MARCH 22, 1900 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Siuinrs* artl$ ,.... * YOUMI Hankers, Mark.lal* Do a (eaeral banking business. Money loaoeu { %l a raaauuabl* raw. Call on u* AS VANUUSKN. J P IMeik illi DlT Court, C* Orey taer n( Muriate l.icauiM. Confeyauecr Notary, 1'uulio Auotioueer Money to loan M <| i>er ceut. Charge* moderate FLKBHERTOK P DEUT* COL.LBCTKL Tiie u:i'lemnd I* piepareJ to Dudertaka tUe collection of all kludt of debt! tea bouKbt. aenounti collected, etc M M HKSUKKBON. FlMberton TCHI8LKTT Flaehertou Station Voetmaater, Cou>mielouer in H C J, I'oniey- aucer I> 1. niortKanea, leaan and willi rawn. Mon*\ to lead at 5t fr cent aad up- ward*. Debit collected. Oharfee uioderat*. RJ BPKOfLB PcxtuiasUr. Klnsherton Coinmisiioner in II. C. J.. Auctioneer. COB vv4ii T. Appraiser aod Money Laaetei Real Kittle and Insuranc* Agent. l>ee<l norttiaKOn, laaaos an I will* carefully drawn vi 1 1 valuations male on ibortesi notice. Mc'iny to I >n at lowest rates of Interest. ' I lacti .'i atUu In I to with promptness iliiarjM low. Agent (or Ocean Douiiulon Htaainslnp Company. A call solicited. AO U W meet* every ii and third Monday la n-li mouth, la .u>lr lodge room, ChriJt'iu'i lilock. FlMlierton. at 8pm. A. S lyiittrl \UV . A M <iiJaou, Becord*r ; W Bellamy. Kinanoitr. Viiltiog broro mviled PRINfK AHTIITR LODQK. No. MS, A. \ .1 meat* In the Uaooio ball. Htram r lock. Kieehertott, every Friday on or befor.. the full lu.Kin. J A Boyd W at ; W J Itellain>, Secretary. COUUT KUKSHKKTON. I. O. K. meet* in ciiri*toe Hlock ih* laat Prlda) eveuiug B each ni .nth Vliitlof Kor*Urt heartily welcome. C K . H. K. Dy*o ; B. 8 , V. >an. Dusen. Jr M UIHH \I.I. M I) rt, I) !) H, I, D 8 ooor <lra I'lat" Toronto r livenllyanil Royal College f Dental Hurgcon*. Vliluthe McCulla H-IOM. Dnnda'.k every Friday af'crnoon, IntUad of fUahertoo f\*. E C. MURRAY, I.. D, B., dental (urgeon: U h.'iMr raitiiatecif Toronto Unlvenlty and Royal < ollafK ol Denial Hurneon* uf Ootario offl" rlaytoa'* block, Flmberton Will vUit Kevrriliam the lait Wednenlayi oteacb month, and Duudalk I and * Tbur. iy la each nionib. J. W. FR08T, L L. b. liarrlaUr, Holicllor Cooveyaneer. eto Office Next to poitolDee, Bpronle'f block 'leabiirtou. every 1 liurada and court daye N H-Owen Hound c.ruoe. rroai block Poulett itreet ait. LUCAS. WUKiHT A BATHOM Harrieter* Solicitor* Conveyancer*, at Offlc*-Oweu Bound, Ont and Markdali- 1 n.l W H WHMIIT. C A IUT*o I bft. M II -Klherton office, Mltcbell* Hank every Balunlay. TUCKER ft PATTKRBON Barrletare, KolicltoM, *t* Molxin > Bank, Owen Bonnd BARKY O TUCKKH OBO W PATTKIMON 1IACKAY * SAMPSON. B.rrUtert Ac \\ nKr K I.-- . 'wen Bound, Merchti't hank Klock, N. M r .'.Uron llouu. Lnndalk. Main firdLMvery Hkturday. A.O. M..I-KAY, M A , II K HAMPHON, L4..D. Attorney for Ury. o II, UC P A 8 Ont. Prl*vlll. Offle* next door to Brown'* *tor* ; reald<iice laalia at tbe old |iol ufnco, residence uf late Ale Hiowu. Offlo*day*-i 1 uda,s aod halur- -ay.. ^ D U <: 1' A 8 Out, Physician, Burgeon, i ri**hurtnu ulBce-tftraJn'* blok. B*sldeno*- MaosbaWs Motel JOHM A HCOTT, M B Member CallMn Plivslc. A Burgeon* Ontario ilraduate In Medlcln* of Toronto University, Kellowsliip Diploma, Past liradu- at* Medical Hchool and Hospital, Chicaao Dlseaaes of eye, ear. no** and throat specially treate.l. Kc.ldoLos.Malwell, visits Fevernbarn Tbaradyas I < JP OrTKWKLL VetHriuar; Kurgcon Gradual* of Ontario Veterinary Collrca, llvil'laixie aciiinl door ooh on Uarv itroet. Till* trt raoi nuih Pribvtriaii Chdrob. OW M A ( ' K I K ' H.irgeon *n<t Dentist. Mai SII.K .. imti. of Ontario Voturina.v I'allMS Mat I witb Toronto University Visit* aua-eni* w7*dn*vlay rross II a in. to 1 p. m an.l Pavel-sham Thursday (root 1 1* i |>. m. A(iKNlS:~IVop!e won't be deceived with AinriiiMn Hiatorie* of the war I'lililinhi-.i nnw, aa the war i* only crun n.i-ii ! II ui'11,1 iMir two-volume Canadian nmimfnoiutcxl work. Kiral \iniiiiic i. !!