Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Mar 1900, p. 2

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ab irlbrn wno dv not r<" iv itinr r<ultll]r will |.lem.u notlfj HI at Ourr. Apply at lhi ofllre for adTrtl>lii|| ritlM. THE ADVANtK. rLEHIIKKTON OUT, OF INTEREST TO THE RACE. If evpftlashaa are cut the eyes are weakened. From 1883 to 1887, inclusive, 1,000 pxrsous were killed by lightning. As a rule, tears do not accom|any a baby's cries until it is three mouths old. Kiglity-nve per cent, of the people who are lame are affected in the left side. A physician declare* that the people who -jeep with their iiuuiths shut live longest. High cheek OOUM always indicate good fore* of character in some direc- tion. t Wiiut of air kill* a man in five minutes, want of sleep in ten days, want of \\nt.-r in a week. An European statistician has di SCOT - red that only &A par cent, of the blondes marry, while 79 per cent, of their brunette sister* engage in matri- mony. THE WEST AGAIN. A Gait Hotel Man Has a Word to Say About Dodd's Kidney Pills. It ia a Liver Pill. Slnny of the ailments that mau has to contend wu h hnvr their oriu-iii la a disordered liver, which if a delicate organ, peculiarly nuseeptlble to, the disturbances thai come from irrrgu- lar hahim or lack of rare in eating nnd dritiftiiiif. Tin- arrminrs for thr iireat many liver regulator* imw pressil un ihp ', attention D' -tilf, -ri-rs. Of the-e thetr K nniie aiiwrinr to I'Mriiirlec'ii Vrt.'r!al)le , SPiils. Thi-lr o|>errtii.iti though genne is ' efTectivr, and the luoal deln:nt u uw i them. Harrowliie \\ i,c.,i In Hprin*;. Early in the xurinir the wheat mar be harrow, -.1 with a smoothing liar- row and 100 pound* of nitrate of soda per acre atiplim!. If the young wheat U sickly in appearance the nitrate will g^T* it a greti appearance in a few , days and the wheat will seem to take a fresh start. The Yield will also be j largely inrrflaMwt. and the gain in straw and grain will not only remnn- j erat* for the nitrate used, bnt will ' ive also a profit on th* investment. (HP Mlmrd's Liniment in the House. Instructor You are wanting roar tinm her*. Yon will never learn to draw Art Student That'll all right. I'm j going to be a tM^ter artist. Mental ind ph.vHleal Tlgo- fnllnw the a* of Miller's Componnil In>n Pilli ) Not lh<- Unit II, i. "Skinflint is gifted with second tight." "I don't know that. " "Yea, hit always looks at a dollar twio* before he huemU it." l>lfttreini- of ()|ii;iion r.-gardiii(( the popular internal >tnd rxtrrual ramtdy, I)r Thoinns' Kclectric Oil do nut. M> fur - > nowril. ri.-t I'll* >.! illioliv i |Ki- me and en M -urreu' that the Mrticle re- lirves phvoicul pain, .-ure., lameness, Kiscougli. is an excellent reninljr for ualnsiiiiM rheiiniiitic ciuiiplainta. nd It has no iiMii:i'i.iif 'ir uther uupleaaanl ffrct W|ID taken interim!!). H. ll.i..-,.<-k. of th- !roqnla. Oratefnl- < urril of I'alaa In the Back of Ix>ug *!.,>. tin* Sny Thanki Are l>ua to Dodd'a Kidney IMIU. Gait. F*b. 16. Mr. H. Hancock, of this lively town, ii known by ths travelling fraternity all over the conn- try as the joint proprietor with Mr. Wm. Sadler, of one of the finest dol- lar HIT hotels in the Dominion of Canada, and h* is known further as one of th* most genial and go-ahead hotel men in th* country, his nous* being th* equal in comfort and ap- pointments of th* average hotel of double the rates. It will interest travelling men to know that Mr. Han- cock thoroughly endorses Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. Some tim* ago guests of th* Iro- quom might have noticed that Mr. Hancock seemed to be troubled with backach*. Indeed that gentleman often complained with great vigor about th* pain and inconvenience it caused him. Well, all that is now of the past. Mr. Hancock is happy to announce that Dodd's Kidney Pills hare cured him. It cannot be too often impressed U),n the minds of thune suffering with backache that it is the kidnevs that are affected. The kidneys are internal, and external treatment can- not do any good. Liniments and oils can only soften the muscles, they do not reju-l, the kidnevs. Dodd's Kid- ney ['ill have cured more cases of barkai-ue than anv other iin-.li.-ine in tli" wirld Miupiv U-eause they act on the kidney*. Mr. H.in.