Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Mar 1900, p. 5

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1900 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE CULLOUtiH A TOUNO Haink.n. Mart Ooa *B*r*l vaukiB* bBtlnoo*. Mo*oy looao* w* a r***oo*t>l* rat*. Call ou o. At VANDl'BEN. i T Ul.rk Kb Dlv Court. C* Or.y Bar ot Mam*** I.IC.K.M. CUDT*.- ftttij rblle Auctloneor. MoBoy to !* wa a| por e.nt Cliars*. no4*rat*. ' DMHTS IMIJ.( TKL TH. UBd.r.lf**S U pi.rar.d * _a*rtak. th. eolloclioool all kiad. of d.bti boajbt, aeoount. oollo*t*il, at*. M BBKDBKBOM. ru.L.rto* TCHI8L1TT riMhorton SUIloB rootraMt*r CeamlulMor IB H C 1. CoF- r Doodl. ui<>rmoo>. !' *d will* nmu. Mono) to loort ot H *r Mot d .p- DobU eolbMtod. CbMf o. modor.lo B 1 ftPHOULB Bk PootmMUr, KIobortoB erainlionor In H.C.J., Alonoor *o T ono.r. Apprcloor ad Moooy -' R<tto COB i I lasuroooo Afont Dit Oorto>. !... iH wllU r.tully E.n I .olunloDi mBdo on .hortoi' nrtleo. oy to lota t lawott rkto* of lutoretl. Col l> .j. ktMii.lod to with promplBooo r< low. Aml for Oeon Domloloo Compaay. A a*JI oolioltod. K & K - K & K K & !NERVOUS,WEAK,| DISEASED MEN. I NO CURE- NO PAY j THKNlWMETIIpDTHKATMINT.I J.niD*4 wttb l>n. k * R.. will Mat. I u .i > t*" f ort T.r aay fona of Blood or I I R.iual duo*** It ii fko r**u't of Ml I nan' *iirime* la ta* lnaua*Bt of | I WE' CURE SYPHILIS :mi AO V W moatioTory But iort tblrd Monday ID oMb muotb, ID .n^ir lortgn room. Chrltoo'i block. Plnrton. at 8 p m. A.N r I UW AM OlbooD, Kieotoor; W. y KlnBOol.r. Vintlaf brotbroa luTltod PEINCB AHTHTK U)D(JB. No JM. * . A U. moot! ID tbo Monio bll. Htrun i lock Kloobortoa, oory Prld> wo or bfor tbo full moon. J A Boyd W M ; VV J COUKT FLKHHBBTO!*. I. O f. ooU In Olirittoo'i Mliwk tho lMFrii1> o**niu OA-'I month. VHItiof Krtor. b.r- ll S.lc.,,,,. c.K. H. R. Uyo; H.B. F. V.p. a oou J HUB, DOS. I. D8 ooor (it'lut Torouto fmvorilty nd Koycl Collw- ul L>oalo.l HurijouDi. Vi.il. tho MeCulU H-'uo*. Dand* k oTory rrldoy fn U.M.II Inttoad of riMb*rteo DR. R C. MURRAY. 1: D. H* doaul ULirKoom; hunor rilu*4 f Toronto UalroriKy nd Rnval CollMB of Omtal Njrir*oni nf Outno OflJ.-f I'lBytan'o bloek. Klohrton Will Tklt rovrr.!im III* IcMl Wodu..<lyi of .>. month, tad liui.iUlk 1 oud it Tbur*do,y In oorh inontli Tb Urrlbl* lilood 1'olo.B, II . . I of loaaklcd. yi.lu. nadilf to off V, TRIiAlMKN-1. ll.-.r. of M.rcury. I , fNna.b. ate. TWvaW7ralayo*r>rtitui. I IH fotifcav* an** la tb. ntnuUi or toofu.. I I paini U lh ioiott. Kir* tbroat. hair *t| I eyebrow* faJliiif out. pinploior olotch.i. I lataamaea oVraactaunt . Kr. *y**, b**a-| I Mb**. n . you bar. tb. .