Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Apr 1900, p. 1

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'TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XIX, NO 68) Fleshertoia, Ont., Thursday, April 26 1OOO W. H THURSTON, BDITOB * PROPHIETOB >V<8yQ^Vto&C^^ ^ Richards MtLK IIJcBarland, Gray Southgate TORONTO Jffcfiarland SL THE TIME FOR CHANGE \\V I -OIK I A 1'n in ^nive to gay i.s arbitrarily set by Dame K;i>hion. Easter tinu- banishes the dark hues of winter anl bring forth the bright colors of Spring. The Millinery Sr;i><>n has been fairly launched and there never has been such a collection of "pretty Millinery on exhibition before in Markdalc as was shown here on ofx'nin;,' days is the unanimous verdict of all who attended. All over thr >tuiv tht-n- i.s brisk selling thr-r day- and every department is bristling with bargain- I '.flow we tell of some exceptionally good buying chances and Why Cash Buyers Should Trade Here leaned out over the sidewalk, much to the discomfort of pedestrians. Mr. P Bolger of the Crown hotel haa purchased a tine driver. Our local honte- inen will have to look .ut for their laurel*. Still the exodus continue*. Oa Mon- <Uy Mr Will Walter* left for the Queen city to engage in mason work, and Messrs. Thomas Conkey, Bert Patton ii!' i .l.iiin-H McLeod started for Owen Sound on Tuesday in march of employ- ment. Wj wish the boys abundant success. Mr. Jamee McRae of Trowbridge ar- rived in town on Monday to assist hia brother in the sawmill. i iei i . Eugenia. 1st. Becam*- wearenmong.hebigK.JHt Jealr iu General (ldji in Ct',.-t.U W a oarry a stock of $40 000 which "ie you a widr range of choice than ywu 11 find elsewhere. 2nd. We buy direct from the mak -i for snot cash ami r manufacturers and wholesale daalem in a great ...any .,f the linen we carry 3rd. We - u buyers we give mu-k all KiMxl* in plain figure* at the lowest poeible prices and to cash your money back if you can buy aa good good* for the ar /; I KGAIX IV TA BLE t/.VK.V Bought f n 'in the maker* in the Old County, 69 inch blanched Table Liiu'ii. beautiful deitign and clear, even make, always sold at 75o per yd. thw week and next M" H.tRfi.tr.\ /.V JUE\*S SHOES Bought from the makers. brand new goods this seas- on's style, medium toon (not the pointed toes of three yean ago) made nf u<x>il quality leather, with toe cap, worth 11.35, while they last fl 00 It.tKUAlX IX DRESS VOO/>s 80 yds. only English Coating surge, strictly all pure wool in nary or l.lack, 42 inches wide, will make good skirt* regular from ,'J7J, 40 25c extra discount an'l money elsewhere. We are secotxt to no store in Canada. 200 YDS. COLORED SERGES 43 inches wide, nearly all won! in Brown Green, Gray, and Purple, a aplendid wearer and never made for the money, per yd lOc BARGAINS /V GKOCEKiES 2<) Ibs. Best Granulated Sugar $1 00 Mi jed tea, 2 Ibs 26c Comfort Soap, ti ban 25c CaniHo S.tp. 7 barn 26c Clothes Finn, 6 do nc Corn, 3 cans 25c Tomatoes, 3 aaas .^ 25c Peas, 3 cans Good Salmon, 3 cans 26c Toilet Soap( Madam Roy's) 3 cakes in pretty box. 15c You'll find bargnins all over the store more than we can enumerate here but jud<e the others by these Men's Suspenders per pair 10c Men's made-up ties, new stylo l-e Good Henvy Tweed in Brown, pin kead check. 