-iH-k of the Iroquuii Hotel. Gall, wnlen: "1 liav been troubled for one year with severe ]iains wruas my twk. Nothing I tried would relieve the pain until I u*ed two boxes of Dodd'* Kidney Pills. The pains have now all left me. and all thanks are to the credit of l)..l.l' Kidney Pills. I have no object ion* to allowing tbil state- ment to be published for the benefit of the many others who suffer with backache. " The Hret of It. Mr*. Bingo Ton must have said something to Mrs. Spinkerly that oflVtided her. I'ingo I merely remarked that my ex]rience showed me that all unman beings were pretty much alike, and NII-. turned her hack. Mrs. Dingo You forgot shs has a baby. I f the children require phyflc none act* o nice as Miller k Worm Powders; very | lM-int to lake. HI* Opinion mill Her*. "Yon are acquainted with Miss Greenway, aren't yon?" "Yes; rather uice girl, but she doesn't know much." "Shfi was telling me last night that aha thought yon were one of th* most brilliant young men she had ever met. ' ' Health for tbe cnUdrem. Ill: r: . Worm 1'ewdera, The Probable Keaaen. Mrs. Hornbnak fin the midiit of her reading) Ezrr, why do the heathen Farmer Hornbeak Huh I I irness you'd raire, too, Almiry, if other people were always accusin' ron of ragin' ! A DOCTOR'S EVIDENCE On a Very Important Matter Now Before the Public. Toronto. l;Vb. >. "It in laiighable to reml the clitim* put forwanl hr ninny vc-n- dor- of patent mediuinri. with Tfitunl to the Hi Irard effect of their preparationN in Kidney and HUdiler l>i-ii-i-t. Thr .-..|- iniiiiH of muff piililixlicd in praiMof the^ no-called rmliM. khow the writers' i^- uoraiice of the niont eleineotarT principles of mrdical acietice. It is a frm)y-**tab- li-hnl fact that tbeoe diwinet nrfl cine to llie ;icri.,i, of '^crins. wl.ich literally eat aw.iv the ulw.t.iMc.' of the kidnevH. In onler to cure tin- ili^eane we must kill Hie-* gernm. Now i here is only one med- icine on earth that does kill tb germs of -. That in Dr. Arnold 1 ! Knulish Toxin Hills which art the one positive cure for kjdney and bladder trouble*." So said a prominent Toronto physician je-irnlay. "I know a mau nHtnrd Jones J. Jour*, who lives at 237 Elizabeth trre'.," he continued. "He nuffered hor- rlhlT from kidney disease and bladtler weakness, and his physician'* akin was of no avHil to help him. He used all the so- called kidney cares, which proved totally u-K-lr~s. Kinallr lie lievttu Using Dr. Ar- nold's English Tozin I'ills, which speedily destroyed th* germs that were rating away Ins kidneys. There is no other that kill* disease germ* therefor* there Is no other that can b* depended upon to cure disease." Dr. Arnold'! Enftllih Toxin Pllli, > highly rrixMnmendrd by till! docu-r ai tll u h all win, have triwd tbem, are -4(1 by all rehab e druiori!t! at 7ic. a box: sample lox .'.V . or 'in I.IMI nald on receipt uf price I v The Ar- nol.l I'h. mical Co.. Limited. Cinada Life Build- IIIK. 4' Kinit itreet we*t. Toronto. WALL PAPER ! Can b* olvanid . no matter how blank. It m*r . h four papr I* (rood, only looki > MtUn -liuty i or Hinokrd. Clenu It ana uve our I o< health Any one can clean wall [pr for* frw cento and rjr HiMa work. A room oan b Dixie to look a* rood M uw. Hivelpt foi ume, ami thrM juit u uiixful to Inule mailed to nnymMreiM for JSc. lilrer. Twenty yean ioerlenc. O. W. TRACT. Dwurator. Mot- rUburg. Ont. Bor jgl. PLOWS, ROLLERS * HARROW* The II*-- r MwU s*> n d for ^tMlofil*. CO< Kstirrr ri.ou co.. HI;\ i , STEELE & BRISTOL. HAMILTON. Cirrlf T !..>. * II. < I..*. * It. I..-. * It. BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE 0> I \IIIO MIMII.K I WINK CO.. I ulifii SCMtlun Areaile. Toronto. CAlHOLIu inniLii Oxe*. V-apnlaxa, Brliirioii* Picture*. Statuary mil Cliureh Orna- ment* Kiliii-atiimal Work*. Mall cx-ilen r*c*lT* proin|>tatiniioa !.* J. *llir AC*. ktoatrl AB8OLCTELT FBEK. wr n i - rantml perfM-t time-keeper. I* h > - anil GiBLafor distributing Aarer tiaing Matter. Woo 'I co-t you a cent. 8eo4 adilrea* lot particular*. Surra BaiM., Los DOS. *> STOPPED FKEE. frmaaa I I _ \y Curad. KB ELms's aasA* I I aj KIIBVB surnaca. PudT*eim * " for all NITT .111 Dii*un rita Kpll|iT. Spannii ml ^t Vitua' Uanek. N* Fiu or Nrvouii. aft*r first da/'* as*. Treatla* and S3 trial botil* > through < anadian Arnr7 rsss to If it pabltaia, lh*y paving expraMcharKeionlv whn rvcatTaa. Send tu Dr K line. 9*1 Arch n . Phlladalphia.Pa. F USE Severe cold* are easily cured by th* us* of Hirkle's A'lU-OnsiimptiY* Syrup, a mediciur of extraordinary penetrating and beHlIng properties It ia acknowledged by tlii>M> who hare' used U as being the iieit me<liclne -old for coughs, cold*, in- fliitnmation of the lu:igs, ami all Affection* of the throat nnd cliet. Its agreeiiblenesi to the taste make* it a farounu witb ladiai and child rrn. Where larnoritnoe U ttllu. new s'lu umbrella is this you've hroueii, home''" I don't know-" "Miui't kno\\ "No; and what's more, I don't want to know." A new bsck for '* reols. Miller's Pill* and Plaster. A Fraud. Mr*. MrOarlem - That piauo lamp ye sold me is no gixxl. HII Oi want ye/ ; to take it bar.k. D-saler Kh? Why? Mrs. McCarlem Divil a ehun* eon w* git out of it. Hlgb I'r i. . fur .. l-.