Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Mar 1900, p. 3

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MARCH 8 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE T II K F L E Li HER T O ADVANCE MAfcCH 8, 1900 Merchants 1 Bank Oj CANADA Capital paid up $6,000,000 Rest . a.oou.ooo HK*D Orrict MONTHKAL BOARD OK DIBBCTOM r St. ii-, i -.( pi .-M.li-iit KI-I..H M4fKKv7iK.. K<|. Vlce-l'reldi-iil ;.,iltlnn Rixl|fHi. Ks | .lain -n I' DavliKiq Jnbn Calle. Km) Hotwrt Macaai . Kt| .11 Uniitmru Allen, Kiq Tbor LOIIK, Keq <lror rfue - fl. iioral Manager Thoe l'vhe. Joint <!en Maiiauer JS. f. II- i- i.-u 8upt ol Branches , /lerlin Irnnp1on r*i*.lv. . liaihant. Aanrllle. .lalt IM nv IN IISTHI.> mn cjinn o, . ,)ut. I..-:uiiii,r- .11, gtobc. !e, London. iOnt Kenfo !*1e. Montreal. Montrnal Ho i Siratba- rln.- Street. Mltchrll. Ntpanee Ottawa Oalmlli. O'lt en Sound, I'urk.lale I'rmcott l'i,"l..i, Out liriMS MAMTOa* Nnpawa. llrantlon. I'm t-' l. I'reirm Alt* M wdiciue Hat. Aio. Him liroo-ke JTu Hhawvlll", Htrntford MJohB't* Oat HlJerouw. Quo HiThimiaa Till"" v nt T'iruiito. Walkurloii. Um.lwir. Out. Walfor,!, A General Itanium: Hualneei T'naotl. lutenxt ou H. i-.-lti Current liaten. Winnipeg. , i- SoleaCoUeotod. iSranett \V A. IHRUtlWS Manager tt'BUHIlKD WBBKLY AT THE OFFICE, SYl> I.MUM STREET, FLWHIlllTolC, ONT., BY W. H. THfWlTOK. I IM r annum utrlrtly in ndvanri Advertising Rates: M t'olumn. 1 year. SO ; halt col.. 1 ar. M quarter not., onti year, 15. Traaalent adTertlwment chained 1 the rate teeoteperltaefor flret ioiertlon c IS cent ach enbeequent lnertloD. United In Saul, on Feb. 28, General Duller to Lady Smith. Con grattilations have betn on a grand scale. The day will hereafter be known as Duller's Natal Day. Vr. M. Richardson made ouc of deputation last wvek that wtitcd on the goverumrnt to seek asnetance ii: making good leading roadtr throughout the country. Mr. Rosa inft>rnifd the deputation that his gnvcrnincnt wai prepared to expend $106,000 per an nmu during >.he next ten year* for thii purpose. This is a very good beinn ing, but that sum will not ^o very f.i if the uchenio ii generally taken up hj :l.i counties throughout tin province Ai a gt-nurnl rule tho TraJc BIU Navigation lettiriic bine book muy be conidered the drycst -if dry read'iig aud yet the re;i'li'i- who cares to di-lvr therein will uncurlh )ome inloregtiiit, kictR. For m stm !( wo learn tha every man, wonmn and cliitl in Can ada pnvH t*.HI rents of customs du ii i. Th> tuul rximits in 1S!)9 am niiittd to $l. r iH.M'.M;,:iil.), and inipoil $ICr2.7rtt,y()8. showing that wfl ln 111 He ' II III We H-ll tO the I'XtOlll ( $8,r-:f,7.|ii;{. Tin.-? condition of ai>,i.r lias I'on'iiinid RIIIOO confiMiornliin with n fc* i-xc:>|ilioiii<, unions llifSi- i-xri[itiMiiB beinj; tiio yturn 1H{(.< to H'.H, wlii'ii tin i \p >: 1 1 v.eie C'ltiMili'r- ubly lifter .Yc- i-x;>'irl. ii to t!in I'n- itcd Stutos lHt v-ar goo.St Uv tiio iiiii- onnt of $l"),l:i:i. ")-!, m.-l WM-O pin-- from I'lirlf J-'-wn to !!:> ex- d j::,'Ki?,liy;v ) inori) tliiiii twic the amount tlntt we sold to hi'ii. i, tal lirii.iin \\ is diir hesi PIHIOI.U-I-. ulu' |Mii-cha<i<.i^ IViii-.i in *!!):). 0:il.--'." wortli and sclliii',' to us $.'J7,l)i<M-. worth o : c / DIHECT IMPORTERS WHOLESALE MANUFR8 Duncialk, Markdale & Toronto -- Mono > o HI- ttntrllou* for the \< \( Two Works*. We mi n.l :., -u 1 ii.i' tma net without uny lengthy ortmiumi or intrmiur- tion. Eaeh iuim lelie in own ilury Iwcauei they ar" juit a* w flecri'>e ilirm no. I the priuee rxacl'y M we v. CD Thnra iy morning at s O eVoek we tart an. I -rll at llifr> pi ,. . \ M :: COAT i . u v ', < I 8 i.||lv ineu'H (IT 'lum. i.i Otti!" eohti natural color, [<ill <i, Farmer* Satin quilt lining, . CUM iliai will give atiefaotion extra Special 91'J. ,Yi mice \ iii. i MM i:.