> Kcinn, ooniplute to date thu yon gut coiniiiiaaioii. rW<>tid vol n in.' piibliahi'il when war i* vir. NVhj wawlc Inn. with IllCinuplalu l . k l'l"pi'rllin Irrti. TUE LIN8CCTT Publihin K Co. Tulolllo K & K K& K K DM.&K. mLja.lBgSpiciall.tsofAii.1wi YEARS IN DETROIT. 250.000 CURED. WE CURE EMISSIONS I Nothing- can b* more d*moraliiinc to I youDf or middls-aced men thaj tbe prea- 1 I we* of the** "niihtiy loss**." Tbf y j I produce weakness nervousnm*, a feelin* I of ducojtaod a whole train of symptom*. I They unfit a man for business, marnwl I I life and social hapi ine.s. No matter! whether caused by evil h .l.i'* in yuutli. 1 natural waaknen or fmsl *vt M*I. nut I New Method Treatment will positively [ cur* you. NO CURE* NO PAY Header, you need belp. Early abut* or I later eiceeaee m*y bare weakens! ? . \ Gz|>niurt may har* disease.) yon. Taal I are col safe till cured. Our.V I will our* you. Vou run no -" 250.OOOCURl.Div t'ouDK Man You are i-xle, fe\-b!r - j I an 1 haggard: nervous. Irritable and ' . - A I citable. You become forsetful. nion>-<o. ,5 land '!t'|iindeut ; blotcbei* and; t * f JI sunken ere*, wrinkled face. (.<>: <f <.*V form and downout counlnaauca icviai lie blight of your esisUoco. IWECUR..WRICOCELE No matter how serious your cat* may be, or bow Ions; you may hnve hrwl it- o-ir NEW MKTUtJU' I a The Law's Peculiarities it. Tb "wormy reioi" return t*\,i condition ami hence tin i reeeir* |>ro|r iiouriih organ* become VSaaBgei, all drain* or lurtes CCBJO aad er* relurn. Ko tcmiwrnrv 1 onaoi Tha i.r benefit, but a permanent care *> ... HO CUKK. NO PAY. NO OI'CkA-l NKCtSSAUY. NO 1>K1KH FKOM BUSINESS. 1 CURES GUARANTEED I We treat and cur* HYPHItiS. OLKET, KMIS6IONS. TWI'uTKNCi.l PTRirrtlKK. VAKICOCKUt, SEMI NAL, U)B8fc<. lil.Al'hKH AND KII> , NKY dues***. CO N HULT ATI ON FREK. IKKJKS fKKE. CHARGES I MODKRATK. If unable to call, writ* | , for a un-STION BLANK t," f | lKEAf.Mr.M-. KENNEDYTkERGANl 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT. MICH. KAK Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in nrst-claaa atyle and at loweat rates. Special attention | given to copying. Babiea' photo*, jfe H a specialty. Picture* framed. , j MRS. BULHER t IPWWW'BMetTlfllrTIfWW'WMIr ii A W. Barn house Wiihea to draw the attention nf the buhlic tu the following : Fluur in bas* of all aiie* from both FORD'5 & PLEWI5* HILLS and as cheap a* the cheapest, alio .... FEED OF ALL KINDS at all times, *uch as bran, shorts, chop am) chopped corn, oaU l>ar ley (was and wheat. also Kruit* ami Confectionery, Urn- oerie* and provisions. UI>K and t '..on Mills, ItooU and Hhoe,rnada un shortest notice. Flour $3.60 to 94 80 j >y%r.yv%% >%>>.>>-*. The Orand Valley Star says :- The only cane tried at the sittings of the I Division Court here yev.erday wa* one of i much interest to those owning property nt-r a railway, It was an action brought by John A. Camphell against the Canad- ian Pacific Railway Cooi|>*ny to recover $26 damages for the loss of s quantity of oat* dottroyed hy rirn froin the smoke tack of a passing engine. The oat* weiei'anding in the chock in a field adjoining the railway when they were *et on lire hy Hparks from the engine alight- ing on OIIH or two of the ihocka. The wind wax high at tlie time, and before the fire could be oxlinguished a large nunitxT of shockes weru destroyed. The court held, however, that no express negligence Iwing shown either in the construction of the engine or the running or iintnagemelit of it, tho comp-iny w.-r<- lii.t liable, ai.d judgment of n n suit wa* rendered. Mr. .*. A. V. I'renton of < Ii.ui'l Valley put up a hwrd fight on the plaintifTs U-lialf, while Mr. D ntnon of Toiontii represented the C P R. We il. Mot suppoae thi* decision i-. any new C'liialruction of the IHW .n we are infoini cil i lint the imttiorit ii-x lay it down clearly hut it *eem* to Un to lie an in.snii.