19c All-wool Serges for boy's w*ar 46c Hoary Cottonad* 14c Silent ton, all kinds, per ball .V Fret ty net ties, lace emU 20c lOc 4c Pretty apron muslin, yd 6c 32 inch PrintM worth 12jc Be Muslin baadkerchiefo, 3 for.. 36 inch . bleached coton . Bargain in Wall Papers, buiii<h' of the makers. Bargain in Carpets, bought of the rankers, Itargains in Clothing, 1.0'ulit of the maker*. Bargains in Lace Curtain*, bought of the makers. Bargains in Men's Overalls, Smocks, Men's Clothing, made in our own factory. Doubters send for Samples. MARKDILB & CO. $ MoFAFTLANI* & CO. MtRKIMLE FlKtElTH FJBIITOBE W AFtEROOMS ! We are carrying newest style itl SEASONABLE GOODS In all lines of Merchants Bank O/ CANADA Capital paid up $6,000,000 Rest 2,600,000 llKiU OrFIi-B MONTKKAL Consulting of J*arlow and Seciroom iSut BOARD OF DIRKCTOBS .M, Ki.P.ii!nnt HKCTOH MACa>aii., Ksq.. Vlee-F .niilrnt iooexbn BodfsOB, Ktq Jamee P. DaTln Kq Juhn Oasril*. Uiq Kobert Mackay. Knq M Monteu \llou, Ksq Tbof LoriK. Knq (icorve Hu , - Oenvral Manaar Thos r-yH, - Joint Ueo. Manasor K K. HeMea. - Bupt of Hranahns a&xcsjae i ONTARIO AND gi K.BKI. ahriatsej, Ovt, Laaminnton, [U-ll.-ville, Loudoo, [On> Berlin. Hrmmptoi) lion and Centre UaA/vs, Cnairs, <$AaJas and Curtain s. ate. Chatham, KgMivllle, Qalt Uanauoque Hanover Hamilton Heopeler, Mitrkdale. Montreal. Montreal No UOO HtCatha- rine Street. Mitchell. Napanne Ottawa Gllt;ll*C. Renfew Khei hrooke.Qu ShawviDe Htratfonl Bt John K. ne Ht-Jeromu. Que StThoinaa Tilbury Out Toronto, Walkurton. Windsor. Ont, Watford, Which we off at Lowest Prices picture Framing and General Repairing lUiidertakin'.' in all its Branches Satis! ctlcn Guaranteed W H. BUNT, VOPttlFTOV / -V- PL.E5MERTON ow.><i Souml. Park.lale Preecott Prenton.Ont BANfHJte JK MANITOBA Winnipeg. *|iaira. Brandon. 8ouri. Fortw La Prairie Edai 01 ton. AHa Medieiue Hat, Aln. A Genera] Ranking Builneai T'aanaoteil. bitereit on 1'ep.H-IUat Curr ant Kate*, Fariuerii'NotnDllMoiirtted. Karmeri ' Note* CuUeuted. W. A. lirRROWS Mansger SctVWe The fins thorouhbrei1 nerknhlre boar M organ," lor i'rie on lot l.li. T. and f(. K.. Aru-meskk Terms *1 at time of service. Pedl, Krr oo ajsplicallon WM DAYS Prop. From Our Oum Correspondent. Dunn- the flood last week Mr. H. Mc- Rae floated his big drive of logs down i the SaiiHocn from I'rolon. A number of the Priceville boys gave him a hand and some daring feata were performed worthy of expert river drivers. It is a long time: since a similar event took place in thw vicinity and wo hare no doubt that it is the last drive that will ever take place on the river in tins neighborhood. Last week Mr. Robert Reed sold some pigs to a young man living on the South Line, the payment to be made in seed grain. The young man gave his name, and shortly afterward Robert should, i-.i hia wrain baga^and made a bee line for the seed. However, it so hap|iencd that there are two families of the same imine on the South Line (not an uncommon thing) and as luck would have it Robert went to the wrong party for the promised grain. Imagine hia surprise and con- sternation when he was flatly informed that no one belonging to that house had ever bought any pigs from him. Kob. thought it wa a "put up job " on him, but nn his return home a thoughtful neighbor suggested that it might bo the other Mac. who had made the purchase. Acting on this hint he struck out for the farm mentioned and was delighted to Hint that his troubles were over. Uur burg is very iiuiet these days, ,s everybody is busy with the spring work. Wall paper, whiting, etc., etc., ad m- tinittim. are occupying the attention of lh fair sex iunt m-w. Some of our burgher* fare luully as a result. Mr. Hector McLoan received a kick on the leg lately from one of In. horses, and tins to take enforced rett during the butty season. Mr-. Hattie VVatnon is miking prepar- ation for putting a neat fence around the lot she recentlv purchased. TU- f. n was Uully need il .