\. i.: ,, U- Men'a ,;fk. Hi. y r,,,.i *!iirt8 and ilraweri, heary weight 50. Kitra N|if i\l .'''Jots, earh. 4'lfnrlnx I'rlrr* In 1'nlnu idcrrrt Shirts Mi-nV \Vlnte S:.irt reinforced linen bo.vuni, good weight, regular rtrioo Me p^ci il '2~<c OYKItHIIOKM C'-.iMreirM liuf.oii OVKI Hlinei size* 5 10, r gulir prici-Jl ;>.'>, now icllinK a- P^ori. |iiir pair. Men'K Krii i." dunl )>ri >Ht< il nTcrcoau, lari><* itnriQ collar, a lioiai; lifavr w<-it?r,t, rliff-rt-nt Culi.r-, regular price, V).(H), ^p^cial, Jl..".". Wool l<\ inh-l-. U.ftv e.ift ftiiisn, uolorvd U r.ler, eize G4X88. pnce 81. M), S|.,-c. i la.'.i.", per pr. ' now read a neoond time. Car 411, 1 Tied. Muir Thompson That ni,, coniuiittee "ii ItyLiw 'nrried Jo(-.n .UtNfvin, John WatHoo. Heil-rt | Ni. hoi. .lo.i-pb 1>. wi>rtt. \\ in. I'.! in, council go Win. Spi-er, A \. Ki-nnvtly, Wilmin Mc- No. 671. i Mullen, Mmk Stev,ari, 'llobt. Wullrr. Meph WHI-OII, John Lyons, K '' Council went into committee mi Itylaw H.,WC I, \V. .1. HUk. -r,,n. I). MeCor- ~>71. Mr. Hoyd in the chair. Coin'mitteo \ mack, LnchTun .McArtbur, I)*ml Mo lohi' Patnluw, David rone and Mr. lloyd presenle<l itylaw 571, i'i.l anked leave to nit again at nuxt meet- ng of couneil. Mini Th PHOII -Tliat Mr. Is, IK >K |nid 91.76, III-IIIK M |XT cent. . oriinns sioii on an expenditure of ?_"_' on valley .-.id. lot 25, roll 1 I I .11 H -i k.lla--Muir That Mra. John Carter h<> paid four dellara to asaist her to pro- \\ m. Smtth, J. K Jaiiieixin, W. A| M! . vide for her family for this nnnith until \\ m WiliuMi, Khjah I'nul, Oeo. Patrtlow, David Duw, T. Tayli r. Hue-tor McLean, Win. 11. Huddy, Win. I'aton, Win. (iillis. Donald Ciiu>|>- IK-M jr., Alvx. McLe.,d, John Mnir, D W. Jaiii.-Hoii, Wm I'aiterwm Kr , K. \\lnttaktT, Janien Chard, H. K. Dyon, K. W. Nleholaoll. TIlOH. 1'iUt'el, J.i i- s Alei. McLean, Itxhard H. hii rouncil got to nroperly undwti.uid i Thou. Dunlop, Chun. Tumor, Ci. Gonlmi, tho necemity of rendering further aid -- ', David Mi-Mullen, S n Fieeumn, Win. ii n. d { Heath, John Braniff, Kobt. McMuiUn, Kelln -ThoHijwon That the clerk he J. H. Ducku't, Unlit. C.tmpbjll, (ieor-.i- |id fJW.Oli, being fees for registering |low!e, II. tny Tucker, J. C. Adatna, H. lurths, marriage* and deaths in |M!H, n Smith, Richard Genoe. Allan Park, an certified hy the Registrar Ownerul.- ' l{obt. Neilmui, Chas. H.rk'm/. Samuel .rried. I Onbornr, .Martin I'hilip*. .lulm Lindley, Muir - Boyd-THat the account fnnu Chan. Lym-i, Malcolm McDonald, Thoa. the Municipal* \\orld (or atMesanient hwin, Iiwin Fawc.-'t roll anil m-hedultn, $9.70, IKS paid i'.ir KKM-EVIKWKKS ried. R. Whiitaker, Jo. Aussum. ilouiral Muir- Hoyd- -That the lie -M- IK- paid dime, H. Il Irwin, James Urodie, Wm. ?ft 5J6 for WIHH! mippliud Samuel Turner, IHair, Chis Irwin, Oi-o. Moore. C. W. who IB in iiidiKr' t rirrutiiHtiincea, an per Itellamy, Uuo. Binnie, XV. M. Hemphill, order of this council at it* laxt Huaaion. t 'arned. Hoyd Muir Th.it Jamei Dow bo p.iid JW> for timber supplied for railing at AiUini' ih-vi.it n ni iintl nwul to Ixmcks' null. -Carried. Hoyd Muir - That in reference to the "MI on of ratepayer* of school srctioim "oa. 0, 7 nnd 10, regarding chiinges in li 1 f anid section 1 *, this council having hea:u thu parties in nferenc* to Ii-- -.line, and Hy in pat hint- with thoHo who live at IOIIK disUinies from m-hoo'it, yet this i-iuiiifil think il unwiKi' to make any rh.uix;.--, in a-inl K. liool aectiun Umndnr- II-K .-it tin- pit-Kent tline. (\uried. I'oyd Mnir Tlmt HM Mr. J.I. Cr-l IIHIII h it applied to thu nitincil for t-oin peii^itioii lm l.iiul t:ik.-n oil' ihe nortli yr-ttei.Uy i)e -id. tl t-i form a entl ol lot -:i, ion. 13, in 1874 for road- way, ?-0 behu; then oii'ri-i-tl for H.\id land, IM- it ntnilved that ihe iiMtler In- left it!i fin- municipal oounoil of tlw i->v.iM!iip .if ite.nr-iri met 1:1 ill- Town Hull, ("On .'Jin, mi >>nl iirili,-. M.uvh ,'ii-l, I' 1 -,) The in.