-t- in hu-h law is very much < fault A* a matter i >f fact a man nwy *e himself hurtled fut i.f house mid home before, In* eye* hy sparkx fr-.m u |oc<'intive aid un- less lie can prove >he locomotive waa de- fective in construction or waa negligent- ly operat'd he is absolutely with 'ill re- dress HO far a* any Maim on the company is concerned. Neli^encesuch s* is requir- ed c.ui iii many instances only ' < proved l>y the evidence of the employees of the company who stand to lo*e thoir place* if they admit any careleannea* on their part What chance is there of ftetinv at the fact* under auch condition* ? This may be law Sut it doe* i.ot net-in to us to be justice, and it i* about tun- the people of this country had some say in the making of the lawa which govern railway corpora- tions Our Dornoch n respondent informs us but IWiiiinck i* a foader in pst- lotism inasmuch as two of her brave roung sons are on their wy to South Africa with the Strathcnna Hone ccntin- grnl. Mr. Oo W. I/ediiuham, who eft here la*t wrk, i* also accompanied >y the stalwart young Da<i<i Buriteah, of rVest Bentmck. David spent the past 'our years in Biitish Columbia, and couldn't n-sist the temptation, when the opportunity came, to take his; life n his own hands and go forth to ighi in the cauae ( righteousneaa and iberty. We wisi them both a aafe re- turn untouched by the weapons of the enemy ChrotiicU. McClure'i Magazine for April will con- tamanarticle hy William Barclay Parsons, heif engineer of the American China IV velopmuut CoDipany, living the result of His recent commercial eiploraMon* in the . moat secluded parts of China and show ig what an immense market China ofrerf. American farmers, manufacturer*, and I niTchantx. The article, will be fully ttl- usirated from photographs lakeu by the author on hi* journeys. Clubbing List Advance and Montreal Star $1 HO Weekly Mail A Empire 1.76 Weekly Globe 1.65 Daily World 3.00 Daily New* 1.80 THIN' THE FLESHERTON Qmforivm Is ilif place to bay your Dlnkets Robes, Mitts, KurcinRlcs.Hugs wool Rubber and Oiled ; Whips and laslies Currycombs ami braslien, t*naps SIK Mils, Halters all styles and sixes Sleigh IM-HM of i-M'iy description 8weatpmds, Collar pads, Housin^i Now is tbe time to buy jour ll&i ness In- d' iv tin- price uilvHiu-i-H. W make all styles with the best inatem at the lowest possible living prices. Wm. Moore FLfSHEHTON. Lots of people nave thin hair. Per- haps their parents had thin hair; per- haps their children have thin hair. But this does not make it necessary for them to have thin The Markets. Carefnllr Corrected Enrh Wrrk Wheat, white Wheat, red OaU Pea. HAIR Butter Ktfgs fresh Pork Potatoes baa; Wool (Chickens I Ducks | Turkey* perlb ! (Jeese per Ib Flour Hides.. 60 to 60 to 26 to 60 to 30 to 22 '.o 12 :o 60 to 36 -.o 13 to 26 to 30 to 9 to 5 to $3 00 to 8 C.V ficr 36 32 12 2&- 40 IB 36 40 r 80 60 for* Sale AOENTS:-CanaHians won't be hood- winkrtl. Oppoaition book* completely innwed uiiil.T. Our mammoth Two- Volume work on " H'u-r llritnh War" and genuine " Lifo of Mo<x)y" awrep- inn everything from their path. Send your HdiVM and get outfit <|uick. I.I N SC( iTT Publiahing Conpitny, Toronto. Notice to Creditors In Ike matter of the I itatr ol Wllllem Arvhl bald Wood. 1*1* of the Towntklp of Art- mon la the Conaty ot Ur*y, Paieiii. Deceated Notlra ! herabv (liven, purvtiant to *be Be- vttiHl Htaintae nf Ontario, 1SBT, i-haptnr !>. that all creditors and othen aavln claim* uainit theentateof tlioealil William Archibald wood, who died on or about tbe ninth dav of April, I WO. are required, on or before the 90th dav of April, 1UOU, to *end bv not prepaid or deliver t Hesr, Lnraii. Wilgtit A Hataon nf the town cf cwen Hound. lolicltoi far Jolintton L Woo.l. tha>lmlnUOator otlhe eatata of th* aid deceased, their chriillan and aurname* a'ldreaee* and dearrlptlona, the full particular of their claimi, the it au<niant of their aocounti and Hie natnr* of the aacorltia*. if aoy. held br them. And further take uoWce that after inch laat mentioned date wie laid atlmlnittrator will pronaed to dietribut* the aenetaof tlie deceaae<! amonv th* partle* entitled thereto, havlni reiiardonly lo tbe claims of which he shall then have nntloe, and that the saidadmtnlslr* tor will not be liable for th* ald aaaet* or *ny part tk*r*of lo any peraon or paraona of who** claim notice shaU not have been teoetved by him at the Mm* of tuch distribution. Dated thin 19th day of March. 