< u.lar T auaw I lof tbl. Blood r,u*n. W. ullclt th.l IB, ..I otwtlMt. r*w. and eball.Bf. th.l I world lur a MM w. aceopt for treatment I I and rannrt ara. By our trwtnMl th. I Um Wai, th. hair (row! M.H' pain; I dwafpear, tW ikm boenm*. boalthy. and | I Biairiai* l> iibl. and aaf*. I CURES GUARANTEED | Tbonaaadiof y.*D( and mi, . I BMB bar* their ? ,,r and yltality aMpa*) I by Mrly aburn. laier MOOWM. BMOlai I worry. *lc. No natur tb. ea***, our| N.w M*tbo<i Trwta>.nt U tb* rcfu**. WCCUREIMPOTENCYI I And rwtor* all aartl to a aomal Modi- 1 I linn. A uii.uiun. hi* and *i,i!ry ar* IB- I I **w*d. and OB* foU hnnwlf a man I nna m*n. Kvtry eu* to troat.d indi. dually DO *r**ll bone* ottr woodw- I ful auoooM. No mattor what aili yoa, IcoBoalt u. eoofldoBtlally. W* oca fur- I ni.h bank bondi to cuarautv* to aoruiB- I pliah wbat w* elaiav. 250,000 CURED W* tr**t and cur. EMISSIONS. .VARICIM-KLK. BYl'HIUrt, i.l.l-.r. I. 1 HTHICTI KK. <MP<rKNCY SKCKBT lURAIN^ INNATVRAL DfSCHAIU*- >. KU>NKYandBLApDKUl)i*ij COStfl l.TATMX FHKK. BOOKS | lorKSTioN "BLANK ""far " H0li"i | TEKATMBNT. IEDY^KERGAN Cor. Hlehlgii An. and Shelby St. DCTRO . MICH. K&K K&K J. W. rKOBT. I. L. H. llarrlitor. Molloltor Coavoy*B**r. *t* OfBoo-Noxt to I'ortomeo. Bproulo'" blook' rioobii'on. oor> Thurtda *nd ooorl do H H -Owen H.mnd odloo. Fimt 1 block Poulotl itroot ot. Photos * 1 LUCAS. WKIIIHT * BATWOK HarrUtoro Holloltoro routrjioowro. ol UffloM-Owxn Huuiiil.Ont and Markaalo O*. W H Watam. c A HT*O 1 B LCCM N II rlo.borton *fflco, MltoboUi Buk every Matur<t*v. rCKKK * 1'ATTKMtON Harriat.r*. Hollaltoro, .t. Wolaon'i Bank, Owon Wound HAHRY O TUUKKk OBO W . MACKAV * SAMPSON. Itarrl.tori Ao. OKKii:r.H I--OWOB Hcun, MaMbant I ak block, N. ii I'attorto* llouoo. Daodalk, Mali, Htiuoi, *vory Hklurnay A.O. M^CKA V. MA, H.B tIAMPaOII. L.L.D.. Crowa Attoraoy for Or*y. TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery re done in finl-eltu nyie and at low**! rtrn. Si < ml ttntion liven to copying. Rabie*' photo*. M a (pcoialty. ricturv* frmed. UMRS. BULHBR irw^ W. Barn house Wi*h>** to ilntw < li> attention of th* buMie to th* following : flour in haf i of all HIM from both PORD'5 & PLEWI5' fllLLS Experlm.ntaJ Union Field Teats For 1900. The mcmben of the Ontario Agricult- ural and KiprrimentaJ Untui are pteeAvJ to atale that fur 1900 the* am gain prepared to dtetribnte into everj tow n- Inii of Ontario material for xperimenta with feitiliier*, fodder crop*, rooi*, grain*, gtaew*, and cloven. Thw jratem of eo-operative *i(>ert- uiruUl Work in Kriruhore we* iUrt*d in 18M with 60 plota, wkicb were on ut rd on twelve different farm* in Ontario. Hinco that date, b/wef*r, tk w.k hn increaecd from jrrar to year, and in 18W tber* w*rc I'J.OiiT. plot*, wt.i.-li w*re ituated on 3,486 farm* throughout Ontmiio. Liit of Eiporiment* fur 1900. 1. Tur*e varietir* of i* 2. Three var.etie* of Mj.rowd Barley. 3. Twovaiie teeof H !!-* Barley. 