-ri KIT* hundred and lifty thonnatnl dollars was the price paid for th* great Tavernier pearl. It was 01 nr inally owned at Catifa, in Arabia M h.-rr S. Irnrr < onif ID. "An inventor is a man who diftcoT- ei s sunn ilnng new, isn't he?" ' ' No ; an inventor is a man who (ret* a patent out ahead of all the other men who have invented th* same thing. " Hi. h. red Mood I* produced by Miller's Oomixiiiiid Iron I'HI- They po*eas th* i:r,'nt vitnllzing |rrineiple upon which de- |el.il health *iul It Tlmelr Tip. "Did they gire yon a tip?" askd a r. staurant proprietor of a new waiter, who had just served hii first customers. ''Yes, norr," was tin- reply ; ' ' they told mo I had betther go carry a hod. ' ' ENSILAGE CORN ULRICH'S MAMMOTH WHITI GIANT PROLIFIC YELLOW DENT IMPROVED LEAMINI MIVARTVS MX1MKVT U th* only I.iniiuent a-iked for at my stun and the ouly one we keep for tale. All tbe people use it . 1U KLIN KIT/TOX. Pleasant Bay, C.B. Her I ii. i ,->l ill It jr . . You are the only girl I ver loved. M -s I In. 1. linn 1 don't belieys ronl l leiu-ttz That's funny! All the r. -i of 'em ditl. I I.I--M- t vo delrshle qualiflcatlon*,plea*- a- 'ii i lie IB- e anil Ht the -.iin* time ef ,i .rr tu Iw found in Mother Graves' \\ .un K.xteriuiuator. Children like it. "You told me your heart was Hutu 1 ," said Blower. I know," replied his heiress wife, "ln:t I said nothing about my pock*t- When all other corn preparation* fail, try ll.illowny'-, Corn Cure. >u pain what- ienc* iu uiu it. FREE BRHT FRTfCK MA- CHINE MADE, to flrst purchaacr in eaeh n*lgbborho<id. of not lea* than Hue Iba Cull- ad Sprlnc Wire at mar- ket iiric*. Offar open for 10 day* to Intro- duce our NeUragor. li.n .1 1 * < o. . WUida.ir.Ont. E. R. DLRICH 4 SOUS, Aik rour dralrr foraamola* and ta*Umjelala Brantford STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS We tUo makt te*l rias- (Ha***. Grain GrlDlr*. lrn aud \Y>,*xi fii mi>.. RM ii|f|!lia. S..d for New Cat- alog* u. T. N S61 A CME Gleaming and Waihing Powder. COST ONLY NOMINAL . . No etrona; Lye, Chloride of Lime ennne or Coal Oil needed . . . . For Domestic use, fer tke aaest Ue* *s (Be diru*t area*? clothe*. For Mrtai t'unall* at all MSB*. Pip**. Btaka. e*s,~ For wuiiins Paint. Floor* aad anlmala. aa4 tm th* Hath, aim tor uae aa a dlalufectalt. For Pit****** aa*. fur Waablas Type, Roller* aa* Uacoliicrr The p. wdrr odorleat aa4 * fr.-tly hannlenelo hand* or material. Put up In I Ib.. lib. and 3 Ib. pat-ka*-a. atleo.se> Ib. A liberal dlacoant to the trade. Coal aavlnc and Smoke Consuming) Compound. For Houne Htovee, lungea aad Famaoea, aad tm manufacturing concern*. Tbla powder ear** X to 40 per cent of coal. (*U up a iteadlat aa4 trotif er heal and otm U la VCTT al tuple to one (no changing- of flre-olaoee} and uaiuf* to handle aith* coal Itaelf. 0*4 t Ib. portion dfcawl'ed U water aad aprlslrle* on the coal. Price ft cent* per Ib. or ItnOper ton. U jour grocer or druKglM ha* not got ebe"e w will furnlab It oa aupiicaiMa wltk fall air a* tlon* for uae. Aiild'n Celebrated Premium Mucilage, LJtbegraaw and i.lthoirram ruiupoaltloa to b* aad at al Bnt claai alauonen, ete. AULO MUOILAQB CO . 17 Bleu r> St.. Montrwa* Pr|iirt>l for a ' Klderly Fi innd Well, have pati- *i.. You may not alway.t be a ifro- oer's boy. The Hoy Mayl* not. Th erank I work for may take a notion to lire me at any time. llaard's LiDiment Lumberman's Friend. Hoth orthnSumx Kind. IxxjnaciouB Visitor (who lias been dohi-rilniig at soiiii- li-ngth lior bridal trodseau ) Ton ought to *e* m* in my (omtr-awny jrown llosieiis I vrisli 1 could. No worm medlrlne ant* so nicely at Mil- ter Worm I'l.w.l.-r- no physio raqulred. llDtrd'i Llniflieflt Is used bj Pbjslcluu. IllaOplalaej. She What have, yon to say of a girl who marries a man to reform him? He I think she * spoiling a mighty good wife for aome. other fellow. JSew life rr a quarter. Miller'* Cou- pon ad Iron rill*. _ Smart X lei""" I'"H.-. oinn. Vienna pnlicemeu are rnourled to understand tolflKraphy, R11 ,i , bs sol* to swim and row host. Deafness Cannot be Cured ky local ivl- "" rf * lht> Bnuol reack la* flK'ur.l *rrl*n of nir si There U nnly nnr wajt t., mi i- Dvarn***, *ud that l* IIT runitltu tloi.al r Tn.-d - Ihmfn.-iii Ii caii*Ml by an i*. fl, ....-, I. .inlill..ii ..f tl.' nine .ii" lining of Hir ByStaeblaii Tyb* when lato laa* gt* n.ti..i. * . y.m liari- a runihllnv tumid or tmsarfeet t.ra-.nir and wlu-n It in fiitirtly rlnard Drafux* |s in.! r*ull. and inil'M the Innannnaiion ran l.r taktn ,n.i an. I thi inln- ii-'t ml to Iu i or- mal ,-o .ilitiiin. h,-.. iiinf will be rte-troffd fnr- vrr nli, i-a*'* "ui of tn arr eantiwl by <-a- ia rh, whl.hlK nollilnic hul an Infl .mtil r*n jl1l..nel III' innr.,11- .,it:. i W* will clTe On* HusdrM Dollar* for any raaenf Dcaln>* (.