1900. LUOAH, WTUOHT A HATBON. Owen Bouud, (Int.. Hollcltors for Administrator 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCB COPVHIGMT3 0\C. Anyone sending a sketch and rteerrlptbwi may qnkklf .wi-oriai'i cur UIHIIII.II free whether an Invention Is prohahlr pnlenuiMe. Communl^a' linns sirlrtlyn.nAdeiillaL llandbookun I'uleuu srnl i ... OliUnt aaenrr for mmirln*- |.ai >-m. r,i,.i,. taken tbroiwh Munn ft (.'.>. rewlv* Iftctat ttatut, wllhoul chary*. In th* Scientific America.! A n.'....ii -IT I!lns4r*t*<1 weekly. I ret dr- rulatli.a of art ftrtentldc k.nrual. Ter*is. (J a i*ar four mnneis. L BOM by all neweOwiler*. !sassS - > t ^ v^sV' makes the hair healthy ond vigorous; makes it grow thick and loflft It cures dan- druff clso. It always restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color of early life. There is no longer need of your looking old be- fore your time. Lot 1*0- H7, Ton. 3 N. T. and S. R , 100 | an acrra cleared, balance hardwood. Good i fraiiKhciUM and barn. !J milai frou Ht-fber i ton. . AUo.lGacree with good fmni* barn. 18 acre* ! uiili'r cultivation 10 acr> hardwood buib and | balance rough and Well watered i W. A. ARMSTRONG. i PltMherton Jan 15, 1900. II. 00 a battle. All trugf tot*. for restoring- col elarn Ay*V> Hair J. B. Sloan & Son P ro p r> i e t o i-s C-af UET YtK'it -^ Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, Newel Posts, B.Jisters r "As a remedy for restoring- color to th* bair 1 bell Vl)for ba* no equal. 1 ha* atwan (Iveo BM pertett aattaractioa la eery way. < Mr. A l(.TmiL, . . Aof. U, ISM. Uanimoodiport,H.T. will *ew4 TO a kook *a The Ralr u>4 Scalp free, upon r **,**!. If ve<i so not obtain all ihf beoeAts Vi* ipwi4 from taa ea* at U> l*ot writ* tbe IXwtor sboal H. Xsilisei Da. J.C.ATU. Lxiwall. aUes. Hand Railing, Corner I locks, the best of Spruce- Lath.No. i and 2 Shingle* Veranda and ^Hungry Sidings, etc. Toning if all lio.s DOBS to drier Sew nin of Ktoiea for Chopping. liti*f action in all our line* New Having pur runted the truiorial bui- ie from Mr I.H ;*nl I wuh t> aniioimci hat tlie bnainms wiM be cimtinued in he ,'l.l | reini-.' s. We have had a laigw i' v xperienc>) and lieliere wo can give pei feet aatiiifaction in our line. Have taken over the agency for Roston Laundry A?* Par**, ' - Wor+j Xii'l all orders left with oa will receive (T'Miu i nd oareful attention. a>t lu South Amen .Two volum.. rir*cc.n- tainn cumplmr hiaturv uf cu*try nd war to date; tells about our contin- gent, KI mi; name* of i. lucent and men. Second volume to be publilit%d when war iovur (>nly Cmmtlian manuftcr. urf>d book. Everybody cancel* tli--ir order for American book* whoti aceinif I'li'i. If a hustler, tin* is your ^1J mine. Pro<|M*ctu* fiee. BRAUIEY-GARRETSON Co , Limited, UKAXTroRn. ONT, Ska?iD; F.rlors A. \Vilson . . Prop. BOAR for SERVICE The rr*ileitl Tamworth Boar i-n'.iT LAW DAN tor lento ai Port Law t'crtidcat* cau be aeei. by applvii i to nwnei. j- U. D. McTavish FLESHEKTON KEEPS ON HAND /.-Sf=r>fisj/=jj I REPAIRS... K -r Massey- Harris, Noxon, Flenry snd Wilkin*on faiui mi| lenen's leury and Verity plows on hand all tbe time also all kind* o repair* Fr the sain*. W* manufacture Wagon*. Buggies, Cutters, Sleiuh*, etc. , ll'ineihoeinf romptly attended to. Special attention to tender ccu- i-k-titd foet. Ajo'ging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. **-*e*eeeeaee*ee*eeeeeeeeeeeseeeseeeeeseeeeeeeee*-eeeeeeee*eeeeee'^ II ft !:ttMt?*J*I?! I!!?!?******!*?