4. Tbfee variwtie* of Hprtnu Wfceat. 6. Three larUtim of Buckwheat. a. Three tanetiee of Fivld l'-. 7. Two varietia uf lKn(-prtKJ< Firld Pea*. 6. Three rarieti** of Soy r .lapanete MB*. 9. Tlirn- vanrtif* of Huaking Coin. 10. Thf* vanetie* of Maii|t>lv 11. Two varietimof 8u^ar Bt f,or aiock feeding. 1U. Three varietiee, of 8wedi*h Turu- ip*. l:V Twovaiwtii-Bof Fall Turnip*. 14. Thw tarittiea of canyU. 15. Three vri-.i* of f.iltW or Bilag* Com. 16. Three varietie* of Millet. 17. Thtve combination* of *!rain for fodder. 18. Grart Pe and t*o varietie* of Vtchfi. 19. Dwarf Eaei Rpe and lwi> ariet- le* of Kalr. 80. Three varieties of Clover 21. Sainfoin, Lucerne,.aod Maniinoth K. .1 Cli>v*r. Ji. Kive vartrti-8 ofgra**. 23 Tliree vafivtio* of lield B)n. 24 Tlire* -antie* of Sweaf Corn. 25 Four frrtiliitr* and no fwtilizer with Coru. 2. Four f. rtiliicr* and no fertiliit-r with ma:iiii>ldn. 27 8"Wiiii( jie at four different itatee todotmninethe injury done bjr the pea K (Urucliiw pii). 28. Plain IIIK Potatoen the aame thky and flv*d*y after being cot. 29. Planting Out PnhrViea which Mte and which hae not bean oted over witli land planter. : IManting Corn in ruwa and in MMMTw*. Material for either No. 25 eipninent or No. 2(5 experiment will be aent 17 IMB. mid foreach of th* oUici it will ! forwaided by mail. Each prraen in Oulario who wn-lu-n to roiidut-i and ciprrimetit Mul ta villiiiK to ni>e Knwt rar* and vseuracy in the work and i r IK, it th* reaulU of th- test a* KM* a* pneaible alter harvett, ahonld oelert tin- .-lact esperiuient d*irod and apply f r tbe mine at an early date. The mat erial will Iw forwaided in the ordur in which the application* are received until tbe limned upi l> l elhauaed. U might lie well f.,r each applicant t niak a eec i,4 choice for fear the brat could nut be M. M C P * Ont, Frleeville Offlo* uott door |o ItroWB'o *tro ; roeidooco OPUMit'at tli. ,.lil-l ooo. ro.lrto.ieo of lato iKkllrowo . Offld* daya- I'uooday. and Hatur- day*. __ t Phy .|.|. n . lanooa. 0*0 riaahertnii offleo -Hlrala 1 * blook. H*ll>one* Muuihaw llotol J H!< ||.utarb.|l. Pbyai*. A .-r.on. Ontario (lra.l,it In Me^lelne nf Toronto Uulvrltv. Kellownhlp Diploma. Poit (jra.ln- ot. M,,.i,,. I Krhi.,.1 and Ho.i.Ual. rhlcaap- niea,- ,'( ,-M- '-"I notoaud throat (dally troatoil. Bn.liUi.oo atawoll,vliltr.orhafu Tluiradya* I t JT OTTBWKLL Votorlnary Hvr|*on Qraduato ,>f Ontario T*torln*ry foil***. oaldonoo ocond door aouth woot oa Maiv .ir,..