-aii-wl Ujr ratufrli) lh- cau nix br i-.nril l>> flail l un ru ( ur Send for """'"""> JCHKNBY* CO, Tol!..0 WHold by Driictrisi*. 7te. Canada's Greatest Seed House" This picture (printed in beautiful colors) may be seen in the stores of leading: merchants from the Atlantic to the Pacific. A GUIDE TO BUYERS WHO WANT A GOOD GARDEN EEDS SVPHB BY LEAUM IVLKYWBBt. ISX FOR STEELE BRWGS SEEDS ST SEED TRUTH When buying moot articles in commerce, their quality and aln* nay b* ascertained by examination, but With GARDEN, FLOWER anil FIELD ROOT SEEDS It requires a Beauon's) growth to prove thetP worth. How neceuary i* it then (or the planter to buy hlfJ Beads from the moat reliable sources known. Where la the economy in buying untried or " bargain " seeds, for a possible (all saving in hrst cost, with the added risks of losing your labor and crop ? Tbe Steele, Hriggs Seed Co. expend hundred* of dollar* annually in and proving- the growth and quality of all sjeede they supply, th* purchaser ami plantar mat obtain the very BEST SEEDS THAT GROW. If your merchant cannot supply you with Steel*. Bri(f* itltote*. and send your order direct to them. Catalogue sent free for the aeklngr. Add. The Steele, Briggs Seed Co., Limited, TORONTO. OUT. Th General and His Colonials Pushing Back the Boers. Cp.l n I itpcurd r.U>o XII Brit- l.h Killed ,.J Kl(btn \T..und"l Hu.liiini I riu Lord Kbrl Piltlo 1 Ufl*ii, .. U*>elUK>d-l > rel<ti> Krnuvr ! still n, Kl^hllug M*od U* l..u-. All i i i-.. Wor M*w> ! London, March 5. The War Of- fice intiniiitexl Siinduy midnight that there , t > i,,. pi-osp^i t ..i news until omeiMing di-tinite ithall have bt-en dono This i- <|uite in ktvping with th* complete silence which Lord Kc>- bertb has hitherto observed while hia plans were in progress of accomplish- ment. and until he is in actual grip with the Boers it is probable that th* public will hear little or nothing f hia doings. Kii,li Kirutre tto Cut ' London, March 5 The Morning Post has the following despatch from Osfonle n. di'-! Marrh 'i: "Cen JYench made a reconnais- ance tr>-day and encountered the neinv in force '1 ney were occupy- ing a table-shaped kopje. Shots were exchanged, a Boor gun reply- ing n.-rs. i-xhortme lln-tn ' o nl ,-r M.I mini imrt t" deliver Cionje " %irur- at l olriherg. i -,ii.., ITB, <'ape Colony, Sunday, M.II-. I. 1. \ NOo*slB*ajars \\ith two I'. ill. III.-, .Hill tU U tfllllH found the wugon briilpe over the DI-.III ..- lliM-r int. at 1-iity Hoers on th.- . ,ihi-r snli- \M-rc taken hy surprise ttiirl the British gulluix-d to their laa- H.T. *.in- miles on the Fret) State si'Jo. 1'rice's rommand has moved seven miles north of Culuaberg. The) Hrs durnit thmr occunation denied tl-.onuis.vps rat HIT than see the Hrit- Ish wounded suffer. I'apf Town. March 4. The n-hrl* of Grlqualand, re-enforced by BOO Putrh fiiriniTN from the lYieska His- trirt, o<Tiipi-il Krnhiirdt. TOO miles west of I'rii-Hka. after a sharp con- flirt with the KiUtirs. and are now marching southeastward OD Van \V\k s Viel, wher* there are yiain store*. LETOS UENIKs THE MOKT That M. n .j Ill*- . W . Th .i *u c . .r ad H... R.....I 1R4F1*>1 ATTAfKINO BOKK4. Nar i.t J r.ri.i Dordrecht, Cap* Colony. Sunday, lUrth M. (9 a. m.; Gen. llra- bant'H colonial division, after a night's march, is now attacking the Boers tu a strong position at I -a BUB- chagne'a Nek. on the road from Dord- recht to Jamestown A !.. . ;.,.U. Later The engagement is proceed- ing wit u great \igor, and the Uors are t;raduully retiring before the British shell tire from three pot.it ions. A heavy are Is being exchanged, where the British are engaging the Boers on the right rtauX. So far the Boers have no big gun* in action. . i . . . - . -l*rlMry. Kvening Gen. Brabant s advance to-day was most sutisfactorj Af- ter marching and bivouacking over Ight. the force reached the strong entrenched positions, which the> oc- cupied ami now hold, tho Boers be- ing on the opposite hill. The British will remain to-night in the dipiurt-d positions, although the Boers brought two gun* into action anil made de- termined efforts to retake then. The British lost*-* are tj killed, 18 \\ound- BOHH 4n4M"-N treat I*n4ler Prut*tt Bar^h*!-* - arua*r' f %l..u,,t,l Bloemfotitein. Orange Free State, Friday. Uurch 'J I Via l..,reru*> llarquez. March 3.) The tt*leral havu re.inlveil to abandon the terri- tory ui omul Kctisberg, and Uic re- treat has been ullei I eel under tin- pro- tection of mounted burghers. It 11 officially annuunced that on Keb. J7, <len Cronje. with from ^,IMH> in :t.