* !!"*:?**: i?*****!*?????!!' f ,^J FOR GOOD : 1 Sleighs and I Cutters. i:: Go to John H. Heaul & Son, who have jj number of Sleighs and Cutters on hand ready to - ::: run. Also two cows and a number of Plymouth " ^| g Cockerels for sale. : J. H. Heard & Son TBUTH BEFORE FAVOB." - PBINCIPLEb MOT MEN. VOL. HI, NO 977 Flestiertcm, Ont. t Thursday, Marcin 29 1QOO W. H THU8STOR, McFVLud ft Ricfairds Dundalk Orey County'* Jflcfiarland Mchrland, Gray ft cfeA 5tor Toronto 30 CASE5 AND BALES Of Foreign Dry Oooda in Vwinc rvuuied through the cuatomn and will he here for y"ur irwpwction thin week. TV ronin/riment rep- rM>nU the cream of the hizj!**' wholmvile ron--?rn!i in Kn-iland. Hermanv an.l France and i our Siiniewt importation th'iafr Weve maile extra preparation for thin fiwon'ii trade. WVve (fathered the Sent anl rnont fashionable in every line, and though pric** haw a.lvxnced we hout wirlv. and you'll not p any hiith-r this aeaa- im thn Uvtt if you buy here. Lead o ,, r ^,,,r.-i"n wlS|*wSaaW*>SS II...T.. .!-" m-'l "f <'- n" of th m ,>k.t n,,r /- apiUI enable* ne to takeaaanta o- it Dress Stuffs Not all here yet but enough to give early ' iiv.-n. . <.1 selection and let you have a forecast of the eorrect fabric* tor r.nns New Rnrina Prini- *gain we pLtC 1 * before our "latnmi'rn a cora- SEROES All wool en?>, heayy w^i >ht. wide twill, will m*ke capi- ral Hkirta. in black or ru\TV. a reeu- Ur 0c cloth. woi*l price c 40 inch all-wool Granit" Tloth for .Ir^wwa or nkirtu >et dye.1 eoK ma.leoflon *utniluvn wool, all colors and black -* HOMKSPl'NS -42-inch all wool Romeaimna in thi M<w"n'i new- Mt eolorinifa including srey*. fawns, green*. ** the ^'W^ kind of ralne. per yard *)c 52 to .W homenrmna for hirta.iiuit. etc. , in plain or two tone weave* or handsome pUid* und over 1-hi-ckn. The are thorouhly hmnk and will lnnt nlmmt a life- time, per yd . $1.26 nd. .1.50 Covert* and Tw*<l Suiting* - Ml wool Tweed 8uitin.heav weight. for jacket* and nkirfat in pretty grey and fawn mixture, npecinl or yard "^ 43 to 56 inch CoT.rt Tlotha for titilor-made auita, in the newest nhadna of brown, fawn. givn. khaVi. etc., pr yd. WV. 79c. <*" 1.95 ll-W BROADCLOTHS 44 inch all wiv.l Broadcloth, rn newent ah*xlo, auitable for tailor-made HitiU. pr yd., ap-cial 67c. 75c, 1. II 2^ * M 62 to 56 inch Check Tweed nuitinga. newt color combination and black and white, for iwpurnt* irt or tailor made *uit, 11.25 4 II 80 ,,... ^ ^rnm'"" h*>t Kng- lih Print* ''ffn-n's" PrinU are ackniwteil "H? MfTywhor* tft be the h < nia^ . f->m'< * wear , M.r^e.-tmn nf il Hi'rvi an>J 'a*t color, .,i..tvl"l i>rtm> i nt iu*t now for Wraprvr*. Blouae* and house dr * nd no Vtctter tim^ to buy than ti'>w whtVstiwkssremynplete. TVnm" Print* ar wide an<1 oft, fr^*> from nrHs*tn( snd are the nest ra'nes made, in dark or light col- lor. .wr vd 10r and 12k MFN'R SPRIVi; HATS The n--wr-f h*t>^ and stvlmi an a mat tr o* nm^w* will h fen. Every new *hsrw> in r"i>reent-d in our r. wk wbif h ajMtire* every on* a rwrfpr ttinr hat and one most he^"nin to hi face. With every irrwKl hat we prwu'nr mil cuwtomers with a union* hat hmh. S> vou fret nn Priest S&" to $2 25 Men'* Hothina to order W take pe,-i.-tilar uride in our ordered > c'nthino; dnt We've all the new- ' rat sv' -iitinj. trousering* and , oT"tvoating in Tweeds. Worls and WhiivHrd*j We're making . units to order now of cloths of iruar- anted iwalirr. heat trimmine* 1 and lining and bent workmanship at from I10.0O to $18 00 MoKARLAND CO. Advance Orateful Wemembrsnc* PhiUippiaii* 1 : 3-11 In affection tempi* i Thuu IMWWW an honored place i Kindly arc your word* repeated ; oft we leem M eoa your face. When la morning bMrniii| (plendor. Nature it lurvaaiini fair, Then with iiluaxiinM warm ana Under W* remember you In prayer. When 'he mid-day ran i* ihlalnn In the cloudlne* iky above. Rouuej v> 11 Dame hi* beam* eoinbining Seem to form a wraath of !