-i VI, i. itr*ol rani >nulh freebtUrlaii Churah. o si XV. MAf -KIK Vntorlnarf M,i,i|oon and n.nll.t. Wax- ,11 rl,,At- of Ontarln Votorlnar? ColltHlo. dd with T,,i nun Unlvorplty Vlajtt onto Woilimiday from II a in tn I p. u, . Foyortbain Thuroday from < I* I p. u. AOENTS:--IVnple won't bo duoeived | ' with Ainriiratli Hixlonv* nf til* war publixlied now, - the war U only "in tnenord HtinUi" our i *.. v.ilnni.. Qwiitdiin iiniini u-iiinij work . I,..' rolu'iie ri-n.lv o in, riuii|il*t to date, th you gni i-MiiMiniwioii. Sis-Mud vol umepiblithwl when war i nvur. Why want* i i'n with incoinplvle book* f ]>rmpe >im free. TUK LIN.SIUTT PublUhing i'.,. Tornnii. ' and a* eheap a* th* cheapen, al*n t .... FEED OF I 1 ' ' ALL KIND5 ( | i ' at all time*, inch aa bran, thort*, I ' i ' vhop and chopped corn, nata bar I ' I ' ley \* Snd wheat. I ' ' *)* Krmu and Confvotionery.Om- ' ' 1 Bern* and prntiiiionii. DOM nd < ' 1 l ',,011 Mili, Hoot* and Hhne,niad* I ' 1 on -iliOrl.lt li. -tire I ' ( ' riour |3.) In f4.HO '[ ' ii ' THE FLESHERTON I* the place to bay *our HUnkeU, RobS, Mitts, Surcui^lfH.Kn^x- wni HnliU-r nd Oiled , Whip* n d Itshea Cnrryooiubs and brushes, Hoaps snd Hits. Hs.lters til styles and sizes ; Slcigli Balls of every dnsonplion, Swi-atpmla, Cnllar p*nx. Houtini Now is tlie time to bit* your Ilm nfi* before tlis price advanrt-K. We mska all aiylm with tbe b*i mstecal at ilir lowest possible living priots. . C. A. Xa iu. Airriottltural College. Uuelph, March 10th, IftutV Owelph, Out. Katherirn, Kenny, ed ' year*, die.1 at the ||a> here on Thureday amrnii>|(. AK rt-i|iiirrd by *Utu*an nu|ui-t * held by Coroner Dr. A. Cameron Ui nixM, Mr. A. M. Andurnon bicng foreman of ih jury. The verdict arrive*) at after hrarmi{ the ev idence of OoVemor Miller and acting gaol aurteon Dr. L*uu waa that deo-aietl died from old aue and natural raintvM. She hail hwcn cotnnuiled wn Oct. tith, lHH7,'fr>ui Durham, on a rktrgr of iiKMiity, and had been niek nearly con Utntly Hince. The evidence "f the KO. .ernor waa that nuraen could seldom be oliinined for |aol patient* fof thu aunt fix- I by the ootinty couneil a* rninuii*rBtii'ii f,ir thin MTV ice, and * a conaer)unce the !>, ,r *jonmn did not have a nuio except at inii-rtaii. I In, n. 'h "he wa in need of couatant attendance. Adveitiaer. ' ' All EJTT8: Canadians won't be hiMid- wink., I ()p|MMiition nmik* omnpletelr inawed under. Our inAinmoth Two- Voluina work on " Hor-Driti>li War' 1 and genuine " Life, nf Moody" aw.ep- iii(( uyeryihiim from their path. 8end your adreaa and yet outfit (|iiick. LINSCOTT Pabli.hmg Company, Tnrt.nto. , Notice to Creditors la tN. m.tl.r U ( i h. I .t.t. ot W nil.. ArcM **U Wood tat* of tb. rowniMr of Arto- *m*l*. la the C*awty ol Or*y. ParaMr. !>*. Notlna I* h.r.by gtv.n. |>uriiant t., tli* n.- VlMd Htalut.' uf in,taih>, IIBT, rhapl r 18, that all .rotlltnr* anil oth.m bavjiiK lalia^ uani.l ih.e.Uloolth.Miil William trchi|,aM Woo-l. -<ho dlwl <>a or about tb* ninth <'av nf April. IU, art ro<| ul rod, OB nr Lrfnm th. Altli .-*i uf Anril. IMUU, to *onu by iioxt pronaid or dellV.Ill, MMir*. I.UUM, Wrlnht A ll*|.,,n of tli t. 