-< the old >.. net i. e From Our Own Correspondent Our saw mills are n.'W rushm busineaa, whi the Beaver turns the wheel W t are pleased to extend a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Simpson aod family of Thornhury who have become residents of our village. Mr. John E. Williams had a very valu- able cow die the past week. Misi Bella Blair of Clarksburg is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. R. Hogg, at present, We are pleased to hear that our boys, who went out to Manitoba recently, have secured good places, but wages are aa good in Ontari i M present aa in Mani- toba Mr. Sine spent the holiday week with his friends at Thorntxiry. Sweet month of April, Fitful lass, your sbowera And sunshine bring the grass. The Kraas we love so well to see, And bonnie lansie, we love thee, If not aa fair as Darling Msy, For her you always pave the way t.iud.-l.-ur From thw Own Correiptmdtvt. Mr Ueo. tluichmson, jr., loet a valu- able horse a few days ago with inflamma- tion. Mr Cuthbert Somers has hired with Mr. John Cunningham, near Mark dale, for the summer. Miss Lizzie Anderson of Glenelg is her sister, Mrs. Geo. Hutchin- siin. jr , Miss Ella Douglass of Beaverdalu school and Miss Sarah Johnston, teacher, near Mesford, are spending their Easier holidays with their parents here. Also Mitts Hawkins of this kchool is vieiting with her parents near H.irkaway. Miss Mavgie Johnston, who has been >li>-xiiisking in Markdale. has returned houje. Mis. Clock is still on the nick list, very little hope is entertained of her recovery. Ceylon. F mm Our Cutii Correspondent . V !*. Colliiison of Uomock (pent Eaxier with their parent*. Mr. .I 11 Legate r-l'irned from I >sliwa lattt Monday. Mrs. t!eo. liawkehas been sick for the I'ii.-t week. Mrs. Jno. Patt-.n spent Easter with f 1 1. -mis m Proton. Mrs. Jan. Ashdown and Miss Allie vi>ted fnends at \Viarl<>n laHt week. Mr Wm. Wrnxtr. ,,f the West Back Line ha< lii-eii very ill with inflammation of the lungs. Wo hope to Met) him around sonn. Mr. Vollett spent Eastr in Durham. Mrs. Hyslup of Eugenia has been spending slew days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McKeniie. Mr*. Csirns of Cokstowu risitod at the Queen's Hotel last week. We are glad to see Mr H. Tucker, who has been ill for the past two weeks, ir-'iii'd agnin Mr. M. K. Beaton hsa a gang of men engaged in loading timber thm week. lalMberley From Our Own Coujfpoiulent Spriiw, pleamnt spring, is here. Several of our farmers have started 1 SWWIIIK. Mr. Kate< Fawcett "f Michigan is viai'- in2 with friends in 'lui* locality. We are glml tv> rapoit that Mr. Rufus i Wicknns, who had lieen very li>w lately j wnli a sen iia illneso, is sluwly recorvr- ing uinlfr Ur Itib'n * ciireful attendance. Mr. and Mrs. William S mem .if Mich- igan an- viniting vi'li their daughter, Mn. K Wickens Mr. J jsper St.iarl has gone to Mark- dale where he w I nccept a position as apprfiiticn with Mr. J. D. Watai^in the blacksmith line. Mr. M. R. Hammond it putting a fine w wire fence in front of his palatial residence. Mr. John W. Abeccrombi, who hat been under