*. When the evenlnf uadowe iteallnf Tell of aweot content and reet, We bafor* bte preirncn ka*alli>( for you our baaru rtqueat. n. Than we think of tbue* fair In 'he > xara of long ao. When wt> learned from man* To luiiro aud love you *o. Luiht and help we are cbtajninf Prom the bulpful ihina^ vooaay: Preciou* truth* vou arc *iplait'iu( ID a moat *uM**!i>a way. While your Influence i* Rrowlnn And iren honors crown yoar brow, Comfort may you nod in knowiuc That your frleo4i aJI tbmk of yo-i ColburneUut. 19UO T. Wataon. Vandeleur. Wii.<I bee are too numeruu* to nien- ! tu n. Mm. lieo. Warlini relurti.'il Lome on Saturday after a two weekn' visit with fririuN at W i irt .n Mr K. U. Verity <f Hujhotu K-ot I'.i., in VIHIIIIU hi* Bruihrr \V'al*--r. at Mr Win. Buuhnnan'i. Mr. Em--*t Buchanan left n Tue1ay if laxt wek for Maiiitolxt lo eck hi* fur- tune, Mr. and Mm. Pritchard ttnve * t-tfy paity to a number <>f fiiindn <<n Fruity I eveiiimr lant. Mr. H. J. Wurlmn of Maxwell vimled frtenil* hem rvctfiitly. Mrs. W. Tiiiimiiid*, from (7leoe)lt(. \ viHi'p.l her father Mr. John \Vjrlu g, laat ! week. Mr and Mr*. S. Gilbert upent Sui.Uay . witli friaiid* in PricevillM. The Ud e. Aid of lite Muthodmt 1 church here held two very ucc**ful ! uncial* recently, one at Mr. Go Warl- ing's and on*) at Mr. .!<*. Buchanan 'a, rba I proceed* uf both notials aniouiitinic t $1800. Mrs. A. Danlop and Cothbert Soniers leave thi* week for Hramplon fur the | aummer We are glad to nee that Mit* Annie t Sonmiflis. who haa bae ill forr>me lime, m able t<i be abuut again. MarkdaU FltSEEBTII HIIITIIE IrVAREROOMS ! We arec*rryin< neweitt atyle of SEASONABLE GOODS In all line* of Merchants Bank Of CANADA Capital paid up Rest Hiu> OrncB . . . S6.OOO.OOO ... atUMTKKAL Cutninting of Cintr* nd Curtain - Which we offer wt - Lowest Prices Picture framing and General Repairing Undertaking in all its Bntnche* Satisfaction Guaranteed W H. BUNT, V*t*MMafTO*t FLBMUTwH \lvintou.0ut. Ballevlll*. Barlin. Hramy-ton Oriaslev, CViathsm. HOARD OF DIRKCTOB9 A,HDIW ,UL>. Keq Preslilent HICTOH M . Ksq. VIce-F .reidrut Jonathan H.MiK*u. K*) Ja'iiea F Davis Eaq JohnC*ile. Keq Bobrt Maclajr. K<| H Montagu Allen, Ksq Tbn* Lout;, Kq (leere/s llaaTM*. - It^naral .Manaifer Taa* Fyalsa. - Joiot Un. Maoatier B F. HeMen. - Supt of Rranb* 11 >i raiu -<i) n runic, l^raiiiiuntou, Ou.-hoc. I.'.n.l.iu [Ont Benfew Mark.lala. 8b*rbrooke.Ou Montreal. ShawvlU-, Mot. treat No Stratford WHO mcatha- *tt .lobn's, Ooe rlneffcrawt. .HtJorouie, Qu* Mitcbell. HtThoinaa Napanee Tilbury Out Ottawa Toruuto. Oakille.Ol Walkarton. rwn Hound, Wiii.Uur Out. Tark.lale Watford, Prenoott Fre^inn.Ont lUiAMl'UKfl is V4HrroJIA Wioni|ee;. Neepawa, llrandon. Sotirts. Puriace L* Prairie Edmonton. Alia Modloloo Hat. Aisla. 4 Oanera.) Mankinv Huslnea* T'an'aotart. later**! n Ur|.,iti curr ant Hate*, Karmr. Nolnijacoiii turt. Karuiers ' Note Coltefted. rVom Ovr '>; Our crU*ra auflkred defeat on thuir own mix by the Omi Sound club on Turlay, 2"th, to-the tune of 15 *hot*. I Wake up, boy*. Dfl aaye y.'ur r|>. Mr Q.. in' ..... if Hwaihcote lias opened a tin* sho|. in town. We can now b<>a*t of three tduMtahopa The *.>cial given by the Ladivft Aid in the uiane on the'JK was a xuccett*. both ancially and Kn.innia Iv. A friendly game uf hockey wn* played n the pnk here on Thureday )ai>t be tveen Mada!e and Dundalk, which w , wn hy the hrnne team. Score 7 Co - The'choir of the Pieabytenan church wer very huapittbly ent-rainl at the home of Mr and Mr*. John Law*.n ou Friday evoning, a ycun-.' couple of ntyr- l-; wmth, who have one of the coiei I oii.