-iT-Ti nil Pi'i win. (he He -i-e iti tin- i-li.ui. <'oMiriii'ii-*t:o i i- i iWs .-i . i i i- 1 ri-.id : I , -I ,1 I o I rll. ...i of Ii itliN, in-i'-ri.iri-i nm! .1 r r I: .-.i-l pit *n - 1 :;i. ,-,,.. i. N. l>. U. r.o'.i. , . If t T P-, "I'll I II.-. r'l.,I|;- s | , lillliiN 'i,-i>: se In.:. . i'r 7. .1 I-l I'). Millli t-iiKil World. ncttiiint f. r a'B -nnnoiit rulla. Mi <rn vtcArthur, Itil-iy, ll;.r,ti-* , Vnn*e n r;.-ti-hi'i- i|.-|iii! itioii from acliiHil M'.tionH (I, 7, iintl I'J, wii-led upon the o in-'il, re^'irdin;: r!i.mn ' s '" IHIIIIH!, rn-H . i Uvl/i*- No 5"! to up |<)i'll oVel-M 'i-|-., fe.|,- -vil'Wl'tl llllli )N|IIII'I <i-i , eri w in iiitro.liKJoil nii.l K.ul n ti i -''uir - Th-tt h_v!iw No. the reeve nnd clerk to l- u s|iosi d of as they think prope". i-i^d in I tie event of no sett It-ill, lit, lu'ini' made the diMpoM-d oir.it tii-.\t im-etme; of oonnciL i ' .1 . iod. 'I !ioiii-,i8on Kt lls Unit llir ,-, iiniiuiii- e...t mi ot ' Mr. I', t'. IO..-IM in ri-'i : i m I" ! liein^ lemovi-d from loin -JTi, -.Mi, I, N D. K.. tlie Miime IH- lj.nl on ill I ible, iw thin lollnrll is no', in | , -s- o| 11 tin* fiwts l-i iirrnt-lii'i Wltll the ml (hut Mr. M'.'i ri|.|ii i . ,!-,, '-o * i- and re|Miil . ' '..n inl. Kills I honipMoll i Inl -. M.I.--I: . i.nlllflt, " .uiliiio SI.'UI to !' e\;.rhdrd on V;il!i V In, in Ili-iv-,', nil ! noi-.'n to i ,n. 10 I i, i;mende I t" H id flinil llu;-;'s milj tiolth to coin ev-M.'li IL' ' 1'oyil i>luir 'I'b 'it t!iu i'leik is re- ipit stttd to l.-iy i elo.t : in- Cn.iii. ii nt un i. uly u.l--, i ; ,.).'.. d ir. mallei nit-lit of |l rllll^' sllb.llVIS.oIIM, Willl II VH'A of llaV i *ir in-. n- eon-, iliellt for ti.e i-li-ft ,l t a'ld I li.lrt till- tllllio.t I II i lat-llralile. llnrn.-d kellH - llnyd That the Clerk prep,-. re ill i-tls to l.e e\ -I. I (iniham 'i r roii.l devintimi I.M j-- |l.n of Air I'olnbo, I' L S., of pni-1 of lot 2'.'. n,;i. ,., I'.ui-.eil. 'Vaomp-ioii Ke'.'-. '!'! :il. tjis ('..nn il rlllllt MO '0 t'lt, I'.oVliU i.ll I'.'llllOI,,- liiinl for III- 1 i;s,s. ::.!.-. ot nui- s.. n. IH 1.1 Soulli Afri'-.i, and that tli.- i o..i 1,11' ir In- ",i..nt,d tlir me I.N.- ot .lut inl; for their patnotu- to i on i'n- ll'.i K. 1, I l,oni|,s,i.i '! lint Mr. Hoyd in b.!t li\ .'|,j n.i.it ,i lo |-n:--!niHti i. lid |M .. i in position i tl.;; (.oir and pin , u .- 11 .'1..H lor 'l 11*11 ll.t 1, lo. | idili.- o r.l I, u,. I. I'.-ll-ln d. I'oiin -il a- join ned. i,-. KK-l.KI." OF III IIIVVA\s. 'i'. .1. I'll elll.ll. TI.I4I. Helnlell, J llll, S-elwel. \\. J. I'niii-, Alb.-H i-tn-mr. Win Sli-n-p, Sunniel Irwin, Alf. lion on, T. J. SliiiNon, dm. l.iidlnw, Henry Gallagher, I'.ii hard Watw.n, H. D. Me- I. iiikibrey, riirmtopher Irwin, ar , Jamei Cargo, Win. t'.iraon, A<cliie I'.oy.l, Tims W. U. Alien. K;n it Shier, ,)..n itlnin HicUlinu, .lonathan Latini* r, A S. Madill, Alex. Molten, Jr. fol MIKKIEPF.US P. liitliV. llelb.-lt 1'urVlN, (no. Wriaht, .losoph Oainn, P. Muiuhaw, J. H. Hoard, M. fl. Oir. Paper Prices Up The newspaper publiHhnrs are "uclting it in tho in-i k, ' to IIHH thu strei t !aiiL', ^o. d nml p'oprr tlii< year. The imjjoBi- lion ..f |Kt.i^>. r.tii.-itil a tli ruled nur. ..-e in WOtkitiK eujK-liHeii, and nuw a Mmi'ie al duepatch ^ i\ : Monireal Kh. '23. Ht pri-.trlit.it l M-- of the leading paper manufacturer* of the DOIIIIII'HII, a. a meeting ht Id lierr iiew u i fol'iiri p ru- tweii'y four (Ini.i.da wen ationuith ihe object f c. es. Eitfhte> n on* if 'h paper in. in. if .run, -r of plenrnt ami a-;r. -rd u; l!ie l.ri.iis of nn f I-.o w !ir-'i, .' 1 14 i -\i t-r'r I. tlie olb cm w.ll join Tin- -mend ncn-aiiH o' prit-rs ol aitn-les filtering ml. the coi nl pitxillcti I. bi's I... n fell by tlifr paper men aioni; ill o: h r n-in uf -n-tin i->, bit* U, kin., ei in , i. t i ni il.t . !,vf 1.1.1:11,0.1 been in. ab. e to xtUnii,-,- I lieu- own | Thu lirt m ,ve in the ii"lv fo-i:ii >' I-K- liiicl-il |o|| v.at to i |-,l->- a, I nilv.tllre of Jt. I" I rrilt |ii iilill-n-.il, I. II- I ,1.1-1 ,IM. pin.' puper, note p:i[,ri and ail oil.ii kiiula " It i afe to KIIV ilit the-e ^ll l.e no li. ir ,'i lin^ |i| Mllt.il Ipl lort l-:!rs, el'tll it piib!i-|,i , i, ,,f i,,i- ^-,1 i.i ,,; tile | u |ee lo ^ .'' I ,. 