- OOO men. mirrendi-rml. owing to the farcity of food and ammunition KrMK^r l-n- MM %di*r- President Kruxer has isaued a atir- rlng iiddress to the burghers m Nat- al, who are fnllmg back on HiKgurd- berg The 1'res.idenl will return to Pretoria sund.i \ A IILI I.B.TIN FROM ROREKts. ii... lli. !., .i, Ki.... I rimMl. tmr Uinilon. March ~i. The War .)f- flce hun received the following ile- putch from Lord Roberts, dated <.)- lontein, Sumla\. March 4 i.enerul Cronje, on behalf of his parts and 4'omin,iiidaiit Wolmarunn, on behalf of 4.VOO other priKunors, who have all ow left Moildei Uiver. asked th* Uritish ollicers to Chunk me for the consideration and kindneea with which they have been treated. i.en. Cleuivnts reports that hi* advanced troops hold Achtertang and that rail- way coinuiutiicution would be i>[ to Joubert s Siding to-day. The enemy are still in force at Nor\al s Font Bridge. Oen. (iatacre teleurtii'liN tJtat the number 01 Hoei at >torui- bert is daily diminishing." . .IK.... , --.. n. l. "Col. Baden-rowfll reports that all was well ut Uulekmg on Keb, 15, and that the enemy's activitx was being met everywhere by equal ac- tivity on the part o( the defenders. "1'he position is unchanged HI Us- fonteui, except that fre>|ueni showers have materially improved gra/.iiiK, to the benefit of the horses anil trans- port animals." \VI,.. M.l-k ; Vat. Idazru. Bautoland, Friday. March B Th teleKraph linen between Ma- teklng and Mazru were cut WeOnesduy oliiht. a whole section being retim\- ed It is believed this was the work of native*, prompted by the Boers. Wpp.iliu.. K.<|>rrlxl at AbisliMl' K > !. London. March 5. A despatch lo Th* Time* from Osfontem. dated March 2. says: "We anticipate op- position at Abraham'* Kraal, 40 miles east of Paardeberg. where Gen. Joubert is reported collecting a force Irom the whole of Ladysuiith forcea, with the northeastern Free Statesers. " President Styn arrived at the Boer camp at Abraham'* Kraal on the morning of F*b. 27. and barau- New York. March 4. Hr. Isaac X. Kord, cabling The Tribune from Ix>ndon at tt o'clock this morning on the South African war situation, ajs: l>r. Leyd* denies that he baa receiv- ed any news to the effect that the siei^e of Mafeking ha* been raised by the Boers, or that Bloemfontein ha* been occupied by the British. <Jn. Koberts is at OsfonU>in preparing to i-ontinu* hi* advance eastward. T lMIrrMI M.^TB. Durban, Friday, March 2. Yester- day a number of horses were sent in- to Zululand, and Intercepting th* Boer* north of Biggarsberg. A complete system of heliograph communication is established between Weencn and Kshowe. inipl..i tm r .rp' Cap* Town, Sunday. March 4. It is reported that the Boer prisoner*. whil* on the way from Haardeberg. un-successfuily attempted to escape from the train. Eleven hundred of Cronje's men have been placed tem- porarily on boutd the British iteam- ers Mongolian and Manila in Table Bay. Itvrllaer P.it ^p*.k. o.n Berlin, March 4. Th* semi-official Iterlinnr Fost, in a strong article to- day. again begs the Anglophobe pre** to discontinue the practice of abusing Uruiah statesmen and general*, and British enterprise* generally, declar- ing that, "this do.tj more harm than some suppose " C. P. R. ACCIDENT. l w. sl.|i.., : t ar> lr,id N.r nark. r .1 M. r . Beard ad Marl \rrww Hsaup*. Toronto. March 5. On Saturday morning at 7.46 eight cars of the C. I'. U. Ottawa express loll the track near Burkoton. Two Pullman cars, the Nestoriu and the Brandon. .uuni>- ed clear olT the track, and coupled. turned half a do/en souiersuulta down the cliff to the gully .'10 teet beiow. There tlu-y la> mi th.ir bucks. A volunteer relief party, headed by Mr. Burned. South Ontario, second- ed by the traiu crow sta to work and broke windows and cut hole* In th* cars to get at the occui>unts. tl,-.-.. 1 tk->. OUI. Among those taken out bruised, numbed. half-clad. and half-dazed were the following members of the Dominion Parliament. William McClenry. Thorold, bruised generally, nothing serious. Leighton McCarthy, Toronto, leg and thigh bruised and cut. Joseph Keulherston, Si reetsville, brad, neck and back painfully sore. T. H. Mac Hi. vson. Hamilton, foot and head injured. F. T. Telfer, Coliingwood, hand slmhtly cut. C. Kloefer, Uiielph. hip and arm injured. i - ,i H ..< Among the Toronto people in the mix-up were: W K. Bird. 488 Euclid avenue. hand cut with glas*. |i. II. Macpherson, Molsons Bank, hands crushetl and cut. Munrn (.rier. cheek bruised and ey* badly blackened. F. Duck, '2H Cecil street, shocked. II. S. C'owan, 41 Wilton crescent, bruised. Those from outsid*. town* who were larred were Mrs. (Canon) Bland. 