-n in t-'wn. <1 "tr worst wwh H that they may Iivu lotig ru enjoy iU confo ts. Kev. Buchanan preached lo tbe Sun day school chihlren on Sunday ntorrung ' U" Friday a* Mr. D. Hinoks aad 8. Blakeali<n were hauling an elm log thro?fh Mr. N McKecnme'i field the ileigh and denly cut off the road aod the loi< rolled corapleiely over, the aleigh occupying a pooitiou aloug the top of the log with the ruunen upward. Mr. Robert Reily has commenced buai- ne< on hie own account in Nelson, B C. We wiah our former towruma* abundant succeae in hi* undertaking. We are pleated to learn that Mr. Alex. White, who ha* been seriously ill, i* now n a fair way to recovery. We truat that le will axon be around again. Rev. J. Ward of Flwhertun will occv- the pulpit of the MethodUt church, Sunday Rev. J. S. Humphreys will reach ill Fleiherton. A number of our young men are prepar- n\f tu leave fur other pans of the prov- nce for the summer nioutha. Mr. Huith McPherson had a wood bee axt Friday. In the evening the ynung moult; participated in trippmic the frntaa- ic toe. Mr. Richard Paralow uf Swinton Park a the guuet of hia son in law, W. J. ilakesron, thi* week. Mr, Richard Waiters of Tnnnto IH vis- tinv at hia parental huma this week. Mr K. J. Humphrey* returned from uelph laat Monday, where hu haa been viniting fnend* f >r sunix Mine. Born -On Monday, March 19. to Mr. and Mra John Williamson, a *on. I'r.Mon >i a; i..u From Our Own Mias Luttie Freeman who has been ill, ha* returned home from Owen S. nnd wh*r *he has tMvn attrndniK the ColUg' iat* Institute. w* Mr (J..r H e Allen, wh'i ha* been C. P.R. agent here for .mn tint', h< seuurmi a ponition atWroieter: Mr. Allen will be much nnw. d. The Sunday School of which he ha* ben t mpermtendent, pre- aenled him with an addrees and a book of Praine Mine Addie Allen, wh< haa been recruit- in,; in Toronto, owing to her ill health, ha* returned home. Mr. J.el Wurtn .( Huttooville, is the Kueiit ol hw anna here. A number of our yo-jng flk took in th* entertainment in Dundalk on Friday j evening They report a very pleasant tune Mm. Sargeant of Markdale village was the gueiit of Ur. Wurta for a few day* la*t week. Sacraiueiit was adnnnistvrvd in the church here on Sunday eveninv, last. Nine new member* were united with the church 'our by certificate and dm u prtifcaaiou ot faith. Jewel I e r y %* * / 1t/ftr* Omtmriu My *tck of warche*) gold and tilver ha* never been equalled in Una aection at loaet. My other line* arr all in propor- tion. Have juat put in *tock an im- inauee quantity of mlverware. jewellery and gem ringa at a luw rate on the dnllar, and these tbinifn muat be sold. Yuu liave an opportunity m>w tuch aa you may never have *ain tu purchaaw them) uood* at .in iceuini{ly low pncc. Come in and look over my thintn wheth- er ready to purchaae or not. You will then know where to place your ordur when you require them. W. A. Armatrong, JC-VCLCR AND OPTICIAN. FLESHERTON. AGENTS: The la*n year tif the century handle our "Ninteemh Century" twok. Deacnbea all the treat battlr*. ureaa men, ureat invi-ntion* and diacoveieav, protrrva* of nation*. Full *r*uiit of 'lie Drvyfua trial, hj*u ry of Siuth Af- rica to date, war with Spain, and every gieat event of 'he century. Big hook, .->l illuHtratt-il. Snap fi>r huatlera. BRADLEY O A RRBTSON Co.. Limited, Branifiird tiik-f m.i. Omit n*noqa* 'anover mil-oil Reapeier, bige..iir STrakanlinr, and there waa a young men's service the evening. Rov. J. Hunter preached a R|<ecia) ermoD "n Sunday evetimtf. 'he. *urijec' being "The sphere aod influence of woman Mr and Mrs. C. W. RutMga re in Toront-. thi* week delvnte to the QranH e'ouncil of Ch"n Friend*. The children of the Me'h.Mlist Sab'.n-h chiK.I were taken for a drive on Saturday lat. They dn-ye to Fl- wnerton anl re port having had a (rnrgwoua tisne. tho Our Cicu Tlie Chriatian Kndeavor tuciety of PretbyteriHa church, FlenhaTton, cain^ out oa Wednesday uvwninn laet to vicit tho Euiienia eociety. The r.....i were badly drifted and the party had a ai.rry aluntf, but cordial reoeptiun xitwd ttu'in when they arrived hem. nd a very piwanl time waa ipviit. Unfortunately tho lut>l toads prevented a gri-ai many of ihf Eugenia people from itu preaent t<> Wflcouo ihniu. Master Willie H..y liaa been very ill the paat week. MIM Florence Pi nnrtl uf CllinwiH>d m viaitihK her sittir. Mm. Chaa. HppH. Mr !