1 .11 i ||,|i. The HIM I. who Iliinki I-IM 1, t-.J |..i;.e- i< not M i i h llie k ,,. n ;, ,!v,, HIHI ti.e inilriliei. nt nnyrate, is i ,,, mak.ur; miyil.in- out of 111,- I ..iMS.ii-ll.ill. l'i I- M. Richardson & Co. 3*losherton ~ Special Sale of Ladies' White Wear Saturday Next On Saturday next we shall rmke a Special Display of Ladies' White Wear on our Millii.ery Tables at very interesting prices. Kvfry line in of iiniltiijFitp'i meiit and beintf purchased before tlie late advances in pricfi of 901(0118 and embroideries, we offer excep~ tional vales. We rordially invite Ladira inspection of tlic goodi. ir.s' Drawers Well nivii', t;<il j>att'rii, nico tine c*>ttn.i. Triiiuiiei! tiiL-ting n.l vinlironlury, nil sizea ............. 36c Well nulc, new |tt'rns, tine white cambric erent widths new ^v^lsl cm liruiilery. All 40, .! 2o, fl.HI. 75i-, Ufte, and K 1 VS'hitc Skirts Mailp of tine camlric, triiniiiirt i inl null- rinbroidcry. (M\ r.iTigu Htztxi, if 1.75 and ...... 9 1 00 .-*- -Mmle <>f fine |il.Mt 1 Eroot, triniinwl folhir ai mttim, tm-kcnl yoke, <. wiil ehilir.iiitt-ry, 1 Ni({lit DretiHoi Miule () f fine Enj;li:4i c.iinl>ri(?, different atylt-H, flalmruti'ly tniiiiii.--! with fc:ithi-r tit<;hing, tucking iinl iiiMMtinn. tin.' Swi.-s eMi'i.roi.l.-ry mi roll;.r. front MM ditto, ta mi and ...................................... 80c f 1 -5 N.-vs Km ... .l.-ri.'H;in.l r n*erti..nt S ..... e Ni I'.itti-riiN, jiiKt'in. I HCL fr..m 2ic Two StHK-ial fi.rron.s V lm Ki-.ulish \\hitu t'ottmi. :> inrh s wiilo. tinish-<l suft for the needle, clone <-u-n ;t..V-Kl. Ui X" Ur lllr. siK'-'L-iV ....................................... A tin. ' >', Mr,- I'nnilir.c. .".7 i:icU-, wi!e, .soft finish, a|iec- i;il!_i a.n|.'(>! :*r l-M 1 !-' wuar, very rloav tiiw tlircHtl, no l;. iil.ii- ll!;r 9c NEW PRINT! We Imvt- just received an adviincx- sliipnifnt of New Sooa<>n' PrinU, the newest duxigna nnd color i-tfectx. IOC Our SpecialPrint An extrn wide nml heavy cloth in checks. Ktripen and fancy den'gns, warranted fust c<-Ws 'I lit- last lin;!ish mail bnu<;l.t us advices of ship- ment of thelaif^cst o:der lor Dress Ciooils forc.ircct import in our business history. Our Spr.n-^ Dress Gcocls Disphiy promises to b- larger than evrr and will bo csptvi.illy interesting in prices Hardware Depart. When usin^ Prepare-l Paint remember THE . PAINT * v - , ' , n -r i .1 . 10., 1 ,;,- ,- , * i at ilu- .-. . i pi j, i - . . . :.i i ^ I'. X <,'t, tltlllH, ' >. IDBSS and Lot fsr Sals >4-, in Klenlier- ' - i:'-,i I HI, MI.- ,-!-.., -i, >,.l,1cliaii uutl v>u eBuy t- . ni. .\| VIL1.K. FroUn stKt.i.n" N,-%. :;, H.e, Ift COVERS THE EARTH 1 1 in li II'IIVM.I -"MI Hi', ,t ..- i.nl t.,it lo,, tnilt H uiftrfl in v ui iii t-. .:., I v, It 1 l>. ik hi I" -"MI - :. vr il witi-i, ,1. limn rii-^1,.,,1,,11. for [.iiihuv j.-.ini. nl.n . M !>:'- I- M ISA U - SINT1.AIK r'ltwliurton. Kl>- , 100). There's We Bevttr ! It BO.,,- ws s rvicc The fine IboraogbSred Itmttthtrn Imar ' M ii-can." lor '- -v.r un in l.;\ T. n- f . I:. Ai mii'-Ma T,n m- ! at tlui-i of Ber TiCe. To. r un-.-'on a|i|iln-ailf|i , \VM . Rchardson&Co. Cdueation others the get ROME Clerk H, ' and who v.-,.ul'i !ik t-> v;,-t a I KdiicHtimi, ii'it win i h-ivc not tnr.r i<iatt..-iid coll - . should ;,-o-id Ixirtk-i nn hir--inem rnbji-otR iiinl .'udy.U h,,;-i-^, ' ,rin(j tli -'long winter -y-.'nn^-,. i" Nn.tliern Ulisilless Co!!,-;;, 'M^ pnhli ;h'il ,-i ser. . f R BMM which aro ni- i i lv for iu* in the N I', ft I excellent f or hoini- study. I: 10! kee| ing, I'OIMI.I. r.