil for tl.e tnnnlh of Feb. The namea are in nnler of merit. H, i.i,-i I. (Jlin->toplior Kdwardf, Jen- nie EilwaniH, WUIiam H. i.'inan. Header Pi. II. of 1. Matthew Cniiron. .losi-ph Huron, Ethel Coim. K.-niltT Jr. 11. Kva Heron, K ,y Lunh. Arthur McQuame. Kt-uiler Sr. II Daisy Kemahan. John bnuKliuu., \\ illiHin Conn Reader Jr. III. Ht-a'rice Hi-ilmun, Cecil M. lilt um. (Jliailea i'erign. K.-Hili r Sr. IV. Jamea Hiulsmi, S|HT- idan Coh|ilelte, Amelia Ht-i'maii. Reader IV. -Jnhn Conn, Viln it I'aul^ Willis Purigo. J. W. rludmin, Teacher. The following ia the report nf thu standard of the pupil* of S. .S. No. Oapruy, for tlm month uf Keb. Names are in order of merit. Claud 1 V- C CleinU, A. Barber, H. Tuplm. ClaSr. Iir-^X. Iloln.yd. M. Buck Claw Jr 111 .1. Buckimrham, N. I'M- KitiLjrini. S. Clemis Clawi Sr. Pt. 11-A. Hindle, L. Suw.-i- G. n,,,.!. ClaRHjr. I't. II -TDyer. A Mi-Kenr.i.-. Cla>H I't. I -E. .Sowers, C. Hindlo. L. Cuupvr. H. U. Jiokliii'.', Tuachur Clubbing List Advance and Montreal Star SI s t> \Vet-kly Mail A Kni|,|ir I 7 \\...-kly lilolif. . 1 50 I'-.'lv World :i.W> Uaily \ws I -a Daily Star 1.7:. Tim \ValUer.nn Teles.-.. pt. MVS :- The South Vtric.tn w.ii f not ,-,.nt: ,,-,| to lite DHik Coiitioi-nt. Thi-rv wi-s n Irtli- ..f it out ni Curiick the other ilny. 'lltiMMM not tiiMliy Ilii^lil.-tliilineii >'i ('until;, IniV I hi ^-i- oi i hem who nri ( IHM-I- IMH- tln> iih- unl .S.on-li u rit Well, a in ighlinr of tln- Si-oi. Inii.-iii WHS rather rubbilm it in ai.ont the (iiiiiloti IlitdilnHilt-m running any it Maiiut>fm,tein. Out :li> the ^cnlch man n tin) nml tin- other fellow ineitMirctt hia length in t In- xtiow. After lie had le gami!,: II'H feet In- WM ordered "II" lli-- farm, and in lin uuge more forcible limit. Eilitc ho w IN ti.'ld never t cnniu Un.lt _ e pn.mpily olH'jeti wilt-i-

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