218 McNab stn-ot, Hamilton, three ribs broken and nerves shocked. Miss Busby, 519 Maitland street, London, only jarred. T. L. Ednionston., 41 Robert street, Hamilton, head badly cut, back and side injured. 1C. II. Johnston, traveling inspector of railways and canals, Ottawa, hend cut by heing knocked through a window. Captain Pages, Quebec, not hurt. Pte. Bland, Strathcona's Horse, Hamilton, not hurt. Frank Dudley, Ottawa, head and hip hurt. Dr. Hotgen of Inerklp was on board and fixed up the wounded, and three doctors on the wrecking train com- pleted the job. The most seriously Injured la prob- ably Mrs. Bliind. who was persuaded by her son, Private Bland, to take a Pullman at the last moment. She was badly shocked and had three ribs broken. It I* thought that the aaccldent oc- aurrod Mirauuh <b4 r%jU aureadinar. A Brush With the Enemy Eefore Coierso. derful set of I|IHIIIOII,|H iiiey wre a beautiful, diu/.llug. Kiiliinnerlng ne.-k lace sad bracelets and ring*, all SH set forth In the inventory "It wa* really yoi who found them." said Mrs. Robinson to Siisnu. nn.l I'll hare them vsliled. HIM! yuu'U get your legal reward and more I'll pay your mother's rent as Ions as sb* lives." London Weekly Telegraph. Water In tb Klondike. Th* Dawson City Water Works com- pany has Introdn. e,i a novel method of supplying Its patron* ilnrlng the cold- eat month* of the Klondike winter. Over the hydrant of eacb peraon who ' agrees to pay $1 a week for the service It erects a wooden house measuring six feet In all three diuieOMions. Each of these bouse* contain* a Minall stove ID which tu* company keeps a Ore nigtat and day. Waatwd i h- Call Rep Employer (to collector) See lit. Owen? Collector Oh. ye*. Employer Wa* he annoyed at your calling upon him? Collector Not a bit. H* asked m* to mil aval*. Ohio State Journal. Tak off the green rind and cut of th* pink portion from the inside of a watermelon. Weigh, *ul to each seven pounds allow four pounds of sugar, a pint of vinegar, two tea- spoonfuls of allspice, th* same of cin- namon, half th* quantity of doves. half a t*a*poonful of ground mac* and a teuspoonful of ginger. Un all th* apices together; Mparate them rnto four part*, and ti* *arh part in a piece of cheemcloth Put th* watermelon over the Or* In col. water, bring to boiling point and cook until it I* transparent. Drain It. Put the sugar and vinegar with all the wpice* In a porcelain-lined ket- tle). When boiling add th* water- melon, n little at a time: cook until It I* darlq not more than live or tan mlnuten; then put away in a vton* jar. Next mornjne; drain off all th* juice, heat to boiling point and pom- It over the watermelon nnd D* this for nine consecutive morning*, the last raornlnjr hnating tho water- melon rind attain in th* mice and boiling the liiui- down until It will lust co\ r the run! ladie*)' HI Journal. Whf Krrwr* .4 ,- I iiiirrrmmmrr. Newspaper men frequently hav* their attention culled to typographi- cal errors nhich sometime* creep inte publications. If newspaper men only understood their hiutiness, thud* er- rors would not happen. The peopl* \\ n<i discover these error* can tell you much. In an ordinary column ther* are about 1 J.MHC piece* of lyp*; an average newspaper set* from wj\*n to ten columns a week, which make* 150. (XM) pieces to bu picked right sid* up with rur. These must b* replaced in the cuac, which necessitates Ui* li.iniiliru of IMti.liOO pieces of type each week. Now. if in the first pise* tho editor gets correct inforinaiioa, and makus his copy legible lo th* compositor, anil if th* galley l.uy knows enough to take a decent proof, and If th* copy holder is sober, 'and If the proof reader marks the errors, and If th* make-up gets them in the right form, and if th* preaa don't mash any letters why 'tis easily seen how unnecessary are typographi- cal errors and how easy It is to rua a newspaper. Hw n v vt an Her. "Do you think." asked tho beauti- ful, stately girl, "that the world 1* degenerating '" The young man who had for months loved her In secret saw hi* chance. Kvery time h* had ever ab- tumpted to say anything sentimental to her she switched him off on to pol- itics or the social problem, but at last the moment for which he had longed had come. Drawing in a full BUM th, he replied: "No 1 llov\ could tho world degen- erate with woman doing so much to run It? How could th* world b* otherwise thnn better since you hav* interested yourself In It?" That evening her mother aunt It would be all right no matter what papa might think. BvtterlB* In tke Orleat. B. R. Klmball. a prominent Kansas City creamery man. after ao extensive trip through Japan and China, states that