-ial L-iw, OmmpunueHce i 'ommuri-ial Arithi:ie'ir and Meuiiunition. AliuiSl-.orthnnd ten JX,I,'KS. \\ rite for rkweriptive book nrculaT to A. H,K\li:;. 1'i-ini'ipivl Northern I'u.sir.css Colli-gu i iweii Sound. Vicinity Chips Sdtne time ago H on- WAH hrnugln Hguiimt tho villMKM of Vfitrkdalu for the di-afh of it child, aiunud ny beii'g cruahed with n stu'k of tuiiinT while playing on the ntn-rt Tin- fiwe went agKinHt the plaiil'illii, but w.in appealed and a^ain With. -lit MICiVSi, hill a HWoli.l ilpp.'.-il OHM more HinceHslul mid Imt week aiOntfixxle II. ill jii'ijiii -lit WIIH uiven ajaumt the town for 9400 and The prtwriini f.-rthe pntrint.a c>ncert, to ha ,iik i-n in die town hull on \Veilnen- d iy t-veiiiiiL' of next wt-.-k i prn^retwintf nicely, and the event m expected to ! the numt intereHiiiiu that we have hxd for s.'ine time. We Imd hopt-il lo publish the program in full 'Irx week o that ih. putilii: coald ihfinsfl\n judge of rhe _u d tli nu< t.i omiie but tli coniin t'ei: has not hnildrd it IH. Don't forget to -lm* your |>atri.i'Miii hy attending. The FieshiTlon cm- <if them-ieral ont- xi-li- I.^I.KTH slnted last wuck (hit B>iyd Iml p.nrhaxi-il timl'cr fr .111 Mr. W A \rin-. M.I/. Thm IH sonifvili.il mis I '.d iii:. .1" it IK Mr M B'-a'oii who pur- h;i.x!.i thf tiinh.-r and n-wi'd it t" the Mf *T-. Ifc.y I. Mr-lieaton h:it .lil tli.ir linn <)l>,000 feet of round tnnlirr and m S'.ip ,!n^ ihf wpiare tin, 1. 1. r. lie dcsin-s MS I,. itmtf '.hia cX|Jaiialiiui, an the error i ill", in t f.,!m- jmsiti n 1 tori- thu UHV> you S-Hlulif- y* r ti, krt !>'< tin- j-.iiriotic o.iictrt/ '"ir for alr Good c.w duo to calvt'. .Ajjply t.i John Wrii-kt. K'islioiti*. T lie ii(ir:i''.> nv-i/i> >]>PIII-I| at Ow-n Jviuud on TueMlay. Rvtiietnlirr the 14. M"*iny to linn on farm |jn jK-rly ttt five |wr Ctrl', free of r->ei.s. iMUy * tivildemon. Firiurri.you rn mill <e( yo :..iio at ,'ic, ^x-r Un a The (nan^li'p cuuiicil at their meeting Saturday granted t. n dollara lo the pat- viotic fuii'l. NotwithHtand.HH money ha* advanced in price. A. >. VanDuaeu u mill Undinu it 4* per cunt strai^lit. li...l I'll I wanted at onc tor general iioueework Awply at ciicu to Mr*. ii, Meihi^liat [Mtsouikgu, Pnce- Mr. It. yd wan inntructed l>y council tu erect a tfaj }>! at th Town hall and 4>urclm! a day. Thi* la a move in the right direction. 4 J p**r cent private iimaey l-ined on vaay tvrnu ot rr^aym^nt by G*>. Kurh vrfoni, Slielburnr. Expeu*el.'W. Com 'iiHiiicmions rKCetre proinfit atten- tion. I'ri-paratory ervice will Ire held in '.he I'reMliyluiian church on Friday ufirrnoi'H tt tin- usiKtl hour, wlicti >Uv J. Uuchmi- -.11 <it Diindalk ill pr..-cl.. Tlic m*m 'rut will he V.nniu^rrrx.1 ou SunOay. TKNOKUS Tondere ill ke received up 'o Mar-h 15 for thf erection of HII in. [inliient ell'>|> -Hid dwellllw .Mati-nal fiiriiiMlud. I'Um and jj 'iont.it ..(lice iff W. Jacknun, Tlie driver f the Durham "Ue u..t iiiilf wy to Durhtin Tuesday uiornm^ wlin lm tt.-w obliged to return. Thi, we helievc, wistlie first HUM tint winter for an^ of nur iitaue i.rivcrx. M'. Ed. Strain, whone oiiterlitinii.t( f i .in il.u PluliipiiifH n|),wnre.l in l-.iiuiK la<t Ki.jiui'ir, IN fit [iriMi'iit MH'iidei.t in nieiiiciii :tt Ai n Arlx.r, Mivh . <*li'-rrl.u IN taking a five ycur >.nii i A Nock ti- Minl w 11 ! x'vfn under 'lie .uij.;r.x . f ilio l,i.li-.i' thf Ku^i'll'a i' : in cliui'.'h at the reM it noe of M-. . ' in, .1*11 l 'the vallry un 'i'liure- I i> . M.i i '.i 1">. A <<!n.( time is i-X|.. Ad.i .~s...n ;i:icou .inn tell crn'. \ m H! nnd-r : l'i.. jili-', S cii !y tin- :ui|.irM i I'liriMi.M E :; . !... >r i' Mr .Imi'h Thinnp- H-tt'-, ivvn i u-.-k 1m-'. on KnUy K-cintiK, . I. (.HI. A. in, i.s.i i, l.Vi-. i M \t-\ .il IK- prwitiiwi fur tin . g. in^ ...v.n. M' NV ('swli lo. : t u a ciir.oM y in I ho v. . .1. i IK- .r... i- <U>. I' I* a {..,, .: .'.I-AI|I u, I'.n.lrv. [..riiniic <! jili-i. 1... ^ !,y nne n kit - ii.niii^ i<r..wii toitrthfr m s.i. . . *.!