'n of , 'Wen K.iun,l.lulli>ltiii f M Johr,.t,,ii L Wiol, th*a,lirttni.uaVir of Ibo e*tato nf tho aid deo**a*d, i n.n ohrlitlan an, I >uruani a.l.lr..**. and ,lo-i liuion*. tho full narMeuUri of th.ir .latin., the ntat.ni.nt nf tlmi r ai-onunt* and th* nature of th* .eur|tlw*, If any, hi-M be them An, I fortlior tk notify, that aftr mob la*t in.atlonwl 4*t* Ibe.aMadinlniitralnr will I tn di.ti . inii* th* atMitanf tb* Wm. Moore FLFSHERTON. aim, i. u tbo part 100 entitlo,! tllOIVIn bavlOB regard only to H,,I ellm nf whiob h ihail tbon haro until',- iiilihatth*ao.lilft<lmlnlitra tor will BOtho liiililo for tbo aalil aaoot* or any part tkmo -f t a IY |mnn or pnrxm. of wbno* olatiu nntiro ahall not hn*o bo*n rooolvod by lit,,, at it,- 11, ii-' of <ucb itl.trlbntioii Datod Un. IWh .lav nf Marrh. idnn. 1 .1'! 1 \M. SVRJllHT HATHOX. i onouu", nul.. .olldtor* fur A>luiiaitraW>i Coated Look it your toofue. Is ii cotted? The* you have a bad taate in your mouth every mornine. Your appetite ia poor, and food dia- treases you. You have frequent headaches and are often dizzy. Your stomach ia weak and your bowels are always constipated. There's an old and re- liable cure: Don't take a cathartic dose and then stop. Bet- ter take a laxative dose euch night, fust enough to cause onegood free move- ment the day following. You feel better the very next day. Your appetite returns, your dyspepsia is cured, your headaches pass away, your tongue clears up, your liver acts well, and your bowels no longer (ivt you trouble. Prlco. JS M. AIIru M I.O " I bTO take* A y*r'i 1'iOi for K T**n. n4 1 cuaotdrr them too bo*t luxlo. Uno i> ill *>* nwo rood lhn hir * box of any other klDtl I DATOercr trlfd." Mr* N. K. TALBOT, Kuck , !*. Arrtngu.B. KM*. The Markets. CarctMlT < orreclrw Wheat, white Wheat, rid OmU Pea* IWUy I Butut Kk-gs fre.h Hork Potato** he* Wool Ckick.n* Duck*. '.... perlb per Ib Klour Hide... O t* 60 t* M to flO ta 30 t* 18 -., IS M 660 to 6 36 -.o 13 to 26 te JO to to 5 to f* 7 00 to 8 a* t I* 60 40 at) Farm* fox* Sale I>H l*5-l.Cow,SN. T.aodB. K. !W aero* m aero, olwrod, b*Jano* hardwood. Good) r,*oio9ou*o ami barn* 1 4 iutt* fiom *;.. V. .-rM with food frtroo baro. M oero* iulrroltlllon 10 ori.i hr,1wood bulb Uj4 nlaiic ruBgb an. i woll w.t-ir.t W. A AJiMSTBO.ia. 'Uihortua Mn. 1.1, lino. J. B. Sloan & Son P ropri e toi?s Sish, Doors, Mooring. Shwtng, Newel Posts, Blusters, ! b Hand liailiiv^, Corner Blocks, the best of Spruce Lath.No.j and 2 Shingles Veranda and 1'ittmgs, Sidings, etc. M Im IB Wtr run of Rtnam f..r <' in nil our HUM i{ur>oU NOTICE to CREDtTUttti Iq tb* nattor of tbo K.tat* of William fUorr KU.hor.Ut* oflh. Village of FUahortoii I* MM Coubtv of (lre. dfcoued. Notieo i. boroby irlvou pgrou*at to tb* r.Tloeil aUtiito. of Ontario. 