there Is not a creamery or dairy In China sad but two small one* la Japan. He say* that tbe best hotels la Shanghai, a city of 0(10.000 inbabftaota, nse a poor quality of bimerln* mad* la Gorman*. Ha n. . .1. U. A >uuii ii.uii wiio had linen born and brought up m u New Eng- land country town begun ID prepare for college, .mil ., niiled that altar hi* college course he would go to thaj i'acilic atut*,,, ami l,gm his life in the spirit of a pionuer. I'lirmg the tuo yours of his pre- paratm for college he wn* in* most active meuilivr of his own church which wus ilei-lu.ing In nuiii- IHTS. owing to the reunivul of many fiiniilie* to the city and of the Vil- Ue iiiiproveiiit-nt Monet v , which ha* liecniuH u so. i 4l j (ivtiire of the tnvvn. Through hia efforts the church vva* repaired and its lawn und ciiurcl. .Mini l.e.iutu.ed lie inurked historical I'l.iceb on the ol.l mulls, und sel up new guide-poNi s He secured a MI ^ ing fountain for the puMic si|uurr. g.iv enlertu. nnientii in the p.ior huiia* <nd se.1 an on-luiril mi the old home farm An old furiner with cruuililmg liuiltlliijjs nnd .-,11, king vvulls, met th* \oung man ot.e .la.v nn.ler the cool > Ilintie eluih. .mil sn id to h I III 'lliev lell me ili.it \ou MJ golBfl lO COlle^e ' "1 ho|M* til tfO. "And then nut west' 1 " "VeH. tliai is m. purposw." "Then if \ou are ginnx to leave us all. what makes M.II i.ike so much intermit in tli.w afluns oi the old town' What you are doin' wWl nev- er do you any Kod. und we'll all b* gone il you should ever come back again.'" "I think thiil r ouht to be of ome service in Mm community in which we live. " said the young man. "All places are endeared to u* whet* we have tried to d" good. They muke pietisiint n eiiii.ru* I am sure if I huve dune anvthn.g lor the Ix-.ir- flt of tlm old town. 1 shall not re- gret It." This young uutn graduated wall and went to the I'HCIIIC l.ipe. lie succeeded in lue VAilh his foud ens* and eager. unseliiHii spirit u could hHnll\ i.e otliet'VMiw. He be- came mil., or of a young city, was sent to ( oi'uress. and did unu-h lor th* d*velopinent of his own State. It was succenh <n-jiiin...iiig in his soul that prompied Inui to secure th* fountain for ilie wpmre In th* old, elm hlmileil N.-\\ KuKlaiid town. See- ing wh.it oughi to be done, and tiien doing it, is the \\ ... that muceos be- gins Moru tlmn i In.-, it l* thoa* who think of tlui.us oiitNid* of their own little lives \vli>. .in most likely to ucceed Sucii i'..ple iintke the world lietter. ami impress pleusunt nifinorn-H upon tin' mind that th coming yeurs cannot elluco. "I feel as though I had met a whole roomful of my old friends " said the tfirl wun is trying In .,MU of homes.. Kiies* to n.al.u her own wuv m theciti. ' I've juwt had a let- ter from Aunt Louise It ian't tillod with her own allies and pains ui.d trin Is und troul>le The hom wws is all here, but tl-.-re isn't on* >el- hsh, whining word. She writes eight pages. See! She* mentioneil 1110*3 1 "I the places and puoplw I in inti-risiwl in, and told me iloyenH of things I wanted to hem about. I don't mean to stty they're important thing*; but it is nice to know th* ii.uuo of cousin Carrie's baby, and to Win that Etta. Mayo is taking music lewi< ns, and to have a description of th* new minister family, and even to bear that they ve hud a new side- walk put over t he imiikly place above the post oili. .- lioHsip'' r.-i h.ij.n ii is, but It isn't mean uossip 1 wouldn't hesitate to show it to any one who i* monnoned here. And it makes me feel as though I'd made a visit home, and found that I wasn't forgotten. I know how Aunt LouLw does. Phe make* a list of the people w* know, and when the tim.-s come* to writ*. he just looks- at the list, te niak* sure she hasn't I. ft any one out. She aya she doexn't pretend to he a letter writer, but. her letter* do m* lots of good, for nil that. Little things look large when one's away from home, and everything Is now I" I'orhaps there Is a hint bore for young poople and older ones who profess they would lie glad to writ* to absent frietnl* If they only knew what to say. A very amusing scene took plac* In a Scotch village church recently. It b*ing christening Sunday th* clergy- man steppfl down to christen the children. While christening one of them h* said to a very young look- in*; man: "You are too young to stand a* sponsor to ihis child;" whereupon the young man, much abashed, replied incekly, In a weak vole*. ' Plaaa. sir. I'm bis tatasc." THE MARKETS Wh*t Futurvs Aiv^ucd wo >alur-r aud I ll,-i. IT..W ~,iiit, Hut n>a Ibruutfli t III. .*tf .. I lir Ouillatloua. IjixiYiiool. March ">. Wheat fu- lur.