> M w toi m i li> link The , nr . ttiitiuinii it t 11 '.'.iv ,,i.t. . . i ^ : I <i l-itllo nt., Illltlll MI ii.i.i d AriiKlronj; i.f in s ioiji' h.i.- i s. d ht- ].-:! ry UiM'.iM-t H- , 11 .1 I y .1 X V Arnisiroirj; f , it--. . ..ml Ill* litttT ll!i< yiir tti li I AH i. iMi.i in J!nt sh r..l4iuil u. !' r ,<m-t ^li II- .'iid A"n iri'ii-; IPS li, t n - ;i , r .iiinif i i' :! r in iiwen >. u . .;. IK| w.-rkllMU MV1 ct.'Uly i ny. > I!MJ Luctiiiow l>u>iiie. M [in.ve u :n M' UIXJV.-I lil llillid*. V . . i'i fr.'.:i Duilmm, r'attd M.'ii- tiay ,s Tlie *|H.nraii<'iM out I.UI>t - iJti-IMoi II wlltU tl.C 11 \V1 -j.n !i:it TiiNijii-r l,itliii.:li.nii of ' U-a\e mi tlie nylhi|i({ yel -IK u. Mr. l,*>i lax''--''! is >on of tl-e I Win- Lid'i. xnU I- ' M-aii of --g. \lilji.' 'ii.il.m.iii a oid~. -< i.t.ii Mr. ir t -1WI in j{"l'l. Wf h.ivt- r-Ci'ivf<l .1 hunk of inn. li un .rUn.v. fi- .i! Tin) P iole I'm. 1.. -.Inn.' I'oiiipriny. Tor ur. , "T n- LhV of D. L, Moody. * Tli. i>.".k IH attractive, and m *>eil print*.' I on (jonii whirl- panrr. Thirty- tlu-t-f ]wi. s ol il|im!i:t'ioiiii rmliellish ita I'.t JVK. i:(iv.-i-iii^ iheoutN ending featured in Mr. M i i ly s career, home life and re lu;ioi ex|i*>iiencu lt circulation will proh.-ili'y l-e wry la'gf, m Mr. Moody had a pow-rful influence in Canaila, WM kinivon |ITI' ipnte . wall an i-r..t the Inn-, in. I liis M ,s i jxiir-iit nnme in lhus-' anilx ( C'liri-'uin ln>ii<>lni|ilM. The IxKik m (,ulilih*t MI 'J5 tviitH in heavy paper COMM-, orAUc-niH I'ound in cloth, U for fn' t .iM lii .okntorvK or w.ll be neiit pont- piil hy ih^ | 111 li hen on receipt of price. Evei-yl inly vr II *>int >o read the t..ry of the lHu work of thia retnarkahle man Rudy rd Kipling'* first piece l ius- Mined wt>lk sin -f Ins il!ner> l.ul year turtm out t . t e a eerieH of luiinoroiii ani- mal itoriea which are aaid to >how all tha fieshneea ami zest of a man ttho ban had a l.n.g reir Kipling Irtvea to write an aniiii.il Mory htier than anything el*e, and *hin his phyiicidnii nllowed him to ri-turti to work he itutinctively turueil to thiH s-rius whtch !i- - l" I in mind for years. Tin re are nine stories, and each one i aup|)l to tell the origin of the moel cunnpicif.iu* part of the aniuiiil por- trayed. Tliun, in " The Ele,'hanu's Child" he telln a ino-t dndl ilury of how the elrphant }ipp<-ned to iiet a trunk. and in Tho Singling of" lid MHII Kngro,," he uive* the history of how the kvirfaroo k'o' hie long ietiH, for, Mr. Kipling nayit. there wait a riiH when elephant* had no trunk*, and kankiarno'a leui were not an ion,' ai they nn> now. The tone, it m wiirf. ihow Mr. Kipling tt h.s very )<et. T i. y are expiercnvely funny and have that rnre quality of ippeiiling to old w well -M the V.MIM.'. Tim author lian cent the entirr ierie to the Ladies' Home Journal and 'lm' magazine will their pui liciiiion.s in next Lsuc. Division Court Personals Mm. W. J. Doujlaai and little son aru viiitinu' with Mrs. Douglan' parentH here, Mr. and Mr*. A. 8. VanDusen. Mr. ana Mn. T. J Hheppard ruitod in Mt. Forest over Sunday. Mr. A. .S. Hiirlhuit of Manitoba ! a cnller on The Advance Monday. Mr Hiirlhuit and wife have been viniting friendH at Kimbnrley for aome week*. Mrs. Win Strain visiied frieiide in Owen S.'Un.t duriirt the pant wuek. .Miiu Annie Richardson, who has been in Toronto for some ume, returned home lant wi-i'lc. .Mr. John Blackburn, who lias been Uvim at Dunedin for tome tune, has now ri'inoved to near C'reemore. We notice by Hie Creeraora Sfir thitf Mr. Black I. urn and family before removing were treated to an awembly of ineim and nei^hborR he presented 'hem with aclock, album and kindly worded addrem*. showing th huh enieem in winch Mr.nnd Mm. Bhick burn are held among tin ir neighbor*. .Mr. Wm. d iinhu of Huathcote WHH the L'Ui-iit of Mr. aud Mrs. W. H Thursrmi nver Suinl.iy. Mr. Gaudin is aasmtmg K'-v. Mr. Ti m in the special meetini;* at 1'rotoii Sta'ioii thm week. Mr. and Mm. Murk Wilson "pent Sun- day i h frieiKln in Durham. .Mi. so Ivy Mo. i,- of i li,un;evi:!i In the <insT thin week of Mia Hitiie Sullunn Miss Teiia Smith returneil to Tornllio last lueaday, after Hpeiiding two months with her parent*. Mm. Nickolas Locki of Meafoid wat thesiuest of Mrs P. Loucki laat week. Mr. S. Damude waa a welcome caller at The Advance office on Tuesday. N ia;i .' Hinv iin to iMni ' r, i n i-\i-'fiietj of [><-nt,CK the vtntioii , I! i-h. K.