>> i.! Smith ha )>rn very ill lor the paat two wcvka wirli inAaniinati(.in of start /rom ' Mir Own Corntpimjtttt. The caw, caw, of the crows mak- uav Onnk of approaching apniitf. The fongregai ion "f tnia church enjoy- ed a rare treat laat Sunday by hcving the pleaaore of livtening tn an i|->|uent in aaitxiary addree* by Rev. E. K. Y u IB B. A., "f Top>nU>. When theculkM;(n hare bnuhed th<-ir work the miaaionary Kivinva will be ir> advance of laat year. Mr H N. Hutoheeon.WinKham.viBited hi* nriither n-cenlly. Mr. iieo. Hutcheaou u miffohnz fmm an attack of crysipelaa, Wr htipe wwin to hrar uf his recovery. Mr. and Mr*. O Ludlow arrived h' me tw > work* m after having per>t a few d*y of thuir honey-aioon rnp with frit-nde) in other plaee*. Their many fnranln eitend conuraUlaiiuna. alia* IW-ll uf Dnndalk viaitvd Mia* Jennie Gott recently. Mr*. M. Niclvlli has returned honMt arW peniiinK a weak with Dundallr fr-vnd*. The Epworuh League ha* been re or- ganized ith Mr. Dowdl a* Fnwident. Mr (J Uutchrnoii Viee-Pree,, Mi** H. (iallauhur Sts.-., Mia* May Graham Urgaji- i*t. wftawl tho the with Kneet ev , r W. \. IH'KUOWS Maaairar Boitf iof Sc From Our Own t'o.raspo.ifl r saw; mill hasn't pr.''ii'.<i such a -UK a*p*H't as it itovs at prea a year, the yjrd in piled th of which are > Priceville One elw wa pu M in hy Mr. SidiifV H!*keMt..n *-' week whijh nn-asured 41 inches acrm* th- niallrnd. The tree tirew on Mr. Huh Wallers' f-rm A cutter load and two sleiifh loads of young folks from this hutv attended a the lunic. Hv ju<t *lH>ut tn for BineriKin. Manit..l>a, wlirn tak At present he is *.iuewhat htier. Mrser*. Wallscv (irahain. Smith and Fred Jrtfries all left here p.mi week tu Iry their fottunes n. Ni.rlhwrt. Mr*. P. Muimhaw, who hiw been viit inn friends in ;he city for Mne tim jia-t, has rrturned limne s>.inwhat nu Uliitixl ill hra til Mr-. F. T. Can- l-f a wet-k a?o for an extended vinit with her daovhtem *t To- ronto and I'lnrt-n nut. and frieinln t B4ilK-vil e and other p nits Our cluKil chi ilrt-n onlebrated the re- lief ..f Lmlyviiiili in right royal atyle, n inarvhiug with flying colon thrt>uxh the ",""'f ^ ipiincipul Htreets of the town aod Hiving ' uuuiitakablu evidenee of their patriot- ism by repi*atd volley* of rnuainic cheers From Our ">irn Mr M. PertcuaoD U viaitiog friend* la Ckwawta* Mnt. John U^nthem and family loft o*t Monday for their New home in York Stati . Mr*. Benthem wiH be mm h mie.| hy her tunny frieiida, who wiali her every ^urcou in her new home. Mm. Oeo. M-tvhell. who haa bruit vintmg fjii-niin here for the paat two w.-a, reiuriM^i to her av>we in BntTalk* Monday. Mr. W,!*,n. Mr. Hnt..n. Mia* M Wilson. Mian Millie and Mra. Balt:e f Creemore. spent a few day* ad Mr. W. McM il-en Ivrt wet-k. Mr. Ja. Legate left >ur Othawa M-nday. Mr and Mr*. O. Kl>iaii are yuitin*} fiiendat in Uirne. Meaaers. O. and A. WluUakr left f.f Michigan n Tuvaday. The Patriotic Cowwrt whih will rw in UK- tcliool hvuftu on T'-iinday vvn ing, proiniM* to be one ol the i.ruat > - uf the no**uu. The iiii'l yanls ant hiii| nlockvd with the nf *awlot{* as never beforw io the history <>f the town. Mr. Diiekett one day the pant wek cut down a larve tress in his boek in which he found a .(uantry of hooey snd Tho aharge ol aaandi-r preferred bf A C. Philp of B*ndo gainst Sir CharUsl Tb. la. horo.hV.d Bwr^lr..*., yung FOI.S r ' a 6ne swarm of r^,, which be ur^ in Tup**-' - ^ P'^l' '' J lh :n,..-~^-~i-u*.. J-*J ' ttXK^^g*&Z .ntveand ,ot them home where they * ^*~* W ,ou^l f- art doing nicely. Charles. . . ., ArtenieaU T.rms 1 st time ol wrvU. P*di- Mr. M. Neithereui, while ulnnMni? in- to the un' w m his Darn 'ant week, fe-l and nevrrly injured omifclf. Wln-n found he W*JH IVIIIK in the yanl. He Unit >f th* aect>t*xit, caoe|>i hVu I he) mu . H i hip waa wverwly brwised and as slso m MirTennK (MSS a ad cw ui the N. ail. At urfsent he is oouaW**! h ais kwd Dun fall *>ir I