-M nUain-nl !'r:iriu,iiully on Batur- o, Murch 5. Wheat future* ail^.i .itiirduy ^.c to 'V t c, anil c-luhed at about the top liu-ures for the s. -.-,., on. llii-ru \vas a lot of buy- inn i,> UK- l.i.bln-. . i kl.ls. HK4I <I.4HKKTH. Fnllowmir wen- the closing price* at important wheat rr-ntn-s on Sat- urday: i-.isli. Mar Mar. Jillr. I'hil-Mf.. . .. ll l'.4-, HI IrliV* BA HT New York u 74i U --^ O 7a% Mil w a ukve .. IL'.I, St. I. .HUN ,.il <K<\ U 7l)i4 U HM' H*Hfc 'IV>le<Jo U 7 1 .... 'i^'-i "i 7U% Ix-trult. red . u 71 S U -'* " 71 W ,li> wlill*- . O 7^'^ .... .... .... liillntli Nil. I. V.,rt hern .. <\t\ .... UVk 6M*j liuliiib. \o 1. hnrd wM MIllllralliiltR. No 1 Northern . . n 64 .... t <BS b:ird U W Liverpool. March .". Suturday's) close: Wheat, spot Itrm; No. 2 R.W.. . - No 1 Nor spruiK, 3 lid; fu- tures steadv, March 5* H* 4 d. May 5* S*/gd. July 5s Hi 4 d. l i -I UOr * . .1 C A I I IK Wheat, while, liinib rwl liusli. . . ...*o m to f.... . n Iks Tt gooee, bUMb . . Barley, tnmli I lilts. llllKll llVC. I.MSU Ivan. ttiiHb Hill KB h. MI. llll>l>. ... Hi-uiiK. buab f>-.a iteil ,'lorer. buab. ... White i-lnv.-r liuttli. . riinitlhr H<**',|. t,n-U . Hay ami Straw liny, pt-r I.MI ll.iv uu\.-.l |i,-r ..n Straw, Hbeaf. |>er toa Hi raw. .,0-1 I..M- tun Dairy l'....ln, . _ Uiitlei-. Hi. n.ilH. l-'.ii(s. new laid i IIII-M IIH. pi-r IKIIT . . Turkejra, per Ib I'lu-kH. |w-r |>Hlr i.e*-w, jM-r Ih Kr.li ..d Vr*tt-la*>le A|,|,.,-. per blil rn i.i i .irk. prr ba .... ... n 71 .... (I 441 .".'.' u ii* . . . o i II V^fc . 1 fB no to IB 7B 7 INI * * ... i do Ill INI (*(1S W ... '.I I HI 1U U* U M .... ...4m* 0* an -jo 10 in z> D-1) *" i ' (1 u U If o NII 10* U OH U Of 1-J i> to *:! OS 11 :> Ii W I-BII irn N r wK NOT OTBB. What Ik* and III* Al !>!( Oallr Manila. Mnrrh A. I{i>orts fros varloui soiirrt-h show that the Insurg- ent* HH- eiulua\ oring to kn-p alive the) armed nppoHition to the United States, and are planning to continue the Insurrection with iruerillii warfare on a lariri-r scule when the rainy sea- iion tvifins. They have a secret or- ganization patterned after the "Katl- punan" met.ho<ls. even In the strong* out if urn so MM! towns, affording a iiieani of communication, and that the machinery in manager! from Bla- nllla, some of the leader* hHnr P!ll- pinoH prettMiiline to he supporter* of the American Administration. The t rin I of the r*rilla charged with miinli-r IH linished. and it la be- lieved the couiuiiRHion s verdict will tin tfii.lt:.. Iinlii-tiiii'iits against other* have been prepared. No report has lieen received from On Hnles' exjtedition He has prob- ably moved Inland, where communi- cation with him is Imprnrtlcuble. The army throughout tin- i-ilimd ol Luzon is working hard srininng tke country for insurifents and killing > few daily. ilivrnil Kiiiistnii nnd Col. Kennan took. XX men thmiifzh the mountain* to Bnler. on the eastern coast, with- out meet Inc an iimurifent: but they arc active along the northern coast. from l>aupn to Apurri. where occa- sional reports conii- "f nn American soldier b>inr kille<l or ilisnjipiwrlng. In the southern provinces the In- urnonts rniitiiiue to hiiruss the American garrison by night demon- stratioiiH. ,,,lr I ahlnel Will Hl. St. John's. Nfld.. March 5. The Catiini-t of Sir Jamea Winter wUl pr*>bably resign within the next 48 hours. The Premier has thue far been unable to make any combina- tion that would enable him to carry on the Government for th<- purpOMB of tho pending J'eiwion of the Legisla- ture. It is believed also that Mr. Bond will be unable to form a Minis- try from the Opposition rank*. A general election is. therefore, almost Inevitable in May. .... i.u.i . Hold > Bi.aa. Winnipeg. March S. The lioar* of Trade Committee reports that ga could he *upf>lied here at a profit of $1.25 |>er thousand. At present the price is $2.2S. A strong agitation has bpRiin for public ownership el commercial lighting. , nan., .). i"vo men curriud dox\n the Niagara Kiver on a cake oi ice on SuUirxla.v iiittht and ilrowiii'il b> thu tiltiiiK ( the oak*, which plunged tin-in into the water. Two i)n>K ri-iniiu-il to the police thafc they saw a cwke of ice with two meu up it. lloat down stream beyond the northern boundary o( the city. Thy in. mini rose U|i, ami. as he did so. the cake of Ice tipjitfd up. and both men -lul nil and lull into th* riviT. The Huffulo and Kort Kri* fprryniiin heard their orie fr help. 'l*he story of the boys Is now dl*- creditecl, and it is thought there wo only one victim, and that he wa Ash ton Smith. 27 years old, son ol Rev H A Smith. Fort Krie. l>ii. . who started to row over to Buffalo In a rickety boat on Saturday a*4 has uot IMO been heard of

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