-II hnm wi h n Aini'l ll < uhien At few i ih' . ! . tlie i> uic of '.he Lund ai d *tin.. ! t1"X' '' train puPud u r . Divmion Ourt WON held in Ihim'.ilk on WrtlneMJay of Ut wt k. The docket wa a very Urgtf one MMMMMtilM the holding OUT ot neveral r.-i-i-s until the .second day. Alto^etncr there weie twenty four c.-ne, but many of theae were of minor import. n civ In the I:\MK of MilfH VH Itussfl -i pew i ill . ! nml a re 'rut v,-rdict to- due tl from #.V.' 7i n. 5fL'S..V, In IVriijo vs John I'eiiTiimii :he held that t'-'Urman the wroiiu I'.'ii'y t i -lie,, but Ilirfu HS i v dei.ce lo llowtli.l In 1 v. i> ir.t.-n st, d in ilie 'i .11- *c'i. n m d 1'ir.^o g -I i 11 r n t im sin ."id Whitlaw v-. UUcli and Ho d u';inu \:i 'ii i i.-Y | . ,M. , -. ( -r H pi- 1 i..irvt Htv . Ju gv.Mn.nt f -r I'Un.t If lor s.JJ r..s The Dtn.it.i.k W ..... lun Mills ('.. had aeVi'l I tlli-t dvlll i|ili lit, stock 11. One in.iii en'en-d tliu i-K.i that he n.us drunk when he ui>sm etl for Vock, i-ut i isetcuf * :is ii-. i,'ood intt he u IM obliged to (-1V IjUli.L'O and ro-i's. Ill tinotlur niflMiir .. ;iid;vni> n w is reirei veil. Out' .Mt.-K.i M Mcd Mr .). I. ii lloyd >r.. of C'inn , for jtljO f r tii.ibi r. liojd b;ul I .|ic!i:u-ed * bus^i lot fi-oin McLwrn and tli i .. ir. liti\d I nil "\ n s cji .. d IHN L i ni ii s x:,d mkfii more tim- 'er ih^n he hml purrli.-si ii. II- fail il to | not: tills, hoivi'V-i, Kl d tile 1'C-ult Wrf a i,. M .it t with i>rmleu<! to sue ..ii n. Hoy VH Wi. ion-Mi ^i- i iiH in lncli "i- re > . <> c nsnieiiililu ot Hi auui- ii u lutnte. l::cl <ft Hoy soi.l mi i .1 i, i .1 >!l.S. \\illUinn. II ol ileur III -- tnnie f. r ti-l - 1' .1 ,li'< ami t * b.i:;> ! 'a'H. A inoii'lt in so ,t'f -r i -LI i-li, -^.- the niinil 1 1 it- 1 >.n.l tlie pur-linsi-r i.-'n . payment, claoning 'lilt i he lio.se \\ .1- iiymg lifn >h'' '-ot it- llov "i> diT' d nnt :hu mil. i nl hud IH-I n -to'-d '.. I-:. In. Defi Hill-ill's MI t 11 -ii. dth ,-i'e i'iio::V'U-il, I. lit 'I- j'-ld.e n I'.i-i ii thin unles c its of tlie d.tv . I ivrin-si* in oiintiiig t.. nmri 1 tli. m i - orig'ii H! jn'ceof ihf !i..re, were paid vviiliin luii-i-n il iy. In the iin-:iiii line Ji.iL'f m, -in .i- L'U- n for pluii t If The many o.lnT tHS- wt re of minor A Ho-eiti.'iit 111:111 rained .!olu v n KU'telier went- !t> On m.'eville 'lie other dy, Hol-i horse for'Wlo in cs!i ami i iio'e. He li en svM himse f to ihe p<iw r .-fnliiskiyni.il when in hemnddled xt \>- as led out f town hy a couple of cn"-ks who roi.b. d him of fUO. Yo , v.<l>y, H f. ..I a*4 *> money >on part;. Mr. Jan. Hill hm 'eft i\t our office two twii/H taken from a plum tree affected by th" tent caterpillar. Around each twig; ti a deposit of es protected hy a cover in-.' which is said to Iw impervious to the froht. Each deposit reprrfn-nM pn.Wably from l.VKI to '.tHUI .i<--. The rovering him hi labt, perforated ppeTailf nt.t unlikn that of a tr.imhle and i |uite hanl on the Hurface. fc'iuit urowers Khould ex- amine their orchard* to ee if any of their trvee have been attackixl in a similar way. as the p..ris of the tree so affected should he removed and deitniyed before mild weather sets in Meaford Mirror. (NORDER That the children may not come from school heavy-eyed, languid, and listless. IN ORDER That <hey may be cheerful, happy, and contented, growing stronger and sturdier day by