the weather for some time, i* slowly recover n g Eye Comfort is obtainable through the aid of perfect fitting glasses. Our spectacles and lenses are guaranteed perfect in fit and focus. W. A. Armstrong, JCWCICR AND OPTiCl* FLESHERTON. NOTE LOST LOST A note given in favor of Wm. Phillips 8r , by Jama* Haunteri, for kbe ium nf tm, dun ID Feb. laet Ail partiue are hereby can* Mooed acaioat nedotieiiatina; the .m WM. PHILXJPa Maxwell. March Is, 1900. Blew Up the Canal Thorold, April 21. About 7 o'cleck thit evening two men attempted to blow up lock 24 on the new Welland Canal here with dynamite. They were seen at a distance running towards Niagara Falls. All four gates of the lock are more or lose damaged, but it is a miracle that the gates were not entirely dislodged, in which case the result wfeuld hare l/een most disastrous to the canal. A large number of 'ights of glass in the town were broken by the shock. It in not con- sidered that the damage la sufficient to prevent navigation from opening on Tuesday next. Two sticks of dynamite had been tired the font of the head gat* of the lock, and the woodwork was shattered and the iron twiated. The damage cannot be stated now, but it is probably m.-vuraj thousand il.-lmi*. It was evident that tile men intended to blow out the gat.- at both emiM of the lock. This would have let down a mass of water half a mile in I. iiijth, 40 toet wide and 20 feet deep, winch would have i-arrifd out the entirj system of neveu locks antl submerged the town ot Mernttuii, 2700 populai.. n, and swept out the great tunnel of the Grand Trunk Railway. Three men, who are aupposed to be the dynamiter-, have been csptured and were br unlit betoru the maKiiliatr on Monday. Tlu-v were remanded for eiht days without being allowed to plead. The police are u< w busily engaged in an endeavor to un.arlh the motive, auU it i* suggested thai whan their investigations are completed a uigantic criminal con- spiracy wi 1 bo exposed. The men uive their iiamen as John Walsh, Wntlipng-. u, D.C.; John >"..|*ni. Philadelphia, Pa.; and Karl Duiliuan of the same place. The damage done amounted to less thai; *60GU A Very Sad Death. The death of Mrs. James. Peter, ot bv, near t in-hard, is another sad circumstance that fails to our !-' ti chrouicle this week. The deceased lad/ was only twenty nine years of ne, a dtuithler of the U:e Mr. Bradley, who shed some tunu ago, ai.d the present Mrs t!i-ii. UepSuru, uf this town, t In Sat- urday nioinniK lasi sh<* gn birth to three children, anothif still unborn, when the po->r sntferiiii; mother .luciuuib- d to the awful ordeal. One f the children, a lit'li- girl, was sti-1 l>> in and the other two, said to k* fine, healthy l.Hikmg boys, are still alivr. In :t. <l.iiu In thi- two n flints, ;o other younu lul drn are til' lift to urow up without tht knowl0gu of A m.iiher's love. Mnt. Petor m highly spoken of by those who knew her, anil the wt.ole cuuiuiiiiiity ii saddened >>y hr untimely du|trtur<. The I'liroinr i- jinK in sympathy towards the oeitavi-ii huHlxtud and Huirowin,* rel- ative* - Duitmin Chrouicle. The hill to hold municipal election* every two years, iimit-nd of every year ia> ar pif m, wi- iii-f.Hipd by the Muni, i pal Cunmittee of th Legislature. The opinioB wa* 'hat councils have iqo much power u Ike) way of isa^oaing taxes, etc., to remote their responsibility so far irom the people. .

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