1-aw, chapter IW. Hwi i,,n ., that II Crodllor. i I uhr. h. , inn claim* acainal tb* eatat* of the .aid William H*nry KU.Iier who died OB or abont tti. flrt ,ta ,,f Aunii.t A.I) IN*, ai. re<|.lrwt,,u or hofore Hi* ivth lat of ,.' Apul IWO. to aooil by 1*1.1 (iropalil In Matthew Hii-banl.au. PI**h. .- t<in.ono of tho .looutur* / tb* l.ut Will and T.ltainent of Um lai I docoiL, til* full name and a>tiir*ai ami particuUrt o? bl* claim, if any. b*ld by him and fortbor take notioo that after >lloh laat luotlUi'Ood d*t* tbe *ald eieoulur will proc.ed to ilicirib.il* ti . *** of u - >!*. e l arnuix parti.* eutltleil lh*ret<> hating rajiaril only tn tb* claim* of which thy .lia'lthou bate nutlet, and that th. nai,| Kfcotor will not bo Itahlo for tho aald aieel* or ol any i>a-t ttoorool to auy pareon or |it-i ,,n>. uf *hc* rlann. not.cn oball Dot liar* lw*u r***lfoj by him of inch distribution. I.twa*. WrlM * IXatann. Holieltor* tir tbo at l*cuton Dated tbl. 1Mb. da. of March, IBUi S'Utli Africa Tw tain* complete hiotorv of eomitrv mul war to date; i*IN about our c>uilin Vat, cuiin; IMinK* of . (fioiTw ai>il m, n Second volume to bn publmbd whi< wir in over. Only Cknaclian niaiiufmt. ured V'M)k. Kveryln^ly citiioeJ* Hi-ir *rdrr for American biwilt when imra. Ifa huiller. tin. i* your inin*. Pmofk'ctiiK f.i-r. BRADlKT-OARHHrrsON C.. . Ll'lUted, HHANTVOMI>. t's- Having pur '.,, i the tcnxtrial boni- from Mr IjK> inl 1 wuh to BBmianu* niki tlic liiiinM will h* roDtm**ii 10 the old prui-a. W ha** had a lrgm> cj'y rxpehdiic* MK! lh*r* wo can KIT* pt r'i-t alii.fai.tioii in ulr line. ilo taken <erth* *nc)r fut Kc>sti>fi Laundry Aii,J all nrtlem left with u* will receive prompt *IK! cureful attention. Fhstirta .bTi|| Pailjrs A. \Vilwon.. Prop. BOAR for SERVICE Tho r. color oJ Tun wcrlh Bo&r > ihT LAW DAM foe ur.i.-* at Port Law i'i i lAcat* uou Uo ouoi. ov on|il> inff to nvnor. " ' - D. Me Tavish FLKSHKKTON KEEPS ON HAND REPAIRS... Fir Ma*ey-Harria t N, .,,. Kler> and Wilkinoon faun ini| lemcntu leary *nd Verity plow* .M, hand al, tbe tim* aUo all kind* o i-| , M'r the am*. W inanufartur.i Wagon*. Huggiea, Cuttem, Sleigh*. o., v _ ll'ir.eili. i*ni|> nromptly attended to. Special attention to tender ctu- rtjidj feek. xii'aing and Plow Chain* . < iiNtantlv <>n hand. 30IJ1] 5. 4* AOKNT VOK 1 *f MELOTTE - CREAM - SEPARATORS Which have nn equal. It take* $ lean pcwar than any utlier. !>. m,,r wntk in lm time.. Sv^araioM nvrr elRpiently. All gvarinti protoctud. i'wrfeet liiKncatioi. Ho Tin to|>* Milk and rn-ani paa* over thickly unaint ll*d ngrfaoe*. H,, Tin plato*, but ahiotmuin, whirh never ruat* mm ta uaaily oleanvd AUo ag.<nt f,,r th* Alexandrr Cream Separator*

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