day. IN ORDER To have strength for pleasure after the duties of the day are accomplished. IN ORDER Not to have the body so tired that the mind cannot be culti- vated. IN ORDER To have the sensibilities keen, the wits sharp, perceptions clear, and the ability to make affairs run smoothly, take Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills Systematically, and you will be delighted with the result. Why? Because they will en- able you to sleep soundly, eat heartily, and digest what you do eat, thereby keeping mind and body in proper condition. IIOc. per box. five buiee for O3.OO. All nm . : i .1., ur r-aia WUllaaw i >, lorouto, On^ V. KNrS; Mr. Moody, tlie din! in^nivl. e,l Pn ii, h-r of the- cei.lury, n, dp M d E-vy chnaiian n-:mia a n-c,-rd of h' won. lei ful life. OIM 1 ,1 It let-o.n. ti -it'll lj_y 111.- .-'eiyy. r>l"linll-i III |,l'rt--cd. nn-d 1'r [i Ouinpai-v. T .onto. FALL & WINTER We have a good supply of all kinds of F itwar for the Seaaon th* will keep your feet comfortable Aleo full lines of Overshoes, Rubbers and heavy SOCKS first quality and at /trices to suit. TRUNKS and VALISES Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Attended To Win, CLAYTON f Agent for Dominion Money ordt>r {Cxprexei. ^J flH Tws/ Oil * On Oir S & * * Oil I nl HJ H7, Con -- ,-icrx 90 tJieH kli-Ar,,, . - iH.d iiou-tu autl .->*rn, IJ ...I.- fit LI r ton. A'.wi :i."i nri-'-n wifli r..',,t',rt , ^ aeren an.ir tiultivatiun to a , -, < rush and r%luco ruiii;h a" w II w..; . ". V AKMsri'.OSO. Vi hcrfcv , J~ ' ill ik * * * ,t: life -,f iii.- LI-- 'I , Li.ri-.- I.IH.',., i mni.lv ,ll'imi:it .1 tMt-nt M|J er. I' r.IlAIt, KY-i: \|;i .. . I. -i . ' 'NT. \ ! S ; t'li- ,r. K: - wnr'h L-i-oi- .-i d 11. Y I'. 1. in. ni heix, " 1-iL'ht ..' I.ri- i> -t u-.;i.-<niv llOimcof nit -i Illilll It V\ , n.-e I CIllMl- I i ol mull and o:ii, .. i .1 sire i., d ' U.,,> I .111.1 :n ike .M .n ,l.it,. ihia UiiADLLY i:\Uiii-.TSDN f,.., L'miV I, I'.raiilt.ir- i'or FLESH ERTON Or ill *** c . . ~r** ? 5pnng Goods! * i* Now to the front. We have already opened up a large [Hiitnm of our M^ new spring goodn. We have now a complete ntock of new drew go4Hla, ^^ i.rint.H. |n.jiit-H, shirtmyn, t-ottonades, KlanneletteH. Denims' whitu and TT _;rey rottonn. ginghauiH. table linens. Niwt-ls, tnwling, lace curtjuim. while M '(Uilu. A lovely amortment of latin- i skirtM, embroiderieN, lactM, rib- jeta bons, veilings, cornets, glove* and htmiery. GENTLEMEN Jj i Thin is the place to get your rlothmu. Up-to-date white dree* '^ nhirtii, rollars .nui i-iitts, hamlwnne ties uniT suspendora. Our selections of ineii s auita, nuttings, |>antings. pants and vents are unnurpaexxi for ^|% style, i|iiaiity, quantity and price., ^M OUR GROCERY & J i BOOT & SHOE DEPTS. '!; * Are stocked with the beat telectirma prticurablo ami at tha LOWEST PRICES We are paying the liighuHt market phew for PRODUCE 2 Flesherton, Ont. /n The New Store \Ve Hie M.il lalkn ^ V- rv linirii all, .ur ,,i|r own hunillOHl hut tlie |eo|-|,- tnik. \ f -li''" ol rn.-.!'. niris on SaMnil'iy were heard to say "i ,tr pi Hi's hen- than we bate found in any store." Clearing- Rubber Slock Hi I'.IIPI he.ivv Doinitiioii, one b-u-kle. r yuNr $1 "iO for SI 15 , i : it, .|-|, io,.t upper oversb, >>. <! ts'. regular 81 7-'> 1 --") JO jiairs [jHiin-'s ;tinl .Mi-new' .,\ ,-rs i ,rs, regular 91. ?i> ....... }(6c 1") Siiit Mill's un tlcincnr, Ann rican wool tleect lined, regular , !I5 li |Mii--s Meiis' leather iintt-, wind luinil, reii. U(J 07 Mm .s (hi-rnlU 5.1 CLOTHING We can jet yon up tiilor made suit, gimrrnnietKl lit in differ- ent colore.'. twei-ls |U,fi2,tl3.$14.$lA. J5 ]b s . H.-JW Suirsr fl PI) Ko produ-M ve |i:iy the hivli. -.t pin: :inil you CMO buv the 1x1116 with v.iur tnnle JIM with wish Hutiet, _'(' 'J-'i Kif_-s, 'Jt) 22. J. E. DO W DL E Proton Stutiti-n Ontario

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